Jason Momoa: A Born Macho | Full Biography (Aquaman, Dune, Fast X)

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He is a 6.5 feet tall man, with a brutal  beard and a scar on his face. A man who   perfectly fits the role of a classic macho or  action hero of the 80s. The one who managed to   make the most ridiculed comic book hero one  of the coolest and most popular characters   in the DC Universe, and a pink scrunchie  an accessory worthy of the red carpet.   Jason Momoa (mə’mɔa) worked his way to  the top of Hollywood for a long time and   stubbornly tried to go beyond the imposed  role to finally create a movie hero who   earned more than 1 billion dollars per film. Why doesn't he consider himself an actor? How   does he raise children without gadgets? Why did  he rewrite the script of "Aquaman"? And what   brought him to the rostrum of the United Nations? Today, on the Biographer channel, we will get to   know a man with the appearance of a Dothraki,  but the heart of a real good man. Let's go!   Childhood and youth Joseph Jason Namakaeha (namaka’eɪa)   Momoa was born on August 1, 1979 in Honolulu,  Hawaii (ˌhɒnəˈluːluː, həˈwaɪiː). His father   is native Hawaiian Joseph Momoa, and his  mother, Coni Lemke (‘lemkɪ), has Native   American, German and Irish roots. Jason's parents are creative people,   his mother worked as a photographer,  and his father was an artist.   Six months after the birth of the future Aquaman,  his parents divorced, and he and his mother   moved to her hometown of Norwalk, Iowa (nɔːwɔːk,  ˈaɪəwə). Life in a family without a father was not   easy: Jason's mother had to work several jobs to  provide for her son. He always remembers this with   gratitude, calling his mother his superheroine. But at work, she did not forget to spend time with   her son. As Momoa recalls, his mother greatly  influenced him in all aspects of life. It was   Coni who introduced him to skateboarding and rock  climbing, which became his lifelong love. Also,   as a creative person, she taught Jason not  only to look at the world, but also to see it.   Inset quote: "I was raised by a strong single  mother. My mom's an artist in every way. She's   a painter, a photographer. She's a wanderer,  always searching, always seeing. I guess you   could say my mom gave me her eyes." (Jason Momoa) Recalling his childhood, Momoa said that he was a   "mama's boy" and was not at all like a cool guy.  At school, he was rather considered an outcast who   could easily be shoved into a school locker. He and his mother are still close. Coni often   accompanies Jason on red carpets and regularly  appears in photos of his Instagram account.   Due to the fact that the actor's early youth was  spent in the province, where nothing happened,   the future actor had to entertain himself.  That's how he learned to play street hockey - in   the summer on rollers, and in the winter - on  skates. During these activities, in his opinion,   he developed an iron grip and became "a  typical representative of the Midwest".   Despite his parents divorce, Jason continued to  communicate with his father. Joseph came to his   son in Iowa, but was never able to get used to  the mainland: he was constantly drawn home to   Hawaii. And from the age of 12, Jason began to  regularly visit his father on summer vacations.   It was his father who instilled in Momoa a  love for the ocean, which eventually led to his   desperate struggle for the ecology of our planet  in the future. As a child, Jason wanted to study   sea creatures and save the ocean from pollution,  so he intended to make it his profession.   Inset quote: "Even when I was a kid in  Iowa I took marine biology courses so I   could do that as a profession, that was  my passion for the ocean. I think that's   just from being Hawaiian" (Jason Momoa). He also traveled to Florida twice during   spring break in high school to  study endangered coral reefs.   Even though the region where Jason grew up  was landlocked, his school locker was always   plastered with posters of surfers. Because of  this, the children at school made fun of him,   because in that area no one dreamed of surfing. Because of this, the boy really wanted to move to   live with his father, but Joseph persuaded  his son to take his time with it. He noted   that education should be obtained on the  mainland, because there were many more   opportunities for this than in Hawaii. Inset quote: "I told him, you need to go   and gain all this knowledge, and  when you graduate you can come   back here anytime you want. Hawaii is  always here. This is a place to rest,   a place to gather your mind." (Joseph Momoa) The fact that there was no father next to him   in his childhood, Jason experienced  hard. He mentioned this, saying that   his idols were always his uncles. And he  was even a little jealous of his cousins,   because their dads were always there for them. And  that was exactly what he lacked with his father.   Momoa attended Norwalk High School and played  on the school's football team. It was because   of playing football after high school that Jason  was offered a scholarship to Fort Lewis College   in Durango, Colorado (‘dræŋgəʊ, kɒləˈrædəʊ). But after considering the offer, Momoa ultimately   turned it down. He was more interested in the  possibility of snowboarding and rock climbing.   But he liked Colorado, so the young man moved  there and lived in Fort Collins (fɔːt ˈkɒlɪnz). To   earn a living, he got a job as a waiter. Everything changed when Jason saw “In God's   Hands”, a movie about surfing. It was then that he  knew he needed to return to his father in Hawaii.   Especially since his uncle Brian Keaulana  (kəʊ’lana) played in this movie. And his   great-grandfather, Buffalo (ˈbʌfələʊ) Keaulana,  was actually one of the legends of surfing.   So, it was a great opportunity to learn to  surf, get even closer to his Hawaiian family,   and… go to the University of Hawaii to pursue his  dream of ocean exploration. And he really entered   the university to the faculty of marine biology. But then the story took a slightly different path.   As you can see, there was no mention of Jason's  interest in filmmaking and acting until the time   of graduation. And it's not surprising, because  it wasn't really there. Momoa became interested   in cinema only after receiving his first  role, which was by no means expected for him.   How did it happen that an ordinary guy with  no experience in front of the camera got a   role on television? Even before the beginning  of acting, Momoa managed to start a career as   a model. In 1998, he was noticed by the famous  fashion designer Takeo Kobayashi (kɔba’ɪaʃɪ) and   invited to engage in the modeling business.  The guy was so interested in this work that   he decided to drop out of university for it.  It must be said that this endeavor turned out   to be quite successful for him - the very next  year he received the title of model of the year   in Hawaii. After that, he also managed to work  as the host of the Miss Teen Hawaii contest.   Besides his modeling career, Jason worked  part-time at a surf shop owned by his family.   