Woman Whines “Why Me??” After Killing Bride On Her Wedding Day

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bada bing badao 25-year-old Jamie was getting emotional she was getting emotional talking about her cat if anything she was getting angry she's getting riled up her parents decided to give her cat to Grandma for the time being and Jamie was not having it she ranted on the phone to her friends and family in a recorded phone call no that's my cat that's my cat Grandma can get a new cat no here's the thing here's the thing that's not their cat that's my cat I'm going to be gone for a few months and then I'll be home that's my cat look Grandma's cat Theo died from eating a toxic plant or something and what did they do what did they decide to do give my cat to Grandma they're not keeping her so like that's going to be a problem grandma is just going to have to get a new cat because that's my cat oh my God oh my God okay I I have to like say goodbye to Evan my cat don't listen don't don't worry about Evan and the cats and stuff right there you worry about your yourself do you understand someone on the other line tells her hang on girl you need a reality check girl that's not your cat right now grandma is taking care of your cat but Jamie could not stop worrying it was a really rough time for her she couldn't stop worrying about whether or not Grandma was going to try and keep her cat if Grandma was going to try and rename her cat she couldn't stop worrying about why she requested colored pencils and they hadn't given it to her yet and she also couldn't stop worrying about why this was all happening to her she said on a phone call with her dad why me oh my God I just can't believe this I can't believe this happened to me why me I'm going to be here for years and years and years and I just can't I can't I can't I can't oh my God oh my God oh my God I just can't believe this happened to me why me if it had why me oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm going to be here for GE ear and years and years and years I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't 25-year-old Jamie karosi made a series of decisions that led to someone's death a bride coming home in her wedding gown right after the best night of her life she would be found dead on the side of the street because of what Jaimie did that night but she wants to know who's getting her cat she wants to know why her all people dad and mom can be heard comforting their full-grown daughters saying things like I know sweetie I know I know sweetie don't worry about your future your future is going to be just fine you know what they say about your attorney right they said the family must be Mafia to hire them insinuating that the attorney the family hired is so prestigious so expensive that the family must be a part of the mafia to afford them really now yeah wow let's talk about the insane case of Jamie Koski and why her utter lack of remorse coupled with her parents constant babying of her makes her in my humble opinion one of the scarier more dangerous people that we've talked about [Music] [Music] recently as always full show notes are available at Rotten Mingo podcast.com this is an ongoing case though the perpetrator has not been tried in the court of law and as of the time of this recording I don't know when they're going to go to trial so legally speaking nobody has been found guilty of any crimes as of now but the evidence in this case is really really daming and there is there's no debate of The Facts of the incident there's no like points of contention there it's just one of those things where I think we need to go and wait through the legal proceedings as of right now I'm also going to link the GoFundMe for the victim's family in the description so with that being said let's get into it wedding photographers they always talk about how they might be better than a therapist at spotting which couples are going to make it after the big day and which couples are going to divorce sometimes it's so blatantly obvious I mean one wedding videographer from Reddit said 4 days after he shot the wedding the group room calls him and politely asks him to edit out any footage of him checking out the female guests he said you know I got like vision problems I wasn't actually like checking them out another wedding photographer said okay this one's pretty bad he was working for a couple's wedding on a golf course the bride had this Grand idea for the first look the groom would ride down on the golf cart see her in the dress for the first time and it would be this massive cinematic moment well the groom starts riding down the hill on the cart but once he spots her he can't help it he jumps out the cart and runs full speed down the hill in the grass to get to her faster he picks her up Twirls her around in the air and it was like the most genuine reaction that all of these wedding photographers they're dying to get these moments he was so happy to see her but the minute he puts her down the bride looks at the photographer well I wanted the golf cart so let's do it again wait I wanted the golf cart wants him to have the whole cinematic moment and drive down in the cart instead of running down she didn't even care that her husband loved her so much that he couldn't contain himself she's like no I want the damn shot they always say it's a really bad sign when the couple care more about the Aesthetics and having the perfect wedding instead of their relationship those are signs that you would not find at Samantha and Eric's wedding I really hate to say it but they had the perfect wedding because it makes you want to rule your eyes when you're like oh they had the perfect wedding they had the perfect relationship but their idea of the wedding was fun like that's what people said I mean I'm sure to a degree they cared about the photos I'm not going to say oh no one cares about wedding photos and wedding Aesthetics Samantha had so much fun picking out the flowers and all the arrangements for the wedding their main focus was just on having fun April 28th of 2023 their wedding was held on Folly Beach in South Carolina about 100 of their closest friends and family I mean some of them lived in the area some of them flew in to celebrate with the couple and the whole wedding was a blast even the photographers were probably having fun it did not feel like a job Samantha's sister Mandy baked the wedding cake and I feel like the wedding cake is symbolic of if a wedding is fun it was half pineapple half coconut yeah it's just what Samantha wanted and while the wedding itself was stereotypically perfect I mean it was on the beach you've got the salty Breeze you've got the waves crashing in the background the only thing that all the guests noticed though Samantha and Eric are like in their own little world they cannot keep their eyes off of each other the entire time if someone dropped a wedding cake a bottle of red wine on Samantha's wedding dress and like the DJ's power Booth went out it feels like the couple wouldn't even have been faced everyone kind of wanted to roll their eyes and like tell the couple to get a room but they also knew that love like this wasn't easy to come by a lot of their friends said it's a love that you can only dream about it seemed really pure it seemed really real and it feels kind of impossible to find that these days so the memorable night it ends with every guest being past one of those sparklers that you use at the beach do you know what I'm talking about like the little New Year thing yeah the New Year thing okay so you light one and it's like a long Little Match Stick