Jarrett (1973) - Glenn Ford

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] fear [Music] [Music] yeah sam spencer loomis what about the adam and eve job look i can't talk to you now loomis their snake just dropped in [Music] falling simply appalling the early italians always muddied their flesh tints well used egg yolk in their paint they didn't have turpentine you're unusually well informed do you paint well i fool around a little bit yeah just you know a little bit i'm a dilettante myself try a bit of everything like leonardo da vinci oh fabulous fellows those renaissance men laurens are the magnificent machiavelli the borgias oh dear born out of our time some of us mr obama says they're ready excuse me yes nice talking to you sam that snake baffles me for what i know about adam and eve you could cover with a fig leaf the bible doesn't tell us much more but the book of adam and eve that tells us what happens after they were chased out of the garden of eden now wait a minute did you say the book of adam and eve one of the so-called lost books of the bible part of the pseudopigrapher well i'll take your word for it there were some early translations in 1946 professor harold larson he's from denmark okay go ahead professor howard larson came up with four papyrus scrolls which he claims he bought from a bedouin they were apparently part of the original version because they were written in hieroglyphic hebrew hieroglyphic hebrew man that wasn't used after the 6th century bc that would make the adam and eve scrolls 700 years older than the dead sea scrolls why sam well i am i get a lot out of the reader's digest you know the london museum were prepared to buy the scrolls if they were genuine were they the leading document expert at the time a man called grinsback he declared them forgers but of course this is before carbon 14 dating testing's been developed unfortunately the professor upon hearing this he committed suicide in his home in copenhagen and the scrolls disappeared until a couple of weeks ago a preacher a preacher yeah a preacher here in california claimed he had hey what happened here since then i have been receiving inquiries from museums libraries all over the world they're prepared to buy the scrolls if a carbon 14 dating test reverses grinsback's opinion now the bidding in that case will probably start at two million dollars who get that the preacher no uh well if he can prove legal ownership but the professor had a daughter who also happens to live in california and she lives in a town called stopping but this is this is this is where you come in sam a couple of the prospective buyers asked me to call you they're prepared to jointly pay your fee if you can locate the scrolls and arrange for a carbon testing why me why not the regular channels why this is right up your rally strictly confidential now what if i don't deliver what then expenses well what do you say feel like working uh yeah i guess i feel like working interested enough [Music] oh know how about that [Music] well somebody's interested because somebody planted a snake in my house and planted a bug in your office oh thank you carrot george oh and they love this so pretty and the pickled lamb absolutely delicious an old family recipe thank you very much mr bastro no no you're um thank you very good chef george but the next time that you bungle an errand to mr jared you won't be making the sandwiches you'll be in them his name honor thy father and thy mother who are adam and eve o thank thee lord for allowing me to find the holy book where moses hid it when the children of israel fell down and worshiped the golden cab i thank the lord for choosing me to erect the new eden night church to build the temple more suspended at solomon's tabernacle where the holy scrolls can be kept safe forever and ever from the devils who would slay us and steal hallelujah [Music] so [Music] so [Music] a sight to make angels sweet brothers and sisters innocence in the toils of satan is she lost does she do she cut off from the redemption who will save her from the fiery pick who will snatch sister lalua brothers and sisters who will sacrifice something they really need fifty dollars brothers and sisters do i hear folks do i hear sturdy not the money for her not the money for me but for the church of the new east knights when you're twenty i got twenty dollars i'll give twenty brother hallelujah thank you thank you thank you brothers thank you hallelujah how are you brothers thank you thank you thank you good night god bless you don't forget to visit brother toby when you're away [Applause] hallelujah [Music] snakes with an apple a dollar and a half the lord loveth the cheering giver bless you brother bless you eve's apple's only 50 cents garden of eating snakes only a dollar an apple with a snake a dollar and a half and where can i find the snack dance you mean miss lalua she's dressing over there oh well i certainly do appreciate you coming to see me about this that it seems a little sacrilegious mr uh i'm sorry i didn't get your name and believe me irreverent baby my films perfect no vulgarity well i don't know putting the holy scrolls in a movie behind the main titles only i am fanatic realist well you know that i disapprove of hollywood [Music] i am negotiating with iraqi government to build a big studio in baghdad wherever tigris and euphrates meet actual location garden of eden it's time now it's lalua smash sound singles moved up to the number five position on the