Jaghatai Khan - Understanding 40K Lore (White Scars) Ft Curtis C Coomber

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so i fight for a father i never loved against the brother that i did i defend an empire that never wanted me against an army that would have taken me in a heartbeat looking to support the amber king channel fenris workshop are offering a fantastic deal on their wargaming products with green stuff world's gorgeous range of basing materials resin objects and hobby tools you can create the perfect scenery for your miniatures from the snow-capped mountains of fenris to the grassy plains of chagoras mesmerizing zeno's worms all the way to the crumbling ruins at the siege of terror and for those looking to save money get amazing discounts on the range of second-hand miniatures fenris workshop has available build that force you always dreamed about without breaking the bank frienrus workshop's order of the stormcaller's loyalty program offers a fantastic range of rewards cashback loot bags of different sizes exclusive merch and special products all for buying the equipment you need paints basing materials miniatures and so much more are all available at fenrisworkshop.com thank you so much fenris workshop for sponsoring this video [Music] [Music] warriors of triggers brothers of the great tribe the star ant calls you do you not hear it the battles red edge is your home the respect of your kinsmen your hurt plunge into the enemy's breast like a blade cut out his heart and you will know fulfillment the emperor has given us strength in return we give him victory the overlooked barbarian the warhawk the great kagan the untrusted but yet respected primark of the fifth legion the white scars jaggertai khan a figure of mystery whose legacy as the reclusive conqueror has echoed for over ten thousand years overlooked by his brothers by his imperium and those who fell into the trap of failing to look below the surface the choices and decisions of this so-called barbarian primark shaped humanity forever but who is the man behind the wall who is underneath the mystery of the great kagan who is the man jagitai and what shaped him his story begins at the end of the 30th millennium a gestation capture was hurtling through the warp claws and teeth scratched upon its reinforced surface as creatures of nightmare and madness tried to get to the prize within re-emerging back into real space the battered capsule was interfered with divine hands took it within its clutches as it hurtled towards the grey desolate world of chemos the capsule was redirected its fate changed forever as this mysterious entity swapped it with another directing the burning treasure towards a new destination the capsule began to enter a planet's atmosphere hurtling down with all the grace and violence of a falling star roaring and crashing into the earth amidst the smoke and fire a child crawled out from the wreckage opening his eyes for the first time he looked up to the azure skies no fear or terror gripped him only confusion this child was special he began to adapt rationalize and comprehend his surroundings at a speed and death that was beyond an ordinary human alone with no sense of who or what he was the child began to wander his new temperate home deep within the asan sector of the galaxy on a world dominated by lush greenery soaring mountains and azure seas and great plains this unique child wandered the planet of mundus planus chagorus a world with a singular vast continent chigoris was a world home to a human civilization that had suffered the devastating consequences of old night the collapse of the galaxy spanning civilization of mankind for thousands of years war storms had ravaged the sector isolating jagoris from the wealth and resources of his neighboring worlds knowledge power and wealth bled until humanity had regressed the sword bow and rudimentary black powder weapons ruled this feudal world it would be to the far west deep inside the vast stepped lands known as the empty quarter but the child began to roam at the banks of the kuwan river the young boy caught his first glimpses of humanity he saw a tribalistic people his superhuman mind registering their weapons their horses all the information he could gather but yet distinctly lacking an understanding of the people he was looking at ong khan the leader of his talskar tribe stared back at the seemingly helpless boy and he knew immediately there was something different about him his very presence inspired all but most distinctly was a fire in his eyes ong khan declared that this child was a gift from the gods and he took in this young boy giving him shelter food a family and her name jagatai the talaskar shed everything with a jagged tie he was taught everything of their ways their lifestyles and the morality of tribal life honor honor to the tribe honor to the land an honor to the storm seers the zadranagar the shamans who guided and preserved the tradition to the tribe as well as being an invaluable advisor in the matters of the gods and the powers bestowed upon them and the lessons of control lest the yaksha the demons punish your pride and arrogance the young jagatide began to grow quickly even his intellect and strength was progressing so fast he would best even the adults in combat and match and even outwit the wisdom of the storm seers jagatai learned everything his people could give him but most importantly was their spirit on horseback roaming the vast plains the azure skies above the sun on his face feeling the adrenaline flowing as the wind hit his face hunting fighting off rival tribes drinking the fermented milks and wine of his people it was freedom uncaged that sensation of staring at a sunset feeling in tune with the world what would you give for that feeling jagatai was special his strength his intellect his ability to understand and adapt was frightening even being in his presence for the first time was overwhelming but behind this prominent form was a young boy who pondered rival step tries began to fear him because of this seemingly superhuman warrior who began to preach and talk what was beyond the constant warfare that dominated life on the steps the young talskar warrior sent from the gods was a figure of awe and a conjurer of jealousy the jagatai's fast-paced freedom-filled existence wouldn't last and it would soon change forever his father on khan was dead killed by the talskar's rivals the hated create tribe a rage so apocalyptic in its release gripped jagatai he screamed for vengeance the young man barely a few years old but at the same height of his elders gathered his people as the greatest telstar warrior he'd led them to war attacking the korea tribe and raising it to the ground killing every man woman and child in a canocophony of swift brutal vengeance taking the creates khan's head and mounting it upon his tent as the talskar swore fealty to their new leader jagatai khan this brutality of tribal life was the other side to all that he loved about it the vengeance was complete tribal honor restored but as the anger began to fade the quiet pondering boy was not happy it was a waste this pointless inner tribal conflicts the spirit of chagorus was within him he loved to fight he loved the rush of the wind they all did the people of the step they were brothers all of them perhaps it was a philosophy created in his superhuman mind or perhaps it was in the blood jagatai khan and his tal scars rode out clashing with the other warring tribes a combination of the brilliant strategies an exceptional prowess of jagatai broke their enemies one by one they were all defeated the tribes of heilun the kilhan haljah sejjak and the high zoo all at the feet of this new khan did not find death but they were welcomed like brothers absorbed into jaggertai's family welcomed as talskars a fate unheard of in the millennia of brutal tribal warfare the malthuli the irresistible force bowed to their khan each splinter unit led by men who were promoted based on meritocracy ending the old feudal ways of inheritance tribes that had warred killed and stolen from each other for centuries found themselves fighting side by side riding in the saddle as one force one army one people they bled together drank together and followed the vision of jagatai khan together an unstoppable brotherhood of warriors imagine standing before the khan how earth shattering his presence felt how your admiration and respect flowed from the acknowledgement of his prowess and his greatness the man who had bound your people together each clan fingers in a curled fist that smashed your enemies apart it would be this great growing horde that would draw the attention of more dangerous foes to the east outside the empty quarter lie great kingdoms and empires feudal civilizations with black powdered weapons and high walls greatest of all was the palentine an emperor to a corrupt empire whose packs of greedy self-absorbed nobles would often roam the edges of the stepped lands hunting and attacking the tribal people for sport ten summers after his arrival on chogorus as his tribe moved to their winter settlements a vast avalanche caught jacoti off guard and he and his personal guard were swallowed up by the rushing snow alone jacotis survived his loyal brothers all dead and just as how he had arrived in tagores he was again alone it was in his journey to return to his people that jagita was attacked by a valentine aristocratic hunting band the arrogant men underestimated the tribal savage before them it would be their last mistake as jakartai tore them lim from lim fighting with blinding speed and aggression one lone survivor returned bearing a note from jagatai declaring that the people of the steps were no longer the valentine's toys alongside the severed head of a man who was a valentine's very own son the enraged emperor of the east assembled an enormous force men clad in heavy steel with guns marched to jakartai's home but found not a pathetic gathering of tribes in simple gerds but a well-disciplined motivated horde the methule strolled out and utilizing the speed of an entire mounted force they tore the armored warriors apart showering arrows as if the very heavens reigned death the force was utterly annihilated the men of the east had tried to destroy them their home their culture their way of life but jagatai wouldn't let that happen in the wake of his glorious victory the superhuman young man became the kegan the khan of khans of the empty quarter the rightful ruler of all of its people men such as targatar yasuge quinsha giu hun and hasik friends and brothers would bid by his side followed their kagan out of the empty quarter the dust gathering at their feet as they set out to conquer the world kingdoms and empires over decades began to fall cities would look out to find this disciplined horde outside their gates they were offered one chance to surrender or be destroyed the example of that refusal was a warning others dared not to repeat each king and emperor he slew sektai became more and more disgusted with them how fat lazy and corrupted they had become the obscene displays of wealth the utter weakness of it all great cities towering structures temples and very kingdoms fell and after decades of war jagatai finished it mounting the palentine's empress head over his tent his conquest was complete but peace never lasts far upon the horizon jagora's azure skies a golden eagled storm bird descended from the sky jagitis life was about to change forever when explanations are hard to produce lie after lie comes shining through truth gets locked away for reasons only known to yourself truth may hurt but the lie hurts more one lie to cover another what was the first lie can you remember [Music] so much hurt and too many lies what's the truth will i ever know can i ever separate the two the khan remained static like one of those age darkened statues that stalked the shadows of that place he saw rows of them against the far wall each cowed and bearing a staff mirror images of the living fossil that addressed him now i have conquest in my blood the primark said i have always hungered for it only now i know that you planted the desire there you made me as an instrument of your own designs we are all instruments except for him oh no very much him the sigilight placed his thin hands together listen i understand the problem you are monarchs of your worlds and now we ask you to fight for this one you were never given the tutelage we had planned and so the wrench is sudden if we could postpone the crusade for a hundred years in order to prepare you adequately we would do so but we cannot for we race against the closing door of fate all must be gathered in but remember this you are a son of terror you were made here i was made on chugurus the sigilites smiled i should put that keening self-pity behind you if you wish to earn