Jack Ma's full public lecture at the University of Nairobi

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please welcome mr. Chapman oh I thought so afternoon and and the richest a good evening good evening well it's my great order Chancellor minister and dr. catuey and the students and professors I are being expecting this state to come to Africa for a long long time and this is my first day and this day inspired me a lot and I I had X high expectation before I came to Africa but even that the resulting for a whole day today is better than I expected and especially when I I'm a very lucky person in the past 18 years in my apartment I talked to 18 young people like me that we want to build up a company using Internet to help doing business easier to using Internet to support every small business support every young people every woman that if they have a dream if they have some ideas will enable them to make their dream true and sell things sell their products all of the world that was the name that was year to 1999 in my apartment well very few people believe that but we made it happen in only 18 years I'm a very very lucky person and people say have you ever learned business before have you done business before have you learned the like NBA's no I have never learned any knowledge about how to do business I never got even one day of training of computer I stood out Stuart even to today I don't know how computer works a lot of people challenge me how can you Ron is such a big ecommerce company with other knowing without knowing the anything but a knowledge without anything about the financing and marketing and I say this is because I know people I know what people want I know what people don't want and this is crooked where I learned that I learned my experience of working with people when I was a student in the university I was not a good student that's why I really don't like a lot of a good students I'm always like a man that 10 or 15 never we got the number 1 number 2 in my class from primary school to university I fill three times for the universities and finally I got into the university I still tell myself I should spend more time not try to be the number one but try to be the number one person that can help and work with people I was elected as the chairman of the Students Union of my University and later become the students unit chairman of the students unit of how our city our city has over a hundred thousand students and I was the chairman of that universe of that Union my job is to work with the people listen to the students to what I can do this I learned how to work with people because at that time we don't have any money all right the only thing you want to win the respect is by supporting other people and when I graduate I learned a lot from my job my first a job I was trained to be a high school teacher and because I was supposed to be one of the best of students in the school so I was assigned to teaching University for six years and I know one of the secret of being a good teacher is I was a finished class five minutes earlier no matter how long it will you teach if you have five more minutes teaching students don't like you if you finish here efficient and teach picture the students and share with the students how to learn instead of a putting all the knowledge in their mind writing all the all the things of blackboard you will never be popular I was selected at one of the bestest two teachers in the university but one thing I learned from teachers later become a CEO is that a good teacher always expect his students to better than him stooop the teacher want his students be good I want this student be a banker that they are mayor that be a scientist you don't want their students this one bankrupted that one in jail you always expect your students be better this is what I learned when I become an entrepreneur I always want hide the good people who are smart than I am and always making sure that they are better than I am they always hope that they better than expect it and if you want them better training them discipline them supporting them so I learned a lot the thing I learned most is been a teacher so I call myself CEOs chief Education Officer of the company so in my life I'm telling people my age I'm I'm 53 in my past years I'm always a good student keep on learning you don't have to be the best but you have to know who is better than you are and work with him and always be a good teacher a good teacher share the knowledge and expect the other people better than Google so these are the qualities that I learned and to be a CEO so go back to this campers is always what I want I remember 1994 the day when I decided to leave this College go to do a business my president said why why you want to go do something that called Internet is no internet in China at that time and why one it because I said president I've been elected as the best of teachers for university for three times three years everything I told my students are the things I learned from books so if I go and build up something and then go back I can be a better teacher this is my original thinking I never thought I would be rich I asked my wife when I started my business I said do you want your husband to be a rich person or to be a person that be respected she said you will never be rich hi she's right because nobody thought my father my parents never thought I would be rich because I don't have a gene of being rich so even cute today because it's true my my schoolmates my classmates my teachers my parents nobody thought I would be reached this guy be filled with so many times how can you be rich I never thought I would be