Jasmine Mays Trusted God for a New Job and She Got It!

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my name is Jazmin means men from Las Vegas and I kind of grew up knowing about Kenneth Copeland ministries my parents had these matching kick open Bibles my mom had a burgundy one and my dad had a black leather cover when their names are inscribed pretty young I decided I wanted to be an accountant and I kind of just stuck with it I guess and going to college getting my bachelor's and master's degree in accounting from UNLV so I got the job with the big CPA firm a couple years in so I had two years in order to get my CPA license requirement so I knew I was gonna be in there for two years it was very unexpected the way that things were we started working at 60 to 90 our weeks just lots of demands lots of challenges not the people and I was the different one I was the only minority on my team I was only pushing one on my team I was only one who is like in the fitness in my team I was like the oddball like on my team and as the two years got closer and closer to the end I mean like it got worse and worse because I went from working 1690s but then I was on where no one wants member team no one must pick me up no one wants Jasmine on their team and I remember just sitting in the office just like hiding for people they don't want anybody to see or know that no one was a pygmy and so at my desk who took our headphones so I put my headphones in now we just listen to Casey and listen to Billy Bram listening all day long and that helped me that was really when I started having like a regular diet of the Word of God every single day really like listening learning on a daily basis letting everything go in and sometimes I wasn't even paying attention to what was being said you know was I'm working or whatever I just I know my spirit is feeding and everything that helps to carry me through the whole situation had to be there until September July we came to the KCM a meeting and so the first thing I was there was Tuesday morning and I had been looking around for a job I had because I knew I was coming to the end in September I'm gonna have to find a new job Jerry Savelle had just come up to the platform as I sat in my seat and so he says if you're looking for a job I want you stand up the jobs and better jobs are opening and their behalf in Jesus name [Applause] I was supposed to be there this was for me so that boost in my faith did is give me confidence you know what I all though I don't know what's gonna happen where I'm gonna be going how it's all gonna play out I knew God has a plan for me so I went back to Las Vegas went back to my hiding and man cubicle and I got a call from the head partner and Billy from HR like in August I'm thinking oh my gosh what's gonna happen now and so they made me an offer where I could become an inactive employees so I would still be an employee but I wouldn't be required to come to the office I could still be in the company for a certain amount of time finish my requirements to get my CPA license but I wouldn't have to be there at the office anymore and I thought it was just like the biggest I mean I thought it was completely gone because the way they scared they would be setting up as I said on my salary everything on my benefits everything I could still get until October I left the company and then I started believe in God for my new job okay so I made a list what do you want the new job to be no one be flexible I wanted to make good money oh I had a great boss but I really really loved I want to have good benefits I wanted to live work in a nice atmosphere Jasmine Mayes pursued many opportunities and countless interviews without one offer this process continued for over six months finally one month following two very promising interviews with the same employer jasmine received a very important phone call I got a call back from that same lady who originally interviewed me and she says you know it's been a whole month and I've interviewed dozens of people and she says but you're the only person I kept remembering your name your answers your words she says I compared everyone else to you you were the first person I talked to and that you're the person for this job she made me the offer another offer that she made me was eight thousand dollars per year more than what I asked God for everything that I asked God for on that list was there we have casual clothes I love my team I love who I work with I mean I feel like we're family as opposed to before my other job people didn't even talk to me too and be around me everyone knows I'm a Christian I had my kid coping calendar up in my cubicle and everyone sees it and so what did you say this one it seems to me you've been given a gift that some people never get some people don't get until they're 30 years older than you are and that is in finding out who you really are you know who you are yeah who are you I'm a daughter of God he was
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 20,837
Rating: 4.9899497 out of 5
Keywords: trusting God for a new job, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, KCM, KCM Partnership
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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