Jay Sets New Land Speed Record at Bonneville Salt Flats | 2JZ Powered Roadster 260+ mph!

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she's picked up good morning it's sunday bonneville 2020. um we're out here again with the same car that i had access to last year i built another engine for it so we've got a 3.2 full of brian brower parts and uh some je ultra pistons it's got a precision 8685 and a host of am electronics we're going to be running on a an attempt to go over 245 miles an hour you know over the course of a mile you have to maintain that speed over the course of a mile the car's been about that fast before or faster with a different displacement so now it's a 3.2 so it's a little bit different class but the salt's in good shape the weather is beautiful it's a pretty awesome deal so hopefully today goes well and i get to go fast [Music] last year it was so mushy we just finished the drivers meeting and we're gonna drive down the course um so this is the long course and it's much different than drag racing in the sense that after someone else really buckles you into the car a truck pushes you off so you're not really in control of the start like it's just time to go and then you'll follow this blue line this is the center of the course and you'll follow that down and as you make your way down the course you know about well i would say about here we're about a quarter mile from the starting line the turbo will start to spool and make boost and then you've just got to mitigate traffic uh or sorry mitigate traction the best you can because you know there's not it's not like a road it's salt and the road the tires are smooth so you're feathering the throttle if the surface is good you can really have it wide open for a long period of time and it's pretty hard to explain the scale of this place but it's huge it's a massive a massive just flat surface and they say that there's some bumps after the three mile so we're just gonna go check those bumps out and um and if anything else it'll help us later in the event because as more cars drive through that area the bumps may get worse um and the bumps will obviously destabilize traction so hopefully by that um past the three mile we'll be carrying enough speed that um we won't be really arguing for traction anymore but you know in the time that i'm talking we're just approaching the one mile so giving it a five mile course it's a pretty long it's a pretty long drive but you just keep your eye out for these markers and make sure that you're staying in the course you know if you leave the course um the surface is not as prepped i mean they've drug this surface uh over the course of weeks to get it to where it's pretty smooth and uh they're pretty packed and then when you get out of here it's just these crunchy just chunks of salt and whatnot and it's like marbles like you would experience on a drag strip if you get out of the lane you know close to the guard rail close to the semiline that's what they call the marbles so that's the same thing applies here so you want to kind of stay on course and do your best to keep an eye on the line and if the car drifts you just slowly bend it back into shape um as needed to stay on course but yeah it's pretty wild [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] so so so 239 stop it right now 249. oh man the tune up work i guess huh i'm thinking i hope it's alive it wasn't supposed to go that fast it was moving it had a pretty decent it was it had a pretty decent bubble out there i thought it was going to come around it went uh man i looked at the speedometer go past 250 yeah and i was like all right and then it was almost 260 and i said all right and then it said 263 or 264 and i thought what are you doing experience it was like you don't have a lot of ammunition to tell your kids not to do dumb stuff if you're doing dumb stuff like this so luis it was rolling pretty good and um it was going and indicated over 260 for a while and then i smelled oil and i thought okay it just flew up and i was looking for a mile marker because if i don't keep that speed through the marker it doesn't matter anyway right so it was probably five or six seconds after my nose caught the smell that it was trouble before i could pass the mile marker and i lifted off the throttle but man the force of the shoot coming out and just what a wild what a wild experience it did great job everything that's the fastest that car has ever been you know what maybe the rings my 60 my 60 was out so let's let's clean it we'll look at pan back we'll look at spark plugs then we'll say a bunch of trailers [Music] so it's monday and we just made our first run um it was real fast it went to 260 and the dash indicated over 260 for a bit as i was slowing down i moved the throttle around a little bit and looked at the pages on the dash and it doesn't have a dead cylinder so hopefully i didn't blow it up in the process because if i don't back that run up with a speed over the old record then you know i went fast but i don't get to go home with my red hat so maybe it takes 10 years to get a red hat maybe i get it this week but it's a totally awesome experience thanks so much for supporting me in this stuff guys so if you run on a record and you qualify to take that record home with you after your record run or qualifying run you come back into the impound you have four hours to work on the car and then you'll run your backup run first thing in the morning 213 miles an hour at one point the rear tires were going 242. i thought it was gonna spin that was pretty wild nine and a half degrees of timing 380 kpa a whole lot of 0.73 lambda put the pan pressure on that's the telltale [Music] from the time it went into high gear and it was really cooking so like from 220 miles an hour up and i was going 220 miles an hour and uh it had um 48 kpa of pan pressure but by the end of that run by the end of that time in high gear at speed it had creeped up to 91 kba so it was barely pulling any pan back so that's definitely not a good sign the oil pressure stuff is stable but it may have burned up right there oh let's pull plugs [Music] that's compression testing that'll be [Music] cool [Music] um [Music] so [Music] good morning it's tuesday uh yesterday we ran faster than the existing record for the displacement and class of the car in order to kind of accomplish the goal and get the 200 per hour club you have to set a new record and then you get the red hat so we ran 260 yesterday um through the four mile and we need to we need to go faster than um i believe it's 236 as the existing miles or the existing record set in 1996. so we're gonna head over the car warm the oil up towed to the lane sun should be up by then and we'll go ahead and make a run [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign something's intentional party crasher maybe it was a song in my head it was 69 boys for some reason it's a wrong song yesterday was reeling in the years that was much more suitable for this yeah when i heard that 186 and the two i thought [Music] so maybe it just chunked that cylinder it was making some power it went from getting it pretty good and being pretty happy about it and then once it was wide open and it was going the max speed it would go the heat got to it yeah that's