James A. McMenis | The Authority of the Scriptures | Part 2

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so we read before the prayer in second peter chapter one uh i know we looked at this last week so i kind of want to pick up right where we left off last week and if you weren't here last week and you want to get that message all of our message uh almost immediately within a day they're posted on youtube so you can go to our youtube channel and catch any service that that that's that you may have missed so we read before the prayer in second peter chapter chapter one we'll look at it here and back up just a little bit to verse number 16. peter writing here he says for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our lord jesus christ but we're eyewitnesses of his majesty now what what peter is talking about here and we spent a lot of time on it last week is he's talking about something that is recorded in matthew chapter 17 when jesus was transfigured before peter james and john and moses and elijah he was glorified and he was honored by the father if you want to go back and re re-read that it's in matthew chapter 17. that's what peter is speaking of here in this letter he says in verse 17 for he received he being jesus for he jesus received from god the father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory when the father declared this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and this voice which came from heaven we heard and when you read matthew 17 you see that peter james and john were there personally they were eyewitnesses of what transpired on that mount and that's what peter's writing of here he says this voice which came from heaven we heard verse 18 when we were with him in the holy mount we have also a more sure word of prophecy where unto you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star which is jesus arise in your hearts now let me just stop right there before before i go any further now now what what he's saying here is is that okay we can tell you what we saw and peter's writing he said we were there we saw jesus honored and glorified as the son of god we witnessed it we saw jesus honored and glorified as the son of god but i what i love about what peter's getting ready to say is that it it speaks to the integrity of the word of god where peter who was an eyewitness speaking of what he saw when the father had honored the son in matthew 17 says hey don't don't just take my word for it don't just take you know what i heard and what i saw uh uh for it we have a more sure word of prophecy and that is the beauty of scripture that is the beauty of the word of god is that it's not written by one man or one man's account of what he said he saw and there are other books that people have based their faith on and their eternal eternal life on that are nothing more than the writings of one man who said he saw something while in the woods or or another man who who said well god spoke by me and he writes he writes a book the bible is different than any other uh um i don't even want to compare it because there's nothing that you can compare the word of god the bible to but but when you think about books that people put their faith in and build their religion off of there is nothing like the word of god the integrity of god's word is unparalleled and that's what peter is speaking to here when he says we can tell you what we saw but there's a more sure word of prophecy than that and you do well when you take heed what is that more sure word he's talking about the canon of scripture the canon of all prophecy and the canon of god's word that's what he's speaking to now when when you when you look here and and you continue reading this he goes on to say here in uh ii peter 1 verse number 20 uh that knowing this verse that no prophecy of the scripture is any of any private interpretation so he's saying it's not just one man's account of of any given thing any given topic verse 21 for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so what we're getting in second peter in the new testament is that all prophecy and all scripture exists not by the will of a man but exists by the power of the holy spirit that the spirit of god is the author of the word of god hallelujah that the spirit of god is the author of the word of god now there's a little nugget that i want to spend a minute talking about here because you'll notice he says in verse 19 that this more sure word of prophecy god's word the canon of his word he says if we give it attention if we give heed it's like a light that shines in a dark place it illuminates the mind it illuminates the soul he says until that day dawn and that day star arise in your heart he's and that's referring to jesus and that and that's the beauty of the word of god is that it's going to always reveal jesus to you with that in mind let's come back to the gospel of luke luke chapter number four luke chapter number four so when we talk about the authority of scripture the reason that we can rest in scripture is knowing that the spirit of god is the author that the uh the author of the word of god is god himself not the will of man now there are translations there are new translations that are written by the will of man there's certainly copies of god's word that you can go get or call god's word that they've been edited to to take out things that folk might find offensive now i'm not referring to that i'm talking about the integrity of the uncut infallible word of the living god it's why i personally preach out of the 16-11 king james bible i know that bothers some people i don't have time to get into a debate with you uh the the next bible that was put in print was the niv and i think 1935 so over you know 300 years and and the king james was good enough and i like the integrity of the king james because i'm looking at the original language and king james ordered that when the translation took place if you added a word you made it italicized so that you could see that that word was added newer translations like the niv and others 16 verses taken