you light one end and it starts sparkling it's so pretty in pictures especially at night because it creates this like light orb a lot of people use it during the summer so every guest would light one up and they created this Archway they would hold it up in the air created this Arch above the couple's head so they had this aisle to walk out of their wedding ceremony in and they were going to go and sit in their golf cart that was waiting for them outside it had a sign on the golf cart Just Married the two are holding hands under the sparklers that are held above their heads and the couple would be driven back to their airan be by two of their family members so there would be four people on this golf cart and it's going to be the start of their new lives as a couple as newly wets as the golf cart starts driving off the couple could see everyone waving you know waving their sparklers waving their hands cheering for the couple Samantha looked into Eric's eyes and she said I want this day to last forever those would be Samantha's last words to Eric 20 minutes later the golf cart would be lying smashed on its side and Samantha Miller would be found dead in her wedding dress neighbors said it sounded like an explosion not as loud as like a gunshot or a crash but louder like an explosion it was just around 10: p.m. so most of the neighbors they hadn't fallen asleep yet and even if they had it was loud enough to wake everyone up they start rushing outside to investigate and they see bodies bodies everywhere four bodies were laying on the road about 100 100 yard away from a golf cart all dressed to the nines suits Tuxedo wedding gown it was a nightmare scene 100 yard 100 yards length of a football field yeah length of a football field yes the bodies were scattered so not all of them were 100 yards but they were yeah so in the golf cart there had been four people and I'm sure we're all pretty familiar with what a golf cart looks like but if you've never been in one to give you more context golf cart cards don't really have real seat belts and if it does you're still basically sitting on a seat that's exposed to the air there's no doors it's almost like a rudimentary frame of a vehicle they're often used on golf ranges obviously and beaches cuz they're really light you can get out and in pretty easily since there's no doors I've even seen them in really high-end Resorts and hotels cuz the back of the golf cart is kind of like a bench that bench faces backwards so Resorts will let Hotel guests just hop onto the the back be driven to the room to the main building things like that you can just hop back off you're not facing forward with the driver you're facing the back mhm Samantha and Eric were riding in the back facing the rear end Samantha's brother Benjamin was in the front driving next to him in the front was his 17-year-old son and we're just going to call him Benny you can find his real name online but since he was a minor at the time we're going to call him Benny the four they they had been waved off by all these wedding guests after the couple departed everyone at the wedding they start making their way back home they start making their way back to the hotels airbnbs whatever their accommodations were if they were from out of town so Lisa Miller Samantha's mom and Mandy Jenkins Samantha's sister they drove back to their Airbnb which was all kind of in like the general same area Samantha and Eric's place was really close to theirs so they're like okay let's just go home and wind down from this really beautiful but really exhausting day and all of a sudden they hear sirens lots of sirens moms just know I don't know how they know but they just know when something is wrong with their kid it's one of those things where I feel like even science probably can't pinpoint how or they'll say it's just a coincidence but there have been so many times where mothers get a gut feeling and there is no reasoning other than this is my baby I think something happened to my baby Lisa Miller had that gut feeling it was so strong she ran out of her Airbnb without shoes on they took off down the street to where they could see ambulances and police lights flashing they were still a little bit far from the scene and they didn't know what was going on yet but Lisa remembers screaming Sammy Sammy Sammy and she said it was like this bad Netflix movie unfolding in front of her eyes this next part is a bit confusing and I'm not sure if Lisa and Mandy weren't allowed near the scene for I don't know a lot of reasons or if someone instructed them to go to the hospital instead but they were under the impression that Samantha would be brought into the hospital and that's where they needed to be to be right by Samantha's side once she was brought in I'm kind of glad that they left for the hospital because the scene is really gruesome to say the least now according to officials the golf cart that had Benjamin the brother his son Benny and the newly wed couple in the back was completely mangled it was on its side and the four passengers had all been launched out of the cart all of them were bleeding they were fading in and out of Consciousness all but one Samantha Miller was lying on the ground on her back still in her wedding dress without a pulse officers tried their best to perform life-saving measures But ultimately it was too late Samantha Miller was pronounced deceased at the scene she was only 34 years old looking at the scene it wasn't difficult for officers to put too and two together the golf cart had been driving down the road when a gray Toyota Camry had smashed into the car sending every single person in that golf cart flying the driver of the Toyota Camry came out unscathed what 25-year-old Jamie karasi stumbled out of the car and she said something hit me something hit me it's said by neighbors and witnesses that she saw saw people laying on the ground and she started screaming who what happened just hours ago Samantha was walking down the aisle One Foot In Front of the other she was steady not just in her walk but her conviction to marry this man in front of her she was really happy Jamie karosi also put One Foot In Front Of Another but she wasn't as steady it was a little shaky and then she almost stumbled she caught herself gained control over her balance again and then tried again she still had a few more bars to go to that she still wanted to hit up and all she had to do was get in her car these are not the exact timeline of events as I believe that's going to come out during the trial but I think it's a the parallel of what's going on is very chilling while Samantha walks down the aisle looking at all these faces tearing up at her Jamie got off her shift at the Taco Boy Mexican restaurant and went for an afterwork function she starts drinking she gets in her car and drives to another bar while Samantha and Eric Cut the Cake Jamie Downs another drink at the second bar only to get behind the wheel once more and go to her third location while Samantha and Eric share their first dance as husband and wife Jamie was seen by multiple Witnesses consuming copious amounts of beer and shots of tequila she's by herself just bar hopping yeah Jamie had gone to like five different bars that night people reported seeing Jamie drunk they said that she was behaving drunk she was drinking a lot yet she still got behind the wheel each and every single time eventually she decided it was time to go home except she was probably so drunk she didn't even realize that she was heading in the opposite direction of her house oh she wasn't even supposed to be on the same road that Samantha and Eric were