What has 2600HP and goes 460MPH? LS Powered Landspeed Record Crusher!

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[Music] [Music] we're back at it with another build biology but this time it's something that I've never seen before and I actually know nothing about it would be the fastest car we've ever had here and well it's not even a car at all it's just an engine right now I'm here with Kenny how're you doing guess they the speed demon racing team and they've brought us the fastest car ever but right now we're just looking at the inside of it can you tell me a little bit about what we have going on here well this has to be one of four engines that we have for a variety of classes at Bonneville this one is the latest version it's a LS design little eight bottle Jim in architecture dark block dark heads everything is one-off stuff it's 143 cubic inches we dynode the other day at 2620 where we run at 120 620 horsepower correct yeah mm however you can say that 26:20 indoors no decimal point Wow just so we're clear what we're talking about here is land speed record correct yes so we've got a land speed record car that does not fit inside here that's why we're in here with the engine we're gonna have to go outside and check out the car which they did bring we'll get to the engine first because that was the easy accessible thing and I see a lot of custom work already through the manifolds and everything you have going on it look everything Billy the thing with an engine like this there will be not one single bolt nut component that was built by OEM manufacturer these are purpose-built we call them Chevrolet's because we have chevrolet bore Center on the engine if you look the parts up in a catalog it'd be listed under a Chevrolet the end of the day though they are just a specific built engine the interesting thing about these engines is they deviate very little or not at all from a drag race motor this engine could very easily be used in a drag race appreciation just what I'm looking at here with the fuel setup we have a couple injectors we have direct to electronic nozzles which flow about 550 pounds of fuel per hour and then we have mechanical nozzle that acts like a power enrichment circuit when these guys are used up this the mechanical injector is brought on at a certain mantle pressure an engine rpm based minimum power is about 2500 without that mm-hmm any time we go above about 2200 we like to bring that extra bit of fuel in to cool the engine off and that's when in the cabin it's kind of like a hybrid system it would be what you'd have in the mechanical injection system of years ago combined with the modern-day electronics I was speaking with Steve earlier about that and that was because the injectors are maximum duty cycles they really don't like to be at a hundred cent duty cycle for any length of time yeah the fuel flow definitely falls off the nice thing about that mechanical system allows us to pull the injector pulse width back but in the sweet spot again it's cool to me I just like seeing the fabrication Keith Wilson built manifold that was to be a billet piece they ran out of time to do it and Bill it so they did a hand fab job on it but they did a great job looks awesome I like the hand fab job because I bet it would look cool in billet but I just like to see that this is all welded a and em hmm yeah otherwise you just be a nice little machine yeah piece of aluminum I see out of every run the equation as well what you call coil mirror plug your coil on plug yeah it's a term and we do that for a good reason because the actual timing is very very good between events and between cylinders almost the perfect venue for that these things along with a good ignition box that we use and they meant W ignition they'll fire just about any amount of fuel we put in the engine that's crazy those are big boxes too and I'd see everything is dry sump yes it is a dry sump baby add pump and the hand looks relatively narrow this is where kind of a weird deal because the LS pan has a flat pan this one has an adapter and then a spacer and then a pan okay and that was all necessary to get the rod to clear the pan otherwise this is gonna smack yep but it's definitely leak proof we hate oil leaks this was a good way to eliminate a couple of them yeah it's good and then this is just the capacity of oil right here 14 quart 14 quarts it's quite a bit but I'd imagine it that amount of power and this boy gets start to get a little warm these engines tend to keep a lot of oil up on the top if you pull the valve covers after your round the oil to run out on the headers we actually have a plug or a drain in the back of the head really right here it's a it's a small drain as soon as you shut the engine off it drains the oil level below the lack of a rail you pull the valve cover off without having a mess but there is probably a couple of quarts three quarts oil in suspension all the time see a damper way back in here which is kind of hard to see because of these plates and these plates are pretty slick - yeah this is this is the front motor plate that attaches it to the chassis what is the duration that you guys run this wrong is it gonna go typical five miles takes a minute and ten seconds a minute and 10 seconds four five that's from from the time that wheels roll