Jack Ma's Life Advice: WHY DO THE 1% SUCCEED (Best Motivational Video)

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[Music] thank you so much yeah a lot of people say Jack your time is so precious and that not necessarily if your time to not expand on the things that you feel important or same thing that you are you extremely loved to do it or you're not spending time for the future that time normally in New Year's so be spending time with the students with the schoolmates and discussing young people is when I look at the young people your eyes it reminds me my my past so I think a spending time with you it's my honor this is the time the most valuable thing discover discuss about the dreams I think like any kids I had a lot of dreams when I young and most of the dreams never came true now I'm trying to I tried to make that when I'm 53 years old I I've been working very very extremely hard in the pasture 30 years 35 years now I think it's time to think about my yonder your childhood dreams to sing songs and be an actor and painting everything I want to try everything that I know so you have to work hard they can realize a lot of dreams that sounds stupid or crazy when you were young let me say this when I started out well by the way I said I worked very hard when I was a student universe in the university even I was the chairman of the Students Union of my University and for my city I spent I would say 70% of my time serving in the students unit supporting young people that gives me a lot of lot of experience that working with the people the people relationship helping people by helping people I get a lot of fun and get out when I get a more fun and happy more people so this is why when I never got a even one day of training to do business when I set my my company I know how to deal with the other people so it's not on the knowledge that as the student they should alert you should learn how to surf people how to work with people how to team up with the people so in the future remember one thing that we know IQ EQ if you want to be successful you have to have great EQ because EQ knows how to work with people if you no matter how smart you are but you never know how to how to work with people you will never succeed your dream whenever it's just your dream and then IQ is a make you not make stupid mistakes you wouldn't make you live longer not and the other thing in the future if you want to be respected you should have al Q the Q of love is also very important so these are the things when you have these skills EQ IQ and lq most the students pay streamlet attention to the IQ but they don't pay attention to the EQ if you don't have the lq you go nowhere so all the dreams you have but based on these things and i never know that I was I would I would be jumping to the internet time and when I drop at the internet time when I started my career are the 1995 I study internet China and terrible years for four years made a lot of mistakes and you know stupid mistakes and popular and all in a wrong way 1999 was when I started Alibaba I told my team that we may not succeed but somebody will and we I never know and we never realized after 18 years we can achieve that much so if it is your your dream you can never go for if it is a group stream I can go further so I make our ally puppetry not my dream is a dream of 18 founders later it become a dream today become a dream of 60,000 people and we make the dream trailer making sure that everybody we will try our dream is to enable everybody can realize their intrapreneur dreams through the internet so young people remember don't worry about it you know you know is that a silly dream no if you really believe it it's a it's a great dream so believe something that you're really passionate about don't believe it because the other people think it is important I never think when most people like it I don't like it when most people don't like it I will think about it this is that you'll make yourself unique you are you and doing business is about do anything is bad be because you are so unique there about seven billion people in the world but there's only one you that's worth it yeah so dr. MA a lot of young people and a lot of students have a hard time sort of sticking to their dreams so after one failed class or one failed acting audition they immediately get discouraged so what advice can you give the young people so that they can continue sticking towards their dream even in spite of all the obstacles yeah one thing where you have a dream you have to sing one thing the dream is great the thing behind the dream is tough right so when you want to dreams that you have to ask yourself what you want to sacrifice not say I want to do anything to get my dream but you know what are the things you want really want to do you have a failure your mistakes people don't like to you people don't team with you and all the stuffs when you have a dream you have to think the backside of the dream very clearly so everybody asked yourself what do you have right and what do you want a very important what will you give up if you don't think about what will give up you will not have what you have so when I start my business I know internet 90 95 99 that 9 9 90s nobody believed Internet in China what happened so if I want to sell my products I know today as a salesman I go out 10 people if I talk to 10 business people 10 business people always say know why people want to help you people say help me why people should help you people help you that is extremely your lucky people don't help you it's very common so when you go out nobody nobody have a deal with you you say yeah I'm right nobody do with this if you got a 1 deal you should be honored extremely happy because you're actually a coronary so don't be discouraged when people