James English - homeless at Christmas documentary

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[Music] as the leaves they start to fall and the night's get darker all the lights come the streets this book [Music] homelessness is at an all-time high near your kid but numbers rising massively each year since 2010 homelessness figures have doubled there's no estimated that those 400,000 people sleeping homeless and a you care that's near enough the population of love of pills and we're figures looking to double again in the next five to ten years that means one out of every eighty will be homeless those numbers are terrifying so I will be going homeless for seven days and I will do it through class miss from a 19-foot the same birth to the Twitter Sexsmith December and no one knows I'm going to do it except my friend Gordon the cameraman who were the coming to see me once I dare to change the batteries on my camera and to have ideally update on my experience I will have no form nor money only thing I will have as a clothes on my back a rock sack my sleeping bag and a camera I've had to tell my friends and family that I'm going on our seven-day health and fitness retreat my phones are not permitted so there's no way we could have communication with each other I'm going to think that's really difficult as I feel better first time in class mr. di one of the rough my kids we are doing a documentary together an insight on what a homeless person actually has to go through and our daily basis and especially at Christmas a team of love happiness enjoy with your loved ones but all the thing a homeless person where we can up to as are called pavement and the air on their lungs we have opened today's as much that we honest as possible as no one wants to be homeless but the way things are going it can happen to any one of us it's clear for everyone you see that the system we have isn't working and needs to change and change it now [Music] they're first announced I start to happen so as get anything done knowing it's no one hopefully I've got any girl asleep make safety double battery over nails off start that wanna start to shave myself uh but we're genk will be the hardest part yeah honest does that money probably the food leave my foot yeah obviously messed my family there's that many bean idea for Christmas I just know it's a needs must I need their the people need to face reality and see what's actually going on that's what I keep telling myself if you prepared know I try to prepare myself last night but I was over faint now we are I get my washed sleep last thing couldn't sleep yeah I'll try to prepare myself am in LA but cause you're gonna it on the one you can only prepare so much you just think Gwen drawin today for the best part in the house best month Elvis's [ __ ] all right so this is my GoPro this is only electronic device I'll have a that's what I'll be updating all my cavities love my daily experience and Gorton or become another date change the parties and take the memory card out a pre-arranged time every day so everything he comes he'll tell me what Timmy's white-meat me the next day and that's what we were gonna do it basically so this is that so that's his long day terms that will be common with me Jack Kapp and rock side to hold a camera and gloves sleeping bag tea shop pay the Sox hat track your bottoms and track it up then I hear that treat us that's that that's all off no money nor foreign and just the claws that's that so what's really making you want to do this cause of their the massive rise in homelessness there but really so I got that when I was down in London yeah two weeks ago yeah talking to almost month he lost his wife he'd been on the street for six years lost he's we're lost doubled if you lost his weight and then the or stis job it's not to drinkin just lost a bluefin that's what I mind herself and the army for 18 years fighting for this country and they're just pop horn that people actually need to see what what most people actually go through and it could happen to anybody so it's just a short people actually what's going on in because it's tough imagine be tough being homeless he says it gets up use nearly every day yeah people do them like shut the necess I'm an who basically fought for our country so people just meet you seeing important us awakens people to get the help that we need to to make the changes this is that whole set wall up welcome [Music] so that's as Azmi canal Rio paid that li tone to get my fastball make some money blankets on food yeah not that hungry to know anyway so but no totally it'll be starving so I says ice game thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] buses are just landed in the cetacean huh yeah just got better find a spot we are I can play and get some money and trying food myself recently you're just gonna roll basically and take it from there that's a scary part [Music] [Applause] [Music] so let's a go back [Music] ' I wait old Elvis 14 people begging for money and I've got to speak into a couple of them because soup kitchens tonight and Glasgow and also sure share will stop people at war so if I don't want information they are hopefully I can get some ribbon somewhere to sleep [Music] so that's me just walking along the homeless show up the last couple levels I've just sat in McDonald's try to get some heat start to get really cold it's been a lot more difficult than I expected legs are starting to get swap and don't often split tired and start to feel really tired so hopefully get up there to get some rest so walk you through the toners looking on restaurants and envious a lot of people just setting out having fun and having a mule so I've just left there from the shelter I hide that beer done up but the place was filling up and as soon as the places for anyone who comes for the bed get stunned away so I decided to even free up my bed as I'm only doing this for seven days in the last thing I wanted was to take a bed away from someone who most need sir so that's what I'll be tonight it's just those in that Chapel yeah isn't she me get to bed guess I'm sure I because I'm shy thought though welcome to the Four Seasons can't sleep I'm tied up by the noise and waking up cars buses taxis Bend men yeah struggling to