Jaclyn Smith Iconic Haircut Full Tutorial by Coach Kimmy

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hey guys coach Kimmy here I'm Kim kidney but known as coach Kimmy and this is Dawn so we're excited wait until you see her hair whoa look at that hair so we are gonna do two Butterfly Effects now listen I like to keep it simple like really simple and I love what Einstein says he says keep life as simple as possible but not simpler what does that mean that means it's sometimes really hard to make things simple so keep it simple and I want you to know this haircut that I'm going to teach you is simple simple keep it simple I'm going to give you the outline of it first listen you're gonna literally divide it in the back okay and we're not gonna really go to her part we're going to do the part in the top but not for the back okay we're going to kind of divide it right in the back and the basic line is all of this hair is going to come forward and then we're gonna do an angle going down all the way down coming here see this is going to be on an angle we're going to cut that all the way down so I want to show you that one first but really we're going to do the Jaclyn Smith haircut but this is a great one to do before you go like extreme change and um right here too this is all gonna literally come forward come forward and I'm gonna literally take my scissor and I'm gonna all the way down to whatever her length wants to be and that is the haircut the butterfly haircut I will do it in sections but I want to um ask on so don't what means you want to make the change just tired of long straggly hair it always ends up in a ponytail and I'm just ready for a fresh new look yay so this is the look that she really wants this is what we're going to do after but since I have you guys here I figure let me teach you both of them this is and the this is a lot more layers this is what we're really going for the second haircut Jaclyn Smith okay so guys I just want to read to you what is a hairpist um it's a scissor wielding Miracle working creative genius who touches more Hearts than hair they're kind of a big deal listen hair stylist you rock guys and if you're not a hair stylist yet and you're doing your hair at home become one it's worth it all right so I'm gonna start Dawn now and I really believe in Balance too so I'm going to take this first section foreign and I'm going to really do a dry cut on her first for this haircut and I'll probably just curl it with the Chrome iron and then we're going to go on this side we're going to clip these two up and now I need my nice strong scissor I have a really big one a big boy look at this baby long but with hair like hers we want it so we're going to start probably to her lip just so I could show you a longer one and basically where her nose is you have to stand in front of her and you need to you need to start cutting going down down down down down down down down down and look at that softness already just around her face look at the difference this is one length and then this has softness here beautiful I'm going to take the and basically when you dry it it will give you when you flip this back you could have this go forward I'm doing a very rough version of it just to give you an idea okay now you can see the next section go down we really want to keep that angle beautiful coming down cascading balance balance balance now we're grabbing all that hair and we're bringing it to the front and you're going to kind of do it where it lives and look at that's my guide right there okay okay now I'm going to do the next thought get that old hair off and basically she said I could do whatever I wanted and you're going to always look at hair you want to use your imagination I'm big on imagination because I need hair right here to be a little bit more see that and then I have to cut this off you could exactly see what needs to be done always look at the hair don't just do a haircut because somebody teaches you a haircut look at it say what does it need it needs it right here I need a little bit more so I'm going to come on top I'm going to use the inner part of my scissor go all the way down and I am going to cut more of this off for her next haircut and I want to soften that hair now look at the difference this is just one length doesn't have any shape right and you could already see how nice and clean this hair is now I will layer this for the next haircut but really you don't have to layer this or if you wanted to lift this up and layer it a little bit more you could depends on what you want to do let me do the other side but you see how simple it is it's such a nice simple haircut now I need to take a piece from the top and marry it together with the other one I'm going to come down my scissors are going down now I'm going to go right where that last piece was go down okay now I take the next section and remember her nose is my guide I'm going to go behind just Cascade it going down Cascade it going down look at how pretty it's going to start falling already but look it's a little drag right there see that so I need to go in front of it and just do a little more right there right there right there nice okay now I like that better this will feather back this will lift up so pretty and nice now we're coming in and we're going to get the bottom and then we're going to bring the rest of that hair and look at where her last layer was on this side too right so now I just have to get the back of the bottom and then that's one really really easy haircut okay now I'm going to bring it all forward now I'm going to just match that just keep going down down down down Cascade it Cascade it and you could look it to your hair that's in your hand to see how pretty it's falling into place you know it's like a beautiful Cascade okay now I gotta go here in front of your finger let your fingers be your guys you're pushing down pushing down I'm gonna get that dry stuff off and then you look at it check it check it check it because she's got a lot more hair on this side right but you just start etching it out and look at it and I probably just want to turn her head a