don't help you why people should help you you should have earned the right to be helped right this is so when you have a dream you have asked what other things you want to pay for the trees so that's a very interesting perspective doctor my really understanding what you're willing to give up now we want to talk about this role model that you've always often taught them rather often talked about in a lot of your interviews Forrest Gump often times you cite this quote from that from that movie life is a box of chocolates but with that we wanted to know more about how you stumbled upon Forrest Gump and what kind of what kind of different perspective in the world has watching that movie given to you yeah that's a very interesting question the day I watch the for scam was in France home in Seattle and that week was my most frustrating dismay period I was so upset I was cheated too by my friends and I felt like five projects all failed so I almost to say well you know cuz the people I work with they are very smart and we know that internet was not easy 1995 1996 907 but when we do not realize it's so tough then I was happened to be in Seattle in my friend's home and he had a video the Forrest Gump with watch that that evening and I I watched the movie I they we have to stay foolish with our dream don't think we are smart we had to stay foolish with our dreams and we have to continue be simple like Forrest Gump is a very simple he's not smart guy it continued it to running round Ryan he thinks that he said nobody you know he will only want to make business been affirmed but catches shrinks a lot of people want to make visited make money by catching wills shocks you know you gotta do business who was a big companies so I thought that time yes he's right we should serve normal people we should catch shrimps we should have supporting small business so be simple stay foolish and no matter what you know say just to continue and do not complain others only complete or self-checking what's the problem with me did I change myself later I found a lot of people fail because when they fail they always complain about the others that's his fault that's that problem that that problem and only those people always check their own problems these people survive these people succeed for years for path 8 18 years I don't think Alibaba may complain a lot if you complain you have to have a solution if there's no solution for complain don't complain that's it so in the movie forrest gump you talked about the shrimp right there were basically days before they finally caught that big hall of shrimp so first had to go through a lot of failure before he got success with that you've always said the young people that they should be able to learn more from their failures rather than their successes what do you think the types of failures young people make that they should learn the most from oh yeah let me tell you that one day I was reading of reading that a biography of general in the set of the Second World War and I feel impressed not is how much victories successful battlefield that he achieved I think you know if I were better if I was a young man at that time I could do better but I was impressed by how many suffers the terrible experience that he survived that surprised me the grand the grand grandfather always tell us you know jack I've been doing that much I made a lot of mistakes I still surviving I said Wow but if he say you know I've been achieved that much and say hey you know if I were your age ever at that time I could do better so people will feel proud when the day when you tell your grandson about how much tough days you have gone through I think one day I share with my kids my grandchildren how much Alibaba have gone through the tough days the mistakes doing business they just like that go to the battlefield the survivor wings no matter how brief you are you're dead people forget again within three days but if you survive you always have chance and go to battlefield is that I experienced the soldier know that held to hit himself and then fight young soldiers just to go out to fight there are different of reasons for sex there are various reasons too for one person to be successful but there are almost the same reasons for people who fail greedy right round team round too fast with too much money by the way you will never make big mistakes 'we don't have money right but people say if I have money I'm gonna do a big business no no no remember that all the mistakes the other people made you were making so you have to learn if you want to be successful learn the mistakes the other people learn learn from the mistake the other people made not because you will avoid these mistakes because you know how to face these mistakes and travels when these things come we have a lot of our mistakes we say wow these guys coming these mystic come how the jicama did how Bill Gates did it how Obama did it you know when the tough day comes it's not because you can't avoid it because when the problem comes how you face it with great attitude then you succeed yeah dr. MA other than that I think one time you also mentioned that giving up is possibly one of the biggest failures that the person can do but I think when it comes to young people often times you have our crazy dreams and we try to seek advice from older people or more experienced people who sometimes tell us that's not gonna work or this is how you make it work how do we make it happen such that we still continue our dreams but at the same time we take criticism but we don't give up because more often than not that's what happens yeah if you have a crazy dreams don't talk to your grandfather [Laughter] if you have a crazy cream very important is that you have to find the people around you well when we invest a company I want