the allegiance of your new army the khan turned on him unclasping his arms as if he wished to draw his blade it is all a lie he said fervently every part of it will be burning their temples and executing their priests in return for a million words all as ignorant as beasts is that what you wanted it is necessary we could tell them the truth do not be foolish the khan's lips curled and disgust so much contempt for your own species yes contempt snapped the sigilite if you had seen what i have seen watch what a human may become when left alone in the dark you would share it he collected himself you were lucky jagatai your world was no caliban we tell you of old night and you barely believe us but that is not how most places were the lie is noble it is there to protect to guard not to deceive for they are not ready the khan turned away stalking further into the shadows there were other tombs there smooth with age the name from the surface is impossible to read i have heard this before the primark said there were empires of my homeworld that offered freedom to their slave castes but only when they were ready that moment strangely enough never came in the end they had to take it for themselves to die for it even then there were some who said the day had come too soon he looked back at the sigilite the truth will come out you won't be able to hold the blindfold in place and once it slips the fury of those you deceived will be limitless malkador nodded which is why we rely on you on your exceptional power on your tactical genius it is not enough to conquer the galaxy you must conquer it swiftly bring all under the rule of the throne before the patterns of fake change and we lose this one chance i tell you no falsehood when i say that this is everything all depends on this we have mere decades remaining just the blink of an eye set against eons to accomplish it the khan smiles cynically and when all is finished then we will revisit the lie when all is finished the primark laughed but there was no mirth in it he tapped an armored finger idly on the lip of one of the tombs i wonder some days why you gave us minds at all machines would have given you less grief less grief surely less joy too malkador sighed and wrapped his cloak tighter around his whip-thin body you have found it hard to understand your father you wish him to be more intelligible i understand that but do not be seduced by the scale of his power he has sacrificed more than any of us and he does not use it for himself a man may pursue a single goal and become the master of that endeavor only to find himself weakened in all other pursuits the emperor battles daily with forces beyond understanding yet you expect him to retain a mortal sympathy the sigilite shook his head he walks the paths of eternity be thankful he is able to converse with you at all the khan thought on that staring pensively at the tomb and what is gained if we lose what are we what victory is that the only one possible said malcold i cannot believe it then stay speak to him again listen to what he has to say the khan's eyes never left the tomb his gaze sharp as the raptor that had given him his moniker seems liable to bore into the granite a ten silence fell across the chamber broken only by the dull hum that always came up from the distant foundations the one that made the earth tremble and the atmosphere feel thicker than soup i suffocate in this place he said at last more words won't change that he looked up we already have our destination the world he chose for us there are enemies i will gladly slay for you perhaps when the hunt is on the way and i have prey under my blades i will see the truth of what you say there is no truth out there that cannot be perceived from here warned malkidal then i will have to come back said the khan already restive already moving someday when the moment is right not before a golden eagle storm bird descended from the sky and as a possession of large golden armored warriors made their way into jagatai's camp he saw that these strangers possessed technology far beyond anything on chagoris from his first moments of sentience jagatai knew that he was different that he was more than the people around him his intellect his strength and in recent years his towering figure finally the answers to that very question came as he looked upon his father the emperor of mankind flanked by an equally large figure horus lupercal to stand before the emperor is akin to glarion to the heart of a fire warm and blinding but with an added sense of welling majesty and wonder such perfection such soul-wrenching glory it would move you to tears humanity distilled even to jagatai the superhuman primark senses could feel that power his father had found him he was a primark one of 20 sons of the emperor of mankind the head of a galaxy spanning empire that sought to reunite the lost colonies of mankind across the stars he was at the head to the great crusade the reconquest of the galaxy reuniting with his lost sons and he wanted jagatai to join joined the great crusade the head of an army made from his own genetic material and to conquer the stars it was almost overwhelming but jagitai did not follow in the footsteps that millions had done before him he did not throw himself at the feet of this new overlord just how he had done throughout his youth that brilliant mind began to ponder his father before him a raid with technology that surpassed anything that he had dreamt of that very technology could transform his world also the chance of conquest in the stars an almost dream offered to a jagorian but yet he was an emperor jagatai had seen many kings and emperors or tyrants who eventually became corrupt and complacent and perhaps worse of all was there really a choice what would happen if joe goris was left in hands and only cared for its compliance jagatai knelt before the emperor and swore his fealty the pragmatic choice the lesser evil the work began immediately a call was sent out across the stars for the fifth legion to reunite its splinter forces their primark had been found the adeptus astartes superhuman warriors created with the meshing of jeans he'd grown from jagatai's own genetic material faster stronger larger and more resilient than any mortal man as a legion gathered in the skies above chagorus the transformation began below targettai yasuge quinsha giuhan and hasik brothers to jagatai who had been by his side since the beginning volunteered to undergo the transformation into astartes many of the friends and trigorian soldiers loyal to jagatai would not survive this process the success rate for adults was low and the pain was at the very threshold of human tolerance but such was their devotion and loyalty to their khan that thousands endured it as the fifth legion the star hunters gathered to jagoris and the recruitment of chigorian astartes began jagatai tagatai asuge quinsha and hasik headed to terra the capital of the growing imperium of man the imperial tide of the imperium must have been shocking to men who had at most seen stone walls around feudal cities the smog the towering structures the immense overcrowding this was what jagitai had to protect his people from face to face with the emperor and his right hand malkador jakartitis discomfort grew into outrage he was asked to be more than a conqueror he was asked to be an arbiter of a philosophy that challenged the fundamentals of who he and his people were the imperial truth it was a lie to claim that the universe was an ordered rational place an atheistic society that things beyond human understanding live within the warp was a lie we'll be burning their temples and executing their priests in return for a million worlds all as ignorant beasts is that what you wanted truth may hurt but the lie hurts more that very so-called lie was integral to who he and the people of chigoris were their zadrin agar the storm says drew upon that very power of the warp guided and molded their people by it it was a power they accepted put boundaries on and warded themselves against jagatai never lies to his people never like the emperors and kings on chagoras had done he had seen its costs as kingdoms fell the truth will come out you won't be able to hold the blindfold in place and once it slips the fury of those you have deceived will be limitless it was complicated to serve his father to bow to an emperor to conquer the stars and reunite humanity but burn their churches in the name of a lie it was the way that they had made him questioning pondering honest suffering from the confinement jagitai and his son set out for jagoris one day the lies would be revisited but for now conquest awaited not even a mighty warrior can break a frail arrow when it is multiplied and supported by its fellows as long as you brothers support one another and render assistance to one another your enemies can never gain the victory over you but if you fall away from each other your enemy can break you like frail arrows one at a time if you can see us we are dangerous indeed but that is as nothing to the peril you face if you cannot see us and all you can hear is our laughter chagorus he may have been created on terror but your goris had made him like some of his brother primarks jagatai had bargained with the emperor to leave his homeworld in his hands because he knew that it would be crushed under the tide of uniformity for the imperium blood did not matter it was heart the spirit of chigoris had to be preserved culture bound men together just as how he had bound the numerous tribes of the empty quarter under the banner of his mathuli the fifth legion the star hunters sons born on terror veterans of the ongoing great crusade were ordered down to the surface and stood side by side with their newly elevated brothers from jagoris thousands of soldiers each bound with jaggertai's blood within them but blood was not enough for jagatai over 50 000 men assembled on the plains of chagoras their primark stood before them the enormous powerful presence of jagatai awakening something within them all each astarte taran and chagorn were presented with a ritual blade dipped in a poison designed to suppress their healing abilities fifty thousand men marked the form of a jagged scar across their cheek with the wound still fresh they discarded their old names for that man was dead each chose a new name to mark his ascension into the horde of jagatai the kagan their old way of life was gone they were now one army one brotherhood one legion they swore oath to their kagan and to each other as long as you brothers support one another and render assistance to one another your enemies can never gain the victory over you they were one they were the tall scar clad in white and now they set out to the stars to conquer the galaxy jaggertai's molding of his legion continued he began to incorporate his ethos and tactics from what he had learned in his time on the step attack and then retreat shock and awe the fifth legion would be the first in and then the first out they would attack with such blinding speed that all resistance would be washed away in a tide world upon world would find this enormous looming force blackened their skies only to realize in their horror that they were already under assault as a wave of superhuman warriors clad in gleaming white armor with an enormous figure leading them would smash them apart whooping cries and cheers would be heard over the thunder of jet bikes and land speeders as the spirit and heart of chagora sung through its warriors even their weapons and armor was adapted to fit their way of war the legion's colossal naval ships were modified to jagatai's own specifications he had been but a mere tribal warrior before the bow and warhorse were his tools but his mind had soaked in the complexity of the imperium's technologies to a level where he could adapt it the dao sword the talwar dagger the guan dao glaive all deadly pieces of iron forged in the plains were reforged into steel and ceramide power weapons even jakartai's personal guard his keshig adapted their terminator armor for increased mobility it was the way we made you words of malkador that never seemed to leave his thoughts conquest was in his blood but it was in the heart of the jagorians their love of battle was unparalleled just as the sensation of adrenaline and freedom had gripped jagatai mounted upon the plains of chagorus it was tapped into by all of the fifth legion imagine the speed the power the sensation of slicing apart your enemies with your blades an exhilaration that would leave you grinning ear to ear but they were more than just the savage visage they displayed jagatai began to encourage his sons to be more to delve into such things as calligraphy hunting and the telling of ancient tales the society that separated scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and is fighting