I Think They Messed Up... EASY Coin Pusher Game Arcade Wins!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back today we're at the Wizard of Oz here at University Bowl I'm here with vex he's gonna help me out today and we're gonna see when you get this todo so vex is it your first time playing right yeah so we do a thing called make it rain so if you hold that it says rapid-fire right there so like with it there you go and just move that back and forth and there you yeah so since we're gonna focus on on the toe toe toe toe is a rare card here you just go back and forth with the toe toe and we already got a spin you got your first pin which was a 10 nice your second loose to fall down already you got nervous then got 5 we're down at 200 plays it's interesting that because here like a lot of arcades they do bar codes but here by default we got 50 by default you can buy it on barcode cards so you actually get traded in so another arcane that doesn't have bar codes which is it's kind of hard to find cuz like David buzzer has bar codes main even has bar codes maybe smaller bowler bowling alley doesn't have bar codes but yeah we got nervous being where we are ten [Music] I'm going we got 15 for the pin let me pick up right here oh you got a good push as I like oh look at this oh come on Jeff I for the spin there we go now we called it an avalanche so seems like we're gonna get that toto we got say five plays does any give those two things or the fifty per to spin yes it did nice okay I think so those on his home stretch on his way back Oh hold on he might be falling back okay no he's starting to pivot now there he goes Toto Toto we're down to 40 all right then you just go all over who's back a left and right there we go tonight my buddy skip so okay I'll explain you how it works in a minute and another 50 when you ran out this is like the perfect because we now we get to play more nothing really good so those are coming cards the one to add like the scenes so those ideas were 30 tickets what's the parts that work here 5,000 nice okay so now we are out dude he's right there she's right there oh come on now now this is a part where to do we say would do we need one actually do we need one and if we do need one we might get a nice white all right should we do nari swipe yeah let's do nurse why because actually gives us like bonus plays so we actually loaded up with 50 and it gave us what like 15 extra so that was 65 so $65 worth $50 okay that's good so now we'll just see if we could get the Wicked Witch of the West I forgot her name everyone always tells me I know I know the comments are gonna say so I know she's a wicked witch I think the new witch cycle the genie nice Oh [Music] but we don't want to stay here too long because we actually came for another game all right we'll finish up those three real quick the bad part is they don't have loot cups I did not think that part out right you have their cups well we'll figure something out I guess all right now Willy Wonka look what we found a golden ticket all right let's see if we could get it for hundred plays same technique just go back and forth whenever you're working on it yeah like that 50 tickets nice so yeah you can win tickets her point here on Wizard of Oz you couldn't win tickets you're only one you play and every interplay you want to ticket so yes you a good amount to get there [Music] I don't think where he's waiting for you though 10 tickets and we had a conversation a while back on common people all the loads they'd rather have more plays or would be ready to have more tickets I'm kind of a more play kind of guy but you know tickets aren't bad like that but do you think it's right there [Music] right there [Music] we're down to 160 plays left without a lot what was that Nancy we have that spinless there spinning by so quick but look at that there we go we got it all right so let's focus over there I'll see me any of those cards down fit under 100 now we got 10 tickets [Music] we're down to 50 you got 10 more plays on that got mr. gloop on the field over down sunshine down 20 that would be a good good push but I see in their machine we might go for it if we don't get it fine [Music] we got 20 tickets tonight how many tickets have we got actually get them out right there but did we get 400 not bad all right so not many cards but we got cards we did get that golden ticket though but you know what yeah was there there it is nice you know what else I saw let's walk very far let's walk very far what is that let's go for that one so let's put all our loot right here here we go and let's load up all right we still have a couple more bucks to use but we got 262 plays there is a golden ticket next do your thing about me in a wheel 50 tickets I'll take it we're down to 200 plays now another 50 tickets that's a pen impressive okay so when that happens watch the guy go that way and then go this way yeah that's like reset or something you'll learn all the secret tune yeah it happens on that this company they make out a whole bunch of other cheap kind of games it does the same thing as well like Star Trek I do and Buster's it's the same workings inside it is getting closer we got mr. Glueck on top of the golden ticket right now which is good push oh no I hate this part okay oh we got it all right let's go gets to the far right that's the 10 tickets come on step up Joe fall down there right there oh we got 25 please nice all right let's go did we get these nice I think can give me more plays give me more plays yeah [Applause] all right Grandpa Joe stamp as you know grandpa Joe's you know he could fall down so whoa hold on that card my phone Oh so should we do a swipe swipe hold on wait wait Oh grapple Joe fall down again okay yeah oh he fell down buddy thanks a lot graphic Joe oh now it's a good drop okay you know what else can we get let's see the lube so we should have two golden tickets now right nice okay