Something Evil This Way Comes

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speed week on the Bonneville Salt Flats the largest gathering of land speed racing in the world while racers from across the globe pushed the limits of courage design and horsepower others like the petite and main speed demon are driven by the possibility of setting a new land speed record speed week is to get a record that's our goal and it's doable while the devilish fast vehicle is no stranger to the harsh environment of Bonneville the relentless drive to go faster always leads to new improvements one of the amazing stories for this year is Greg Liberty made us a new 7-speed transmission starting off we had such a tall first gear that it would take us a quarter of a mile to get going but this new 7-speed Gorge will actually be in gear and hooked up and taking off but then 30 feet while the new transmissions would provide a quicker start an old Bonneville nemesis would continue to raise its head traction is the key when the demon takes off we can't really use more than 700 horsepower although we have an engine that's capable of 24 and we start off both ways gates are wide open so there's not much boost then as we go up the wastegate start closing as we go faster we get more traction most people don't realize that we cannot put full power down until we're at least three hundred and eighty miles an hour without spinning the tires once you start spinning the tires the car has no stability it's like being on ice everybody thinks you can put the power on at the end once you pass the two and a quarter that determines whether you're gonna go fast going fast at speed week crazy fast has not been a problem for the speed demon Walli parks thought to come up with this hot rod magazine top time throw it just recognizes that wow this person laid down the biggest flying mile time of the whole week and we've got one thing that is one that's the past three years in a row which is the president last year laid down the fastest time that we have seen on the salt at this event since no one white 2002 when no one went for 22 that number last year was for 16 5 3 9 and it was George fatigue after a year of preparation the speed demon written by George poutine inched toward the start line with 2300 horsepower ready to explode on the Sun and it did just that but in less than 24 hours the crew had installed a second engine and qualified for a new record with a 419 mile per hour run yesterday George blew our first engine I mean I mean he blew it up there's not one usable part no block no ads no prank but and then we had the clone engine and Kenny was worried that wait a minute if it's a clone you might be in trouble but it ain't no clone that Hellfire dump either engine is just never missed a beat it was straight as a string I mean George is the man he makes my day however walking on a Razors Edge had cost the team their record and their second and last big motive the course of the next few days the crew would install the small 300 inch D motor and make back-to-back-to-back 400 mile per hour runs with each fallen short of the existing record of 404 miles per hour but we just made a run I think George is actually doing a lot of my penance because we've been having all kinds of problems run a third engine this last run was the best two and a quarter time we ever had but then one of the intercooler hoses wall so we're putting it back on and gonna go right back servicing it on the trailer we don't even need a pit we'll just keep working off the trailer well it's amazing how jaded and spoiled we are that run was a 401 miles an hour and we heard it go through the clocks and 401 we went oh no 401 a few years ago we dreamed of for hundreds and just when the car is limping along it goes 400 but we're gonna be back in the morning we're gonna tune it up put it back on kill and that little motor that can there was a motor that could this one can we're gonna tune that thing up and put it back to demon status they're having problem or you'll my office running rich on coffee in diner is not to boost its fuel I got too much fuel and it took them out this morning and it'll take more out now it looks like just about 8,400 rpm then just lays like yeah the bottom line is the engine was so rich it wasn't pulling sixth gear so last night and this morning we spent a couple hours going through old fuel maps and interpolating things and I think we finally got it down to where we're back to where we should have been two years ago when we ran good here but suspect we could go somewhere look for 20s today so if all things line up we're gonna be good all I could help we do is make one hell of a I don't know what the time was but I told them what I was George wanted at 4:20 he wanted the fastest time on the hotrod trophy and I wanted a four 3423 average 4:30 exit speed they then give me a little bit of static about that small engine not being able to make the mustard you know there and we made about eight changes between the run prior to this one in this run and all of them were considered dangerous and the mere fact that it lived is pretty surprising and that's run number six on that small engine and it ran last year at the FIA and having been apart so and we didn't take it apart pretty proud of it potentially we're going into qualifying at 423 so we got quite a few mile an hour there in the bank and ready to go for tomorrow morning as the first rays of light broke across the salt an anxious crew awoke the cranky demon this freakishly fast vehicle had achieved nearly unbelievable speeds on the legendary Raceway but duplicating these remarkable runs had oftentimes been