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we found out the quarterback of the Rams Jared Goff shout-out Gerry Goffin watches our show he know we did my godson its to Roger but yeah we don't we don't blame him it but it was it was cool it was cool to meet him and it's always it's always interesting to see who watches this show I've read a comment today that a 43-year old watches this show with their son or daughter frequently so I mean this show in particular is probably good way to relate to the kid your nose your nose podcaster I'm just like I'm kind of just confused right now because I noticed Mike's going absolutely silent ever since I just said hey I just yeah I just want to make sure you just lost my coma I mean I hate when you get like that it's so annoying like I'd like I'm trying to talk about [ __ ] that has like a ton of meaning to me and like and like you're literally like speed it up and you're like doing speed him up man you're talking about yourself like everything you [ __ ] talked about on the show so far has been about you I can let every [ __ ] the girl spit in my face like ha ha ha hung out with this girl last night I have social anxiety to chainsmokers party here's how I fell about this hairs and then I say like one thing and they're gonna shows but about a guru man so like I honestly no it's fine it's fine it's fine I just I just like yo when you want to run a [ __ ] up a bomb a bomb or a show [ __ ] kill that [ __ ] I'm chilling here I got text answer I got emails to do I know I know but that's you know in the show to do emails yeah well I'm on the show to [ __ ] be the coast but if you every time I go to say something you're like yo don't say anything I'm talking here here's I'm a cat that I'm a cat that we've we've heard enough what's happened I said I'm a cap your cap don't cap any cats just okay I was gonna say I was gonna cap after you cap not you're capping and what I'm doing is I try I try I try to somehow make my life relatable so people can learn something from it and I don't know I just noticed there's a lot of III me are you somehow taking it back to you talk which I don't have a problem with bro there's no one let's put it this way easiest way for you to understand it there's no one on the shows more relatable than me people relate to my [ __ ] all the time I talk mental illness I talk about struggle I talk about addiction I'm on this show to be a beacon a [ __ ] relatability I don't need to do anything people are like yo I see what this kids going through I could relate to that yo I think well I don't understand what the [ __ ] you're talking about to me it seems like Mike does a lot of like emotional vetting on the show where he's completely like just pouring out his heart about the situations that you're like kind of presenting boy telling yeah I don't mind it I just think today today it's it's you dragged it on a little bit and maybe I'm wrong I'd love to hear in the comments like it am I am i wrong here or is was it a little - me me me saying I'm saying it was the exact opposite what I'm saying it was like you were just like yo and I like also I just I don't have any appetite for this discussion right now anyway just read the sign I bro honestly but I dude what do you want to do then then yo kill the episode bro see ya welcome he's the second guest to walk Oh Dylan we're in the middle of a thing I don't give a [ __ ] about UFOs right now Mike is sitting on the loveSac shout out low sack it seems that he's flustered but I do hope that he comes back to the show cuz I love Mike stalking he has a lot that he wants to say he's definitely distraught about the Kobe thing he's definitely caught up in his emotions he wants to protect him and he's like a big brother I know I'm not the spitting thing man he sad about it he didn't like it and he didn't he probably doesn't feel like he got to do enough no I I know I know I'm just talking about this episode in particular I haven't go weird on a weird radar for like when I'm when it's when it's like a short attention span when it's time to move on ah like a DD in a way I think that's I think that's why I love making content and doing what I'm doing it's storytelling I have out of the next kill your darlings almost tough cuz your downs on a long-form podcast with like keeping it quick - like the attention span for impulsive you know derivative work impulsive keeping it quick and jumping around yeah like I totally see that we definitely did go a little bit long on all those topics but that's okay what else what else is fun other fun things going on yeah Mike mail acts on the show today yeah who is that III had a couple more things but I'ma be honest is Mike's energy just [ __ ] me up if you could tell I mean I'm down it was just like I mean know it might give us our question you're a fascinating character Mike I just I just like it's a timing thing it's like I don't I just wanna if it's gonna be like every time I say something I'm just just caught me off like I could I could be doing more meaningful [ __ ] from the love sack you know I'm saying no I don't let me [ __ ] what's not meaningful in this just let me feel what did you do over there I got a response from the youtuber about the spinning girl oh what'd he say he said he would a hawk the [ __ ] hat fat loogie in that coins face well actually uh let me read it Oh like I like that you put everything parallel to the side of the he said I said what would you have done he said spit the fattest [ __ ] loogie right back in the country's air oak west about a [ __ ] loser I hate that [ __ ] and I think