James Earl Jones On Using His Darth Vader Voice In Public | The Dick Cavett Show

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talking with James Earl Jones I hope did we send in a big enough car for you today up and wherever you live that we won't reveal I could have brought the horse and and the chickens and the pigs in that and the Knicks in the mids long-legged I could have young they have this car that a gangster would find in poor taste it's so long and luxurious it's almost embarrassing and what if the revolution broke out when you're sitting in a 20-foot long limo I guess they thought you was a good driver you might have wanted to lie down in various places in it I saw that you made an interesting observation about the car in profile it looks like the male member and I think the new Ford penis with all the way I mean I can see the good parody commercial angle it extends yeah James before is there anybody who doesn't know that you are a voice that everybody knows in one sense do you ever just for fun in the back of an elevator talk as Darth Vader no I only done it once it was I was driving across country with the CB radio and I had I used daughter with my handle I think a lot of people out you know when he got to the but the truck stop he's kind of there was a buzz about it you know I decided not to do that anymore other people who don't have enough ear to know that you are Darth Vader I mean you're the voice oh sure I didn't know that Charlton was doing this this is CNBC until I was told it was a very particular choice he made and not not that he's trying to disguise his voice or any more than I do but the choices you make it kind of acts it that's interest yeah yeah and no III don't play with it I'm lucky that it get comes out enough to talk to you right now I have no presumptions or no arrogance about my voice you know you want to think that I might even be in love with my voice I'm not because it would be the most unfaithful lover I've ever had because it fails me often how because I'm a stutter because I not only a stutter I being a stutter for that long and in my in my developing years yeah I can't have a an extemporaneous conversation because I cannot be an emcee for instance it's impossible for me I can't string ideas and woods together that well some of the very best people are stutters and I haven't heard you stutter oh that's that's because you accepted it sort of oh maybe I'm maybe I'm erasing it mentally because I like you and I Marlon Brando made it made it made the American speech storable you know Mimi you meet the halt and all that it's very fashion acceptable you know now this gets into a delicate subject and I haven't forgotten the story I was gonna tell I hope Cat on a Hot Tin Roof one of the roles you've always wanted to play that presumably isn't open to you is the fabulous part of Big Daddy which the late burl ives recently later played now we get into that whole question of that nonsense that happened when Miss Saigon came here and a bunch of misguided people didn't want a white man playing an Asian why didn't an Asian get when you say whatever door is the rustiest quits the Malloy whatever people who are in the most pain gets the protest you know and as soon as that in sometimes the protest is totally irrelevant well what's our got to do with democracy it's an heiress the only aristocracy you can defend is the one of talent if you want less person gets the part right period but if you want to deal with pain unemployment pain look at the Asian community in terms of jobs on Broadway awkwardly movies TV look you know if you hear a blast complain well yeah yeah because and what do they got to look for me too The Mikado doesn't even employ real Asians because it was written people played by English but yeah but the idea that I think I said in my nasty letter to The Times did Burton get to do Hamlet because there were no Danes out of work you know it just doesn't apply to art the director can happen anyone he wants good if you like big the late diners hands once said that that she pada had as much a grip on check-offs ladies that as Kim Stanley did you know in the true culture she understood him the same way that Kim did yeah just didn't look like the Russian there are you saying that if you've played a part of white man like Big Daddy that after a few lines people would just be overcome by the acting and forget about the I would hope so but I wouldn't trust it I've also wanted to play Ernest Hemingway I think there youo the audience to look and I get the best makeup artist I could fine you know what do you think about Livia fellow I just won the fit of it the other night who's wonderful why did all the little pissant British critics sleep all over him for that because he was daring but I think they would think what they miss was they should have busted Frank Finlay for he is Iago it was a piece of crap yeah negative it says please don't believe me you know which it was Chris plumbers truth please don't believe because this is really scary Yahoo is a scariest character in any play at Shakespeare never wrote he's he's Hamlet Gandhi all the way around and actors are afraid of him they don't want to play the tragedy of Iago they'd rather play the farce they play a flip yeah yeah yeah yeah anyway I don't want to get up on that yeah Frank Finley's backstage now he's coming all right then Bob Hoskins another piece of crap with with Jonathan Miller directing as well the TV version of it of a fellow Hoskins was a blow yeah holy but you know the greatest actors refrigerants in had a total disaster and Macbeth and he said I never saw the dagger once I gotta tell you this quickly Jackie Gleason's father abandoned him as a kid he spent almost his whole life looking for him I asked him if a comedy writer once is the worst schmuck you ever worked with he said Jackie Gleason a famous comedy writer one day a bunch of writers are sitting around outside Gleason's office they could get the story and and he kept him waiting and waiting and waiting for hours one of them said finally to hell with it I'm leaving and lays of what shall I tell mr. Gleason and said tell him tell him his dad dropped by all his life he had looked for his isn't that a cruelly wicked thing to say now a comedy writer who can come up with that it's certainly worth his money and shouldn't be lost on his staff another star had very bad scars from smallpox and somebody's there doing Bob what spar for your right cheek took me a moment to get it well James Earl Jones we certainly haven't covered your life entirely but you said I wouldn't want to do that yet no it isn't entirely over when you say hello to your son Flynn who like I hear you've allowed to grow up into a large person now from where I remember him yeah he's he's he says it's all I clan asking for remembers the funny guy who knew him when he was a kid Flynn removability dick cavett of course yeah you like writing there you like yeah - this is dick remember dick no James thank you there's no way to thank you enough and we'll see where are you oh there you are you keep moving we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 3,511,012
Rating: 4.8539343 out of 5
Keywords: The Dick Cavett Show, Talk Show, Musician, Celebrities, Dick Cavett, United States, Chat Show, Interview
Id: 9CiB6q2D-UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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