by fools the fifth legion fully joined the great crusade with tagatai suge quinsha giuhan and hasik by his side he disagreed with his father on the fate of humanity about lying to them so he distanced himself from it he would follow his own path the fifth legion began to disperse like an uncurling hand the figures outstretched to spread their grip on the stars each unit led by a sun jagatai trusted completely the fifth legion spread from war zone to war zone utilizing their lightning fast raid tactics to overwhelm the horrifying xenos and non-compliant colonies of mankind they've begun to conquer at such frightening speed they even outpaced imperial reinforcements and coincidentally the delegation sent directly from the imperial palace the greater the distance from terror and its influence the more free jagatai felt it did not matter if he received less glory less praise from his father his legion his culture and his way of life mattered more they became a rumor a legion who were gone before you could understand or interact with them they were the superhumans clad in white bearing scars on their cheeks speaking in their strange tongue they were the white scars sanguinius came up to his brother a goblet in each hand and handed one to the khan to fraternity he said raising his the wine was unctuous heavily spiced no doubt priceless you must accept my apologies the angel said gesturing towards two immense thrones carved from mahogany and capped with ivory my herald was mistaken from the outset they tell me that star hunter is a name no longer to be uttered no apology needed the khan said seating himself awkwardly opposite his brother despite himself he could not help staring at the way the whispering wing quill settled around the angel as he reclined like a shimmering cloak of silver pinions it means nothing to us white scar said sanguinius amused though not maliciously those are the two words now making us talk from terror to ultramar would it flatter you to know that you are a source of some fascination brother that there was a race among us to see who could corner you first not especially no i guess not we were telsgaar that was the origin of it the khan said for some reason sitting there in the presence of this dazzling ethereal presence he felt there should be some explanation a livery now as it was on chigoris is white they misheard the first they observed the second their words not us sanguine is shrugged we are all made into images for them that is our purpose you might say he leaned forward conspiratorially and between you and me he flashed his impossibly handsome smile i'm not really an angel the khan laughed at last and such things are impossible oh so our father told me yes i had the same conversation with him somewhat awkwardly in my case sanguinius took a sip of wine i've been hunting you for a while jack attire my compliments your legion has learned some mastery i thought my crews were good but i believe yours could school them we're used to staying on the move clearly and the destruction of 9212 impressive once i heard you had located the home world i made for it expecting you to be there for some weeks you've fought them before on melchior the knowledge that they are wiped out gives me satisfaction and they are i take it exterminated all of them the khan said darkly then i relish the prospect of never hearing them mentioned again sanguinius cradled his goblet in the palm of his hand swelling it absent-mindedly all zeno was a foul but my sons developed a particular hatred for those then why were you not sent to destroy them your pardon you had the measure of them the khan took a swig of his own we used intelligence your legion had gathered i wonder why you are not sent to finish the task the angel shrugged we had other battles i've not been doing this for as long as you but i'm not slow with it he placed his goblet beside him and leaned forwards in the throne you ascend there to witness the depravities of devotion through this we were enjoined to understand the wisdom of the imperial truth you do not see the need for it i'm yet to be convinced i'd heard the rumors this is where you tell me that i need to understand the necessity that we shared them for their own good and that the deceptions are noble for all that they remain an illusion sanguinius said nothing for a while he looked at his brother thoughtfully the last of his smile dying away you have psyches in your legion he said at last of course a librarian of a kind then that is already a refutation the angel said the populist can believe our powers are bounded by science even our generals if they want to we know it isn't the khan looked at his brother warily as if cautious to avoid some kind of trap and what do you suppose that leaves us with i will not debate with you of gods and monsters the angels said but the psyche cannot be avoided already there are those among us who wish to see them banished shut away or blunted lest they unlock something fowler within us those voices are growing stronger despite what you may believe my wayward brother the throne listens to its sons one day if we are careless we will lose all these things and then we will be the ones at fault for wheat did nothing the khan loat skeptical i care nothing for what another primark does they won't stop at their own legions sanguinius remained reclined almost languid his pristine golden robes catching the candlelight for the puritan there is no comfort in scouring one's own house all houses must be made clean you are on your own jagatai heading further into the void an empire unto yourself so you don't hear the whispers and i care nothing for whispers sanguine is snorted you should i've seen worlds destroyed by them [Music] [Music] stop me good people don't you see my temper is running away with me help master common sense are you afraid good mistress prudence come to my aid stop me conscience stop me i pray my temper my temper is running away dear brother kindness snatch after the reins help or my temper would dash out my brains help or i'll get a terrible fall help shame caution love wisdom in all i've never desired fellowship with any of you do not take that as pride more like necessity i find obligation to others difficult fraternity all alone onto goris dagatai had seen that he was different from his people he was more than just a mortal man with the coming of the emperor that idea of being unique had changed forever 20 primarks brothers craft from the emperor's own genetic material superhumans destined to be the generals of the great crusade reuniting humanity under one banner as the decades passed in his service to the imperium it was inevitable that his past would cross with one of them a brother an equal horus had been there on chigoris the sight of him must have been intriguing just to be in his presence you could feel his charisma shine horus saw beneath the facade of the savage seeing the cunning quiet intelligence more interactions came over the decades sanguinius primark of the blood angels was an encounter hard to forget his warming face his ethereal presence something made even jagitai the calm and closed-off man wants to speak his brother had accepted his need for isolation but warned that events inside the imperium couldn't be ignored forever and then magnus the red primark of the thousand suns both magnus and jacketized life had been shaped by sorcery magnus the gifted one himself the scholar who wielded the power of the warped to incredible heights and jagita's life on chagorus was guided and nurtured by his zadrin agar the storm seers the cultural rock of his people and their traditions philosophy and way of life he had been guided by shinaz perhaps his closest friend in the universe his teacher and mentor who followed him to the stars becoming targata yasugay jakitai respected magnus as the two had so much in common to his other brothers he was a mystery something he intended to keep that way fraternity was obligation and he had always wanted to escape obligation wolves made him feel suffocated be they physical or mental even his taste was different compared to the lavish and ornate displays that every legion seemed to display in their weaponry their armor and their ships simple stretched hides jagorian pelts and humble tribal food with the choice of the walk unlike many of his brothers jagitai had truly bonded to his people to each primark and jackati they'd always felt in some way removed from humanity they were born rulers they were saviors they experienced the loneliness that comes from leadership magnified by their magnanimous stature and earth-shattering presence but to jagatai he did his best to be an equal he was the kagon but he never put himself beyond the scrutiny of those who served him the kuro tai a council where all were free to voice their thoughts as equals a tradition born in the steppe and retained on the galactic scale despite being a primark targata yasuki quinsha gilhan and hasik were more like brothers than sons he had them and their council so he had no void in his heart to fill they understood where the rest of the imperium misunderstood even their livery of tal scar was lost to ignorance and disinterest the outsiders named them white scars because of their lack of understanding the fifth sailed further and further into the void of the stars content within their own company as more worlds came under the shadow of the white scars jackets i finally began to see more of what malkador and the emperor had tried to make him understand on terror old night the collapse of humanity's spanning federation across the stars a wound in the psyche of the civilization that remembered those frightful days one of the justifications for the great crusade was to protect the future of humanity to unify it under one banner to protect it from a slow decay devoured by ourselves and the horrifying xenos that hid in the dark corners of space society had collapsed millennia before reverting to a feudal-like existence where the scars of old night were forgotten it was only within the great crusade the jagtai finally understand the horrors of what malkador had warned of xenos they were disgusting during the emancipation of droon they encountered a range of horrifying creatures of barely definable form though all these creatures had in common bloated bodies that floated on invisible etheric tides multiple eyes thrashing tendrils and the ability to unleash fears and blasts of warp energy as they threw hordes of mind-controlled humans at them treating humanity as if it were a thing to be controlled like mindless slaves a trait jagitai had despised in the kings and emperors on chigoris perhaps the emperor was right humanity had to be protected from this desecration and horror but though many zenos made the white scars curse their name in disgust for others they held a different view orcs the greenskins the hulking beasts whose love of war matched the jagorians whooping cheers of high tigaris met a screaming green tide on thousands of worlds throughout the decades of the great crusade to have a worthy foe was everything to them and jakitay and the white scars blades were slick with alien blood smiles dominated their faces as no test was more worthy though this fervorous slaughter that jagita and the legion was bathing in would change in a sobering moment [Music] side by side the white scars and the lunar wolf stood cleansing another orc horned the campaign had been brutal and the encirclement of the orcs capsule had taken weeks of mind-numbingly brutal warfare jagatai and his white scars utilized their speed to break apart and disorientate the enemy's line whilst a slow unstoppable tide of the lunar wolves crush the weakened and confused orcs encircled and flattened by a mountain's worth of bombardment the imperial forces prepared for the final assault with quinn shah giu hun and hasik and sir janus of the lunar war was by his side jack and i raced into battle a primark at the forefront of an unstoppable lightning-fast wedge a movement he had taken from the plains and improved with the strength of legionnaires astartes fighting their way into the orcs capital the clash began to stand at its center the cacophony of noise heat and blood would overwhelm you fighting with every ounce of strength and ferocity the orcs were being pushed back until giuhan khan one of jagatai's oldest friends a man who had followed him from the plains to the stars over extended jagatai screamed over the battle for him to pull back first in first out the giuhan held his wounds were pouring and in the melee rush he was knocked back falling into the emerging magma pouring throughout the holes of the previously bombarded surface jagatai halted rushing over to catch the last moment of his friend sinking into his blazing death dagotay stood frozen and then with a scream that could shatter eardrums he ordered