Jamie Oliver on making the perfect omelette - Jamie's Ministry of Food

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Hi guys, welcome to the ministry of food We gonna do omelettes. Omelettes are fantastic! They're cheap, they're flexible you can use all sorts of different things: crispy bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheeses, you name it! I think omelettes are the kind of thing that don't really get the sort of credit that's due actually if they are cooked beautifully they are incredible They are cheap! Eggs are one of the best forms of protein Go free range organic eggs! You'll be laughin' Personally I use three eggs for a main course omelette Just crack them in like this Get your egg, crack it on the side, open it up... if for any reason you got shell in there use the half of the shell to get the shell out And if you try with your fingers, you'll be going like this all night, and it won't work! So, pinch of salt... and pepper... Like that! Some people put milk and cream... I don't!... At all!... I got a pan, the right sized pan... about, sort of, 7 inches, I guess... That's on a medium heat whisk up your eggs... Just a little bit of oil... extra virgin's obviously is a nicer way to go a knob of butter in there... let that start to melt... give it a cheevy about in the pan you wanna coat the bottom of the pan like that The great thing about omelettes and eggs is that if you get the first one wrong, then learn from it, try again and just get it perfect! If is too dark, cook it less If is too hard, cook it less If is too soft, cook it more So... we're gonna turn that down a little bit there You want it about medium heat, don't rush it, otherwise if you cook eggs too hard and too fast, you get this kind of horrible.... ....horrible sort of crispiness to it which we don't like... Now, for the first 20 seconds... you can bring in... the eggs... from the sides, like this... and where is a gap, there, don't worry just tilt the pan... and then you can bring it in here, and then you can tilt the pan just like this, all right? and then, after about 30 seconds, you'll wanna squiggle the egg around one last time and turn the heat down a bit and I'm putting a little bit of cheddar cheese in now you could use all sorts of different cheese... but I think cheddar cheese is just great you need the tiniest amount and this is just for a basic omelette so I just grate the cheese over the omelette like this... You can see that the eggs still look a little soft around here That's good news... Coz the egg...you don't want it to be overcooked and hard, You want it to be silky and delicious But, yes! You don't want it raw! So...just gonna let it just take over on a low heat now for about...40 seconds Just as this sort of...softness of the eggs just start turning... You can just look at it, you can see it You can see the egg changed color Then you get your slice like this... you can just go around the edges... don't sort of over touch it... just go around the edges... and just lodge it... non-stick pans for this, really essential, I think unless you got a good old cast-iron one See if you can move the omelette like that.... Can you see how the omelette's moving? all right. So in theory I shouldn't get any grief So what I do then, is: I tilt the omelette away put my spatula.. into one side like this... get it underneath... I don't want to overcook the omelette and then just flap it, like that, that's all we want And that is heavenly you can see a tiny bit of colour there... which is...enough loads of colour and it's gone hard... Then all I do... is just serve it! And in the middle there... you'll have a beautiful omelette I mean that... you know, as a snack, with a salad, cold meats... just on its own, a tiny bit of ketchup, lovely, chopped tomatoes, you can start making your own omelettes up just by frying, let's say, mushrooms first, then... doing your omelette like that... you could fry crispy bacon first and then put the eggs into it... so you can really make so many different things out of an omelette And I want to show you inside, here what you don't want is like an overcooked egg, cos' it's boring what you want is... that sort of... fantastically soft... silky... sort of inside... Can you see it in there? You want it to be soft and silky... Alright? It's not a raw egg. Is just lovely... lovely melted cheese. 9 out of 10 Oliver See if you can get your eggs that good Good luck! And if you're gonna pass that on home or at the work place this is a great dish to do Simple, but brilliant! Good luck!
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 7,365,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamie, oliver, jamieoliver, cooking, chef, news, food, kitchen, recipes, meals, show, ministry, omelettes, eggs, perfect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2012
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