not only looking at the founder I want to see the people who work with the founder whether did you believe him if he is the only person that believing the dream that's very dangerous he's not a crazy dream is a crazy person but you have to find a group of people who are off believe they're all crazy something interesting then right because it's easy to make one person crazy but if you make the whole team crazy something interesting this is what I did early days of Alibaba I made a speech in America to talk about the valley mission and management way of running in an Internet company that was very early 2001 - there is a guy in American guys sitting there say this is a crazy guy Internet at the survive first to make profit revenue for get back out of a valley amazing and team working you know this is all this is all lies he said you're crazy I say sir welcome to Alibaba someday so he came to Alibaba spent a few days the day when he left he said Jack I thought you are crazy now I found a 100 crazy guys in your company because we believe what we are doing it's easy to make you believe but if you can make a group of team belief and continue to do it dancing so I think there if it's crazy or not but only testing is the idea if you want to make a company it sounds crazy your customer love it if the customer like it your team like it you know it's not a crazy if the custom does not like it do not like it your team don't like it forget about it you have to change yourself dude even if you have a crazy ideas don't believe you are always right you have to learn all about by the past 18 years we have changed at least the 18 big major changes we are not the Alibaba last year every one every year we are different company right so this is you have to change all the time to be sure that we don't care about it how the other people say you're crazy we care about is this something really different really make the make the difference that's what we care about so a lot of the students here are young entrepreneurs themselves and they have a lot of crazy ideas and they want to make those ideas happen since you're the on that special advisor for young entrepreneurship and small businesses what do you think the role of young entrepreneurs and small businesses are in the country and help making the country grow good wave I do you want to do it the first thing I'd advice I give you is think about what will you give up right and next thing I want to give advice is how many years you want to reach for that goal a lot of people have this idea I want to be 16 next mouth or next year or next week forget about there's no such opportunity in this world that you can succeed next week there's no better opportunity that can sit next a year because young people most people like the main right 18 years ago we don't have money we have technology we don't have a relationship we don't have any powerful person supporting us I started my business 18 people we only get the 50,000 us daughters 18 people together in my apartment so we don't have anything and when I study Alibaba when I said to my internet business you're 1995 I started with two thousand US dollars follow the money from my relatives in France now we started but I know one thing people like us don't have money technology don't have any relationship or any things we know we wing for the future I know if I I started doing 10 years later our wing and in the 10 years what I would give up who our partner is what the things will be differently how can I live longer and instead of live happier so the world is very interesting if you want to live happier you may live very shot if we want to live longer life is a very tough you have to exercise every day right so this is this is the life balance so young people when you have a dream you want to do is think about how many years you wanted to make this thing happen if you think it's about 3 years I can be successful prepare for 10 years if you think I have a five year succeed prepare for 15 years and then if you think 10 years will succeed me succeeded in eight years so you should have a long preparation determination and these are all the things they have to think about there is no great opportunity that make you succeed next to be next Mouse next a year there's no such that's fancy great idea that's really crazy I think I speak for Mikey and everyone here this might have been 20 of the most insightful minutes of my life and our lives so thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us thank you on behalf of everyone thank you very much so we'll remember that to find out what we're willing to give up make sure you're not just IQ but EQ and lq as well and lastly never ever stop believing in our dreams so thank you very much mr. MA for your time and thank you on behalf of the students of that assignment thank you very much [Applause] hello Jackman now dr. jack first of all I'd like to thank dr. Jack for an insightful discussion earlier we were talking about a framework that I've been doing with the government for the past so many years which focuses on money I mean mentorship money and market the three most powerful aims in really helping our micro and small entrepreneurs and I invited about 50 intrapreneurs here most of them from the brick and mortar business a number of them are digital economy three of them are quite successful and they will share their insights and questions with you and I think the brick and mortar are here because they're scared of the changing landscape the destruction is happening in way things are happening so I wanted to ask you do redo the old economy or the brick and mortar businesses have to fear that much what is their solution to preventing themselves from disappearing yeah I think the the old economy should not fear but they should have change