little a little bit tilt it make sure I got enough layer in there see it's right here that that layer is too thick it's too Square [Music] so often it you're softening so it becomes softer there we go you see how we took that piece off now look there's still a little piece right here see how nice and cascading this it's right here so you look at where that piece is you grab it like right there there okay let me see now much much better where you can see it you can grab pieces whatever it takes to get it there I know now I want to show you something really important this is a really easy haircut to check I'm going to take this whole top and we want to bring it up it should be on an angle like this those layers come down like this once we push it back it should literally Cascade and go down I want to show you how to check it you got to check the back too now we look at the back for sure you can see how uneven that is right I like to keep it soft so we're going to just start doing real soft Point cutting and look at this too now this is important too you're going to comb it so you can really see it balance see here and then it's coming up coming up coming here and going up perfect that's what you're looking for right you're looking for that balance now think that's perfect you want to balance right now I'm gonna show you to check it okay take this whole thing sideways I'm going to keep you sideways so you can see it it's really going to be yeah see how it just kind of cascade now I'm gonna let part of that out and I'm leaving it dry just because of um you know the other haircut is really what I want to teach too see how those angles are just beautifully cascading that's what you want and then you can check the whole thing that way bring it all up and you do it literally the whole side okay yeah beautiful that's what I want just to be soft now I'm gonna do this side check it and the back I already checked that's not really going to have layers they're going to be lower see that nice cascading perfect that's it and then we can look at this foam back this won't be a huge change for her but if she didn't want a huge change this is what I would do to her first I would definitely do this haircut first now I'm going to just quickly curl it for time's sake just so that you can really see the butterfly effect ively long layers so [Music] I'll take our first piece I'm just gonna you can get all those pretty little pieces now this is for really long hair but we're cutting a lot of this off and I'll show you now this would be on somebody with long long hair that's kind of afraid that doesn't want a lot but wants a little of something her next one I'm gonna show you too what what it would really look like more Butterfly Effect listen you basically would take this closer you wouldn't really come out more because the longer somebody wants length you're going to come out more and not make it so close here if we wanted it all to be like this we're going to make it shorter so that you can have that little wave that little tiny butterfly effect that it like is a wing pretty tendrils now I'll do it on the other side and just kind of slide that hair foreign oh my gosh it's so pretty how long have you not had a haircut in Dawn a year and a half to two years whoa too long so a little bit more here listen one thing I'd love to say is keep it real guys listen there's no such thing as perfect you want everything balanced keep life fun You Gotta Laugh it's scary sometimes life could be scary but you just gotta push through it and get to the other side a face fear and do it anyway look how pretty and then I'll do one more over here and then we're gonna go wash her and then we're gonna really show you the great Jaclyn Smith haircut super fun now she's gonna get a lot cut off just saying but she's all in she's only we do some affirmations here too just saying so my customers are my chair I give them a lot more than just a haircut beautiful so Dawn affirmations what do you think about great affirmations I am enough I have always been enough and I have always been enough okay listen you gotta help pour into them too Carl Jung says from 1920s a Swiss psychiatrist says You must go within or else you'll go without I live I love to give my customers Beauty on the outside but beauty on the inside too and we got to take care of our health our emotional mind our mental mind our physical mind and everything else what about this one I'm a winner and I have always been a winner and I will always be a winner your winner guys remember that these are good things to say every day every day in every way you're getting stronger and stronger and stronger and better and better and better remember you're gonna practice this is such a simple haircut now let's go wash her I want to teach you one more thing I learned about pH your hair State should always be 4.5 to 5.5 so it never is dry now she doesn't really have color in her hair so it's not a big concern but this is sun right Don this is all Sun so we still want to keep her hair ph balanced so we're gonna show you in the back come with us come on back we're gonna wash her foreign see that weightless shampoo 4.5 5.5 sulfate free this is excellent excellent shampoo when I learned about all this pH stuff that always keep the hairpiece color and highlights and all the pollution and stuff in this world kind of puts damage in our hair and the sun even can damage the hair so if you get it back to that 4.5 you're good color and all the other things that damage the hair are 10 to 11 Peach and shampoos could be at eight feet if they don't have it on the bottle so always find get them on the bottle and you could always come to modern techniques and get them on the Bottle too you could buy them from here because we love them so much they're our new products all right so we're gonna put her back her hair is light I want lightweight shampoo all right so gotta get it warm first [Music] it's almost a little cold all right okay now an important thing too that I didn't really talk about much I want to do like a scoop and a half consultation now I had a consultation with her before but I figured I'd