sleep as cold as well every time I shut my eyes I feel as if someone standing over me if this is a fast late [ __ ] knows how I'm going in through the seven [Music] how has the reality of sleeping in the streets matched up with what you expected a lot was a lot more difficult it's been I talked to I want MA yeah normally I'm mentally strong but let's just start to take it storm it's only been day one last thing I was still spoke to myself a good thing automated teams I vote Gavin up Quentin but another hand today's are we unless ensure what people are going through it needs to be tough and I expected a bit tough but not as tough as it has been how did you find the homeless people he encountered when you were know under streets last night they've been amazing when I was sat down trying to get some money begging on the streets to homeless people actually stopped and asked if I'd show Aden where I was going in how long had been homeless they've all more concerned than the average person so they've been not about me isn't and it's that's it that's a difficult thing to see home nation genuine these people aren't yet they ain't got nothing how did members of the public treat you to think every food money things like that the majority of people just walk past cuz I came to Dover six hundred people walk past before I received my first wife the pain so but a lot of people were and they're only what a lot other people are struggling himself so I get that and I spoke to a beautiful a ghetto Lisa took the tape speak to me asked is is I want anything for me show up and she just looked concerned and it was heartwarming and I appreciated that because that came to help with really they're just that two minute chat so for people who may be scared that intermediate II touch I brought someone homeless even just two minutes your team can change that whole day and it makes a difference everything I made yesterday was about 350 him I try to ration out as much as possible i sat there for a good five levels and today I blondish deep for you I wasn't made one pound fairly - as well go for today please well last too long this time switching on big machine next week and until then I keep you on a shoestring you got it you don't wanna keep [Music] so my second there just finished Satnam to talk for three or four hours but today was better than yesterday i meddled by seven pounds toad was about Mercia so I'm just a bit young get some food also received a survival cat from people help go to homeless toiletries Anna Hart gloves blank at some deodorants baskets and toothbrush toothpaste so I'm just about getting an a before a much-needed wash so I'm gonna gonna finish not about get something to eat and then get rid it take underneath some just don't know able to do us know plenty after last couple of also be charged in the valleys getting some rest before I go back open swing get some money for dinner [Music] who's the best thing [Music] Brenna's Simba sighs I've been sitting here begging for money one guy walked past and says get a job really what an [ __ ] you are just got myself a bag of chips a couple of rules and some bedtime snacks back that space where does for their door and Kahane I've just made up with Babu what's for this you miss humanist society and Glasgow and so it's just basically Bob just to see what you should actually doing tonight okay where are they it'll is a notes scaling the Suites looking for Russell of course this is something we've been doing for four five months prior to that and still we're running a weekly soup kitchen fennekin audience together 50 70 people I just became aware a few months ago after Jim is that people we're not coming to her all sorts of reasons maybe they were begging didn't want to go up the pitch physically when able to give her the physical condition of people do rough sleeping is poor and we started this on a trial basis within about three four weeks realized it was something that we just could not do her a nice movement dude yeah he's not doing at me is it how long have you been doing a soup kitchen seven six seven years do you find the numbers are getting bigger really no they probably started but the Phenom II the house is one of the one of the aspects of him maybe I worrying aspects that Lois we see some cases that we saw six years ago old regulars but every week we've seen you fall [Music] - ask me say up for the name yes we are because since I've had no phone I'm constantly thinking just totally it for I am of my life because I used to think I was positive and grateful and should get attitudes but went back I was just complaining about stupid things or little things that don't mean anything this has been a talk where we came for me so James how did you get on last night lastly I was a bit more relaxed and still finding myself embarrassed when I'm speaking to homeless people and getting that information and just having a normal chat with them came down baddest to triumph I deal with Omar I'll even invite us get take money from people I thought a way but I neat I'm thinking that I find it difficult but last night wasn't is bad yeah slipped up a bit after all what I thought and Tomlin but yeah the more I'm doing that the more I'm adapting I don't know why it's a good thing or a bad thing how do you think homeless people are going to react when you tell them when is that you're actually doing something I think I'm crazy but I'm still scared to take the camera out and ask them questions I just think like if you run off then having a camera I put in office but today I'll be honest I feel that is to be done why why they're in these situations any I spoke to mine coached you up 27 I think battles with drug addiction he's been an on and off his Jeep for the last 10 years clearly got some sort of problems but he was seeing that drug dealers that porch I'm at least 280 teams are there what sure plans got to deal in just going to go and find us boy it's that down and get some money for food not eat today more money less or yeah try and get some money gets on some someone food and internet I've got a soup kitchen so I'll go long they'll speak to humanists and just have a chat with everyone have you been dealing with the boredom what have you been doing it past the time tough because