It was then, in 1999, that people who auditioned  for the series “Baywatch Hawaii" came to the   island. Momoa was one of those who came to  the casting and beat all his competitors to   get the role of Jason Ioane (ɪ’ɔnɪ). Moreover,  as the actor recalls, he decided to try himself   in a new role just out of nowhere. Inset quote: "So I went down with all   my cousins. We just wanted to meet chicks.  About 1,300 people showed up". (Jason Momoa)   Jason later recalled that at the casting he  had to wait for his turn for 7 hours, and also   lied to get the role. He pretended that he had  significant achievements in the modeling business   to cover up his lack of acting experience. Inset quote: "I was like, "Yeah, yeah,   I'm a big model. I do Gucci and Louis Vuitton,”  and I'm looking at my friend, and I'm like,   “You did Prada, right?” And he's like “Yeah,  yeah, we did that in Japan”. So we were just   kind of making it up on the spot." (Jason Momoa) During filming in the series, Jason met the   Australian actress Simmone Jade Mackinnon  (ʤeɪd mækkɪnən). The couple dated for 7   years and even got engaged in 2004.  But it never came to the wedding.   First steps in cinema So, the first acting job for   Jason Momoa was a role in a very famous TV series,  in the main cast of which he was for two seasons,   until 2001. It would seem that this was a great  starting position to start a cool career, but in   reality everything was a little different. Inset quote: "I fell in love with the art   of acting. But no one took me seriously. Baywatch   isn't known for its . . . quality of  acting. I couldn't get an agent to   save my life." (Jason Momoa) Jason moved to California,   where he had to live in a trailer and work as a  bouncer. He grew dreadlocks, bought an Airstream   travel trailer and changed his image. "I was  kind of a vagabond," the actor recalled.   During that time, he appeared in  the television films Baywatch:   Hawaiian Wedding and 2003's Tempted, and  made his big screen debut the following   year with a role in Johnson Family Vacation.  The film turned out to be unsuccessful both   from a commercial and critical point of view. And  Jason’s role was very small and inconspicuous.   He also had to work with advertising.  For example, in an unbuttoned shirt,   passionately say odes to pizza. In order to earn a living, Jason also   worked as a stuntman. Since then, he does not take  his acting seriously. In every interview with him,   you can hear how he speaks about each actor  with great respect. But not about himself.   Sometimes he even calls himself more of a  stuntman than an actor in conversation.   In 2005, a very important event took place  in Momoa's life - he met his future wife,   actress Lisa Bonet (bəʊ’neɪ). But for Jason, this  story began much earlier. As an 8-year-old boy,   he saw Lisa, who was 12 years older than him,  on television in the sitcom The Cosby Show,   and fell in love with her even then. Bonet was  20 years old at that time and she was married   to the famous singer Lenny Kravitz. Recalling this story many years later,   the actor said that he had always wanted to  meet Bonet and even then, at the age of 8,   he told his mother that she was his future wife. Therefore, when the meeting with childhood love   became a reality, she made  a huge impression on Momoa:   Afterwards, Jason talked Lisa into giving him  a ride home, and on the way they stopped at a   coffee shop where Bonet ordered a Guinness.  For Momoa, who was a huge fan of this beer,   this became an additional reason to fall in  love with this woman even more. Lisa learned   that she was Jason's love since childhood only  after their children were born. The actor did   not confess to his beloved before, because he was  afraid that she would mistake him for a stalker.   The meeting with Bonet led to Momoa's breakup  with his fiancee - according to rumors,   they broke up in 2006. Lisa, at that time,  had long been divorced from Lenny Kravitz   and was raising her teenage daughter,  the now-famous actress Zoë Kravitz.   In her interviews, the woman jokingly  said that the actor literally threw   her over his shoulder and "pulled" her  into his life, like a real caveman.   Lisa remembers the story of  her acquaintance with Momoa:   Inset quote: “I can’t say it was full-on from  the moment we saw each other, but we have been   together from the day that we met. […] In that  moment, love came and it came big, and he didn't   run as I think a lot of men do." (Lisa Bonet) In turn, courting the woman of his dreams,   the man was very nervous. "You meet someone  you're completely infatuated with and then   find out she's amazing, intelligent, and funny  and she's a goddess and you're a degenerate,"   he explained his excitement. To win her heart, he joked,   tried to make her laugh. "There were  no other options," Jason recalled.   At that time, Momoa continued to play  in series - soap opera “North Shore”,   science fiction “Stargate Atlantis”, as well  as in the comedy drama “The Game”. 2000s for   Momoa were not breakthroughs, he was just a good  series actor who had yet to reach new heights.   "Stargate Atlantis" the actor does not recall with  great admiration - he did not really like this   work. But he starred in 78 episodes, because this  job gave a stable profit. According to the actor,   he learned a lot there. "It was on the set  of "Stargate Atlantis" that I understood how   the filming process goes, learned to write and  act. We made twenty-two episodes in nine months.   Day after day. Like robots," he recalled. It was during the filming of Stargate Atlantis,   which took place in Vancouver (vænˈkuːvə), that he  became a father for the first time. In July 2007,   he and Lisa Bonet had a daughter, Lola  Iolani. The birth began earlier than planned,   so he almost missed it. After learning  that Lisa was giving birth, Jason   immediately flew from Canada to Los Angeles. Inset quote: "So I come barreling out of the   terminal, like the Predator, like, 'GET OUT  OF THE WAY!' I'm running through the airport,   and I get in the car. I go, like, 'Dude,  I don't care, run all the lights. . . I'll   pay for everything.' And I made it in the nick of  time. I had about two hours with her in the tub,   and my baby girl was born." (Jason Momoa) The following year, the couple had a son,   Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha (Na-Ko-Ah Wolf  Mana-Ka-Ooh-Ah-Po Namma-Kay-Ah-Ha). As the   actor's mother explained, Nakoa means "warrior",  and the second name symbolizes the bad weather   that raged outside on the boy's birthday. Since Momoa was raised without a father,   it was extremely important for him to be a good  father to his children. Therefore, he pays great   attention to the education of his daughter and  son, trying to spend as much time as possible   with them. Together with Jason, the children are  engaged in his favorite activity - rock climbing.   Inset quote: "I absolutely love climbing and  encourage any parent to go experience it with   their kids. That's what my mom did with me. […]  I would never teach acting, but the one thing I   could teach is climbing. It gives us this  massive bond, and we go outside and do it.   It's the ultimate thing for me." (Jason Momoa) Momoa does not have TVs or other gadgets at home,   and the children do not have phones. In  addition to the climbing wall, which the   actor made himself, leisure activities  include skating, singing to the guitar,   listening to records together, walking in  the local mountains together with pets - two   half-malamute, half-wolf and a German shepherd.  