Java Expert Plays Minecraft Bedrock Edition For The First Time

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i've played a lot of minecraft java edition but never minecraft bedrock edition so in this video you'll see my first reaction to playing the most popular version of minecraft so here we are on minecraft bedrock edition although of course the title screen just says minecraft i did upload my skin but that's it so let's try playing this version and see what it's like again i basically have no idea what i'm doing a lot of these screens are very different i would say first of all the big thing that i do notice is the fact a lot of the animations and the visuals are a lot cleaner and a lot smoother than java edition the visual rendering of the game seems to be completely different so yeah it looks like just everything's kind of a little bit in different places i feel like frames are processed differently because when i move around my frames don't break but sometimes just sort of moving in different ways it seems to kind of jitter very strangely and speaking of frames oh my goodness the render distance what in the world is this render distance i think that's because i'm on windows 10 edition but let's see how far does this go out to i should probably be able to see this on on video settings oh my 96 chunk render distance apparently it's saying that's too high it probably is i guess they recommend a meager 50 chunk render distance that's insane that's like i mean just 50 chunk as it is is almost double what you get on java edition's highest setting and this can go to rendering in nine times as much as you could on java and this is just insane looking at the world at this kind of render it seems to me that the particles for breaking blocks are a lot different as well which is interesting but i guess i better not keep looking at these differences and try and get some things so i don't die it's weird getting used to seeing my character in the corner there i'm sure there's a way of turning that off but i wonder what the whole point of that would be just sort of seeing your character in the corner why that would really be useful i'm not sure but it is sort of interesting something good at least is that the inventory screen seems somewhat similar although the pictures on these tabs are a bit different and there's these little tabs up here it does seem like a lot of this has been kind of built from the ground up a lot more and actually water looks a lot different now that i'm kind of taking a look at that it seems like just sort of the colors different maybe a bit smoother that's strange just seems like the lighting and the rendering in general really produces a different visual result and speaking of rendering look how weird the dead bush looks i think that's actually glitched it looks like the texture is too far in like the blocks are kind of too squished that's like super weird because that should be a block wider and i can actually see that the center of that texture is too wide compared to that in java so that's kind of bizarre i keep pressing f3 and i forgot that on bedrock there actually isn't an f3 screen so i'm not sure where i'd check how many frame rates i'm getting but i'm sure my bedrock viewers are just screaming at the screen right now of what i would be able to do but either way let's get some wood here and yeah definitely the breaking and particle animations are a lot different it seems like the particles sort of center strangely around the player that's definitely not what happens in java edition they sort of have like this weird circular way that they break and fall yeah even the grass seems to be rendered too small compared to how they were it seems like in bedrock addition the grass and dead bushes and things like that are rendered differently than they are in java because on java they're definitely treated as full blocks but it seems like in bedrock they're not and are sort of more so treated like almost an entity well i guess i can do some manual crafting on here and again just as a strange visual difference it's like items get bigger when i pick them up and why is the chest texture wrong that's kind of weird it's like when you place it down it's correct but your inventory texture is like the ancient old chest from i don't even know how long ago i wonder if they just forgot to update that from back in the pocket edition age but that's definitely a strange feature feels like every single feature of bedrock edition although technically almost the exact same as java is just slightly different enough that you can notice movement speeds and particles and blocks and just sort of little statistics and things i would assume as well just seem to be so slightly changed that you can notice but not enough that you can really put your finger on it any items will sort of have a little popping animation in the inventory when you're using them or when you're getting more of them i can definitely tell experiences render differently it doesn't seem to move around either just sort of appear next to your player and then go into your inventory well i guess i'll grab my chests and go on and see if we can find a village wait that's weird when i'm breaking the chest it breaks both parts of it at once like the break animation is localized to what part of the block you start breaking it on or is it just on the chest there it's like the break animation is kind of off-centered with half of these differences i'm not sure if they're actually bugs or if they're meant to be how bedrock edition acts you'll have to tell me in the comments below do you play bedrock edition and if you do are some of the things i'm encountering bugs or is that just how the game is supposed to work like with the texture of the dead bushes there in fact i'm even just noticing here another difference it's like i hear like a punching sound when i'm just hitting with an item which you definitely wouldn't hear in java unless you're actually using the item but punching in the air you wouldn't when there's a desert temple we could probably go there for some interesting items yeah water is just rendered incredibly differently it looks almost looks like a shader or something and even the same with lava it's like lava doesn't have any shadows on it and bedrock button java does oh and here's my biggest pet peeve about bedrock edition is the item rotation textures so you can see here on the dirt it's rotated differently on the side but on java the texture isn't rotated kind of circularly but you can see here the actual position is different on everyone so whenever i see the dirt or let's say obsidian or different items that are rotated like that i would expect them to look something like the sandstone or the stone does here where every single one of them is at the same sort of texture but on these you can see they're all randomly rotated