Jay Z Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS (ft. Will Smith) | Eye Opening Speeches

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[Music] he'll honor to be in these situations that I could use my voice in and do the things I do yeah I'm inspired about you know life and all sorts of things you can say something right now and what inspired me to write a song or something that happen you know most kids just happen to be inspired by Basquiat drawing you know they're drawn and yet most young kings get their head cut off on the bottom and I looked at that and I was like it's powerful you know just the statement in itself you know lends itself for a song song starts inspired by Basquiat my chariots on fire everybody took shots hit my body up I'm tired ministers they build me up to break me down to build me up again be like home we need you back so we could kill yes again you know it's like this thing that's love/hate thing that the world has with success period I walk in every woman's myself I don't walk in any room as anyone else I'm not I'm not cowering I'm not speaking soft I'm not my voice doesn't change it sounds exactly the same way I'm walking as myself and proud and I speak and I speak for us and that and that that gives me a joy I guess I'm honored to being so yes like you know don't listen to anyone everybody's scared you know everyone tells you how things worked out but it worked out for you that way okay so don't listen to anyone because their experiences is unique to who they are you know I mean and then a lot of people will try to put their fares on you you can't do that no you can't do it you know I'm saying so they just project and they're putting things that they don't believe that they can do on you and you may possibly do it like my uncle right he was telling me like I'm never gonna my uncle said never sell a million records I sold a million records like a million times you know so he wasn't I'm sure he'd be put I'm his nephew I know he I don't think he meant any malice why did the best for you but he just was projecting his fears and things that are you crazy how you gonna do that how you know I'm sure there's things I do now that he can't believe that I was able to accomplish we couldn't even see it at the time so he was just projecting putting his fares on me so the whole thing is just you know and always believe you gray even before anybody else believe me you know it's an extension of my family it's like the things that I do I tell them I tell my my family all the time to my grandmother my mom you know they today they're proud is super proud strong women and they they won't accident for anything and I say man you know there are times where I don't want to get my picture taken and I want to even and there's no paparazzi like taking photos in your face and screaming at you and like taking pictures and can't take your kid to the farm and I'm like those are the sort of things that give me the reason why I'm okay with it and why I can cope and live with these things without you know that much as a complaint it's the things that allows me to to to to do the spaces to the reports neither the rooms I'm allowed to go in as myself it deals for the most part with success it deals with people you started your life off with and what success to us to them people look at you strange saying you change like you work that hard to stay to say like you're doing all this for a reason and what happens most of the time people change people change around you because they start treating you different because of your success so you are changing you don't change who you are the core of who you are the things you believe the things you love and the things you die for and your principles you don't change that when you're gonna change who you are you're gonna change you know you can't do the same things that you can't hang on the corner some people may not become cool with it and then it deals with the other side of success how people look at you when you're successful media medals people so you said every step you take in mind you get so no matter how far you are you still have that stigma on you or where you come from when you walk inside the door even if you have a tux oh yes the guy who used to be this and did that most Kings did they had cut off right I mean war battle and life at the end of the day to achieved everything you want you've made it to top of the throne and then they just get your head cut do things that are true to you you know most things that I'm involved with our extension of being creative you know Rocco his clothing part of your head what you try and expect spread Express how you dress mom's you know I love sports growing up I grew up in a household where sports was on 20 seven so these are things that are you know are comfortable for me you know these are things that I like so I would just say get involved in things that you love and also have you know have a standard for yourself and have some sort of integrity and try to you know find some sort of truth in what you're doing what do you learn on the street because you talk about being 13 and selling crack did that teach you something of how to be a successful businessman or how we all all the things all the things that you apply in business you know you know they say that he has great instincts you know but well on the streets having great instincts can be the difference between life and death not just losing the deal fine oh yeah or incarceration you know which is less than death right and it's just and haven't been a person of high integrity you know people want to deal with you you know in business and Trust you know Trust and honorable and you know a man of your word you know all these things come to play in business world when I condone anything [Music] there's a redemptive power that making a choice has you know rather than feeling like you're effect to all the things that are happening make a choice right you just decide what is going to be who you're gonna be how you're going to do it just decide and then from that point the universe is going to get out your way this light is water it wants to it wants to move and go around stuff you know I realize that when you to have the level of success that I want to have it's difficult to spread it out and do multiple things it takes such a desperate obsessive focus you gotta focus with all of your fiber and all your heart and all your creativity you are associated with a number of brands HP coca-cola Budweiser how do you decide who you want your name your brand your voice tied to and what companies you don't well I try to I try to sometimes is it's just more about relationships I pretty much try to work with brands if there's some sort of partnership you know I don't typically do a one-off endorsement deals I just never been interested in them it's just more so if I can create some sort of partnership you know code color is a partnership when managers acted as at one time so I pretty much look for promised you know as opposed to one-off endorsement oh yeah it seems like you insist on some creative control that you're not willing to just give the jay-z brand out or let people buy it from you for me is my life is Who I am as a person so I can't just let someone have creative control of why it's important it's best investment advice what was it do remember whether it was in the market or just investing in life and in business I think he's doing things that you believe you know things that you understand I think that's the best and that's my heart warren buffett's ada it's just the other day and I just mainly felt that you know just invest in things that you understand speaking of Warren Buffett you recently spent and with him in Omaha Nebraska went to line two sat down with him did it turn out that the two of you had more in common maybe I think most people do after conversation you realize that you have more comment than you know things that are dissimilar what did what did you take away from that what did you learn from sitting with him and what do you think he might have gleaned from meeting with you I don't know I have no idea on his side well my son is very sharp you know and again he just affirmed to me that instincts is really important in business you know I I didn't go to any type of Business School and we need a super follow any manuals like directed business 101 anything like that I just pretty much follow my instincts and he just reaffirmed that very important what about what you own I read that your mother gave you a three-ring binder and you would write your lyrics in it as a child and you hide it under your bed so then no one would steal it are your words still your most valuable possession yeah because they cost all this you know saved my life they doing well the things and activities that out I was in just as a broad statement you know everyone says that maybe I would be it but not really you know there was a you know one of my friends who's like a dear friend of mine be together every single day and if it wasn't for rap if I wasn't taken away from you know the place I was you know he went to jail for 12 years and we were together every single day so I can't even imagine a circumstance where I wouldn't be with him
Channel: Winning Mentality
Views: 3,626,611
Rating: 4.9153481 out of 5
Keywords: jay z life advice, jay z, jay-z, success, entrepreneur, business, hip hop, advice, motivation, billionaire, interview, rapper, jay z success, life, forbes, inspiration, rap, beyonce, motivational speech, money, rich, jay z motivation, jayz, investing, documentary, motivational, jay z advice, oprah, video, roc, motivational video, help, jay z and beyonce, hip, hop, 444, jay z billionaire, mogul, jay z words of wisdom, words of wisdom, hustle, rocafella, hova, millionaire, new, get rich, video advice
Id: zzCa8lVBmHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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