In addition to dogs, a donkey named Freya and   a huge snake lived in their home. "And they read a lot" - the actor is   sincerely surprised, because he does  not like this activity very much.   Lola and Nakoa often went  to work with their father,   so he took a lot of instruments with him. Moreover, the actor taught them eco-activism,   talked about climate problems, and took  them on strikes to protect the environment.   Lisa supported him in this. In one of the  interviews, she said that their son considered   the main goal of his life to be the protection  of Mother Earth. "My work (as a mother) is done,"   Bonet happily commented on her son's statement. Jason was also very close to his stepdaughter,   Zoe, and was on good terms with her father,  Lenny. Recalling Zoe's growing up period,   Momoa said that when she was a teenager and  started bringing boys home, Lenny took it easy.   Jason in his place would hardly have been able to  behave in the same way. In an interview in 2021,   he admitted that he was anxiously waiting for the  moment when his daughter would have a boyfriend.   "I'm not going to do well with it,"  he admitted. "I'll just hate it if   she brings home some dips**t bad boy”. Regarding the big and formidable Kravitz,   the actor was not lost either. Instead  of feeling insecure about the musician,   he quickly befriended Lenny. And so much so  that men now call each other "ohana" - which   means "family" in the Hawaiian language. In honor of this friendship and as a sign   of gratitude, Momoa gave the rock musician a  ring in the shape of a skull. And on holidays,   the whole family often gathered at their  home in the suburbs of Los Angeles.   In his relationship with his wife, Lisa was  the main one. She always had the last word:   as she said, so would it be. "My wife is very  sophisticated and smart and (our kids and I are)   kind of like animals that need to be trained  a little better," he said. "I’m constantly a   work in progress, and I’ve just been trying  to get better as a father and a husband."   That is why, according to the actor, their  house was conditionally divided in half.   The best part of their house was occupied by  Bonet, Jason was left with his "man den". There,   the actor had everything he loved: leather goods,  rare guitars, custom-made knives, Edison bulbs and   vinyl records. "Goddesses belong up there," he  said, pointing his finger up. Then, lowering his   finger down, he continued: "Dirtbags down here." Lisa also spoke respectfully about her partner,   calling him a "generous leader" and  noting that such a form of courage   was a rare phenomenon for modern times. Besides fatherhood, Jason continued to grow in   his career. In 2010, he created his own production  company Pride of Gypsies, with the help of which   in the same year he released his own short film  Brown Bag Diaries: Ridin' the Blinds in B Minor,   where he not only acted, but also tried himself as  a director and screenwriter. The film had a good   rating on IMDB - 8.4 points. Breakthrough…?   For the first time, Jason Momoa began to be talked  about quite loudly in 2011, after his role in   the fantasy series “Game of Thrones”, where he  played the cruel Khal Drogo (kaal drow·gow), the   leader of the Dothraki tribe. To get the role, Momoa had to   pass an audition, during which he impressed the  casting directors with a performance of the haka,   a traditional Maori dance often used to  intimidate the enemy. The actor recalled   this in his interview for The New York Times: Inset quote: “On “Game of Thrones,” [Drogo]   doesn’t say much. So how do you convey him?  There's nothing in the script. …Then I did the   Haka. It was challenging to do the audition  afterwards — I couldn’t stop my heart from   beating. The first time I did it, they were very  scared. But then they wanted me to come back in   so they could put it on tape." (Jason Momoa) Momoa's partner in the series, who played his   character's wife, was Emilia Clarke (klɑːk).  On screen, they were able to reproduce a   wonderful chemistry, due to which some fans even  started gossiping about their relationship in   real life. In fact, it was just a very strong  friendship that developed between the actors,   which continued even after the end of filming. Emilia always talks very fondly about Jason and   the period of filming with him in Game  of Thrones. Their very first meeting   gave the actress many happy emotions. She also said that Momoa was very caring,   always helping and supporting  her during the filming process,   especially during the shooting of candid scenes. Inset quote: "He took care of me in an environment   I didn't know I needed to be taken care of  ... He was so kind and considerate and cared   about me as a human being." (Emilia Clarke) Momoa was also by her side when she desperately   fought for her life and underwent two  brain surgeries due to aneurysms.   "I've kind of been a part of that  whole situation for a very long time,   so we've had so many scares and trying to find the  right way to come out and help," Momoa recalls.   For the role of Drogo, he also learned the  Dothraki language invented by the original   book's author George Martin (ˈmɑːtɪn) and  linguist David J. Peterson (ˈpiːtəsən), who   adapted the language for the series. The task  was not an easy one, but Jason managed to   find a way to quickly learn Dothraki: he  memorized lines of dialogue like music.   Furthermore, the actor diligently gained weight  on a diet of his favorite beer and pizza.   In the end, Momoa succeeded both the language and  the whole role of a cruel barbarian perfectly. His   character made a very formidable and frightening  impression on the viewer. A scar on his face,   which cut his eyebrow in half, added a special  color to his appearance. It wasn't character   makeup, the scar was real. Jason got it during  a brawl at the Birds Cafe in Hollywood in 2008.   During the fight, the actor was hit in the face by  a broken beer glass. The injury was quite serious,   and Momoa underwent approximately 140 stitches and  facial reconstruction surgery. The attacker was   sentenced to 5 years in prison for his actions. Despite the new career development, Momoa believed   that the image of Drogo did not reveal his  full acting potential. “I mean, where do   you put Drogo? He’s not going in a rom-com.  No one even knew I spoke English,” he said.   The same scene of violence, which was  discussed by the press and fans of the series,   became a painful question. The media asked  the actor about it so often that over time   Jason just started to get annoyed. "Well, it was important to depict   Drogo and his style. You're playing someone  that's like Genghis Khan. It was a really,   really, really hard thing to do. But  my job was to play something like that,   and it's not a nice thing, and it's what  that character was," Momoa explained.   Although Jason was in the main cast  of the series for only one season,   he was remembered by the audience and gained real  world popularity. Did you like Drogo in Game of   Thrones? What’s your favorite character  from the series? Write in the comments!   It seemed that after this breakthrough  there should have been a step to a new   career opportunity, but instead, it was a  start of dark times in the actor’s life.   