which definitely is a different look oh i didn't even notice that we just ran into a village so that's perfect we can definitely survive the night in this time now that it's turning night time that's actually really smart to have an open chat button when sleeping if you want to tell their players to sleep we should have that in java edition as well so it's more intuitive and the animation's interesting here too because the villager cloak doesn't look the same when they're walking it sort of looks like the cloak here is actually more 3d than just a flat texture and even like this little x out here on the side it's interesting i can definitely tell that this is something that was originally ported from pocket edition and sort of built for more mobile devices because even unlike the menu screens here there's very very large buttons on them and is the game not paused oh my goodness the game's not paused right i remember someone commenting about that that on bedrock you can't pause the game so that's definitely something that would make this a lot more of a challenging version and it's crazy with this render distance i can see a whole nother desert temple and village all the way back there although it's incredibly hard to see well let's hope the tnt trap is the same here well i guess we'll just put up some torches so i'll put those in my or are you kidding me you cannot put torches in your off hand in bedrock edition really can i go like i can't put my sword oh my goodness that's crazy i knew there was some limits on what you couldn't put in your off hand but you can't put torches in your offhand that's pretty crazy i really wonder why that would even be a practical limit i mean in java you can have literally anything in your offhand there's no reason why you couldn't and of course on top of that we've got pretty lousy loot from this anyway i do wonder if tnt works the same on this version though i wonder if i can escape from this alive probably not uh no i cannot oh the death screen is very different and like i said the particles there you can really tell there's that difference so at least i slept in the nearby bed but there are a lot of differences between bedrock and java edition that i do know of other than just ones that you'd experience playing the game and some visual tweaks so let's take a look at some of those interesting features that you may not know are exclusive to one version or the other now from what i know something i've got to try is defeating the wither on bedrock edition i've heard it's much more difficult than on java so we'll see if that's true i've given myself some good tools equipment food as well as full netherrite protection for armor so let's see if this is truly a challenge or maybe just people who play bedrock haven't tried the java wither so they don't know it's similar let's find out which one of these is true all right we're gonna try out defeating the wither in bedrock edition i'm sure this is quite difficult but how difficult can it really be compared to java i'm not sure so we're going to find out as it is the wither itself is moving around before it's summoned all the way in which is interesting and at this distance it's already launching the heads at us i do not think in java it'd be launching the heads that far and it is incredibly fast what in the world that's fast this is yeah this is definitely more difficult on bedrock you guys were not joking about that that is crazy look how fast it's going that's really hard to hit honestly if it wasn't kind of blocked up there and if i didn't have insanely good armor this would be nearly impossible to do really well it does seem like you can actually knock back the heads of the wither sort of like you could with gas fireballs and that is definitely not something that is able to be done on the java edition of the game and hopefully if our food runs out here we can actually eat to regenerate and defeat the wither its health doesn't seem to be regenerating but i'm not actually sure if it is or not i haven't been looking at that it's been going so fast it's incredibly hard to actually hit it with a bow and arrow it seems like when it's hitting the heads is a good time to kill it but generally it seems to be able to travel incredibly quickly in java edition the wither is far easier than the ender dragon but i think in bedrock edition it's probably the other way around i think your hunger runs out faster on java as well which is actually easier as of course then you can eat more food to get your saturation up quicker right now the weather is at the stage where we can just what in the world it just summoned it wither skeletons i had no idea that could happen that's insane that's that okay that's legitimately pretty dangerous that's that's really crazy honestly um at least it's health doesn't regenerate so it's definitely sort of a little bit different of a boss fight with some different mechanics but it's even trying to hit me right through blocks so it can totally see through blocks which is crazy stuff that's really weird that it's summoned in the wither skeletons definitely making it feel more like a boss mob anyway let's see if we can defeat this all the way i think the answer is going to be no and i was slain by an enderman actually so that's interesting well i admit it bedrock you definitely have a more difficult wither um yeah that's that is definitely more difficult than java edition i'm sure i'll be able to defeat it if i tried a couple more times but it's very interesting to see that and i found the movement system in bedrock's a lot clunkier and harder to control just because it generally tends to be a little bit less quick paced and a little bit more delayed and so because of that it might be a little bit harder to also deal with these mobs making them even more dangerous there definitely seems to be a lot of realms advertisements on literally every single page and a lot of advertisements in general on bedrock edition so if you do play bedrock be sure to tell me in the comments below what you think of these sort of advertisements throughout the game now one sort of interesting difference in bedrock is that there is still 1.8 pvp they never actually had the combat update as it was exactly and so you can still spam click to kill mobs which is super interesting as it's definitely such a massive difference maybe if you're a player that still likes to play on 1.8 but now that everyone has the free bedrock and free java edition accounts you might want to try playing on bedrock servers a little bit to enjoy something similar to that different style of pvp without the need to play on an old version of the game and still enjoy modern features something kind of interesting what i'm looking at is we do not have these bits of the netherwort blocks in the ground in java edition it definitely only generates as the nylon sort of like