tell you when um you know we were washing our hair to like like kind of have some no space time you know or awkward time um you need to ask them the consultation is the most important part you need to make sure that you're finding pictures of what they like what they want she knew I knew what she wanted was she said Kimmy I want to be the model for the Jaclyn Smith haircut and I was like all right cool that that'll be great now I knew that now had she not told me that I wouldn't know that and I would have to find out does she like her hair long is she gonna do her hair is she not I need to know where am I where does she want to go where am I with her haircut where where is her haircut at where does she want to go and then get a road map to think of how to do it now um I have all the pictures that I pre-made too for this beach ball haircut that I want to show you pour this Butterfly Effect now this is going to be called a lot of butterfly effect because it's layers everywhere [Music] gonna use cool water to close the cuticle [Applause] [Music] I'm just going to use a little conditioner I don't really want it at her root of root is so healthy her hair is gorgeous do one pump get it on the ends take the mid to the ends get it on those ends work it through that hair [Music] and then I'm going to definitely use cool water to close the cuticle down [Music] and it's very refreshing to them foreign [Music] [Music] and they said to leave a tiny bit of conditioner still in there because it keeps the pH even better especially with the Sun so she's going to be out in the sun I would definitely have her um need a little extra that conditioner in or puts a leave-in conditioner before the sun right now we're going to towel dry that all right you ready Miss Dawn yep here we go now guys don't forget this is the haircut we're doing so we're going we're going for it guys we're jumping off the building and growing our wings on the way down but I have a map already for it it's in my brain um because I've done it for so long right I'll show you real quick we're gonna have the real one we'll post it like on another video but this way you can see it it's basically you're gonna have you're gonna have her crown that's going to be your um guide so you always have the guide and then you have a beach ball so that's what I want you to learn is the pattern when you learn a pattern you begin to become so efficient so quick at what you do and that's basically what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the haircut quick I'm not gonna like just explain everything because I'll explain it to another time but I just want to do the haircut and really help you understand and see where the sections are okay now another thing I do is use your imagination oh you know what we should have a timeout we needed Dawn this is going to be good for you the camera Chris is our camera guy he needs a shot too we need health and nutrition you guys ready let's have a Power Shot Chris this is for you all right hold on let's get let's get power here good good good all right now we just gave our physical energy good nice all right this is my Miracle brush love this brush and I'm gonna put a little bit of conditioner in there and this is pH again 4.5 5.5 these products are my favorite [Applause] and I will start with her front I'm going to start with an angle I want to get that angle in there really good and then I could do their hair long if they want but hers I'm definitely going to bring up because I really want it to be different in a style side of my head is this haircut is going to come out awesome everything goes in my favorite Miracle after Miracle Wonder after Wonder comes to me every single day in every single way I'm not kidding you it's in my brain so I'm doing haircuts too I'm just thanking God for how great it's going to come out and how beautiful and of course I practiced for many years doing the haircut so I want to find out where do I want this to go now she's got nice bangs in there and I really want to make it like this haircut I am going to take that right at her now look at see that cowlick if I pull it down you got to make sure you do not pull this down if I pull this down and I cut it here guess where that guy it's going right here she's gonna have bangs up here we're gonna go down lower like her nose you can always make them shorter now I'm going to just cut into the lid I want them soft a lot of people hate they do not know how to do bangs and people come to me they're like Kenny people do not know how to do bangs now I'm gonna really go I'm angling this a little bit by her eyebrow look at her eyebrow arch that's where my fingers are going see how nice that's gonna be already okay there we go now we're taking the next section so I'm just doing the outline now and then I'll do the layers after now look at I'm going to get behind this layer and I'm going to be going down down down down down way more than I did before now I'm taking the next section now I'm combing this not straight down because I want more layers so I'm really I could call this even all forward if I wanted to to even have more but I'm going to actually do it in the middle now I have a plan of the whole haircut in my mind now think of a ship on an ocean with no destination or Port you need a destination when you're cutting hair you need to know what is the map that you're going to do to get the haircut that you're looking for so learn patterns it's almost like people that know how to play music but they don't know how to read it listen learn how to read uh you know a pattern for hair you could do it as soon as tons of patterns which will be great if you're a precisionist now I'm going to get this end I'm gonna go because I am going to keep some of her length but I'll probably take a lot off too so I'm not sure I'm just going to kind of see how it like balances the most I'm always using my imagination the whole entire haircut see look at that little piece to that that is a small thing but let me tell you it makes a difference get that thing right there make its Cascade down so it's more PC around her face now this is going to determine