on that night she didn't even live near them she's going 65 mph on a 25 mph road called Ashley Avenue the same road where the newlyweds were traveling going speed limit there is footage from a neighborhood ring camera of this street and you can see that there's a golf cart going pretty slowly like you can make it out you see the headlights you see all the lights on it's pretty clear to see and it's it's just kind of cruising imagine driving down your local neighborhood you're not going to be speeding it there could be kids out there could be straight cats or dogs out you're not going to be booking it so you see them at a visibly safe speed on the residential street and then soon after you see Jim's cart speeding down the street visibly it is scary fast and these two vehicles they're not going to pass each other they're going to collide at 65 mph Sam and Eric were sitting in the open air with their faces to the back of the golf cart there was a 3,500 lb vehicle coming hurling straight at them I mean technically you can almost see it as so one is going 25 the other's going 65 you can almost assume the first one's going like standing there and a car just smashed into them at 40 m an hour straight in their face and 3,500 lb coming at you like that I mean that's not going to be 3,500 lb it's going to be more like 36,000 lb heavy machinery coming at an unpr protected human body directly that's like the weight of a whale shark there was someone who put this situation into perspective really really well they said that drunk drivers are like missiles once they're launching towards you they're locked in and it's hard to change their Direction missiles are designed to kill and destroy if you're drunk and you're operating something that powerful you basically become in charge of a deadly weapon but I think the worst part of all this is Jim's reaction to the whole thing it's like a double slap in the face to the victim's family at the scene Jamie would tell the officers I want my boyfriend I want to go home I did nothing wrong so while Samantha Miller was found dead at the scene the other three were rushed to the hospital be treated for their wounds the ambulance carrying Samantha would have their lights and Sirens turned off they don't turn on their lights and Sirens because it was too late it didn't matter how quickly Samantha got to the hospital she had already passed Samantha's mom and sister who are waiting at the hospital they would find out from Samantha's dad that she passed away at the scene the other three they get sent to the hospital Eric was in really bad shape I mean he was immediately sent into critical care he was knocked out like he was not even conscious it stated that he had open fractures massive trauma up and down his body he had broken vertebrae I believe both of his legs were severely injured if not altogether broken he sustained brain injuries one of his eyes was completely black and purple and there was blood streaming down his face he could not even open his eyes he was unconscious for a while and Eric's mom she was handed a clear bag from the hospital it had Eric's wedding band in there cuz Eric had to be scanned he had to be treated operated on and this is just hours after he put it on just hours after he vowed to take care of Samantha for the rest of his life thankfully he did wake up and just as his mom guessed the first thing that he asked about was where where's Samantha where's Samantha Eric's mom had to tell him that she was gone that Samantha didn't make it and Eric was an absolute wreck he said later in an interview that night was the best night of his life and he doesn't remember anything he wishes he remembers more but all he remembers was Samantha wishing I wish today would never end and then he woke up in a foggy Haze in a hospital asking where's Sam where's Sam he said that Jamie took some something from him that night she stole an amazing human being that should have not been taken and I feel like Eric's mom in that moment I mean she had layers of Devastation Eric's mom was devastated to see her son injured and then devastated to see her son so devastated at the loss of his newlywed life but also Eric's mom herself was devastated at losing Samantha too Samantha was something special to everyone you know they were all excited to have her in the family she remembered the first thing that Samantha ever said to her it was hello future mother-in-law and if it was maybe anybody else it might have come off a little bit weird maybe a little strong but both families they just really knew that these two were in love it was just a matter of time before they got married and now this just felt like some sort of sick joke they're both having the best day of their lives marrying their soulmates in front of the people they love I mean the visual of them leaving on the golf cart waving smiling getting Tey from happiness it's going to be burned into everybody's memories Mandy didn't even get a chance to ask Samantha did you like the wedding cake Benjamin Samantha's brother was also extremely injured he had separated joints in his hip he had two broken vertebrae in his back he had severe Road Rash which is when you slide across the pavement so quickly and with so much force that your skin is basically shaved off he had to be sent to the Burn Unit during his recovery he to undergo multiple surgeries to clean out and patch up his injuries and thankfully the nephew Benny he was okay he only sustained Some Cuts and bruises along with a concussion which makes it sound like a concussion isn't bad but it it's really bad but compared to the other three victims it could have been a lot lot worse Eric and Benjamin were in such bad shape that it was originally believed by many that at least one of them wasn't going to make it through the night thankfully they both survived so while the medical teams are doing everything to help the wounded officers arrive at the scene and it's pretty obvious that Jamie was messed up I mean they could smell the alcohol that just permeated from her skin it's like a perfume at this point not even just from her breath they asked her where she was headed she said home like I said she was heading in the opposite direction of her home why do why do I feel like she's not heading to home then like yeah is she heading to another weird thing yes I don't know that's weird did did you have anything to drink tonight no I had two drinks one beer and a drink what kind of drink like a tequila pineapple an hour or so ago which is just tequila with pineapple juice okay on a scale of 1 through 10 how drunk are you one being completely sober and 10 being the most drunk that you've ever been eight after that Jamie immediately asks for an attorney now none of this is adding up if she went to that many bars before the crush it's hard for me to personally believe that she only had a beer and a tequila pineapple I mean maybe she could be super lightweight but like I don't believe it they didn't do a test right there she wouldn't let them oh she was driving in the wrong direction I feel like that's very telling and that's not to say that she's purposely lying or misleading the police but if it does come out that she had way more to drink than that which is what everybody believes and what her BAC levels show then she could have been so drunk that she didn't even know what was going on when she's responding to these questions maybe she blacked out and truly didn't remember having So Many Drinks which in and of itself is another huge huge problem she knew she was drunk but she also knew that she wanted to go into self-preservation mode and get an