out 30 something verses in the new testament removing the word blood first john 5 and 7 taken completely out i can't i don't i don't want you taking stuff out let let me see everything that god said so that's my position and i know it bothers some they're like why don't you use that old king jane bible i can't get back to this unto thee and the thou you'll be all right i promise you you'll be all right amen but i love the beauty of the the first put in print and and when i was at the uh the the uh bible museum in washington dc they had a whole exhibit on how the king james bible came into print and when i was there and i just i probably spent two hours in that exhibit i thought i was a king james bible preacher until i saw that and i said yeah that's why i preached out the king james bible amen now if you would go with me to luke chapter four luke chapter four i just want it as untouched as possible amen i don't want man tinkering with the word luke chapter number four you get over there say amen and we'll look at it down in verse number 7 14. and jesus returned in the power of the spirit in the galilee and there went out of fame of him through all the region round about and he taught in their synagogues being glorified of all and he came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up for to read and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty of them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the lord and he closed the book and gave it again to the ministry and sat down and all the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him verse 21 is what i wanted us to get to and he began to say unto them this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears let me read that again this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears so what was jesus saying jesus is saying what was that i am the fulfillment this this day is the fulfillment of that prophecy of that scripture and that is what you find in the new testament the word scripture is used at least 50 times in the new testament it authorizes the old testament it validates the old testament it confirms the old testament why because jesus is the fulfillment of the old testament a new testament believer cannot truly walk in the conviction that jesus is the son of god and that he is who he says he is and really understands salvation in the life of faith if they have no working knowledge whatsoever of the old testament which means i don't believe that a new testament believer should ever hear something quoted from the old testament and then say oh that's old testament that's old testament you don't have a new testament without an old testament the new testament is the fulfillment of the old covenant you don't even know what's been fulfilled if you have no knowledge of the old testament you don't know if you say well i believe that jesus is the word of god and he is john 1 14 says he's the manifested word of god but what word is he the manifestation of he is the manifestation of all prophecy and scripture which are recorded in the old testament it goes back to that saying that i've heard and you've probably heard that the old testament is jesus concealed but the new testament is jesus revealed again the old testament is jesus concealed the new testament is jesus revealed no new testament believer should ever just thumb their nose at the old testament and say oh that's the old testament that's all old testament and before you think that you know i'm i'm missing it i cannot tell you how many times i've heard believers tell me oh that's the old testament that's the old testament and i get aggravated in my car like where and when did you ever get the idea that the old testament has lost its power has lost its role or lost its significance in the life of a believer it was all the early church had it was all that jesus preached from it was all that the early church preached from before the canon of the new testament was complete and in print they had to rest on the old testament and there's something that i want to show you that is glorious about the old testament and i believe it will change your view of it so let's go look at that right now if you would go with me to luke 24 the gospel of luke chapter 24. so turn over a few about 20 chapters all right luke chapter number 24 and let's drop down and look at it luke 24 to uh verse number 15. luke 24 verse number 15. everybody there all right and it came to pass that while they communed together and reasoned jesus himself drew near and went with them all right what's happening here i'm going to tell you what's happening it was the first day of the week we find that in verse 1 sunday morning and they found the tomb empty jesus had been risen from the dead and the women come back and give the report that jesus had been risen and so the disciples hearing that report are on the road to emmaus and they're talking about what they had just been told that jesus was risen and so the the you know they they go and check out the tomb they find it empty just like the women said and they're walking down the to the road road to emmaus and this is their conversation what happened why is the tomb empty where is jesus and so jesus shows up in verse 15 with them but notice verse 16 says but their eyes were holding that they should not know him in other words uh he was hidden from them though he was right in front of them they didn't know that was jesus that just showed up and started walking down the street with them verse 17. and he said unto them what manner of communications are these that you have one to another as you walk and are sad so now this is jesus but they're not allowed to tell that it's jesus they can't see it as jesus and jesus said what are you sad about tell me what are y'all talking about that has you so down and notice what they said verse 18 and one of them whose name was cleophas answering said unto him are you a stranger are you a stranger man where have you been are you a stranger in jerusalem hast thou not known the things which have come to pass there in these days he's like