rich even to today people say Jack you are one of the richest of people in China in the world I think this is not my money at it to me it just to think I'm just living the dream where you have a 1 million that's your money where you have a 20 million that's the problem you have to think about the valuation where should I put the money in that's the real estate or buy stocks or investor VC most of them they were gone we haven't worked more than 1 billion dollars that's the money belong to the society and people in the society trusted you can spend the money better than government so they give you the money and do better so I thought I have the responsibilities to spend the money better more efficient this is this is what I did so my wife said be a person that can be respected not be a person that be rich and this is always I want to do and like I mean sharing a lot of ideas of young people how can you be successful and how not to fill and the third how can be respected I'm not a bad person respect a lot of people in China don't like me because they say I've destroyed their business I never destroy anybody business they normally people destroyed themselves if you want to be successful you should have high EQ you know IQ EQ and there's another called L Q the Q of love if you want to be successful you should must have a high EQ because that a person with a high EQ knows how to work with the people how to understand the people how to support people and if you do not want to fill now I'm not only a lot of people get rich quickly and losing money quickly because they don't have IQ IQ its intellectual knowledge you learn where you have a good knowledge you know where the knowledge I will always pursue knowledge to protect your business protect your people and when you have high IQ but the world is very fair most people have eek high IQ normally have a low IQ they don't want to learn because this smart this street smart they don't want to be academic right a lot of people very academic high IQ but they have a terrible EQ we have a seen lot of in the university any move universe in the world right the top one top one students normally have high IQ but terrible EQ but they never feel they got disappointed but even if you have a high EQ and IQ you made a lot of money you made a fortune or you'll be successful it become a government super person whatever but you may not be respected because you don't have a high lq the lq is care for others love the others respect the future respect the young people so these are three cues that I I think you we need have so when you're a student spend more time taking care of the other people join the activities that helping people and spend time on learning I think this is this is very very critical and I would say that people like a mean I'm from nobody my father was pretty poor my mother my father and mother did the pay when I was young they're paid put together of six dollars a month six no more than the luck beste times eight dollars they have to feed four people my grandfather no job made my brother and my sister it was tough and even if I filled so many times the one thing I want to tell that I share with you is that failure that's never stopped me and they've trained to me a lot of people fail here and then they complain oh my god nobody helped me I don't have this why though people don't help me why I don't cannot keep follow money from the banks why I'm not the boy you know you know Bill Gates family people have a lot of stupid complaints I have this stupid come please all the complaints today young people have I have done I had them I complained Bill Gates I complain Microsoft Oracle all these companies taking all of our jobs because we don't have chance a later Fant complaint does not a work I learned from mister why people should help you who are you what people should help you nobody help you that is very common people help you that is uncommon those people give you the help think about this is the trust this is how you did well in your EQ you because you care for people because you have something good then people start to help you I was rejected for so many times as I said this morning over over 30 jobs apply for rejected I applied for a KFC 24 people classmates went up together to do 3 accepted I was a rejected 5 people went full plea for a job in police four people accept it I was filled and my cousin I waited for two hours long queue to be the waiter of the four-star hotel in my city in a very very hot day my brought my cousin's score was much lower there they're mine he was accepted and I'm rejected so it was it is that if I'm know not a fine tour it's very painful but I get used to it everybody remember you have to get used to failure if you cannot get used to feel it just like a boxing if you cannot be get used to be hit how can you win so I get used to that and today I'm surely experienced with a lot of entrepreneurs I've got a coupon University training entrepreneurs the thing we teach the entrepreneurs are different from Harvard MBA the MBA teach everybody successful stories when you read it to many successful stories people got a crazy do you think I can be successful when you share a lot of famous stories you learn so I when I start Alibaba I give failure stories cases to every of our cup my colleagues let them read it let them that we discussed no matter how smart you are in your business in your way you will make the same mistake again again the way we teach share the latest story not want you to avoid mistakes is teach you how to face the mistakes when you're in trouble so and young people in our life there's always opportunity there is always chance there is always