everyone to pull away something had awoken within him he broke into a run first heavily measuring his strokes and then accelerating faster and harder and he had moved into that state the jagorian sages called al-ahger quiet smile had gone the quiet cunning had gone all that was left was the cold rage his speed kept increasing he became a blur too fast for the human eye he was a hidden behind a curtain of severed flesh and thrown blood a primordial force burning through the ranks of xenos the orcs a dull-witted primitive race whose only reason for life was a war began to run their encoded love for battle overwhelmed by the onslaught eventually the screams faded away and all that remained was jagitai covered in alien gore it must have been like witnessing a god fight breathtaking haunting life altering it was the way we made you the words of malcador echoed in his mind stop me good people don't you see my temper is running away with me and they placed that rage within him he was a son of chigoris trigoros had made him but perhaps he was more a creation of terror more a designed tone guhan was dead others had passed over the numerous decades of the great crusade but a friend one of the men who had been by jacoti's side since the beginning he confided in yasukai they knew that many of them would perish in this war in fact death on the battlefield was a fate they all desired yet the sting still hurt even to the superhuman warriors even to a primark following the joint compliant action jagatai and the legion returned to jagoras kwanzu the legion's fortress built high in the kumkatra mountains was the only speck of imperial influence and industrialization jagatai had ensured that the people of chigoris were left to their way of life it kept them strong ideal for recruitment and their traditions were not swallowed up under the tide of imperial conformity for their kagan to return it was a time for celebration and rest a brief time where jagatik has still roamed the plains once more with yesugai and hasik taking in the sensation of freedom that he had enjoyed so much in his youth it had all changed so much one thing that all of them even jagitai struggled with was the passage of time they were all older they had now lived multiple human lifetimes everything dies words from yesugai jagtai knew to be true but deep down he knew he would outlive them all something that saddened him greatly returning to kwanzu the legion rested even taking time to participate in its tragorian traditions jubal khan a rising star within the legion caught the eye of the kagan showing his prowess in an incredible duel fighting with the methods of blinding speed and engaging and then falling back even his jagorian was perfect yet this was a son of terror it was a hopeful sight shakatai's plan had worked his unifying of the star hunters and the talskar but not all born of terror fit so neatly others born in that distant world found themselves to be outcasts and sought a place of belonging a place where rank and home world didn't matter a place in the warrior lodges some of us had it easier than others mortarion muttered fulgrim looked archedly at sanguinius and awkward silence fell you should not regret that said the khan the other three turned as if surprised that he had a voice the hardship mortarion glared at him sourly his pallid fleshed almost matched other norse overcast humid skies i don't regret it he said i could only regret that only some of us gained our father's favor though i could regret that sanguinius took a sip of wine from his glass serenely unconcerned brother you should be pleased for horus why motaran's expression was pinched because he was found first had the longest to work with his legion if it had been you on catholia if it had been me we might have been in his place now fulgrim sniffed speak for yourself being warmaster is not the only accolade sanguinius laughed no more talk of your palantine aquila brother you will make him more jealous i'm not jealous not of horus nor of you scald mortarion missing the humor in sanguinius's voice you don't understand the problem foreground leaned forward clasping his long hands together which is while he was leading us we fought to gain even a glance or gesture from him that was acceptable for none of us are his rival nothing in the galaxy is his rival now we will fight to gain a glance from horus but horus is not the architect of this he is just one of us it will lead to trouble fulgrim shot a tolerant look at sanguinius he is jealous the khan shook his head fulgrim could be irritatingly stupid no he speaks the truth it should never have happened sanguinius looked at the khan thoughtfully i thought you of all of us would feel joy for horus the khan shrugged he is the best of us i begrudge him nothing and i have told him so but it should never have happened so should it have been you asked forgrim acer bioclean motorian snorted again but sanguinius said nothing i wouldn't have taken it said the khan of course you would have said fulgrim the khan shook his head i have no use for another title my people give me enough sanguinius smiled my brother i think you are the most inscrutable of us all i know what rogel wants and i know what roberta wants but even after so long i have no idea what you want he wants to be left alone said fulgrim to shoot off into the stars and hunt down xenos on those delightful jet bikes they're devilishly fast i heard from a contact on mars yagatai that you do strange things to your ships the khan shot him a heavy lidded stare i heard you do strange things to your warriors fulgrim slender face briefly flared with anger but sanguinius laughed i wonder which one of you would win in a duel the angel mused name the place brother fulgrim said to the khan i'd even travel to chogaris if you built a palace to keep the dust from my armor the khan felt the insult it stabbed at him deeply but his expression never changed they could never know none of them how much their clothes fraternity wrangled him you would lose said the khan fulgrim grinned but there was something fragile in it oh you would lose because you treated like a game like you treat everything and i would not you would lose because you know nothing of me and i know everything of you because you shouted from the turrets of your battle cruises my prowess remains unknown you have some reputation as a swordsman brother but i make no boast when i tell you i would leave you choking on it fulgrim's cheeks flushed for a moment he looked like he would go for his blade as ever sanguinet's calm smile sued the moment now i regret bringing this up in the cause of peace shall we put this stupidity behind us we are not at war and never likely to be and that is truly a blessing who'd have thought it said mortarion to the khan a shrewd galint in his roomry eyes you do have your pride as do you then what would be the wager on us brother asked mortarion what would you pay if we fought the khan sighed no i grew up tired of tell me mortarian insisted or do you only consider the odds with sore dancers the khan stared back at him as he did so he realized that of all his seventeen brothers mortarin was the only one who like him had remained on the utter margins during the great crusade even alfaria had played more of a role at its center the death lord was as mysterious to him as the warp intriguing i don't know he said truthfully enough it would be interesting to find out mortarian laughed then but what could be seen of his expression was crooked his whole face seemed arranged for downwardness as if levity risked cracking it that it would but we have nothing to fight over you and i so breathe easy no ah sanguineous seriously this time not even the labrarius the crooked smile faded that's different the angel took another sip of his wine how so you've not heard the news then our father has taken the matter in hand i know you take your creation seriously but you must know it couldn't be suffered to go on fulgrim looked intrigued what do you mean taken in hand there will be a reckoning the death lord shut a wry glance at their khan as though reveling in some secret knowledge it would become public very soon i'll be there when it happens i hope you will be there too some fights are too important to be left to advocates nearly two centuries of warfare thousands of worlds conquered and millions of zenos and non-compliant colonies have been slain it was in the ashes of the imperium's greatest victory over an enormous green skin war that the imperium changed forever oh no cleansed of alien filth at the dawn of the 32nd millennium held a muster of billions of superhuman and mortal warriors horus lupercal primark of the lunar wolves was named war master the emperor himself handed the responsibility of the great crusade to his most favored son it was a mistake jagatai had seen the fate of emperors who stood back how depraved corrupt and selfish they became why did his father leave the conquest why did he not tell them why more lies he knew was justified under the guise of doing what they thought was best for humanity the dynamic had changed forever at a time when jaguar had needed a brother a friend not a superior officer the librarians the chigorian storm seers the backbone of chigoris their guides from the plains all the way to the stars were under threat a divide had been growing over the latter decades of the great crusade those such as lehman russ and mortarion who felt an utter disgust towards those who drew on the powers of the warp even corvus korax and rogel dawn were adverse many lie in the middle but it was jagatai sanguinius and magnus who were their most arduous defenders jagatai had been reluctant to plant himself within the politics of the imperium but sanguinius decades ago had convinced him to fight for his storm sits lest the decision be made in his absence over the latter part of the great crusade jakitai and yusuke had tried to show horus the necessity of having psyches in their arsenal displaying on numerous campaigns his stormtsy's effectiveness encountering other xenos psyches but the chance had been lost horus was now war master the commander the one who could not be shown to pick sides or have favorites jagatai had lost an ally but he could also feel he was losing a friend there was a chasm between him and horus a distance bred from the hierarchy they could both feel it fraternity was obligation that old feeling kept creeping in as jagatai left the master of odinnor frustrated and disheartened though he did not leave alone iliera valion a member of the departmento munistorum was assigned to the fifth legion at the dawn of this new era the elderly woman born on terror with a photographic memory proved to be adept all things logistical she was a counterbalance to a legion that already had its eyes upon the next target often overlooking what was left behind jagatai and elia over the coming years forged a bond over drinking wine and playing go together jagatai the free spirited superhuman were the orderly terran-born mortal though the presence of the primark had made her feel nauseous and even lightheaded in the beginning the elderly general was able to look jagatai in the eye to stand face to face and offer her wisdom and experience something that became invaluable in the coming campaign chondx the fortress world inhabited by the remnants of the vile green skins that had fled or the north the beginning of the grueling campaign aligned with the reckoning jaggertai's mysterious brother mortarion had spoken of the council of nikea assembled from the highest bureaucrats senior astra militarum and a representative from all of the adeptus astartes legions the fabricated general of mars malcador and even the emperor the building debate in the shadows finally surfaced the libraries psyches and their sanctioning in the imperium had to be dealt with two sides have been drawn magnus the blood angels and jagatai the librarians target yesuge and all those on their side spoke vehemently for the justification of psychic powers but everything came tumbling down with the revelation of magnus's arrogance that he had delved into warp sorcery he had gone too far the pro-psyches failed yusu guy feeling immense guilt for failing his friend and primark the accumulation of decades of work the crafting of a new librarian's rules created by jagitai sanguinis and magnus had gone jagitai had often warned magnus of his need to push limits and now its cost was the tagorian's way of life but the message wouldn't reach the qagon horrific warp storms began to form around chondx it made ilya uncomfortable but jagatai in truth was all too pleased to be out of range forgotten misunderstood left alone with quinn shah hassak and his white scars and a green tide in front of them the fifth legion headed to war i fear decrepitude because all emperors are liars all empires are lies