attorney and refuse a sobriety test yeah instead she asked multiple times if her boyfriend could come she said she wanted her boyfriend and there is no mention of her boyfriend being an attorney and when officers asked why she wanted her boyfriend she couldn't really say for what she just refused to complete any of the sobriety tests that they requested so what did they do they try to lift her feet to her arm yeah it's interesting what does that mean they try to lift up one of her legs uh-huh in like almost a kicking motion and she's basically a ragd doll like if if someone does that to you slowly you're able to balance right you might be like uh what are you doing but you're able to balance right she was basically a ragd doll because she immediately lost her footing and nearly fell uh Jamie was arrested at the she had to be reminded three times of why she was being arrested and I don't think that this is a situation of Jamie being combative like why are you arresting me what Authority do you have to arrest me like on what grounds I don't think that's what it was but more so she's no idea what's going on she's like why am I getting arrested yeah okay which honestly I don't know which one is worse once they get her to the police station officers give Jamie another chance to take a breath test and she refuses again she simply asks for her boyfriend and her father the officers had to get a literal warrant from the judge to force her to get her blood tested the results came back as three times over the legal limit at levels like that it was 261 for anyone who's into the BAC levels or if you know what that number exactly means but typically levels like this a lot of people are barely conscious much less able to operate a vehicle Andor heavy machinery Jamie was also booked under Sude watch because after her arrest she mentioned that she wanted to off herself she was charged with one count of Reckless vehicular homicide three counts of felony DUI with death or great bodily injury 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for a $1 per month trial period at shopify.com roten all lowercase go to shopify.com roten to take your business to the next level today shopify.com roten have you ever heard the phrase bad things happen to good people mhm I really don't like this phrase but I think it's most commonly used when you have nothing else to say when something just feels so so unfair at Samantha's vigil which was held on the very Beach that she got married on that was the main thought that everybody had in their mind why do bad things happen to good people and some people just said that Samantha had this gravitational pull you know there are just some people out there for whatever reason sometimes the reason itself is unclear you know but you just want to be around them maybe they have good energy maybe when you talk it seems like they genuinely are listening to you and not just feeling the silence and it's hard to pinpoint but you feel like a magnet you feel like you just want to hang out with them and Samantha Miller was that magnet people said she just had this very bright air around her you couldn't even look away when she's in the room she would be the type to go run errands go grocery shopping pick out the prettiest freshest bouquet of flowers in the entire store go to checkout and when everything is paid for she's about to walk out she would hand the bouquet over to the the cashier a complete stranger and say for you have a nice day that was Samantha Miller I'm sure like every couple they fought they had their downtimes but the two met in 2019 moved across the country twice to be with each other they adopted a kitten and started making plans to get married and start their own family they lived near Folly Beach this was Samantha's favorite beach in the whole wide world and they would walk down to the beach at least once a day they were at that beach every single day and at Samantha's vigil again people just couldn't stop asking why do bad things happen to good people that's also what Jaime's dad told her when she was sitting in her prison uniform staring at her hands and she told him I just don't know why this had to happen to me oh my God I just can't believe this happened to me why me I'm going to be here for years and years and years that's what she said yeah and her dad responds because bad things happen to good people honey and again you know bad things happen to wonderful people and that's what happened now you have to make the best of the situation her father reassures her that this was all fate it's already happened there's nothing they can do to change it and now they just need to focus on their best to overcome it if anything this will help her become a better person listen if you need someone to pass away in order for you to become a better person in my humble opinion you're just not a good person also how does bad things happen to good people even apply to Jamie in this situation A Bad Thing didn't happen to her she did the bad thing and whether or not she's a good person I mean I guess that part is Up For Debate right at first jimie is responsive she's listening nodding her head listening to her dad but then she would slip back and remember all the hard bad things that she was dealing with they're just just chatting in prison yeah FaceTime call basically it's like the prison video call system oh yeah which is available online to see so they were chatting and it was recorded yeah and this is everything they said this they had no idea I'm assuming that this would be public information Jamie would um have these screaming fits so I I listened to a lot of their phone conversations she would just have these screaming fits I'm not sure how to categorize them and I tried really hard hard to understand where Jamie is coming from just like trying to have a little bit of nuance on both sides I'm pretty close to Jamie and age I also struggle with anxiety and depression which is what Jamie said she struggled with and I don't have an alcohol addiction problem but considering all of that these screaming fits I truly can't imagine anyone that I have in my life myself I can't imagine someone my age throwing these screaming fits it's like screaming bloody murder it's not even is she screaming though she's like like screaming doing everything we can what are and it's odd because her parents her parents reaction is very very odd they just kind of focus on calming her down the minute she starts screaming they're almost using this soft babyish voice with her it just felt very inappropriate but the most intriguing call to me was Jamie complaining to her dad on the phone about how much media coverage this case was receiving Jamie asks him why the media is so involved in the case just like makes me scared that the media is so involved in it why are they so involved in it like he States it's most likely because the story sells and Jamie Gets frustrated and she states but that's not going to help me but that's not going to help me like oh my God it's going to be so bad when I get wow everybody's going to be so mean to me wow what what is that there's no sense of what happened but everything is about how does that impact her self-being okay so I saw some clips on Tik talk where Jamie sounds a little bit more remorseful when talking to her parents and she's apologizing to her parents I'm not exactly sure for what whether she's apologizing for what she's done which I don't think is the case or if she's apologizing for putting her parents in a situation that's this stressful but I do see some sympathy for Jamie out there which I think is very interesting to me um