that's and I think that's probably the that would be the general consensus of I think so the majority I think so too much was why I was so proud of your reaction to it mm-hmm I can't believe you talked about the [ __ ] coronavirus bro why cuz I want to talk about [ __ ] car over I don't but now I don't want to talk about it Coronas consistently rated as the worst tasting beer that's not true can't possibly be true there's not even a bad [ __ ] beer it's a great beer but look it up it's considered like one of worst tasting beers you know you know that's how you get the growing a virus no yeah you drink don't spread false information he imagines doctors ever watch this a trials not your honor I wouldn't do it we should go to like Costa Rica hundreds of crores bro Corona wood limes in it is not a bet that's no way that's way song Modelo what about a madea in Puerto Rico you guys ever had that $0.90 you don't drink beer you like ever I love beer I like IPAs oh there's some ones like the opposite of an IPA it's like water with like if you could have but you know those drops that you put in water to make it flavored it's like if you had those and you put beer Fiat meals meal yeah is one of those meat it's like beer flavor it's pretty pretty horrible but it's like 50 cents so it's really good fifties I like it there's a good rapper it makes great diss tracks I heard you guys talking about this tracks over there now over here do you have any notes for me no I am I am I'm sitting normal - I don't have no soul it's an hour to hour and a half bad Castro people are watching it so I'm like what I have to say some people think I'm [ __ ] weird old loudmouth interrupting [ __ ] tell them about that I'll tell them by that story that happened I'm definitely not gonna be telling them about that story cuz it involves me talking about me and so there's no [ __ ] way I'm selling a toaster we're outside a restaurant in San Francisco waiting to get dinner some girl comes up she's like oh my god I love you podcast that she sees my kid she goes oh my god she I was like wait what do you mean what do you mean she's like I love his big mouth I love when he talks about everything he has to say I was like this is amazing I go wow often you watch a show she's like she goes I've watched a hundred and thirty hours and then and then I was like okay like what's your what's what's your favorite moment she's like I don't know I only listen to them she only listens to the audio she's never seen him she either doesn't works out so she hears Mike's voice but and you have a radio voice and by the way you are you that's why I just like please come here no no it's not even that that's the place where you're in the wrong and I hate to bring it back to such a solemn situation is this podcast is successful because it's a great team effort and go back to Kobe to bring it full circle when he walks I'm sorry no don't you follow 60 what do you know that when he would put do not do that when he would put 60 buckets down he would never walk off the 60 points a night say anything you never walk off the core and go see that name on the back that's why we got this dub it's it's just don't talk for a sec to and just sit there and shut up Dylan shut the [ __ ] up please please I'm saying something now I'm back yet I'm being interrupted again okay you don't point at the [ __ ] rafters or the scoreboard that has your name on it on a show that has more than one person it's it's not it's not my grave it was it was a simple rebuttal to you saying we've only talked about me yes I know and it's a [ __ ] rebuttal dish people don't people watch a show for various reason they watch a show because it's a conversation between people about what anything anything stuff that happens in our lives stuff happens in our lives macro issues gasps I know I agree with that I was commenting are we back it's a conversation on it is it a podcast are you rushing wait who cares if we're back just talk that that's another issue it's like you're bringing up like attention spans like we got to get this is not a vlog this is a four minute you have a people Joe Rogan is four and a half hour podcast two of the hours of it are dead silence we're not going to just be mindful that people have an attention span to listen to this show they're not rushing they're not five-minute vlogs they put it on their headphones while they're at work and they [ __ ] listen to it if we go off for one minute or if I go a minute too long you don't need to cap that I understand I get boredom as much as you do I feel it too we're talking about important emotional issues I don't think anyone out there is getting bored of beef getting fired up and almost crying about something trust me no I wasn't talking about that part and by the way I don't disagree with you I guess I just like to optimize so we know when to move on of course we know that like I'm gonna say something if I start to say something that either a is nothing to do with this B is to me centric see people are gonna get bored of our or it's already been said like I try to optimize and cut out all of that of course and that's what I was commenting on more than I I just I just like I wit I almost wish like this could be a good exercise if there was like a button I could press I felt a topic was getting dry I don't have to I've done 150 episodes with you I understand that I know when it's being dry unfortunately your movement today on topics and your fat cutting only one piece of fat and that was my stop my feelings out [ __ ] you just like said it and just getting to work like I mean