haven't you heard have you not read the newspaper didn't you see it on the facebook look here how do you not know what's going on around here and he said unto them what things do tell and they said unto him concerning jesus of nazareth which was a prophet mighty indeed and word before god and all the people and how the chief priest and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified him oh but we trusted that it would have been him that would have redeemed israel and beside all this today is the third day since these things were done yay and certain women also of our own company made us astonished which were early at the sepulcher and when they found not his body they came saying they had also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive and certain of them which were with us went to the sepulcher and found it even as the women had said but him they saw not at this point jesus is like that's it i can't take any more because at no point did they say our lord has risen from the dead they're speaking like it's over the tomb is empty we thought he would be the one that with a you know no faith no belief he then says in verse 25 then he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe slow to believe all the all that the prophets have spoken now isn't that interesting he didn't say you're slow to believe all that jesus or that i have spoken he said why aren't you so slow to believe all the prophets have spoken the prophets being the old testament why are you slow to believe that i didn't just show up and and and live a life that you guys are one day going to record as a self-proclaimed savior i came to fulfill all prophecy why are you so so slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken verse 26 ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory now watch verse 27 carefully and if you're one that writes in your bible you need to underline that whole verse beginning at moses beginning at moses moses was used by god to pen the first five books of the bible and all the prophets that would take us all the way to malachi and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the what scriptures he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself now do you realize that this moment jesus could have simply showed them the nail scarred hands the the the womb in his side he could have spoken of anything that he wanted to speak of at this moment and they would have believed but he wanted their faith to rest in something greater he wanted uh or not greater but he wanted well it was because he was the fulfillment of old testament scripture so that was that was weighty and would be enduring for generation to generation that their writings and that their faith would not just rest in solely what they had seen but that there would be something even weightier than their own eyewitness account which is what second peter chapter 1 is speaking of he says beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so jesus in his glorified body is walking along with the disciples and they do not know who he is and they're wondering what happened to jesus and jesus at this point opens the scriptures to them opens the script if jesus if jesus used the scriptures to reveal to his own disciples who he was how much more do i need the scriptures to get a revelation of who he is how much more do i need it today so he uses the scriptures starting with moses and i can just you know in my mind's eye begin to put together a picture of what that might look like i could see jesus saying something like this do you know that lamb that was sacrificed that covered adam and eve that was me that lamb pointed to me adam was hid and and running from god because of his nakedness he was afraid and embarrassed and ashamed to come back before god i can see jesus saying and that was the condition of all man ashamed and guilt written and condemned to hide from god from his own fallen state but what did god do in genesis he said adam where are you adam where are you he came to seek and to save that which was lost and and to resolve adam trying to sew those fig leaves together to get himself in a position so that he could come back before god jesus resolved that by being that first sacrifice in genesis 3 21 where the bible says god and we know it was a lamb took a lamb and sacrificed it and took the skin of that lamb and clothed adam and eve and there was so much faith put in that lamb that they obviously taught their boys the importance of the lamb because abel sacrifices a lamb and brings it to god as a gift what man would ever sacrifice an animal and think that you would take that to god as a gift if he didn't already know that by the shedding of blood there was remission of sins jesus could have started right there and spoke of uh himself and and and just began to build a message just off the lam alone how that that lamb saved adam he could have moved forward and talked about the passover lamb and how that the passover lamb saved the houses that were in israel on the night of passover when the angel of death came through the land but any house that had sacrificed the lamb and put that blood on the doorpost when that angel of death would see that blood it would have to pass over jesus could have said to the disciples that lamb that saved that man was me that lamb that saved that house that pointed to me and then he could have went further he could have went to leviticus 16 and talked about the annual day of atonement when the children of israel would bring a lamb before god via the high priest and the high priest would go into the tabernacle with the blood of that lamb once a year and and with his linen ephod on he would walk into the most holy place with bells on the the hell of his robe so that's to make noise conveying that no man can rest in god's presence and they would listen for those bells and they would know that he was in there making an atonement for the sins of israel and he would take the blood of that lamb and in the emblem of a tah which is a cross seven times he would put that blood on the mercy seat and and