IT NEVER STOPS! 1000 Plays at Marble Carnival Arcade Pusher | Part 2

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back marvel carnival part 2 we just got done with part 1 all we need is that guy well death was a you need vanilla the Wolford a master and a John Wendy would grab them real quick so hurts video with the tablets actually hasn't week we did up mm plays but it's so long we broke up a few so 500 for that one and fire is this one let's see what we can win [Music] yes exactly and those are fishings way up pretty well so we're right down to 450 ish whoa what was that oh okay I'm gonna watch that though Oh let me get your attention yeah I think so yeah cuz I don't want loser okay you wanna grab somebody all right they're gonna grab somebody we're gonna grab those cards so they won't get stuck so got the traffic jam regarding we got one more spoon hard drop would it be got the carousel all right I'm gonna wait for death oh yeah okay yeah that's nice but I don't think it would help cut there down off the flats right there okay if you press hard enough money what a dinner once we got it dad open it up and we have now got the rare card which makes a complete set sweet so now we're back at 450 we got some cards right there so I'm gonna see if I could get the cards or get doesn't want to shoot in the center yeah Ben got three five catapillar stop back up going greenies also cook 10 Oh look at that don't get jammed nice nice it's alright built up and come on Kurt don't fill me now okay yeah that's max down you know what while it's maxed out I want to see if we can like it I want to see if you actually if we max it out and we get more spins it just bends go to waste so I just want to see I want to see make sure that we get a couple of in there required let's go okay that should be maxed out of you okay I think you actually do lose them I'm feeling that if you kept on going you will probably lose out so it might be good to go fill the song and then just let it sit because if you don't you're gonna have all those bonus bins for the waste nice and it's going out got a bonus spin 100 Oh they stopped by to see if we needed help but we got it okay anything else no oh yeah I was explained to the worker here's out and it's different that you don't win nothing that you know there's no redemption games hope you got John on the go-kart that's pretty crazy but it's still fun actually from what I seen there was actually a better version like there's that day at first the only paid out tickets but it had that big orange marble which is kind of like the bonus it does some kind of bonus but yeah I guess that one didn't come to come to life got the master three marbles five shots nice okay the stock is down I might shoot a couple more [Music] oh wow suspicion here we're down 340 come on master go master hey push his way up pretty well down 330 down there car he got John without go-karts okay if I start shooting on this side now they're trying to go over there now dad 305 four three one 300 and the stock is built up oh we got the mass here and I'm sitting right now and we got bonus wheel bonus wheel get and a stock is filled up crazy all right I push out a bomb 100 wait for the hundredweight 400 hundred yes thank you nice not 400 it is a hundred according to my math that's a quarter of 400 I think so those are just pushed okay so you know when you're maxed out earlier and we got another bonus wheel and those cards are just pushing nice all right let's see what we got okay I did it on the hundred and I got 200 if I do it on two super marble zone is what I get the super marble bonus now right right Wow that went right in all right so now we just got that card there's still some cards in there and the stock is filled up I know that we got a whole bunch of spins this whole see if we actually yeah alright went back up and we got card got Pinilla but it's filling up by itself yeah I have a feeling if you fill up the stock when you keep on getting spins it's all the extra spin that you get just goes away down 300 I guess one's a stock type starts going low again I'll fill it back up 310 we stopped at 300 ten shots three 20 now like down three marbles okay to stock it down pretty well oh nice from shopping hands Auto global cart cart she had a couple wire [Music] now 300 okay and we got in our car dropped got two rats three shots not just parts looking pretty good all these cars are falling down what the heck okay I'm just gonna press it whatever Marco's gonna spiro bonus Barbara bonus Marvel bonus right there all right narrativity video [Music] we're back to 300 I'll make it even there we go and a bonus wheel but that gonna give go Oh No Oh Oh all right now you want to go down 200 heading tired when you found 100 nice nice yeah nice and it did fill up those the bonus fence [Music] all right [Music] the rats are finishing up the stocking filled up all the way again give me a mortgage bins and another bonus wheel and a nurse then all right I pushed on 100 what I clean 100 probably not Supermarket honest yes stuck on down and get that you might be able you enter 100 you might be able to get another hundred Oh ten and we got those nice nice but three maxed out so we might be here for a while the rat I push its way up pretty well though and now we're just being a mess of stuff let's go we're almost back to 398 [Music] and then ok I'm gonna press but good luck to see what we could get we go start some what's up fire drop the carousel hold it right there okay we're heading on a bit not the best but they're nothing bonus wheel and the stock is full oh we got their blood present randomly you know what I'm gonna present on a dirty now you see what that does [Music] [Applause] [Music] 100 say obsessive there's nothing then shots wow we're having a hard time getting out 300 that's great I'm gonna make a rant a little bit okay we're filled up now all right I'm gonna press it on 2:30 that day [Music] oh so close 100 kind of not really the stock is almost filled up again [Music] I might shoot a couple more and our bonus wheel okay I think build our County what if I pressed on 100 dampers