The Secret of the Perfect Folded Omelette Two Michelin Star Method | Easy | Fluffy|

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the perfect omelette worthy of gracing  the table of every five-star luxury hotel   i was taught this by a two-mission star  chef and i've shown many chefs since   and now i'm going to show you let's get cracking the omelet is one of the fundamentals of being  a cook and in a kitchen there's nowhere to hide   it's all about the ingredients and the technique  choose the best eggs that you can afford i'm using   these clarence court free-range organic burford  browns they've got incredible flavor and texture   and it makes such a difference to your omelette  we're going to start off by cracking three eggs   when you crack your egg you want to crack it  on a flat surface not on the edge of the bowl   because that will prevent any shell going  inside the egg and then into your omelet   we can see how fresh the eggs are by how tight the  white is around the yolk and look at the color of   that yolk is incredible and it's all down to  the diet of the hens we're going to start by   hand blending the eggs together and what that does  is it breaks down the egg and also aerates the mix   we're going to add a generous pinch of sea salt  and then we're going to blend it again just to   make sure it's all emulsified now you could do  this with a whisk but i thoroughly recommend using   a hand blender as you can see how frothy the mix  is getting so we're going to start by heating a   non-stick omelette pan and we're going to give  it a good glug of extra virgin rapeseed oil   we're going to warm that up and then we're going  to add the knob of butter now we're going to   take the pan and we're going to swirl it around  just to make sure that the whole of the bottom   of the pan is completely coated in the butter  and the oil and it's ready to add the egg mix   we're looking for the perfect temperature here  something that's not too hot and not too cold   so now we're going to add the egg mix and  we're going to start to stir it i'm using   a pair of chopsticks because i think this is  perfect to get the right consistency so you're   going to stir it now until the egg starts to  set and you end up with a very very fine curd   and remember you're in control of the cooking  temperature if it's too hot turn it down or   lift the pan away from the heat now when it looks  like this we are almost ready for the next stage   we're going to switch to a spatula and we're  going to start to spread out the mix look at   that lovely froth you have on top that was  achieved by the hand blender and the salt   and when we fold the omelette with our filling  that froth is going to be there and it will set   and create a lovely souffle like texture we're  going to continue to spread it out filling all   the gaps going right up to the edges using the  sides of the pan and then we're going to turn off   the heat and we're going to use the residual  heat of the pan to allow the omelet to set we're now going to take the spatula and run it  round the outside of the omelet just loosening the   omelet from the edge of the pan and now we're just  going to allow it to sit in the pan for 30 seconds   so now tilting the pan towards yourself using  gravity to help you we're going to fold in one   side of the omelette and then we're going to fold  in the other side to create a v-shape if we were   going to fill this omelet it would go right  here but for this example we're just going to   do a plain omelet fold the tip of the v over and  then put the spatula underneath and flip it over   we're going to use the edge of the pan  to help us to create that half moon   shape write in the comments below what  your favorite filling is i'd love to know   so now we're going to put the omelette into the  oven for 30 seconds that's just going to seal the   edge and help set the center a little bit we still  want it to be a little bit runny in the middle   i mean this is such a quick meal so we're  going to take the omelet out of the pan and   we're going to put it onto the plate and  we're going to take a little pastry brush   and we're going to brush it with butter and then  we're going to sprinkle it with salt and pepper   and there you have a really cheap flexible  underrated high protein meal that's suitable   for breakfast lunch or dinner and as you can see  there's really nowhere to hide it's all about   the quality of the eggs and the technique of the  chef that make this a win or failed dish and now   it's time to have a look into the center of the  omelet it's lovely and even all the way around   it's lovely and light in the center and it's still  moist it's everything that i want in an omelette   if you've learned something please hit the thumbs  up and subscribe for more content like this   and now it's time for my breakfast   i've been the london chef thank you  for watching i'm gonna have some more you
Channel: The London Chef
Views: 1,031,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fluffy omelette, Folded Omelette, Michelin star omelette, Omelette egg, Omelette no cheese, Omelette quick, Omelette tutorial, Omelette very tasty, Perfect omelette, Restaurant omelette, best omelette recipe, breakfast recipe, breakfast recipes, easy breakfast recipes, egg recipe, egg recipes, how to make an omelet, how to make an omelette, how to make fluffy omelette, how to make omelette, omelet, omelet recipe, omelette, omelette recipe, recipe, recipes, super fluffy omelet
Id: 24bDXe7KVBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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