immediately the past 20 years internet technology changed the world but this it was speed up next 30 years and every three years it's just like 30 years so if you do not start a change it's going to be tough it's going to be really tough I'm not scaring people because I've been doing that in China for years telling people that the new business model so how it just like older days if you're using horses and buffaloes too and the other guy uses electricity you don't have channels at all if you are doing biz do you think about I design and I make and I sell called b2c but the other guys because the new technology they become consumer to be consumer to be become see to be they become a tailor-made they using the logistic system such as social justice to network they reach the market a quicker faster than you are now they usually internet to find the customers abroad cross the board they using I dated technology magic cheaper you don't have chance to win so I think please change quickly it's not competitor killing you it's the future kill you if you kill yourself and how you can change embrace the change do not be scared by technology technology I would say today is so simple and easy the only thing spend time on that I think because your entrepreneur you're smart enough if you really sit down together for three hours deep learning it would change a lot of people just don't like it I I think I don't it the world is so dis world is so difficult to change your successful people people have a millions of ways to tell you I succeed yesterday so you guys forget so let us learn from young people today technology internet technology are so simple so easy and most of the internet companies like us we give you free technology free services why not try free young people because we try free they succeed so I would say don't be scared don't be feared here just go ahead if you don't use it it's just like last century you refuse to use electricity it's gonna be dangerous and by the way it only takes about first as three years you were totally different we talked about the three M's one of the three aims was mentorship LaSalle is a great school great wonderful school I still have to get my diploma I studied in LaSalle but I still should finish one more subject that's the irony of all things and I agree with dr. Maia because you need EQ more than IQ in a sense all my life my passion is to help many more micro entrepreneurs and we discussed the level of poverty here is the cause for our drug problem and for us to enable our small entrepreneurs many of them are survival entrepreneurs to lift up from poverty we have to create the next part of the 2ms which is the money side in the marketplace what are you views to enable these people to cross and be able to access the money in the market yeah I think first small business must must have big dreams and big companies should have small steps big company always think of big Yogi's will fall down big companies should have small steps every week every day every year I must reach this money but small dreams small companies have big dreams I'm now today serve twenty customers how can I serve 200 customers in two years how can I serve 2000 customers what are the ways that I can serve two thousand customers how can I make this ten customers who using my services that be happier healthier and continue to be we try to make every customer of my company to be the advertisers or salespeople of our company because in this way you have to make sure your your products good but the government should build up the infrastructure of Commerce what is the infrastructure of Commerce at the mentorship we should have a lot of business schools not necessary MBAs I'm not a particular fan of the traditional MBA the MBA they make people sometimes very stupid because business is you have to be flexible you have to change yourself to me now it's it's not me it's not everything can be standard right so we have the mentorships and we also have the money reaching market reaching and also I think the technology region so what we call is that this country I cannot see I know a lot about a fillip thing but when I see over a hundred million people 99 percent of the business of this country as small medium-sized companies we should build up the infrastructure of supporting small business making sure that every small business are able to reach the money and today it's impossible to let the big banks to do it we should use a new technology to do it which I call increase of financing KB down by the internet technology today Alibaba in China a leap a we serve more than half billion people young people in China using mobile phone payment we don't have so many credit card system cracker China people say a jack you know it's impossible to the payment in China in the past 15 years people keep on criticize us say how can you do payment online you don't have a check you don't have a credit card system you'd have a credit system you don't have enough banks how can you do great because we don't have the check because we don't have the credit card system we make the most advanced payment system in the world so Philippine I think you have the opportunity to make the world the best tech thing of FinTech in the world because you have so many mobile phones you have set more than 7,000 Islands it's impossible for banks to have offices in 7,000 covering everywhere but mobile phone covering everywhere we shouldn't make Philippine a cashless society when you have cashless society everyone rich my way Cassius I didn't know no corruption and life is easier totally agree we have basically the to tell Co guys here are in a school globe Erik Alberto smart and PL DP blame them for the slow Internet [Applause] honestly honestly it's unfair to blame anybody let me see this where is