on 100 [Music] oh hey that cartel 39 ow three marbles okay the stock is working this way it's like sorry back up I don't even know good luck let's go that's what goes Bertram [Music] three marbles going to hold our job that's the conquistador part a rocking boat I don't know nerdy traveller cogsa conquistador I call it a boat lead guys call it let's known a common sense at five shots we're back past 300 crazy three okay I can finally sit down so we simply able go to like 250 about any kind of history maybe let's go okay we're a pasty 50 this dock is built way up pretty well [Music] let's go Donal smacks it out [Music] nice watch it a couple more bonus wheel Oh [Applause] all right I'm gonna press it on I know what they're yelling at different marbles Oh 109 very nice [Music] Wow hey stockin built its way up again I needed a few more cards we could win anything good over there think so Nabby good way Naveen ecards let's go [Music] car drop speaking of cards John on a go-kart three marbles older heart drop I've got my suctioning Oh master let me go okay I'm gonna shoot from the right side here we get the Carter girl Oh maxed out again free shot oh three shots again [Music] where I pass 200 I'll bring that back down oh that was all that was that bone this wheel oh that was like super-close fall let me go I do this barely over to be a better one nothing okay I'm gonna make my rain a little here we get these what let's go I'm gonna go till we max out the stock or to spin which right there will probably mess withou yeah I [Music] let's go three bonus wheel get I did it on I did on 50 [Applause] [Music] breasts on a 15 as might be 10 100 Oh [Music] I mean while goes farther right there right there Oh and a card drop got John okay I'm gonna make it little scattered showers are a bit we can get the car okay the stock is maxed out down there dark three this way we can see it all okay the sock it back down my shirt a little bit right now doc doubled back up again turn down a 150 home stretch bonus wheel those are right there all they're pushing up they're literally right on the glass oh I never seen that happen before okay gonna press it on one day on the turn aim low for a jackpot now we got that oh yeah though they're just stacking up now yeah I don't know about those that's crazy all right got Manila okay and I'm gonna stack it up let's go crazy three shots three marbles let's go yeah that's our equivalent of being stuffed for the other one the inner carts here is stuck right there but this one's suckling on a glass unless it pushed its way up that's the only way we can win which I think we might be able to do that it pushes okay yeah those marbles shouldn't be stacked up that Oh they'd know down Oh No right there it looks like it fell down no they're still there pushing our way up we're down 120 the stock have gone down that's a long time ago home church my job oh nice some people played it might win a couple cards nothing's good on the field you got another card it is a ferris wheel stock is half way down I'll probably wait so it's like all the way down and then we'll go through 250 then we'll see what the stock does three shots three marbles also co-starred drop okay I'm gonna met wanna shoot mark let's go I'm going to shoot out the coins place part of all stars are fishing nice watching from this side nice okay we ran out but we do have more Wow that max out my marbles let's go three marbles miss might shoot them all did we get those maybe great let's go great good luck is out and we get those let's go ten Wow Rebecca say teams okay we might be able to get these if I hear from this side it is maxing out again let's go and a bonus wheel the night that we get it I mean it would be horrible if we got it reverse psychology what a breath away lights up okay first on a dirty if that means they say if I tease better recorder in there [Music] three shots and we are do mapped out our drop instant win on the ground let's go I think Ric alright we're almost there pretty Marvel about the Gotham Harbor and a refugee it is empty again every two marbles equals one ticket the cards are worth 50 tickets each and the bonus set is 3000 and it did nerf this game again the bonus spin is now 400 they used to be 500 so that used to be 5000 and now you'd be 500 the nerves continue [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh so 400 want to be fighting about 200 students the 400 marbles fall down you might be a devout Turner - oh and a bonus rule again I'll take it it might really be trying to pay out a bonus spin if only we could manually throw the ball goes to marble and even then I'll probably mess it up my shoe [Music] okay we know regarding no okay Vicky's not bad that's pretty good though it is maxed out once again five shots car drop he'll have to be the rare card for me to keep on playing good luck it is about three shots I can fight flavored a boat bonus wheel and an arts been and never ends [Music] I dig it press on the 10 press on that event and it gave me a 10 if only it worked like that you can press it on to Super Mario bonus good Super Mario Botta and only what I pressed on 100 yeah we least get Aundre [Music] yes well paid off that time [Music] very nice and it max out the stock and that's out the spins it max out the spinny spins are you kidding me again how's the bonus behind the bonus payout the bonus okay I pressed on 100 we got 100 I pressed on super marble bonus we get the super marvelous that's how it works another hundred I'll take it issues all right how many more students how many more other bonus chances you think we might get I'm thinking five that's crazy the star has not gone down three shots okay five shots oh it's right there too five shots let's go alright drop Oh almost an instant win you got John go-cart let's go see it has J see I'm right I'm not crazy I might be a little crazy but I kind of put things together [Music] three marbles Wow how long have we been like this like 5-10 minutes already [Music] Oh bonus spin bonus spin another card oh implement let's go okay we are gonna have a lot of cards if you wanted to adapt in plays and play