Jack Ma: Education Needs to Keep Up with Fast-Changing World

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[Applause] and it thank you good morning everyone it's my great honor to be invited and thank your chance for your passion finally I understand what does after the emails yes I'm very touched by your passion and thank you Oh UCD and angel for your the pizza and every time to discuss with you about education I'm inspired and I know there are a lot of things we should do we can do and we must do and I think this time is the most critical period for the world to discuss the most important and critical topic that is education the world is changing so fast and I think the thing that we need to change fast is education system and I'm not the expert I'm a amateur I'm not a pro on the education I was trained to be a high school teacher um I I feel the exams for enter University again again again so after three years of hard working I was accepted by Hans of Teachers College which considered a force of fifths class of the University in China but I think that's the bestest school I've ever heard that bestest University in the world and they trained me to be a high school teacher and that time only the worse the students in China can be should be go to the teachers that's what education and a big problem but I'm happy to see the piece of research aina has a greater result this year and the world change as I said in probably 20 years 50% of the jobs that today we have will disappear will create another you know 50 of 60% of the jobs which we never can have even imagined where the education should be and where our kids that should worry about we all worry about ourselves we should worry about the kids where they can have jobs they can survive in next two centuries and what other lives that we and our people and our kids should have these are the things that we should discuss about and I said to China of China last year only have 12 million new babies born which somebody says 17 but I think like a rose between 12 million to 70 million China in next 250 years were decided by this 12 to 17 million people and this 12 17 million people what kind of education system would give them how we can improve them that also influence the world and I was trained as an English teacher at that time China's just stud to have English courses we don't have enough teachers English teachers to teach English so my teacher she was teaching math so in the morning she go she went to learn ABC I need afternoon she came to teach us the things she inspired me she said Jack your pronunciation is better than mine most of the courses that I am good at all in because the teachers good the teacher encouraged me Segura had and some of the courses I had a terrible cause study result on chemistry because of my chemistry teacher does not like me those teacher don't like me I don't work if the teacher like me I worked hard and I found most of students doing things like that and from result of the test I was not considered to be a good teacher a good student and always thorough exams the teacher said this is their write on the back board and say this is what I taught and when we taste the exams I have to answer exactly the same but I think that is not true so I always criticized put at the bottom but 20 years past those greatest students my classmates in the primary school middle school universities there still stay there and we're running faster I never stopped studying I think society is the best university and I enjoy that a lot of people learn to work and the feature we should work to learn we should continue to learn all the times and I never got a one day training to be held to be a CEO my venture capitalist early days a jack you should giving a CEO job to the others because you don't know how to be a CEO and as you know I don't know how did you see you but I later I find I could be a could see you because that the skills that I learned from being teacher I call myself CEO chief Education Officer I learn everything I learn from a being a teacher inspire students trustiest students believe in us your students in neighbor your students all the teachers want their students to be accident all the teachers want the students to be good you know this guy become a banker that's a mayor that is an engineer that's a scientist no teacher wants his students to be in prison bad prompted or in trouble when you have a good heart you like the students students can feel it this is the way I do as I seen you in my company I trust my people i anit we enable them we do anything we can to make people like the people not people like a worker so today a lot of people fighting for our work hard for education and we try to solve the problem of putting everybody has the chance to get education that means we need to me I think education it's just like a food you need feed the people so we should have food for everybody for every kids this is very important every childhood every children this world shows the equal education opportunities but the other thing which is more important what education we should give our kids what the food we should give we know if you give terrible food the kids who have diarrhea worse stomach problems and what there are two things today in the whole world are very very important the first is everybody has a chance second everybody should have a great education thing content so what I believe that at the industry purity everything we want to make a standardization but the AI period we want a differentiation make everybody different right IT is to enable yourself DT the data technology is to enable the others the real fairness of education is differential make everybody every kids had the right education that he needs make everybody be the best of himself and I always think a school should be like a zoo it's all kinds of animals this is what I did in my company I hate the term I company become a farm group of chickens or ducks I want all kinds of animals they're versatile so you know you can never judge because we have kpi we should not give a key to our chicken how many X a chicken we have and put that KPI on the line our tiger lion tiger stupid so we have to having making sure the schools like a zoo and a unit and our company like a zoos in industry period when we make the assembly line then make every people like a product's should be seen whether you're good you're smart you're stupid this is the way that you do usage the food you eat and education become that kinds of assembly line it's a disaster animal has the instinct machine have the intelligence but human being have the wisdoms in the digital period we have to think very clearly what is the difference between human and machine so if we worry about machine will repeat because people and machine are too similar if we worry about machines that's the problem that machine the problem of human beings so if you do everything on a standardization it can be replaced unfortunately I'm on the internet built business we know that if everything is standardized if everything is logic you are the problem we designed our own technology fifteen years ago at that time we we do not quote AI we call AI Alibaba intelligence we do not