The Lady in Question (1940) - Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford, Brian Aherne & Evelyn Keyes

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[Music] [Applause] so [Music] oh mother is father out of yet well if he isn't he'll be late i'm sorry i'd like to do it but once a bicycle's been used it can't be exchanged without additional charge but mrs morriston this is an unusual case be reasonable young man if we had to exchange goods every time a romance ended well you can see for yourself you would ah good morning good morning my friend here again good morning mr morriston well what can i do for you well i asked mrs marston to exchange my tandem for this bicycle but she said she did i tried to explain that we couldn't do it without an extra charge but uh but what's happened you only bought the tandem a few weeks ago yes i remember the day very well why you came in here with that sweet little girl the one with the with the wavy hair you're going to be married soon weren't you well we were but it's all over now no yes oh michelle the tandem has been used but don't you see i'm lonely every time i look at the empty seat i think of her and if that isn't enough michelle he has to push for two all right all right take the bicycle it's yours take it thank you mr morrison thank you thank you bye come on come on oh well we may as well be kind to him he's uh he's unlucky in love why didn't you give him a couple of spare tires or an expensive phonograph i'm sure that would have cheered him up oh i don't know but what's this statue of cupid doing on the counter which is if we're selling bows and arrows or something doesn't make sense father all right here's your coat come on we better hurry we'll be late we'll be late what makes you think you're going what means well i don't see any reason why i can't you can stay here and help your mother you'll be eating in the store if you can take time off for that foolishness why can't he foolishness ah michelle how can you say a thing like that since when has jury duty been foolishness when his country calls every citizen of france owes it to himself to serve everybody else tries to avoid jury duty but my husband runs to it [Music] ah just in time just in time just in time just in time just in time in time for what to go along with you to the trial what makes everyone think that a trial is a picnic oh but i want to go i want to see father on a jury may i please now i don't want you to go to trials if your father wants to associate with criminals let him but not you tell your mother that a juror associates with the police not with criminals anyway a trial is no place for a child but i'm not a child robert just asked me to marry him huh yes um michelle see that nothing happens till i get back hey hey you there just a moment where do you think you're going i have an appointment with the president of the cult he's too busy got to see the clock oh well who is the clerk i am the clerk but i'm busy too next time to suffer the jury to your left but i'm supposed to serve on the jury too then why didn't you say so to your left next [Music] i'm very sorry thank you i wasn't that thirsty oh dear i'm a juror um yes i'm louis roll on wine salesman george i run a cafe how'd you do how you know my name is andre morristown proprietor of a bicycle and a music store well yes yes oh i'm sorry i'm sorry my name is andre morristown proud of a bicycle and music store i'll be right with the majestic finance company ah in the present at liberty oh hello congratulations i hope you will be very happy oh how can i be today of all days terrible mm-hmm what's the matter with him oh he uh he was married this morning a pretty young singer from the belgian quite a catch what i mean like him i've got to spend his honeymoon here eh ah as a pity is a pity still when there are public calls we must all answer this is the first time for you i suppose yes yes i've waited for 27 years for the chance to be called as a juror uh have you have you served before yeah the bluebeard case oh yes yes i remember reading about that a man who killed his wife wasn't it one wife four oh that must have been quite a case yes or he didn't kill them hmm later i figured out that he was really innocent later after he was executed with all the jurors please come into the judge's chamber ah here we go here we go at last ah do you swear and promise before god and man to examine with the most careful attention the charges which are to be brought against natalie hogan that you will decide according to the charges and the evidence following your conscience and sincere personal conviction with impartiality and a firmness that befits a free and upright man i swear gentlemen of the jury the rest is in your hands however we shall do all in our power to assist you in arriving at the just decision good good and remember not to discuss the case with anyone thank you gentlemen i believe that is all mr president yes uh what what about me uh oh you two are the alternate jurors does that mean we might not be used probably oh however if one of the regular jurors should become incapacitated then one of you will serve so follow the trial as if you were a juror but mr president i would like to know might i ask regular jurors go in first mm-hmm regular jurors irregular jurors what do they call me for working 27 years to serve on a jury hmm your name is natalie rogan you're charged with the murder of gilbert mourinho on october 20th the defendant made the acquaintance of gilbert marina the victim will you please tell the jury where and how it was in it was in the street it was raining that night i had no place to go i was just walking along he approached me you're quite used to that sort of thing aren't you oh no continue please then they offered to take me home and you accepted readily how could i i had no home to go to i'll continue when i said that he took me to dinner private room no he wasn't like that to a cafe he was very nice to me he always was well now let's see he rented an apartment for you at uh 2000 franks uh-huh he bought your clothes and furs for 18 000 franks that's not true we can't deny that there must have been some feeling between you two man dislikes a woman he doesn't do all that what exactly happened on the day of the murder shall i repeat the question or is it that you don't want what's the method unfortunately the fifth juror is unable to continue who are the alternate jurors i am sir i am seth i'm ready have you watched the