whether I want extra layers here or not but I think I do remember I'm always thinking when I'm doing a haircut don't ever go on autopilot think about what you're doing and why you're doing it I want more that's why I have to do more I wasn't going to but you changed directions quick when you say oh you know what it's it's like yeah now now you're gonna start seeing beautiful pieces cascading this is gonna look great see it now I gotta get that piece right there the next and now I'm taking that whole back just like I did the first one right but I'm just doing a lot more hair so you could redo this one any length you want but now but then I'm going to layer it with the beach ball effect okay now I'm gonna get the other side take this section and kind of way tighter my fingers are getting in there I'm going down I'm seeing my fingers do my guide and look see how nice that'll be I'm a firm believer a positive thought and a positive emotion will always equal a positive result so we want a positive result we want to be talking about positive things in our chair with our customers positive things right how good life can be instead of all the gossip instead of all the things going on in the world that just bring people fear and anxiety and stress let's bring happiness to one another bring happiness to our clients to each other okay look at how much different even if I just angled her hair if I just did that it would make a big difference too I am going to layer it though too but I want you to know this would be another a different haircut with just a lot more angles and then the rest is all one length now we're going to layer okay now I got that all set that was my road map for her front now I need the road map for the back section one I'll get that out of here if you're new and you're doing this you can hold that with a clip I don't need to okay now I'm gonna go short listen that Jacqueline Smith short shorty so I'm going to look at where this is going to fall don't just cut it look where is it going to fall so look I would take my finger and go okay it's gonna fall right there now I have to make sure that this layer can come down right to there perfect it's exactly where I'm going to start it my fingers are not this way do not go to the Head shape you're turning them up you're going up like a V right if I put in a little piece here it'd look like a V this part right here especially this part most important part make it a v okay now I'm going to take half of that out take the next piece take the next part out okay good now I'm going to take Section number two I'm going to marry it with part of section number one it's going to stay in the middle of both here we go fingers are on a v I do it where it lives now I'm gonna go now listen she even though she has a lot of hair look at how nice and curly that hair is look at the difference already she's got magnificent hair magnificent yay all right guys let me see right here now we're going the next section look get that guide you gotta find that guy it's right there take half of it and put it away always do it where it lives but make sure you always see the guide there it is right there okay get half of it out do the next part straight out 90 degree angle with a little bit so it's not exactly straight out but I want to teach you something this is a real quick little trick if they need more layers here if it's looking too belly on the bottom like this Bell do you ever see the bell I hate the bell I don't like the Bell but if their hair sometimes they have like a thick bottom you want to pull that straight out to a 90 degree angle and just get that bottom more layered you can still do everything else on the top of the seam but that bottom needs more hers doesn't she doesn't have thick hair on the bottom so let's remember everything is relative I'm teaching you something and when I taught my own hair in that mirror somebody was like did side by side by me but she had just a top piece and she did something wrong so you're watching this I want you to know you pulled your fingers straight up and you cut that hair there I pulled my fingers this way and I was holding it tight and then I turned it that way and cut it but my angle is really this way just so you know because I wanted to tell you that but I didn't know how to answer the tick tock so some of them I do but this one I I don't know how I found it okay and I want to teach you how to check that see how easy it is to find that guide even if you got lost it's just real easy to find the guide went to her side all right so I see the guy there I'm just gonna freehand and do it I'm doing layers it's okay it doesn't have to be perfect better done than perfect it does not have to be perfect layers are texture and fun I don't want to put a ton of um I want to say um softness on her ends because her hair is fine she's got really fine hair but I will put notching in that hair you have to know as a hairstylist to feel hair you have to know does it need notching when somebody's got lots of hair they need notching I need notching for my hair you've seen me do it she doesn't her hair is so fine and she has a medium amount of it right so now I'm one section that was section one section two two three three now I'm on section four coming straight down now it's going to look like a bit here we go all right now can you see that guide see that guide right there it's like right there right there if you can't see it through then don't do it until you can then I have to take less hair you take less hair I see the guide but just in case you don't you cannot do there you go there's your guide okay cut it cut it cut it take that off that off next one hmm and go a little thinner there we go this is a fun haircut because she had such long hair I love challenges I love to create remember be that heropist here we go and sometimes I even make them lift the weight when they're in the chair if they need some exercise or make them hold brushes when I curl when I brush their hair so I will make her hold some brushes I like to have fun with people have fun laugh all right look see right there now this is this is her front