Jalapeno Bacon Cheddar Beef Sausage

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hey welcome to Phoenix kitchen today we're making jalapeno bacon cheddar beef sausages here's how it happened as always we're going to start by measuring out the ingredients that we need for our seasoning mix and the jalapenos the bacon and the cheddar we start with our salt of course our curing salt pepper paprika garlic and a few other spices the recipe is in the description down below we're going to get these jalapenos diced we're going to remove the seeds uh because we're not looking for a spicy sausage we're looking for that jalapeno flavor uh in addition to the diced jalapenos we'll be adding some jalapeno powder so that we can control the exact amount of heat that we're getting once we get everything measured and ready to go we'll get our meat diced up and mix it in there you see a really good example of why we measure each ingredient in a separate container and then put it into our final container because if you happen to get too much if it's all mixed together already how do you pull it out right you do them individually that way you can correct if you need to and then mix everything together for your final product we'll get these all mixed up and then ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now for these jalapenos we're going with about a/4 in dice on these and that is to match our cheese size um I'm using high temp cheese that I ordered as a product for making sausages specifically uh and I'm just kind of matching these up so that the bite size is going to be about the same uh you'll notice in other videos such as the jalapeno Blackberry pork sausage uh we used larger Chun of the uh jalapenos because we want it to match the bite size of our blackberries just to keep things kind of consistent through the sausage all right we're going to be making a three lb batch today and I need to go ahead and get the meat into the freezer so that it's ready for the grinder so we're going to go ahead and get that measured out I had 2.2 lbs of lean meat uh that had been cut from a brisket from trimmings uh these are fat trimmings from the same brisket but I keep those separated so that we can get our mix right uh we're going for an approximate 8020 blend uh it's not going to be perfect but we'll go ahead and get this brought up to a 3 lb batch for an approximate 8020 get that in the freezer while that meat is in the freezer firming up for the grinder we're going to go ahead and get our hog casings soaking uh those need to soak obviously to remove the salt and to loosen up and become more more elastic so that they can stretch so we'll go ahead and get those into our lukewarm water and we're going to let them soak for about a half hour so that they'll be pliable and ready to [Music] go now with the beef in the freezer getting ready for the grinder and all of the ingredients measured out and our casings soaking in the water so that they're ready to go it's the perfect time to have a cup of coffee and while that coffee is brewing you think to yourself bacon because the smell of coffee always reminds me that it's time for bacon and that's when you realize you didn't measure out any bacon to go into your jalapeno bacon cheddar beef sausages so we're going to go ahead and get that cut up real quickly off of some of our slab bacon uh it's going to be about 6 oz we're going to cut that not into little diced pieces we're going to cut these into uh some longer strips about an inch long um just because we really want to notice the bacon bacon is going to be the star of the show here uh really setting this sausage off from a regular you know just jalapeno cheddar sausage uh so we're going to cut big long strips and put in there [Music] all right so we got the bacon chopped up didn't take long went ahead and had that cup of coffee and as you can tell we sipped the coffee uh because that bowl set in the freezer for about 45 minutes versus the 30 that we were going to but that's okay it's going to be ready to go and amazing get our grinder set up grind all of our meat and then we'll start blending in the spices and ingredients [Music] [Music] all right we've got everything all ground up and it's time to add those spices we're going to go ahead and just pour those in and give it a really good thorough mixing we want those spices to really hit everywhere every piece of meat that's going to require pushing squeezing flipping um you could do this in your stand mixer with a paddle attachment um you just have to be careful not to over mix so that you don't start emulsifying and turn it into a hot dog because this is definitely meant to be a sausage although let's face it it would be a delicious hot dog too um however we're going for hand mixing today keeping that nice texture we'll get this all mixed in We'll add the jalapenos the cheese the bacon and our heavy cream which is our liquid for this sausage and then we'll get it stuffed into the stuffer [Music] all right we got these stuffer all set up and ready to go we're going to take a little of our water that we've been soaking our casings in and use that to lubricate the extruder that will help those casing to slide on more easily and we're going to go ahead and slowly crank until we get meat all the way to the tip of the extruder this will help us to fill the casings without filling them full of air to start with now once we've done that we're going to grab a casing we're going to find the end we need to open that end up then we're going to dip it down into our water these have been soaking in water and if you've never done sausages before with natural casings these are packed in salt to preserve them and what we're doing is rinsing off that salt reintroducing moisture so they become nice and pliable so that they can be stuffed without breaking however there's salt that also gets on the inside and to make sure you're not ending up with a huge bite of salt uh in with your sausage we're simply going to run some water through them