proceedings of the child carefully who didn't miss a thing did you follow all the testimony yes yes mr president uh two thousand frank's rent first and dresses eighteen thousand lorraine dinner in a public place everything very good very good i think we can proceed now ah good god that's what we're here for come on let's not waste any time on that night we prior it was the first time he was ever really cruel to me he struck me i thought it would be better for both of us if i left him so i went away to new zealand soon gilbert found out where i'd moved to he came to me and asked me to make up with him i refused and begged him to leave me alone to forget me the more i begged the angry he became then when he saw i meant to stay away he threatened to kill me when i saw the condition he was in what do you mean condition well he had been drinking very heavily you're lying she's not telling the truth i'm sorry i forgot myself mr president but my son never drank mr marinae when your time comes to testify you will be heard uh continue he threatened to kill me he had a revolver in his hand i knew he wasn't responsible anymore for what he might do so i tried to get revolver away we struggled it went off but when i saw him fall to the floor i fainted later they told me he was dead is that all you have nothing more to say yeah call the first witness raise your right hand yes we have to speak without hatred or not fear tell the whole truth nothing about the truth yes my name nicholas farkas hungarian taxi driver 43 years old no citizen mr farkas do you know natalie rogan yes i know for years she little girl her father died i take care of her kiss [Music] electronically [Music] what language was she speaking what language what uh what language well don't you know hungarian you may give your testimony to the jury gentlemen i haven't much to say many of you are fathers who know what it means to make plans for your children you can also also understand how it feels to have all those dreams suddenly destroyed by someone like that i didn't take it seriously at first after all she was only a girl he'd picked up in the street but when his demands for money grew to such huge proportions i realized that he was being duped a few days before his death he told me he could be free of her if he could pay her enough it isn't true he also told me he was afraid if he didn't get the money and pardon me did you say afraid i must question your choice of words sir now how could he have been afraid he was afraid that if he didn't pay her enough she would kill him oh surely a man of your wealth wouldn't mind a little expense to keep your son alive if you rarely thought he would be killed i didn't believe anybody really could ask so much i thought he could get rid of her for less money spoken like a good practical businessman and then what happened he stole from me she made a thief of him but that wasn't enough she had also to take his life ah now come come mr marinae hasn't it occurred to you that your son might have lied to you that he asked you for all that money not to buy us off but to cover gambling debts he went to her apartment that afternoon to give her the money i drove him there myself did you say afternoon yes you mean that night no i remember clearly it was that afternoon and i insist that we did not see your son until that night i'm particularly certain it was in the afternoon as i returned to finish my work at the office after i left gilbert the fifth juror wished to say something mr president uh i would like will you please raise your voice i can't hear you mr president um is it all right if i ask a question yes yes go on did mr mourinho see miss roger when he uh took his son there no he went up alone we arranged to meet later i never saw him alive again uh to what address did uh mr mourinho drive his son to 800 avenue already mata of course eight hundred avenue on remarta no you're mistaken i dropped him off at forty recessional peace forty losers who peace but gentlemen we never lived at forty new circle peace am i right mr president uh she says she never lived at forty rusan's opis uh could we find out who gilbert mourinho uh did go to see at that address that question is irrelevant and immaterial on the country it is extremely material in fact we are going to take steps to find out whom he visited on the afternoon of his death and i wish to thank the fifth juror for asking a most important question oh jury duty's going to your head i've never known you to take anything so seriously before jury duty is a very serious affair it's also very interesting now for instance when natalie wrote her autism she the murderers yeah no no she's not that murderous it's not been proven aha there go the lovers like a lot of canaries oh it's a strange generation [Music] please don't look at me out of sight what did he say i have not a chance to talk to him yet he got home too late ask him now just wait right there and i'll ask him ask me what oh uh well father we've decided to do it do it yes if you'd forget your murderers for a minute you might remember that they want to get married yes father oh oh that's it and robert was going to ask you about the dowry tonight oh i see i see robert hello mr marston francois says you want to ask me something well there's uh no rush i uh well good night mr marston i uh it's getting late uh there's plenty of time for that i guess that's right that's right there's plenty of time for that i think that ends the discussion for this evening you leave it to me i might leave it to you i'll never get married i want to live life life to its fullest don't you understand don't you worry francoise i'll see you don't end up an old maid you take your father's word for it you're going to be happy promise promise i have promised good night good night there you'll keep after him too often yes yes now go to bed go to bed ugh you have no idea how good i feel don't you ever get tired of that you know what's the matter with you pierre you have no romance oh now now now tilden is a little too late for that but it's true mother what does he see when he looks through his telescope a lot of stars when i look up i see love well father how do you feel tonight hmm anxious to get back in court tomorrow well it's hard to say the way i am in a way i am not it's very interesting oh but it's also very tiring i don't see why it should be so tiring don't you just sit there and listen well maybe that's what the other jurors do but not me i follow the trial