Jasmine Guy | Sherri Shepherd

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please welcome Jasmine [Applause] Guy I'm going to give you this cuz I girl oh my God oh my gosh I first of all I just want to say this is first time that we're formally meeting yes Jasmine but you don't even know but I saw you I was a legal secretary a while ago and you came to a bank uh where I work in Beverly Hills and I was behind you as you were standing in line and you turned around and you smiled and I just kept staring at you like I was a legal secretary and I always wanted to say hello so I get to say hi now you get to say hi now sh I'm so happy you know I heard you mention my name on on your show last week and I called my publicist I was like Sher Sherry Seer said she wants to me on the show happen oh my gosh well thank you for making it happen J that was so nice of you that was so nice of you to give me a shout out like that we just love you and we and we want to congratulate you on your first Emy award win like this is this is long overdue how did it feel well I have to say I was surprised at how excited I was when I won like I didn't realize it meant that much to me you know um yeah it was I was with my sister yes it was just like the old days when I used to go to the image Awards or Soul Train Awards I always had my sister with with me yeah and my best friend from ninth grade is here oh that's what I'm talking about the ninth grade ninth grak she loves your show she said I'm going I'm going with you to New York York so I well you said well come on come on then I love that you were with your crew and I heard that your sister told you to sit like a lady because she sensed you were going to win she I was sitting on the aisle where the camera goes by but I was sitting like this just happy to be outside the house oh that's a pretty dress oh they look good and then she said Jasmine close your legs so I I was like okay and then right before um she said I think you're gonna win what are you gonna say and I went talking points and she gave me my talking points she used to do that for me like when I was on our CIO she said you need to know what you're going to say cuz I'll ramble and not even promote whatever I was there for like damn so for you I I love this as well because this touched my heart you won an eny for The Chronicles of Jessica woo and which it shines a light on autism yes and that's special so can you tell us about that this was a um this is a small production company a husband and wife yeah uh Zay hubber and and Kimberly hubber and they have a 13-year-old daughter with autism all of their work goes towards the foundation of educating and supporting children and and families of autistic children yeah thank you for that okay and now we also we loved oh and there's a character in the show that has autism that has autism but she's a Superhero oh he has special powers and this is I love it I love it how they Shine the Light on that now A Different World We love a different world and now you dedicated your Emy to a different world why' you do that I just um I loved you know doing Jessica woo but a different world was six years of our lives and we're still very close and we're family and I always encourage them I used to say to them cuz they're younger than me mhm not anymore now we're all the same now the same age it's funny how that they caught up to each other um yeah it was about the work I said don't get caught up in the praise yes we praise each other we support each other it it was the show that was important yeah and I felt that that eny was shining because of them because you all deie Allen Susan all of our writers you know and so and it was profound that I felt that the minute I saw Daryl Bell he was at the after uh party and he walked in and I was holding I was holding it like this like I it just felt like look what we did yes because that was such an iconic show that didn't get the the recognition that it should have gotten we that was our show you know it a different world just affected people so much that even our EP our executive producer John Murray he went to an HBCU norfol State University behold the green and the he chose Northfolk State University after seeing the show okay so do you hear that kind of story from students all over oh yes very powerful yeah enrollment almost tripled while we were on the um Air at HBCU yeah people grew up with us you know what I mean and if you were in college in real time with the show um you know in the early '90s um you really feel like we we went to the same school yes absolutely I have the um bad news that Helman is fictitious I had to tell people cuz they're like you thought it was real yeah they they're like how do how do I apply to helmet I said well you can't go to Mission and you can't go to him and both the shows um that I graduated from the colleges I graduated from were ficticious we're petitious exactly now you know I remember watching a different world and seeing Tupac on the show he guest started on the show and you guys became really close and even he stayed with you after he was shot can you tell us about that well the development was after the shooting in New York first of all I was hanging out with Tupac because he was good friends with Jada with Jada and we were always hanging out after the show I mean we anyway so when he got shot it was about 3 or 4 months later and I went to New York with Jada and thought we were going to the hospital to Belleview but he had left already okay I said he was shot five times and he's not here you know right well he didn't feel safe there you know he did just get shot he doesn't know he felt like a Sitting Duck you know what I mean and because I had a low profile and they didn't know were friends yeah nobody but it kind of felt like the Diary of Anne Frank cuz I couldn't tell anybody it was there he was staying with you yeah for a couple of weeks until his wounds had healed and his whole family was in there his mom aeny glow the kids cousins everybody was in your house in my in that one room yeah right right and I was like if we're going to keep it peaceful everybody has to leave by 10 p.m. and and that lasted about 2 days yeah girl you know us people no you don't understand Shakur the Shakur don't go nowhere Shak yeah we going to show you how to have a family life it was fun I mean other than the stress of it right it's so funny when you talk about speaking or going nowhere cuz there was one other uh flower that I wanted to give you I loved you as Dena in school days school days was my that was my movie cuz you don't want to be alone tonight that right there it's just you are so relevant your work in everybody's you know it's just everybody has a favorite memory of school days of a different world why you think you resonate with so many people Jasmine I don't know I mean the timing of those shows was back to back I did school days Robbie Reid was casting she brought a lot of us that were in school days into um read for the new Lisa Bonet show yeah so the the timing was like back to back and and so much fun I mean we stayed in hotels when we did school days but it felt like dorms yes people looking at the people to see who's going in and out of each other's room it was a very fun hot you know cast of people in that school days I love it and it was fun then and you've gotten your Emy and I can't wait to see all of the doors you walking through now now it's a new it's like it's even a new chapter for you Jasmine how' you feel that way yes I feel like how am I going to do my 60s I stopped having goals a a while ago I realized that yeah what happened to your goals I think it I gave them to my kid I really stopped thinking about oh by the time I'm best and by I stopped doing that cuz your daughter's 24 years old she's got the acting bug as well huh yeah she baby girl she went to NYU oh I like that picture that's Mama and daughter she doesn't cuddle with me like that anymore they don't they just stopped my son used to kiss me and tell me how beautiful I was now he like just put your wig on Mama just Jasmine I want to thank you so much for being here what a dream y'all The Chronicles of Jessica Woo is streaming now on tub we're going to have a good time we're going to have a good time it'll be got you feeling
Channel: Sherri
Views: 242,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music, sherri shepherd, sherri
Id: N06rPFu8O40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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