I see a lot of people bringing up alcohol addiction I know someone who struggles with alcohol addiction and trust me they're not drunk driving alcohol addiction does not equate to drunk driving it's still a choice that she made and yeah alcohol does impair judgment but it's still a choice that she made and someone died because of that choice anyway during one call her dad tells her more information about what happened is coming out and Jamie and almost this teenager voice she's 25 please keep this in mind she's 25 she's a full-grown adult she says such as your BAC levels your blood alcohol levels but that just makes me even more scared of the future and everything Jamie your future is going to be fine your future is something that we can't do anything about your future is going to be okay we can just work with what we have other notable parts of conversations are when Jamie keeps telling her parents or herself I don't really know that she's not a threat to society she's trying to get out on bail and at one point she says I'm wondering when the heck I'm going to get my coloring pencils what is she doing with that just she wants to color yeah and she also whines Dad I'm not a bad person I'm not a bad person her dad softly tells her to quiet down and she starts screaming that it's all over because her boyfriend and her cat will be gone when she gets out and she screams oh my God oh my God I'm going to be here for years and years and years and years and this is just a terrible terrible accident I still don't understand why this had to happen to me I just don't understand her dad tells her baby terrible things happen to good people it's just what happens listen to me it's not terrible it's really terrible to which Jamie starts screaming okay Dad I know that her dad tries to calm her down and says but but it's going to be hard it's not going to be easy we have today we have tomorrow we don't worry about yesterday okay Dad I mean it was a golf cart like golf carts shouldn't be allowed on the freaking Road why me why me why me of all people why me I don't understand like this could have happened to so many other people and it was a golf cart I know honey we know honey okay be loud on the freaking Road I said this could happen to anyone like why me why why me I don't understand like this could have happened to so many other people in another part Jamie asks her parents what I'm saying is what I'm just wondering is like so like are you and Mom going to pick me up when I get bail I'm just decided to get some answers another clip is Jamie saying I'm not a bad person and like it could have happened to anyone it was just a freak accident it's not like I'm going out and shooting people on on purpose it was an accident I don't think I'll be going to like prison or anything she does not believe that she's going to prison her mom in a soft voice just goes that's great baby that's great and I'm just when all of this is done and I can just be happy it said that that Jamie also constantly complained about her living situation in the Detention Center which I always think is very fascinating when people do this okay obviously if you're being abused tortured assaulted or any sort of that against your human rights that's not what I'm talking about that is a legitimate complaint but when people like Jamie complain about things such as not having control over the TV remote not being given a yoga mat to do crunches it's kind of a situation where I wonder where was the common sense it's a detention center it's not the Four Seasons it's pretty expected that you're not going to have control over what you can consume and what you can't in terms of entertainment it's it's not a there's no concierge you're not going to get a yoga mat she also allegedly complained about being unsatisfied with the food options she didn't like the hot dogs or the meatballs or the bread lot of L of people said compared to real prison food this is this is good stuff at one point she said she was given two hot dogs with no buns or condiments and it was and I quote so bad it's so bad so Jamie is in herself C crying not about what she did but crying about her life and how shitty it was and why this all had to happen to her that's crazy cuz it it just seems like she has no idea of what's going on she doesn't even know how bad she up and what's about to come is the feeling right like she's about to get some real reality check yeah if the this keeps going on right and she's in a detention center right now just wait till prison that's it's going to be crazy for her yeah on the bride side there were a few things that she liked about the Detention Center the cookies she said this about the cookies that they gave out during snack time she said these cookies that they give you at this jail I'm going to start buying them when I come home I'm not kidding she says I'm not kidding oh and she really likes their soap she talks about their soap she really likes the soap in jail okay I mean it's so clear to me what's wrong here even Jaime's actions in the beginning of this case sound to me it's just someone who is waiting for someone to come clean up her mess and then when she was arrested she asked for her boyfriend and her dad I mean asking for an attorney I'm always a supporter of that but it's just it feels to me she thinks that someone is just going to come and save the day and that's maybe what they always do this is why I'm a firm believer in letting people learn the idea of consequences when they're kids because the consequences typically don't involve other people and don't involve people's lives when they're young but I feel when parents constantly teach their kids that they're going to be saved and they're not going to have consequences and that they're the most important person in the room you get someone like Jamie I'm not saying that her parents should just abandon her and I'm not saying that her parents aren't also negatively impacted and saddened by this but listen to the conversation at one point Jaimie apologizes to her parents and like I said I don't know if she's apologizing for her actions or for the situation that her family is in it's unclear but her dad literally tells her listen Jamie you don't need to be sorry there's nothing to be sorry about it was a tragic accident you didn't do anything on purpose I'm so sorry Jamie listen there's nothing to be sorry about is a tragic accident you did not do anything on purpose it was a tragic accident okay all right you don't need to tell me ever that you're sorry for what happened you understand that wasn't the first time that they had a conversation like this either anytime she tries to apologize to her parents they stop her and say that she has nothing to be sorry about I feel like they're all in for a very rude rude awakening again I'm not saying they should hate or abandon their daughter but they can still love their daughter support her pay for her attorney fee that only mafia members can afford but still make very very very clear to her that what she did was wrong and terrible and that she's at fault and now she's got to face the consequences and when she gets out they'll be with her they'll help her even the phrasing of Jam's words to her parents it's always why me me me me me me I'm going to be here for years and years and years and it's just so odd that she's complaining that her life is over when literally someone's life was over someone died and it's odd that she and her family at least to the public knowledge that we have speak very little if not at all about what happened it's all about jimie and what's going on with jimie and Jaime's cat and Jim's