call artificial intelligence we fund everything if there's a logic if there's a logic machine can do better if there's a no logic people can do better see sometimes we don't know why this boy loves that girl there's no reason he loves her there's no reason she loves him but they're loved but we hate somebody's her logic we're going to do some bad things there's a logic if there's a logic machine can do better and what we did in our company is that we teach machine to arrest to catch to find all the bad behavior of people arrest the bad guys because we have so much money transaction every day people try to stew money when you a plan where have a logic much machine can do better so I think at a digital period if you focus too much on standardization you will be replaced by machines human beings have to do the things that should be creative constructive feelings that machine can never be replaced if a machine will never embrace the change human being can change machine will now continue to learn like a human and we if we try to live like people in the past eccentric it's gonna be disaster so in the industry period 100 students we only use one methodology to teach but in the digital period 100 students we might have and we should have probably a hundred and twenty ways of teaching because we need to have the 20% extra because 20% extra students they may like may never all beat the rules so we need a hunt 100 students have a hundred and twenty ways of teaching in the industrial period we'll make people like a machine in the digital period will make machine like people education must reform schools let must reform teachers need to reform and classroom to reform in the past we'd give students in the teachers gives to this knowledge in the class but in the future students and teachers may working together to learn in the past teachers know more than the students in the future students maybe no more than the teachers in the past one class 40 minutes one class 40 students and everything we have like a seven classes this standardization I don't know where it comes from but what should be designed for industry period in order to use limited resource as fuel source as possible to train as many people as possible so 200 years past the industry period is moving to the digital period we have to live rethinking what are the education the content the way we teach to the people and the past classroom is to suppose to teach students the right answers but in the future most of the things we don't have answers teachers may not know experts may not know nobody know we have to learn and work on together in the past classroom in the class in the future classroom are in the real world I was in in ether last year discuss with the Minister of Israel why Israel a lot of kids a lot of young people are so independent it told me you know there are kids they have to go to the remote areas mounting areas to learn how to survive the kids always have to face dangers education is not to prevent our kids for not having dangerous things no problems but education is to train our kids to face the dangers faced the ways when problem comes people say China have no rules I think there is China rules if there is something there is a net in the middle we always do get good if there's no net in the middle we are all in trouble basketball football we are in trouble if there's a ping point good singulars were all good well one child of family one child that every child is the king of the families we learn to teamwork if the kids do not learn to teamwork how can China teamwork with the other world without the countries so this is all about education the world has changed you can never imagine that in the classroom he locked the students they learn the skills to face the future challenges it's impossible the future education is about to teach our kids to survive in the outside world to solve the problems wins when you confront the conflict it's impossible that you don't have any comforts but you have to face the comforts and soft comforts in a confrontation so this is a lot of challenges that we have for education that need not education experts need amateurs like us need people from every few everywhere to working together and I don't like a lot of G to G 20 G to whatever meetings they always precautions there's no directions we need directions we need leadership's when you know where is the future how we can do it together so this is the most we are not coming here to complain we come here to looking for solutions so as a mature the beginner of Education I feel guilty myself only teach in the school for six years and now I think I have the resources I retired from China of Alibaba position I put most of our time on education and now to learn from you discuss with you debate with you fight with you I have some amateur suggestions in China give what first the suggestions let's put most of the resources from university PhD master degree to primary school kindergarten middle school that is more it was too late where you try to change a university students about most lots of the functions of the hue beings you have to you have to train them when they are still in kindergarten in the primary schools I found especially most of the developing countries they always want to compete you know one of my university in this country is a ranking number what what what have numbers in the world we should have a ranking what kind of kindergarten primary schools middle schools at them so please for more resources on the front instead of the back and a second sounds very important we should we should fight for the teachers and I absolutely agree with the report or ECD but the acts were talking about we should if we respect teachers will respect knowledge really respect education we respect the future education is about the future so we should give teachers the best recognitions we should give the teachers the best to pay because if we respect them and they will respect the jobs they respect the kids and I think everybody is talking about education is important when we talk about budget that's another thing right I think and the other thing teachers input we are we are having my foundation be working on the China rural area education there abouts more than 30 million kids study in the rural areas in China there about close to 3 million rural area teachers about you know five or six years ago today we have like a 2.7 million rural area teachers we find to helping kids in the rural areas the best way is helping teachers a good teacher can help 200 students in his life at least if you cannot inspire teachers the teachers how can they inspire the kids so we do a lot of work finally we find a lot of teachers give up teaching in the rural areas you know what because they don't 60 percent or give up jobs because they don't like Headmaster's they hate their head masters because none of the Headmaster's got a one-day training how to be a headmaster and this is the problem I found in many many areas those have these teachers be there for teaching for tenure and become a headmaster they don't know what is accounting what is a leadership what is headmaster is supposed to be the Minister of the village of their local