Honorable Judge Julie
Taylor is presiding. There'll be absolutely no talkig while court is in session.
Defendants, raise your right hand to the bef your ability to be sworn
in by the clerk each of you saw me swear from to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but choose to help . God, please. That's not
loud. What
I do. You may be seated where they mu. All right. Thank you,
everyone. Taylor, I'm a county court
judge and
I'm here to handle your first appearance. I do have a few cases to call of order on the 2:00 o'clock calenr #11 Christopher Brown was returd to jurisdiction on May. Well, I don't know what date
he was returned. I think it was May 5th of 23 and then #12 Christopher Eccles was also returned to jurisdiction, but I don't have a date on that. Let me call Larino stand and we have Mr. Span in the courtroom. Judge the record time of dates and half of the Reno span. Just hold on one second. Mr. Span, your attorney is here in the courtroom with me. If at anytime you can't hear him, let me know,
OK? All right, you're here on two separate doc. Your first docket charges you with possession of a weapon by a gang related felon r delinquent and alteration or rel of a firearm or serial number. Your second docket is for a failure to appear in front of Judge Ethley Mulder on a VOP ca. And I'm sorry, Mr. Gates. Go ah, Judge. If I may, if we could pet Cynthia Hayes to appear on Zoom. I told her to keep her micropho. You did that as his sister. She's logged in in the waiting . Yep, we can do that. Give us just one minute. Don't do that in court. Sorry. With that, Your honor. That's OK Let's just get Miss Hayes and Miss Hayes. Just keep
yourself on mute. She's still connected
to audio. Let's give her a minute. Miss Hayes, are you able to hea? Mr. Gates, I don't think she has audio at this point. OK, but I've been in communication with. I'll let her know the update. She It looks like she's trying to connect, but it's OK. There she is. Miss Hayes, can you hear me OK? Yes. All right. I'm
just going
to ask you to keep your microphone on . OK. The attorney, Mr. Gates is e in court with me and
I'm about
to hear his argument on your on the cas. OK. Thank you, ma'am. Go ahead, Judge. If I first maybe heard it relates to the the misdemeanor. VOPI realize that Judge
Eckney Mulder did issue bonds the
amount of 5003
* 3. I would note for the record tha. Span was placed on probation back on January 11th, 2022. It appears based on
my review
of core. That about five days before that probation was set to expire, Judge Equity Motor issued A summons or reflects. That summons was not delivered. It was not served by Mr. Spann. My belief is Mr. Spann believed he had
terminated probation and completed probation
as is. That being said, the
warrant that was issued after a probation
termination date. So based on the fact that my position is he did not receive the summons and therefore did not willingly fail to appear. I'd ask the court to
consider reducing those bonds to ROR and allow hio appear in front of Jackie Mulder at the next available date withr on the felony cases.
Judge, I
had the opportunity to review
the police report. I would just note for the
record, obviously. I'll make arguments that I I don't know without this video tt of course we haven't seen yet. Without this live video, it certainly does not seem like there would be probable cause. But for that video, this was a residence
where there
were 20 or 25 people apparently
in the residence. All that were taken out and rem, apparently one by one,
and then firearms were recovered inside of the ho. There's no admissions by Mr. Spam that he possessed any of these firearms on. The firearm is recovered
inside a freezer, which is reportedly one that was observed on the video. So judge, I'd ask the court to set the bond to 25,003 on count one. I would ask the court to considr setting a bond to 5003 on count 2 based on the argument. I reviewed the statute and that is for the statute 790.271 B. Within that statute, there's two different charges tt could stem from that offense. One is the third degree felony, which is basically proof
that he actually himself altered a removed
serial number. And then the second section of that statute indicates that it would be a first disdemeanor. I'm just calling up the statute. It is unlawful for any
person knowingly sell, deliver or possess any
firearm on which the manufacturer importer
serial number has been unlawfully
altered or removed. I would argue judge assuming the stake improved that this firear. The Mr. Span was in possession
of this firearm that even still that would
be a first degree. Misdemeanors had asked for a bod consistent with a first
degree misdemeanor as opposed to the third
degree felony, which I would argue based on the police report, the State cannot prove
that he himself altered or removed
the serial number. Does the state wish to be heardn count two of the felony docket? Oh, the state would defer to the court, Your honor. Mr. Span, as I mentioned, you've got two different dockets on your first docket. It's simple weapon by a gang red felon or delinquent
and then and then alterational removal of firearm. Serial number. I do find based upon the facts in the arrest and booking report that that is sufficient for probable cause on both charges. Even though I think
your attorney has made a good argument and probaby has a good argument as to why tt that charge should not necessary be filed which is a higher stan. So based upon that finding, I am going to pass your case to Circuit Court on June the 14th.. Gates, are you in for the durat? Yes, ma'am. This time I can be reflected as attorney. All right, so I will not appoint the public defender's office. M. Span, I'm going to show that Mr. Gates is representing you. I'm going to set your
bonds at 75,000 and three and 25,000 and
three on that case. In regard to the violation
of probation in front of Judge Eckley Mulder, I do see where a summons was sent to you but was not execute. However, I also see the rule tow cause for the violation
of probation, which indicates a failure to report to probation, a failure to pay probation
fees, a failure. Here to pay court costs and faie to provide proof of making an et to obtain parttime employment ay submitting proof of for
job applications. For your attempts to obtain
that employment. So based upon that, I think there was reason for Jue Eckley Mulder to issue
that KB
S Now, I will say that she is
in court tomorrow. Mr. Gates can always address this ce with her tomorrow and I will mae sure that she's aware of your c. As soon as I get out of court t, I'll address it with her. So on that, VOPI will leave the bonds as set by Judge Eckley Mulder at 5003. 5003 and 5003 and I will pass your case
to her division on June the 7th at 9:30 in
courtroom three
O 9. That'll be for an appearance
on the BOP. Mr. Gates, will you be represeng him on that case as well? All right, so I will not appoine Public Defender's Office
to represent. All right, Mr. Span. That's
it for the day. If you bond out, just be sure to contact Mr. Gates as soon as possible. I thank you, Sir. Have a good day. Thank you, Thank you. This may be a little while. If
you want to come back, you're welcome to come back, but or yoe welcome to stay on whatever's.