stuff ooh that food caught the food like no for a lot of take me think I was any book easy days well before yours Kim and I opens at 8:00 but I heat and yeah copper tea but I'm and they passed I've been up I can Pope's of gambler so that's the first thing I'm gonna book he's never had a long team so it was I betcha strange so I had to leave it's tough it was to faint definitely faint places to break up the team go at the library McDonald's and but I'm struggling with searching for someone [Music] oh-oh-oh [Music] so let's get up inside most days to the day of start for both few hours [Music] whoops - yeah test of the fiasco [ __ ] personal make it better thank so much so many things looking for my boxers in - who [Music] inside Chi searching debates on this over an email how long have you been on the streets for hey this is odd then it's hard to be here these places budget-wise score stockholm's norman be any the place is changed but the cheapest damn how long have you been on the streets they're good team Fijian off in all of it to these lovely one [Music] I spent the majority today to speak to homeless people and understand some - what if I do it but yet not because the last thing you want is a camel in your face just basically talking about your pain but it's just sad to see and here's some of the things that used to get people P northern Catalan spent on him just [Music] so just sat in two-tone I bet our back but I vote you off the elbows I don't roughly an audit team because I don't have a watch so I need to keep asking people the team but I sat and I buzzed their place expecting to make more money but and ain't you're paying some it because the buzzy of this G the more people who are begging for money so obviously made less we too the darkness the world its leaves Sun so I'm just back from the soup kitchen while what amazing people family heads all help new chef Anup Donna presents at homeless aqua can I um Oh Donna presents election boxes amazing people believe more people at les noir with some just left me oh who is running their soup kitchen called H 4 th yes how long have you done I smell 3 years why are you doing it cuz I mean - yes it's required who funds us it's we fundraise based okay this has been mostly fronted by lots of people giving donations journal Kevin please and people coming up randomly and handing me cash is very nice have been massively helpful and they have been through a lot depress lottery so chess board really really got behind us as well and really helping and lambie's helped us out every week every week every week every Thursday for the last three years years years and we started off with some sandwiches in the fastest turnover for people who are want to donate our fund hope it again you have a look at Giving page do we that continue direct every gift is on that as well because we are not a registered charity we watch the hope that it do that so they just the hope the link is on our Facebook amazing because I finished website what about 200 people here tonight how amazing to have tons of happy people god bless you and have I could eat best yeah customers Munsell amazing thank you so that's my bed sale for tonight ma'am in swim [Music] in your strife obviously thought that's what the makeup easy Anna's Denise went on but just a baby same every noise overthinking almost people are still believed to to do this kind of thing ebony because it's mental torture I [Music] don't feel as if I'm constantly [ __ ] complaining but a back sewer asses who are legs are sore my Joshua but even though it Tamers good morning world last night was a another restless night I got woken up by two police officers and know what the valet thought it was too [ __ ] aliens all I seen was two big green jackets and I break leaching in my face and I was pretty much the last thing myself but to be fair they were really nice scene if I was okay telling me about places I could go I think I sleep and just tell me be careful unattained because there's a lot of drunks yeah and I know that is disgusting but last thing it had to do the toilet do Marlene know that my bag don't know why so difficult as to balance and hold up I get a same time where you'll keep them I'll look out for people so just where I've been sleeping I've just found that I need [Music] yeah ago service' people been hurting up here that's the boyhood and I was like we share each other's and fascinating the show to attract offered me money when James is a cocaine addict and alcoholic such a lazy Arsenal [ __ ] heartbreaking just watching pigeons eatin bread and some Hazen who might what yeah human pigeons and everybody's eating there's always peace and quiet that's what these are for that's what you're doing aboard shuttle talk to yourself and speak to pigeons how about you feeling today it's hard to explain a feeling feels weird of you that's connected I don't even know how many do one of the fields F because I'm no communication with anybody's I don't know if it's the lack of sleep the lack of food or the fact I've not really spoke to anybody I'm not another teen it's like when you're homeless you're just loving day by day I don't have wheels feeling but a few very that's orientates they'll be back confused it's hard to explain sense you've been out on the streets what is the thing you've needed most to survive good because if you don't eat your day this is simple is that and it's sad because I don't know people are going hungry no it's shocking their food banks are law in New York you have over 1 million people using them though getting a feed the emergency supply and it's not just for most people it's people who actually have one or two jobs are just struggling EP bowls and they can't afford to buy food I've gotta take my hat off to France because they're well they first country to bring out a law we are supermarkets can no longer waste our floor we're food so now they're force supermarket's to give the food to charities and food banks well that feeds millions of people extra each year in France mo Lian's of people why is that not a warning you here so far how have you been coping before your family and your friends try to try to block it um what try to think about that as much because I think it where distract me but obviously I