on the car till he's closed the throttle with the finish line and what speeds do you think you're gonna see it with with this engine if everything works and the traction is darish it exit over 460 so this motor would do deal with anything as far as as heat or is it just so much air moving into a thing that we really work on the heat conditioning as the headers are wrapped with a titanium wrap to keep the what we call the engine bay temperature yeah the cooling capacity for the water is up 20 gallons of water no radiator involved these hoses go to the water tank water is pulled back in an inlet of the pump here our water temperature will start at about a hundred degrees and then at about 150 wow that's really not bad are you talking Celsius yeah yeah that's really cool yeah it's not bad really the intercooler is 16 gallons of water in the intercooler we put 10 bags of icing up 10-pound bags Wow and it melts all the ice in the run hmm but our intake air temps will be in the 120 range Wow considering that they're leaving the turbo at about 400 degrees that's a pretty good drop yeah how do you drive this thing what's gonna drive what kind of I don't know how the question engagement or any what we have is literally nothing more than a pro mod dual disc clutch you only utilize the clutch to run it on the engine stone that when it's on the stands or something like that and it's just the necessary coupling between the crankshaft in the transmission he would not be able to push the clutch in any kind of rpm because of the centrifugal effect of the counterweights and I know that the gearing on these is just wild to get this started you can't you can't just drive it out right it has to be pulled it I suppose you could we worked through that scenario over the years we're gonna push it up to 70 miles an hour pull away because had a 180 mana or a little gear one Craig Liberty agreed to build a seven-speed clutchless transmission for us we just put a really low low gear in it so at 30 miles an hour the driver just pokes it in gear just takes off and how hard will this accelerate then because it is it's heavily in traction control up to 400 miles an hour or better everything's really modulated then yeah we work with a boost because you have to control the boots because you can't just throw it all out of it at once and then we have the ability to control the wheel speed between the two of them it's just a match for the speed you know if you get 7% wheel slip you'll have that 7% for probably the first four miles Wow and it'll dumb the power down significantly to keep that wheel slip in that range I'm just getting excited to see the car now because I've not really seen too many motors in here that are over 2,000 horsepower it's cool to see this sitting on the stand ready to go in but I'm interested to see what we have going on outside all right Steve this is your area yeah tell me about what we have going on here this is a land speed car this is our speed demon car we built in 2015 George Petite owns it and drives it they've been over 400 miles an hour forty four times forty four times it's gone over 400 miles per hour now just upon the exterior of this because this is so wild we've seen nothing like this you can't see anything it's so low to the ground it's so streamlined now what does the outside made of it's all covered it's all carbon fiber yep how long does this kind of process take Oh carbon candy at Kenny's components did it in just under five months five months start to finish that is a lung yes that's a lot of work it was a lot of work to get the molds and get them from California to North Carolina it's got parallel front wheels that are in line with each other that's how we get the front so narrow how wide is it forty-two or forty-six inches at the rear wheels in the rear yeah does this spend quite a bit of time in a wind tunnel or we only went to the wind tunnel once it's all done by CAD design it looks like an aircraft that's been buried into the ground no wing you'd expect to see a wing about where you're standing right now is incredible to me that this will even stay as straight as it will and for the stability of it how does that work with I guess just a CAD design yeah it's pretty it goes pretty straight all by itself an emesis aircraft I think had a lot to do with the design of it in Mojave and and they did a pretty good job as car's been very successful what are these these are this is a fire door so if you catch if it's on fire they can actually we have fire systems here but they can actually stick a fire extinguisher in there okay you put a fire out and then this is how we feel the intercooler that's the intercooler tank there that's where we dump all the ice and it's where we put the fuel in so what's going on back here we even got a camera back yeah these are the parachutes so there are deejay 27 parachutes like a 65 foot cord on them replay does all the cameras for us and these are the balls push up and push it they got ball in it so the push truck can't make the car go sideways they'll just roll on the balls the chutes deployed every run yes yes so it set some records yes I think they told me when we heard a car show there's like 16 records five or six FIA records and seven hot rod trophies in a row I can't imagine all the time that's involved in and