towns so we realize that we should focus on headmaster a headmaster can enforce 100 a teacher to inverse 200 students that is the system and what a minister of education supported to is to make policies to enable headmaster to better job Headmaster's should do better jobs to enable teachers do better job teachers and then they should spend in time to inspire the kids and we shift with the technology revolution we should inspire and encourage more excellent those people have knowledge there's nothing here you know how to teach right Michael Tyson's boxing training if they have competition I don't think he has a chance to win Michael Tyson it's the people who inspire the people who know how to teach so we should focusing on that and the third is that we need that quickly change the KPI of Education not test test test test results we have to change the test the formulas if we think examination is the only way the standard for the education if that is the KPI I don't think education will go to the right direction so I ask a lot of high school students in China what's your hobby what do you want to do in the future I don't know he said I don't know I just want to go to a good university why you wanna go University I don't know I just want to go University that is the problem many senior student senior high school students they don't know what they want to do they just don't want to go university because they think university is the guarantee of jobs for my 20 year experience the alibaba we find universe you know most of the universities when they graduate we have to train them absolutely totally different university does not mean you are guaranteed the jobs we don't hide people from Harvard MIT because they are Harvard MIT they have the way to learn we hide those people because they're ready to learn they want to change you want to create you want to learn all their lives we hide them not because for me those people got master degree or doctorate degree it's just the receipt of the tuition his father paid the real master degree is when you finish you get the degree and start to fighting for your life you prove when you're 70 years old or 80 years old I don't care whether your PhD my we got a lot of pets we have more PhD today then we can imagine that's what change in life not necessarily if we need people really think life school the school of of the society school the world is a real education and the training is that make people learning all their life make people have confidence for the future and next thing is we need to teach our kids with three cues but education is not make kids love learning and we have to teach our kids learn to love people pay extremely attention to IQ to EQ if you want to be successful you should have very high EQ easy to get on people with you people support you but if you don't lose quickly you should have good IQ smart people they know but if you want when if you won't be respected you should have the L Q the Q of love the Q of love is from your heart not from brain the brain will be replaced by machines machine can never replace your heart machine can only have chips humor have we have the heart and the heart is where the love where the wisdom comes from so and also we think that all the kids in the future should have a global view global vision and full picture vision and future vision the global vision I think when we were kids in China I hope if I do in my school arms we are building up a primary school a middle school a hangzhou for my testing for two years I'm very happy about the result but one thing I want to do in the primary school I want to every kids in the primary school have at least a 1000 oriental stories 1000 western stars for our kids they should never separate the west and the east to them it should never start to train them when they are senior school universities all this is Western history this is a Chinese sister this is Western religion this is a Chinese religion this is Chinese that's very complicated kids should learn the global vision respect the world respect the other race respect the other culture respect the other religion when they every students in every country every school they should learn from that instead of when they grown have a conference the conference of world today results of the of the education system the things we teach our kids if you proud from my race they never respect the others the proud for their religion in the never is it I was in the one country people challenging me dad is right no your Chinese Buddhism crazy this as a sir have you ever read one book about Buddhism or one book about toisan one sentence are well article about a Confucius it's enough I said I read a seven times of Bibles and I respect I know where you're from but you don't know us how can you don't know somebody a crit criticized if you want to criticize that are start to learn and then we should have a vision of full picture nobody can live a full vision picture if you do your individual you have to be a teamwork teamwork sports is very important otherwise don't think China have hope for the photo for the suckers at last vision at the other vision we had is a future vision we have to solve prom for future today the world to focus too much on solving today's problem or yesterday's a problem let's think about the future there is only future and how can you solve the future problem the future problem is human being machine a very alike I'm happy to see a Chinese good at the math reading this skills very important but the other important of things how can our kids to be more creative constructive and productive innovative that is teach arts I think dancing is important singing is important painting is important sports important my school with I don't force people to learn afterwards if we force people to learn arts suppose after their schools so every child when they come to the world they just a beauty of their own business like entrepreneur it's a startup startup you learn to work with the others you learn to solve problems you learn to get support and get help and I think in the future what can people you want to be how we want to be what kind of life we need that decided by education what education today we're doing it design the future of human beings and what people today design the education of tomorrow so my first job is a teacher and I hope my last job it's working together with you I'm doing something on the education I'm a better but I will want to learn I want to learn from you I want to bake with you and working with you let's find a solution for the future thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much jack for that electrifying inspirational start to the the next phase of the day and you've entered on that thought about the future I know that you only have a few moments left but you very kindly agreed to take a few questions from our young global leaders who I think are with us at the back who will go first I'm from China and graduate from Cornell University and I'm currently a co-founder of two NGO like organizations Chinese overseas students conference and Providence Academy so basically we provide networks and opportunities for Chinese overseas students leaders to