the opportunity opportunity exists in the areas most people complain if you can solve the complaint you have the chance when we started Alibaba the speed of Internet in China was terrible much worse than today's Philippine Oh much worse right at that time not even 3G and but that's not an excuse for mobile phone companies to to let slow speed has slowed it services faster speed has fastest speed services but it's a great opportunity for for the telecommunication companies to invest this investment I'll guarantee you will get the return back they're going into the 4G now so that's going to speed up the internet I think it's this is this is the opportunity for everybody if the 4G 5g s continue to it's going to make the country good make everybody good and finally will be good before we go to the students to ask questions I wanted to just call two successful tech pioneers Robby Antonio briefly can you ask a jacket on question hello morning mr. ma the smartest people in the world seems to be very divided in the issue of blockchain technology what is your current stance towards this I seem to have research that you're predisposed to audit and how does that conflict with the overarching goal of China banning ik the exchange in the technology say that again blockchain Jane and bitcoins and cryptocurrency again bitcoins right well I'm I'm a believer the blockchain technology and we have a specific a team in the company ally and the financing focus on researching on that because we are believer of globalization we're believer of free trade in the future the global trade global business globalization there are a lot of money transferring what is the safe the way what is the most efficient way that to do that so we put a lot of the efforts on that so I would say let me say this about technology general wise company like us we should not have wing our market by advertising dollars we should wing our market by innovation Alibaba should not go get our profit from the size of the business we should get our profit from the technology that would be invested in site we invested heavily nine years ago study on cloud computing and big data's now for financing we invested heavily on bracha chain but Bitcoin and this I'm not big fan of that yet let me say this company like us I think lastest entry if you have a technology you want to keep it to yourself today in 21st century if you have a technology the only way to make you powerful is enable others even enable your competitors so we Alibaba will spend billions of dollars on technology and when we spend the money on the technology we were making sure this technology is inclusive to the others so Brockton technology is the big investment that we invest in on that but we as I say we also would love to partner with others others okay Robbie basically raised money on his company called revolution he this is the first Filipino company who valued it at 1 billion u.s. dollars or congratulations to this guy thank you I have another very successful tech company your next early ed of surpass NYX can you ask your question quickly hi good morning job my question is around the ewt P initiative that Alibaba has taken what are the implications of this for Southeast Asia and I guess more importantly for traditional businesses and retailers how should they view the e/wd be knowing that it can be very disruptive to their current business models thank you so much for this question for you WT PS stands for electronic world trade platform a lot of people don't like globalization I think globalization did a fantastic job in a past of 30 years they pop up the global trade but it's a growing pain it's a stew a baby only 30 years old the thing the problem is that it benefit 20% of the development of countries 80% of developing countries don't have chance young people don't have chance the globalization the past of 30 years was controlled by 60,000 big companies we think should Elise the 16 million or 30 million or 60 million small business young people should be able to sell small business like anybody sitting here intrapreneurs Phillip ping think about how you can sell your small business here can sell products to China to career to Europe as long as your service is good products good you should be able to compete with any big companies this is my belief so ewt P is try to build up a platform not organizing I feel sorry for WTO when you put 200 government ministers in their one room to agree on something impossible right but if we put the two thousand business people in a one room we can't agree on something the only thing we want to do business so II WTP we work with WTO is this is the 2.0 version of WTO supporting small business young people that we encouraging every government to set free trade zones for small business there are so many free trader zones in any country but all these free trade zones are designed for big companies for small business if you want to sell things outside the country the government will never give you 24 hours custom decrees big company can you cannot so we want a beaut up a process a platform a way of doing business then every small business you can global sell global by global peg global delivery and global travel and you can have a marketplaces online and this is what we believe I we come here Alibaba come here to fill up in last night I arrived like a 10 o'clock we had a meeting dinners we had a meeting until later 12:00 for two hours discussing how we can build up the infrastructure of doing business in Philippine the payment system the marketplace system the logistics system when we build up that the purpose is to making sure these small business can sell their things to China to the other part to Malaysia now the ewt be the first project we launched is in Malaysia and we hope that every country in