mustard on so much and when you're on the streets it's really lonely certainly on you feel this after love with the cares and I feel as if nobody's messing me that I don't know it sounds selfish but that's just to be out feeling out and came down hot tight Frank every bit as much because I know it's come like Christmas but I'm war my emotions and ever difference just all over the place you know it's I'm what faints that it starts our our wheels feel in but I'm just Horton they're messing me as much as I'm messing them have you felt scared or intimidated Sun should be no on the streets yeah of course and I thought why it sound too dramatic but some when you you're asleep you don't want you wake up the next year it's it's difficult year to get I keep thinking people are are standing over me every I've said it before but every noise I'm and wait you're not knows what I'm I admit it there so even though they'll yeah they're homeless people don't know answer you are scared that you're going to get attacked I'll you may get your things took off you and so it's it's terrifying good honest young try put on the brave faces off I'm naught but yeah I'm scared I'm scared that this scared that not basically see my family again and other white over dramatize it but that's the way I'm feeling I feel as if then you can you can get seriously hop doing us what's the plan for today yeah series I've we did to survive so safely day before Christmas the sizzurp as a discipline has been so smart [Music] the body lotion aboot try get the last dollar often to the night it looks like kids wanted to play to the step to come up those people so it's just the fact that how long you been on the streets I've been others teach to us but it's a swilley's know how you think that they are busy with their Truvada because you know you used to be based Buddhist monks then as we started to change how do you think I trust Miss Lavinia because education is great going on oh so that's your first customers we feed the cats in family do it boys wasn't you I won't get up in person haha and well so what's the plan set for next plans for you all these plans is to give us time to think don't play D Topsy stop this video we came to Thrones we taking element gathering volumes team especially do you think that is offered a lot of folks being homeless or definitely I mean how many things are there things in the other 33 things it is you want from us - Manoj about taking or another sorted [Music] [Music] so I've just left the set in motion that's places United over a hundred years help homeless people yes just had something to eat gosh miss Pleasant it's just people from all walks are they everyone with definite stories again speaking with people who have two jobs just can't afford to pay for food amazes me that mottled wait we we waste one font of food for human consumption one font but yet we have nearly 1 billion people starving that's crazy just to ask you how long you'd be homeless if you get family our friends hope these think being on the bonus 3sat Christmas yeah what one should see the wrinkles you would entertain people yes goodness you're there what's the next step for years mr. plans the next image a finger babe I'm x so the we have you been getting help some cry you know something there's no no uh-huh have you been the gear up yours that anything on the streets guys yeah uh-huh and in here and above who knows how this time last year to ionizer yeah nobody's in host Olivia interns of it haha yeah what happened to you and I got bald the bogus most about what but being both terms Antoine was so I've just left stewing cast about I was just speaking to there castevet intelligent mine mr. Lynch dude if I'm honest as they live with the fear he's just through but cash doesn't want to leave them because the turtle my best friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you see the conditions that actually for most people sleep in it makes you think because I ignore a lot of people who love to morning can clean about leaf but really as you leave that bad because if it's that [ __ ] bad then trust me can wonder streets for a couple of days and you're more hoteliers dfi just a McDonald's for heat lips have sex chatter to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] how are you feeling today sua tired hungry I'm not going to complain today I'm really starting to feel homeless the first thing I thought about when I woke up was where I'm going to make money and what Tina's soup kitchens all pin and I'm delish I feel homeless though you just said that you're starting to feel homeless does that mean that you're adapting to life on the street it's a wheeled experience it's coming from a roof over your head food in your belly clothes having money to having nothing it's an exchange that I hope no one has to experience it's it's tough but so for the people who are watching just know just just imagine if you had lost a loved one or you lose your job and you can't afford to pay their bows and you end up the street because the majority of homeless people have been exactly setting what you are and just bad circumstances have phoned them on the streets so the next time you walk past a homeless person just spell out for it that did be exactly what you are it's just an experience that it can happen to anyone so that's tough [Applause] I mean what most people have spoke to the majority of them when they first became homeless well and that heated drink hot dogs it's because the fact they got offered it so much they ended up all that back in Kings I see why but on drinking drugs because we're on the streets there's fuck-all over to do it's a lonely lonely place and when people don't see me Cara you don't feel part of their the population is a very isolated even though were under the one of the fuse it doesn't really feel if your honor if you know I mean so I can see why people can slap on a bar table is like drinking drugs to numb the pain and [Music] to hate for the factor the homeless and how about nothing maybe it's blessing maybe there's the time gotten tired tired of all the [ __ ] we've come we shall name Dean jealous and wish a dog's near me - how long you been homeless for seven oh you faint enough nice play the experienced any violence what kind