Jackie Chan on Ellen (full)

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so I said you you first of all welcome it's a pleasure to meet you thank you it's wonderful to have you here now I said that you've done a hundred films and broken just as many bones really how many bones have you broken do you know yeah just not every every boom the mostly bone I cut no three times face burn tooth is gone so the crack broken broken broken broken crack crack crack crack crack crack shoulder you know all over be easier to ask what you haven't broken it would be in so in and are you are you do you have a high threshold for pain or is it something that you just get used to or every time you break something does it get easier it's not easier no the part of my job everybody's in our Jackie is so brave for your Superman no I wanna doing stuff my heart was beating come on I'm gonna die but I just went when every time I hear the camera rolling then I forget everything I just I gotta do this I gotta do it sometime is just find I'm so stupid yeah yeah when I when I come to America I did you find out Wow doing your stunts so easy what I mean why I risked my life jump like a 20-story building yeah in America they can do just that hi John 20 feet looks like a hundred feet right this is what every I said wow I should learn something right yeah I remember I remember first time when I see spewpa you know a big fan of Spielberg you know I'm with a meeting I said what how can have a conversation and think about it okay as soon as you walk in as a big fan of yours and how can you make the dinosaur with people together this I mean it's amazing the chassis is so easy why I just pushed the button button button button I want to ask you Jackie how how can you jump from the building to the building I said that's more easy rolling John Hospital I would think that you'd be hard to ensure our you know they don't insure you in a special in in Hong Kong and in Asia all insuring company like this Jackie Chan this tasty team Jackie Chan team because we we don't we don't care about ourselves or we really do something for the movie we will risk for the for the company yeah but in American different yeah you noticed everything I I remember first time come to us Russia one this director with me nobody else when the location scout walk walk walk around Oh check you you think how can we how you get into the window I said that's a tree can I jump up the tree to the window can you see yeah you know I just back up boo boo boom boom boom Oh Jackie be careful I said look just that easy good can you show the producer tomorrow I said okay then tomorrow again with the producer stunt coordinator myself and everybody then do you know the director is so exciting look look check it do it again I said boom boom the producer oh my god don't do it next time okay I said okay okay okay that's a good idea let's do it today we're shooting I was waiting what are we waiting oh they have a two mountain guy across the building and used the safety wire to make sure the window reserved so safe and they have like firemen and standing by and have Apple box with all our Apple box take five hour I've been doing two days ago right no that's America and Jackie life so worse I said no just do it yeah yeah it's so easy for me that's an innocent give me the money just I just so when I'm making a stop making American ville I hurt myself less yeah yeah really yeah I bet are you scared of anything is there anything that does scare you since you seem so fearless needle I don't know why to get a shot or like sewing in front of you you can't watch that I just scared the needle around me I I just don't know why you know every time when I'm making a movie they have a like a what body check make sure that insurance to lure then I walk in the hospital that every pouch Jackie Chan hi-hi-hi then I go in I believe they just here stop me first at me first doctor papa when I come out I'm so embarrassed everybody says I just remember I don't know why every time the needle coming I just they should have it on top of a tree that you just climb and end up on it accidentally and it just gives you we're gonna take a break and you're gonna teach me because you're kind of like you do all these stunts and I want to see if we can do some stunts here on the set okay okay we'll see if we can coming up Ellen's got a tasty Chicago surprise to give the audience and up next can we do let's not you should you should plan for this again we're back with Jackie Chan and this this is a you know you read these things you don't know if they're true or not but I read that you do your own laundry yes no not not the jeans only soft underwear that move sometime maybe t-shirt yes when you're on the road like in a hotel yes even in a press in this week you know every everybody goes in there all underwear stuff everywhere because even I teach my stunt team or all my colleague I said never picked underwear or socks to the laundry tick-tock you $20 us you can buy another one he's just so easy you know I just bring to the wagon shower with your underwear together you know then you pick a birthday take off that nowhere you know what but you're making a lot of money Jackie you have money that that you can but so I heard that and I didn't know if it was I'm giving you enough Ellen underwear you're nervous it's about discipline it's about disappearing no I know I think that's great but now you have plenty you can go a long time without having to wash yourself without it yeah all right so we were talking about stunts and during the commercial I said what can we do and if we climb anything I think that's too risky so I'm not sure that we can actually do a stunt right can we do a stop you should you should plan for this again it's difficult to do these kind of things you know it's the children's children's program a student program I'm not children's but you know I mean they're children that watch I don't know now you can join my stunt team that's my little gift t-shirt I'll thank you that's a JC stunt team thank you so much Jackie that's fantastic April 18 sexual jaylen testaments doing a dance for us after this Thank You Jackie thank you so much
Channel: EllenLDegeneres
Views: 3,485,863
Rating: 4.9237247 out of 5
Keywords: The, Ellen, Degeneres, Show, TEDS, Jackie, Chan, Forbidden, Kingdom, stunts
Id: yWRV3lVX9eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 10 2008
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