Rough patch At the same time when the   Game of Thrones was conquering the world, Jason  had another film released, which had every chance   to become successful and breakthrough. He played  Conan in Marcus Nispel's (nɪspᵊlz) Conan the   Barbarian, a remake of the 1982 cult film starring  Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the fight for the role,   Momoa beat out Kellan Lutz (lʌts), the vampire  from Twilight. In preparation for filming,   he completed a 6-week training program at the Los  Angeles Academy Of Movement Arts And Sciences.   "Conan" is considered the actor's first  starring role. And he got it by accident:   even at the audition for "Game of Thrones",  during an impromptu hack dance, he was seen   by Kerry Barden (bɑːdɛn) - Marcus Nispel's  casting director. Right from there he went   to Marcus and declared, "I found you Conan." After that, the actor was awaited by professional   tests and numerous interviews with the management  of the Lionsgate studio. He was very nervous   because he was constantly asked how exactly he  was going to play his character. The solution   was found: remembering the same fight where  Jason received a beer glass on the forehead,   he got so fired up that he impressed the crew  with his temper. "After cooling down a bit,   I asked them: 'So, can I play Conan?' Momoa really loved the very idea and   image of the character of the glorious barbarian.  "Conan does what he wants, lives in the moment. He   wanted to seize the throne, but in general he is  a vagabond, a pirate and a thief by nature. It's   all very fun to play," he explained. But at the same time, Jason wanted to   build his character independently,  adding his own traits and vision.   Filming took place in Bulgaria, and in order to  do his job well, the actor had to train a lot.   Especially considering that he performed about  80 percent of the stunts himself. Yes, Jason   explained, he had good professional stuntmen. But  Conan had his own body language, a peculiarity of   movements. And it was important to convey this. Inset quote: “During the filming, I got bigger   and bigger. It's very difficult to build  muscle and stay lean at the same time! Every   two hours I ate boiled chicken breasts that  tasted like cardboard. Before filming began,   I learned to fight with swords and lifted  weights for six hours a day for a whole month.   I wanted him to be very nimble. It seems that we  managed to capture this cat-like way of moving."   The film had a rather large budget, 90 million  dollars, and was released on screens in 3D format.   All this indicated the expectation of success,  but instead the film became a real disappointment.   The box office gross was just under $49 million,  which was a failure. Critics also panned the film,   pointing out that it concentrates too much  on unnecessary special effects, paying little   attention to dialogue, characters and plot. As  a result, Conan holds a 25% rating on Rotten   Tomatoes and an average rating of 4.3 out of 10. Looking back on this film 10 years later,   Momoa did not hide his disappointment,  admitting that it was not his best work.   Inset quote: "I've been a part of a lot of things  that really sucked, and movies where it's out of   your hands. Conan was one of them. It's one of the  best experiences I had, and it was taken over and   turned into a big pile of s***." (Jason Momoa) But critics noted Momoa's performance:   for the roles of Drogo and Conan, he won the  Male Rising Star nomination at the CinemaCon   Awards 2011. But there was no further  transition to a new level after that.   Momoa's next work was the film Walter Hill’s  “Bullet to the Head” with Sylvester Stallone,   which was released in 2012. Jason  played the role of the antagonist,   the brutal killer Keegan in this film. The film  also flopped at the box office, grossing only   $22.6 million on a $55 million budget. It also  received mediocre ratings, with a 45% on Rotten   Tomatoes and an average score of 5.1 out of 10. After such roles, Jason was firmly established   as an action star, a tough guy with  big muscles but no acting depth. It   is impossible to think that becoming a hostage  of such an image was his goal. Even in life,   Momoa was always very far from the image that  the audience had of him after his roles.   Inset quote: "I may look big and tough, but I'm  not. I'm nothing like Khal Drogo. I'm not even   the king of my own house! I'm absolutely  terrified of my wife." (Jason Momoa)   So, there were serious problems with getting the  desired roles. Momoa joked about that period in   an interview, saying that because of the image of  the sinister Drogo, he had trouble finding work.   During this period, the actor worked on the  Canadian horror films “Debug” and "Wolves”,   which were released in 2014 and did not  receive positive reviews from either the   audience or critics. He also appeared in two  episodes of the comedy series “Drunk History”.   At the same time, Jason was looking for himself  outside of acting, trying his hand as a director   of the dramatic thriller “Road to Paloma”. He also  became a co-author of the script and a producer of   the film. And he played the main role in it,  the Native American and criminal Robert Wolf,   who is hiding from the law because of the  murder of his mother's rapist. Along with him,   Lisa Bonet starred in this film, in  a role that Momoa wrote with her in   mind. The film tells about the injustice of  American laws regarding what is happening   in the reservations of indigenous people. Inset quote: "This was what I wanted to do.   We did this with several of my friends and in the  can it cost about $250,000. We went and shot it,   we lived in the dirt and made art. It was one of  the greatest times of our lives." (Jason Momoa)   Momoa's directorial debut received mixed  reviews from critics and an average rating   of 5.5 out of 10. With a budget of $600,000,  the film grossed 937,000 at the box office.   Looking for something more serious, Momoa  starred in the drama series “The Red Road”,   where he played the criminal Phillip Kopus  (‘kɔpəs). He was able to pass the casting   for this role largely thanks to "Road to Paloma",  which he showed to the producers of the series,   Bridget Carpenter (ˈkɑːpɪntə) and Aaron Guzikowski  (gʊzɪ’kɒvskɪ). The series was well received,   with an average rating of 6.9 out of  10 and a 65% rating on Rotten Tomatoes,   but the ratings did not satisfy the producers  and the show was canceled after 2 seasons.   In 2014, Jason Momoa starred in another thriller  “Sugar Mountain", which was released only at the   end of 2016. At the same time, the historical  series “Frontier” starring Momoa was released   on Netflix. The series tells about the  fur trade in colonial Canada in the 18th   century. Jason plays the brutal trapper Declan  Harp (hɑːp). There were 3 seasons of the show.   The first one had mixed reviews, but critics  noted Momoa's strong performance. He was even   nominated for The Canadian Screen Award for Best  Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role.   This period was very difficult for the actor,  because he could not make the films he wanted,   and the presence of a family with small children  forced him to take any work in the cinema.   