of stuff happened what [Music] for no reason where you going to be for Christmas not you yeah hope you get family [Music] what about your dog the awful show on so you need to slip out you into sleep over the dog because the show up [Music] hey what's your dog [Music] these any way you can get commendation of help best again [Music] it's like you got a job from yourself [Music] [Music] so just back from begging on the street they're a lot busier today I start there before Christmas mid 14 poems and I vote Fieros so just going to have something to eat Reyes put a couple of others and inqalab catch you today I've been just want to try and get a couple of asleep and then put this up catching again today going to speak to a few more people and see what they're going to do over Christmas I've been lucky with the weather use let's pass in downing Glasgow every night the one they saw they've been rainin once or twice I'm just the ball please do [Music] let's be camera every time I speak into it I feel as if I'm on the Blair Witch Project what you're going to do for Christmas biebe on the streets where you sleeping tonight [Music] there's no one trying to help yeah oh yeah the Train oh let me see and you've been on the streets for 18 years keeping mini cannot be that much no do you have any friends honestly good job I said a lot of violence for homeless people even under my risin what Kingdom I haven't you hurt para tabloids who needs that for difference that this is a female love into this society in the Western model to him to try to change the Christ of Christmas remembering the times the greatest gift of all we keep using it tonight because we appreciate every one of us you said of great value to us not great for me to God more important under God loves each one of these yes he loved she's not much that he gave me son I'm not if when if when we get to understand God flew that he came to ebb himself in human form to show us how to light bulbs ready to pay the price for our sin so I'm just about to speak to the king Julie to amazing people who've just fed everybody and gave up a presence there were not charlie organization coast reconnect but if the two very interesting stories 100 people need your lesson and see am so lucky it was just to see about about yourself about your past and how well we've done and what you've achieved and yeah well years ago I found myself in addiction to name drugs it's that whole place of depression anxiety was struggling generally in life and then I bumped into someone who done a program called T challenge IV heart program so I went down there in 2009 so nearly nearly eleven years ago I came that's where the question run full company I nice website to hear about God universe learn a lot more about myself I'm not swell started to really accept who I was good God that made me to be inside giving some purpose in my life started seeing things really changing for the better I'm then I met my beautiful beautiful yes just a phase out your stories we help that Sun Cheston yes iris also had the past of drug addiction teenage pregnancies just away from me him and aim our Sultana Teen Challenge program I'm doing that that really gave us a heart T being shared and believes that other people could be changed so that's why we do this this is amazing I just watch they used to an absolutely amazing how long she's been with each other coming up for five years this amazing six years and five years manage and for people want it changed can I get in contact to a few source I hope to do that so we've got on our website Street connects Donghae we also have a Facebook page just take big streets in Glasgow you're famous we also do not got any of them technically minded well food so we've got a mobile number or seven eight photo nito 467 I'm time we are offices are 340 cathedrals me and gospel say saying us to open their Tuesday right through Saturday another amazing story another a Tommy's life around inspirational motivational so Charlie how long were you on drugs for yeah I was on drugs fast yes 32 years in fact on the master doing four favorite two years late like mine thank you god bless ya amantha doing heroin and the volume I was on America's character could not get off it I tried so hard to keep movin yep everything it comes with an addiction prison horse balls deaths mental hospitals and everything homelessness everything in me not the last bill three years ago I was in Kentucky stinking it and I just lost my partner in fact in things about quit glam single school was on me I mean I mean I was pretty content me speaking it to start to coming to this but it's the freedom company should we do it now through doing I'm sorry a bikini they asked me if I wanted to be helped I went to T challenge donut yeah no no and through Gordian through their teachings I can live my life but they think they're doing yeah I've known it Leadership Academy school administered a don't know I'm just up here visit and their health and everything can't help and interesting cannot just write you something all button people I feel that it can't be done in the legs can't be changed at anything also when I'm done yet I'm gonna stick to Legion dominant I was just sheared and hope that legs you can't change your life how long have you been cleaning they'll be two years I was doing this documentary train help others but looking at up it's also helped me it's helped me evolve in progress because listen earlier stories I would have never met people at less if I don't do this in I'm gobsmacked though they'll doing charity work with our feeding people Kevin oak presents and they do it us every week they have 12-week programs to get people off drugs is real what amazing experience and I'm soaking it for and thankful that I've met these people amazing yeah I've got these are all right thank you where's their toilets reason ah Donna and [ __ ] night no use are the diamonds I'm it leave me at once i'm ashlyn wisely popular use hey make sure you use it on a home you Danny good home that'll cheer you up those baskets tonight another whatever it will subha nice whatever in it [Music] don't do that money don't get up because caste there's a place check the box so I'm just going to set up my sleeping bag next to them they're asleep