Jagged Alliance 3 Build Guide - The Brutal Berserker

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foreign and today we're going to do one of four build guides that I'm going to release each of the guides will include a short and concise description of a build that I have used that has worked exceptionally well I want to share all of them with you and showcase some of the game footage to help you improve your own gameplay and maybe copy some of them today's build will be Igor dolwich our friend from Russia that is going to use a midi only build I call it the brutal Berserker as Igor has killed almost 400 people with that we'll come to the stats in a second let's just look at the equipment real quick it is a melee weapon Igor is wielding the thing I do have sharpened machetes as well but the thing itself gets extreme damage bonus from strength and I've tested it and it's sort of evens out but crits typically tend to be slightly higher with a thing at least for me a secondly it will use a modified R5 shotgun with a shorter barrel for a three AP cost and we'll come to that in a second why that is important and what that helps him he could also as you can see use a couple of grenades as an alternative so the shotgun is really more movement instrument for him to get into melee he uses a specific helmet that you find on the diesel questline called the shyman necrony a helmet that does not reduce any movement it's heavy armor and will allow you to fully count as a light armor in terms of movement he uses in this case Kevlar armor but I've played him over the vast majority of the game in light armor and you will see in a second why so let's move into the actual game and the perks let's look at the statistics Igor has almost killed 400 people there with a build that is a true brutal Berserker so let's take a look at how melee builds particularly melee is a very strong skill in Dragon Alliance 3 it uses dexterity in order to determine whether you hit and it uses strength for the determination of the actual damage that you are dealing so both of these stats should be respectively High it costs a very very low AP knives three AP and machetes 4 AP and you can even use one zoom level so one additional AP to hit the better but typically you're good enough and hitting midi bypasses armor so that in itself is fantastic as knives are not uh caring about the ballistic armor that enemies are having so a lot going for that build but what are the downsides of melee typically you need to get to the enemy and then you are very exposed after attacking so the build does a couple of things in order to deal with it the first skill that you should go in is hit go in for is hit and run and free movement and after melee attack that free movement works with everything but heavy armor so make sure that you are not cladding yourself in heavy armor that in itself should be the first uh skill that you are taking for melee builds afterwards you can either Branch out into full body contact or start the strength uh the strength skills in the strings perks full body contact allows you 15 grit per melee attack which will be your main source of gaining grit grid sticks up to 30 grits so after two hits you are fully kitted out you won't get any more grit than that but 30 temporary hit points are great so these two could be a very solid core for the very first skills and latest then I would suggest turning your eyes to strength is that will now be your main go-to area and the first thing that I would suggest you to do in strengths is going for killing three melee attacks on different targets uh deal 50 up to 50 extra damage based on strength with 100 strength that means you just increase the damage the moment that you are switching your target so after the first kill you just continue to make it worse so you get a free action to move you get a successful temporary hit points and you can move with that free action from enemy to enemy and then even deal more damage sounds broken I wait for it it gets worse than that next up you skill a sudden strike which allows you to ignore interrupt the text this is particularly important starting in the mid game as many of the enemies then will run this Talent here Revenge so when you're dealing a lot of damage Revenge triggers and they will just pump a bit more damage into you mind you that is particularly helpful if you can't one shot an enemy and don't want to get the shotgun into the phase as a retaliation so you want to take uh take this one afterwards you're then in the next iteration going for breach and clear as an additional talent that offers free movement and really what that does is it allows you free movement with anything that is thrown it's not only grenades it's also glow sticks and with shotgun attacks so what you want to do is you want to find yourself a weapon that has only three AP in activation in this case it's my modified Auto 5 gun whenever you find yourself in an open field or far far away from the enemy what you're going to do is you're just going to move closer to the Target then shoot once with the shotgun use the free movement to then move even closer to the Target until you are there switching back to your melee weapon and going to town on the enemy this here is an important Talent just to make sure that you are getting closer it works better With Grenades because with glow sticks because you don't need to switch your weapon you can essentially have them in the second inventory in the second weapon slot without switching them so that conserves overall more AP and allows you to attack more often at the expense of of course more resources that are that are going to go away during that also grenade throwing range increases substantially with strengths so you're actually a pretty solid grenade throwing character with that make sure that your explosive doesn't suck if you want to use grenades regularly otherwise you might throw them under your own feet so it's a fair warning so glow sticks at the beginning of the game will be your best friend moving on to the actual core of the build so once you do have that maybe that for survivability and then you go Killing Spree into sudden strike into breach and clear then we're moving to the core of the build through strike absolute fantastic ability every single miliatek crits automatically and marks the target Mark targets will apply another critical attack in in the next attack action so what that does is you can essentially quick attack Target and even if it doesn't die and is near death someone else can take a shot and um maybe even profit off of it so if you do have for instance someone that has lucky streak they can just take a quick shot score the crit and maybe even get inspired afterwards these are just editions but the the build itself Works absolutely fine so your next attack will then automatically also crit which will make it worse no matter which weapon you're using true strike phenomenal ability pair that in the next level with line breaker after you are killing someone in Point Blank Range that is four fields or lower you are gaining four AP so really what that does is um since machetes cost 4 AP you will get one free machete attack per turn just because you will be killing a lot of enemies so that will just essentially give you four AP for free super strong ability from there on you have a couple of options um I tried fast runner quite a bit with light armoire just to give Igor more movement speed in between the enemies that's fine if you go down that route you might as well want to put in frog leaping so that you're really a fast uh build you are going to be more fragile so if you go uh to with these two you're basically starting in cover maybe even hunker down and then you're charging out hitting the enemy gain uh free uh movement moving in between enemies killing them going back into cover that build definitely works very well however I should say that is a bit more fragile so the other option is going for beefed up and lightning reactions the reason why I would suggest taking those two on a more hardcore-ish run would be beefed up increases your base hit points by 20 and lightning reflex essentially is a get out of jail card for the first time in a combat and you typically won't be hit that much more often if you play it if you play it right so those two would be the defensive option for the build I went for compromise more hit points and then I potentially if I was to build it again would go for lightning reflexes instead of fast runner because I quite frankly speaking had enough movement speed you can always increases a bit further but with the bridge and clear and the auto shotgun Ed really worked out very well and that's it let's jump into some gameplay footage all right let's look at some game footage so we're finding ourselves here in a little bit of a defense Mission and you can immediately see that half of the enemies are taking cover on one side of the map this is a perfect time to use the birth Circle to rot them out Igor uses his free movement at the beginning to get to the first enemy gets inspired strikes them and kills them then uses free movement as you can see Zero AP used begins to hit the second one slashes them nicely for 122 points of damage more free movement to the third one and continues to just get them down and I even have enough free movement to get all the way into that house and to the hunger down character for another 150 points of damage hey look there you have it the um Berserker confirmed Igor dolvich just gets them all down the build is very very good I would say it does not stack very well so having two of these characters in a group might not yield the same results but doesn't even require any ammunition and Igor just did a fantastic job in killing most of the enemies you can see he for the majority of his time was a melee killer 331 enemies killed with it I hope you enjoy uh the brutal Berserker build that I've shown you and see you in one of my other guides take care bye
Channel: Syken Plays
Views: 4,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, syken, jagged alliance 3, jagged alliance, Guide, How to, 10 things I wish I knew, Gaming Guide, Tactical games, strategy games, Best Weapons, Best Perks, Best Mercenaries, Best team composition, How to beat the game, Review, Game Review, Walkthrough, Walkthrough games, JA 3, Tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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