Jack Canfield's Masterclass on Visualization and Law of Attraction for Breakthrough Success

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when you were young growing up in Texas and in Wheeling West Virginia did you ever imagine all of this like all of this success that you've created all of the impact you've created I mean was this ever a seed planted in your mind when you were young no no not at all I uh you know like everyone else you did what your parents thought you should do you go to school they want you to go to college you go to college you graduate my dad wanted me to be a lawyer or go to work for a big corporation uh which I didn't particularly want to do and uh no I didn't at all and I got into my work through a class I took I took an elective class in college it was on psychology it was really like an encounter group where people just sat around and talked about their feelings and what they wanted out of life and told each other the truth big secrets you'd never told anybody and I went hey this is cool I want to learn how to do this this guy's getting paid to run this this class you know but no I was just a normal middle class kid in Wheeling West Virginia I never had that big a dream I I remember once I heard adelay Stevenson who was a US senator talk on television back when it was black and white you know and so what happens is I thought well maybe I could grow up and be an egghead Senator you know and do something good for the world but that was like a shortlived thought you know I went off to college I just wanted to graduate you know just want to get Escape tests and go on with the rest of my life so where did the Catalyst happen I mean where was it was it one moment was it that class or was it a journey a transform journey of transformation because you sound like you started out as a pretty normal kid and and uh with you know like you said you didn't have real Big Dreams or hopes or goals for yourself I mean what happened uh I went well I got to Chicago University of Chicago for graduate school because I needed I didn't had no undergraduate psychology training right this is my senior year I took that class so someone said well you could sneak into psychology through education you've majored in history you could go teach history and in graduate school you could start studying you know emotional intelligence and all these kind of things and so I went to the University of Chicago and I ended up teaching in an all black high school in the south side of Chicago and I became very interested in why my kids weren't motivated you know I was motivated I just wanted to learn and do and be and have fun and go for it and all that and they didn't and so I discovered this guy named W Clement Stone who was worth about $600 million back in the 70s which would be a billionaire today and he was a friend of Napoleon Hill who wrote Think and Grow Rich and he had a foundation he was running this course called achievement motivation program how do you motivate people to achieve more I went that's what I need from my kids so I went and took this class and it really transformed my life I learned that money was not a four-letter word because I grew up in kind of a union household you know where people resented the companies and I learned that you could set goals and you could have visualizations and affirmation The Law of Attraction and all the stuff that stone was teaching and so I started applying it to my own life in addition to teaching it in the classroom I got elected teacher of the year my first year I had students that were on they would get kicked out of school and they would sneak back into school come to my class and sneak back out of school because they didn't want to miss my class so I got really good at what I was doing and I started training other teachers to teach what we call self-esteem motivation goal setting all of that and it was then that I began to realize wow you really can create any reality you want you know you just have to choose it you have to believe it you have to work at it have a plan visualize it affirm it uh be willing to fail respond to feedback persevere don't give up you know all the basic principles and so w Clem Stone challenged me one year I was making $8,000 a year as a teacher in The Chicago School System back then and which is not a lot of money and he said I want you to set a goal that's so big that if you achieve it you'll know it's only because of me and what I've taught you so I set a goal to make a h 100,000 in one year and part of me thought this is ridiculous but I'm going to do it I'm going to I'm going to act as if it's true and so I did all the things I was supposed to do visualization affirmation acting as if following my intuitive guidance when I would get internal kind of what call inspired act ideas and sure enough by the end of that year I made 92,3 128 which was a little short of 100 but I was not upset at all then my wife looks at me says do you think it'll work for a million I said sure let's do that that took a few more years but when I do a seminar I hold up a or I show on a slide a check that was written to me for a, $138,000 from my publisher for the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book so that's that's when it all began to happen and then we had goals like you know let's let's transform A Billion Lives let's have one million trainers teaching my work by the year 2030 and so now I just I I just live in that world of Big Dreams thinking it's possible and going for it so you said all of the basic stuff you said visualization affirmations Law of Attraction all the basic stuff stuff M most people don't do that it's the basics they don't why not I I think two reasons number one they're not taught they didn't see their parents do it I mean Rich Kids obviously get rich because they watched their parents the disciplines they had their houses were full of books they went to summer camp they had tutors they they believed that they could have that because they experienced it already if you grow up poor you know you don't have that belief system that this is reality for me and you're not taught in the schools you know very there are some schools but very few who teach this work and so I think as unfortunately as adults we have to learn to spend our hard earn money uh to go to courses to take seminars and trainings and buy the books and the you know I used to say cassette programs way back when now it's all downloadable You Know MP3 files and so forth and there's so much online like your Ted Talk for example you know those Ted and Ted xx and the YouTube videos everybody has out there there's m master classes there's very inexpensive material if you want to if you want to go after it you know if you're not exposed to it you never heard the words I mean some people to this day don't know what a coach is you know they think a coach is a guy who coaches football and so they don't know about affirmations what is visualization what is the law of attraction I never heard of that you know is it like the law of gravity you know what are you talking about and so and the farther you get away from the coast and big cities the less people know about this stuff you know so and then a lot of people think it's Ruru they have no reference point if this is so true why didn't they talk talk about this in school if this is backed by Quantum science how come I never heard about it in my physics class you know so there's just a a lack of awareness now Oprah Winfrey and you know some of these TV shows you know and all the the shows are out there de Chopra and so forth people are getting more and more exposed to it in the mainstream but it's still not I I still think less than maybe a fourth of the population really knows about this and and actually does it and the other thing is