Inset quote: "I mean, we were starving after  'Game of Thrones'." I couldn't get work. It's   very challenging when you have babies,  and you're completely in debt. [...] I   worked for a very long time when they  [kids] were young doing sh*t I didn't   want to put food on the table". (Jason Momoa) But all this long and difficult path had to be   passed, because in the future he would  get the role that he could hardly even   hope for. Aquaman   It all started with a cameo in Zack Snyder's  film “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”.   Jason got the role of Aquaman in June 2014.  The actor recalled this moment as follows:   One of the reasons why Jason agreed to  the filming is the image of a superhero   who fights for the ecology of the oceans, which  resonated very much with his life principles.   This impressed him so much that Jason,  not looking particularly at the contract,   agreed to participate in four parts at once. It  didn't matter how many years it would take.   A brief appearance in the film of the DC Universe  eventually grew into a full-fledged franchise   exclusively about Aquaman. But before that,  it was still necessary to wait several years,   and in the meantime, Jason continued to play  in less significant films. But now he at least   was in the company of very famous actors. For example, in 2017, Jason starred in Mark   Cullen's (k-UH-l-uh-nz) film “Once Upon a  Time in Venice” with Bruce Willis. Here,   Momoa played Spider, the leader of a gang  of drug dealers. The film received poor   reviews from critics and grossed less than  $1 million at the international box office.   His next work was Ana Lily Amirpour's  (ə’mɪə’pɔː) film “The Bad Batch”,   a dystopian thriller starring Suki Waterhouse  (ˈwɔːtəhaʊz). In this film, Momoa worked with   such famous actors as Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey and  Giovanni Ribisi (rɪ’bɪzɪ). The movie participated   in the Venice International Film Festival, where  it was nominated for the "Golden Lion" as the   best film and received the Special Jury Prize. Momoa's first full appearance in the DC Universe   was in 2017's Justice League. This film  was also shot by Zack Snyder (snaɪdə), and   the cast included all the main stars: Ben  Affleck (æflək), Henry Cavill (kɛvɪl), Gal   Gadot (gə’dɔt) and others. With a budget  of 300 million dollars, the film earned   almost 660 million dollars at the box office. The movie release was accompanied by scandals,   because Zack Snyder was forced to leave the  project for personal reasons during the shooting.   Because of this, one of the screenwriters,  Joss Whedon (wi:dn), was preparing the film   for release. He quite seriously redid the  picture, and what appeared on the screens   did not satisfy many fans. After that,  Whedon was also accused by some actors   of abuse of power, rudeness and even threats. The story with Ray Fisher (ˈfɪʃə), who played   Cyborg, gained the most publicity. The actor  accused the director of downplaying his role   and removing a large number of scenes with  his character from the film. Jason supported   his colleague by posting on social media.  He noted that the situation with Fisher   and everything that happened during the  filming had to be carefully investigated.   Some scenes with Momoa telling Aquaman's  backstory were also removed from the final   film version. Many fans were disappointed by  this, but Jason took it with understanding.   Inset quote: "The whole Atlantean part,  about me being this reluctant king. There   was no need for it because you're going to  see it in Aquaman. It's not an Aquaman movie,   it's a Justice League movie." (Jason Momoa) In general, the film received rather mediocre   reviews from critics. They noted the  good acting and the fight scenes,   but pointed out the weakness of the plot. On  Rotten Tomatoes, its rating was 68%. As for Momoa,   the character played by him was considered  by many to be one of the best discoveries   of this film, revealing Aquaman in a new way. In October 2017, after 12 years of relationship,   Jason married Lisa Bonet. This came as  a surprise, because most people believed   that they became a couple back in 2007. The  ceremony was secret, only the closest people   were invited to it. But the secret quickly  became known to everyone, as someone leaked   information about the wedding to the media. Inset quote: “Some a**hole leaked it. […] You   know what, I've been married to my wife for 12  years. It's just a gathering of our families   and celebrating our love." (Jason Momoa) After the role in the high-profile franchise,   Momoa again took up the creation of his own  project. In 2018, he released the thriller   “Braven”, in which he played the lead role and  also acted as a producer. His company Pride of   Gypsies was involved in the issue. The movie  tells about a woodcutter who lives in a hut   far away in the mountains and has to protect  his family from a group of drug dealers. The   thriller received positive reviews from critics:  on Rotten Tomatoes, its rating was 77%. The   audience rated the film even higher: by 80%. In the same 2018, Aquaman, directed by James   Wan (wɑːn) was finally released. Stars such as  Amber Heard (hɜːd), Willem Dafoe (dəfəʊ), Nicole   Kidman (kɪdmən), Dolph Lundgren (lɵŋɡɾeːn)  became Momoa's partners on the set.   Jason had a lot of fun on the film set: as he  later admitted, almost all of his colleagues,   except for Nicole Kidman, became victims  of his pranks. For example, Amber Heard,   who played Mera, Aquaman's lover, recalled  working with Momoa on the set like this:   After his role in Justice League, there was no  doubt that Momoa was the right choice for Aquaman.   The actor, who grew up combining life between  the island of Hawaii and the mainland of Iowa,   like no other managed to embody the image of  Aquaman, who belonged to two different worlds:   human and underwater. He looked like he was  born for the role, despite the fact that he   looked nothing like the comic book character. Aquaman appeared in the comics back in the 40s,   but was not as popular as other heroes. On  the contrary, he was more often ridiculed   and thought that his powers were not  very helpful in saving the world.   And the fact that Arthur Curry (ˈkʌri) was  not a very interesting character for the   public made it possible to build his story  in films almost from scratch. Zack Snyder,   who chose Momoa for the role of Aquaman, gave  him complete freedom in creating the character,   allowing him to freely interpret his role. James Wan offered him the same, allowing   Jason to shape the image of his hero himself.  His Aquaman was not at all like the Arthur   Curry from the comics, who was portrayed as  very serious and regal. Momoa's character,   on the other hand, was a more down-to-earth, fun  guy who doesn't take himself too seriously and   likes to drink beer at the bar. Jason's  tattoos also became an important part of   Aquaman's image - they decided not to remove  them, but rather to leave them in the film.   The director also reworked the character's  backstory and generally worked on the film   using an approach that was not  typical of superhero films.   