Japan's Biggest Morning Market

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Only open Sundays, just to note

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/mercuryfrost šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 17 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
That is mental. How many chicken legs are in there? I think there genuinely might be a thousand chicken wings in that one bowl. People want this in the morning. 7am. Fried chicken. This is the future. How do you like it? This is the future of breakfast. The future of breakfast? Iā€™m telling you! This is much better than KFC. So today weā€™re on our way to Hachinohe in Aomori to visit the biggest morning market in all of Japan. Itā€™s got 350 stalls and itā€™s supposed to have just an amazing atmosphere. Iā€™m joined by Ryotaro and as per usual I donā€™t really know what weā€™re doing now right now. What are we doing? Tonight we are actually staying at this Ryokan right - a traditional Japanese inn - with lots of festivals actually happening in side. Seeing as weā€™re getting up at silly oā€™clock tomorrow morning, we decide to stay nearby at the local Hoshino Resort Aomoriya, a traditionally themed Japanese inn bursting with character. And you know itā€™s going to be good, from the moment you meet your baggage handler in, the resorts car park. Oh wow. Iā€™m loving the hat. Heā€™s wearing the festival hat. So for two hours everyday this pony will take your luggage from the car into the hotel. He only has to work every second day. Every other day this pony gets the job done. The resort feels like a cross between a hotel and an amusement park - an amusement park filled with apples. Not surprising given Aomori region is Japanā€™s biggest producer of apples. Come and look at this. Itā€™s going to come out here. Itā€™s a real apple isn't it. I forget that weā€™re in a hotel or ryokan as itā€™s so damn big. Itā€™s more like being in a shopping centre or something. Here weā€™ve got apples on tap, then youā€™ve got apple toys, a shop and then over there you can actually catch real live scallops. Itā€™s not just apples that are the symbol of Aomori prefecture. Gigantic, colourful and somewhat terrifying papier-mĆ¢chĆ© dolls called Neputa can be found through the resort, with famous characters and warriors re-enacting scenes out of Japanese folklore. This looks like itā€™s come straight out of a childā€™s nightmare. Itā€™s supposed to be Genghis Khan vanquishing some kind of beat whoā€™s half monkey, half lion, half fuck knows. But itā€™s terrifying. I dread to think how long it took to make. Imagine if he knocked it and brought the whole thing down. But it's in the evening during dinner when the resort comes alive with music and performances from local festivals. And when a big float gets waved infront of you and you sit there awkwardly not knowing how to respond. And best of all thereā€™s even a chance for you to witness your favourite musical instrument being played. Thatā€™s right - the shovel. Being played by local shovel champions. And no Iā€™m not making this up. So thatā€™s what the shovel sounds like. Yes few things beat the sounds of the spade being played before bed time. So itā€™s 6:42 in the morning but you wouldnā€™t know it, as itā€™s so damn busy this market! But I canā€™t yet pronounce the name of the market. What is it? Thatā€™s the name of the market. So apparently there about 350 shops on this street. And this is open every Sunday and every Sunday there are about 10 to 20,000 people. The market is nothing short of a culinary wonderland, and it wasnā€™t long before my appetite got the better of me and tempted me into my first - and somewhat unconventional - dish of the day. This is surely the greatest breakfast of all. This is grilled chicken, yakitori. Ah fuck yeah. This is my favourite dish in Japan. But you donā€™t usually have it at 7 in the morning. This is the first time Iā€™ve had in the morning. But it works, itā€™s fine. The sound of the chicken sizzling and then watching it being marinated I love it. The ultimate breakfast. So my first dish of the day was Yakitori - grilled chicken. Second dish of the day, fried Calamari. And the batter is tempura, but it tastes a lot like British Fish and Chips. I canā€™t eat elegantly this time in the morning. Sorry. You never do though. No I never do though. If you walk around the market for a few minutes, youā€™ll probably spot a not so subtle character strolling around. It turns out the market even has itā€™s own premium mascot. This character is not certified. What do you mean not certified? Some characters are certified by the city, the city or prefecture, but heā€™s not certified. Itā€™s too early to talk to a person in a big squid suit - whilst eating squid. There you go. A business card of the uncertified squid character. Itā€™s got his address there! Ah, thereā€™s his address. This says Jusho which means address and it just says sea. See, uncertified mascots are always best. You get a free giant business card. Even the appearances of the stalls were just as unique and diverse as the produce and goods themselves. This like a grilled fish shop. 15 kinds of fish that heā€™s grilling. 