Southeast Asia can join the e WTP every country have a free trader zones for small business entrepreneurs there are a market place rich their money rich justic reach mentorship training rich and IT rich so they can do business this is what I want anywhere in the world any young people in any country open a mobile phone you care all the products from everywhere in the world and then get products within 72 hours and this is the goal that we want to reach in 20 years and ewt today the first example we're testing in Malaysia very good so fast very good so when we have that model we will bring to Asia any countries if we are interested in thank you and the last year I should from mr. LaVista the youngest entrepreneur we have here here he dreamed of putting solar panels in everybody's rooftop and how old are you 20 24 24 just 24 years old and he's just finish my University of Louisville go ahead your mission sir to use technology to uplift developing countries is so inspiring and apart from the slowest internet the Philippines also has the most expensive electricity the worst traffic and many other wursts so I'd like to ask what are your other ideas apart from e-commerce and FinTech to solve developing world problems in energy infrastructure and agriculture so end poverty in the developing world thank you thank you so much well let is this say this people consider Alibaba is an e-commerce company first when I eat carbons company we're ecommerce enabler we do not to buy in a cellar ourselves it's a first we are different from Amazon Amazon they buy their sell their e-commerce we make other we help other company to be ecommerce second ecommerce is less than 20% of our business so Alibaba listed in New York steak stocks that's only 20% of our business we ask ourselves one thing eighteen years ago in my apartment our dream is to survive our dream is to making sure Alibaba will survive and be us their business and today we have six close to 60,000 employees we have so much cash we're the greatest technology of the internet e-commerce we have all the resources we have what we want now we want to make more money we think we should be the engine of innovation of the world of this century we should be a company of the century not company of China of company of Hangzhou which is using all the resources data's people we have to enable the if you want to be same company of the century you have to make different so we think we want to build up using this resources we have to build up the infrastructure there every young people every small business every woman can you leverage this technology and infrastructure to do business to culture so this is our dream and this is a few more excited about our revenue income a profit income although we have a good revenue good profit we love the things we care about the job of creations we care about the efficacy of people doing we care about young people have opportunities we care about women leadership's these things will care about but if you really ask us what we would do for sustainable growth growth what's the meaning of life is happy and healthy we think after internet we should making people that be happy be healthy so happy and healthy industries something that we want to do if you want to be healthier healthy food healthy environment healthy water healthy air if you want to be happier you should have the belief you have the valley you have the dreams I don't want make this our company become a company a machine of making money and this is how we do it and I to sustainable growth is that when you are healthy and happier you can be happy you can be sustainable and if you want to be healthy environment water food and psychological Europe should have a belief religion culture and education these are the things that using technology if we can empower these things we are the company that are you proud for working day and night that it worth it otherwise it does not make any sense for making more money I cannot spend out of money this is a tie up I've given by you know I don't dress like I don't wear watch you know rings no that class I think how much money can say can only sleep one bad you can only eat have three dinners it's so that's the meaning of life and this is what we want to do we have a couple of questions from students are you ready well you guys ladies and gentlemen yeah so our esteemed guest dr. Mann has been most kind to me agreed to answer some questions for our students so for the students please introduce yourself and tell us your year and major before you ask your questions okay students hi mr. Jack Ma I'm a third-year industrial engineering student my question is what would you consider to be your biggest failure in life and what did you learn from this experience that you can share to us students the my biggest mistake that I don't want to make is the day when I retire the company claps right this is what I don't want to see because everybody was sick everybody will get out everybody would die we've been working hard for 18 years at this company won the last 102 years so we would never see Alec Alibaba is successful because we're only 15 18 years there 84 years to go in the last next 80 84 years we may have a hundred times or maybe one minute chance would disappear so my job as a spanner see you how can I keep this company growing when I retire when I leave this company it still continued to grow this is why I don't want when I'm 80 years so 70 years so I'm sitting still working the company I thought I should die and the beaches in the Filipino muffin not into my office because you don't want to see an older guy is sitting 18 years so stupid the chairman that won't work so every day I'm thinking about is what if I leave the company the company gonna continue to grow and if I cannot make that thing happen