really all there is to it the intercooler ran out of ice the water was getting hot right just the heat got to it that's what kills engines it's just sustained heat so it's tuesday afternoon uh we tried to run the car again this morning and it was nose and over it's just right in the knock control so we came back to the trailer and um went and found a horoscope and put a border scope in the cylinders and number six you can see a vertical drag mark where the pistons overheated and it started to basically scrub the piston up and down the bore so the top of the piston is intact but the piston has been overheated and if you continue to run it it's just going to get worse so we we lied to ourselves a little bit about it being okay and then we came to terms with the fact that if we continue to run the engine it's just going to get damaged more than it's going to cost more money to fix so we've called it for the week and we're gonna possibly come back and try again in october [Music] good morning september 29th 2020. we're back out at the bonneville salt flats this is the world finals event uh this event has a historically low probability of happening because it generally rains by now but the salt is super dry it's pretty cold out it's in the 40s so that should be really great conditions for going fast and the guys that work on the car the white goose bar guys have hustled they've got the car all back together so it's kind of a last-minute trip to come out here and run the car again so today we're gonna try to qualify on that record that we're running on and if with any luck we'll um we'll back it up tomorrow morning what i'm about to do is put this suit on because it's cold out here and then i'm going to get in that car and try not to do anything stupid it feels weird to just show up and like just show up and run the car hopefully i don't uh chicken out i have to just channel my energy out we're gonna run the car to the four mile um and uh and i guess the maybe the funnest thought throughout this process is engine break-in because we have an engine that's been idled around and now we're just gonna wide open for four miles so maybe not the kindest approach but we'll see how it goes but they changed the gear in the car and uh as long as it has enough horsepower to pull the car up it should be pretty fast and the salt you know um the salt's really hard right now you can see where people have like done burnouts on it and hasn't even dug into the salt which is a tremendous departure from when i came here last year and it was just a mush pit because it's so wet so um traction should not be much of an issue at all the chimney should be even more stuck than it was when we were out here for speed week so it'll be pretty cool [Music] so five eight two five eight did you leave it together uh uh i mean it just did the windshield with oil and i couldn't really see where i was going and then i waited for the floor i probably i had to shoot out um probably 400 feet before the four yeah i saw that we got a fire well don't spray yeah [Music] we just made our uh first run of uh world finals 2020 it went um 258 through the four uh it did manage to puke oil out of it um about three and a half and i couldn't really see where i was going because the windscreen was covered in oil so we got to figure out if that thing just burned up or if it uh if it's just leaking air through the crank casing and the dry sump will carry oil out that way so we're gonna go look at the data log the pan back will be the telltale and uh then we'll make a decision on cleaning up but right now we need to head to impound and put the car in the impound area because we um we qualified on our record well enough that if we can make a backup run then it'll kind of be mission accomplished but uh much different ride than in august much more just awareness of my placement on the course awareness of the traction like it seemed like even over uh before before when we ran it it was really hairy up to around 220 and then it smoothed out this run it was pretty uh manageable like i was able to get to the very top of first gear before i put it second and the traction was pretty manageable but then once it was over 250 miles an hour i was um i was riding pretty close to the center line of the course and it was pretty lively it was bouncing around and whatnot which is weird to think about going that fast and not really having great control and i guess that's why we do this stuff we're pulling 54 kpa at the end of the round oh cool okay so cool that means we have a leak we don't have we didn't blow it out we were really sucking it through that's good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning it's wednesday the car's an impound um and we're gonna make our way to the starting line they're gonna run our runs at eight a.m and if we can duplicate uh the run that we did yesterday then um i get to get my red hat and this whole thing has just been a wild experience the car did push oil out of it yesterday we looked over the pan back and over the spark plugs and over everything and the best that we can think is either the turbo line has a uh a coupler that was a little suspect so he changed it so then uh and also the where the oil was in regards to what was out of the catch can and stuff it's still a little bit of a mystery but the engine sounds healthy we did adjust the oil tank level a little bit but the the breather itself wasn't really the suspect so i don't really know how that's going to go but the salt is hard the weather is fantastic and we're going to give it a shot [Music] it fire it up my so so four that was really cool uh it was going real fast um by the three and uh and the whole fourth mile was just like nirvana because you have enough time to just process what's happening with the engine noise and the speed and the environment that is an unreal experience i mean if you could take an mri on my brain right now it would probably be pretty lit up oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] honor and privilege of welcoming you to the world's fastest drivers driver's clock put this hat on you can't take it off for a year my whole year yeah the whole year what if my hair grows in i have to sleep in it yeah yeah you can have the shower in it [Music] [Applause] all right thank you thank you thank you congratulations to everybody on the team yeah for sure it's uh really awesome that you guys have let me do this super fast thanks the amount of history and the richness of this experience with you know the the surface and the speed and the nature and the camaraderie and you know the guys from the white goose bar allowing me to come out here and do this with them it's been really a phenomenal experience and if you have the opportunity to come out and see bonneville just to just to just to get an idea of what it's like you'll probably get hooked because it's it doesn't photograph well but when you're when you're in the car and it's sliding around you're going that fast for that long it's a very very visceral experience so it's badass i can't wait to come back [Music]
Views: 54,587
Rating: 4.9453926 out of 5
Keywords: Real Street, 2JZ, Supra, racing
Id: QdMqd7ZrT48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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