look at where I'm at her bang I already did I don't really necessarily this is the piece right behind her now I want to take it down I want to check this part it looks great now I could pull this forward and see if that angle looks good it looks good to me love it okay so now look at this side oh my gosh she has got such beautiful beautiful hair I mean that is gorgeous that looks like a body wave see I have to get a perm I gotta perm in my hair I did videotape how I did my hair today because I left it curly last night and then I put um I slept on it with conditioner and a little bit of curl cream and then I guess I want to make a little soft just in that one spot um then I just went to sleep with and then this morning I just curled it get that off get that off so here we go now look at you see that little tiny V because this is going to be this side that side goes that way it should be a little V and now I'm going to teach you how to check the haircut you need to check it oh my gosh it's so good yay I'm just gonna do a little you want to match the other side this is a little less hairy over there all right I'm going to check it Forward too I'm just gonna take that forward and see I just need a little bit more right there I've seen it perfect right there all right now let me teach you how to check this haircut I'm gonna literally take it this whole Crown but I want you to look at how good and cascading it looks see how beautiful all that beautiful Cascade and it's like a point on the bottom you can cut that off if you want it to be thicker right which I definitely do just so you know I definitely do so I'm gonna literally just cut it a little bit more remember what we did before you look at it all right I just want to balance it doesn't need to be perfect but now I need to just turn her this way I need to there we go that's too wispy I want it thicker so we're gonna okay now I'm just going around it one more time because she's got lots of layers Jack and Smith I'm a little stronger I keep pulling this hair up yeah it's getting more and more love it love it love it okay now we're gonna do this side I want to go around her I don't want a square on the bottom I push her head over and now I'm going around her okay we got lots of people on here yay ask questions we're not going to answer them now but we will when we go back through the video just so you guys know now I want to notch her because this this hair has volume it has a little bit of you know she's got some nice texture in that hair and volume all right so I want to show you how to do that okay oh wait I didn't show you how I'm sorry I didn't show you the um how to check it right here we're gonna check it take a spot I'm gonna go this way and this will show you if you're on balance or not okay I have a little bit right there see that there we go and then you could take the next section just bring it straight up and look here we go see you could see that I was it's this side but that's how you know to get it all even and perfect now that's perfect okay now I'm going to take her side I'm gonna check this pull it straight up now watch we should be on that nice beautiful angle I just want that right there pull this whole thing up nice I'm gonna get that back up too here we go that little tiny piece that angle should be like this beautiful angle to her bangs and her bangs will be even shorter so like like we want to really go here look at this I need to get this extra jag off see her bangs I need that off right there I'm going to take the next section check it there we go now that would have definitely been a little like I want to I call them drags I call them like a drag because if you have a really great layer right there that's all extra hair that needs to come off the layer will be nicer you'll have it Fuller there we go get that off yep now I'm going to take the whole side up right there that little drag now I'm going to take the whole half back side up marry it with the front nice seats perfect good it's already there after you learn this haircut and you really Master it it's very simple it's so simple I could do it with my eyes closed and I could not think about it but I still think about it anyway because if I want something extra more because everybody's different but it will become autopilot free and it will become a lot easier to do it and she just has stunningly beautiful hair uh the salon's modern techniques in Shrewsbury and it's with a Tek um modern techniques t-e-k-n-i-q-u-e-s and look this is our tag logo we love to give you beautiful hair it's our favorite thing to do okay so now I'm going to teach you how to texture the top like right I love fullness on my top so let me take you over here and I'll show you my little knot this is important now listen you want a pretty sharp scissor this one is not quite as sharp on the tip so for somebody just starting out I wouldn't use these I'll show you what I would use I would use my baby scissors hold on if I can find them hold on [Music] um okay these are perfect see that point see how pointy they are you want to nip you're literally taking little tiny nips now why do you take that little tiny nip because if you put down this thing these fingers this hair will hold up on these other little pieces right so we could do it this way too no we don't do that I'm kidding I'm just kidding you just gotta laugh a little bit guys come on it's stressful a little bit all right so and I could go shorter with this remember what I do with my own hair I feel like I might want to go a little shorter with her crown but I'm just going to teach you how to notch first don't you see that Ben you don't do it at the bend you do it after the bend just little tiny pieces you're not doing in that spot you're doing the spots that are thicker just so the hair has something to hold it up a little bit right yeah that piece now I want to do a little bit more here because this is a little shorter look at the bend I'm going to go over the bend I wanted to hold because she's got her hair wants to go flat it's it's very fine but a lot of it that it will be weighed down I am going to actually go a little