"Thank You for Waiting" Achievement & Mercatum Tabula Officiale Quest - Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader

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in this video I'm going to be your guide much Alik buril through the secret heal Circle specifically the public administration one I'll show you how to obtain the thank you for waiting achievement during Jay's first Quest not the second as the achievement description suggest whether you consider the warehouse Quest as the first one before she becomes your companion the description of a later achievement is incorrect nonetheless let's not dwell on that since it's not that difficult once you know what to do I also guide you through completing the mercum tabula officiali Quest providing you with more valuable information in this video tell me have you ever experienced the dreaded government office waiting you and de sits too close to home J one of my favorite companions perhaps because I've played a very similar role in the andd for years complete with the main of black Air is incredibly useful while she isn't overly specialized she serves as a versatile skill monkey boasting a plethora of useful skills that can be upgraded additionally she falls under the officer class making a highly valuable support asset shortly after she joins your party J Will approach you requesting a formal document that grants her permission to conduct their Affairs essentially she's asking you to transition from a Smuggler to a sanction Dynasty Merchant representative said the trust her this marks the opening of The Quest Marat tabula officiali the first step is to head to the administratum offices on gonos your Capital World here you need to speak to the unyielding ancient lady whether you're a rogue Trader or not filling out the form and in two stamps is non-negotiable while she may indulge you in conversation for lore and flavor don't expect to swear a opinion the old lady at the administratum explained that the seals couldn't be stored together due to some bureaucratic reason and unfortunately the second one has been lost now let's inquire with clemena our Stuart on gonos to see if she has any information about the missing seal this part is somewhat optional but can provide insight into where to search for the seal naturally ja will already be pastoring her during this dialogue you'll discover two options either find another seal in Winter scales domain one of the other Rog Traders or attemp to acquire a fake one from a shady Merchant I'll guide you through obtaining both options if you recall and visited Janos before the gonos you may remember encountering an administratum representative on your agry word Janos is located in the Telos Epsilon system so let's head there and inquire with him you'll find him in the Square near the statue Follow My Lead ask him about the seal be prepared as J will likely nag him a little bit before he places the stamp on your document brace yourself she's going to be like this for a while we can find one seal in the Adat the second system specifically at the recers recers the scavenger on the broken ship however it's worth noting that this might be a bit misleading you won't encounter a shitty Merchant with the fix seal but rather a group of scavengers who have come across a warn one whether legitimate or not remains uncertain upon entering you'll be greeted by them and their leader can be found in the large room on the right treat her with courtesy and inquire about the seal it seems our intuition was right huh right out of the blue another worn seal can be found in the nameless star system specifically on the planet reminiscent of Fallout where the ancient bunker is situated upon Landing you'll immediately begin taking damage from the radioactive atmosphere enter the bunker and head to your left the first door or on your left you'll discover the seal while you can continue exploring the bunker and the ventilation system to mitigate damage such details are be on the scope of this video now back on the gonos head to the administratum you'll find only two worn seals in your inventory because the first stamp has been directly placed on the form by the administrator guy or just one if you didn't acquire both seals speak with the lady and she'll Grant you access to the public administration circle of hell there you can unlock the achievement thank you for waiting request is simple wait in line without skipping it however Jay will nag you relentlessly into her character and the dialog options may not always be clear that's the game start with the noble response if I'm must Q then Q I shall then click on the interaction icon take your place in the queue J will begin to be sarcastic but choose to wait patiently this is all to deal as the que moves slightly forward J Will lament about it stay firm and reminder do not forget you are the reason we are here do not falter despite the tempting option presented choose I want to consider everything again then opt to wait patiently once more continue to [Music] wait as time passes not only Jay but other companions will also nag you about the waiting remain patient keep waiting finally after what feels like 3 days your ticket will be called approach the clerk only to find out that one of the stamps has expired who knew they had an expiration date return to the old lady to have a new stamp placed this will unlock the achievement thank you for waiting back to the queue again choose the options that fit your roleplay and enjoy the experience if you found the video helpful please like And subscribe to the channel to help with the algorithm remember to take care of yourself bye
Channel: Avrengost Games
Views: 267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer40k, roguetrader, guides
Id: XlCfvPNz19I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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