a failure the thing is how you survive from failures when you're rejected how you survive from that this is I learned even to today people say Jack you are probably one of the most influential people anything you want to do we can do it no lot of support cannot do a lot of things I feel and I worry much more than I was 1995 or were much more when I 1999 when I build up my company because at that time I only worry take care for 18 people today we have in our company 56,000 people and today in our company when we start to do business I tell you this the interesting story people say how can I do ecommerce because nobody 1999 year 2000 wild full nobody believed that they can buy and sell things online that's what he trusted you don't have a money you'd have a creating system you'd have a payment you never logistic to have an internet the internet of speed was so slow but look at the Kenya when I arrived yesterday the speed oh my god I have never seen such a lecturer speed but rather than America but I bet a lot of people still complain to speed right because those people love to complete they complete all their lives the Spiros about nothing the government is not ready and uncle sometimes I know it's not some time most of the times if the government did not know what's going on is the opportunity if your people around you does not agree with you that's the opportunity if everybody loved it if everybody want to do it there's no opportunity for you because the other people smarter than you are so I would say nobody using trust internet and I told 18 founders I say I believe Internet will be the future I believe China will have ecommerce because they say then there is no payment we say let's build the payment and they said there's no logistic that's a beauty larger stick and there don't government is support let's say it's good they will support us someday when we launch the team o Taobao year 2003 very interesting I have a seven people I say guys tomorrow we're gonna launch the table up but we don't have anything to sell can you go back home and search for something so we can list on the on the other side and with the people to come to buy it everybody came back seven people will gather 21 products will list on the website we've waited there for 72 hours nobody come to buy it so we're buying ourselves testing the products and then I got several weeks later somebody come to sell because nobody want to buy it people come to solicit something we buy all the things for the first two weeks we bought on our two months we bought all the cabbage full of our because we want to making sure something that he can buy in a self from that day to last year we sold five hundred and fifty billion u.s. dollars that is ranking 21 countries GDP wise in the world we're a little bit bigger than Argentina we created more than 33 million jobs for China by the way Minister we have delivered over 65 million packages per day 65 million packages per day all of China and world this thing nobody believed it we did not believe I thought internet would be big but I never thought it would be that big but say guys it was big compared to yesterday but compared to tomorrow's future it is tiny I believe 80% to 90% of the business in the future will be online today we call people entrepreneurs you many years later would call Netra premiers because everybody has to be online called the net entrepreneurs today you can only sell in Nairobi you're good successful person here but in the future if you cannot sell your products all of Africa if you cannot sell things crawl across the countries you're not such business people the world is changing very fast and I not skelling you guys I worry about the new technology this is the third technology revolution that a human being face the first step technology revolution takes about 50 years second 50 years this is 50 years we're going to have another 30 years which is very important the first the technology revolution caused World War 1 second technology revolution cost world war 2 and this is the third technology revolution the sisters the technology revolution reduced the human image so we no human and not as strong as machine the second technology of rushing released the distance speed of human beings so we know we can never run faster than playing and trains this technology revolution release the human brains so don't don't be scared machine will be smarter than we are and imagine past 20 years will make people like a machine in the future will make machine like a people and data internet artificial intelligence machine intelligence all the things coming up the world is facing big challenges a lot of jobs that you are we are we think five years later we'll be great jobs oh it's going to disappear and this is the challenge to the world but this is also the opportunity of the world I think change is the best opportunity come people complaining is the best opportunity a company if you want to be successful it's not how much you are we got how much money you have because we see so many companies have so much money they are not necessary can survive it's what problem you can solve for the world one of the things I want to share with you that my special entity my speciality of maca SOC of the company I always think about the future I think about what of what the world will look like what China will look like what my neighbors would look like what's the problem they were have in five or ten years if this is a problem is going to happen to China if this is the problem is going to happen to my customers if this is a problem to my neighbors if I can fix that if I can start to prepare now five years later I'll be a