before him but train calm down so I shall see using bonding other why keep my doing because the why become a pain in the ass it's what I mean for cameras and love this the people need access see how much pain these people are learning by playing out for help so we need your [ __ ] help some we had on our I never slept one wink last thing after the hardest stories I was getting told people should not be getting treated like this and suicide so I'm gonna do everything in my power to help these people and it's okay to try and rehome these people but if I'm honest I wouldn't be able to keep up they need to again a rehabilitation and getting our drug program get them believe than themselves again but they need to want it change and when I speak to the people I be speaking to they do want to change the just knee they just don't know where they start and I'm glad I met Ricki and Julia last night because it just shows that people can change no matter how long you've been on drugs no matter what age are have you believe in yourself then you can change and know that rocky and Julie had helping people and helping people be at them leaves those people are amazing and it gives late and walked to other people who are struggling and don't think there's any way out that is before I was coming to do a nice documentary I was coming unplaned I doesn't really know what to expect I just thought it'd be a case of begging for money and then sleeping at night and hidden a couple of stories from people I doesn't realize the extent they actually go through and I I do it myself I walk someone I walked past so many homeless people I'll give money and I will the food and I've spent a lot about a team chat and but I walked past the hell of a lot is real when you forget that they are human beings they have get feelings and emotions and they go through so much hot and pain I came to forget that so just ask you how long you've been on the streets 23 years roughly and in Glasgow 25 you know what's the plans for Christmas don't tell me a messenger and Allah we never intend to be any violence or abuse you know an excuse I see everything I see everything the other night wake up when a dummy soldier [Music] - please time stands still as you walk closer to me oh it's funny cuz I please show up again - security guards are always falling me I vote if I get that I've been that job you bet suspicious than if you look rough and then they will follow you and on some days if you're begging for money I'd imagine that not being Christmas January the quiet time of the month the homeless people work would make money so if I wasn't making money and I was hungry I would began stealing food the survival water I've been always be the seventh reverse charity the room was torture computation because you how do you feel been homeless for Christmas if you get family have you been sleeping on the streets [Music] Christmas even I'm really starting to miss my kids so feeling I'll be back lonely but you know now imagine how almost people feel you have kids and can't get to see them so I'm going a couple of days don't get to see them and I'm still feeling very alone Lin sad so I cannot imagine overall most people feel they keep up their sweet baby boo that kill them not like a crust around it 6 yards keep it important this baby bump dumped some dose of what it does allow sees miss March can I help you it is your hormones bumpin junkie please I might give two boys music voice it bit me absolutely dumb one reported on my I said oh so full of them's attacked you the core man suppose there folks at least been and there's people who didn't air that seeing that came running up to me it standing so anyone but you're okay strong money what happened we just walked around just seemed like a couple of kids more parts of this guy and China stuff right to this guy before more unfortunate this guy they have couldn't support system continued friend yourself it's all he could do was that she just waited see if anyone else could help we came down time so unfortunate nothing happened so the kids walking up virtually one guy came back and tried to cheat fights him so we just stood in front of them and said oh we can't do anything I walked off she said you protected them from getting beat up and there's at least okay the police okay mm-hm yeah cause my just watch say thank you and well done and God bless have a good Christmas so I've just walk toward the corner there Cass and his girlfriend Michelle who had just been attacked half-full young boys customers Eve for no reason and this is a game that's tough for me to go through of the night [ __ ] short king so just left Daniel from setting town Scotland who's running there the Charlie for their the homeless tonight saw Daniel how many how long she's been doing this since halfway through August how'd you swing that hey a lot of numbers homeless wise here you can do update a hundred on the streets bother fit if you have a goodnight and you do you down through a sentence if you did be counting if anybody wants to get involved I'll help out hope that I do that and we've got our Facebook that we 24 young people call SES help the Wallace on our safe transport is that brought mistreat 17-8 enough spoke to majority used coming out of donating speaking to his mind's eye then amazing job man know you've got a violent father praise and see a go at - hopefully this year it wasn't a homeless can I see the van she has met so she's all what I do as he saw resembled individually done knock the other out of Cooper that's easily follow hassle it's late doing lastly so I think it Romeo get starts and and I've also got a fungal unit for the nation so just behind me think chance Scotland's charter here so another group of amazing people just feared everyone near Barnesville has sandwiches in toys so just packed up and know Daniels IV to drop toys off to Ted's he's like they're the real Santa so they've got van Lord that toys me out I've only talked to kids and families who will not have toys for tomorrow saw but no they're also another one amazing Charlie another me as an organization Fair Play leave be [Music] how does it feel about him Christmas Eve knowing that you're going to spend Christmas without your family know what me my family going to have