as they heard those bells jingling they knew that the sacrifice was being made and they would put a ribbon a rope around his ankle and run it out the the underneath the curtain because if that blood was not acceptable that man would have fallen dead in the presence of god and who dare would have went in there and got him out jesus could have said no man ever rested in god's presence no man ever rested in god's presence and only went before god by the blood just as abel came by the blood but cain was not able to come by the blood just as the blood saved adam and abel and the houses of israel on the night of passover and the whole nation of israel in leviticus 16 jesus could have spoken of how the blood that saved a man that saved a house that saved a nation is the blood that saved the world and echoed to them what john said in john chapter 1 verse 29 when he first saw jesus he said now behold the lamb now behold the lamb not that takes away the sin of a man or the sin of a house or the son of a of a nation no now behold the the lamb that takes away the sin of the world jesus could have pointed to those writings of moses and said that's why i had to die that's why i went into jerusalem four days before passover because the lamb had to be in the house four days before you sacrificed it to make sure that it had no blemishes to make sure that it was perfect in every way and then you offered it jesus was in jerusalem for four days before they sacrificed him and what happened in those four days they tried him with questions they tested him in every possible way but could find no fault with him even when pilate himself stood up before the people and said i wash my hands because i find no fault with this man he was a perfect spotless sinless son of the living god that was sacrificed as a lamb for our sins jesus could have pointed to just that alone and hopefully their eyes would have been opened they're like oh now i understand and we hadn't even gotten into all the types and shadows that jesus fulfilled i'm just giving you one example are y'all seeing what i'm saying to you jesus used scripture to reveal himself when you take scripture out of church when you take scripture out of this world when you take scripture out of your life you lose a powerful avenue that god has ordained to reveal his son and that's why the word of god is hated that's why the enemy hates it because he knows when you get into this word you are going to receive a revelation you might be in the dark and the first time you hear the word it might just be a little flicker of a little light but that light can allow the day star to arise in your heart so that you go from darkness to light by the revelation of the light of his word that is the power of the word of god and that's why the enemy doesn't want this world to hear this word we don't need a sermon written by a preacher we need a message that comes straight out of the word of god why isaiah 55 11 says my word will not return unto me void we don't need catch fate phrases we don't need little cute sayings that we want to put out there no we need the word of the living god because it's only his word that will light that will be the light that we need to draw us out of darkness are y'all hearing what i'm saying to you the word the word the authority the power that god has put in his word watch what watch what what happens as a result of what jesus does right here verse 27 and he begin beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures when people tell you you use too much scripture you need to take that as a compliment and i've been being told i've been told that all my life i started preaching when i was 18 years old and i got pulled beside by the one active deacon we had and he said brother could you use less scripture we can't keep up with you i said well i won't call his name but i said deacon so i said what would you have me do he said just use one just the text he said he's supposed to have a text re read your text and then you you you give us a sermon off that text but i told him back i said you know and i named the pastor that i was under who had who had left and resigned i said he he was older he had a bunch of stories i have no stories i've just i've just got saved i just graduated high school i don't have all them stories and you want me to preach till noon and i'm gonna have you out by noon but but i don't know what else to do except read the scripture i was young out of high school just started preaching and i was told then using too many scriptures i don't know no other way amen the scriptures reveal jesus watch this verse 28 and they drew nigh unto the village whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to terry with them and it came to pass as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to them and their eyes were opened and their eyes were open and their eyes were open see their eyes were open with communion because he broke that bread he had not done that since before the crucifixion but how else were their eyes opened i'm going to show you how their eyes were opened and their eyes were open their eyes were open and they knew him and they knew him their eyes were open and they knew him they they they got a revelation of him it was revelation knowledge where did that revelation knowledge come from i will show it to you but it came from the scripture when he opened up the word they began to know him in a way they had not known him before and i'm here to tell you that you might have been saved for 10 12 15 years but until you get into this word you don't really know him like you can know him there's no greater knowledge of him than the revelation that we get of him through his word that's why a believer has to live by the conviction of the authority of the scripture because they reveal jesus the moment we stop giving this way the moment we stop using this in church the moment we move away from this and start reading books written by man and and follow methods that were authored by man and if we ever get away from this we miss the integrity we miss the authority we