bit more here in some places I will I won't do all of the haircut that way that's where you got to think about what you're doing and why you want it so I want it definitely a little bit here too little tiny pieces okay now look at it falling oh my gosh it looks so good now thank God I cut her uh bang lower you see how it popped up that little calic right there is going to want to do what it wants but that looks good if she wears this curly forget she's gonna love it for the summer love love love all right now look at you always have to check this too grab that back check these are they even look it's a little bit longer right here so again you pull it pull it pull it pull it okay I need to make sure this matches that right there good she's good all right I'm gonna show you what I did on my hair now because I want more right here for her so now we're going to put the camera over her so it's going to be a diamond shape that piece this piece yeah and then I'm going to come in the back I'm going to bring it to the back too it doesn't have to be perfect I always say better done than perfect okay now I'm just gonna angle a little bit more this is the angle now listen what I did in the mirror was I turned it this way and cut it but I still held that really good but the angle was this way so that girl that cut her hair make sure it's this way not this way I just cut it that way and I want it Fuller here that's the only reason why I'm doing that Fuller there a little bit a little bit I'm going to take it this way get some more of that weight off that hair because we want volume here oh yeah yeah it's gonna be great all right now we're gonna blow dry hair super excited I can leave her curly too um I love our new products these are also 4.4 4.5 so they keep the hair really moist now her hair is really healthy she does have a little sun damage but not much so I'm going to use a little and then I want to use salt spray with that all right so I'm gonna tap tap tap and I I really want more of the moisture down here and then I'm going to put some volume gel on her top because I want the moisture on the bottom and then volume gel on her top that is the size of a lemon drop actually looks like a lemon drop okay I'm gonna tap tap tap I really want fullness in here I really want fullness in her bangs to make them go the way I want if you don't put product in hair it's not going to really do what you want to do unless you have exceptionally gray hair most people need product I always need product on my hair to get it to do what I want but it will and that's the goal all right now I'm going to spray the salt spray and her top now remember I like shortcuts we're going to do shortcuts I flip her upside down dry it 95 percent save your arm guys save your shoulders I had to get a shot at my shoulder when I was younger because just blow dry their hair from like wet to dry it's too too much on the body you gotta take care of your health when you're a hair stylist you got to make sure you're standing right shoulders are up get that butt in that pelvis forward so you're standing correctly if you don't stand right you can't cut the hair right either but you will affect your body later growing up it might not affect you right now but trust me 10 years from now it will so because we want maximum volume I'm going to flip her over and literally dry the hair in the direction I want it to go her hair when we're done should look like a wish it should be so full and be already in place save time don't just do it the hard way go simple remember Einstein said keep life as simple as possible all right here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] probably this is probably all she'll have to do for herself I'm sorry I am throwing this haircut and I'm almost using my fingers like a brush right life so much easier my body's not killing me my arm is not killing me I know she wants volume if she don't want volume you do it down let's keep on calling you do it this way foreign [Music] effect because of all the wings but I'm gonna do it with a brush now but it should fall because look how much is falling into space already right she's got gray hair oh my gosh this is ideal here I'm going to tell you [Applause] oh my God it looks so good look at how pretty she looks look at that beautiful bang oh my God I love it I'm in love all right so should we do a weight right now oh let's do some exercises real quick you want to just get some good exercise you need some energy after all this time sitting sure all right listen I'm going to give you a weight to do it for your head there you go all right she's gonna do some weights and I'm gonna do some squats all right okay so one two three oh the camera guy you got to do it too mister come on let's go keep the body full of energy full of energy we gotta get our energy going guys you got to take care of these bodies don't forget you matter all right good got a little energy going now keep it real guys keep it fun okay now we're going to take this Mohawk down right here and I'm gonna hold this up because I want some power in this hair the bigger the brush the straighter the hair the smaller the brush the more curl [Music] all right all right now we're gonna give you more there we go you got to keep up with their muscles guys can you help them stay healthy and well your customers they need it too will do [Applause] foreign okay another Secret is where you get to see also if you didn't check your haircut if it's uneven because that this brush hold this one down this brush shows you that hair see that right there that shows you that that guideline is perfect when you're rolling that hair now watch how pretty this comes out but if it's uneven You're Gonna Know see how it should hold up beautiful you want to go underneath get it now she's dry already I'm just setting that here now all right and look at how pretty that hair is setting it'll just fall out beautiful [Music] I'm gonna go on top this is important you gotta over direct this forward Pull It Forward Pull It Forward over direct that hand now don't do this if you don't know how to do it that hair has to be so wrapped around