closely do you know i asked a question today that may prove to be the solution of the whole case don't they mind you interfering oh the president tried to stop me but i said who do you think you're talking to i said i'm a jorda i'm here for the people oh i put the prosecutor in this place too you better be careful andre you'll end up in jail yourself nonsense nonsense they respect me why annoy them but they respect me how much longer do you think the trial is going to last father oh a few days or so oh well i think we better all go to sleep now good night here i don't read too late down all right good night don't worry so much about me goodnight father good night turn out the light my brain is dizzy with questions and answers what kind of a woman is that natalie rogan oh i'm not permitted to discuss the case with members of my family there can't be much to be mixed up with that sort of thing people shouldn't condemn what they don't know i heard about her in the marketplace today and they say she's not a nice girl marketplace the marketplace new court of justice tomorrow we'll move the judges down among the fruit and vegetables and settle the case there you swear to speak without hatred and without fear to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth raise your right hand repeat i swear i swerved your name please natalie rogan what did you say your name was you were pardon me sir but it is natalie rogan same as ours mr president the same name as ours what is your address i live at 40 rue saints for peace now tell us all about the strange visit that you had on the afternoon of october the 6th i was at home reading and listening to the radio when someone knocked on my door so loudly i was almost frightened to death i opened the door and a young man i had never seen before pushed me out of the way when i tried to stop him he asked for natalie rogan it's very likely he got the information from some private detective agency and was deceived by the similarity of names i told him that he was quite right but what did he want from me he said i want natalie rogan i said i am natalie rogan he said you're lying i said i am not so he pushed me out of the way rushed into my apartment he began looking for the other girl in every room five of them when he couldn't find her he said if i didn't tell him where i was hiding her he'd kill me gilbert mariniere threatens to murder to murder this woman but not the accused the juror wishes to ask a question yes mr president is it important well uh not exactly and will you be good enough to sit down mm-hmm i tried to convince him that i was a different natalie rogan that i had never met his lady and i wasn't hiding her but he was still very excited and said that he'd find her if it was the last thing he'd do that's what he said thank you thank you my dear lady that will be all just a moment please when gilbert mareniere came to visit you that afternoon was he drunk oh no sir he was perfectly sober i thank you my dear lady thank you very much guilty not guilty i can make up my mind guilty 90 guilty 10 doubt well gentlemen still the same no verdict of course it's the same same fool still thinking the same way what else you expect can you call me a fool oh nothing special about you you're all fools be careful the way you talk i will not be insulted by you oh you won't be huh to you why it's an insult eating to be here with you what makes you think you're so good you're as big a fool as anybody else here including you including you yes he did it look right at me five minutes you're on the show wait a minute just who did you look at citizens of france i'm ashamed of it i don't like that she's mixed up with that hungarian bunch well even the prosecutor said she didn't have an honest face and what about you have you gotten on his face why do you know i wouldn't trust you with him with the eiffel tower why are we wasting so much time it's perfectly clear that all the evidence points to her guilt let's get through with this so we can go home oh of course of course you would say that well just because you're worried about what your wife is doing tonight there's no reason to force us into convicting an innocent girl now just a moment mr morrison you might know something about your bicycles and whatever else you have to say also photographs records and sheet music sir but that doesn't qualify you to tell us what our verdict should be now take for instance the bluebeard case on which i serve now that was definitely miscarriage of justice and if we aren't careful the same thing is going to happen here again the man had killed his four wives this is not the bluebeard case there isn't a single dead wife oh you don't understand i don't understand oh i don't know what case you're understand and you you you do you know what case you're on oh what's that huh it's my bride oh delicate little thing thank you metadata yesterday didn't you at 8 o'clock oh it's a pity it's a pity and we may be here all night young bride too well i can't blame you if you're worrying about what she's doing she comes from a theatrical family and you know what that means what did you say the reference was made to natalie roger oh a french father and a hungarian mother then there's something about the job she's had that might prove something waitress cashier manicurist model i wonder why wasn't she ever a nurse or a school teacher why weren't you ever a ballet dancer there's no logic in that remark i followed this case thoroughly and i've all the facts look here rent 2 000 thanks close 18 000 francs october 20th october 6th you have all the figures haven't you my little accountant well are we to convict an innocent girl just because you have a mathematical mind please don't shout in my ear i'm sensitive i'm for right to my opinion oh certainly certainly certainly if you had one but unfortunately my little friend your mind is in a state of confusion you don't see clearly you don't hear clearly why you don't even know what's happening around you you're exaggerating what's the use what's the use i give her there's still a doubt in my mind but i'll give her the benefit of the doubt i still think she's guilty well if that's your opinion very well my analytical friend we will sit here we will all stay and help you to disgrace the fair name of justice but i warn you gentlemen i will not move from here until i see that girl are quitting not even if we all get pneumonia guilty not guilty not guilty guilty not guilty guilty not guilty well