boyfriend and oh my God everyone's going to be so mean to her because the media keeps talking about it there are no mentions that I could find of any of the remaining victims or their families we don't really know too much about Jamie I mean no one's really come forward to talk about her character or if she was a great person or not not saying that there's no people that can do that but just not many other than her family that have come out to talk about her so all we have are her records and these phone conversations and they paint a pretty damning picture Jamie grew up in Jersey allegedly her dad is a very successful multi-millionaire businessman eventually she would move to South Carolina to attend college and after graduating she starts working at this local Mexican restaurant called The Taco Boy all we could really find about her personal life comes from her Instagram which again is not a good or very accurate depiction of one's personal life but it does seem that she does enjoy a good party which is not abnormal for a recent college graduate but there're quite a bit of photos of her with alcohol in them in her hand or either alluding to alcohol but one picture that has gone a little bit more viral is from her Instagram from 2015 she's sitting in the car in the driver's side and the caption just reads you got to trust your instincts and let go of regret this post did not age well a lot of people were commenting things like well this is fed up now others pointed out let's not do that the other only personal thing that we know is Jaimie was seeking treatment for anxiety and depression before the crash again this does not make you make the decision to drink and drive so it's apparent that she is having some sort of trouble some sort of struggle in her life her parents even acknowledged that she had addiction issues when it came to alcohol and they wanted her to to seek treatment in rehab but this wasn't even Jaime's first driving violation there are some rumors that she had previous DUIs they weren't DUIs they were just traffic violations moving violations prior to the crash Jamie had four traffic violations and again she's only 25 so that's a lot from 2018 to 2019 she received three speeding violations and then on April 5th 2023 just weeks before Samantha was killed she plad guilty to failure to use a turn or stop signal there is another detail from Jamie it's it's more so from her family's past that gets brought up a lot in correlation with this case on March 28th 2013 Tracy karosi ja's mom was driving in an area where firefighters were battling this huge fire Jeffrey shuer was a firefighter trying to put out that said fire he was partly in the street when he was hit by Tracy's car wait wait wait he was where partly on the street he was standing yeah while he was hosing down a fire what now this was definitely an accident Tracy was not drunk it was proven that there were lots of smoke and poor lighting so Jeffrey was almost impossible to see no one is really questioning that part the part that is getting to nzen is that jeffy's family feels like there was no justice because Tracy Jaime's Mom apparently didn't face any consequences even though the police said that they would be on top of it so just like in Jim's case a lawsuit was made against Tracy saying she was negligent enough to not slow down knowing that there was there was a lot of firefighter activity in the area and that caused her to kill Jeffrey Tracy ended up having to pay $100,000 in settlements signaling to a lot of netizens that the court must have found her negligent in some regard to have this sentence go through so I'm not sure how to stand on that it's it's not ja's actions and it does seem to be a true accident from at least Jaime's mom's perspective but now medicine speculate that maybe the family has such a nonchalant attitude to Jim's case because they've already been through something like this and they've paid $100,000 and they were fine maybe they believe that as long as you pay up you'll avoid true punishment like jail time there's no way to know for sure unless they admit it themselves which I don't see why they would ever do that but neens found a lot of similarities regarding these instances and I just felt like it was worth mentioning 3 months after her arrest Jamie's Bond hearing comes up and she tells the judges that she's not a Flight Risk nor would she be a threat to others Samantha's family were also there to appeal to the judge Samantha's father said bonds are meant for people to spend time with their family right he's pointing out that it's ironic considering he will never have that luxury again he will never be able to see Samantha ever again he's saying if and when Jaimie serves her time she will still have the opportunity to spend the rest of her life with her family afterwards Sam his father also states that Jaime is a danger to society and he questions what's going to happen if Jamie starts drinking again how many people are going to get hurt then Samantha's other brother Nathan Miller told the judge that Jaime's actions of driving down a narrow residential street while drunk at night at that speed is so careless that there almost had to have been an intention to hurt someone he States the alcohol is not the problem the problem is Jamie herself she is not responsible enough to be trusted she's not trusted to show up back in court not trusted to not hurt anybody else and not trusted to not drink they bring up the fact that Jamie had prior court dates that she did not attend for previous traffic violations which proves that she cannot be trusted to show up in court if she gets out on bail Samantha's siblings stated that if jimie is released the next victim could just as easily be anybody else's loved ones in that very courtroom Lisa Samantha's mom said she didn't just kill my daughter she killed all of us on Jim's side her father stood up to speak he gave his condolences to the families involved and told them that he can't even grasp how painful this must be for them he states that he knows she will not flee if she is released he also states that she is in a transformative part of her life right now the screaming fits on the phone I guess are transformative exercises he said she understands that her circumstances may help other people with their addiction problems and keep them from ending up like her if she is released least they plan to directly put her in a recovery center for a period of time determined either by the judge or for as long as the workers at the center seem fit their attorney also got an addiction specialist to speak on how they've seen people in these situations before battling addictions and have over come it and become better people and that she has hoped for Jam to do the same here's my thing I was on Reddit and a lot of people who do struggle with addiction are really offended by how this case is being presented by Jamie's side they're using addiction as their fighting Point mhm and they're making it about all people with addiction addiction is a crisis that is affecting so many lives but no the problem is not addiction it is a problem but this is not the cas's problem it's still drunk driving yeah so it's just it feels really gross to people that are battling their own struggles right now yeah they're trying to make addiction the villain rather than her yes and it's like well no you but then that also just shows more of her disregarding her behavior like she's still not acknowledging what she did was what caused this yeah so that's makes it even worse and I think without these phone calls I think people would have been a bit more