for a long time I think this might be the game we're halfway down maybe we gonna feel and we got the bonus wheel and we have a couple more cards that we could win all right it's my person whatever [Applause] hundred hundred under under hey Stanford in silver marble bones they hammered a super marble bonus oh dude you're right there there's so close but I'll take it the spins never go away we are maxed out in the video because the video was ancient law but we got the bonus wheel again super fun and super bonus super bonus I ran down super boner [Music] okay Sam stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stay up stepped-up right there yes yes yes very nice it's sugar [Music] we got jammed all right sleep over dinner card go golfing and we got a traffic jam and we got our bonus wheel Oh that's fun I like the Japanese one present said of the cylinder it has a ceiling that has a whole bunch of marbles and then when you win the ceiling tilts it pours all out and I think it goes through a spiral to a year like a thousand plus ID on 30 will it be 30 [Music] 100 stay up stay up sniffs mmm very nice we might have something going I don't know I think it's so random [Music] I can't so random let's go I trap got the rats again I caught him veces I know I knew better I knew don't tell me three shots and entire bonus wheel all right I'm gonna press it on the bonus wheel super bonus wheel and that's still loading up let's see can we get it okay I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm gonna press that right on super-bright a middle there [Music] hundred hundred and okay I'm okay with them nice all right we are still on spins I think we've been this way for like 20 minutes now it is crazy okay I might do it on it's trying to get the marble okay marble gloated I did on the super oh that marbles going all over the place oh no no no no no I think you did all right load up now it's all gone ten shots I don't think is ever going to end let's go what happened to put a coin in there he also don't had a Konami card dang normally included instead of loading up the coins for marbles you can actually use your Konami card plates are there and it knows how many how many balls or coins you have so then you don't have to load that up and just on the card that's not cool we are halfway done in an airboat wheel I don't even know okay I did actually on the dirty I got dirty so I did it on the late of the thirty so about this size so that's a thirty right there bow right here [Music] let's go three marbles are we out of cards no I think there's like a couple of our cards left crazy let's go-oh might be able to go maybe revels done darn three shots nice one one in if we can't get these we can't get up yeah what a mall however we're doing more spins and we got cars drop is what we need okay guys and we get a bonus wheel so I'm going to load up that's a rare card that's like 6,000 tickets oh we got that [Music] while that happens [Music] we got sixty okay we'll do one more [Music] this one flooded stock is down we're on a mission now I know I wanted to end but we can't let it in not like this [Music] we are maxed out again they're pushing up pretty good we're back now [Music] come on right there okay we got to put more marbles I'm shooting the marbles right there see more shots [Music] darn an aircard drop oh I think we might be able to get it you might not do it anymore lights pretty marble my family crazy another card drop oh I send out cards three marbles okay I got my card on standby five marbles and don't I just piling up and a bonus wheel the bonus will might be able to get up and down super bonus if we get a super bonus that's like a guaranteed one give me 15 give me a hundred I guess one in ten would do okay [Music] it's sugar [Music] oh hi really I didn't speak for that cuz I didn't need to it's really just a quick so that was beautiful [Music] very nice John this is about the end no counting ticket we're doing pretty good I'm crazed here my phone's about that so this is like perfect Wow okay we got a couple more shots left and I think we are done we are finally done okay let's pick up the mess all right so I got the loot about throwing the bag because I'm getting kind of hungry but once I get back to the whole pill will count it will check out what's going on so go eat first so the numbers are in we did get two complete sets and then so if you take up two cards a V of every kind of card that leaves us with about 27 cards so 27 times 15 that would be 1,350 tickets plus the two complete sets that's 6,000 tickets a grand total of seven thousand three hundred fifty tickets so not too bad we did get tons and tons of plays and I mean it just kept on going that's why we had to break it up a to I didn't know who actually take that one I thought would be a lot quicker but it was still fun but again hopefully on to its video don't forget to follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter for all the behind scenes action I also got the score channel as well you are ill in description box down below if you enjoyed this video feel free leave your thumbs up if you're new here feel free it's a subscribe button and press our notification bill because I'll tell you whenever we release a video but till then they say if you line these up you can actually see something but I don't see nothing other than just two marbles maybe it looks like a dreamy effect I don't know hey I think maybe
Channel: ClawD00d - Coin Pushers
Views: 41,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marble carnival, coin pusher, arcade games, clawd00d, marble pusher, coin pusher jackpot, coin pusher game, coin pusher win, japanese coin pusher, japan coin pusher, marble fever, arcade game, japanese arcade, marble carnival super bonus, marble carnival game, japan arcade, crazy coin pusher, marble arcade game, marble carnival jackpot, japan game, claw d00d, coin pusher japan, marble coin pusher, japanese marble pusher, round 1, round 1 arcade, marble carnival round 1
Id: Fh3eRqDsApg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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