are we all ready to listen to reason or aren't we mr eurek what's your opinion i don't know oh you still don't know ah everything is too easy for you mr morriston now why don't you explain why gilbert marini tried to kill her cousin killer cousin what cousin the one living at 40 resources oh you poor little thing you haven't understood anything that's happened that wasn't her cousin now now let me explain no no come come come here now once upon a time a boy and girl met in the rain they became friends or doctors if they might live happily together forever after but then that poor girl an orphan all alone in the world found that her only friend had become her enemy we find the accused not guilty accused [Music] [Applause] acquitted you know something i think we made a mistake oh just a minute please i uh i was looking for you sir ah yes yes i wanted to thank you for all you've done without you the case might have ended very differently oh committed my duty nonsense nonsense you are very helpful but i uh i would like to know uh what she is going to do who miss rogan oh miss well if i were to concern myself with the future of all my clients i don't know the usual thing like all the others vaudeville nightclub ah i see yes well i was thinking the poor girl will probably need a bit of help now would you tell her for me that i'd be very glad to help her in uh in some way or another you know uh here's my business card uh-huh so that's how it is eh oh no oh my apologies mr morristown i'll be very glad to give it to her thank you how are you doing oh hello this is my fiance lucille murray how do you do it we'd like to exchange our bicycles for a candle oh well that's something for my father to take care of you'd better come inside are you getting married too oh yes almost any day now we can hardly wait she flashes very easily hello hello mr morrison hello hello my friend here again we're going to get married oh this is my fiance well congratulations well now what can i do for you well mr morriston we'd like to exchange our bicycles for that tandem you know like the one i had well you certainly lead an unsettled life oh it's very difficult to talk while riding on separate bicycles oh yes it is mr morriston well we spend our sundays 10 yards apart from each other i can understand that father just think of yourself riding with mother on separate bicycles and shouting to each other i love you that's right you have a very understanding soul miss uh miss was miss francoise um where's your mother in the kitchen quick take the tender matures oh fine thank you this is the one i was telling you about oh it's even better than i expected and now i can have fun oh by the way you might soon be needing one of these huh yes of course we'll be back next week doomday well i don't want to rush up just in case just in case bye come back good luck well it's not good business you know oh uh uh we they're um they're uh they're gonna get married everybody seems to be getting married everybody seems to be getting a free bicycle too father when are you going to speak to robert about the dowry well father well what i'll talk to you about ah loretta my good friend you're right well how are you um i'm still at liberty and you're all pretty well pretty well mr martin i want you to meet my daughter francoise this is mr liurette he was a fellow juror at that trial i served on how do you do mr lewis how do you do indeed mr morrison you have a very lovely daughter why she's quite a woman eighteen and three months hmm soon you'll be be your grandfather naughty father doesn't make up his mind soon huh mr lorette what do you think of a father who refuses to discuss important matters with his intended son-in-law where are you oh what future is that in teaching people to dance if he wants to get married he's got to be able to earn his living let me ask you what are they gonna do after the wedding dance but there's a lot of money in dancing everybody likes to do the tango rumble karaoke if robert can build up his studio with my doubt imagine putting my money into a dance studio would you do such a thing i think others can't you see there's a customer in the store this is no time to be discussing family affairs uh now now will you please be good enough to excuse me i i'll talk to you about this later goodbye visit you right goodbye oh dear oh dear it's very hard to be the father of a family oh you don't know it's a big responsibility yes yes anyway mr morrison when they open their new studio they might need an accountant i'm at liberty you know there's not going to be a new studio why not seems like a good proposition to me oh how do you know how do i know the room by the tango it might be good andre you're wanted on the telephone uh you answered it's a woman well no more reason you should answer it she said it was personal personal for me who could be calling me personally well if you don't know how should i know why don't you have a little book and keep a record of those things record of what things what are you talking about man gets one personal call in his lifetime and immediately he's a casanova mr maybe i can go no don't go i'll be back in a minute are you coming in no please just a minute all right oh i know what you've got on your mind but you're wrong just the same you better shut the door hello hello is this mr morista yes this is natalie rogan you remember you told my lawyer you were so kind well i waited as long as i could yes yes i see oh that's too bad i thought that might happen now no no i don't mind at all yes i can be there in 15 minutes well i'm uh i'm big and good-natured looking oh but how stupid of me i'll be able to recognize you yes yes i leave it once give me the key to the cash board i'm taking 200 francs so you're giving money to women now how many times do i have to tell you i don't want this statue here cupid in a bicycle shop be careful andre be careful if i was going to do what you think i'd wear my derby wouldn't i take care andre if you're going to have a rendezvous oh michelle you know i haven't done anything like that to you since the war mr marston hmm mr madison oh loretta almost forgot about you i'm sorry i have to rush along but mr morrison i came here specifically to talk to you about something well come along come along what do you want to talk about the natalie oga case um you know i think we uh which way are you going uh which which way are you going north oh i'm going south too bad too bad we'll come in again and we'll talk