Jarring up tallow

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hello everyone its Kim I wanted to show you what I was able to render down yesterday from that beef fat that I had you could see I got this great big bowl for Plus this painful now this is not been completely clarified yet because I just wanted to UM get the access out so what I did was I put it in a strainer and then let it go into the jar just to get the extra bits out but this is the that's all the leftovers I have right there so that out of that huge bag of fat that I had this is it now honestly if I wanted I could cook this down into more like cracklins and you know use that later but I don't want to do that process right now I'm gonna put it in a bag and save it I'm thinking of using some of that in some dog food I want to make I have some old venison that got a little freezer burn and it needs a little added fat that I'm thinking of making up for my dogs but that's another day so anyway I was asked what I used to filter my fat with and what I use is one of these reusable coffee filters they are a very fine mesh as you can see no particles really get through there and what I do is I set it in my colander that's the only colander I have and I just hold it over the bowl and let it strain in you know as its draining but that I think I did pretty darn good for the amount of fat that I have now the next step I'm going to tell you upfront this is how I do it you do not have to do it this way please do your own research I put mine in jars I leave them on the shelf I do not water bath they do not pressure can I've done it with lard for years and from everything I read I did extensive reading on the internet you know you buy lard in plastic buckets it's shelf stable it has to be absolutely clean and there can be ad absolutely no water in the fat or you could get mold problems so that's my next step I need to remelt this and this I probably have to do it in batches and once that's remelted what I do is I put my jars in the oven at 200 just about 250 degrees because you never put a hot liquid into a cold jar and once I get to that step I'll tell you but I'm just telling you if you do this on your own do your own research you know don't come back and say hey all my stuff molded please do your own research this is how I do it for me and I feel safe doing it this way anyway the next step I will be back in just a little while okay I have my tallow in there in the crock-pot ready to melt down in the meantime I take my lids and I wash them in soapy water just for a minutes rinse them well dry them because again you do not want any water on them when you go to use them and I have my jars ready to go they're gonna go in the oven now I really prefer these straight sided jars it just makes getting the lard or the tallow out much easier but I always put in a lot more than I think I'm going to use because what I do is I put them in a cold oven and then I turn it on I don't want to put a cold jar in a hot oven because it could shock it and later when you go to use them they could crack and things like that so I have what do I have here 2 4 6 8 10 I don't think I'm going to use all 10 but I have 10 jars ready to go just in case so that's the next step until I get ready to actually put them in the jars ok I'm back I'm going to try to do this kind of quick because I only have a window air conditioner it's starting to get pretty hot in here anyway I have my charms my lids were washed and dried now I only I washed my lids because I don't know if they have any kind of machine or other people have touched them anything like that it's not to make them sterile it's just to make sure that they're clean from you know other people stuff like that so I'm going to take just a couple of jars at a time because I want them to stay warm and I'm going to set them up here I'm going to start with like four or five because again you want the liquid or the fat to go inside you want as close to the jar temperature as possible they don't have to be equal but you do not want cold jars okay the next bit is pretty simple and this may take my funnel with my filter we told you they were hot and I'm going to fill the jars I go up um just about to a quarter inch from the top you don't have to worry on that processing these otherwise so I get them pretty close to the top here Oh sometimes it's hard to see that last little bit okay I actually have so much I may have to put some additional jars in there it's much more than I thought which is really great I'm just gonna ladle it in obviously through my filter I want to get it to close now you see I dripped all over the edges that could be a problem for your seals and I'll show you how to deal with that here in a second as soon as I get these jars all filled you can see I have a few little impurities left that's why I have the filter try not to make a mess that's cool I'm sorry if I'm out of you I'm doing a jar over here in the back I don't want to touch them then get my software turn oh that one might be a little fall no good oh I did it again darn it oh don't overflow please don't overload good all right so I know it sounds silly but what I do is I just take this and I hang it up on my rack I have a rack right back here in the meantime I'm going to put the next batch of this is the last of the fat I'm going to throw it in here let it melt while it's still hot and now I can look and see if I want to top up any of the jars and they do have a couple so I'm going to do that just with us should have done that before I put that fat in there but it shouldn't cool it down too much just got a couple I want to add just a little bit I'm not worried about any impurities because I skimmed it from an area I don't see any if you are then you could if you worry about you know if you have any impurities and they're still you can run it through your filter first so all right that's good enough for me now the absolute most important step first thing I'm going to do is take a paper towel I'm going to wipe off any excess grease okay stick it in there that doesn't help doesn't it this is the only step I worry about because if I spill this now I could burn myself my dogs you know it's gonna make a huge mess so try not to rush don't do this when you're in a rush take your time I'm gonna move that one a little bit so I get a better grip and wipe off as much grease as you can now you want to go back with a paper towel that has vinegar on it I'm going to soak this in vinegar much but too much than too little and once again I'm really going to make sure these are absolutely as clean as possible I don't want any speck of grease if at all possible in the room I guess between making sure there's absolutely no liquid in it no particles wiping your rims is super important because you want these to seal I'm not canning these I'm not water bath in them like I said I've read many websites it's up to you to do your what you feel comfortable doing I'm comfortable with this I'm not telling you to do it this way I'm showing how I do it okay if you're the canning police yes I got it don't tell me I'm going to poison the world because you know this is how manufacturers do it they put them in plastic buckets and just put a lid on it for goodness sake all right man let's go on Rubeus all right I need something to grip it with because I don't want to burn myself I put mine on pretty tight not like crank it down but probably a little more than what you would call finger tight I go finger tight and then just add a little bit of an extra turn all right now the way my grandma used to do it she used to flip them upside down and get the lids hot I'm not so sure I want to do that I would not risk getting the lids hot let's try it with this one we'll see how it works I know it's to get the lids hot make sure that you know that sterilizes the lid I think the let's get the lids are hot just from the liquid itself but we're going to do this one then she used to flip it back over and that's that that's how I do my my lard and this is tallow again I like the straight sided jars it's a little easier to get it out you don't have to worry about trying to pick it out under the rim but when you go to use it you can always you know get low you can always happen in the microwave or put it in a pan of water for a few minutes and let it melt and then move this one over back here where I know it's at and once that melts I'm going to do my next set and I'll show you how many I got when I'm all done they are all jarred up looks like I got a little over a gallon right two pints to the court for courts to the gallon something like that yeah so it looks like I got just over a gallon look at their ping in and this is all I had left out of that huge pile and honestly I could render it down a little bit more but I'm not going through like I said I'm gonna add that to some dog food that's it I will show you what it looks like when it's all cooled off they should be creamy white and those jars and you know for something that most people throw away I think I did pretty good what do you think all right one last look it's not completely cool okay so I have to let it go overnight but this is my tallow and I weighed it out without the jars and the rings I put you know the appropriate size on there and subtract them I have 5.5 pounds of tallow which happens to be 88 ounces and I looked at Amazon to see what it would cost for tallow the cheapest one I could find was 1099 for 11 ounces or one dollar per ounce so I have 88 dollars worth of home-canned tallow that makes it seem amazing to me that this is something a lot of people throw away and go out and buy so I figured my time was worth the $88 anyway what do you think is this something that you would consider doing if you knew it was worth $88 and a few minutes of your time every couple hours oh by the way before I forget the Rings will come off tomorrow they all pinged but I wait 24 hours to take my rings off of course they will all have be labeled with tallow and the year on it the month in the year so anyway let me know what you think have a great day everybody
Channel: Life Prepared
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Id: pjGcbe5lGfQ
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Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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