frustrated yeah we're gonna get rid of that one way you know nemesis that's been chasing us we're ready the cars ready it's got the little engine that can not that could weather's great sunshine the salt is phenomenal I mean it's gonna be great driving any vet wiser see what their crew chief duties David main Dave idiot mark Lata and Paul green our crew member this 421 mile-per-hour pass set a new land speed record at 422 miles per hour this enormous number would now become the fastest record ever for a piston powered wheel driven vehicle you know like the old joke the one way we finally backed it up and we've got not only hopefully the hotrod trophy although there's a couple more cars to run but having a record a 422 in the books is it's awesome we did everything we came out here to do this week I have no more we can do any promise me and all the problems of GamePro I'm pretty happy I'm stoked for George because he has a 400 hat but he wouldn't wear it because he thought 404 wasn't worthy of a hat but I'm sure I'll have it on now all attention now turned to cooks land speed shootout this invitation only FIA sanctioned event would provide the speed demon with an almost 12 mile course with such a long track powerful drivetrain and streamlined design just how fast could the land speed rocket go I'm not sure what what the ultimate speed in the car is because we don't know what lies beyond four hundred and sixty or seventy miles an hour I mean we're we have a very good car at that speed and I think it's baby steps when you start going higher I mean yeah I can we could probably crank the power up to the point that on a one-shot pass it might go for 84 85 but I'm not sure what the car wants to do either at that speed so I'd rather play it a little safe and you know work our way into that realm rather than just try to magically go from 460 to 480 or something that may not be a smart move make no mistake however the speed demon was out to go fast real fast we think we're gonna set racing history we're gonna rock the racing world this week race director Mike Cook laid out the design of the course with critical directions for all drivers when you're going down the racetrack always look out the left when you look out the left that will tell you the numbers that you're going down the racetrack at 1 2 3 4 5 5 and a half that's where you start timing and there'll be two blue lines going across the racetrack when you're seeing those blue lines you're in the time mile right then when you exit there's two more blue lines telling you you're exiting and then also on the left side again there's two black bags side-by-side those two black bags when you see him it's over and with that the meet was begun nothing like the under life under way speed demon underlings having some floating Mountain headed towards the pits 436 miles an hour and what first appeared to be an unbelievable run turned quickly to disappointment as crew members discovered water in the engine cylinders all things were good until George went in the sixth gear which was exactly five miles into the run and at that point we burned a plug that burned plug actually failed the head gasket I'm sure because we had water coming out all the spark plug holes there was a subtle change made to the computer this yesterday morning actually in the current selection for the injectors and it appears like we might have just tipped over the edge apparently they lost a head gasket in it but can he duck Weidler and his crew or awesome you can never count them out you talk about the right stuff they are the hardest working crews in Bonneville we change engines faster than most people change spare tires put the next motor and I think it's around 368 cubic inches it's the same type of engine but it's a taller deck engine so we had to switch around some of the header system and stuff to make it fit it goes pretty seamless it's we've got everything here we need to do whatever we have to do well hopefully the sun's a little brighter today yesterday was kind of a rough day we put in our big bullet you got a 368 in there very capable making a big run we're just hoping to go both ways this morning yesterday we put it in everything fit together real nice you know we're worried about getting a bigger engine under the canopy seem to fit everything seems like it's a go fired it up fired right up we're very confident things were looking good like I says a beautiful day and we're looking to top it off with two great runs today we're actually running the 368 which the record will be running against will be al Teague at 406 and I've talked to Al and we've waited a respectable amount of time before we went after this record and he is he actually hopes we make it I really think we're do we worked hard I've but the crew and myself have paid all the pizzas for all my sins I think it's the time sit on the salt at this point we are locking down no one should be moving except the support vehicles for 705 other way nickel is underway copy that running out 406 records coming into the time mile entry speed 425 Kahless before 28 + b4 28 for 28 everything looks good we're very very very safe it was so rich we weren't gonna burn anything up we were gonna hurt anything we just kind of George said he was like sitting on his couch at home so he got to about 4 and 28 it kind of just stayed there and ran and pulled and everything's good had a little oily tires look good everything's fine I think we'll uh we'll turn around here probably for 20 minutes we'll be back on the other way and hopefully we can finally get her record it's been in the long long time before we could actually get fi record we struggled with