top 40. [Music] well i didn't recognize you without the snake [Music] my name's jared just stay where you are and turn yourself around what do you want mr jared uh i i like your dancing that's why i just don't you do yeah i like you dancing are you one of them talent scouts uh no no but i'm acquainted with quite a few uh do you mind if we uh you and i sort of get together and talk about it [Applause] yeah oh thank you thank you toby yeah would you close the door hmm [Applause] uh believe me reverend i make you absolute top offer for motion film rights to book of adam medivh cash oh well uh not a percentage but of course [Music] but you understand of course it's uh it's not the money uh it's the uh well the principal awards scruples believe me reverend i have great respect for you but listen baby darling think of your church building fun think of a million dollars free publicity for you i don't know that for me not for me for my church what else well do you understand of course that i will have to uh let's give this some thought and i need a you know couple of weeks to to wrestle with myself you don't look like a sex nut well no as a matter of fact i'm uh a paid up member of the ymca [Applause] okay meet me at the corner but don't let uncle vocal see us uncle you mean reverend simpson yeah that's what he wants me to call him in public [Music] okay i'll get my car [Applause] [Music] up there nobody's ever tried to kidnap me before you're the first time for everything all right we're too well i've always wanted dancing lessons [Music] lemons i wish it was thursday one astrology i hit the jackpot once on a thursday [Music] say i thought we were going dancing no the reason i come here is to win enough for dancing lessons come on nope you know something what i'm never gonna get to be a real man oh you just gotta have faith you know this uh new church what's it all about seeing all you wanna guess you know like the real reason cain slew abel was because adam and eve wanted him to marry abel's ugly twin sister aliki and able to marry kane's beautiful twin sister lulu oh you know what he did no what kane kidnapped la lua and married her himself wow i mean if kane can be forgiven all that anybody can do anything well with a uh message like that he must get a lot of converts hmm you ever seen those scrolls no you know what i don't think there are any it's just some kind of come to glory gimmick that will brought down our tent you sneak off the gamble lost thirty dollars huh well i'm sorry you come with me all right take it easy reverend you keep out of this look suppose i donate the 30 dollars to you no just don't give him a cent right here where do you think you're going to the ladies room you just pass a commandment against that girl practically raised her mater like my very own yeah come on sit down not in a place like this no wait a minute no no don't say that because you know i've been wanting to talk to you huh why yes why because i uh uh drinking smoking uh women whiskey you name it man i've done it i need help yes i do need help sounds like my church place for you brother well i guess good work can go on here as well as any place well why not adam and eve were sinners too it's written in the holy scrolls uh you know la lu was telling me about those scrolls how did you come to get them the angel raphael showed him to me the angel rayfield you mean in person oh no no and a vision took me into a cave full of treasures and there they were and then i traveled for 40 days and 40 nights and i found them oh my uh is there any chance i could see them well you can't see them why not not until the new eden night temple is built yeah as soon as it's built soon you can see them how much do you think you'd be able to swing for the uh building fund i'm ready all right you don't have to go with him you know donut okay let me counsel you brother saul hath slain his thousands and david his ten thousands and i'm a soldier of the lord too you mean i'm not welcome into the fold you know what i mean [Music] hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh uh uh believe it or not i was bird watching i didn't know it was fake sure yeah will you mind holding on to him while i get down huh you stay right up there what'd you do that for going to call the police you can wait right there hold it a minute now i drove all the way up from los angeles just to see you i want to talk to you about your father you are sigrid larson professor harold larson's daughter aren't you i don't discuss my father not even for two million dollars you get out of here hold it now just start forget about the money but if you talk to me about your father maybe we can clear some things up about him sort of you know maybe vindicate him he doesn't need to be for me maybe you owe it to his memory to talk to me and you know something i don't think simpson knows where those scrolls are nobody does is your mother alive she thought father disgraced us it killed her soon after we came to live with uncle lars where's he he's dead too well maybe uh maybe you have a husband i don't know maybe you have a mr jones boyfriend there's nothing wrong with that i think it's about enough all right let me tell you something you know what i think i think that your father destroyed those scrolls because he knew they were fake they weren't fakes i don't care what grinsbox says you want me to believe that you want me to prove it you helped me to prove it how how tried to remember everything that happened