Jack Harlow Talks EP, Staying Single & Meeting DJ Drama.

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yeah what up it's dj sussman the feature presentation we're here at penthouse studios and we got my guy in the building all right jack harlow what's up boy oh it's great to see you this is my dab right here finish it up cool that's it that's all it is dj bus one yes some behind the scenes jokes we're talking about his life and he says he busts another day but that's neither here nor there let's talk about your career yo so talk to me about um you know the come up i know you've been in the game a little while now but talk to me about what it was like growing up in louisville kentucky now we're going to talk about how you and drama made fun of me because i said louisville when i met you in atlanta that was almost worse what you just said oh so i said it wrong this again yeah you [ __ ] it up but it's okay all right yeah i said yo so i quick thing i met him in atlanta with my boy dj drama when i was on tour mariah and i attempted to say what i just said and they made fun of me for at least five minutes straight with no [ __ ] break and that's why i want to talk about it today so so uh louisville i'm from the highlands neighborhood of louisville very diverse eclectic area you can run into any type of person i went to school from elementary through high air very pedestrian friendly area so i was walking around after school for hours just exploring and i think it widened my scope as a person so that's what it was like for me growing up was just meeting a lot of people moving around and how did you get into music in hip-hop well you know rap music by the time i was an adolescent was just the flies thing going already so i was into it i always liked writing and it was just attractive to me so i just wanted to do it so at what point did you move to atlanta because you moved to atlanta correct correct um what made you move to atlanta what point did you move to atlanta yeah so about a year after i graduated high school i moved to atlanta and it's about a six hour drive from louisville so we had been bouncing back and forth on spring breaks and stuff i would come down to open mics i was just trying to get on and it was the closest big hub so i made some connections down there and then i was like you know what let's just move so me and a couple of my guys we moved down it was as simple as that yeah i remember i just made a decision one day my best friend urban was one of the guys that moved with me and i was like yo he was in college and he left college to go with me you took a leap of faith did you feel like it was because most of the music um that was popping at the moment was coming from atlanta um and you thought you should be to a degree and it was the club like if i lived in new hampshire i might have moved here you know what i'm saying but like the closest thing was atlanta so we had done as much as we could in louisville at the time so it's like let's get on i want to get on on a national level so i'm gonna go to atlanta nice so how did you run into my brother dj drama how did you run into well so we moved down there me my producer two for one and my homeboy urban and me and urban immediately got a job at georgia state we were working at chick-fil-a so we were doing that just to pay rent at this apartment and then one day um a friend of dj dramas hit us up and took us to mean street and introduced me to drama and drama said he wanted to sign me so i quit instantly the first day he said he wanted to he didn't give me the contract the first day but he said he was interested the first day nice yeah that's dope usually takes people a few weeks and you know feeling the vibe i mean it took a few weeks to get it done i don't know why it took a few months i had to actually drop a record on my own i think to put the battery in everybody's back nice joe i had a little viral moment on twitter and insta and after that it was like let's go so speed up to today what does dj drama mean in your life in your career today it means a lot um he's a legend you know i grew up hearing his voice on songs that i was listening to so even now like we've we've known each other well for two and a half years now and like it still hasn't really worn off we're closer and i'm comfortable around them but i still hold them on that pedestal so it just feels special because i feel like i'm coming up uh the right way you know what i mean through tradition and i'm getting to hear these stories and i'm coming up through the ranks like it's fire that's the way i want to do it it's a legendary coastline legendary coach sign i also wanted to ask you what was that feeling to meet drama knowing about his history with gangster grills and knowing his history in the game and knowing that the legend you know he's talking about like that that's my boy driving don't get gas but you know and then meeting him and he's like i want to sign you how did that feeling yeah it's special man i mean i remember the first time i heard his voice in real life i was like damn you really sound like that he does yeah it's it's awesome i mean he's a legend bro i saw your genius interview when you said that you wanted to be the best rapper alive as you should because that's what it's all about a lot of people are in the game here just for a dollar or here just for the moment what does it mean to you to be the best rapper alive well for me i just remember when i was 11 or 12 like that's what artists were talking about and aiming for like that was a big thing for wayne i think it's clear that's a big thing for drake like um i was i fell in love with the art and competition hip-hop early on and so that's just something i'm interested in i don't think there's as much competition now because it's more about just being an individual and i you know i respect that not everybody has to go for that but for me that's what i grew up that's what made me fall in love with it what needs to be in your life to be the best rapper alive like i was having an argument with um pap hoops and he was telling me it's all about bars only about bars i told them no my brother you got to have hit records in the streets in the clubs on the radio bars you know when you know like when somebody's the best rapper alive there ain't a lot of debate about it you know what i mean like it's kind of like a cultural consensus you know because it involves everything cultural impact exactly talent like versatility like there's a lot to it you know what i mean but whenever someone has been declared as that title aside from them saying it themselves everybody kind of feels it at that time so to get there you kind of just know when you're there you can't really just be like voted into it people know who's the hottest you know what i mean who who's the best rapper alive to you right now beside yourself drake is the best alive right now really so i was having this discussion because i saw that um who was it that was kevin durant said in an interview that he feels like drake is on his way to being the best alive but of course people still say that they feel jay-z is the best alive so you feel drake over hov at the moment and honestly i'm gonna keep it real with you i grew up in both eras i feel like that's a close call right now but who do you feel drake overholds well when i do the alive thing like i'm more talking about um i guess you could be literal in terms of who's breathing but for me i like to talk about who's got it right now oh who's who's on top right now oh well drake yeah then drake's on top right yeah but if you want to talk about who's alive i mean it is a toss-up it's tough because someone says yeah so wayne jay drake it's it's tough you know what i mean but he's on top right now i