miss the revelation of jesus that only comes through this we as the church can never leave this so the bible says uh the eyes were open and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight verse 32 and they said one to another did not our heart burn did not our heart burn oh he lit a fire glory to god did not our heart burn within us what made their heart burn what set this fire down in their heart and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us here we go here we go while he talked with us by the way look at that next statement underline it in your bible and while he opened to us the scriptures our hearts burned when he opened to us the scriptures our heart burned when he opened to us the scripture jesus was the word jesus is the son of god he didn't have to use scripture to reveal who he is but yet he did use scripture to reveal who he is how much more do we need scripture to receive the revelation of who he is did not our heart burn when he opened us in scripture did not our heart burn didn't something happen inside of us when we heard that word something lit inside of me when i heard that word that that's what they're saying there and that's what the church needs the the the the fire of revival starts when the scripture is preached when the word of god is preached your relationship with god goes deeper when you get into the word i don't know how any believer could have a walk of faith and walk with god if this word is not in their life we have to take it serious when temptation the world the enemy tries to move us away from the word he said oh man we open them scriptures up our hearts burn our hearts burn go with me to acts chapter number 18. acts chapter i'm sorry acts chapter 8 acts chapter 8. when i got when i got saved and was introduced to the world of church and tradition and my little immature mind got rude awakenings one after another i mean i wasn't no sooner say that the church where i got saved that split and if any of y'all ever been through a church split you know that thing is ugly man them meetings god lee every first wednesday business meeting we need a motion to buy toilet paper i make a motion we buy toilet paper i need a second of the motion second that motion about toilet paper but we can buy it by the case and save the church 30 a month i make a motion we buy toilet paper by the case second that motion all in favor say ah toilet paper approved next i remember sitting there in church on wednesday like what are we doing are we serious are we gonna really vote on some ink pens and man we had to take that vote on whether or not we won't let the pastor had resigned come back and the church split because half the church said no he quit he lied he gone to other churches no we need to bring him back to church i hate to bring all my mess up but i was torn right in the middle all that like what have i gotten myself into i need to go back to woodlawn the world got along better than a church in my mind religion messed me up and i remember one moment when when i was so broken i knew the lord was real and i knew jesus had saved me but i was fed up with with church the world of church and i remember one night i'm broken and i'm before the lord about 1 30 in the morning in my little apartment complex right down highway 1 and and i'm i'm praying to the lord and i said lord i i've served you i work in a church i do this that and other and look at my life and i'm just going off i'm venting to the lord and i heard the lord clearer than day that night just speak back to me and say no you have not served me you have served man you have served your religion but you have not served me and i asked god that night as sure as i'm standing before you right now i asked the lord that night how do i then serve you because church is all i know how do i serve you and he pointed me to his word and that night i opened his word i can tell you what i read i read matthew 4 i don't know why i read matthew 4 jesus temptation and i read matthew 16 where jesus built his church and i'm telling you that that night i saw jesus in a way i'd never seen him i'm going to go ahead and tell you what i saw when i read matthew 4 and jesus looked at the devil who was who was going to tempt him uh uh he he says to satan man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god when i read that the lord showed me that bread that that bread was word it was the word that he was actually talking about because he knew satan was going to quote scripture he was going to use scripture to try to deceive jesus but what jesus was saying was with that unless you speak the word as it was spoken out of the mouth of god you can't alter it you can't tweak it you can't fix it up it's got to be pure and uncut just as it was intended in the conviction of god when it was spoken he was letting the devil know man don't just live by quoting verses alone he lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god i know naturally he was saying i'm not going to live by this bread you're trying to tempt me with but there was something bigger that jesus was saying there and it spoke to me that night and i was like my goodness how many times have i read a verse out of its context how many times have i thought i knew the truth but i was only looking at one little piece of the puzzle not the whole counsel of god matthew 4 spoke that to me and then for some reason except by the spirit of god i have no explanation i went to matthew 16 and i read where jesus asked two very simple questions he said who do men who do men say i am and then they said oh they say jeremiah oh they say you john the baptist all they say is this he said okay who do you say i am and peter by way of the holy ghost said you are jesus the christ the son of the living god jesus looked back at peter and said flesh and blood did not reveal this to you you didn't get this from sitting in church you didn't get this from your mama or your daddy or your best friend my father has revealed this unto you and upon that revelation of who i am i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail and that night i saw it for the first time that the church should be built on the revelation of who jesus is and that that revelation comes through his word that should be the foundation of my faith my life my walk my prayer everything about my life founded on this word just as his church has been built on this revelation via his word may i hear what i'm saying to you scripture scripture how wine in the world we think we need more we don't need more more than the words more than scripture we need the word watch this in acts chapter eight y'all stirred me up see once you see that jesus is the word oh glory to god psalms 47 he said i came in the volume of the book it is written to me echoed in the new testament in hebrews 10 7 i came in the volume of the book it is written of me jesus is saying in the volume of the book it is written of me you can't build your faith just in the gospels alone because the weight of scripture sets you up to receive the power of the gospel god has has put put them together for a reason as a matter of fact the next series what we're going to do behind this one will be called the power of the gospel now make no mistake about it the gospel has the power to save but there is no gospel had there not been scripture and if you don't believe in the authority of the scripture you won't see the need for the power of the gospel if you go and you get a test and they do x-rays cat scans and they show the evidence of something in you and you have that and then later you get to report that what was there is no longer there that second report that we don't find that tumor is not as powerful to you had you not seen the tumor felt the tumor knew there was something wrong when you find out wait a minute i feel different now i i i what i couldn't do a few months ago i'm doing now the strength i didn't have a few months ago i i got it now the appetite i lost i got it back doctor i think you need to rework them tests and you run it back full and you do the x-rays and the blood work and you run the the cat scan or whatever that says again and they say ma'am sir we don't find nothing in it now you rejoice you celebrate because you know what was there and you know what you've been saved from a person will never accept the power of the gospel until they come up underneath the authority of the scripture if you don't believe what god said then you don't even believe you need saved see we're trying to give people good news and they don't know scripture and they don't think they need good news if you believe you're going to die it's over and you're going to die and it's over that's it for everybody you die and go sleep is over and what do you need gospel for because you don't believe eternity exists if you don't believe there's a standard that's established by the authority of scripture that we all have come short of if you don't believe that why would you call on the lord to forgive you of your sins you don't believe there is sin that's where we are right now as a society the enemy is doing everything he can to say this is false the enemy you know this whole cancel culture that's popular right now that frail cancel this is what the enemy wants to cancel because if you cancel this and you create this this this new view of the world far and from this and the enemy is very strategic because you can go from genesis one and not even have to leave the the the the second chapter and you can see in society how the enemy has checked off every box of everything that god has said about creation man woman childbirth and marriage and all of those right now in today's culture have been attacked what is the enemy really after he's trying to raise up a generation of people that have no knowledge of this no no conviction of truth because if there is no standard if there is no scripture if there is no word of god then all you have is the word of man and the the the modern day word of man is that whatever your truth is is right for you there is no truth it's all relative what might be good for you may not be good for another but there is no truth that's what the world is saying that you can be anything you want to be that even your biological birth cannot define you that you can look back and say oh i'm actually going to be this that is where our world is right now because once you take away the authority of scripture then all things become acceptable and if all things are acceptable i'm not committing sin i'm just choosing my own path and that path will lead you to damnation it will lead you to a life of destruction if you don't believe the truth of the word of god then there's nothing to turn from there's nothing to repent of there's nothing to ask god forgiveness of and my concern for the church today is that if we keep moving away from this we remove the standard that will reveal people's need for jesus that will be revealed in this word if they turn to it oh are y'all hearing what i'm saying you you we're a mute point when we take the word out of the church when we take the word out of our life and it's not that god's got to take you through all the authority of scripture before you will receive the gospel because when moses showed up he delivered the children of israel from egypt and they had not known the law of god the law of god had not been penned and revealed but yet god delivered them but after that he delivered them he leads them to mount sinai where for 40 days he gives moses the 10 commandments the law the the order of the priesthood all of that was revealed that moses would implement to the society that had already come to know his power in other words once i start seeing jesus as one with this word and i want to be like jesus and i want to live out my faith in him now i'm i'm going to want to apply this word to my life and live by this word live by the standard of this word because it it jesus validated it see when people start making jesus all kind of stuff that contradicts the word that's a dangerous thing to do i feel like i'm saying a mouthful all right watch this in acts chapter 8. so we're we're in the new we're in the