Japanese Type 38 and Type 99 Arisaka rifles
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Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 673,143
Rating: 4.8752365 out of 5
Keywords: military, police, rifle, pistol, 4x4, offroad, camping, fishing, xbox one, ps4, playstation, call of duty, battlefield 4, ghost recon, windows, osx, how to, hickok45, funker530, iraqveteran8888, jeep, ford, chrysler, dodge, mopar, chevy, chevrolet, ar15, training, hiking, movie, action movie, thriller, hollywood, outdoor, theater, movies, video game, recreation, holiday, entertainment, SDI, college, arisaka, type 38, type 99, WWII, japan, japanese rifle, world war II, bolt action, 6.5 jap, 7.7 jap
Id: ifarJGOyJEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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