January 12, 2014 "An Excellent Spirit Part I" Pastor Howard-John Wesley

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[Music] when it begin today something that the Lord began preparing in me weeks ago and I'd initially planned to start a journey with you on last weekend as we began the first worship series of the new year with a series that got a place on my heart but obviously due to little thing called the flu I was not able to be here last Sunday and I want to thank Minister Dustin Sullivan for standing in at this 8 o'clock hour and preaching a mighty good word the Lord's been speaking something to me personally for a while that has now taken shape in a series that I believe is appropriate for us as disciples of Christ and even as a church family over the next few weeks I want to as we continue our journey into this new year of 2014 I want to share with you four principles four perspectives for biblical ideals that I hope you add to the list of resolutions and commitments and visions you have for your life going forward as you think about who and what God is shaping you into in this new year I pray and firmly believe that these four principles over these next few weeks we're not only helped increase the quality of your discipleship and what God desires of you personally but also think they become the hallmark pillars upon which we built the ministry of this church and this year in the years going forward we share with you four ideals biblical perspectives that you're gonna hear about in sermons throughout the year you're going to see in our banners and in our missions and our ministries for recurring themes if you will upon which I want us to Center our lives as disciples and our life as a church the very first one comes to us and a life lesson from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament The Book of Daniel and the section of the prophets isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel daniel if you'll turn to the sixth chapter the book of daniel i solicit your prayers for the next few weeks i want to preach in a different style a different way as God is calling me to stretch out and grow indifferent preaching voices I'm gonna try to do some things a little bit differently over the next four weeks and then get back to early Sunday morning when we get through all that amen Daniel chapter six and if you find that once you please stand us together we reverence the reading of God's Holy Word the sixth chapter of the Book of Daniel I want to begin reading in verse 1 from the New King James Version of God's holy word Daniel chapter 6 beginning in verse number one it pleased Darius to set over the kingdom 120 sat traps to be over the whole kingdom and over these three governors of whom Daniel was one that the sat traps might give account to them so that the King would suffer no loss then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and sat traps because an excellent spirit was in him and the King gave thought to setting him over the whole realm so the governors and sat traps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom but they could find no charge or fault because he was faithful nor was there any error or fault found in him then these men said we shall not find any charge against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God look at that third verse again then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and sat traps because an excellent spirit was in him before you sit down do me a favor if you would help your neighbor look at him just very quickly asking this question neighbor o neighbor do you have an excellent spirit you may be seated in the presence of God I'll let you know that I don't know if I'm having an early midlife crisis or not but I found that I'm an adrenaline junkie and Robert when I go on vacation I typically like to find something to do it gets my adrenaline going and so quite often Clint I find myself involved in activities that require you sign a waiver that nobody's responsible if you die be surprised I like scuba diving and looking at remains and under the waters I've bungee jumped I've jumped out of an airplane I like things that require waivers they say nobody is responsible if you die a little while ago while I was out one of my big favorite vacation spots out west in Nevada well I was out vacationing notice that they had a Speedway there a racetrack if you will and they were offering experience for you to go and get on all the gear and be trained how to drive some of your favorite sports cars on the racetrack they had NASCAR's their Formula One Porsches and they had what I've always wanted to drive a Corvette went out there signed the waiver that nobody was responsible if I died they sat you down in the classroom and taught you about how to navigate around the racetrack to know other cars out there no pedestrians no obstacles and so you can you literally get in the car and floor it and they they teach you that the car has been modified it's not a regular street Corvette it's been modified and it's gonna go a little bit faster but they've got it governed so that at about 140 150 that's about as fast as you can get and so they tell you look get in the car start off slow going around and when you get more comfortable begin to increase an increase and you can get up to about a hundred and forty 150 miles an hour so I took the class got on the gear got in the Corvette need to let you know that those Corvettes are modified they're not the Corvette you're gonna find at the Chevy dealership down the street and the gears are a lot different you can literally get up to a hundred miles per hour in second gear in a modified Corvette took the class signed the waiver got on equipment got in that Corvette start driving around the racetrack in first gear get comfortable let that thing out in second gear and y'all I was going for it 80 85 90 a hundred 105 90 85 70 [Applause] the the car was made to go about 150 but I couldn't get it out of second gear because I was scared to step on the gas and after crossing