this is the Miss bixton mistake then I would make and a lot of mistakes I do is that I can share a lot of idea the day when I retire May 5 if I'm a good at the writing I would write a lollipop up 1000 were mistakes any mistakes or for example when you have when you raise money a lot of people in the Richmond the first thing they were they were looking for a fancy office building and decorated wonderfully and stacked high great people especially high people from multinationals that's a big mistake I've made when I when I have the first a five-minute US dollar foundation I start hi people who used to work in the vice president of big companies well when they came the destroy us because when you attract them you borrow a Boeing 747 engine putting inside you're going to destroy your tractor you should not find the best of people you should find right people and working them develop with them make your team the best of people there's no best people in the market the best people is always in your own company that's the mistake I learned and I wanna share with you thank you next okay hello good morning my name is Fallon Lefou I'm a third year entrepreneurship student firstly welcome to our University and thank you for visiting us my question is based on your experiences what are the friendships that enjoy time in the ups and downs in life likewise my question is based on your experiences what are the friendships that enjoy time and the ups and downs in life okay the friendships right well I think this thing that makes me go through all the tough days are the friendships they let me see in this way I don't invite any of my friends join my company from the first day but when they join my company I make friends with them this is a vizag if you don't invite your best friend to form a company with you don't totally we don't I see so many tragedies there are cases may succeed but most possibly you fail it's better to make friends when they join the company treat them but when the company's that big you cannot make friends with anybody we can make colleague friends with that so friends makes when I'm in trouble I talk to them I talked to my I talked to my friend are my colleagues troubles even to today early days whatever problems I have the company have I tell them openly for our trust them right what's the wrong we don't we're gonna run out of money in weeks so what I'm gonna do though shop them by problems so friendship means based on trust my team trusted me and I trust them I know my team can't do better than I do than I am and I know they can survive they will they when they are in trouble I spent time with done when I'm trouble I found many of my friends came to talk to me they helped me yeah friendship well the difference between as let me take this business is about a friendship beauty friendship is about trust a building where you don't have friends you don't business we don't have trust you don't have friends that's all the things very simple thank you thank you thank you very much next students okay [Music] so hello dr. Jack good day I'm Gio and I am a third year psychology majors too then so and here's my question so the plan today is that there are many young people who do things simultaneously so there are they have their full-time jobs while doing their studies or doing part-time work well there are others who also wanted to pursue their plants our passion in doing business in open up their businesses so in the perspective of prioritization what advice can you give to these young people who wanted to pursue their dream of doing business while doing these other tasks I say that again make it simple okay so given that the young people of today have a lot of things that they were really wanted to do what advice can you give to the young people of the day in terms of prioritization what advice can you give today alright that's good first let me say a young people have a lot of things to do he wants to do loud thing is better than the young people who is there anything you want to do lot of things you want to do at least you have hope I like these kind of people but you have to focus on the things and how to folks what's the payara to my way it's not maybe not correct you have to pick up the things that you are really passionate about you love to do it where you do business you have to do things you believe in you love to do it if you're not like it you don't like it you cannot sustain so you love it and you have a passion about it this is my priority do not a pick up the thing that is important or your father said it's important you don't think so okay go nowhere so priority to me is when you are tiny pick up the things you you love you're good at you know that I can last long don't pick up things that is a big that will never last long and the other people think is big so this is something that hours and by the way the pirate oratory of your choice of to weather study or work are the same learning when you do the business you learn from the business where school you have to put the all the knowledge into practice I a lot of people wonder why will will leave the school without a getting a degree and then go to go to do business be entrepreneur they say Bill Gates succeed we do not the finishes school in Harvard there is only one Bill Gates don't do that right today it's much easier your school in the daytime in the evening open the shop online and by yourself step to learn it's a great experience all join the students units of other people all work in a part on the weekend supported this entrepreneur school companies be a you know a person their work in the weekend you learn so sorry I speak a lot today cuz I I don't think we can speak every year but I want to tell something that is helpful when you have 20 to 30 years old please find a good boss