but there is only one unforgivable lie that is the lie that says this is the end you are the conqueror you have achieved it and now all that remains is to build walls higher and shelter behind them now the lie says the worlds are safe it is not enough to take from an enemy their life rather take from them also their place of safety their allies their homes and their loved ones crush all those in their care lay their chattels to waste and then drive them alone and naked into the darkness take everything they have and burn it for the mere pleasure of seeing the ash crackle between your fingers and call it nothing more than a beginning john dax the remnants of ulrack uric's green skin empire would prove to be a bloody battle for the fifth with horrific warp storms surrounding the sector of space this was a war solely down to the white scars jagatai ilya hasik and quinsha for seven years the fifth legion fought in a back and forth grueling campaign the difficulties of the terrain being mountainous and marshy the crux of their usual fast-paced encirclement maneuvers and yet more seem to be at play some sata shiban khan of the brotherhood of the moon felt that there was something wrong something wasn't sitting right he had found legionaries with their wounds too clean for an orc's work it was as if they were fighting something greater than the mindless war before them jagatai spent much of his time with his council though he missed the guidance of his friend yisugai he found that his thoughts lay more towards the future the great crusade was now expanding to the edges of the galaxy after chondx what great holdouts were there what if they had no more enemies left after his conquest of jagoris centuries ago he had not settled down placed himself on a throne built wars and told himself that he was safe because it was a lie and he despised lies something that had created so much distance between him and his father but he only really feared one thing in this universe decrepitude the emperor had arrived not long after his conquest of jagoris what would he have done in a time of peace it was the way we made you the words of malkador they had made him a hunter conquest was in his blood they had made him they had made him uncomfortable with peace lest in a way he fall to corruption to live without purpose as humans let us all down a spiraling path what would you do if that hollowness took over you would you lie to yourself and say that you are strong when there is no goal to achieve but perhaps that fear would never come to pass in a manner that jagitai would have never suspected after years of brutal war jakarta and the white scars finally achieved victory but at the precipice of this campaign a fleet belonging to the twentieth the alpha legion burst from the warp assembling before the fifth legion any communication was met with pure dreaded silence two astartes fleets stared at each other astropathic communications began to flood in through the tumultuous warp storms lehman russ of the space wolves had turned traitor magnus the red and his thousand sons have been slain the homeworld of prospero destroyed the war master orders the fifth legion to engage the traitor and bring him to justice madness jacoti's mind began racing his friend magnus was he truly dead russ was a traitor so much power concentrated in so few hands look at this madness attention spread across the thousands of white skull warriors and legionary personnel the possibility of fighting another legion the horror that battle would entail was a sobering thought more astropathic communications came through rogueldorn of the imperial fists orders the white scars to return to terror and defend it alongside the space wolves the war master has turned traitor moore came flooding in lehman russ of the space wolves request the weissgar's aid against the alpha legion they have turned traitor someone was lying was this alpha legion blockade the deception did they want jagatai to return to terror did russ speak the truth and they were being held above chondx or were the twentieth simply waiting to see which side the fifth chose jagatai hated their lies perhaps none of them were speaking the truth they were the fifth the white scars ordu jagatai and they were slaves to no one he would find the truth for himself the stalemate ended the forgotten and underestimated legion in a move synchronized to perfection that would leave even the mighty gilman and dawn jealous launched the entire legionary fleet at once the coordination the skill was incredible finally after years of serving by their side ilya the terran outsider finally saw why jagatai and his sons had allowed themselves to be underestimated and the sight brought her to genuine laughter the chisel an instant tightly formed where she burst with the alpha legion blockade their destination the truth jagatai made his way to prospero after days unnerved trying to decipher the truth the white scars finally arrived only to find a husk pollutant smog and a violent storm filled the ruined skies of this once beautiful world of prospero not just the people and the cities but the planet itself had been annihilated jagitai felt the cold rage he felt sadness and confusion he had to know more he had to know the truth jagitai with quinn shah and his keshik by his side descended down to the crumbling burnt surface he had hoped to find the truth he'd hoped to find his brother leaving the fleet to his friend hasik noyan khan hands he would soon find were not to be trusted no the khan stood up again whatever you are you are not magnus you don't even sound like him magnus shrugged believe what you want perhaps i am not magnus i used to be that is certain but maybe what counts as myself is not what it was part of me dwells elsewhere on a barren rock halfway across the cosmos part of me is here lingering like a stench of a carrion i can't quite leave not yet i think something has to happen first maybe you are it or maybe you were never meant to be here i favor the latter you were always unpredictable i came to find a friend said the khan distastefully whatever else had happened i thought i could come to you for counsel magnus looked hurt do not be harsh kagan only a part of me resides here slinking in the shadows the better part is elsewhere pondering loftier things soon he or i or we will come to a judgment what will that be i don't know i really don't lorgar sends me please almost daily reminding me what russ did here he thinks we are kindred spirits touching really magnus paused and stared down at his flickering hands sometimes though i still think there might be some way back i see it as a maze one in which all i have to do is find the route through perhaps the emperor will forgive if he survives what i've unleashed perhaps he will then magnus's spectral eye flickered up at the khan again but you yagatai what is your choice the khan shook his head we are who we are no one slaves magnus laughed that's not good enough you have to choose if what you say is true then the dream is over it will be each legion alone it doesn't work like that horus corrupted the emperor is a tyrant true enough then i choose neither magnus laughed again though the sound was bitter this thing is like a great dark star ringed by fire it will draw you in bit by bit until you are orbiting it with the rest of us even you do not have shibs fast enough to escape at yagatai even your white scars will not get out the khan felt sick from the stink of death and ashes his blade glittered coldly in the near perfect dark we can outrun anything that lives but they do not live not like we do i do not lie brother choose we will meet again either as allies or foes so you may as well decide now the khan stared down at magnus his mind in turmoil what have you become he asked no longer able to keep the horror from his voice what i was always destined to be said magnus looking at him sadly but you still have a choice brother make the right one the khan held his ground tensing enough brother magnus laughed [Laughter] you don't want to know and that's always been your weakness i know it all now i could tell you the emperor's name and it would surprise you i could tell you that the fates decreed fulgrim to be sent to chogaris and you to camos and i could tell you which arcane force in the universe prevented it he took a step then another towards the khan do you wish to know where you will die do you wish to know on what world and in which dimension your soul will find its ending these things are not known or is known the khan looked at him warily you told me i had a choice my fate all fate is still to be written magnus grinned his eye seemed to be weeping though it was hard to tell if it was tears or blood stories may meander but the endings never change believe me i have witnessed the authors he shuddered they are terrible he whispered by now only inches away from the sword i i have what i came for brother said the khan you can only give me one piece of knowledge that i truly desire magnus inclined his head and what is that how to restore you magnus stared for a moment he looked truly bewildered as if he had expected mockery and received sincerity or perhaps the other way round he looked down at his hands then around at the devastation of his kingdom misery mingled with confusion i am corrupted he whispered as if realizing it all over again restore me and i shall become a lord again i shall be the crimson king free to rule over a world of spells and vengeance the galaxy may live to rue that you are my friend said the khan quietly magnus looked at him and for a moment just a moment the old dignity was there etched upon a ravaged face and glimmering in the dark then i judge you know what to do the khan nodded and pulled his sword round for the strike slivers of which light skitted along the ruined wound steel until we meet on the starlight he promised sooner than you might think said magnus making no effort to evade the blow the khan swung and the dow glittered through the air when it hit magnus's outline the ghostly shell shattered spilling into a thousand pieces like broken glass a wild crack ran out a steely snap followed by a shriek like a child's cry the dust around him billowed up in the cloud swirling and writhing the khan was momentarily blinded and staggered back [Music] never do the easy thing an apparition a shard a broken piece of a hole that was once his friend was all that remained of magnus just as prospero had been burned to ashes ravaged and broken so had the thousand suns and their primark roaming through the wreckage of prospero with quinn shah and his keshig jagatai found himself set upon by strange ethereal monsters and in the confusion he was separated falling deep into the tunnel systems built below the crumbling city of tisca finding a ghost of what was or is magnus the sight broke him he had come to find a friend but only found the husk of the brother he had respected and even loved the shard of magnus told him that time had run out that he had to choose he'd always run away relying on his speed to outrun his problems but this war would find him and his sons he had to choose choose a side with all the cars on the table with the shards of wisdom the truth was out the emperor had lied yaksha demons were real and jagatai had to make a choice but what kind of choice was it the words rang in his head horus is corrupted the emperor is a tyrant foul entities of the warp had corrupted the brother he loved horus but he would be accepted by them a life of unending conquest awaited him and his sons but humanity would suffer the emperor is a tyrant one who lies to his people crushing thousands of worlds under the guise of compliance the imperium looked down upon him and his sons but there was a future for humanity under the imperium so i fight for a father who i never loved against a brother that i did i defend an empire that never wanted me against an army that would have taken me in a heartbeat jagatai made his choice putting the shard of magnus to rest and escaping out of the depths he reunited with quinn shaw and his remaining keshik who had rescued one lone survivor from the ruins of prospero reveal arvida a psyche of immense power but as they prepared to return to their vessel the storm riddled skies darkened a teleportation circle erupted before them as mortarion primark of the death guard emerged surrounded by his death shroud guard the sight of the pale sickly thing whose rebreather rattled like death's music was a sight that would fill any mortal with reverence and dread the brother who he had last seen above ulino the one who like him had been assigned to the outskirts of the great crusade forgotten misunderstood mortarion began to speak to offer his brother the chance to join horus destroy the emperor who lies oh and he hate the lies didn't he he offered a galaxy of warriors a