just making that stuff here we start start to finish was nine and a half months and what is this was this work we went to the wind tunnel we had an actual airfoil on here okay on each side we can actually generate another 800 pounds of downforce mm-hmm but that's gonna create drag we went out without it and we right out of the box the first one it went 406 miles an hour so my my cool why would we screw up a good thing yeah all of this is pretty easy to take off of a site yes we could have this thing apart in about five minutes wow that's cool and this is the exhaust yeah and it's just coming straight off the turbos though yes and it generates quite a bit of downforce the exhaust yes so that's why the placement was there that's a calculated placement for me and it's awfully calculated for the air-intake - so on on the CAD design on the on the wind tunnel this is a big red area right here means a tie pressure yeah it's a perfect place to suck the air from they have a battery source down here we plug in here we have a battery charger on board please plug 110 in there you turn the power on and these are our quick release before the hydraulic jacks okay so we could lift the car yeah but the wheels off because this is obviously not gonna go anywhere right now except for on the soft play yes now about the cockroach how easy is it to get in and out of this thing so this right here mm-hmm that's such a slick looking system - that's so cool Wow he's basically laid straight back huh yep tiny little wheel runs a motek yep car runs completely on motek the motor ECU and the car itself is all controlled by Mojang use of the parachute levers these are the chutes yeah you just push them forward so these are the safeties are under now just so important does he do one individually yeah put one and he usually only uses one chute well the other ones just to safe this isn't for safety okay it's actually a lot bigger than I thought it would be inside there's like it's a lot more space now does he have padding and stuff that they put no we we actually poured a seat for George and he really didn't like it he likes it just like that just to be opened up yeah claustrophobic then you got in it with the padding and sit took it out and we've got it on a shelf at the shop and never went back in what does this meet us yeah that's all aluminum aluminum yep and all this is as well yeah yeah gentleman by the name of Larry stork did all the interior work for us man that's it and that's all the visibility you have out of there that's just look at them mount 25 miles away a name for it 25 miles away that's your target and that comes up fast I'm sure it gets bigger a little bit when you get there but it still it's it's easy to focus on that and go that direction and you're saying it top speed you guys are seeing eight seconds in a mile it's like seven point eight seven seconds for that's point eight seconds for one mile that incredible that's cool I like how this opens up it's so slick so I guess when you're in it you just pull you have a heel stop there and then you pull up on this bond you just hop out of it well you say that you can take this part in five minutes and I know it requires a huge team because you guys brought a huge team yep well let's get them out here let's take this part I'm really curious to see it this music knowledge oh well I don't know you're gonna get any of that out of me I can tell you what we're using on the car so we have a Power Distribution module which is a this would be all the fuses and relays that you would have on a normal on an or on a normal car yeah and then behind that the gold box there that's really the controller for the for the engine yeah so that's the ECU and then down below is here and instead of having a big bulky fuse box like we're used to get all integrated into here you have to keep in mind that we run out of Bonneville where it's salty and when you get salt and electrical things don't usually work very well together so the ability to have that all encased in one unit and be solid-state and programmable and then the advantage of the motek stuff is that it all communicates with every other motek device on the canvas on the car so below below this box we have an expansion module here that measures all our exhaust temperatures and gives us more inputs for you know standard pressures and temperatures like in the transmission things like that obviously the ECU is measuring all the standard things it needs to run the engine manifold pressure fuel pressure oil pressure and everything's on the display here in the - that's right the dash display in the front let's the driver know what he needs to know which is the flight comes on and that's pretty much it it's gonna ask how much is he actually focusing on all the other stuff that the car or such as the white-knuckle gripping that he's going 400 so so last year we had the misfortune of having a couple of fires happen in the engine bay because this is all covered up and sealed up because these guys did such a good job because this is all sealed up and these guys did such a good job of making sure that nothing to get to the driver he it's on fire he has literally no idea when selects on fire is starting at the - in a small corner in the back back here by the time we get to the other end but it's a great