since your father died that's how i was only five years old look somebody must have been looking for those scrolls now you know as well as i know somebody must have all right all right all right hold it now tell me what kind of a house did you live in in denmark what kind well it was large and it was old i used to play in the attic in the attic okay what did you or your mother bring back to this country [Music] with that that for instance it's over 100 years old they say storks brought good luck i thought they only brought babies what else did you bring my parents hmm [Music] grandmother's wedding dress peasant dress now put that one on i want you to do a lot of remembering [Music] trust thank you [Music] and here you go that may not help you uh remember but at least it'll taste good yeah thank you do you know that man yeah the one on the red the best not sure no i don't think i've ever seen him before well i have i see he remembers [Applause] [Music] at the huntington library we talked about fleshkins am remember well we won't squabble about that today oh this is miss larson oh mr larson my name is jared mr jarrett hi bassett cosgrove hi very nice running into you i'm afraid that i ran into you sam jared i know who you are now i saw you fight for the middleweight championship you were a superb bot i had my moments well i'll uh see you around cause yes yes uh some other folk festival you never know no come on give me some of this sugar because this is too good [Music] what else do you remember you've been asking me that all day i want to hear about you mr cosgrove said that you were a um i was a prize fighter [Music] let me see your hands some more the hands of an artist it's a story of my life tell me about it well um i'm a ghetto kid you know our lifestyle was uh i guess you'd say ugly street you know maybe that's why all i was interested in school was art art and fighting you don't want to hear about this come on now please [Music] all right i wanted to be an artist or how i wanted to be an artist [Music] but there was only one problem um no talent so i uh i had to fight and when i quit i was broke i had no money so i there was a friend of mine though he was one of these uh uh what you call a private eye and he gave me a job as a leg man and uh we worked on an art fraud case and i enjoyed it now these are the only kind of cases that i i have that's it why do you know so much about forged or genuine manuscripts what i went to a lot of night school [Music] sam the door oh no me a bar cat the stork it's gone [Music] [Music] [Music] please what happened what do you mean what happened it's upside down what happened with the police well the uh phone's been cut there's a phone booth a half a mile down the road now where's your car the hired man took it to the festival well don't you have anything on wheels [Music] operator get me the police that will be an additional 10 cents please are you kidding [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so uh [Music] uh oh [Music] you wanna go for ride mr jared [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] where were you when i needed you they did a pretty thorough job i found the stork in here all they took was the bed maybe they were sleepy [Music] i don't know what happened there's lady i don't even remember what she looked like to tell you the truth but rosie passed away and lifted about nine ten thousand dollars in a will hey you want some of this cough mess in a little while wow yeah you never know when you're gonna win one when you're gonna lose one ah we did good well that's that's fine toby hey lock her up [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey look look the scrollers it's the book it's the book of adam and eve no no it's not possible it's worth the devil no no no i i didn't mean that lord no no i've got to have faith i've got to believe that's a that's a miracle that's a miracle that's what that is oh yes praise his name halloween get down on your knees yes we thank you we thank you lord say it sin we thank you lord thank you we thank you thank you thank you thank you lord right there [Music] oh how'd you make out gordy i'll let you down well i'll let the boys down [Music] whole beach oh second place man yeah well so you didn't win the contest maybe you'll be mr infinity next year uh deltoids were a standoff pretty creamy with his pectorals oh that's a shame i'm so discouraged i might even go back to hair styling uh come on let me buy you a beer come on oh mr jericho i can't why not oh you have company and she might not like me barging in with you what did you look like how does he knows sam i want to stay with you well that would be very nice but uh yeah what about you know uh what's his name well he don't know me how did you find me in the telephone book sorry i asked oh i just love it here yeah well i tell you you know that's very nice except that um we got to find a place for you to stay tonight you know i mean you mean you don't want me i now come on now nobody wouldn't want you just that uh now wait a minute i'm busy i'm just well i never thought you'd act like this i mean you you were so nice to me and i got you something well you said you wanted to see him i'm sorry just for you sam [Music] i'd do anything for you sam honest i would [Applause] [Music] where'd you get these out of the safe i was there when he found him he carried on like the faint when two days ago he'll kill me if he thinks i swiped him well that's probably what he will