that so wonderfully that there's not one piece of hair hanging out and then you can cool it off because it that's what a roller does if you heat if you put electric rollers in her blossom in her hair if you didn't have time you just want to do it real quick when your hair is dry it'd be so pretty too it'd be the same effect of what we're doing now but this cools off that brush so that it will hold it better so that's why I like to just do that back real quick so because people ask me why I do it this is the one back that I'm bringing it Forward following it back bring It Forward pull it off [Applause] I want to use a smaller one I just look how pretty this back is see all those beautiful beautiful Butterfly Effects all those wings so pretty gorgeous she's got just beautiful hair all right now her front I'm gonna bring all this forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the whole Mohawk is done easy peasy guys this haircut literally could take a half an hour I book half an hour appointments but it's because I learned it so well it's so much easier okay here we go I'm gonna use this smaller brush for the sides [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] now I'm gonna marry a piece because her hair is a little longer there I'm just gonna like twist it turn it all right and that'll look really pretty too it's just a a beach wave but I'm going to flip that over and then I'm gonna do this piece too I could do this piece two ways I could bring this forward and you're always looking to see what do you think would look better bring this forward wrap it spin it pull wrap it spin it pull that would be like a beach wave going back or I could literally bring this forward and face frame her face and have a piece coming down I would probably cut it a little bit more too if I wanted more angle there but I don't because she doesn't you know she'll be putting her hair back too and this will look phenomenal if she puts it back too [Applause] it goes in get those ends get those ends [Applause] okay now I'm just going to take this last piece under here [Applause] [Laughter] okay so pretty see all that and then just look and see if you want to change anything I want to change this curl here [Applause] and guys look at your work look at what you're doing see how it looks or something's like doesn't look the way you want it to look just redo it do do it again right like so if the curls are not all go I want these curls to go this way and these to go this way so I'm going to pull this because look at look at how it's going it's kind of going the same direction under but I really want this to flip this way and this one is flipping this way already right so I just need to do it a little bit more just pick it up [Applause] right and then I could just do this one then [Applause] how beautiful that looks already right so pretty you pull that up get underneath and the best part is her hair is so dry this metal brush and you gotta have a good metal is actually setting the hair so it's so much quicker and easier foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wow it looks so good Dawn I love it I love it and love it with that hair and just kind of go through and you know what guys let's just say if it was too curly for her I just you know what I I want you to always remember about being a hair stylist it's never done until they're walking out so you could do anything and you can change it sometimes I think people get so upset because they're like oh it's too curly and so easy to undo it right so if that's too curly take your fingers throw it out a little listen the heat will make it less [Applause] and you don't want it curly want it less curly we blow dry it just so you know so easy peasy I don't want to give a run I want to show you guys how beautiful and I want to do her bang a little bit more like right here is one spot I didn't do so I'm gonna do it but you can see it see that little piece right there but look how pretty all these pretty layers gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous and go under a little I want that piece to like and you could also turn it down low if you need to be beautiful all right so so we're gonna she's gonna come right back you wanna um hold on and I want to teach you to show you about my book all right guys so secrets of a great therapist so I didn't really share exactly what was in that book because it's just the lessons I've learned along the way but what I've learned is my failures were the best thing for me because it taught me what not to do the next time so the first five stories are my nightmare stories and I was gonna put that instead of saying lessons I've learned along the way I was going to say my nightmare stories because as a hair stylist fear could strike you and I like to say fear false evidence appearing real a lot of times it's in here we need to unlock and unleash our power by belief to know you can I love Henry Ford saying if you think you can or you think you can't you're right so you have to know that you could be a great incredible stylist yes you're going to make mistakes yes you're human it's a part of the process I love Sarah Blakely she's so down to Earth but she's a multi-billionaire and she said that her dad taught her you can get this on Amazon her dad told her that every time that she came home he would say what'd you fail at today and she said I fail that cheerleading and it was terrible and I stunk and I bombed and he's like good girl high five what'd you learn out of it and then she said I got a best friend that day and she said it really taught her that she never was fearful or afraid to keep pushing forward keep pushing forward keep pushing forward now the lessons in here people said you didn't really do that did you I did but see I wouldn't be here today if I didn't make those mistakes and learn from them because you have to take ex like your mistakes and use it as evaluated experience you want to evaluate like okay what could I have done different my first story like I it's called um the SHINee O'Connor look because I burnt her hair a lot but you gotta read the story so you'll know and it was