over a hundred something just kicked in and I started easing up and letting go now you're laughing at me but the reality is that might be the sad summary of somebody's life in this place for I believe that God like that Corvette has created us to do much more than many of us ever achieve and accomplish in life hear me when I tell you that I believe God has not only created us with the capacity for greatness but along our journey of life God uh sure Zin opportunities for greatness for us to achieve and fulfill his divine destiny and purpose and assignment on our lives but so many people in life can't get out of second year and have never stepped on the gas of the possibility and the potential of who God has created and called us to be and never achieve the full possibilities that await us in this thing called life when I ask you a real critical question when you come to the end of your life would you rather regret the things you did or the things you didn't do pause think about that for a minute at the end of life all of us will have a list of things we regret it that we've done mistakes that you've made errors that you committed folk you hooked up with all of us will have a list of regrets with the good news is that whenever you regret what you've done God has a remedy for it there's mercy for that there's grace for that there's a love for that for we serve a God who loves us so much that he gives us second chances and erases our mistakes and cleanses us of our sins so even when I've come to the end and I regretted some of the things I've done I don't have to regret them for long because they have been washed in the blood of lamb but what medicine is there for missed opportunities what sues the regret of not having done what you know you should have been could have done with the energy and the possibility that God created and gifted you with it is a sad thing to come to the end of your life and look back over your life and regret what you should have done what you could have done and what you would have done if you could just go back in time and step on the gas and maximize the moments of your life what do you do when you missed the best years of your life Matt suggest to you my brothers and my sisters early on in the sermon that God did not create us to simply exist God did not shape you in your mother's womb to simply let life happen to you God did not breathe life into you and wake you up this morning for you to sit idly by and watch other people pursue progress and achieve the greatness in their lives that it is not your Divine destiny to be idle God did not anoint you to be a bystander in life the God's providential plan for your life did not come from the Gospel of oldest reading you were not created to sit on the dock of the bay wasting time in the real sense I do not believe God has brought us into a new year for us to experience the same struggles live at the same level of unfulfilled meant never achieve or accomplish great things but God has brought us into this new year with an understanding that eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the good things that are yet in store for us and you are to have a feeling in your spirit that great things are in store for you somebody you just sought to believe that you're destined from greatness then you're destined to live at a level more than this better than this achieving more than you have that it's time in this season to step on the gas of your life get out of second gear and find out what God has created you to achieve to accomplish to get done in the days of your life if you look at people who stepped on the gas of life who've maximized their possibilities who've achieved greatness and I don't just mean financially and professionally but people who've lived out their purpose people who've changed the world around them people who have done great things you'll find out more often than not what distinguishes them from others it's not necessarily that they had some great gift or talent it's not that they had great financial backing it's not that they went to the best schools it's not that they came from the best families what distinguishes achievers from those who sit on the sidelines of life is that achievers have a different spirit they have a different mindset they have a different attitude if you don't know any people like that maybe you ought to read your Bible more for what the Bible presents to us are ordinary people who overcame extraordinary obstacles to do great things for God because they had a different spirit in them there was something different in their heart and in their mind and in their soul that allowed them to maximize all the possibilities that God created for them one such brother you may remember his name is Daniel to understand the story of Daniel you must remind yourself that in somewhere between 587 and 597 BC Jerusalem and Israel is conquered and destroyed by the Babylonians under the leadership of their Emperor Nebuchadnezzar and as part of Babylonian policy an exile I was created where they would come in Israel and they would grab the best and the brightest the strongest the most intelligent the most crafty men and women and they would send them to Babylon to be raised as Babylonian citizens in hopes that the gifts they had they were now contribute to the Babylonian Empire Bible says that some of those Hebrews those Israelites who were exiled there was a group of four of them by the name of Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah teach Bible pastor Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah when they get to Babylon their names are changed Daniels name has changed to belteshazzar Hananiah Mishael and Azariah are given names that you better know them as Shadrach Meshach and some Bible readers and a bad negro amen they they their names are changed the Bible says as you read about their journey in Babylon that there's some distinguishing characteristics about them in Chapter 1 you'll find it's something about a Daniel fast the Daniel and his three friends did not