heard you say also in an interview there's three pillars to entertainment violence drugs and sex and you said you're not really that violent um you said you really don't do drugs which is amazing i want you to talk about that because in today's culture it's so influenced by drugs and we've lost a couple of legends young legends to drugs and different stuff so how do you how do you keep that clean energy in this in this climate with peer pressure and the music that's what's popping that's what people are growing up to show i mean to be honest bro like i understand why people turn to drugs i don't think it's the right decision but especially in this career with the confidence that things like that give you like it becomes a crutch for some people so i just think it's not in my best interest to lean on it too hard you know yeah [Laughter] nice one um yeah it just i've seen the long-term effects it's had on people and you know it's nice in the moment but well there is one drug you're addicted to and you've been vocal about it and i think that we all know can't wait to hear what you're about to say sex that's a drug my [ __ ] um yeah that's a debate that's a debate yeah i don't know if that's the truth don't think people get addicted they said yeah you can get addicted being addicted to bread i mean anything's addictive if you like something and it's stimulating you you can get addicted to it sex ain't a drug and i ain't addicted to it anyway are we gonna just lie on camera you definitely you definitely come off as a guy who likes sex more than me you might be absolutely correct so anyway no you were you were vocal in the interview saying you were trying to um stay single right now that's true yeah why is that you know same as the drug thing man just seems like it's in my best interest some people will think it's in your best interest to have a partner that will you know be a companion and help you throughout your life in your career yeah they ain't in my shoes though you know do you have trust issues no because i do sorry i'm sorry so so this is just it's just because you just want to focus on you've never been in love i ain't gonna lie i've never been in love uh really yeah i have yet to be in love i look forward to being in love though i ain't somebody that pushes it away but that's amazing to me another one of my boys um said that you've never had a young lover or anything what you've never had that feeling like even in high school i've been infatuated but the way i heard some people describe being in love i know i never felt that you've never felt like you've had a girl that you would do anything for or die for no [ __ ] no god damn but i welcome it hopefully it happens well um what kind of women is jack harlow into and we're gonna get to the music i'm just trying to get people to see a different side to you uh physically or mentally i guess both i like a woman with confidence a sense of humor um badass attitude um anger issues no i'm just joking um yeah man physically i don't discriminate i have a few like things that i can't help that i gravitate to but i don't describe fake or natural natural for me all right thank you i like a real girl next door all right yeah so i want to ask this man because look megan was in and then we'll leave the situation we'll just talk about your future projects megan has been vocal with her unhappiness with um a label that put her in position uzi which he's he's just he's been vocal about disappointments with drama in a disrespectful way which i don't agree with i'm just keeping it real why do you think that some artists whether they're right or wrong feel like they need to um publicly disrespect somebody who if it wasn't for those people they probably wouldn't be in the position that they're in today because that's what it seems to be to me hard to say i can't speak for anyone else's perspective of mine no you know people go through things and you only hear one side of the story a lot of times so for me i've never really been somebody that can go on an interview and you know speak about why someone feels a certain way you know i just watch the show like you so talking about the ep what can people expect differently from the music that you put out seven songs it's called sweet action the music's you know very addictive it's sweet soothing on the ears it's got a candy coated quality to it you know but it's still bouncy and fun and it makes people move so i'm excited about it it's going to go crazy it shows i think you could play it in parties i think you could vibe to it in the car you know it's just all day type of music dope do you have any expectations since you want to be the best rapper alive as you should for the next year and a half where do you expect to be in the next year europe asia but as far as the people perceive you in hip-hop oh i think the perception's only going to get more and more positive i don't see so many skeptics turn to believers in the last few years that i just um i'm anticipating that continuing that's another thing i saw you said that you care a lot about well you used to care a lot about what the critics say and then you stopped reading comments on youtube well i just i'm you know i'm an artist so it's like erica badu said i'm sensitive about my [ __ ] you know what i mean part of you know how you make great music sometimes i like to have people in the room i feed off of other people's energy so actually i can't control that um people shading me now my skin has gotten a lot thicker as i got older i can't lie but i'm very receptive to energy i like doing shows i like connecting with people so the double-edged sword and that is that it's gonna bother me when people are hateful but that's just who i am as a person yeah cause i told cardi i interviewed cary one time and she said the same thing and i told her the social media era seems blatantly that people are just trying to get reactions out of people out of disrespect and hate and you grew up in this era so when you look at that you'll never just be like the [ __ ] out here they're just they just want a reaction oh ninety percent of the time that's exactly what i do but sometimes sometimes you're in a different head space sometimes things can catch you you know what i mean and i think that's just part of being human um there's a natural desire to be accepted but when you're in this career you got to let that go so i'm definitely um i'm just being honest it has bothered me before but it's not something that i stay awake at night about i'm much much better at just brushing off comments than i used to be bro it's crazy nice as and as you should because people are pieces of [ __ ] sorry to say that that's facts so um anything that you want to talk about that i might not know about that you got coming up besides the ep i'm shocked at how much you do know you knew a lot so really he's supposed to learn too much honestly a lot of things that everybody you just found out something different about me today that i'm black and white and i'm not the men again yeah dude's black and white shocking news right here he was like you're white i was just i was connected now but you're one of the good energy people in this game and i'm looking forward to she's moving up you know even more than you've moved up in the past couple of years in this game and i'm looking forward to seeing where it turns out appreciate that my brother love man pleasure bro feature presentation dj suspend jack harlow and tell dj drama i know he's popping but he got less swag to me love you
Channel: djsussone
Views: 25,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dj drama, Jack Harlow, Dj Sussone
Id: XD_noOUY7Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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