15 kinds of fish! Grilling in the back of his little truck. I love the way heā€™s got this truck, heā€™s got a big grill in the back of it and heā€™s just stuck a tent over it and that is his shop. It looks really cool doesnā€™t it? Yeah it looks really cool. A mobile fish shop. A mobile grilling shop! Seriously Iā€™m always amazed by the kinds of seafood Japanese people are able to eat. In terms of diversity thereā€™s some really unpleasant stuff. Squid mouth? Squid mouth! Squid mouth - thatā€™s not something you want to see this time of morning. It actually sounds like some sort of Indy rock band - Squid mouth. Some sort of trendy Indy rock band - who clearly need to put more thought into the name of their band. This place this is like a fried chicken place. Whatā€™s happened is that since this is the most popular shop in the whole market, look how many fryers theyā€™ve got over here. 9 fryers and theyā€™re simultaneously frying something. This is how popular it is. Thereā€™s a giant bowl in there, absolutely filled to the top with chicken wings. I donā€™t know how many there are. Maybe a thousand. I genuinely think there might be a thousand chicken wings in that one bowl. People want this in the morning. 7am. Fried chicken. And youā€™re eating it. This is the future. How do you like? This is the future of breakfast. Iā€™m telling you. This is much better than KFC. Itā€™s even better than Family Mart fried chicken. And thatā€™s saying something. Theyā€™re bloody selling a car here. Theyā€™re bloody selling a car here! Look at that. For 5 man - for $500 you can be become the proud owner of a Mitsubishiā€¦rubbish. I donā€™t know what model it is. Mitsubishi mini car. Mitsubishi mini car. Why donā€™t you get it? Youā€™ve always wanted to buy a car at a fish market. Iā€™ve got a really big car, itā€™s ok. Bigger than this. My carā€™s bigger than the Mitsubishi. You know what. This will fit you. This will suit you. It doesnā€™t suit my style. But this is completely your style. My carā€™s bigger than this. I thought this car has always been your style though. So give us a run down on what youā€™ve eaten for breakfast this morning. Iā€™ll try to remember. Weā€™ve eaten so much. We ate we tried deep fried something. Deep fried something. No - it was grilled chicken to start with. And then deep fried calamari. And then we went for deep fried mackerel. And then deep fried chicken wings after that. And then, what did we have? I donā€™t know. Just deep fried everything. And so now I think we should try something thatā€™s not deep fried. Nah. Ramen. Ah! What do you think? To top off Ryotaroā€™s ridiculous breakfast comprised off a staggering amount of fried food, heā€™s now also got a mini ramen, complete with an egg. You not full? No. Clearly not. Something about this market being next to the sea just makes everything better. I think itā€™s because with one breathe you can smell the sea air, fried fish and fried chicken. Just fried everything really. Everything is fried at this market. If you want to stuff your face with nearly every Japanese dish there is, all in one morning, the Tatehana morning market is a bloody good place to start. And given that the market has only been running a few years - its still something of a well kept secret, despite itā€™s huge size. The market runs every Sunday morning from March to December and for information and directions on how to find, you can find the details in the description box below. Many thanks for watching guys, Iā€™ll see you next time. It's one of the coolest market I've been to. I feel pretty nostalgic. I used to go to the market every Sunday in U.K. But there isn't much resemblance to a British market here. In terms food and produces. It's whole different ball game. I've got to stop using the phrase, "ball game". I hate it. Why I keep saying ball game? More fried food.
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,394,783
Rating: 4.9404745 out of 5
Keywords: japan, market, japanese, food, aomori, tsukiji, fried, hachinohe, ęµ·å¤–ć®ååæœ, é’ę£®, japan food guide, japan travel guide, japan food, japanese food, 外国äŗŗ, åø‚å “, japan market
Id: KAuYy54XwKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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