eat the meat or drink the wine of Babylon but rather they ate vegetables and as a result they grew stronger than those that were on the Kings diet in chapter 2 we find out that Daniel has a gift of interpreting dreams which allows him to spare the lives of his companions and gain the favor of Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 4 and chapter 5 we find our chapter 3 excuse me you'll find that famous story of the three Hebrew boys being thrown in the fiery furnace and being delivered by the pre-incarnate eschatological manifestation of Jesus Christ in a theophany moment I went to seminary you know chapter four and five tells us something very strange Nebuchadnezzar has risen and fallen another King shows up Belshazzar who rises and follows and in the sixth chapter we now come to the third Emperor by the name of Darius and Darius in an attempt to regain control of his empire that he's inherited he divides his empire up into a hundred and twenty provinces and over each province he creates a leader called a Sat trap or an assistant to the Emperor and over those hundred and twenty provinces in 120 sat traps he assigns three governors who have accountability over all the province and given account to the Emperor the Bible says that one of those governors over the hundred and twenty was a brother by the name of Daniel now what's important about this so you realize that Daniel is not a babylonian Daniel is a Jew from Israel Daniel did not go to their schools Daniel was not born to their elite families Daniel did not have the financial backing of all of those others who came from the land here is an outsider who yet rises to the top and the Bible says that Darius wants to make him ruler over everything y'all how is it that an outsider who's not even from the land who worships another God who did not come from their background their families or their education rises to the top and is given favor over everyone else baba says it's simple it wasn't because Daniel had the gift of interpreting dreams the Bible says in verse number three would allow Daniel to rise was that he distinguished himself because he had an excellent spirit in him Paul's are you I press play because you didn't write it down Daniel distinguished himself because within him there was an excellent spirit an excellent spirit will cause you to be distinguished in a crowd an excellent spirit allows us you to rise above and be noticed an excellent spirit can cause you to be successful in a hostile environment a successful spirit will open doors for you that degrees couldn't and money won't a successful spirit will allow you to find favor with those who make decisions an excellent spirit will make you indispensable in any organization or any job that you're committed to you will be the last one laid off if you've got a excellent spirit an excellent spirit will create opportunities for you that will pass other people by and an excellent spirit is what God requires of you to maximize the gift that God has given you hear me my brothers and my sisters I need you to understand that is not necessarily the size of your gift that creates great opportunities in your life all of us have been given different gifts you don't need a phenomenal gift to succeed you don't have to be better than LeBron James you don't have to be as wise as someone with a PhD no what you need is an excellent spirit and if you take the gift that God has given you and choose to use it with an excellent spirit doors will open opportunities will be created you will find that an excellent spirit is how you choose to use the gifts that God has given you and it is the excellent spirit that causes opportunities to come that launch you into greatness that allows you to step on the gas of your life and achieve everything that God has created you to do you will never ever maximize the possibilities of your life without having an excellent spirit what is an excellent spirit it's when you expect or of yourself then is required by others an excellent spirit is when you bring a hundred and ten percent of yourself to everything you connect and commit yourself to do an excellent spirit is when you set a standard to say that there are some things that are not acceptable to anything that has your name on it an excellent spirit something within you that says that when you fall to meet the standard that you've set you don't excuse it you don't blame other people for its failure but you learn from the lesson and you do better the second time then you did the first time next one spirit says there's some things I just don't accept there's some levels I don't walk out there some things that are not acceptable because when I put my hand to it and when I sign my name on it and when I join it and when I'm in covenant community within I've got to give it all that I have the best that I have and do it to the very best of my capabilities and I cannot be satisfied with anything not done to the best of my ability the Bible says that Daniel distinguished himself with an excellent spirit that were distinguished and furs this that whatever David had everybody Daniel had everybody else around him didn't have it that the spirit that was in Daniel was rare and I'll suggest you today that an excellent spirit is very rare in the world we live in everyone doesn't have a spirit of excellence some in your family on your job might be one on your Pew because of the world we live in as the world of Daniel there are three enemies to the spirit of excellence three things that keep us from walking in the excellence that is necessary to maximize the possibilities the potential the gifts that God has given us three enemies of excellence that will keep you from rising to the top and finding the joy and the fulfillment of living out the purpose for which God has created you in this life three enemies of excellence that I want to drop on you in the next few minutes and we'll go to Sunday School the very first enemy of excellence is a sense of entitlement sense of entitlement you know what entitlement is it's