going too fast too soon so I think Kenny has definitely got a handle on this program here with the motor and being very conservative so once we get a record then it's game on you want to see a 400 mile an hour car it's about to run under way Coffee coming at us through five coming into the time mile 400 4.9 shit's out that will be a new record we'll let you know what the record speed is a moment we're alive they can't call us one way this is a whole new experience going north on this course I mean going both ways we finally got the record our average is 419 we're the fastest piston-powered car on the planet well we detuned it enough to get a record that was that's a cool thing I mean it it hurt to do it but I take 500 horsepower out of it he gets a little more reliable but I'm day right now that's on the floor a name it maybe Dean it down there this record from speed demon just succeeded out Teek speed from 406 to 419 miles an hour I don't think they're done yet so hang on we're still gonna go for some more back at the pits Ron main and George Poteet received a special call from none other than mr. Bonneville himself LT here's George LT Heil Thanks I hope I live long enough for people thinking nothing means they do you I've never heard anybody say anything but good about you that's pretty rare in the world today well Alan y'all were running back in your day it was harder than it is today with the tires and transmission things we got today it is not near as hard as it was when y'all were different we love you and we appreciate what you've done for this this out here all your life al Teague is our mentor he is mr. Bonneville with their new FIA world record in hand the crew would begin pushing the speed demon to ever greater speeds we're still in class 9 under world record divisions and we now have the record at 419 and change if we can get the average up it'll just increase our record well now we've got the record handle we can only go back and play so we've upped the boost 15 pounds put the additional field program in it change the gear ratio hopefully it goes a little bit faster however with each mile-per-hour increase heat parts of the streamliner would endure greater and greater stress including the time the rear we run the Mickey Thompson they're rated for 580 miles an hour the Front's we have the good years they're rated at 450 miles an hour they're an experimental tire that we're using and testing and they've been just flawless secure win this from the middle about five and a half eight and nakir wind is from the mountain at four just reminder to everybody we are locked down speed diamond under way good attack tonight through the night sounds good coming into the time mile entry speed 444 for 49 for 49 in the mile exit speed was 453 we're getting there you know where we're on a mission we just need another good run top the other way sojourn route 5 entry speed for 25 before 30-mile speed 429 okay here are the unofficial average speeds pending FIA certification the mile average was four hundred and thirty nine point zero two four kilometer was four hundred and thirty nine point five six two congratulations that guy that really took the edge off pretty good wrong I went driving a little bit this morning more we did yes call him win but in two pretty good passes this morning the 419 was kind of like kissing your sister we were at least with the record we had at 419 but we're a little embarrassed about the for a low number when it ran for 49 and 429 we got to 439 average that was kind of redeeming it kind of made us feel like we were a little closer to where we should have been today running up in it to 439 is just can you say it's a awesome deal we're satisfied with the approximately 440 and that'll give us a good reason to come back next year we can go faster Obama we did it that car had so much power that in fifth gear he shredded the tire that the boost was way too high in too much power and you can imagine that probably at 370 miles an hour just setting the tire on fire I mean the power is amazing few if any land speed racing cars had ever had such a remarkable year I kind of thought 2012 would be the year of the demon and pretty much we've had a good year I've made 16 passes out here this year 1200 for mile hour right now we are the world's fastest piston powered wheel driven car at 439 miles an hour it's scary at how easy it is to drive at 425 for 30 miles sixteen passes this year and it never bobble the time there's not a car and the moral that that drives and handles any better than it so what lies ahead for the speed demon we got a plan the speed demon will be back it'll be a little more evil with a lot more teeth we're gonna run speed weaken fi we're very very happy with what we did this year but we're not satisfied we're going after the wheel driven record which is held by a turbine powered engine it's about 458 and that's the record we're going to go after next year and I'm confident we'll be successful you
Channel: kirbyvideo
Views: 487,102
Rating: 4.7939444 out of 5
Keywords: Something, Evil, YouTube
Id: XoriCmQD5zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2013
Reddit Comments

Its like hmmm a video about like what we are doing with like 500 mph car edit but its a video. But there like real people who made this thing talk about it and like there isn't probably better thing to say " most people don't realize we can't press full throttle until we go like at least 380 mph without spinning the tires..." - quote. What better description of what we want to achieve in nr2003 than this. Anyway watch , remember this is cool as hell.

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