about it [Music] nobody wants to give me any work because of what's happened oh that's not fair you were acquitted i i don't want to embarrass you in fact i feel uh uh more anyway i i thought perhaps you might uh thank you but i can't accept it oh why not i can spare it that isn't why i called you no no i know you want to work well trying to stop me from offering your job why don't you come and work in my shop or something better turns up huh but do you think it would be all right i mean well people coming into your store someone might recognize me it would be very embarrassing for you oh i'm not worried about that but you should be mr morristown i've been through it before it wasn't very pleasant it won't be for you you'll run along home oh i forgot you haven't got a home have you well there's plenty of room in our house there's no reason why you shouldn't come and live with us are you sure you're doing it oh i'm quite sure miss logan roger roger yes we'd better change your name don't think we ought to hire someone to help her hmm oh give it a chance she'll get used to it get used to it she never will now why do you say such a thing how do you know well just take a look at her anyone can see she'll never be any help in the store oh anyone can see kenji oh you're always so sure about everything well just look at her where in the world did you find her i've already told you she's the daughter of an old classmate george freddie he had to go to africa for a couple of years so he left her with me that's all couldn't have taken her with him oh now michelle would you for instance want me to take francoise to a country filled with with cannibals and and crocodiles and set supplies wouldn't you feel very happy to think that i had an old friend that i could leave my daughter with hello molly oh that is if i was going to africa and i had to leave my daughter behind what's this what's this no no no don't you start asking questions someone going away no one only your father hired a girl to see how much she could break in the store yes yes is she pretty very and if that isn't enough she's going to live here too i had to move her into your work room yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] hello what can i do for you soon yes oh don't bother please i i'm one of the family which one is george this one this one is marcel i remember him not that one this one i tell you see the new girl yes seems she's the daughter of an old friend of his this one he says is her father she looks very much like her father huh where was jeandle now john john who what do you mean jean who the girl you brought here oh sean you said jaw jaw john or something really i find it almost impossible to understand what you say sometimes how did this get here i distinctly remember putting this statue away in the back of the storeroom am i to be followed around with a cupid wherever i go john peter is anything wrong no i'm all right and why don't you go to sleep because i'm not sleepy i know what's bothering you i watched you during dinner you didn't take your eyes off your arm for a single moment jean you're imagining things am i i'll tell you something more i think you're in love what it's as clear as day love at first sight you show all the symptoms oh don't be a fool yes i know you're going to tell me that you really hate her but i know that deep down inside you're crazy yes then why were you always dropping things during dinner forks and knives that is one of the most common symptoms of love at first sight dropping things and why did you stop talking like a little child you don't know what kind of a girl she is she love at first sight i'm gonna tell her to get out of this house tonight yeah you don't know what you're saying i do know what i'm saying and the sooner the better too don't do anything to hurt her oh oh i thought i heard you talking to someone i was to myself i was reading loud don't you like to do that sometimes um read aloud oh yes i sometimes i do this your book yes yeah this is the first time i've ever read a book of astronomy it's very interesting i uh i can see that you think so too this is your room isn't it yes i hope you don't hate me for putting you out of it no oh no that's all right your sister tells me you're going back to the university this winter yes in january then you'll learn everything about the stars and planets and all the other things up there oh well hardly everything but isn't it a very difficult science no no it's quite simple yes once you get the fundamentals the rest comes very easy well for instance what are those oh these are models of the planets reduced to 250 million their actual size is saturn here this is jupiter there's mars [Applause] here really like to know more about it do you mind if i read your books i promise to be very careful with them of course you may well i have a small telescope up on the roof there some night we might you might go up and look through it thank you you haven't told me why you've come here oh no i i okay i i came to get this is it broken no no no it's all right well i hope i didn't bother you too much oh no well good night [Music] the candle straighten up the candle that's right [Music] oh it's beautiful from the outside professional decorator couldn't have done that thank you mr monister i'm so glad you liked it oh we need some more snow here snow anything you say miss [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh foreign hello hello my friend hello mr madison well i'm so delighted to see you again i was wondering if you'd ever come i didn't have much opportunity i i was working fortunately but now unfortunately i i'm again mr morriston you remember the last time i was here i uh i wanted to talk to you but you were in such a hurry that night this uh this seems a pretty old bicycle yeah do you think you want a new one no i can't i mean i i'm at liberty right now again and uh i might like to have this one fixed but mr morrison i want to talk to you but uh we better go inside uh you're right you you robert uh you're right you don't know what you're missing why these little models would have warmed the heart of of any side a perfect workmanship in every part yes although i say it myself they're um they're more than mere vehicles why they're scientists and yes mr morriston i've been thinking uh mr motherson i think we've made a mistake yes i've been re-examining the case and certain texts which represented at the trial lead me to believe that we gave the wrong verdict oh