galaxy of hunters but the strong are given their freedom a galaxy in which there is no dead hand at the tiller constraining them lying to them besides half of his legion had already been turned so it was only a matter of time but jagatai stopped him he had seen through him his mysterious brother he had campaigned against the psycho only to now find himself in collusion with them legions embracing the warp he was not here because of brotherhood he was here because he had no more allies the death guard the slow indestructible anvil with the white scars the perfect swift hammer they would be unstoppable together and when the emperor and horus were gone there could be space for a new emperor jagatai felt nothing but disgust with this selfish betrayal and he would not be dragged down with them they had chosen to collude with foul entities of the warp they were fools and besides long ago the oath had already been made matarian sickle crackled into life and the two sides clashed the slow but yet resilient mortarion versus the lightning fast cagon it was like a battle between gods jagito's blinding speed and darting strikes began to tally wounds the khan laughed wielding his blade again freely felt good going up against a fellow primark was a kind of test he had missed for too long but for the first time in his life jagitai felt tiredness mottarion stood bloodied dozens of wounds covered him but the few that he had landed on jagatai were punishing toxin-laden gashes a stalemate had been reached mortarian enraged and bitter began to retreat the death lord pledged this wound between them was not over and that one of them would die at the other's hands with the help of the thousand son rivul avida jagatai quinsha and the remaining keshig teleported back onto their flagship only to find utter chaos the warrior lodges that secretive organization that had fested for decades amongst the legions had risen up declaring themselves for horus for the war master for the universe of warriors and hunters thousands of the terrans and targorians either by resentment for their forced conversion into the gregorian way of life or simply convinced by the universe painted by horus have been turned in secret hasik nguyen khan a man who had been with jagatai from the start had tried to force the legion's hand force them into the future of warriors and hunters horror gripped jaggati seeing the carnage of the fifth legion civil strife brothers slaying brothers striding through the middle of the bloodbath the fighting began to die down as jacket had roared his disgust at his friend's betrayal he plunged his dowel saw deep into the panicking hazak's torso declaring this coup over humbled and shamed the traitors were escorted to the briggs as zaghitai in the fifth prepared for war betrayed by one of his closest friends a man who he had spent centuries with was a bitter snag at the heart of jagatai though some relief came as he was finally reunited with isu guy seven years the kagan had been deprived of his chief storm seer his closest advisor his friend locked within the disaster that had been the council of nikea and the subsequent warp storms around chondx the traitors were dealt with hasik and thousands of others were locked away they all deserved death but it was yazooga who counseled that the previous warrior lodge members the terence and chagorans be offered a route to redemption they were charged with the crime of being fools as well as traitors not truly knowing the extent to which the war master horus had fallen it was due in part to the bravery of such men as shiban khan who had held long enough for jagatai to end the civil conflict the sagyar mazan death squads a road to redemption was offered for in this coming war they would need every able-bodied warrior the horus heresy had truly begun nine legions have betrayed the emperor of mankind declaring their loyalty to the war master horus three loyalist legions the salamanders the raven guard and iron hands were almost entirely wiped the remaining six loyalists either scattered or divided as war and violent war storms ravaged the galaxy what began was the most brutal war in human history billions of innocents would die legionaries slaughtering each other worlds burning again the words burned in jagatai's mind never had so few been given so much power it was a mistake an emperor's mistake one caused when his father believed the lie the lie that tells you you can put up wars and you will be safe jagatai yusugai quinsha ilia shiban jubal and reveal odds of a thousand sons began to enact their wrath upon the traitor legions the fingers of the fifth legion branched off enacting their grip across light years of real space with lightning fast hit and run tactics isolated traitor fleet would be destroyed supply lines harassed equipment sabotaged each small piece adding up to a delay time for the imperial forces at terror to fortify they all knew that the palace would be where this would end years of non-stop brutal warfare consumed humanity but it's cost to jagatine the white scars was more than just their brothers lives the soul of the legion was dying the heresy was changing them they were fighting men who they had once served with men who they had bled with watching them cut down their own brothers in brutal legionary upon legionary dooms jagatai and the fifth had come from a world with a beauty and adrenaline pumping life-affirming combat was something they lived for hunting zenos across the stars feeling the wind rush on their face the freedom and joy at the plains taken to the stars but there was no more joyous laughing no more whooping cries no more cheek to cheek smiles just brutal human slaughter members such as shiban khan encouraged by his primox ethos of the noble pursuits found he had nothing to celebrate nothing noble to express killing was one thing they had been bred to do that but inflicting pain hurting their enemies this war had changed them jaguar had not brought his people to the stars for this their enemies had changed too taken over by worship to the yaksha their corruption manifested physically a sobering reminder of a path jagitai could have gone down if his love for horus had eclipsed his sense four years of no rest nearly one-third of dragoti's sons were dead then the worst news of all came in a confrontation with eidolon of the emperor's children quinn shah was dead his body recovered in thanks to the efforts of reveal arvida a debt the legion could never repay with his friend's broken helm in his hands as quinsha's body was cast into the void of space return to the universe as was the chagoran way jagatai felt the grief wash over him chigorians knew that to die in battle was a glorious end they all desired but this was tainted in a way jagatai assembled the coral tie a place for all to speak all of them jagatai yasugai ilya shiban jabal and avida with quinshaw's death still in their hearts debated on the legion's next move the walls were closing in the traitors had them in a noose they had adapted to the fifth's tactics and now it was costing them half wanted to make a final stand bearing the weight of melancholic soldiers hoping to die a good death but yesugai and ilya urged them to find a way to terror they could still fight jagatai made his decision the oath had been made the white scars would stand on terror the fifth legion assembled everything they had and headed towards their last gambit the location of a powerful navigator who could guide them through the warp storms terrorizing the galaxy but the journey would not be smooth mortarian the wound created on prospero had reopened with the death guard legion and a force of emperor's children the brothers prepared to face each other once again only hatred and disgust left between them [Music] can you not see the sorrow in someone's tearful flies or see the dread in someone's weary frown can you not see the fear when someone's telling lies can you not see that each poor soul has a heavy cross a bear one which we hope will never come our way perhaps the onus is on us to show them that we care and lift their spirits and take away dismay the command locate yasugai died on his lips with a synchronicity that could not have been random the storm says mine voice was suddenly there though racked with agony in the beginning yes you guys said managing to convey some kind of broken humor amid the pain remember that you named me do not do it the khan murmured his mind racing getting at last what had happened the machinery the under palace the absence of his father from the war with sudden terrible clarity the pieces fell into order this is my command do not do it the deep ways are perilous and yaksha will thrive in it you either protector the khan was moving then striding down from the command throme the teleporters might have been usable even now tagutai this will end you do not do it return to the ship now that i would have followed you to the end my lord i would have stood beside you on terror i am gone do not let them forget let them become what is hateful come back you are their protector then he was gone wrenched out of existence jaggertai staggered slipping to one knee the world seemed to sway not from its axis he looked up and the entire bridge was tilting falling illya was screaming the prospering saucer was crying aloud the warriors of the sagyar mazan were looking out into the void ushering in the final battle his legion was dying thrust at last into the forge fire of war out of space out of time i still need you the khan cast his head back his imperious reserve broken open he clenched his fist to the heavens and howled out his rage and his grief and for a sparse moment there were no more sounds no more thoughts only the black thunder for primark's mortal fury cogan he called out as if waking from a nightmare plagued sleep the khan stood and turned towards him this is it avid has said the path of heaven he has opened it there will never be another chance the khan was sluggish his mind elsewhere the rest of the bridge crew recovered themselves restoring systems had been primed for imminent attack out across the eighth-earth vacuum the enemy was similarly recovering my lord we must take it arvada was conscious of the danger the change still poured at him prowling around the edges of himself watching for any weakness the portal was the warp in its rawest deepest form it would be murderous but it had to be attempted you saw no victory i did not the primock stared at the recovering scanner screens at the enemy fleet that was bearing down on them again barely halted by the tumult across the fabric of space her choice remains ilya burst between them the trails of angry tears were wet on her cheeks there is no choice she hissed her eyes flashing with anger he did this honor him take the path still he hesitated the battleships were turning back towards them last cannon has started up again slicing across the warplet abyss the endurance had carved its way into range emulating anything that dared to block its passage it was on the edge of sight now unmagnified colossal its coming marked the spoilation and heralded by despair only one ship could hope to stand against it if the legion turned now if the order were given then the retreat would be a bloodbath something needed to hold the line i have to face him the khan said quietly you do not rage elia her grief making her wild lord if you fight him the chance will be gone urged arvida there will be other days not for toggle tie roared the khan suddenly bursting into fury not for sure my warriors have died for me this day and every day since my horse and brother ignited this treachery i have watched them die year by year their strength taken from them no further i will slay him if i do nothing else arvida waited for the tirade to subside to withstand the rage of an emperor's son even one cast into doubt by grief was no trivial feat yet he never moved away the way is clear i can guide us if you let me he paused breathing hard knowing the peril the rift was already beginning to close its edges falling away back into real space as you see guy's soul was consumed our destiny is on terror your destiny is on terror a tense silence fell across the bridge broken only by the sounds of battle preparation from the decks below ilya waited desperate her face white torgun and the other sagyar mazaan waited still armed making no move arvida waited the castle of storm seers waited as did jubal and the assembled keshik the primark looked out onto the on rush of the enemy his hand strayed to the hilt of his tower and still he said nothing no one moved the maelstrom churned sucking mata into its ravening jaws the death guard came into large range and the first tracks of the macro cannon blast appeared on the orgas the khan did not look at avida he did not look at ilya nor at nami hai norjubal eventually he turned to taban