when you feel something is due to you something is old you something is rightfully yours and it's gonna come to you no matter what because of who you are or what you are or what you have done that it just automatically ought to be delivered on your doorstep because you are entitled you know folk who have a sense of entitlement because of their last name because of the money in their account because of the title they hold on the job because of how long they've been part of the organization because of all that they've contributed because of all that they've endured and the problem with having a sense of entitlement is that when you get to that place you believe that something or someone owes you more than you owe it and so therefore you are excused from bringing a spirit of excellence a spirit of trying of giving your best because you are entitled and they ought to be happy that you showed up you you have me folk like that y'all ought to be glad I I've volunteered you you ought to be grateful that I signed up that I committed myself that I joined this organization and and because I am present that's all I've got to bring and they excuse themselves from excellence because they feel entitled to whatever is coming their way baba says Daniel was an outsider and I believe that the reason some of the others hated him was because they felt entitled to the position Daniel had because he didn't deserve it because he was an outsider and they had come up through the ranks and because they had Babylon written on their resume and because they came from the right families and had the right degrees they felt entitled to the position that Daniel had if there's anything the life of Daniel teaches us is that a spirit of excellence will take you further than a sense of entitlement that your attitude the energy you bring the excellence you commit will cause you to rise higher than what's written on your resume and the tie as a matter of fact we all know some folk in life whose curriculum vitae ain't got nothing on it they didn't go to the schools we went to they didn't have the same background but they've got an excellence in their spirit they've got a conviction and commitment in their heart they've got a work ethic and a positive attitude and they have risen to the top of life with nothing on their resume baba says that these brothers that didn't like Daniel y'all that they didn't only not like Daniel they tried to harm Daniel you are know why Daniel wound up in the lion's den I'm gonna give it to you real quick here it is here's here's why Daniel wound up in the lion's den you ready tweet it right because entitlement is threatened by excellence that people who are entitled feel threatened by people who have an excellent spirit that's why your co-worker can hate you and you've never done anything to them that's why your supervisor will never promote you when you've never done anything to them because when you commit yourself with a spirit of excellence anyone who feels entitled will be threatened by the spirit that you bring go and preach master and the reason being is because entitlement oftentimes rests itself in past progress people who feel entitled always look back to 78 always talking about what they did how good it was then and because they achieved something in yesterday they now believe that they can rest on their laurels today and don't have to bring excellence into anything tomorrow that you ought to remember and recognize who they were and what they did and how they did it and how great it was and what they don't understand is that past progress does not guarantee future success okay okay let me help y'all y'all somebody mad when I was growing on my Southside Chicago I went to a independent school a little private independent school University coggle a very very small independent school and my high school team in my senior year back in 1990 we won the independent school league now and I let you know that doesn't sound like much to you but it was a great achievement and accomplishment for us we were just a little bitty independent school we hadn't even had a basketball team before I got there and we finally won the school league I mean you know we we're a pretty good team you know they had they had a great starting shooting guard a men have great number 20 a men of 20 number 20 yeah I'm 29 I'm 20 and we won League we won the independent school league the senior year because they had a great starting shooting guard enum 20 and we to celebrate we did what all high schoolers did we got our varsity letterman jackets you remember that that jacket you had with the high school but the big when you got when we got out of juvie and got to varsity you got the big letter some of y'all weren't athletes you got the big letter didn't you had your number on on your sleeve and the year you graduated on the other and your name and the school you went to on the back I wore my Letterman's jacket with pride cuz we won the league that year and and I was a starting shooting guard I had my varsity jacket and I got the second memorabilia that you need you had to get your class ring y'all remember the high school class ring that you had and and we were so proud of winning the league I mean put nothing else on my ring other than League champion that's all we had and then so I was proud to walk around with my ring and my varsity Letterman's jacket on cuz we won the school of High School League in 1990 and I made the big mistake of taking that high school letterman jacket to Duke University my first year I was a freshman walking around campus with my high school Letterman's jerk jacket on and folk looked at me as if I was a complete idiot because don't nobody at this level care what you did at that level nobody at this place cares about what you achieved back there that you got to prove yourself again when you move to a new level and you can't rest on what you have done I'll tell you why that's so important because the enemy of excellence will always have you reciting what you did and talking about what you achieved and