we didn't take into account the time spent between gilbert's first visit and his second visit now if you know anything at all about scientific oh uh uh i don't believe you know my wife hey yes and no i think i've had the pleasure now i want to miss you a fellow juror pleased to meet you yes is that the same problem which you freed that rogue anger that's exactly what i was talking about now mr morrison mr loret is a bookkeeper oh at liberty your husband and i have to acquit her but we've made a terrible mistake mr morriston i've got oh did you know michelle mr liverette served on the bluebeard case oh very important trial why don't you tell my wife about it but this is not the bluebeard case i've spent a lot of time figuring out this case but now i know this girl is guilty you know you know you don't know anything i figured it out for myself she definitely forced the boy to steal from his father you figured him out and you talked too much he made him steal 30 000 francs from his father the case is settled it's all over and done with maybe it is for you andre but with a dangerous woman like that free in the street there are the other cases now let me understand you well mr luret are you trying to say that i talked you into a critical guilty person yes and you talked yourself into it too oh you mean that i'm a fool eh yes no i didn't say that no but you mean it in other words you come into my shop with a bicycle which is an insult to the industry and you'll pretend you want it repaired and then you have the nerve to stand there and make a fool out of me in front of my wife what's come over you mr luret i must ask you never to come in here again and furthermore if you should ever find yourself in this neighborhood again i would advise you to keep on the other side of the street the other side of the street [Music] well well well a mystery girl mystery girl yes to me what goes on behind those deep dark eyes of yours i'd like to find out one of these days or uh nights what's the matter what would francoise say about this curiosity oh we can worry about that some other time you can always say that i'm teaching you how to dance i know how to dance and because you're a friend of the family i can teach you free of charge oh there you are uh jean's gonna take dancing instructions from me thank you you needn't bother about me well is there anything wrong in that no i want to talk to you let's go in the store hello mother hello dolly i wish father i don't know giving away free bicycles or throwing out customers i don't know what's come over your father he might be in the storeroom oh you've no idea what the lucky escape we've just had you see who that was that came in the store yes i know that man's a plague does he know that i'm here no but if that pest continues to come around with his big mouth anything might happen i've told my wife so many lies i don't think i could ever tell the truth now i'll go away mr morrison oh no no no no no my child oh no don't you cry you let me manage things everything's going to straighten itself out i better be getting back why don't you worry have you seen pierre nope he's looking for you he'll find me have you seen jean oh what easily am i supposed to see everyone today don't get so excited i have a perfect right to ask you where my help is anyway she seems a very strange sort this daughter of a friend of yours a little while ago she spent 15 minutes talking to a taxi driver well one of it might have been a customer they talked to each other in hungarian hungarian what do you say to that well uh uh do you know hungary no then how do you know they were talking in hungarian i'll tell you what it was it was a dialect they speak in the south of france a dialect yes well i told you jean's father came to this other france didn't i well down there they speak a dialect uh this driver probably came to the same place and coming from the south of france naturally he spoke in the the dialect they speak in the south of france didn't he well it's possible do you know who he is he's an international spy disguised as a taxicab he came here to steal the secrets of our bicycles for some power he's a frenchman from the south and he spoke a dialect that was it michelle i suppose you don't believe me no i didn't think you would wife ladies and gentlemen is the best cook in france the herd of stew is not just a stew it's a work of art thank you thank you are you feeling better now john that's good if francois takes after mother then i'm in for some good cooking too but raw bear you're not marrying me for my cooking oh why not what's wrong with it good cooking comes in handy after the wedding some people marry for the cooking and some marry for the diary and some for other reasons we're marrying for love aren't we robert what do you think of love what do you know about it you actually been married 25 years and then you can feel pretty certain that you're in love i didn't know you were a philosopher andre now before you begin to laugh at me mrs morristown let me tell you that i know what i'm talking about i'm an authority on love always thought i ought to write a book about it but don't forget to include a chapter on people who kill for love what's that what's that listen everybody the youth of france wishes to be held almost every day we read in the paper about some woman who kills a man because of jealousy or passion or whatever the cause may be isn't that true pass this hold for you i don't know father you so don't touch a case once yourself your father doesn't like to be reminded of that it seems they returned the wrong verdict ha ha ha one of his fellow jurors was here and spoke about it this afternoon ah that little red who's he to say anything and why are you always so ready to believe any fool who comes in here ha ha it's good still isn't it oh i need it i'll beat it up but he isn't the only one who thinks that many people said she should have been convicted that's what's wrong with everybody people talking people here but do they ever think a girl is accused of murder and then even after acquittal she's condemned by everybody what did i say this made you so excited i'm not excited after all she was a bad woman this stew is burned no you always put in too much salt john where are you going i don't feel i mean i've had enough please excuse me something's been bothering that girl all day each time i've looked at her she's had tears in her eyes i've had enough to say what's happening here wha what's going on sean