Jason Crabb - God Can Bless After A Mess!

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we are counting it a blessing to have for the first time on 100 Huntley Street the winner of a Grammy for his first solo album and 10 time Dove Award winner two of them this year singer/songwriter Jason Crabb Jason sweetheart oh I love that southern warmth and some people are just thrilled to see you here particularly here in Canada the Gaither Homecoming fans I love Canada those who've been part of a phenomenon well we jump out of the plane and just take a deep breath y'all's air is just gorgeous up here you've had just a stunning career yeah just hit a couple of the highlights I want to hit a couple more uh the crab family was a starting place with your siblings well you know I'm just it's been amazing you know to be honest and here's the here's the thing of it you just take your life and you go okay I'm no good at controlling it and you just give it over to God and say you know what do you take the reins and you do what you want with me because you're the one that spoke me into existence breathe life into my body you have a plan for me I'm just ready for the ride and that's what it is because only God can do things that that you're not capable of for sure you were 23 when you sang with your sibs at Carnegie Hall yeah Wow Wow that was one of those good ol boy moments like golly what am I doing here you gotta thing and Bill Gaither says you decided to divide and conquer and you really all have your twin brothers you want to let me just see all of them here you tell me Erin and Adam are the twin brothers right are the twin brothers Erin is at Cornerstone music minister at John Hagee's church right now yeah he's helping them out Adam is travelling singing just came back from Europe Mike and Kelly and Tara which are the Matisse's yeah two sisters they're traveling in a group together called the Boland family and then I'm on my own try and I say my own as a solo artist but I've got a wonderful band that travels with me every place I go dad's writing songs everybody's just just doing just you know traveling and preaching now there's one sister who isn't musical her gifts are others yeah yeah yeah her gifts are others but you know she she was just the one that didn't really pursue it she probably could have but you know just your interests her interest was different one of the stellar moments you participated in the farewell Crusade for Billy Graham Wow York City I'm about 5 mm yes I'll never forget that um 20,000 uh 110,000 I'm sorry hey no that's fine it was a hug not a number there was a hundred and ten thousand people there in the park but I'll never forget the call a Carroll symbol er called me we just recorded a song called I'm amazed on their record she's choir director for the Brooklyn Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and she called and she said we were invited well this was the week of my vacation with my family you barely got a vacation I mean you just rarely did and so Carol called and said would you be interested in coming and singing at this event that they asked us to sing we want we're gonna do I'm amazing want you to do it if you if you will I said well I don't know and she said I then I asked I said well what's the event and she goes well it's the farewell Billy Graham crusade and I said well let me think about it I think I'll go yeah so we so we went and it was just amazing to be a part of that you know it these stories that glitter are so much more meaningful when we discover that the blessings have come out of brokenness uh-huh tell us about your dad's journey let me look just say one of the most prolific songwriters south of the border when it comes to this kind of music yeah Gerald my dad is a very very gifted you know it God just really you know the scripture said calling is without repentance and when you're called that's just the way that it is my dad was a the young ages in my life he was a minister I had a beautiful family we didn't have much we had some humble beginnings but we did have love for each other and and there was some rough times and I think you know I wish I could say man what I'm getting ready to tell you I knew exactly you know what caused it and what drove it to this but if I could come up with that man I could I can really have a book you know but my dad and mother my dad got really frustrated with life and turned to the bottle and my mom and dad divorced the family was broken just all in two pieces and you know a lot of people think oh they got back together is that where the Kraft family came from and truthfully this is the first time I really ever shared this on TV but it's not my dad met another woman later on in life and she was good for him she really pulled his songwriting out of him but it didn't happen until he was trying to run a little car wash business in beaver dam Kentucky and couldn't stay off the bottle very much and about to lose it business and one day the Lord just really dealt with him and said you know this this is bigger than you know it's bigger than what you're letting on you you know he really became couldn't function without it and and so God met him right there in that little old car wash floor and he got down on his knees and prayed a prayer of forgiveness my mother you know is now remarried and married to a wonderful man and you know there is