what you used to accomplish to get you to become satisfied with past progress and never commit yourself an excellence to your present endeavors you can't have a sense of entitlement the very second thing that is an enemy of excellence is not only a sense of entitlement but number two as I see here in the life of Daniel is a lack of vision a lack of vision will always be the enemy of an excellent spirit y'all by the time we get to chapter 6 remember this is the third emperor Daniel's have to deal with Nebuchadnezzar came and failed Belshazzar came and failed and now he's got Darius and it could be possible for Daniel to look and how many times these Emperor's have failed and excused himself from bringing excellence with Darius because he's seen that this thing doesn't work Nebuchadnezzar failed Belshazzar failed Darius gonna fail so why bring excellence to something I'm in if I automatically see it as a failure I'll tell you why that's critical because there's so many people in life who never maximize what they could be because they look at what they're committed to and they lack vision of its possibility and therefore say why should I commit excellence to it why should I do my best on this job why should I care about this program nobody else does why should I give my all in this ministry ain't nobody else showing up why should I come to rehearsal they didn't come that helps his choice [Laughter] people look at something and make a determination of whether they're gonna bring their best to it or not so the fundamental question you need to ask yourself is what does something have to look like that you're committed to for you to determine you're gonna bring your excellent spirit to it now the sad thing is that for many people in life they will only bring excellence to something that they feel is big and large and glamorous and glorious because there's a selfishness in us watch me that says I won't commit excellence if I don't think that what I'm committing to can reward or recognize my excellence the right way so you look at something that you feel is small and struggling and say there's no need to bring an excellence to it because it can't reward me but something big and large and grand and glorious I'll give it my best because it can recognize and reward me and give me credit for the excellence that I brought to it now the problem with that is this excellence doesn't require recognition excellence is its own reward and a spirit of excellence says this that I'm gonna give my best to something not because I needed to recognize me not because I need my name to be called not because I need them to give me an annual day but I'm gonna give my best to it because I know the impact of my excellence and if I give it my best it won't be small for long if I give it my best it's going to grow if I give it my best it's gonna be successful if I bring my all to it it will rise and become greater than it is right now people with an excellent spirit say I joined because I want this ministry to be the best it can I want this organization to be the best it can be I want this program to succeed I want this community effort to be the best it can and I'm gonna bring my excellence to it because I know then my excellence can change something maybe that's why the Bible says in the book of Zechariah chapter 4 and verse 10 don't hate the day of small beginnings just because something is small now if you learn to bring an excellent spirit to it it won't be small for long can I help you if you bring an excellent spirit to that job you're on you won't be in the mailroom for long if you bring an excellent spirit to the ministry you're part of that ministry will grow and give God glory you've got to commit all that you have because what Daniel does watch this is important Daniel gave it all with Nebuchadnezzar he gave it all with Belshazzar and he gives it all with Darius because Daniel understood excellence does not have an on/off switch that excellence is not what I choose to do excellence is just who I am and whatever I'm committed to I bring excellence to it because that's how I do things I can't choose not to be excellent I can't choose to be half I can't choose to be less than I am made to be excellent in everything I commit my hand to everything I signed my name to everything I join and become part of I bring excellence to it cuz that's just who I am I told church last night about a sister I was raised with back in Southside Chicago at the church we went to live ggressive Missionary Baptist Church 107 no six South Michigan on the south side of Chicago there was a sister there named sister Lee Ann forte since Shirley and Forte was always dressed to the nines I mean no matter where you went no matter where you saw her sister Shirley Ann Forte was always dressed like she was on her way somewhere she always had her Baptist hat on she always had on her finest and her heels and shoes she was always dressed to the nines and I remember one day we were on our way to the National Baptist Congress and we were at the airport and sister Shirley Ann Forte came to the airport most of us had on casual traveling clothes but no sister Shirley Ann Forte was dressed to the nines she had her Baptist hat on she had her church-going outfit on she had her heels on him and I just assumed the way that she was dressed that she was sitting in first class I walked up to sterling for tape I says his forte are you first class she said yes I am I said my god for the first time in life I'm gonna see a sister sit in first class we got on that airplane sister Charlene Forte was sitting right behind us in coach like everybody else I was upset Shirley a Forte here you are dressed up I asked you if you were first-class she said baby I ain't got to sit in first-class to let you know that I am first-class that it's not what I do it's who I am I wish I had some folk that know excellent is just who I am that's just how I do things that's just how I operate that's just how I work I am excellent somebody say excellent is Who I am sense of entitlement a