think well don't worry we'll have you protected wait a minute what do you mean we i did it all for you sam please let me stay first thing i gotta do is order an armored car sam can't wait until the second thing i've got to do is order an armored car [Music] i'm putting a piece of one of your scrolls in this burning tube as you probably know the linen wrappings of the dead sea scrolls tested out at 1 960 years old and it was assumed that the scrolls themselves were approximately the same age however in view of the controversy over the adam and eve scrolls we'll test the papyrus itself i've been this keyed up since the casanova diaries we do this by estimating the degree of carbon 14 radioactivity that's a property of all organic matter the first step is to chemically change the sample why it's to form carbon dioxide he got that from lorita's digest he told me so himself [Music] the carbon dioxide will now be fed into this central copper here the less radioactivity that we find the older the sample the date will appear on this carbon counter screen here [Music] lord have said unto me seek thy vengeance upon them but thou hast revealed i caused to me my hands shall destroy them so sayeth the lord [Music] now the lord works in wondrous ways you forgot to release the safety catch get them out of here but the holy scrolls they're mine they belong to the church of the new eden knights there's the large shall wreckage vengeance upon me normally it takes considerably longer but i'm afraid i knew from the beginning with the high radio activity but the scroll was modded the carbon counter puts it at 1883 that's less than 100 years old i'm sorry grinsback was right the scrolls are forgeries i don't believe it i don't care how many tests you make secret any suggestions cancel the armored car spotted it outside her swap shop it wasn't my fault officer somebody took it apart and left it in a ditch well how'd you get it i didn't know it was stolen buster some kid swapped it for a pup tent hey fella you mind taking it apart again you're kidding nope whatever he says all right for starters i suppose we take off these brass knobs off the post right [Music] my father hid the scrolls in the bed didn't he well whoever took the scrolls left behind this piece of linen wrapping and this was stuck to it how may i keep this why not [Music] [Applause] you've had a rough day haven't you you know that uh that character uh cosgrove you know we met at the festival you know the one that was dressed in the red outfit you're sure you've never seen him before no i i mean i had an odd dream about him i was a little girl again he was in the attic of our copenhagen house he was he was standing on one bag like a stork was it a dream or was it a memory 700 bc no doubt about it that new papyrus sample tests out at sixth century bc 2600 years give or take 50. thank you doctor you're all welcome she's still in there yup i've been out here and clyde and arthur are taking turns watching the back thanks she had us in a couple of times for diet drinks [Applause] oh maybe she's asleep yeah lalua well she's not in here you know come to think of it she went to the bathroom over an hour ago we heard the water running [Music] lulu break it down [Music] so what's to say dear sam i'm going to france to study dancing i am on a weekly payroll of bassett cosgrove by will you wait for that second check sweetheart [Music] he was a documents expert on the uh adam and eve affair that green spa huh he uh authenticated the uh channel sullivan carrie nation love letters the buyer thought they were stolen from the library of congress uh they were fakes so uh grinsbark could have been bought right uh they're marked with you nissiphonum me there professor that's a good cigar you got there you know [Music] say nothing but good about the dead i'm convinced that the larsen scrolls are genuine who would want to uh get grins back to say they were forgeries but it might be easier to steal does a basset cosgrove mean anything here dear old cosmo bastrop he uses many assumed names would you say karma bastard yes where could i find him oh he has hideaways all over the world how about the west coast here a um a box of havanas the best times up hey thank you professor see you next month always a pleasure sam [Music] [Applause] [Music] name jared step over the gray box i'll take care of the car [Music] welcome to bastrop island mr jared please come in [Music] this way please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] enter ah mr jarrett so we meet again and dear pretty miss larson what a delightful surprise you know something this whole island is quite a surprise oh really you'll find it so yes i do i inherited rather substantial oil interests and i use a few of them to ensure my privacy and i also indulge myself in arranging the decor i hope you like the chandelier late 18th century venetian no i'd say that's about uh 1747. and the table early san simeon thank you ignore thank you i'll call for you if you need anything he's an eskimo they make excellent butlers especially in wintertime i want my father's adam and eve scrolls mr bastrop my dear young lady what makes you think that i have them you bribed grinsbach into saying that those scrolls were forgeries well they weren't i know i saw you looking for them in copenhagen you see you obviously remembered that brass bed when you saw it in solvang and you you found the scrolls in it really yes really so you had fake duplicates made you planted them