um you can see videos on YouTube of some folks who will actually put these in the sink and and put the the end of the casing on the faucet and run water through them for a long time that works but it's really not necessary uh it doesn't take a large amount of water there's not a lot of salt inside but you know there can be some salt inside so all we're doing is just rinsing that through to make sure that we've gotten all that salt out once we've gotten all of that water through and we've got the salt out then we're simply going to load this thing onto the extruder we're going to take it all the way up and leave them maybe inch and a half 2 Ines uh to tie a knot I used to go you know an inch or so like you see some of the experienced folks doing on videos but as I was learning to make them I realized these things are slippery and they're actually kind of hard to tie a knot uh so I don't worry so much about wasting them anymore they're not that expensive uh I just go ahead and leave about 2 in off that makes it really simple for me to make a knot uh once we get that knot in the end to close it off grab the scissors and just snip the excess so that it's not in your way and then we're ready to load up our sausages now we've got two different ways we can do this we can stuff and twist individual links as we go or we can simply stuff the entire casing uh leaving just a bit of room so that we can twist afterwards using a pinch method where we'll pinch between the sausages and make our our twist points that's the method that we're going to use here I find that it works the best uh you'll notice here I'm going slowly this is actually my second casing with this and I will freely admit messed up the first one thinking hey I need to leave a little extra room for my pinch I don't want to blow out any sausages and I simply didn't put enough sausage in um and I ended up having to really work to form the sausages moving that around within the casings uh they're going to taste delicious but that first batch is going to be ugly when it comes to uh presentation so that'll definitely be something uh that will just not really show anybody these are going to be beautiful though you can see as they're coming out they're nice and full we're going to leave um a couple of inches at the end so that we're able to move some sausage around to create those pinch points and then we'll do the pinch and twist method and tie off the last [Music] sausage now for my pinch and twist method what you'll see that I'm doing here I actually took one of our hot dog buns when the tray was clean uh put put it on the tray our hot dog buns are about 4 in long and I made uh marks with a sharpie uh at 6 in long cuz I want the the uh sausage to hang just a bit off of each end of the bun right we really want to make sure we're full bun length with these things um and those marks are on the tray and that's what I'm using to measure there to know where to pinch and twist as you get one end over to your first Mark you line everything up with the second one then as I pinch I'm also squeezing and pushing toward the end that's open because that's where I want the excess meat to go is toward that end if I if I squeeze and push it back the other way I'm going to end up popping that casing cuz that sauce is is going to be too full so that's what we're doing with it we're pinching pushing toward that end and then we twist and as we do each one we're simply going to alternate so if you do your first one twisting away from you make your second one twisting towards you and so forth down the line when you get to your very last one you want to tie that knot just as close as you can to the end of that sausage uh to keep from having any air in there and you'll end up with beautiful plumps full [Music] sausages all right so we've got everything on a Wire rack which is how they're going to sit in the fridge overnight uh this is going to allow the curing salt to do its job uh because we did not use a cure accelerator so we need 12 hours for that to do its job um and it's also going to allow those casings to dry up and really form around the sausage what I'm doing here that first batch that went through like I told you you can see there they are ugly I did not get enough sausage in to the tubing um and I'm having to poke out some air pockets there are products out there uh they're actually for making sausages that are made for pricking sausages if you want to spend seven bucks on Amazon to get one that's great they're really cute but you know what a toothpick works just as well and you don't spend seven bucks so that's what we're using here just to go through and poke out all of those little air holes in that first batch [Music] all right so here we are getting ready to go into the fridge uh I love how you can look in and see the bacon and the cheese and the jalapenos and all the spices when they come out the next day you can see that the casings have dried up and shrunk around the sausages we're just simply going to take that tray and set it right on the grates uh that'll help to actually keep the sausages clean they won't be touching any of the old great once we hit 150 internal smoking those we're going to bring them and put them in an ice bath and once we cut into them you can see here they have all those beautiful ingredients and let's see juicy test oh yeah yeah let's face it when you go 8020 with brisket meat and you add bacon to the mix and then you smoke it it's going to be juicy you see there the big chunks of bacon the big chunks of jalapenos uh the cheddar cheese all the spices these sausages are absolutely amazing hope you'll try them we're giving away a five piece cast iron Lodge cookware set when we hit 1,000 subscribers all you have to do is like a video and subscribe to the channel to be entered in the giveaway
Channel: Phoenix Kitchen
Views: 1,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qxYlbhAbyUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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