pierre will somebody tell me what's happening here now now it's all very clear to me oh then perhaps you'll be good enough to explain it to me can't you see the pierre genre in love with each other why do it i knew it if they can get together soon enough we can have a double wedding yeah obnoxiousness is impossible i don't want any talk of that or of anybody getting married why not yes why not hearthstone never enough salt in it and furthermore in future i don't want any discussions of murder ties at the dinner table i'm going to and i haven't had enough [Music] aren't you cold not very [Music] i know why you ran out of the dining room just then yes natalie rogan oh you know this may sound very strange to you but i want you to leave this house just as soon as you can but before you go i'll leave tonight yes that might be better [Music] i can't blame you after all i was tried for murder no that's not it i know you were acquitted i always believed you were innocent then why because my father brought you here and because i saw you in the storeroom together this afternoon because i want to spare my mother any disgrace you should be ashamed to even dare to suspect your father the kindest person i've ever known he brought me here to help me and only for that reason i was desperate he knew he was taking a risk and yet he did it he knew what most people would think what many of them would say and still he wanted to do it i expected something like this for the others but not for you what else was i to think you're so filled with scientific facts you don't know anything except what's in your books [Music] and yet still there wasn't anything else you could think [Music] i'll go pier but please believe in your father i i do but no wait a minute please natalie don't go yet i have you ever seen the moon through the telescope i mean it's a very good night for tonight here i'll show you there are many mountain ranges many craters on the moon of a type of course quite different than those found down here here come and sit down here when we see them with the naked eye we call it the man and then they'll come and sit down we call it the man in the moon the moon is 2 160 miles in diameter it's nearer test than anything else in the sky how did you know that i've been reading your books tell me pierre how did you know i was at the trailer but you never told anyone [Music] no that was very kind oh wait don't go yet natalie please it i well before you go wouldn't you like to see venus yes [Music] we can never mistake venus because of its surpassing brilliance when the ancient greeks saw the planet in the western sky they named it callisto meaning the most beautiful the name which fits it very well [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] is [Music] is in excelsior [Music] [Music] me quick hide your face there's that idiot again you're right what's he doing in church that faker must have come to count the candles [Music] find out what you're foolish father mother wants to know what you're saying i said they're singing off-key [Music] he says [Music] it says [Music] [Music] something seems to be the matter go after and see if there's anything wrong if she isn't feeling well i'll take care [Music] natalie why did you run out oh there was someone there one of the jurors i was afraid he might see me wouldn't let him see you if he sees me he'll talk well let him talk now look natalie you've got to stop being so afraid of people all the time you're going to be my wife this is pierre morrister that sounds wonderful doesn't it okay or would you rather it be um mrs natalie morristown [Music] i can't marry you why not it's impossible what would your mother say when she finds out there's only one thing that's important that is do you love me oh come on tell me do you love me that has nothing to do with it i can't marry you i'm gonna speak to father tonight when he gives us his blessing you'll change your mind pretty quick all right ah come on mr martha tyret i have nothing to say to you and i must ask you to say nothing to me mr madison hear me we have nothing to say to each other i saw what you did all through the services you wait at my wife i think what are you talking about honestly right somebody should tell you that a church is not an army barracks at all that's all how do you know you didn't see i was watching him i'm sure he only wanted to talk to you about his bicycle he must have winked at you well i don't want him to weak at me oh oh oh there please go and apologize to him tell him mr morrison isn't feeling very well all right all right i'll be back in a minute where's mother hello father she'll be down in a moment huh feeling better john yes thank you that's good that's good well father did you enjoy the services mm-hmm made me hungry though wish france wasn't rubbed out would hurt so that we could eat oh jean would you excuse us for a moment there's something i want to speak to father about father going to get married that's right i mean it yes yes i said naturally i'm going to marry jean when i was your age i wanted to get married on christmas day too i'm serious father jean and i have decided to get married and i've decided to send you back to school after the christmas holidays i'm asking your permission father but even if i don't get it i'm still gonna do it does she know of your intention of course she does oh i see well i say you're not why not well because uh because she's natalie rogan how long have you known that i was at the trial no i see well well no no i will not permit it but you have no reason to say that you brought her here because you believed in her yes and because i wanted to help her i still want to but as a daughter-in-law well if you were at the trial you know for yourselves maybe i was a fool but don't you make me sorry now that i did it that's all that's all you have to say that's all all right hungry huh no no no you will be when you see what we have for dinner i'll be down hello hello how are you my little sweetheart you never came over for those private instructions in the evening i told you i didn't have the time oh that's a pity could have had a lot of fun together i just met a friend of yours knew you he said before your name was john you're not in so much of a hurry now are you his name was lorette does that mean anything to you served on the jury at a certain trial oh come on you don't have to act that way with me oh please leave me alone [Music] stop it please [Music] oh why doesn't somebody [Music] what's all this stop that stop that yeah let him go let him go you hear me hey hey what's the idea oh it was his fault i was just having some fun with her and he rushes in like the three musketeers trying to protect his lady's honor go to your room you hear me you'll get out of here maybe a pleasure go on i'm going i'm going i never wanted to stay here anyway oh wow you have no right to talk why doesn't he tell you who this girl is she's natalie rogan let him explain what she's doing here go on get out well now you know but the only reason i brought her here was because i wanted to help her nothing more so sorry for her that's all i suppose you don't believe me do you yes andre i do believe you yeah and i should never have brought that girl in the house either but we'll start all over again oh you'll soon get over it all right darling you can go and visit your own shop tomorrow don't you think you ought to speak to pierre no i've said all that's necessary but he loves her andre oh everybody loves everybody here this house is a paradise for lovers look at her and upstairs i've got a private romeo and juliet all to myself but no more from now on we sell bicycles natalie [Music] goodbye pierre i'm going with you i'm here listen to me you must it must because i don't love you i don't believe you it must be [Applause] [Music] did i interrupt something again i was just saying goodbye to here saying goodbye to them huh pierre need his bag to say goodbye to you on this [Applause] you yes you'll rub me my own son robbed me this is your fault you you've done it before i wish to report a tragedy a terrible tragedy don't pay attention to him please he's he's drunk there's nothing unusual about it we expect such things on holidays save a woman's life and then six months later you try to kill her she made a thief out of my son how little you know she's a good girl he stole from me she's to blame where is she pierre took her upstairs now don't worry she isn't badly hurt well as soon as she leaves the better andre if she goes pierre go with her let him go i don't care but i do and i won't let you make pierre unhappy there's nothing more of a said there but no halfway about it she must get out of here and if he wants to he can go with her is that the way you feel about it yes that's the way i feel about it well then in that case i'll go too i'm leaving in the morning [Music] alice what can i do for you i came for the trunks huh trunks yeah oh we don't what do you mean trunks you must be mistaken just a moment please there's no mistake but we're not quite ready for you yet could you come back in about an hour all right whatever you're cooking in the kitchen is burning [Music] you're right oh you're right mr butterson found me i just wanted my vision oh i'm so glad you're here you're right you were so right about that girl we never should have acquainted her we never uh what what's happened what's happened oh what hasn't happened she forced gilbert mourinho to steal money from his father well now she's made my son steal from me and she tried to run away with him pardon me mr morrison i uh i don't want to say that i told you so but it's another miscarriage of justice now if you analyze the facts oh there's no need to analyze i've told her to get out of the house out of that but that's wrong definitely what you're paving away for another tragedy that god is dangerous and she'll be put away somewhere well you're quite right but what can i do why don't you go to the president of the court and tell him about it the president of the court yeah oh how could it be yes it's your responsibility it's all your fault you fosters into it mr boston you must act quickly you know you're right that's what i should do but then do it come in oh excuse me uh come in come in come and come in did you wish to see me yes mr president uh speak freely speak freely i um i'm the fifth juror fifth juror yes sir uh the natalie rogan case oh yes i remember you now and what can i do for you well you see sir after the trial i offered to help natalie roger well that was very kind of you hmm thank you sir she was 50 hungarian and 50 french yes yeah yes well you see i uh i gave her a job i even took her into my house did you indeed well that was very decent of you yes but you see the thing is i made a great i give you credit you were 100 right right 100 uh the new evidence proved it but how did he know that new evidence yes after the trial we discovered some new evidence a letter written by gilbert marvinier yes and they showed conclusively that he was determined to kill natalie roger and commit suicide here's my dear man you helped save an innocent girl 100 innocent you certainly were a stroke of good luck for that girl mr uh uh what is your name uh andre morristown andre mariston you're a good man mr mavista uh sir yes uh thank you sir thank you i give him credit 100 thank you sir thank you i know i've already made two exchanges but if you can speak to your father you could explain i might try i'd like to help you oh i knew you would there's something about you you know what i mean that's why your mother hasn't gone yet has she she's coming down oh father would it be possible hello mr morris he would like to have his tandem exchange for his old bicycle what exchange again well to put it simply mr morriston my girlfriend and i have come to the parting of the ways huh and you know how dull it would be to ride on a tandem alone yes it's very dull okay uh well francoise i'll leave you to manage this transaction uh i've got something else to do all right father oh ah there you are yes i'm just about to leave oh are you still leaving michelle yes as soon as the taxi gets here you uh you wouldn't change your mind i suppose no andre and here i'm back again how do you do mrs morrison hey mr marston i i'm very anxious did you talk to the president i certainly did did you tell him everything about nothing oh i told him everything he told me quite a lot about her too i knew it i knew it from the very beginning that girl was no good no good don't you speak that way about my future daughter-in-law don't say no yes daughter-in-law mr bluebeard mr accountant mr analyzer mr idiot [Music] mm-hmm mm-hmm so [Applause] you
Channel: Classic Robb's Glenn Ford Channel
Views: 136,036
Rating: 4.8560719 out of 5
Id: jxYd2RQOTvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 58sec (4798 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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