scary and I cried and I never want to do hair again but you have to realize that the part of life is to make mistakes and it's to fail forward to know that you are worthy of more you're enough you've always been enough you'll always be enough your whole entire life and I'm a big believer in metaphysics and what is metaphysics and simple Layman standards is basically the Unseen forces that govern this world again like gravity gravity is totally in this whole entire world governing the world you just don't see it but the same thing goes for even God God is always for you and never against you we always want somebody in our Corner through this difficult and hard life at times so I just want you to remember that you have mental faculties that you can learn to change through affirmations through healthy living and well-being eating healthy taking care of your body taking care of your mind taking care of your spiritual mind too that's when you know you pray you ask God and trust me I have such a good strong relationship God he's my best friend I talk to him 24 7. who don't want a 24 7 therapist at your fingertips at all times we all need it right because the world doesn't serve you and our subconscious mind doesn't serve us either so that's something important to remember too that subconscious mind has so many old bad belief systems in it whether you think it or not it's true just like you could say oh I don't believe in gravity well if you jump off the building whether you're a good person or a bad person you're going to Splat to the ground and you're going to die so whether you believe it or not doesn't mean it's not true just because you don't see it so I hope that you guys enjoy my the secrets of a therapist and I did write my life story and I did have a tough terrible childhood that's over here let me show you tragic Beginnings the fairy tale endings and uh it's not out yet it's almost done but I will tell you that I lived as a victim for a long time I felt so bad for myself because this situation and how I grew up and I struggled for years and years and years the last seven years was when I changed because I learned about growth mindset I learned about metaphysics I learned that my word was my wand that I could change my thinking that I can change feeling sorry for myself and I could have power and I could live my life in success and not regret and sadness and now I live in abundance because there's so much for you and I love this definition of God God was neither created nor destroyed he's a cause and effect of himself and he's a hundred percent equally present in all places at the same time he is always forced and never against us so this is going to be a lot about my relationship that I found God and how did I change and how did I grow and what it was really like for me growing up in that really toxic unhealthy I want to say dysfunctional relationship with my parents so those are my books it's not out yet it should be out like a month or two but I just wanted to share that with you and I'm so excited for you to see Dawn our final product she's just getting ready to see her beautiful transformation that was a good transformation everyone wants to see results I all the results she's coming she's just changing real quick putting on her makeup you know these good things take the little time he's coming out hold on all right now we're gonna let her sit look at this beautiful love love love love here we go guys now you could do a little spin around what do you think about this hair I love it okay different gorgeous by Jacqueline Smith a double you enjoyed this thank you so much for being in an incredible model thank you thank you do you get to look in the mirror yet no come here you gotta look in that mirror how do you look gorgeous wow what a difference wow I love it beautiful beautiful all right guys stay tuned for more oh and I want to ask you guys hold on Dawn this is the next thing that we want to do for you highlights could you imagine highlighting that stuff we do shimmery pieces in there but I also do a highlighting pattern and I teach you patterns and highlights so I want to know if anybody out there would like me to do this class another time not now but I just want to let you know that I have that and she'd be a perfect model for Shimmer Lights teach you how to do Shimmer Lights in that beautiful stunning hair alright guys stay tuned have a great day we have a few questions oh yeah some questions also this whole session everyone's asking where'd you get that dress I got it from Dolores who is kind of like a mother grandmother to me and she was a customer in my chair that's why you're a therapist um and she gave me a whole bunch of clothes so it was from her daughter so I will find out where she got it she just gave me tons of bags of beautiful clothes and I get the blessing of it see Miracle after Miracle Wonder after Wonder comes to you every single day in every single way you see that I didn't even have to I it just came to me anything else and then another one everyone's asking how to book an appointment and where are you so we're modern techniques and Shrewsbury 661 New Jersey Street New Jersey oh 7702 and the phone number is 732-758-0011 we would love to give you beautiful hair all right guys so we're gonna wrap it up and we'll you'll see more of my tick tocks anyway so say bye to everybody bye God bless you guys love you all
Channel: Coach Kimmy
Views: 282,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaclyn Smith Iconic Haircut Full Tutorial, coach kimmy, salon owner life, stylist mentor, life coaching, stylish kimmy, coach kimmy journey, jaclyn smith haircut tutorial, iconic hairstyles, timeless beauty, classic elegance, coach kimmy hair tutorial, jaclyn smith hairstyle breakdown, vintage hair inspiration, celebrity hair transformations, step-by-step haircut, layered haircut techniques, styling iconic hairstyles, vintage hollywood hair, glamorous haircut tutorial, salon
Id: Esgzw0BSk7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 40sec (4360 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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