Inset quote: "My template [for 'Aquaman'] wasn't  other superhero films. My template was more like   traditional adventure-fantasy films or  coming-of-age stories, rite of passage   and all of that kind of stuff." (James Wan) The film received rather positive reviews from   both viewers and critics, but its best assessment  was a resounding success at the box office.   The movie, with a budget of up to 200 million  dollars, grossed more than 1 billion worldwide,   making it the highest-grossing of all DC heroes.  Not bad for the most mocked character in comics,   right? Aquaman also won the 2019  Chinese American Film Festival   as the most popular American film in China. The actor admitted that he was very impressed   by the film's success. He was sure that in his  past there were many wonderful projects that   had not been properly appreciated. But he does not  work for world recognition. "I don't go do things   and think, Oh, I'm gonna get $1 billion on this  one. I go in and do my best job,” he explained.   For Jason, the role of Aquaman was not only  an opportunity to show himself in a big movie,   but also allowed him to convey quite important  things to the world through his character. A   childhood fascination with the ocean and its  inhabitants helped Momoa understand all the   harm humanity is doing to them. Therefore, like  his character, who became the protector of the   underwater world, Jason started a whole campaign,  the goal of which was to draw attention to the   problem of pollution of the world's oceans. Inset quote: "Aquaman is the most made-fun-of   superhero in the world. But it's amazing  to be able to bring awareness of what is   happening to our planet. It's not some  story that's been told over and over,   [it's a] movie about what's happening right  now but in a fantasy world." (Jason Momoa)   Momoa is very serious about eco-activism. He  is especially concerned about the problem of   using single-use plastic, which pollutes  the planet by getting into the ocean. To   help solve this problem, he started the  business of releasing Mananalu water in   recyclable and reusable aluminum bottles.  "We're just killing our planet. We're choking   our planet out. Why the f**k are you drinking  out of a plastic bottle of water?” he said.   Momoa also created the company On the Roam, which,  in collaboration with the clothing brand So iLL,   is engaged in the production of clothing for  outdoor activities. Among their creations,   for example, are ecological  vegan sneakers made of algae.   As a native of Hawaii, Momoa is also active  in protecting the nature of his home island.   The actor took part in protests against the  construction of a telescope on top of Mauna   Kea ([MOW] + [NUH] + [KAY] + [UH]), which  is considered sacred to Hawaiians. Other   celebrities who supported the protesters included  actor Dwayne Johnson (ˈʤɒnsᵊn) and singer Bruno   Mars (mɑːz). Protests eventually gave results,  the construction of the telescope was canceled.   But one of his most important achievements  was a speech at a meeting of the United   Nations dedicated to small island states. Momoa  talked about the disaster for the islands caused   by the activities of the so-called first world  countries: emissions that lead to climate change   and ocean pollution. All this can eventually lead  to the disappearance of small island countries,   and eventually to the destruction of  the nature of our planet in general.   In an interview, he recalled how nervous he was  during his first performance. It was scary for   Momoa to stand in front of the whole world, in  front of his own children, who were looking at   him. "I couldn't chicken out of it and try to do  some fake stuff. I practice what I preach. Get up   there, say what's important, and fight," he said. In 2022, Momoa was appointed Advocate for Life   Below Water under the UN program,  which once again emphasized his   significant contribution to the protection  of the marine environment of our planet.   Inset quote: "With this designation, I hope  to continue my own journey to protect and   conserve the ocean and all living things on our  beautiful blue planet, for our generation and   the generations to come." (Jason Momoa) Momoa wanted to highlight the problem of   environmental threats in the Aquaman sequel,  Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. Together with Brian   Mendoza (men-DOE-za), he wrote more than 50 pages  of the film script, but the studio did not want to   follow him, which greatly disappointed the actor. Since 2019, he has starred as Chief Baba Voss in   3 seasons of “See”, released on Apple TV+.  This dystopia tells about a post-apocalyptic   world of the distant future, where  people have lost the ability to see.   They say that the filming of the pilot series cost  Apple approximately 15 million dollars, which is   the most expensive pilot in the history of  television according to the actor's version.   It's a controversial statement, but Jason  is proud of the project and it shows in his   words. Momoa plays one of the chieftains  of the tribe who remained alive after a   terrible epidemic. In the series, he is dressed  in skins, carries a cane and a samurai sword.   In order to play a character who lives in a  world where sight is officially forbidden and   equated to witchcraft, the actor lived in  a sleeping mask for several weeks. He also   consulted one of the project coordinators, who  was visually impaired from birth. "It's amazing   how differently you begin to feel your body," says  Jason. "Other senses are awakened - touch, smell,   hearing, to some extent even echolocation." During the same period, Momoa produced the   action-thriller “Sweet Girl", in which he played  the lead role, and the documentary “Gather”,   which told the story of the indigenous peoples  of the United States trying to restore their   traditional ways of eating and cooking. The latter  was well received and noted as raising important   global issues. It also won Best Documentary at  the Red Nation Film Festival Awards in 2020.   Momoa also did not forget about his family.  In 2019, on Father's Day, he released a video   in which he told how he and his children  assembled a Harley-Davidson from scratch.   It was his long-time dream, from the moment when  he, as a young 19-year-old boy, bought a broken   engine to later assemble a motorcycle from it. He had to wait 20 long years for this dream to   come true. And it ended up being something  really special, because Jason managed to   do it together with his children. This made  Harley a real family heirloom, which Momoa   plans to pass on to his son in the future. In August 2020, he gave his beloved wife   an incredibly romantic gift that he had  been preparing for 14 long years. Momoa   managed to completely restore Lisa's car,  which she had when she was 17 years old:   a beautiful 1965 Ford Mustang convertible. Inset quote: "I know we can't relive a memory,   but maybe we can rebuild one. This  is a big dream come true because   this was my wife's first car." (Jason Momoa) Before we continue the story of Jason's life path,   we suggest you click the "subscribe"  button and the bell. This will help   you not miss new videos about your favorite  celebrities. So, subscribe and let's continue!   New horizons After the huge success of Aquaman, Momoa   finally got the opportunity to do something in the  movies that was previously unattainable for him.   