order all ships into the rift full burn he said then his gaze strayed to the real viewports to where mortarion's flagship loomed ever larger a silhouette of decay against the tempest of the warp the truth will come out you won't be able to hold the blindfold in place and once it slips the fury of those you deceived will be limitless isu guy his oldest friend his soldier anjagoris his storm seer his compass for his people's way of life surrounded on all sides as the fleet was being ripped apart yusugai sacrificed his life emulating his own body to open a rift into the web wing that ancient pathway crafted in a time before humanity was primordial soup finding the last of his strength the man targettai yosuge paid farewell to his closest friends ilya avida and his kagan jagatai he entrusted jagatai to protect the legion to save them from the hatred and melancholy that was eroding them and to stand on terror to defend humanity the web way opened as yusuke's soul left this universe the legion began to barrel into the rift but they were set upon mottarion was gunning for his brother jagatai wanted to fight the cold rage began bubbling how many friends had he lost how many sons have spilled their blood how much had he sacrificed how could he let that go unavenged but ilya's words reached him he couldn't let the sacrifice of all of them yesugai quincha and all the others be in vain the white scars powered towards the portal the sagiya mazan the death squads who had once betrayed their kagan earned their redemption using their lives to buy time for the others to escape the guilt of letting more of his sons die for him burned in jagatai but the sakyam were smiling rediscovering their love of battle as they threw themselves upon the death lord mortarion the white scars raced through the web way only to be set upon by their enemies last attack the yaksha demons are the chaos god slaanesh tore through their disgusting pale emaciated accentuated twisted forms the embodiment of depravity led by a singular enormous beast a greater demon a keeper of secrets the creatures of trigorian myth and nightmare the entities the emperor had malkador claimed were lies stood before them yet these waking nightmares did not find scared little humans before them they found a force who had been battered bloodied and honed by centuries of war and a near decade of civil conflict jagatai and the white scars had suffered enough and they unleashed themselves upon the yaksha no fear was in any of their hearts as they screamed high chagorus and for the kagan shiban jubal and the others barreled into the slaaneshi demons and jagatai faced the keeper of secrets the greater demon the jewel was a mind-numbing blur the speed of both of them impossible to follow jagitai began to decimate the strange humanoid chitinous form but taking equally painful goring wounds breaking his sword upon the sentient nightmare jagatai switched to his bare hands unleashing the cold raid and had terrified even orcs long ago he screamed in the yaksha's face there is nowhere left to hide we know you now we shall hunt you in every plane of reality we shall cleanse the void and then we shall cleanse the warp and then with his bare hands he tore the demon's heart from his chest roaring for the emperor the white scars had survived nearly half of them had fallen since the heresy had started they had lost many friends and brothers but finally the legion limped to terror the oath had been made and now it had been honored and his friends and sons had bought it with their blood even as an enraged lehman russ who jagatai had ignored his calls for aid at chondx years ago couldn't stop him from bringing his legion where they were destined to be reuniting with sanguinius rogel dorne lehmann russ and malkador jagatai and his men found a moment to gather themselves to heal from the hell that they had been through it was also a time to ponder he had never been close with his father their interactions had always been awkward at best he deep down knew that part of him hated him because he was an emperor because of the lies he was told to uphold lies he had to conquer the galaxy to enforce it was now with all the cars on the table that he had begun to understand can you not see the fear when someone's telling lies can you not see that each poor soul has a heavy cross to bear it was a war started and perpetuated by lies the lies about the warp about why the emperor had left the crusade in horus's hands perhaps even the nature of what he and the primarks truly were but beneath it all it disturbed him because he had begun to understand perhaps the onus is on us to show them that we care and lift their spirits and take away dismay there was a burden involved his father lied about the warp to deny it power he lied about leaving the great crusade to work on the webway project a path to sever humanity's reliance on the warp he had lied to his sons as to not burden them he carried it and now jagatai would have to carry a great burden too the war master after nine years of brutal conflict had arrived in the soul system and the siege of terror had begun the gods demand entertainment the demand trial and contest we could not be allowed to defeat our own demons for that would be boring and boredom is the only thing eternals fear we are being lined up one by one to tear at each other's throats i do not think they wish to see a victor i think they wish us to fight forever locked in madness until the universe's end nine years of war had led to this moment the war masters fleet entered the soul system the birthplace of humanity would be the stage of the fight for its very existence the gambit of lehman russ the assassination of horus had failed only rogel dawn jagatai sanguinius the emperor and the billions of ordinary superhuman and mortal people stood in the traitor's path to victory engaging in a layered defense the loyalists made sure that every inch taken cost the traitors lives and resources but in turn this was brought with immense sacrifice jabal nyan khan lord of summer lightning fell in the orbit of fleet warfare slain by the accursed abaddon right hand of horus over weeks the traitor forces smashed through darkening the skies of terror and now corrupted and traitorous primock stood over the world that had created them and they prepared to burn it to take their so-called father's head jagatai son of chagoris the man who hated warms the man who had destroyed them from tagores to the stars found himself defending them defending the lie of safety millions of people trapped inside the palace has spent the last nine years fortifying their home the imperial palace had become a maze of bastions trench works and reinforced banks dawn had ensured that it was damn near impregnable but what good were wars when hell itself had come knocking the war masters forces began their assault upon the walls within dorne's lair defense structure he had forbid jagatai from venturing outside but jagatai refused how could they just sacrifice the millions of ordinary humans the men and women who had just taken up a rifle in the defense of their home to sacrifice them just for time it was the right strategic move but devoid of human emotion jagatai are sanguineous if his president saw that his intervention would save lives the angel replied many and then jagatai told them that that was what he was made for jagatai had changed he was a strategist to equal even dawn but the cost of this move was more than just those people's lives it was their souls we fought the great crusade to free humanity not to sacrifice it he was not like the young khan who destroyed an entire village when his father's death called for vengeance he was more more than just a conqueror if sugai had seen it he was a protector jagatai prepared to ride out his life and his son's lies were in dedication to humanity they were meant to die in their place perhaps horus was exploiting this but the cost of abandoning people that could be saved would be worse worse than death worse than if the traitors were victorious it was the way we made you the emperor had made him a conqueror jagoras had made him a kagan but he had made himself more a defender of humanity the white scars the sons of chagoras assembled on their jet bikes the mortal defenders sitting afraid crushed by the weight of their imminent death as monsters approached heard the rumbling behind them they looked to the sky and saw them the superhuman warriors clad in gleaming white rushing forward like a crashing wave jagitai and his sons tore into the death guard finding their enemies forms reflecting the rotten hearts within bloated rotten sickly the death guard had become transformed tainted by the warp the road of fools it was in the swarm of bolter fire and cleaved limbs exploding armor and sheer hate that jagatai was knocked from his mount finding himself surrounded the death guard threw themselves at him hoping their hulking bloated forms would drown him a warp tainted blade found its way through his armor he felt the immediate onrush of the disgusting warp power flood his veins even making a primark sick he began to slow unable to heal drowning in a tide of diseased flesh it was due to the sacrifice of one of his own sons throwing himself off of his mount buying space as he shriveled up with a disease that jagatai found freedom releasing the tainted blade and cleaving the diseased marines around him it was only with the intervention of sanguinius his brother that jagatai was able to retreat many white scars were gone dying horrific death but thousands of ordinary people have been saved due to their sacrifice the unpredictability of the khan was something the traitors even primarks couldn't plan for the weeks began to phase together the skies of terror became dark perpetual night reigned as the atmosphere became clogged with spent munition shells and the smell of blood and death jagitai even managed to hold the colossi gate alongside constantine valdo and the blood angel's captain ralduron but the near sleepless soul-crushing constant battle was wearing them all down even to shiban khan jakartai looked emaciated if that was even possible for a primark they were losing millions dead terror burning ground being lost their hope was fading something had to be done and so jagatai prepared for a final gambit they made a ragged pair the battle ravaged warlord his exhausted emissary how do you feel he asked old she said i feel very old how do you feel the wisp of his smile flickered over his proud face no one else would have ever dared to ask him that question none of the tens of thousands of warriors under his command none of the hundreds of thousands of auxiliary troops who marched under his banner would ever have presumed i feel settled he said thoughtfully the pieces are arranged the calculations have been made very soon we shall reach the point where nothing else can be done save for the action itself she found that she didn't really believe that he had said something similar on the eve of other battles and she had believed it then but this was different the stakes were higher the likelihood of destruction was overwhelming this was not a voluntary decision in any meaningful sense she had studied the same report that he had sat in the same council gatherings this was desperation a final spit in the eye of fate and if any were to benefit from what they did then it would not be them but not quite of course he added riley there's always doubt even more so now he clouts everything and even when you know the origin of the sickness it is hard to remind yourself that it is artificial some of it and can be fought and must be fought it's worse in the sanctum elias said i can imagine but that's not all is it she took a swig of water i mean it's not why you came here the car moved away from her headed to a shelf where she kept the few old things that had been preserved the seals marking her entry into the departmento minotaurum the cheap plastile memento of the triumph she had taken from ulino a priceless dagger that quinchar had given her never drawn from its sheath never do the easy thing he said looking at the trinkets without really seeing them we suffered for that and now in a way this is the easiest thing of all to stop holding back cut loose just like we've been promising we do ever since prospero he placed his hands gently on the shelf yes you guys saw it he dreamed of it he told me that i'd end my journey fighting a creature of the dark on a world of embers and i tried to dismiss it but it kept coming back to me that's the problem with the dreams of storm seers you wonder if you work to make them true so despite everything that makes this seem inevitable and right it might just be me deep down tired of compromises eager to get it settled the easy thing she watched him as he spoke he stood erect just as always in his armor he