a and this is you know the church really doesn't know how to deal with divorce so they don't mind it a lot of times they don't know how to deal with certain things but I'll be honest I'm living proof that God can bless after Massa God can bless after a mess like that uh you know what it is true he can and no matter where we're at or what we've done he still loves us I was thrilled to see that later on your dad would pastor a church with no real parsonage you set up home in the sunday-school rooms and really I think that platform in the church was a call to you musical crabs come on out and it's rash it's really wild you know when when dad decided to pass through that church or take that church over there was no parsonage and so they built you know rooms out of sunday-school rooms and so from me driving back from my mother's house now going to dad's house that's where we stayed when we were at my dad's house you know in the back in the back rooms and the parsonage there and we would walk out and I'll never forget this this is the truth one of the first times that I heard the Gators sing the very reason that I started singing I always loved to play music my dad was musical I was always at you know helping him you know do whatever I would sing maybe a special or whatever but it was in that church in the back room in that part in it what we had made out of a house it was the parsonage there was a man that stepped across the stage name Mike English that that they handed a mic to and he started singing on a Gaither Homecoming video one of the very first ones Josh suppose God search to heaven God you know the had it not been did not be well I mean and so I'm like who is that and so the next thing you know God was preparing a platform and it was just right outside those doors we have some pictures we'll just give people a little taste of wow your life let's go here first your family oh that's my beautiful wife Shelley we've been married now 12 years and then that's Ashley she is seven now and then Emma she is five a beautiful family hard to be away from them now I understand this is one of your favorite day oh you're the cook well yeah we tried it we try to do that it's it's very delicious it's called Low Country ball and what you do is you just get all these little ingredients but such as shrimp and and you know sausage and potatoes and baby carrots and corn and you just and get that get that oh base sauce you know that you put together and put that all in there dump it out making me hungry Oh chicken screams let's go to the next one whoo you you were part of the Dove Awards yeah we were we were there receiving a Radel Ford I think that pictures would this last year yeah some year so price is right well that's funny that was after that was after the Grammys we had two days still to go a little lady that we had met out front she got called down and she what happens is drew interviews you after it's over with and and she worn a motorcycle this lady that we'd met she came down sitting a seat drew says you know where you're from because they're switching out the games and so after that you know he turns to walk off and to get ready to do the next game she stands up and says hey drew that boy back there want to grab me the other day and he said really come up here and sing us a song and so oh you weren't playing the game no no oh he just found a celebrity in the audience so so he called us up and I sang a little song to my wife you know you are so beautiful and I sang it to her he goes man you can't sing he said we'll pull your record up after the next game and play some of the songs off of it and I got to meet him and talk with him and he said he said well you made a little money off of me and I said really he said yep I will go download your new record when I get home so that's kind of cool Oh wonderful highlights wonderful wonderful career and you are on the road with another former Gaither Vocal Band star he's been here recently great man great man got pinned on he's uh he's just I'll never forget the first time that I heard him singing he's singing a song called count on me on the I went and bought the Gaither Vocal Band new record because you know I'm at this time I've listened to all of my canvases stuff with the Gators and I've listened to Buddy Mullins you know with the Gators and now who's the new lead singer and he sings this song called count on me and just knocks it out of the park and I'm like wow who is this guy you know if you'd so tall and looks like he ought to be in a Western and we become good friends his breathe deep CD is the best-selling release in Southern Gospel this year yeah guy Penrod and you two have an eighth let me see how many cities eighteen eighteen cities yeah tour so if you're in the US it carries on until November 18th Jason Crabb calm if you want to check the tour schedule and if you want to do one of them up here well this is my hope okay now we start will warm em up here in these next two weeks these two weeks of giving thanks and I'm sure just give us how just give us go go don't you go away we'll be right
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 149,535
Rating: 4.8979592 out of 5
Keywords: interview, huntleystreet, oct-27-10, HS8705, 100huntley, christian
Id: eowMRBv2tIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2010
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