many custom seats together I'm going to go home lock up with these and then I go back to my life these people are stole here I've been homeless for seven days but so far some of these people been here for 25 years it's just it doesn't feel that cluster see if it doesn't feel that customers I do think about it and I see people with heads but it every day films the same it's like you're not it's not real and the thing I'm concerned about is leaving these people the way they are because that's the toughest that's the toughest praying for me honey get things in place to help these people and try and get them on the drug programs and trying to change their life because these people are crying out for help they clearly won't hit the hill but it just little bit start like I say it's Christmas Eve but it doesn't feel like Christmas Eve because I know what's actually going on with these people and their daily basis so it doesn't matter just receive trust Mystere that's Frank Stoll gonna harm see we are these thoughts as these fallen they're my [Music] supporters just left it's Christmas Eve it's about 11 o'clock at night this is dead I wanna bow just a few people probably finished up somewhat miss we ought to explain how well now feeling we know I don't wanna be sale free spot yeah it's a lonely possession to been buying on him back to my family in a couple days but still doesn't take the fact that I'm feeling lonely and plus I may not all most people will be feeling the same and they ain't gone anyway on the two days I am so sorry other experience I just taught that lets talk to me in 2 min wash Benton we can get so much he'll try and change people's lives Merry Christmas everyone I can't sleep so just content they're like over Christmas leaves [Music] the streets this book in the Firebird beautiful this is there probably will Mustafa being in my life [Music] I've developed wire the fastest of all is not moving in my life then I can't even imagine what it feels late for people who's living on the streets because I ain't going going through this you ain't going anywhere you still go on the streets on this Christmas Day and I will be with me [Music] don't fall asleep can't believe discussed mister I am missing my kids and we cannot give them that plays into missile if it what we do H what doing over a nice mom Donna [Music] good morning everyone and Merry Christmas last night was a very lonely experience something that I wish none of us have to go through we've just spent the last year of us sleeping on a bus stop this is not the way customers they should be spent how to do the toilet outside again as October is caused yeah I'm very hungry soup kitchen doesn't open till 8 o'clock tonight for Christmas dinner and have more money left clothes are still wet from last night in the vain [Music] Merry Christmas Mitch hi Merry Christmas it was just a finger how long you been homeless hey a little bit homeless for what ten weeks awesome hope you find it up yeah I usually sprinkly as any enemy chose not honest living though again our seats let me stay here sweat right now yes wants to eat oh do you think that been on the streets in Christmas dear did you suffered anything the violence and abuse [ __ ] the last 10 weeks I have been a few feet sites a few feet a few of these and I've been haunting run water yeah you said you were in the horse ball any Alice must be well young army you will sin I was a young boy for how long so I'm just like that calmly shelter rather be doing Christmas tunnel at 12 o'clock have to take my hat off to these people not only fight for the help and vulnerable people and almost people in the fact that I working on customer steer help it if he'd people who gave them one massive respect has to go to these people because if it wasn't for them then what you're gonna do can you imagine waking up and customers dear if nothing absolutely nothing waking up on a cold pavement but I know the majority of user respected team with family and fans and opening gifts and laughing focus on families and all because you're late probably faith in Israel but I would rather have all that and waking up on life [Music] like that the goal for wear two pair of trousers in case you got a hole-in-one so just left the show after getting Christmas dinner again I can't thank these people enough well for 200 people they're feeding for Christmas sir the shelters open 365 days a year and there's people at less it make you realize there's a lot of goodness goes on the world some of the footage you got yesterday was relieved partly watch obviously I want people with drug problems and who is that mentally affecting yourself bactine is there because these people became my friends and it's the kind of looked after me and telling people that I'm their friend so no one would bother me and it and know that nor they extend because if I can - documentary playing dude that doesn't realize the extent actually what goes on in the problems these people have but by speaking to them like lying out for help they need help and once that's documentaries over I'm going to divert from my power to get hysterics for them a bit my life in Chains I leave you've got any man but you can't force things up on people but these people want to change you just don't know where to start I'm not fleeing now so I'm going to get things in place I spoke to Ricky and Julie who have battled drink a drink and drug addiction and changed their lives and they're gonna help us get 12-week programs for people who want to change and I'm grateful that I can help them with that because watching these people saw all the classes you had a brush a pointer was the enemy few things burn off mate you throw this you've seen me create my upbeat and just getting on me a bit and especially today it seems like your image changed a lot it's Christmas Day this is my first Christmas away from my family nod I don't want to keep talking about me in because I feel bad know that I'm going home tomorrow but the people that I've met are still going to be here on the streets since it's Christmas same I've gotta be present for you I'd really want an extra house petes I meet but a foreign place player hi James just to see everyone miss you son the house is so quiet and sage of a suit you so