the over swearing I'm sensitive to as well I don't know maybe maybe a [ __ ] I I really want to turn towards the audience in this one it's fun that's fine dude and the audience gonna it's all it's all fine there's no there's no big thing it's just it's just it's not a huge thing the table it seems like Logan was trying to keep things moving and in his like present state he attacked her character as opposed to like trying to just keep things moving in a positive way it came out like seeming like an attack on you and who's more of just like general hey this is it kind of seems like this is not going in a direction that we haven't already gone I'm not upset I'm not upset about it's all fine that's a good no it's off its own op set it's fine it's it to Matt it's just a matter of life you guys love each other yeah it's just always love each other course it's just a matter to of like unfortunately we've gotten to a point where and this is where he could technically point at the sign we've gotten to a point we probably have a little bit of creative difference on when it's time to move on to you know what I'm saying and he's the content creator technically it is his show not technically it's his show and so at the end of the day like if he feels bored on a topic I may not feel bored on the topic these might be these are Mac massive to me massive macro issues Corona fires could be an hour and 15 minute conversation I understand that's not our platform but like when we're one-and-a-half minutes over on a topic or 30 seconds over on a topic sometimes I'm like alright let let it breathe do you if you say something five times in a row I'm not gonna be like let's move on yeah do you think they'll be like those conversation would be a good place to be a good place to have those will be on the night shift over time I don't [ __ ] it's funny actually because my episodes the night show if they're 45 minutes long his vlogs are 5 yeah it's indicative of what we think people's attention spans are I get it my watch rate is 65 percent people watch my show for 30 [ __ ] minutes because they want to watch me talk I've heard it from them all the time like I don't care what you even say yeah just see camera that's the town you're talking to your audience it was that you're talking to your audience listening to you yeah that's tricky so you guys have to find a middle ground we have it's called impulses oh my god it is I'm sorry we got this got way carried away anyway there's gonna be people out there that don't like me there's people out there that love my big mouth at the end of the day I usually or always by the way yield to the fact that it is his show it is your show and you and and by the way I know when you're getting bored of [ __ ] and I'm going bro I could be so [ __ ] wrong and in fact you're not know I wanna be being wrong is one of my favorite things ever because then I learned [ __ ] mm-hmm that's a Socrates thing I just read that in a book on the Mountain Ranch Mike would you ever consider commentating horse racing and here comes number three horse shining shoe shiner is coming out of the gates a little fast today he obviously had a little bit too much Cheerios to eat the sugar is running through his blood but here comes but a Khalid Occulus not exactly that cloud they talk to van T's about that one that become wolf you know what [ __ ] this episode [ __ ] you I also just don't know that there's also like right and wrongs either like I feel like it's like no I feel like this like it's like it's just creative [ __ ] dude it's like we're sitting at a [ __ ] table that's in the shape of a dead bird talking about [ __ ] you start coronaviruses is like it's like [ __ ] spiritism like there we go 36 seconds I don't think at all I don't know if we went over where's this where's the do we have to do that is the scientific method who's got the dependents who's got the independence do we have a thesis like or are we just three [ __ ] morons talking about [ __ ] a bunch of Papa's you're on a dead bird table like I don't [ __ ] it up you're hurting my feelings bro he's not I'm not ready for that oh that was my child he's my he's not a dead bird I mean guess he is autumn he's a great bird oh I'm getting another [ __ ] bear African great God African Grey he can speak a thousand words he's gonna say something like this [ __ ] you [ __ ] are you gonna take care of the parrot yeah uh I take care of all my pets yeah do you think you could trade him to tell us when we've gone too far in the bird is bored it goes and we just have to move on see that oh wait what if there's a third party involved and it's not me or you that's like that pushes the move on button like what if it's the producer he sort of does that I could wait don't look at me like this and I'm like only I understand and it's usually at the same time I bro [ __ ] this we're done I'm gonna go deal with Mike and talk to Mike off camera for everyone to know what it's like and we argue after the show we do it we're gonna have a 30 to 60-minute debrief whoa hold on a second no [ __ ] way today 30 about 30 to 60 seconds yeah I have things to say and it's gonna be recorded and posted on Logan's flog job [Music]
Channel: IMPAULSIVE Clips
Views: 3,790,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive clips, impaulsive, logan paul podcast, logan paul, maverick, maverick media, maverick house, leaving podcast, mike majlak, logan paul and mike majlak, logan paul and mike majlak argument
Id: kPuCfoQoW3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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