successful person think about the future do not a think about I if I do this they're going to be very successful no if I do this I can solve a lot of problems at that time that is the value that we bring the world is challenging a lot of people complained where's the opportunity opportunity always exists in the place where people complain when people claim complain think about how can I solve it if I can solve it I have the chance and where's the opportunity when change comes that's the opportunity if there's no change big business rich people powerful people always there think about how internet I can solve Kenya problem how Internet can solve the African problems with that Internet I don't think any small business any young people in Africa you have a few opportunity to sell your things across the other country only big companies has so I think this is the greatest opportunity we have and I think as I said people hate globalization people don't like global trade I like globalization I'm a strong believer of globalization but unfortunately last 20 years globalization was controlled by 60,000 big companies most of the young people small business woman they don't developing countries don't have this chance but internet comps this will this is what I believe are using Internet to power empower everybody so I would say that we are lucky people we're lucky because we're entering into a very very interest period and I were to say that Africa has the boat I'm not coming here trying to inspire you I'm coming here to tell the truth that this morning I found Africa as much more opportunity because you have young people you have that the whole world today is worried I don't know why everybody's worried the whole world today is puzzled but Africa I see people have a passion and people have ideas people say this is the future because I think we are we have nothing to lose Europe has a lot to lose America has a lot of world rules those countries worry about losing they have a lot of puzzle but Africa I don't think you have anything to lose and I heard a lot a lot of Africa there are so many opportunity so many complaints so many problems that is the opportunity if you want to be big company solve big problems if you want to be a small company soft smoker problems complaints all the people I'm lucky enough i traveling around the world I see so many successful people politician businesspeople scientists artists I found one quality that all the successful for sure they never complain they are always optimistic and a second they always partner with good people so this is something we are entering into a very interesting time and Africa this is you are the youngest continent in the world the average age higher is only 19 years old house amazing that's the future I am calling on every country pay special attention to next to 30 years every technology the first 20 years is about technology company in the past 20 years internet companies Google Facebook Alibaba right Amazon these companies control these companies very successful next to 30 years may not as necessary these companies for sure it's not Internet company will win next to 30 years if those companies those young people using the Internet of wealth will win car was not invented in America but American people using car best electricity was not invented in America but American using the electricity best so Africa we have a terrible people so we have a terrible internet infrastructure but I think this is the chance why ecommerce grow in China grow better the America because we don't have sophisticated ecommerce infrastructure like in America in America there are supermarkets and walls and everything is so good China no we don't have such a great payment system we don't have a credit rating system because we don't have that so we start of high job China when I started the e-commerce people say even China don't have a telephone why you believe the internet will happen yeah we don't have a telephone that we have a mobile phones nobody expect mobile phone grow so fast Africa today I think more than 60% of the people in Africa have a mobile phone the mobile phone today is much more then than the PC I'm lucky I did not study PC with the mobile for you connected the world right so this is what I feel that Africa that the poor infrastructure may giving you the opportunity that you never you never even imagined so the thing that also I will say I heard so much about a Kenyan Africa is that the you know the forest to the almost one you are guys a living in the paradise think about the China China is the kitchen of the world very dirty now the air pollutions so Africa developed you don't have to follow the other countries model Africa should be Africa using the new technology prevent protect the environment protect the animals it's easy to build buildings but it is difficult to call the animal backs it's impossible right tell me where in this world you can see so many elephants and lions and still walking around Africa tell me wearing this war you can still smell the real optimist of the new air that's one now I understand when I arriving why so many people come to Africa every year and go home on Iran there's no business here but you have a business to leverage that and think about if you want to build up a manufacturer base think in a different way it's impossible to copy China and even if you copy China you have no future because the world manufacture is shifting from B to C to C to be normal way is business think about something as sell to the consumers in the future because of data technology every manufacturer should be seed to be consumer to business the manager has to make their