He began to be offered roles in  more interesting projects for him,   where he could work with well-known masters, such  as in 2019, when Momoa received an offer from   director Denis Villeneuve (vɪlnɒv) to star in his  new film “Dune” as Duncan Idaho (ˈaɪdəhəʊ). Momoa,   who called Denis one of his favorite directors,  was shocked and intimidated by the prospect of   working with him and so many famous actors. But,  of course, he couldn’t refuse such a rare offer.   During an interview with the editors of Men's  Health, Denis admitted that he offered Jason Momoa   the role without much thought: "I immediately  decided that Jason would be perfect for his role.   Like Duncan Idaho, Jason has a crazy charisma  that draws people to him like a magnet. Momoa   is a natural element, he is larger than life" For Momoa, signing a contract to participate   in the film was a huge event and he  was terribly worried. "I've never   been so nervous before," Jason said. Among the actor's partners on the set,   besides Timothée Chalamet (ʃala’meɪ), was the  Oscar winner Javier Bardem (xaˈβjeɾ βaɾˈðen), from   working with whom Momoa had very vivid memories. Inset quote: "We were sitting at this table,   and the scene is all about Javier walking into  the room. I've never seen someone strut into a   room like such a boss. He just comes right  up to this table and stares everybody down.   He's glaring at everyone else but giving me a  little bit of a twinkle, and I'm just giggling   inside because I can't believe I'm at  this table right now." (Jason Momoa)   Other actors noted that Jason's energy played  a huge role in creating chemistry between them   all on set. Villeneuve and Chalamet  talked about his positive attitude,   which constantly energized others, creating  a fun, sociable atmosphere on the set.   "Jason inspires a collective spirit in everyone  around him," says Timothée Chalamet. “He sincerely   enjoys the process of shooting the film and  shares this joy with the rest. He revels in   the sense of friendly mutual assistance in the  team during filming, and therefore it is great   to be around him, especially for novice actors." Villeneuve had similar feelings in the presence   of Momoa: "Jason has an extremely contagious  form of positive attitude towards life. When   he appeared on the set, we physically felt  the wave of energy emanating from him."   Dune managed to collect 402 million dollars at the  box office and was received very warmly by critics   and audiences. The film received many awards and  nominations, including Academy Awards, Golden   Globe Awards and British Academy Film Awards. Momoa's next work was the fantasy adventure film   “Slumberland” directed by Francis Lawrence  (ˈlɒrəns). The actor got the role of Flip,   a cute swindler-robber who accompanies the  main character. For Momoa, it was the first   opportunity to try himself in a comedic  role. And, although the film received not   very favorable reviews from critics, Jason  was liked by the audience, who noted that   his character turned out to be very funny. After watching the movie the actor noted:   Inset quote: "I've got to tell you, to play in  this role really unlocked a lot of things for   me. I actually got to watch it with my children  yesterday and with Marlow and her family. It's   weird when you tear up watching your own stuff.  It blew me away, and I was just so emotional.   This role just let me really be free, and  the character is so fun." (Jason Momoa)   His children were with him on  the set, and not only had fun,   but also helped the filming process. "We were there for most of the time.   It was incredible”, Lola Momoa recalled. “Me  and my friends choreographed a dance routine   to 'Don't Start Now' by Dua Lipa, and my dad  loved the dance so he put it in the movie»   The actor is not ashamed to show himself in public  and look funny. So, during Jimmy Kimmel's show,   he undressed while performing "sex tasks",  opened a can of tuna with his biceps,   and smeared himself with disinfectant. There is no need to say about the actor's   way of ironing his clothes, it's better to look: Continuing to work as a producer and screenwriter,   Momoa released The Last Manhunt in 2022.  The movie reinterprets the real Western   story of the thief Willie Boy from the  point of view of Native Americans.   Moreover, the actor has continued to expand  his acting range, taking on roles that are   unlike the stereotypical male characters he  has played in the past. Masculinity in film   is beginning to be re-examined and changed,  which opens up opportunities for Momoa as   well. He has always been an advocate that there  is nothing wrong with loving the pink color,   being a sensitive man, not being afraid to cry. Inset quote: “It’s been hard because people   always think I’m just this dude who plays  [macho characters]. "But I want to be moved,   I want something new. Things are  changing, and even the villain roles   I'm playing now are eccentric." (Jason Momoa) Despite his brutal appearance, with a long beard   and immense shoulders, Momoa challenges the  modern idea of masculinity and shows himself   as a progressive man. “I may look big and tough,  but I'm not. I'm nothing like Khal Drogo. I'm not   even the king of my own house! I'm absolutely  terrified of my wife,” the actor once said.   He does not think that it is necessary to hide his  emotions, and he can easily tell how he cried on   his daughter’s 13th birthday, or how he regularly  communicates with his aumakua (ɒma’kʊə) - the   Hawaiians call it the spirit of their ancestors. Courage also extends to the choice of films.   That was the role he played in the 10th film of  the cult Fast and Furious franchise directed by   Louis Leterrier (lwi lɛtɛʁje). Jason had seen  the first and fifth films in the franchise and   thought they were pretty cool. But he agreed to  participate in the project on his own terms. "I   talked to Vin and said, 'Yo, Daddy-o, I'm  here to support you, but I'm going to do it   my way. I'm going to be a bad man, and you're  going to want to take me out!'” he recalled.   His Dante Reyes (ˌriːˈjɛs) drives a lilac  car and paints his toenails pink and purple,   defying the typical masculinity  of movie villains of the past.   Momoa says that Leterrier and Vin Diesel  (ˈdiːzᵊl) respected and supported his "weird and   bold" choice, pushing him to explore more of the  character. "Jason brings the humor, the panache,   so much pink, purple, and fuchsia, beautiful  silk, and he's not afraid to improvise and take   risks," Letterier says. "He's also a fantastic  action actor—he will perform all his stunts,   he will ride his bikes, he will drive his cars,  he will sing his own songs. He’s just a force.”   Whether he succeeded in this image is a  question for the audience. You can share   your impressions about Jason’s character  in the comments if you watched this movie.   By the way, about pink. The actor openly declares  that this color is very important to him and is   not ashamed to remove his lion's mane in a  ponytail with the help of a pink scrunchie,   especially noting to the inquisitive press that  this is his accessory. It was in it that Jason   appeared at the premiere of the final season of  "Game of Thrones", which blew up the Internet.   