Jane Hamon: Open Your Mouth, God Will Fill It (Psalm 81:10)

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i will tell you one of my favorite prophetic evangelism stories and help you to understand how god does a lot with our little okay uh back in the days long long ago before covet 19. my husband and i love to go on cruise ships we're very sad that we haven't been on a cruise now for a couple of years it's very sad um but we actually would do these cruises sometimes with our elders sometimes with our team of ministers from christian international and we were on one of these cruises one time and if you've never been on a cruise you go in and you have dinner and then you go to some kind of entertainment a comedian or something you know and so we were on the first night of the cruise it was a five night cruise and we had had dinner we were a little late getting into the theater because we were visiting and um so when we walked into the theater we just kind of slipped along the back row that still had some empty seats and there was a comedian that was up on the platform and the second i sat down yeah part of the stage he was up on the stage yeah um call it a stage that's right yeah uh he was up on the stage and he was performing and he was funny but the second i sat down the lord gave me a prophetic word for him and i'm sitting there going what what am i supposed to do with this huh stand up and prophesy from the back yay they'll just sit there don't do that okay they'll just they'll come they'll they'll they'll wrap you up in one of those cozy white coats and they'll carry you out okay um so i mean i didn't know what to do with it but i just began to pray for him and pretty soon the show was over and we were leaving well as we started making our way out of the theater here's this guy standing in the back shaking people's hands i thought well just go for it okay so it wasn't like some big like super specific word the lord just as i shook his hand i said to him usually it's better not to lead with the word of the lord it's usually because then you seem a little crazy okay but if you act like a person first they might listen to what you have to say okay so i actually said to them i said to him thank you so much that was wonderful entertainment good clean humor thank you for that but then i quickly segued into you know while you were performing the lord spoke to me about you and he told me to ask you why are you running from the call of god and when i said that his head went like this like i just struck him pastor trump was standing right next to me but he leaned forward and he goes who are you and i said well we're here with a bunch of ministers and and we believe that god speaks today and just felt like god wanted to ask you why are you running from the from the call of god and he goes oh man oh wow wow oh my gosh wow really wow and like there's like people standing behind us already trying to get out of the theater okay so huh pastor tom said maybe he was jonah on a cruise ship getting ready to be thrown overboard so i said listen i said if you would like to talk to us more about this and i i pulled a pen out of out of my person i wrote our room number my husband was standing there i wasn't just like giving some strange man our room number okay um i wrote our room number on his hand and i said just give us a call sometime and we'd be happy to meet with you and pray with you and he's like oh man okay wow um okay wow you know that was the whole vibe okay you're catching it right so we went on our way well the next morning on my vacation my phone rings at 6 00 a.m did i mention i'm not a morning girl did i did i tell you that already okay i'm not a morning girl but our phone rang at 6 00 a.m and i answered hello no let me just first say that if you are really truly in need in the middle of the night you better pray that i'm home because he never even here he doesn't hear babies cry or alarms go off okay so we were in a hotel last week and there was a baby screaming the whole time and he's like babe i don't hear it you know and i'm like you never did okay so okay long standing wounds okay anyway so so anyway so i answer the phone and i say i say hello and he says hey man hey wow um i'm the guy that um you talked to last night and i've been up all night ever since you said that thing that you said to me and you just messed with my head and i just am wondering is there a time that i could get together with you and your husband and maybe you could bring some of your minister friends too because i need a lot of help and so we found out what his schedule was on the ship and we found out that after the show that night he was available so probably about 9 30 10 o'clock that night there was about 10 of us that met up on the top deck and um that night we met with that guy he rededicated his life to the lord he had gotten saved as a child ran away from god he rededicated his life we got him filled with the holy spirit we prayed for healing in his body we cast out some devils and then we prophesy to him you know on the cruise you kind of get the whole meal deal we kind of gave him the whole meal deal okay so the next morning again at 6 a.m our phone rings and he says hey man wow man i've been up all night ever since y'all did whatever that thingy is was that you did to me i am so pumped i am so excited listen i have a lot of friends on this cruise ship if i bring them to that place we were at last night could you do to them whatever that was you did to me and from that night forward every single night on that cruise ship we had revival come on we didn't have music we didn't have a pulpit we didn't we just got together with whoever he brought he brought the singers and the dancers he brought um the the head of the art gallery he brought the spa girls we cast some really interesting demons out of them um the waiters the wait staff i mean it was like like we had revival on a cruise ship from that night forward i don't even know how many people got saved filled with the holy ghost delivered all because of one tiny little prophetic word that took me about five seconds to give and let's be honest it wasn't really even that specific come on sometimes the fear shuts us down and god's saying we're just looking for some bold people because when you show up the lord says i send angels down that start bringing the harvest into a place that they can hear angels of awakening there's more to the dream but i don't think i'll go into it but i will say this is that we hadn't even had a chance to share with uh prophet greg what he had seen but he he said i want us all to stand up and he said i want us to link arms all over this place and it's as though heaven is linking arms with us i was like i had this dream i want to tell him i didn't get to tell him but i'm telling you god heaven wants to link arms with us heavens heaven wants to move i'm telling you what heaven is not locked down and god is looking for a church that's looking for the opportunity in the midst of all of this in 2019 the lord gave me a prophetic word and i i preached it that whole year the lord said i'm going to take my church out of survival into revival see here's where you got to understand you got to learn to read between the lines with god because we weren't really in survival in 2019 but in 2020 the enemy tried to put a lot of us in survival mentality god was prophesying he was saying listen you're going to go into a season of survival let me just say this it's good to survive the word survive means to keep going through difficult situations it's good to survive but if we're living in survival mode then all we think about is us but if we're living in revival mode we start thinking about the harvest we start thinking about all the little babies that need to come into the christian into the into the kingdom we to become christians we start thinking about other people and i heard the lord say when he spoke that word to me he said i want my people to be so rooted and grounded in me that they're that they're no longer just praying survival prayers but they've entered into a time of praying revival prayers
Channel: King of Kings Worship Center
Views: 4,841
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetic word, Chuck Pierce, Discernment, Spiritual warfare, Prophecy, Spirituality, Spiritual, Prophet, Blood of Jesus, Anointing, Prayers, Bloodline, Word of God, Bible, Ministry, Jesus, Deliverance, Freedom, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Worship, Healing, God, Pray, Christ, Visions, Supernatural, bible study, Dutch Sheets, Give Him 15, Sid Roth, Apostolic, kingdom of God, gospel of the kingdom, peter roselle, king of kings worship center, basking ridge nj, jane hamon, open, mouth, trusting, Fill, Psalm 91
Id: 5ba97vG8GZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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