products smart tailor-made not large skill China growth in the period of large container massive assembly line future assembly line is not how many t-shirts you can make for what assembly line with one hour in the future is how many different t-shirts you can make how many plain tomato t-shirts you can make so this is something the world is changing Africa have to think about the way that Africa is good at and I would say I would do anything to change if I can be younger tell you one thing year 2000 year 1999 I am a lucky enough to find one of the early founders of Yahoo it was number 14 employees of Yahoo they joined us become the CTO of the company and I asked him what do you want he's a jack uh you guys are young I would spend 1 million dollars to buy one year I said I sell all my age to you today I realize that young age is something that is the best opportunity don't be scared of failure my asset is so many failure stories there are a lot of stories about us but a me but none of the books I read about me someday I mean write a book the books name is Ali Baba 1001 mistakes this is the best assets that when you have learn from the mistakes learn from other mistakes not because you want to avoid the mistakes because when you face these mistakes you know how to face it how to challenge it and this is critical so I want to share with all the young people here students never give up there's always opportunity there it's easy to give up keep the hope the world is challenging but this is opportunity for young people ecommerce Internet is the opportunity for country like us Kenya China Africa the best of people say well ecommerce China's not the best place in the world for e-commerce where tell me I think Europe you have everything but why Europe it has no internet have good internet companies or e-commerce company they worry too much they worry about privacy security laws government already this government already that when you worry too much you're scared to move forward don't worry if you make mistake child again and find the good people innovating is not from the government it's Novation is from your customer from the market and finally I give if you want to be entrepreneurial if your device always remember custom number one employee number to share her number three this is different from America shareholder number one I believe custom number one if you make your customer happy they will pay the money if you make your employees happy they will be creative innovative if your customer in probably happy the shareholder will be happy do not I spend a lot of time on you're talking to your shareholders spend them all time to talking your customers spend them all time talking to your employees and making sure it's the employee share the vision making sure they are great and also making sure where your hire employees find the good people find the people who smart than you are find the people who can be a boss you think this guy would be my boss in five years hi him this is the secret and also that last the secret is making sure high enough women on the internet time this is this is the one of the secret sauce of success for Alibaba we have 47 percent of the women 47 to 48 percent of the colleagues in our company of women well 33 percent of the senior management of our company women not because we want to keep women we find a woman can do much better job on the Internet time on the e-commerce when I start a business I say ecommerce is not a bad computer to talk to talk to computers ecommerce about a people talk to people but computer is just a proxy is the front aged women take care of the others better than men women understand women have much high EQ their men we have IQ have to care about the others see where your online the engineers I've got a lot of engineers they have a high IQ they make good program but they never care where the program is user-friendly or not the women make them very user-friendly and women really care about the customers behind this make our cut because people like it may have no background of technology the only thing I want to do is make my customer happy how can I make custom happy we got a lot of people and we have a woman engineers women CFO woman CEO woman president so keep on that remember this is sewing but this is why we have seen so many women presidents women Prime Minister women CEOs in the future I'm thinking we're going to have a woman Secretary General of your nation we need that and over women Chesser so that is something I want to share with you I'm not a politician on the business people as a business people where rosada driven where efficiency driven where fair driven where result driven because you have to get result otherwise you only talk no result you die and for a device I give it to Kenya Africa is speed up you know what I'm saying for one day I get some feeling we have a vision but you have to get things down and with speed and the second is efficiency driven and the third third business people can never force people to do business with me it's about a fair trade so I would say let's move up Africa will be the next driving source or driving energy of the world after today's Asia and this is what I truly believe and I come here I don't want to sell anything to you guys I want to help you to sell your great step to the world using Internet thank you
Channel: NTV Kenya
Views: 501,991
Rating: 4.841764 out of 5
Keywords: Jack ma Kenya, Jack ma talks, Jack Ma, jack ma lecture, Alibaba Group CEO, Alibaba Group, alibaba, University of Nairobi, jack ma in Africa
Id: IEkT-YatPnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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