sympathetic of okay maybe this truly is addiction she made a horrendous horrendous choice that nobody should ever make maybe she can try to grow but these phone calls show she doesn't want to that's my opinion she doesn't want to so part of the leaked phone calls that Jamie had with her father and okay well the the phone calls weren't necessarily leaked there's an foia that was filed by media Outlets it's a Freedom of Information Act media Outlets requested voice and video calls between the karosi family be released to the public yeah which is a thing because all video and phone calls in jail that are not with your attorney are recorded and they are technically can be public information there is one part in the phone call where her dad tells her that if she gets out on bail she will need to go to rehab she's nodding but her eyes seems so over it she looks like a teenager being told to clean her room she responds very enthusiastically okay how long is that 4 to 6 weeks she rolls her eyes I'm talking bug ey roll like not even a small light quick one I'm talking full like uh from there to go to alcohol rehab okay okay that's part of me right how long is that four to 6 weeks all right well listen if it helps the case then I'll do it might help you a little too sure well yeah you know so she seems visibly disinterested so clearly if she gets out and goes to rehab I personally don't think that she's going to change and that's terrifying it also just shows a lot how she became this way yes like through the parenting and their interactions yeah I I did see some people sympathizing with the parents and saying things like you know her parents are also victims in this because they're losing their loved ones and everyone's affected but I think how she got here is crazy yeah I mean if you I'm sure most of our parents would have not responded like that yeah let's just be honest exactly I don't know if the judges saw all of that but she was denied bail she can only get bonded now if they don't set a trial date before March 2024 and even then she'll be given $150,000 Bond constant monitoring of her BAC levels and house arrest Jamie burst into tears when she heard that she wasn't getting bonded which to to me I guess signals that she truly believed that she was somehow going to get out of this now I do want to be fair and mention that there are times that Jamie expresses remorse for what has happened but most of it is accompanied by her saying that she doesn't want to be in jail for a long time overall it seems that Jamie is a lot more genuine and authentic when she's complaining about being in jail netizens have pointed out that her response reeks of privilege as if she's frustrated that saying sorry isn't enough that's that is the energy she gives in a lot of these conversations like I said sorry what more do you want from me is the energy she talks in the recordings like someone who didn't do anything that wrong and is being wrongfully persecuted and her parents seem to be feeding her delusion that she's not at fault so while jimie was upset at being denied Bond Samantha's family they felt peace of mind and soul they said that now they don't have to worry about Jamie being a danger to society Samantha's mother Le said Jam created havoc in everyone's lives I don't think that 3 months spent in jail I mean 3 months is nothing it seems like yesterday for us why should she get out and just go about her Merry way so yeah why should she be free and live her best life her daughter is gone forever because of Jaime's Choice there have been other developments in this case one that was really unexpected was a sheriff is under Fire during conversations Jaimie has with her boyfriend video calls it sounds like she's getting special treatment from Sheriff Kristen Graziano which if you think Sheriff Kristen is just out here supporting all inmates I don't know I honestly don't know so Jamie is saying things like oh the sheriff is going to like try and help me the sheriff said that she's seen cases like mine and they get out the sheriff thinks that I don't belong in prison blah blah blah it's weird her the sheriff helped her meet her parents when they weren't allowed to meet at a time or something like that she's just alluding to all these things that the sheriff is doing for her you have to like my dad said not for you not to like talk to anyone about like this or anything but um the deputy sheriff like whatever like the head person of Charleston County I met with her today and she's like trying to help me out that's good and she like is like you don't need like I don't want you in here like you should be with your family like blah blah blah so that's like really good now Sheriff Kristen her previous Scandal that I could find about her was she was under Fire by a local congresswoman for quote troubling and tragic deaths of inmates the moment that she took office so after the sheriff got into office a bunch of inmates had some troubling and tragic deaths while they were being held tragic death yeah okay so Sheriff Kristen responded that these deaths happened at the hands of the County's contracted medical provider and and not her she claims that these were also some concerns that she had that she had been trying to share with her superiors which she was constantly ignored so this was like a mini Scandal for Sheriff Kristen right but now she's under Fire for the conversations Jaime was having where it sounds like she's getting special treatment from the sheriff and how the sheriff is telling her all of these things in some of the calls Jamie reportedly refers to sheriff Kristen just by her first name and even stated that sheriff Kristen is going to try and help her get out which side note sheriffs have no legal holding over gets out on bail now sometimes when Jam would talk about the sheriff her dad would kind of hush her to tell her to stop discussing these [Music] things the sheriff's office said that this is not special treatment and Sheriff Graziano is always visiting inmates and maybe Jamie got the wrong idea but here's what's interesting well actually two things that are interesting the first being that sheriff Kristen does have connections to ja's family apparently through one of Jaime's lawyers I don't know how she sherff Christen is connected to that lawyer maybe they're both clients of this expensive Mafia lawyer I don't know maybe it's a friend of a friend but it does seem like there's some sort of connection does that mean something is happening behind the scenes I have no idea we don't know that but the connection was just allegedly out there after articles were published of ja's special treatment in jail by the sheriff more Freedom of Information requests were made to get more footage but they were denied by the sheriff of gray television a media company would actually Sue Sheriff Kristen for that the belief by some netizens being that clearly the sheriff has something to hide I mean so far the phone calls have been really damning for Jamie what is the sheriff like she has no skin in the game mhm unless she does yeah the sheriff's office said any additional release of the tapes may affect the defendant's Privacy her safety and her right to a fair trial these are exceptions that all fall under the guidelines that allow a government agency to refuse and FIA request on July 10th a court hearing took place over the other recordings that hadn't been yet released to the public and the judge cited with great television and a lot of it fell on the fact that when inmates are in conversations with family or loved ones there are signs above each phone and tablet that visibly State all