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I'm in for lawsuits and it consumes my [ __ ] life I'm talking about like hour-long phone calls multiple times a week depositions interrogations shut the [ __ ] up I didn't even know this we hear we hear about some of it knows this dad depositions dude yeah lawyer calls to talk about the deposition oh my god emails evidence finding evidence so I have to like go back into like old [ __ ] like it's it's more than just that to know right well what else might other that that that that was this way more than a scratch surface but yeah and just like being in like a [ __ ] like I win the fight right like I trained five months that was my sole focus and purpose and I like win party like have a good time like turning the [ __ ] up like with all my [ __ ] best friends and then all the sudden I get back to LA by myself my girl's not there I'm like sitting in the [ __ ] room and I'm like what like what do I do like I don't even know who I like what is Jake Paul right now and like where is this path and like I don't know what to do with my life I'm looking at my house like this is like I live here like this is my home like everything was just like weird foreign soil territory like I didn't you hadn't been there in months hadn't been there in months and just like all this all these like thoughts are also coming down from the high I just had like the ultimate of highs coming down from like I after I drink a lot like it days in a row yeah I come down with like anxiety absolutely and one of the reasons why I don't drink by the way yeah one of the big reasons it rains all of your neurotransmitters and you wake up with lack of serotonin and lack of the things that you need to feel even slightly good and that anxiety fires up it's the core reason why I don't drink the core reason why I don't drink so you like I'm this a huge come down and like at a weird place in my life where like I'm 23 and it's like what do I want out of this life and I just had a like started having like super like deep thoughts and then that's why I was like yo guys I need to come talk to you and I just I talked to his friends that's what it was how did that help you yes yes so much sorry I'm getting like a little teary but yeah and then I wake up the next day and like have a phone call like with my lawyers for one of the lawsuits and I knew that it was gonna be like a big al and it like I'm just sitting on the phone call for literally likes like something I did not do like it's it's and it goes back to like people just like attacking Jake Paul and like wanting to see me fail for a varity like [ __ ] nothing like like they're suing me for something I didn't do like on god it's just the most [ __ ] thing and I literally had to pay them a lot of [ __ ] money for no reason I'm not like it just pisses me [ __ ] all of it and then you could take a break take a break yeah I [ __ ] hate your brother maybe you can sit on that side with him for a second hey buddy no I just hate it bro I'm good I think skin but it's like it's just like so annoying it's like why am i giving like not only did I spend like my time my effort my energy my mom my mom is like always on spending hours of her day when she's retired like she should be [ __ ] she's in Hawaii on a [ __ ] lawsuit phone call and they're like yo your son has to pay this like it just looks so stupid and like so much time effort and energy and it's like this it's also compounded right by by by a number of issues by by you're constantly dealing with hate yeah from from a certain especially from a certain sector of the online community yep you're you're dealing with the same thing that your brother did which was the idea that you have to reinvent yourself to stay relevant which is a massive pressure a massive pressure not to mention a number of other things that you know some of the internet knows about and some that they don't but I as someone that's 35 looking at you knowing you I know for a fact that this is having a massive compound stress on your mind I know that and I know that prior to all this even when you were top of the top you were already struggling with anxiety yeah you've told me since the day I met you something that we've been able to relate on very well that you struggled with racing thoughts the inability to stop that feedback loop which is the same [ __ ] idea with and then now see you struggling with all of these other things compounded on top of it and then to see people dismissing all of it online and saying that you don't [ __ ] know what it's like to struggle he's a lot for me to deal with and I'm not even knew yeah yeah and that that's why I like and that's why I get so in the morning I'm like dealing with that [ __ ] and then it comes like full circle with like I can't even now speak about like how I'm feeling and I bet they say like bad things like happen in threes and like I thought like I really believe that it was like lawsuit like Tanna [ __ ] and then like yeah so we shine it on Twitter it's like I wouldn't limit limited to 3s dude I uuhh and I'm sure a lot of people listening will relate this like when it rains it pours when it rains it [ __ ] pours I say it's all time momentum is the strongest force in the universe in the universe it's both ways dude you going down a hill well I guess you're not gonna go up a hill and game on like I had so much momentum and then it just like like you also to your point I do have to throw this in there and it's another important thing for people who deal with some sort of mental health problem especially anxiety but depression as well you need to be very mindful of your triggers this was talked a lot about in the comments under tweet triggers and boundaries are so important and a trigger for an inked and anxious or depressed depressive breakdown a main trigger is long-term substance abuse and you just went on a [ __ ] bender bro I'm not I'm not and by the way I'm not trying to minimize your real issues yeah I'm not I'm not and also I want to I want to make sure that people understand that I don't think this is coming from an angle of feel bad for me Jake Paul I don't think this is coming from a woe is me type situation people need to understand that pain is pain and pain is relative some people go through breakup pain in the real world or they lost their job and they have anxiety because that your pain is your pain and you struggle with it and I don't want people to [ __ ] discount that one but two I really do think that give it a week of leveling out after all of this [ __ ] spectacle and by the way what your brother's now done to make it a little bit worse and what the Internet's done to you based on your tweets all this levels off you're gonna be just fine but that that's that's not just final you're gonna be better so that's the thing is like but and this is why I like like I've almost become like immune to like pain because no are you becoming numb like yeah I'm there for 20 years like numb to like anything that really happens because I'm literally just like that this has happened before something like this has happened before still feel yes yeah I know a hundred percent I am happy that's what that's why it's like I think I'm so happy that I'm like numb to like any [ __ ] they're like like it sucks and it's there but it's like I don't know how to describe it but like it's just like oh this has happened before thick-skinned cool move on like I'll be fine in there were these 36 hours but like it's still I think like affects me maybe deep down but it's like if I if I let it get to me and I let it like eat all these like little things eat me away or let these lawsuits like really like conquer me then like then that is where I stop living my life [Music]
Channel: IMPAULSIVE Clips
Views: 2,890,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive clips, impaulsive, logan paul podcast, logan paul, maverick, maverick media, maverick house, jake paul, jake paul crying, jake paul lawsuit, jake paul videos
Id: 4TUBrfOjXMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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