a good boss is better than a good company a good pass with discipline you train you develop you when you have 30 to 40 years old try to do something if you really want to do something yourself try to do it from 30 to 40 when you're 40 to 50 years old do something you are good at don't do something you don't know anything about but when you're 50 to 60 years old focus on helping young people we're six over 60 years old spent out with your grandchildren 80% of rocket not everybody but most people doing that Jack there's an interpreter here the the woman intrapreneur a serial entrepreneur her name is Maya Villanueva milah you had a question for jack is there a mic microphone and after this we have two questions left for the students so please prepare I could good morning dr. mark your friend masses son has raised and is deploying a hundred billion dollar vision fund around companies deploying the power of AI and the Internet of Things and talks about singularity I wanted to know whether you agree with him you talked about it and what are your thoughts around the area but on a light yeah I think in turn of the things of the future and artificial intelligence is such a hot topic this is something different from the American Way of artificial I don't think artificial intelligence is a great is a good word proper word I believe it's called a machine intelligence I don't I think human being have wisdoms machine have intelligence an animal have instinct today the artificial intelligence is trying to make machine think like a people human being human beings only know 80% of their brains and how can you make machine to learn from the 80% and for example when we judge people using human eyes we're taking pictures way we analyze why machine should I take the picture analyze that human being machine should have as a machine ways so I think today artificial intelligence in the yes it's good direction but the wrong way and Alibaba focus on machine intelligence machine should do things that human being cannot do well machine should learn like a human beings a machine will never be able to think like human being human beings have the belief that the religion had the valley machine mean I have so what I would say is that all the University a special primary school king of schools we have to be very careful the way we teach to delegates today will may make our kids 30 years later cannot find the jobs because machine are much smarter than human beings they can calculate it faster remember faster so if we teach our kids the way we taught in the past of 100 years our kids will not find the jobs next 30 years because machine would take a lot of jobs of us what other things the machine can never do this is something the education system every country should pay attention to that so this is what am i view about artificial intelligence and because of the Technic technology everything most of the internet of the things it's going to be made Internet everything will be connected to internet ok I'm sorry we only have yet one I'm sorry one question one final question from the students and ok and this will be the last question I'm sorry we don't have much time so thank you so hi dr. MA I am Joe Lockett RN third-year industrial engineering from the Conway College of Engineering so my question is what is the one global issue that you are personally passionate in solving yeah the global issue that the current center made their lot but I think as I say sustainable growth that every young people should have opportunities and how can we have the young people opportunities we should enable them by technology and we should change the education system improve the education system this is something worried to me if we check do anything to control or improve the environment but the way we teach kids young people are the same way we don't in industrial time or go nowhere so the thing I concern most is about education we are ok now if we do not know enough knowledge about what caused the environment problem what caused the ink now inclusive problems so these the things that we teach our kids the education systems that is the priority because I was trained to be a high school teacher I think a good education system I mean finally I'm the thank you I'm very honored to be given the doctoral degree but I was considered to be a bad student primary school I never passed examination for Kia primary school never got good middle school never got ice Paris I try to three years for entering a university in Hangzhou and never be the top ten students of my class traditional way of Education I was considered being a failure a loser but the way we do so what are the things something that we can do for the future this is something that I'm thinking a lot about that this is something concerning me when we have a good education system when we train our kids better our kids would not make the mistakes that our ancestors and our generation have made it's something that I conserve I want to really want to put efforts on that okay thank you very much you
Channel: Motivation Madness
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Keywords: jack ma, jack ma speech, jack ma success, jack ma motivation, best motivational speech 2017, jack ma 2017, jack ma interview, entrepreneur motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, motivational speech, motivational video 2017, best motivational speech, motivation video, jack ma alibaba, jack ma young people, jack ma advice for young people, jack ma advice, motivation madness, ecommerce, jack ma ecommerce, founder, jack ma success story, jack ma life advice
Id: cxJVdj0stvw
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Length: 63min 40sec (3820 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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