calls are recorded judges stated that inmates immediately consent to being recorded the moment that they pick up the phone which means there is no reason for why the sheriff's office should be withholding the calls from being released to the public since they are considered public records no privacy is breached by releasing them yeah and and yeah exactly why was Sheriff even trying to protect these information it this is not even their job to protect their privacy like what MH you know these are you know and like when have we ever heard a sheriff caring about a citizen's privacy especially an inmate's privacy I've never heard of that in my life like you think there's Sheriff's just out there like no inmate privacy exactly that's that's the hill I'm going to die on it's weird so is there new videos or yeah so a lot of the ones that we talked about are some of the released ones oh those wereas oh yeah obviously this would have been a different case if she was talking to her lawyer but there was no attorney client privilege amongst family so yeah in the end Sheriff Kristen Graziano is expected to pay gry media $33,000 to cover their legal fees of taking this to court I have no idea how to feel about this whole part mainly because I'm scared of Sheriff's but ultimately even if there is no special treatment being given Sheriff Kristen is only helping give Jaimie more reason to believe that she herself is the victim in this situation and that kind of bothers a lot of people as of now Eric has filed a wrongful death suit against Jamie and the restaurants that she went to that night Eric and his attorneys argue that the restaurants that Jamie went to to drink are responsible for over serving her drinks while she was already drunk the lawsuit details that the businesses were setting quote events into motion for the day to turn deadly basically they're saying that when the bars saw Jamie super intoxicated it was their duty to not allow her to keep drinking the the the claims also state that these bars did not properly train their staff in order to prevent over serving and that they should would have known that Jamie was drunk and she was going to drive I've seen mixed feelings about this online about whether or not the bars should be held liable for this and while I agree that staff can always be better trained to not serve alcohol to people who are already intoxicated I think the idea that the staff knew she was going to drive is interesting I think it's going to be a bit of a challenge to proen court but regardless of how nens feel about the establishments and their roles and all of this bars can be legally liable for a person who gets gets involved in a DUI crash if it was found that they were over served at that restaurant or that establishment so if an establishment that serves alcohol sees that someone is drunk It's said that they should stop serving them alcoholic drinks they can call a cab for them offer them food and water instead and notify management so there is options in place to help prevent drunk driving I think the hard part would just lie in the fact that the lawyers on Eric's side will need to prove that the staff knew that she was over served and knew that she was going to drive maybe it's easier to prove against the bars near the end of her bar hopping journey I wonder right different legal experts have weighed in and one of them said even though this lawsuit makes sense it's risky when it comes to accusing the restaurants so yeah the restaurants likely have the finances to pay up in the lawsuit but providing evidence that the restaurants knew she was drunk is going to be pretty difficult to prove not impossible but difficult also I don't know if Eric is doing this for money it doesn't seem like he's doing it for money though sometimes I think lawsuits just kind of have a correlation with ah this person wants money right Eric's attorneys mentioned how it's a privilege for businesses to be able to serve alcohol it's not a right and they need to do it responsibly the lawyer states that he hopes this lawsuit will just give more establishments that oh okay I really need to take this more seriously and it'll give citizens the courage to step in and stop someone from drinking and driving I think the lawsuit against Jamie is should be easy year but some say she herself doesn't have much money what would she even be able to pay Eric and Samantha's family and again not that they want money but this is just going to be another thing where jaam is let off without any real consequences MH even if she is sued and found guilty of a wrongful death what money can she give yeah and again I just want to mention it doesn't seem like they're doing this for money I just think it's only fair for them to receive money from the responsible party parties Eric had to undergo two reconstructive surgeries he has one to three more scheduled for his left eye operations he had brain bleeds he was wheelchair bound for a while after being released from the hospital he's lost 20 lbs still feels severe pain from his injuries and that's just the physical aspect there's so much mental and emotional trauma to unpack meanwhile Ben Samantha's brother he's going to need a skin graft at some point he was unable to walk properly for quite a bit of time used aain to get around he has to learn how to walk all over again and as for Benny the 17-year-old I mean physically he was okay but the trauma of that night of seeing his loved ones just launched from this golf cart on the ground I mean that's going to stay with him forever he was only 17 when it happened according to the cdc's 37 people a day die in crashes involving an alcohol impaired driver 37 people a day if on average a family is consisting of four family members that's almost 10 families gone in a day wiped out that's over a third of everyone who attended Samantha and Eric's wedding every single day in one year around 10,000 Americans so not on a global scale just in America are killed by drunk drivers so it's just something to think about and we are also waiting to see how the trial plays out and what happens to Jamie I mean I just hope that this is another reminder don't drink and drive but other than that try and end it on like a lighter note Folly Beach has this iconic boat called the Folly boat and visitors and residents they'll paint it with new messages sometimes it's by season sometimes it's by month or by events and the boat now reads Sam and Eric forever and there is this beautiful drawing of a palm tree right next to it wow and that is the end of today's case um please let me know if you guys want me to stay tuned for any updates on this one I don't know the whole thing is just so infuriating just if you listen to all of what Jamie said in prison it's really hard to even try and feel like oh maybe people change I'm also going to be listing um Lisa Miller's GoFundMe in the description so please go check that out and I will see you guys on Sunday for the minod stay safe bye
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 2,241,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Podcast, Rotten Mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Story, Storytime, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Scary STories, Creepy, Creepy Story, Documentary, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, That Chapter, Mr. Ballen, Strange Dark & Mysterious, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, AudioChuck, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Danielle Kirsty, netflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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