new testament jesus is ascended to the father watch this so the spirit of god moves on this man by the name of philip to go meet this man from ethiopia who was sitting up in his chariot and had just left a worship service and verse 28 says was sitting in his chariot and was reading isaiah the prophet then the spirit said unto philip go near joined thyself to this chariot and he ran to him and heard him read isaiah and look what he asked him in verse 30. understand what you're reading he said how can i accept some man should guide me and he desired philip that he would sit up and enter in and show him verse 32 the place of the scripture the place of the scripture which he read was this he's reading isaiah 53 verse 7. he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and a lamb done before his shearer so open night not his mouth open to you not his mouth and his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth the eunuch answered philip said i pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet this was he talking about himself or another man new spirit-filled preaching machine philip said i know you didn't just ask me who that scripture is talking about book of acts scripture being read jesus being preached all coordinated by the power of the holy ghost verse 35 then philip i want y'all to read this verse out loud with me okay then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus what you say what did philip use to preach jesus scripture what did philip in the new testament use to preach jesus scripture see don't preach jesus to me and not use scripture i might get a version of jesus that's your version if you're going to preach jesus use scripture well let's see what happened when he used scripture to preach jesus verse 36 and as they went on their way they came unto a certain water and the eunuch says see here is water what does hinder me to be baptized philip said well do you believe with all your heart you may he answered and said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god what you say what led to that belief scripture and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both of them into the water both philip and the eunuch and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water the spirit of the lord called away philip and the eunuch saw him no more and went on his way rejoicing hallelujah what did he use to preach jesus scripture say what you want to say he use scripture that's what we need to be using all right now watch this go back with me to uh matthew 28. see they came to jesus they tried to challenge him and give us a sign they come at him with hard questions bring their criticisms and sometimes they just say stuff that was plum silly that faith would be off in the left field somewhere and i love what jesus said in matthew 22 29 oh i love this in matthew 22 29 jesus said this he said you your error your mistake your error is that you don't know the scriptures nor the power of god so what jesus does in matthew 22 29 is he connects scripture to the power of god if only we would do that if only we would connect scripture to the power of god jesus said you do hear not knowing the scriptures not the power of god all right now i want to read this and then i want to go to romans 16 and we'll close all right but i got to get to romans 16 before we uh before we wrap this up all right watch this in matthew 28 verse 18 jesus came and spake unto them saying all power that word there is exousia which is jurisdiction all jurisdiction is given unto me in heaven and in earth all authority you could translate that word power there for authority all authority is given to me in heaven and in earth sin check out all the authority jurisdiction in heaven and earth you go you go my going is connected to his authority and guess what i'm supposed to do teach all ethnic groups teach all nations teach teach all ethnos all ethnic groups teach them what teach them the scripture teach them the gospel teach them jesus and to them that believe like the ethiopian eunuch baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things i have commanded you he didn't say teach them something new come up with something cute he said you give them what i gave you give them what i gave you don't give them something else give them what i gave you well i just showed you a little bit ago what he gave them he began at moses and all the prophets showed them through the scriptures himself jesus said now go show them what i showed you and that's exactly what philip does in acts chapter 8 that led to a man getting saved and baptized right and he went back to ethiopia preaching the gospel but how did that happen that happened because philip was was was honoring the great commission teaching what jesus had taught him church we can't move away from teaching what jesus taught us i remember telling the church when we were the lsus and it's like 10 or 20 of us i said look i said very very if ever everybody ever comes in here and preaches in my absence and and and just you know i forget how many minutes i told them i said a certain number of minutes goes by and they hadn't used no scripture i said just stand up holla you know i was younger than might have been a little foolish i don't know if that'd be very honorable to get them hollered at preacher but i i i just know from the beginning of this ministry i've always taught our membership back even when it was just 20 of us we got to stick to the word we got to be founded on the word that that's got to be our foundation that's got to be our rock that that's where it all starts right there is the word and i know that don't work for everybody and you hear stuff oh it uses too much scripture well i need a preacher i don't need all that teaching no you need the word whether it's preached or whether it's taught or whether it's treached it's a treats what's a treach well it's taking preaching and teaching and combining them and you're a creature all right the two scriptures i want to show you very important go go with me to uh romans 15 and then i'm going to show you something in