video but unfortunately it's a lot of work to replace it all so we mounted it overnight we mounted a backup camera here on this pod that looks towards the engine bay so after about a hundred miles an hour have the - switch to the engine based shot so he has a nice clear picture of what's going on the engine bay so then we move on from there we have the water jet from what we learned when you do blow a head gasket or do have a malfunction and you pressurize a water system anything that's square will become round when we built a new car we decided to make all the tanks round instead of square because if you have misfortune it's like an air tank it'll just build pressure but won't straight now yeah so that's why these there's two on top of me to the two round tanks they look like air tanks and they have to blow off valves two inch blow-off valve set at 35 pounds so once it gets more than 35 pounds it's supposed to blow off usually if you have a problem I don't mind water blowing on the engine yeah just to cool everything down or extinguish your fire yep you can see there's a pump here right here this is the water pump there you've got a line it goes to a sprayer right here okay and when we shut the motor off after run it automatically sprays all the water out of that tank all underneath the headers yes and then the one back here phrase through a nozzle and takes all the ice water out of the ice tank you can sprays that all forward Wow so usually what happens in a fire that we've learned is it all ends up in the bottom because the oil leaks and comes out of mode and catches fire it's always in the belly pan so the more you can extinguish that it would just extinguish anything after the run here's the Box you just have to take out ya bolts we under the tranny slide the transmission back under you a couple of hoses motor will come out we could probably do a motor swap in just over an hour looks crazy to me because you can take all this out yes that's cool yeah what size turbos are these are massive they're what they call Pro Mod 88 88 millimeter and boosters they're commonly used in NHRA promo Greg racing it's turbo for the category and they're capable 3,000 maybe a little more hmm as a pair our hope is we can put them on little engines and run a lot of manful pressure and see that three powder and how much boost is is this current set up running will probably run this engine at 65 pounds that's a lot of motor see because it's a smaller displacement engine pressure goes up what might be 65 on this one might be 45 on the US dollar what do we have going on down here yeah it's the trans controller that is a logic board that allows a single input from the solenoid and the electronics sends co2 to like basically a counter we start off in low gear and then the ECU goes okay it's time to shift driver hits the button or the ECU shifts it sends one signal pulse into that counter that counts to the next set of gears changes all the co2 routing to the next arm inside the transmission puts it in that gear and then the mere fact that it shoves it into the gear that's spinning faster makes it kick out the dog kick loose yeah on the gear in front of it and that's it just works its way to the next one to the next one to the next one so this this board is all a pneumatic logic board that allows that to happen so that that's purely mechanical basically how many gears does it have seven speed Liberty yet and is there ever a point where you feel like you're gonna run out of gear or do you run out of power usually I mean there are those problems run out of gear will turn the rev limiter up we'll never run out of power because we have these turbos we haven't had the wastegate closed all the way yet I like all the bracing and stuff as well and the turbos and this stuff stays and that just leaves and next engine goes in with a new header and all the engines connect right here so this all stays every different motor it takes this set headers fits three of them and then we have one set for the LS Wow see this is like giving me ideas for other cars and stuff as well because that's so cool that everything can just remain and you can pull the engine out even intercooler everything else all stays so I see multiple different pumps and stuff down here as well new tumors ear water pump we use these the ice tank up here actually has tubes that go down and fill this tank full of ice one on either side and two of these hoses go in to the intercooler goes through the intercooler up out the inner core and back into the I stink so it circulates water all the way down the truck and that's strictly for the integral yeah that's just for cooling the air inlet charge and what kind of fuel does this run methanol just methanol yeah there's a lot of pumps on this car so if you look in here there is a blue pump hook to the back of the transmission okay I can see it down in there what that does does that sucks the oil out of the bottom of the transmission he puts it through this cooler goes out of the cooler back into a spray bar on the top of the transmission and sprays over the front three clusters okay so we took our transmission temperature from about 280 237 and then we did the exact same with the rear end you could see we stuck it out of the bottom we spray it on the two here barons we sprayed on the