learn and join in the train and frontier of Chinese development and encourage them to come back and make contributions to their motherland after they graduate so today my question is that for our generation we have more and more opportunities to accomplish our fundamental education at motherland like in China and then pursue higher education and academic achievements overseas in other countries based on our estimation there are more than 1 million Chinese overseas students for each years so what do you think it's a core competence for this group of multi backgrounds oversea Chinese students and what's the potential challenge for them and how can we possibly link them to the rural educational career you devote it for and do you have any words of wish and wisdom for them thank you thank you so much well first congratulations for young leaders I'm very proud for that title but if you want lead people and we have to learn to be led by other people and this is critical as I give a device to a lot of young people when you're 20 to 30 if you want to do something big in the future find a good boss it's more important than finding a good company a good boss with discipline you would tell you the truth with guy 2 you would beat you so congratulation the other thing is about the 1 million students obviously Chinese students this study also want to do for the motherland I think the first step is learn from the other culture respect the other culture go into the culture create a value for the other the countries you are living just like today globalization is not about go to the other countries to get resources to make money they're thinking about how you can do things what done things you can do differently you can create jobs you can do things that local people cannot do you can inspire them so for one-minutes do that you are ambassadors of China only when you become the ambassador's in China respect their other culture add value to the local schools why they accept you not because you pay the tuition because you are unique from the other country you will share with the people there your knowledge your valley your thinking and then with all the things you know knowledge and press I let's go back so I spent four years university and three years I was the chairman of the Students Union and I was the chairman of the Students Union of the whole city I spent a lot of time doing these things to helping people to understand people to work with people and when I graduate I think of more confidence to survive in the society I'll learn to work with others and when people today a lot of people come to nobody helped me I say a lot of young people nobody helping me today as well why should people help you people don't help you this is very natural people help you that is not natural you learn to be rejected learn to be refused so my advice to you guys one minute you are the luckiest people in the world they go there not to learn them not only to learn the knowledge learn their culture respect their culture and then come back you're for human thank you yeah next question just who's next thank you yeah Thank You amar Alphonse from Rwanda so first I would like to thank Jack Ma for what he's doing for Africa and Rwanda I'm one of your graduate from our London a trio program it's amazing to see what you are doing for it appears in Africa and we are really glad for this far yeah we're doing an amazing job and I'd like to thank you deeply on behalf of our other intrapreneurs in Africa and our and I especially thank you very much for what you're doing for Africa thank you yeah being to Rwanda for two times very impressive very very hard-working excellent country and I think what I want to do in Africa's Africa needs for ease first is entrepreneur second is education thirds eat government force is if receptor last century electricity is important this century Internet is important so for ease we will fundamentally change Africa Africa I think young people actually young people excellent entrepreneurs but young people should not have built up the culture wait to be founded the money I think can help entrepreneurs in Africa to grow to divert the internal power of development China developer main reason one of the main reasons and factors is entrepreneurship in China so I think Africa is a huge potential if we working together to help entrepreneur ships in Africa that would change Africa a lot thank you thank you one final question from the program hello my name is maryam al-haj me from the united arab emirates I'm a economics graduate from Paris Sorbonne University and I currently work as a sustainable development goals associate at Expo 2020 under the minister of international cooperation so throughout my education system I noticed that it can sometimes be limiting to our creativity so how do you think the education system should be shaped to catalyze an increase in young entrepreneurs and SMEs in a way that harnesses youths potential and most importantly their soft skills when entering this evolving labor market or when creating our own markets young I think the world is changing a lot faster because of the internet and I think today young people should never think about their own local market should think globally in the past is made in China made in America in the futures made in Internet right in the in the past is the big companies can do the exporting in a past is the containers go out in the future is small companies small people that a mobile phone can global by a global cell in the future the global trade is not decided by containers is decided by packages in the past the globalization is just a global trade is designed by six six thousand big companies in the future six minutes more companies so you have to think globally and you have to think about the future an accident thing is that I'm happy to see you know you as a lumen leader and this world the difference between last century in this century is we will have more women leaders last a century would compete thank you last century will win by muscle this century will win by wisdom last a century will win by care myself this century from this century will care we wing by care the others I said if want to achieve something use more men but if you want make a good things have more women but if you want have excellent of things men and women together balance and this is what we did this is the secret sauce of Alibaba and how can you people to be creative innovative let's should find things from the subtle things I said arts painting singing dancing sports learn from mistakes learn from coordina people learn to care the others why women in this sent from this entry were to better than men one thing women care others more than men even our shopping most of the women but the shop for the husband kids parents men only shelter for themselves so when you have a company full of people care for the others this company will be sustainable thank you thank you so much jackoff
Channel: Alibaba Group
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Id: a8WZphmjsL4
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Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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