what it seems to be generating here in the warped forest biome the crimson here there seems to be these random netherwort blocks that are in the ground now for starters one rather interesting thing you have in bedrock edition is dead corals and coral reefs in java edition all corals and coral reefs are alive but in bedrock edition i believe it's something like 10 or 15 percent of corals and coral reefs are dead corals and the corals themselves also generate a lot differently in here sort of forming large masses of coral that can crawl along the base of things they're not just sat structures but it is still interesting to see those coral reefs there with the dead coral but although bedrock edition doesn't have very powerful offhand slots you do have very powerful armor stands and i believe you can actually pose them by right clicking let me have to shift okay after you're crouching while right-clicking you can pose these in all kinds of crazy poses which is pretty cool i think there's even like a dabbing pose i think that's a dab pose which is pretty funny but it's interesting to have all these poses and especially with the ability to put an item in the hand this is definitely something we need in java edition but i think one of the biggest features in bedrock edition that i do know of is cauldron's differences now cauldrons are really overpowered in bedrock condition as far as i know and if you place down a bunch of them and fill them up with water you can actually dye the water and cauldrons that's right you can actually have colored water and bedrock edition and i'm sure about 40 percent of my audience which is how many of you play bedrock according to the polls i've done on that are just shaking your head right now that most people don't know that in java but it is pretty cool to actually dye the water in bedrock edition especially considering that you can actually combine dyes to make different colors here this is the way to make dyed leather armor in bedrock edition and it's super interesting to see that process especially since this is a very good decoration for really anything you would want that would involve maybe a potion or like chemicals like a perfect mad scientist lab and then if we grabbed some leather horse armor which actually looks like it has a different texture in bedrock edition and right clicked on there we could dye that the color that's in the cauldron there and sort of change the color of our horse armor based on the dies in this cauldron we could have like a building where you have a bunch of dyes laid out it could be dying leathers and different things like that which i think would be a really cool build it also seems like there's more water levels as a cauldron only has three levels in java but here there's at least one two three four five and even just zombies burning up in the sun that seems like they turn much more red and sort of yellowy than you would see in java edition much different which is interesting and even it looks like the fire thing there too is sort of squished it looks like a lot of textures are sort of strange on this version but another cool thing with cauldrons and potions in bedrock is the ability to make tipped arrows with the cauldron so i believe if you have a cauldron and you fill it up with a potion so would not actually be filled up with water you just right click on it like this and of course usually you can just spam that then that cauldron is not filled up with dye although there's not really much of a way of telling the difference outside of the particles coming out the top but it is filled with the potion and you could grab arrows and turn those into tipped arrows which is really cool i also think that'd be probably a cooler way of making tipped arrows although maybe the fletching table will unite both these versions tip darrow methods although i can't be too jealous as bedrock edition does not have the spectral arrows in the game i really have no idea why these features aren't ported over to both versions but still it's very interesting to see those unique things from both bedrock and java i also heard from a friend of mine who plays bedrock that elytra flight is different in this version so basically i believe what it is is you cannot open the elytra when you're falling down and yes i just proved that point you definitely cannot do that apparently players on bedrock edition do not have access to the nether roof as well so let's try that one out i don't know i think you can get to the nether roof maybe you can't break the bedrock oh no what it is is okay the height limit's 128. so that's really interesting so the actual nether itself is hard-coded not to be able to be larger than that that is so interesting plus you can get on the nether roof you just can't build up here very interesting i wonder if they'll ever change that probably not considering the fact that the nether roof on java is somewhat of an exploit as well and not really an official thing in the game it's like the nether sprouts are very common here it's like all these little features a little bit different but anyway i'm sure i could make a video that's hours long talking about the difference between bedrock and java edition and maybe i will do one dedicated to those differences later also something my bedrock viewers may be wondering is how can i make videos that cover features about both bedrock and java even though i've basically never played it before that's because when i do my research about a certain subject i always try and make sure to get as much relevant information about bedrock edition as well and because of that there are a lot of features of the game that i do know about however of course some visual rendering things and some slight technical changes like for instance how these sort of look a little bit different on the twisting vines but i'm hoping to expand my knowledge on bedrock edition in the future so i can have even more relevant tutorials to that percentage of my audience however if you enjoyed this video of my genuine first reaction to bedrock edition make sure to give it the like hopefully you're not bored of bedrock at the end of this and i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 571,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playing Minecraft Bedrock for the First Time, Playing Minecraft BEDROCK Edition For The First Time…, Minecraft Java Player Plays Bedrock | Is Bedrock Edition Bad?, Playing Minecraft Bedrock For The FIRST TIME!, we played Bedrock Minecraft for the first time and it did NOT go well..., Minecraft Java Player Plays Bedrock.. | How Bad Is Bedrock Edition?, I tried Minecraft Bedrock Edition... AND LOVED IT!, JAVA PLAYER TRIES BEDROCK., I Survived In Minecraft Bedrock, Minecraft Windows 10
Id: rK93RtrZ0fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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