was still imposing but she had the sense that there was more hollowness under those plates than there had once been the warriors of the legion were all the same they had been made to keep going no matter how starved and how damaged they became a baseline human would give up on a task after a while but the emperors owned would just keep fighting until the exceptional machinery of their bodies finally fell apart death meant nothing to them dishonor meant almost everything and so it was possible that they could talk of an impossible trial one which promised nothing but pain on the greatest conceivable scale as the easy thing why did he tell you of it she asked i don't know because it troubled him i think or because he believed that he had to to give you the means to make a choice maybe ilia drank a little more she was starting to feel more like herself you could forget what a privilege this was to be spoken to with such frankness over the years the khan had done so only occasionally he sounded now much as he had sounded just before the catalyst rift musing on the past fretful of the future so to talk to him felt like a greater service and rounding up tanks you know i never had a family of my own she told him i never really knew if i wanted one or not by the time i thought about it seriously the opportunity had gone i don't regret it i did what i needed to do and just when i thought i'd got to the end of all that i came to olinor and found myself tangled up with you so i got that family in the end and you made me furious and anxious and exhausted all of the things i thought i might have missed she smiled sadly to herself but the last lesson was the hardest one because then you all began to die i was the weakest but somehow i'm still here now i begin to wonder if i might still be here when you're all gone i'd mourn you if i lasted that long like i mourned targatai and tsar and halgi she looked up at him but i'd be proud to throne i'd be proud not because you're the bravest or the best but because you do this you ask the question i taught you how to keep your ammo dumps from running out but i didn't teach you that you always did it she edged upward in the chair painfully feeling her body betray her and it is time now my khan this is why we came back he came over to her in order to reach her level he had to kneel he extended his great hand and she put hers out and each one clasped the other i will make you as safe as i can here he said if they come for the place while you're gone i'll give them hell the end was soon they could all feel it the very presence of the demon primarch mortarion and his death guard were stripping the hope from their very souls despair reigned from the innocent civilians to the exhausted conscripts even to the astartes and primarks this artificial despair would destroy them before horus had even set foot inside the palace the fifth legion assembled all that was left of them only one mortal ilya had earned the honor to stand besides them the death guard and jagatai's foolish corrupted brother mortarion had to be defeated lest this hanging warp despair take them all they would retake the lionsgate spaceport deny the landing platform to the traitors and also provide a staging ground for gilman and the lion's legions for when they arrived the deception had been planted dozens of white scars had allowed themselves to be captured tortured and slain in order to ensure the enemy was unprepared misdirected a sacrifice that none of them would ever forget jagitai the man who had once fought with freedom in his heart the man who hated lies the man who conquered the stars for humanity knew that he had to face mortarion the parks riddled elevated demon primark and that in most likelihood he would not survive thousands assembled the white scars thousands of mortals and the last tank regiment on terror and they set out to battle utilizing an enormous mobile ship platform as cover the loyalists like a procession walked towards death gunning for the death guard and the traitors fire and ash roaring around them as they trudge through the violated miles of terran earth the mortal people were afraid of course they were reports came in of things claimed to be xenos but the utter gut-wrenching sickness that sung through their bodies when they caught glimpses left doubt before war calls when men and women roar with pride in their heart how quickly that bravery melts when fire smoke ash and the little dread of death is before you you lie to yourself and say that you are brave miles upon miles the loyalist contingent trudged until finally they met them the bloated disgusting caricatures of astartes the death guard with their sickly washed armor all of them tightened their rebreather equipment lest they take in the disgust around them jagatai in the fifth roared into the lionsgate spaceport fighting in gut-wrenching bloody combat for every inch of land until finally he saw him the enormous riddled rusted moldy thing that was his brother there was so much hate between them the duel was brutal clashes that shattered bones rang out blood and sparks flew and displayed too fast too apocalyptic to register with human eyes mortarion began to taunt his brother decrying his weakness telling him that he had shown him the truth the truth of the gods of chaos the truth that had now made him immortal and he had run like he always had the corrupted death lord was now leagues above jagatai in strength so much that even his primark body couldn't endure the onslaught jagatai became a bloody mess wounds poured from all over his smashed form his cold rage was not enough at the edge of death jakotai stumbled mortarion again taunted him he had expected him to dance to show his pathetic sword-wielding abilities but he hadn't he had just taken it he had taken the blows with blood choking in his mouth a cracked visit looked back and smiled i absorbed the pain the terminus asked you gave up i did not my endurance is superior the death lord froze the cocky cracked visage the past ridden corrupted face of mortarion contorted turning into the epitome of rage as jagatai laughed the wheezing howl of a dead man the words cut deeper than any blade ever could lifting his broken form from the floor jacket i seized the opportunity unleashing everything he had left finally dancing as he tore ribbons of flesh from his corrupted brother faster faster jagatai moved his heart fueled only by the spirit of chagoris the cold ring to all he and his sons had suffered and for humanity finally the moment came when montarion plunged his size deep into the khan's chest bursting through his back in a shower of blood jagatai locked himself onto it dragging his body down the length of the scythe with his bare hands until he was finally face to face with his twisted brother and with the last of his strength he tore his brother's head from his shoulders banishing the demon back into the warp i sometimes imagined how i would feel if we ever came up against a foe we could not defeat where nothing remained but to fall back again and again weakening further with every encounter watching the lifeblood slowly drain out of those around us as the noose tightened i hoped and believed that i would do so as they did and keep fighting the kergan the warhawk of chigoris lied broken on the world where he was created under black skies as humanity fought for its very existence ilya general and confidant of the primark came raging in on a land speeder the closer she came she heard the shouting over the explosions and bolter fire the word roared from the throats of the white scars and in an instant she knew what it meant as the horror washed over her demark demark the sons of chigoris cried death it was the war cry of a warrior's death as mortari as a rotten soul had been banished back to the warp both the death guard and the white scars felt something overtake them a soul-crushing hollowness washed over the white scars they dropped their weapons they felt sick their cagon their father was gone just as quickly as the grief had come the rage followed de mark they cried into the air as their soul sung for their fallen kagan and like a tide of hate they washed over the confused death guard ilya found her way through finally laying eyes upon the sight that broke her was it even a corpse this mountain of battered flesh that had once been the warhawk of chagoris jagatai the defender of humanity gave his life the underestimated the forgotten the misunderstood had made the sacrifice the oath had been made and now it was fulfilled touching her hand to the only part of her friend that was not gore and blood illya wept but as the despair almost took her she felt something she asked those around her to check for a pulse but there was nothing but she knew in her heart that she had felt something malkador she had to get him to malcador perhaps there was a chance dragging the corpse of their lord up they made a desperate gambit back to the palace as the remaining white scars held the spaceport no more would they attack and retreat this was where he had fallen their father this was sacred ground and they would die in its defense reaching malkidor's side jagatai was taken place within a mysterious device there his body lay as the battle for the fate of humanity roared on above jagitai lived he had given his life to the imperium for the father whom he had never loved against a brother that he did he had defended an empire that never wanted him against an army that would have taken him in a heartbeat when he awoke the universe had changed forever the loyalists had won horus had been slain the traitors scattered but sanguinius was dead the emperor was crippled and turned upon the golden throne the dream the great vision had been murdered jagatai's treacherous brothers had seen to that magnus horus and sanguinius the only brothers he had ever loved were gone or corrupted yusu guy giuhan hasik quinsha jubal and as the decades passed even illia he had outlived them all the man who had just wanted to embrace the freedom of conquest under the azure skies of chigoris had sacrificed so much the man who'd hated the lies had suffered the most because of them he had found fraternity obligation but for those who had felt that obligation too were gone only grief left in its wake the man who had feared decrepitude and the lie of safety that wars provided had given his life to defend them never do the easy thing you are their protector perhaps in all this suffering he had finally found the one thing he had never set out to accomplish understanding his father the emperor a man whom malcot long ago had told him he had sacrificed more than anyone because that is what is required to walk the path as a defender of humanity a new era had begun the imperium had survived and with the reformation under the direction of robute gilman the legions were divided broken into thousand man chapters so that no individual could ever wield such power again something jagita accepted in his head but found tumultuous in his heart to divide the people of trigoros he was a unifier that was his reason for conquest but at the risk of another civil war the surviving legions and primarks agreed for 70 years jagatai led the white scars following the heresy pushing the traitors all the way to the eye of terror that disgusting warp rift it would be at the battle of coruscal 5 where jagitai was unleashing himself upon a jukari force and had assailed to goris during the heresy that he was lost disappearing within a webway portal surrounded by his elite keshik for ten thousand years the songs and battle cries of the sons of jagoris have lorded their great kagan awaiting for the day the quiet barbarian the conqueror the oath keeper the son of chigoris the warhawk of terror the defender of humanity returns warriors of chigoris brothers of the great tribe the star aunt calls you do you not hear it the battles red edge is your home the respect of your kinsmen your hurt plunge into the enemy's breast like a blade cut out his heart and you will know fulfillment the emperor has given us strength in return we give him victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Amber King
Views: 359,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k Lore, Lore, Satire, The Amber King, Amber King, Amberking, horus heresy, Horus heresy, Chaos, 40k daemons, warhammer 40000, total war warhammer, Primarch, The emperor, siege of terra, 30k, Siege of terra, audiobook, Horror, Games Workshop, sleep, weshammer, collaboration, space marine 2, arch, darktide, elden ring, Night lords, black templars, chaos space marines, white scars, jaghatai khan, asmr, sangunius, death guard, mortarion, chogoris, alpha legion
Id: vsW8Mw9PQNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 58sec (9058 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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