quick change gears and then we spray it on the ring and pinion and that took the temperature from about 240 to about 100 I won't say hundred twenty-eight or something like that rad rides built us the coolest wheels ever they spin these things than the guy who spins them for us says the truest best wheel he's ever seen every every Lance peak are a streamline should have that wheel on the tires what's their Mickey Thompson 30-inch Lance B tires I mean I don't even understand what that composite of this stuff would have to be to go that fast it's funny because we could shred these things to nothing and they still hold air they just look like they blew apart but they're still airing so we've never ever had a flat tire what drive chefs would you run this it's a Mark Williams like a pro stock styled drive line was it made of its chromoly chromoly yeah so final drive on this car between what two oh two point two two point oh two 198 yeah is this stainless yeah yeah we just added this this year this is a that's sure we had a huge problem with breather we didn't have it sufficiently vented so what we did this is we added a big huge event tank vintage everything to the vent tank so it has baffles so no oil can get anywhere there's another Braun and Miller piece they just sent us another one last week we're gonna finish invent it all the way out to the back so basedgod zero back pressure for venting now as far as other state safety stuff because there's the fire suppression for you guys was just the water no there's also no actual as well three canisters there's one there one there and then there's one up here that's not on right now that actually can be triggered along with or separately by the cockpit or the computer let's just say because I saw this in here yeah right then that red switch is for the canisters that's like a dry it's like what they use in a computer room yeah it doesn't ruin all your electrical so that it takes away the oxygen that can't sustain combustion so it doesn't ruin all the electrical stuff when we're done how much fuel DS what's the fuel consumption right about 12 gallons yeah five miles so what size is the fuel tank now it's 16 gallons 16 but you can see back there that red thing a good nineteen government Waterman pump so we push the fuel forward well you guys are incredible this is like no other machine I've seen in this yard we're really in person anyway I had no idea what to expect except when they sent me a picture of it and I was like wow it's like a plane without wings it's all I could think about and then didn't expect to pull everything off of it and see all of this underneath it I had no idea what these actually run thanks again guys thanks for coming in if I could take all of your hands at once or would do like a team move out here yeah thanks a lot guys and I'll try and help you guys get this loaded up because it looks like it's gonna take a little while we give this to everybody that comes in here it's pretty cool for build that but I don't I don't know if you have really a spot for a rear view mirror to hang this thing so I'll just oh you see about that that's cool I think that way all right perfect
Channel: Hoonigan
Views: 1,289,354
Rating: 4.8882194 out of 5
Keywords: landspeed, land speed, landspeed car, landspeed LS, 2000hp, 400mph, bonneville, salt flats, bonneville salt flats, bonneville speed week, speed record, landspeed record
Id: -t0RSBnNLyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
Reddit Comments

At first I read this as LS Powered Land Cruiser and got very confused.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 127 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dragon_stryker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Read it as a Land Cruiser going 460 MPH

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/H0wcan-Sh3slap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well, my buddy Billy down the road gots himself 3,000hp in his Camero running on jet fuel. He's got cop tires and cop suspension with plane gearing in it. Those things can hit 500mph and so can his Camero.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PorkRollAndEggs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

They’re heading back out to Bonneville next week with that LS to try to get a faster record than the 448mph Danny Thompson ran at Speed Week.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slideways πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

A 460 mile per hour banana?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ninja996 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

piston powered record?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/panopticon31 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That is beautifully constructed underneath. Love this Yellowbird

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Orange_Cum_Dog_Slime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

But the landspeed record is like 700mph?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Some_Weeaboo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Video doesn’t show speed run

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr-_-Positivity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
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