And in 16 years, he changed 55 pink Cadillacs,  and recently his brand So iLL started producing   pink face masks. The actor explains his  love for the delicate color as follows:   "Pink lowers testosterone, soothes. I have  many different things in this color. I do   not know why. Pink is just a beautiful color." Since Momoa is a huge fan of motorcycles, it was a   real pleasure for him to drive around the streets  of Rome at breakneck speed on a Harley while   filming another movie of The Fast and the Furious.  Therefore, despite the presence of a double,   he performed some scenes on a motorcycle himself. Inset quote: "Jason brings the humor, the panache,   so much pink, purple, and fuchsia, beautiful  silk, and he's not afraid to improvise and take   risks. He's also a fantastic action actor—he will  perform all his stunts, he will ride his bikes,   he will drive his cars, he will sing his own  songs. He's just a force." (Louis Leterrier)   After receiving mediocre reviews from critics,  it was more positively received by the audience.   In January 2022, the actor shocked society with  the news of his divorce from Lisa Bonet, after   17 years of marriage. According to an anonymous  source, they had different visions for the future,   with Jason wanting more movement and travel, while  Lisa wanted to settle down and spend more time at   home. But they remained friends, who continue to  talk and spend time together with the children,   as they did during the 2022 Christmas break. After the divorce from Bonet, there were rumors   about Momoa's relationship with actress Eiza  González (ɡɒnˈzælɛz). But according to sources,   there is nothing serious between them,  they are just having fun together.   Moreover, the actor was credited with  a relationship with Kate Beckinsale   (bɛkɪnseɪl) after he gave her his jacket at the  Oscars. But Jason denies the relationship. "It   was crazy," Jason told "Extra" about the  rumors of their romance. "Talk to a woman   about her country... I was in England filming  Aquaman 2." Everyone's like, "Are you dating?"   No no. It was just an act of chivalry, the woman  just froze. …“I was very kind, just a gentleman.   Now I will not give my coat to anyone!” The actor is currently working on a project   that has been his dream for a long time,  but only became a reality now that he has   more opportunities thanks to Aquaman. Chief of  War is an 8-episode miniseries for Apple TV+   that tells the story of the unification of the  Hawaiian Islands in the 18th and 19th centuries,   based on the true story of Hawaiian  Chief Ka'iana. Jason stars in it,   and also acts as a director and producer. In an interview, he admitted that he wanted   to tell this story for a long time. But he  had to wait until his career reached the   right level. During the interview, he called  it “holy grail,” “my baby,” and “my dream.”   For Momoa, this project became a true tribute  to his people, the indigenous tribes, from   whom everything was taken, starting with their  language. And now he is trying to return to them,   to rebuild the destroyed bridges. The first two  episodes of the series were filmed exclusively   in the Hawaiian language, which is also  very important, because the majority of the   population of Hawaii does not even speak it. It is the largest Indigenous TV series ever   produced. The show is written by Hawaiians and  most of the cast is Hawaiian and Polynesian.   Inset quote: "I never thought it would be  this big. It's the hardest, most challenging,   most demanding thing I've ever done. It's the last  big dream I have left. Everything else is just   kind of 'actor for hire,' but this is my homage  to my people. We have so many beautiful stories in   Hawaii that no one knows about. All I care about  is just doing right by my people." (Jason Momoa)   Now Jason Momoa feels in his place: he has  a wonderful family and many close people. He   lives in Oakland (ˈəʊklənd), nesting in a duplex  warehouse surrounded by the things and people   helping him be creative: his own kettlebells  and boxing gear, his vinyl, his guitars,   his mountain bikes, his vintage Land Rover,  and a fridgeful of packs of poi (a Polynesian   snack made from taro root, bananas, or pineapple  mixed with coconut cream) and cans of Guinness,   plus a chef, a trainer, a Hawaiian-language  teacher, and a squad of artistic collaborators   he's worked with for years at his  production company, Pride of Gypsies.   Moreover, the actor is constantly looking for new  ways to show his entrepreneurial spirit. In one   way or another, he has something to do with the  production of nylon surf pants, pink wetsuits and   climbing bags, hiking backpacks, handmade knives  and reusable water bottles. Mananalu Pure Water,   created by the actor - a brand of aluminum  bottles that are completely recyclable.   And also, in collaboration with the already  mentioned brand of sports shoes So iLL,   he tries to draw attention to the advanced  technologies used by the company.   He is engaged in important work, drawing public  attention to the environmental problems of our   planet. Also, Jason Momoa worked hard to  reach the peak of his career and now he   can finally afford to do what he really likes. Inset quote: "It's really cool to be up here as   an actor, but this is not what I wanna do for  a living. It's just a moment in time. I want   to go back to making art, to painting,  to writing, you know, raising a family,   and then making significant environmental changes.  I'll do movies just to entertain." (Jason Momoa)   His name finally became a guarantee of a  green light for the project. Now he has   the power and opportunity to speak  about what he thinks is important.   Aquaman, like Khal Drogo before him, became  Jason's ticket to a better future. It is not yet   known what will happen next for his superhero in  the DC universe after the release of the 2nd film,   but we are sure that the actor will fit  perfectly into any superhero story.   What new challenges await Jason?  We will probably find out soon.   He admits: acting is not the only thing  he wants to do in life. There is art,   painting, and writing. And of course -  the expansion of activities to protect   the interests of the planet. We hope we've shown you a slightly   different side of Jason Momoa. And if you  also want to discover something interesting   about other celebrities, click on the icons  that appeared on your screen to see our other   videos. Also like this video if you enjoyed  watching it. It was Biographer. See you soon!
Channel: Biographer
Views: 421,275
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Keywords: Jason Momoa biography, Jason Momoa life story, Jason Momoa personal life, Jason Momoa scandals, Jason Momoa interview, Jason Momoa awards, Jason Momoa real estate, Jason Momoa houses, Jason Momoa facts, Jason Momoa movies, Jason Momoa family, Jason Momoa kids, Jason Momoa wife, Jason Momoa divorсe, Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet, Jason Momoa Aquaman, Conan the Barbarian, Game of Thrones, Justice League, Dune, Fast X, The Flash, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Baywatch, biographer
Id: a5zruP6QUCE
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Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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