in simpson's safe and you had lua bring them to me yeah but good heavens why why because you knew i had them tested that's why you wanted them established again as forgeries so the search for the genuine scrolls would be called but my dear mr janet who on earth would behave in such an absurdly accentuated not who you you know like all clandestine collectors you get your your kicks out of buying stolen art or you steal it yourself even though you'll never show it cultural kleptomania well thank you dr jarrett for the penetrating analysis yes yes i am a collector a clandestine collector but i specialize in only one of the arts the greatest art of all comics come in come in the most extensive collection ever assembled i couldn't begin to estimate its value i call this my fundatorium my own private shrine of heroic heroes and villainous villains you know i'm a fan of these things myself you are mr jonathan oh and i'm sure you agree with me that the art of the comic is the mad genius of the muses ever since a cro-magnon man scrawled a six-legged buffalo on the wall of his cave what and now tell me here in this last what is your favorite comic oh well i always did like little orphanage yes naturally and you mr jared what is yours captain marvel mandrake shockman superman batman personally i'm addicted to the flintstones but i've got everything from uh maggie and jiggs uncle scrooge wonder woman happy hooligan plastic man green hornet crazy cat right down to the latest undergrounds like zap and fabulous furry freak brothers really well how many items do you have around all i don't know thousands they're all cats along now look at these these are duplicates i destroy them to enhance the value of the remaining copies brian chance do you have the uh captain america number one i see you have an index here mr jared you continually surprised me but of course i do that's my most valuable comic book but i'm afraid you said too many unkind things for our acquaintance to continue [Applause] i deeply regret this turn of events in happier circumstances you and i might have become stimulating companions yeah you know we uh we might have at that oh by the way what uh comic book did you get these characters out of monster world ethno show mr jarrett and dear pretty miss larson out [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] chronic insomniac mr jarrett and so it seems are you or are you walking in your sleep these were with the flintstones that was quite a touch thank you rashford to mention it but in a game like this i find it more titillating to drop a clue here and there at zest don't you agree you know something i wouldn't have found out if you hadn't put on such a corny act about all these uh comics around the wounding things that you will say and i thought that my excessive enthusiasm was a nice piece of play acting good evening gentlemen of course comics are only one of my minor collections those scrolls are the quintessence of uniqueness oh gently gently casimir [Applause] [Music] i simply have to possess them possession means a lot to you doesn't it everything i thought appreciation was what uh really meant claptrap let the vulgar masses listen to a beethoven sonata or gaped at the mona lisa my aesthetic pleasure must be mine and mine alone shared with no one that's pretty exclusive i'm very impressed you should be do you realize i am the only man in the world who will ever read the lost book of adam and eve from the original text it almost makes me feel like god well maybe that's your problem put him in the guest room i brought clyde norther with you miss larson well he's not back yet [Applause] mr jarrett your sustenance for tomorrow serving me cloak an apple a day as they say and what is this the adam and eve diet yes i'm curious to know how long you can survive on it bon appetit [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay let's go [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] now [Music] ah [Music] so [Applause] [Music] 1947 [Music] uh thank you [Music] [Music] i hope you like your hook chris [Music] drops in the library [Music] [Music] he's got luck from the inside that's the document shredder what's he doing he wouldn't [Music] i'm so sorry dear fella karen george will look after [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ugh [Music] let him go fellas he might get mad [Music] hello sam it's for you are your scrolls yeah jared i feel simply dreadful about destroying those scrolls but i couldn't bear the thought of losing them and now i feel worse because i'll never see them again oh i wouldn't say that i mean you can see them again in whatever library miss larson donates them to i am uh sorry old man the ones you shredded were fakes the real ones are here matter of fact i'm holding in my hand right now i switched them on you oh my boy i'm so relieved i've never forgiven myself well congratulations you've certainly unwitted me this time but i'm sure i'll have another go at you county george lemon lemon let us preserve the nice it is oh you can have a return match anytime you want cosmo i certainly look forward to it samuel why not cheer up cara george at last we found an opponent worthy of us luckily oh sam how can i ever repair you oh i'll find a way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Classic Robb's Glenn Ford Channel
Views: 48,317
Rating: 4.6559138 out of 5
Id: 6pI0_ltd-9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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