chapter 16 romans 15 and 16 and i'm done all right i know y'all like leaving today so hang on romans 15 and then 16. well that's an old testament i'm about to change your mind about that one with this verse right here romans 15 verse 4 you there say amen for whatsoever things were written before time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope what's hope expectation understand now when this is spoken that the new testament's not in print scriptures in the new testament refer to the old covenant he says what was written before time before the new covenant before the new testament were written for our learning we're supposed to know it that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures the scriptures give us hope used in the new testament one more one more uh verse go over to chapter 16. chapter 16 drop down to verse number 25 now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began but now is made manifest jesus christ made manifest the preaching of jesus jesus being revealed jesus is being made manifest but now he's made manifest how and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting god made known to all ethnic groups all nations not just the jews not just israel made known to all nations all ethnic groups for the what for the obedience of faith what's made known the scriptures who's made known jesus through what the preaching of the scriptures what does it lead to well it leads to faith in jesus and the obedience of faith to god only wise be glory through jesus christ forever and then somebody on the back row said amen i want to leave that last verse just hanging there but but but notice verse 26 and we're going to close jesus is made manifest he is revealed he's made known to all litany groups to to world without end and what what's the end result the obedience of faith you see what happens when you take scriptures out of your life no wonder the enemy's enemy's been challenging it since day one he didn't come to adam and say or eve rather and say you know the earth is bigger than this garden of you god's got you here in this garden and these rivers are your borders you know the earth is bigger than this you ain't seen it but it's bigger you need to be chasing waterfalls follow me follow me and i'll lead you to a place prettier and grander than this garden oh he didn't say none of that my point is that he could have lured or tempted in other ways what he challenged was what god said so he shows up and said have god the first recorded words of satan and scripture after man was hath god said the first recorded words of satan brings a question over scripture and so is it any marvel the closer we get to the last days the more this is going to be challenged and also the more we're going to need it i'll stop right there glory to god amen all right let me pray for you this evening father we thank you for your word and we thank you for the gift of your spirit that reveals your word to us that lights that fire in our heart that leads us to faith in your son lord we thank you for your word and i pray right now for every person lord here in this worship center here in this assembly those watching this live stream right now father lord would you give us that hunger would you give us that thirst to seek your word and the authority that your word has over your creation the authority that your word has over our lives lord may we rest in the authority of your word every head bowed all eyes closed think about it for a minute what would you know about jesus were it not for the word of god what would you know think of how how void we'd be of faith without his word if you're here watching or you're here or you're watching live and you've never called on jesus like that ethiopian eunuch did when he heard jesus preached i want to encourage you to let this be the day of your salvation and if you say oh oh i believe in jesus pastor i've accepted the lord as my savior well you can pray tonight that the lord would take you deeper because i'm telling you the revelation of jesus is unending it's unending when when you start looking at his word and you say okay lord show me jesus show me jesus show me the heart of who you are it's unending what he will reveal so father i pray tonight lord you draw us in draw us closer and father i pray for every minister every preacher that would watch this that's watching or would watch this message i pray father you'd put a fire in the heart of every preacher old and young to preach your word to preach your son to preach jesus through the scripture this word will never fail church no matter what society does no matter how far man can get and he can get out there this word will never fail you this word will never fail you in your prayer life it'll never fail you in your faith life it'll never fail you i know everything around us seems to be shifting and changing and shaking and moving this word is that rock that you can rest on that you can build your life on would you pray with me heavenly father i acknowledge my own sin the times of my doubt but i thank you that in due time christ died for the ungodly before the sinner i acknowledge i've come short of your word but i believe jesus never did that your son is your word manifested that he died from my sins that you raised him from the dead that i could be forgiven that i could live for you so i asked forgiveness of my sins now you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness that you would fill me with your spirit open my eyes my ears and my heart to receive the revelation of who you are through the scriptures that i would know you just as your disciples knew you on the road to emmaus when you opened the scriptures would you feel me with your spirit that i can be used just as you use philip to preach your word to make jesus known that others might be saved in jesus name amen
Channel: WOGM
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Id: r3qxX3F3LBM
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Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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