really I'm having a races well I hope you've had a good week we look forward to seeing it on boats and Merry Christmas little brother don't know whether I shall turn who give a good one seeing box and they're messin yards tulum [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I really must show the success seven the year 2018 I'm quite sure you'll do well and I'm very very proud of you you're doing really well I know it's been hard for you it's been a hard few years but things have just get be out and I do love you bye son [Music] let's see just knowing that your family are safe is the best feeling in the world they say there's no better feeling than being loved and masked well that's the best customers pleasant I've ever received in my life it's a it's tough but the heartbreaking thing as for homeless people they don't get to feel less they have no hope they've no late at the end of the tournament because that imagine works League on Christmas dear for a homeless person to wake up with focus it's the best feeling in the world we couldn't ask for better family and friends and I'm grateful for those folks will find cute [Music] so just left Gordon I feel so much better knowing my family I'll say if and also that they must be [Music] and you go if you believe that why miss am I just gonna be [ __ ] shiny before every [ __ ] date you choose one thing your mother oh that's walking about speaking to people with [ __ ] losing my marbles invisible marbles don't think about the world my friend it's not your place of mine to pretend we know it just rest your heavy head this time you don't know what you later you know what bad things it seen a lot of good things a man who likes to concentrate on the positives and that's what I'll do they might not good people actually do help me I was surprised but the next time you pass a homeless person on the street just remember it's somebody's son or daughter brother or sister mother or father so that can happen to any one of us to be set on that ground begging for money looking for somewhere to sleep trying to survive [Music] good morning everyone so that says the last day of the documentary a lot of mixed emotions about your issue here how I'm feeling that's why stuff I can get back to my normal life when I know the extent the actually what's happening for homeless people very cold last night and snowing sleet funded approach [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a lot of noise here last night but it wasn't Karen we just 20 somewhere arrest I'm good to go up get washed good to see my cobbler there's the leaves they start to fall and the night's get dark Oh the streets this bug how'd the gym last nickel very slaw yeah went far trust mastani like an exciting mission walk tie both laugh you all started get sit out front to get to sleep but then couldn't sleep so walked I bowtie someone they say what was only [ __ ] 10 pass name so yeah it's tough but I got there on the end how do you feel about going home to see your family maxed emotions am I don't know whether I should be happy or sad don't get me wrong I'm happy to see them but because I know what's happening to all those people it's my head's all over the place I can't [ __ ] thanks to it but start obviously excited to see them because obviously I didn't see them Christmas Day so I've arranged before I died that's for everybody I beat my sister so don't forget to see them I'll be good to see they'll be good to show them more iPad Israel and I think will be short I hope you're not angry I can't even been angry but just there ever good to see everyone thus as every day when I got to speak to homeless people what asked them to give me a message for use the people to see how they are feeling and yeah just basically try a cry out for help and this is just a message that they wanted make sure the people what they're going through to get help and I know it'll be no it'll be their friend I'll raise my glass to you so Gordon's just dropped me off he's I've been known to see my family never they've update of what I've actually been doing so I'm just going to hang back until he finds me took I don't and they of this have seen them as we all thought was that it's been has been years [Music] on this Christmas Day [Music] Merry Christmas everyone I'm so sorry I could have explained in class misty refused I'm sure you have many more together I have another apology for the last seven days I haven't been on a fitness retreat for the last seven days mean Gordon have been working on a documentary on a growing problem you have on homelessness while doing this documentary not only if I realized that how much homeless people actually need our help but it's also made me realize how lucky I am to our family and friends like you I couldn't ask for better people to be surrounded with and I love you very much I just want you to know I received your video and it's the best present I have ever received I'm a shoe though and I can't wait to see yous Jessica James Carter don't tell anyone I wasn't there because I'm actually Santa Claus Merry Christmas can seize Olsen to on this Christmas Day and daddy well [Music] what you'd say this Christmas [Music] when a dream I see your face again and I want that times it's a game of pretend but I feel you smiling me [Music] for me I'll raise my glass to you all this Christmas Day and I know daddy will be with me in my head [Applause] [Music] this and Christmas Oh Frances each other yeah you know hope these Frank being on the on the streets at Christmas Shanna yeah you know what once you see that ring will see one of ten people yeah that's good [Music] himself I did from the bottom my heart yeah looking out on to the streets of Glasgow at Christmas and really making a difference in bringing their realness I really the homeless people to the people of Scotland and maybe that people world let's fight you come out and I keep up the good luck [Music] you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 209,107
Rating: 4.8567195 out of 5
Keywords: #homeless documentary, #homeless, #heartbreaking, #powerful, #james english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 32sec (5132 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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