let's actually see what cards we need and we'll go from there okay so the numbers are in all we need is so there's ten cards to the kintyre set so we have everything except slugworth I think there's a slugworth right here all right let's play here okay I have no more no more money's on the cards so I think we might be able to get them with under thirty five plays right yeah maybe I think so so do your thing Zach come on spin got five extra plays nice nice you got him we got them let's see if we could get ready completely reset because the world that let those complete once enter right [Music] [Applause] you're right there oh yeah if we could get that drop I need more place that we have we have 15 15 25 little goat until you filled out oh you want after that oh we're gonna need more plays shoots first world problems okay go go for this this is a good job did we get this please 25 more plays how does it no thank you oh alright on that golden ticket real quick oh no well we can okay you know what stay here I'll be right back all right we got 400 please in let's see if we can get that golden ticket so what most likely happened is that they push the golden ticket and this little stack so this stack only pays out 20 tickets per card so somebody put the golden thick in there which is worth five hundred tickets and it's pushing up pretty well too so the going thing is worth five hundred so every regular card in there 20 tickets but if you collect all the cards including golden tickets as a thousand really Wow surprise [Music] [Music] okay so what else sounds good I think it's up right here so you can just like fan it like just really and just slowly push everything maybe ten shot more playing some more fun 20 tickets not bad yeah grandpa no falling down again what was that five plays okay mr. TV only watching the TV get it there's in the movie he's watching TV hey boss names TV all right we're down home run 25 plays very nice [Music] [Applause] drop yeah okay we're down to 100 200 and something tickets [Music] yeah mr. bucket Mayans laughing bucket I don't know maybe he was born in a bucket I don't know okay yeah they think we might go get those Oh got 25 extra plays very nice if not we can't win them all but we could win most of them oh how many plays was that ten extra plays oh I might get stuck right there oh no 50 tickets oh nice very nice oh it's so counting but we got so far you know we might have enough for two sets so now maybe three cents you're right let's count the loot oh and 300 tickets I remembered so the numbers are in we almost had enough for drinkin playsets but we got two complete sets all we need is another charlie and another one Columbo so we'll probably do now is actually they got this deal where you actually turn the card sets it's not set up for a Wizard of Oz but there's no bar codes but when they when you put this card in it knows what bar code it is so it knows how to pay out so let's put the cards in at least two sets and see if we could get those I believe 2000 tickets how does it work um yeah so like that and boom it starts counting oh wow that's quick so yeah so we'll just wanted to for each right yeah so now um no no okay so okay so turn to go in ticket yep there we go then that's mr. TV right it's not working for mr. TV okay let's try no TV [Music] Oh No did we just get scammed why is it not taking the TVs what No oh okay that was scary so we'll give them two buckets so to maruca's grapple Jyothi grandpa'll Joe falling down to of the Cheetos or the Cheetos at uh-oh no no don't do this don't Oh No we're gonna keep on trying realm over there come on no okay let's look okay Oh Aaron let's clean the barcode actually might be dirty maybe flip it over [Music] yes okay so now we need to want this that way we knows is good so we need some mystical oops oh okay there goes come on let's see that should go up to QK Oh hold on oh really you have to call the attendant oh that's her weird so you can't put that card in right it's kicking it out well I guess we're gonna need a call and send it them thing it okay I'll be right back all right so the numbers are somewhat in so we have problems with Willy Wonka and they just had to come over and approve it so we got two thousand tickets because each set was actually a thousand tickets so times two is two thousand and then you might not notice but at the end of Wizard of Oz where he actually had issued total didn't come out so we wouldn't know you're having issue of Wonka they came out too and so it was stuck there like if he filled and tonight a little bin where he's like if you cheat it like reverse rollers some reason he was in there but we got him as well but and we got all those cards as well as well as well that's a lot as well anyways hopefully you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to follow me on Instagram Facebook Twitter for all the behind the scenes action god discord channel we're there about every evening Texas time but till then all we need I think we need a couple more cards for the Wizard of Oz and then we just need you know open loompa and it was get okay wasn't a worth we need one more card but we'll probably get them next time because they have actually have like a half-price deal on Tuesday nice
Channel: ClawD00d - Coin Pushers
Views: 192,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade video, arcade coin pusher, coin pusher win, arcade win, clawd00d, coin pusher, willy wonka coin pusher, wizard of oz coin pusher, arcade game wins, arcade jackpots, arcade game jackpot, coin pusher big win, arcade wins, coin pushers, coin pusher jackpot, coin pusher game, arcade game win, arcade 2019, claw dood, jackpot win, arcade games jackpot, coin pusher game win, claw d00d, coin pushers videos, arcade videos, coin game, high risk coin pushers are fake
Id: 0cTFfATs1F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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