James Bay - Let It Go
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Channel: JamesBayVEVO
Views: 359,713,229
Rating: 4.8908348 out of 5
Keywords: james bay let it go lyrics, james bay hold back the river, james bay scars, james bay if you ever want to be in love, james bay live, James bay, let it go, let it go james bay, let it go james bay lyrics, let it go lyrics, james bay let it go live, let it go live, james bay abbey road, abbey road, chaos and the calm, james bay abbey road live
Id: GsPq9mzFNGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2015
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James Bay
artist pic
last.fm: 576,685 listeners, 11,206,321 plays
tags: folk, indie, singer-songwriter, british, seen live
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