lack of vision very third thing that is the greatest enemy to a spirit of excellence is complacency with mediocrity you know I ain't got to preach much on this you ought to know that mediocrity is the eternal enemy of excellence let me tell you what made those others mad with Daniel the others were content with just enough and you'd be surprised at how many people in life are satisfied with just enough somewhere early in life the enemy invades us with mediocrity I I struggle with was my son sometime when he feels that getting a C means he passed not in this house that just enough to get by mindset you know people in life like that they show up just enough not to be cut they give just enough to keep their name on it they do just enough to get by and that's why they were angry with Daniel because Daniel was raising the bar Daniel understood what every child of God will to live by just enough is never enough good enough is not good enough okay the best way explain everybody's had the privilege going to college you remember that no matter what your major was there was always one course folk told you was going to be the hardest one you have to take every major I don't care if you if your major was pottery there's always one course in the curriculum and that you know it's hard because the upperclassmen tell you don't wait to take it your senior year because if you fail you'll be back next year okay so in engineering I'll never forget in engineering that one course that that we were told not to wait to our senior to take us was the hardest one was EE 170 Electrical Engineering 170 electromagnetic field and field theory and it was as bad as it sounded everybody knew that this was the hardest class in electrical engineering field and field theory it was a horror class I I mean it was one of the classes that that that when you took a test you ever read through a test and you don't even know where to begin on any of the questions I mean James these tests was so hard that after the test was handed out in there by look through it everybody looked up at each other like like man I can't even cheat off you I don't know [Applause] now the only saving grace about Iggy 170s that the teacher knew how hard it was and so the tests were graded on a curve now if you remember anything about a curve the minute you find out that the test is going to be on a curve you have a conversation with the whole class hey hey let's have an understanding if everybody get a 50 we all got AIDS the class was on a curve and everybody had an understanding that since we all want to pass we all gonna stay on the low end and everybody's gonna be fine and there's this brother in the class name was rich and I ain't gonna tell you his last name because he's still around and Richard always got a 97 on 98 on these exams and you all know that you have one person getting a ninety and everybody else is in the 50s he blew the curve so we hemmed him up one day we hemmed him up and look look look man I'm telling you now you better stop blowing the curve cuz you're messing it up for everybody we were angry because he was excelling at a level that was greater than what we had decided we were going to do and I tell you something as a child of God with a spirit of excellence you ought to blow the curve in every organization you're a part of in every committee you sit on in every program you sign up for you ought to blow the curve and make people angry by your spirit of excellence why because mediocrity is not in God's vocabulary just enough is not how God does things you've never known God to halfway anything God didn't halfway wake you up God didn't halfway answer your prayers God didn't halfway bless you as a matter of fact if you pause right now and think about what God has done in your life somebody ought to testify that he goes exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask a thing he is not a mediocre God so this is what Jesus says is you're partying orders Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 let your light so shine the presence of men and women that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven here's what Jesus says there's a connection between the work you do and the glory God receives and God cannot be glorified in mediocrity Jesus says we ought to do our work in such a way that people look at how superior it is how excellent it is and declare that only God could have allowed them to do that so here's a question do the works of your life glorify God I know you can shout on Sunday in church but does your work Monday through Friday glorify God do you have a spirit of excellence now if you're gonna do things in an excellent manner here's your homework assignment that means this you cannot commit yourself to 30 things this year because somehow the devil has made us believe that being busy is being important and so we commit ourselves to 30 things and don't do any of them with excellence I want you to prioritize what you committed to bring excellence to it and allow the work that you do to bring glory to God so I want to end this sermon the same way we began look at your neighbor and ask them a question neighbor do you have an excellent spirit let's pray [Applause] as we march into this new year Oh God one of the greatest commitments that we make in our lives is to have an excellent spirit in all that we do we hear the words the Apostle Paul that whatever we put our hands to do it all as unto the glory of God father teach me how to operate in excellence with my family on my job in my church and the community organizations that I commit and volunteer to I know I can't do them all with excellence so I make a decision that whatever I do commit myself to I'm gonna bring it my best I'm gonna give it my all so that my good works can bring you glory this is my prayer in Jesus name Amen [Music] you
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 49,905
Rating: 4.7741346 out of 5
Id: uwz9A8cEObk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2014
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