it requires discipline and most people if you don't have a coach you know when I was on the track team a coach would say run three laps now I want you to walk one and I want you to run one as fast as you can then I want you to walk one then I want you to Sprint the 100 yard and walk the corners you know and I did it because the coach told me I never said well why should I do that coach do you have research to back that up you know so we haven't had that experience excuse me we haven't had that experience of people just being part of our our culture you know so that's it's just not it's it's foreign to a lot of people yeah and I would say even the folks who have heard of it they have a hard time going okay visualization I I I I knew what that is was when I was an athlete like if they were an athlete in high school or whatnot right and affirmations that's a little bit different right I think some people think of Stuart SMY for any of those who are in you know my age bracket or above we remember steuart SMY uh from the Saturday Night Live when he said you know I'm dug on I'm good enough I'm smart enough and dug on at people like me right we think of affirmations meanwhile Muhammad Ali said it's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief and when that belief becomes a deep conviction things begin to happen like this is real stuff that world-class performers use and then you said Law of Attraction so I think I think even fewer people have heard of that so can we start with visualization like so for the person who's heard of visualization they know they should do it like how do you do it is it something that you you do while you're laying in bed do you wake up and do it uh in the morning I mean and how do you visualize and what do you visualize can you put some a little bit of a framework around that sure let's talk for about a minute about why to visualize then I'll be GL to give you very specific instructions so what happens is the unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real event and a vividly imagined event and I demonstrate that to people in a workshop by having them close their eyes and imagine they on top of the tallest building in the world like the British Khalifa and Dubai you're 135 stories up and you're on a Terrace but this Terrace has no reeling just like the edge of a stage you have to walk to the edge of this railing or the edge of the Terrace and look down and everybody reports their hands get sweaty their heart beats faster you know and I say look here's the deal where were you really well in this room what's happening my I was responding to the visualization so your body is always responding to the visualizations that you have fear is visualizing the future bad things happening you your fear of losing your house fear of losing your job fear of getting coid and dying fear of you know the snake's going to bite you when you see a snake you know you have to go into the future and imagine something bad so what happens is we want to use that same function that we have a visualization for ourselves to rehearse and to imagine having the successes we want when you do that your body and your mind actually experiences that they had that success it's like you know I'm I'm doing a talk on self-confidence in a couple of weeks I've been kind of REM you know outlining my talk and self-confidence generally is the result of surviving a risk if you go out and give a talk and people like it and it was scary but you did it and they liked it now you survive that risk and you go oh yeah I got a little more confidence I can do that first time I asked a girl out for a date she said no well that didn't increase my confidence you know but then I tried it again someone said yes that increased my confidence so you have to take risks and take little risks at first don't don't overdo it you know if you're if you've never spoken to a group before don't start with 5,000 people in an auditorium you know start with 20 in a in a church group or something so anyway so what we want to do is when we visualize we are laying down this experience that we've already had it and we're activating our subconscious mind to do a couple of things start to perceive things in my environment that I never saw before so have you ever had an experience of walking into a bookstore and some book just jumps out at you other the res Fade Into the background sure or or you buy a new car and then the next day you're driving around you see that same model everywhere you never noticed them before but so what happens you have in the bottom of your brain stem a thing called the reticular activating system and that's the part of your brain that filters what comes in through sensation and eyes and ears that actually gets up into awareness to Consciousness and I'll demonstrate that for you and your listeners right now you're not aware of what you're feeling in your right foot until I say it but now can you feel your right foot yeah again so all that information was streaming up your spine into your brain your brain was going not important not important we're not paying attention to that we're listening to Jack and Jim so how do we program it to let in stuff and keep out stuff because we can't perceive everything at once it would overflow that's why when people take a drug like acid they get overwhelmed by all the images because that opens up a little more than usual and you're just perceiving so much stuff so what happens is uh when you are visualizing what you want the reticular activating system starts to notice anything in your environment M that was always there that will assist you in achieving that goal so it opens up the doors of awareness the second thing it does is it stimulates your creativity to come up with creative ideas have you ever been in the shower and all of a sudden you go oh I could do that you know because you've been thinking about something and all of a sudden or you're driving to work and you're kind of mindlessly driving to work or for women they putting on their makeup you know and so we call it hands busy mind free time and so what happens is that you are um having these creative ideas show up now you wouldn't have those creative ideas if you weren't focusing on the Sol solution or the hope for a solution for a problem you have so obviously your vision of what you want is a solution to something you have a problem with you want more money you want more free time you want more clients you want more people listen to your podcast you want to have people buy your book you know whatever it is so what happens is now you're starting to get creative ideas that usually happens after about 30 days of repetition of of affirmations visualization and then the third thing that happens is you're activating the Law of Attraction so what is the law of attraction the law of attraction is the law that says what I focus on and think strongly about think actively about feel strongly about and visualize talk about think about I'm am going to bring about so what happens is if I'm visualizing having a million trainers training My Success principles work by 2030 which is one of our goals then when I'm doing that every morning I am sending out an email if you will through the I call it the internet as opposed to the internet and what happens is people that are interested in making a difference in the world pick that up and all of a sudden they're finding my Facebook ad they they it was always been there but they never saw it before or they don't know why but they open up an email from me that day that they normally wouldn't open up and normally just Spam spam spam and there's an invitation to my training program I know a woman who's one of my major trainers who was walking through a bookstore and my book fell off the shelf right in front of her she picked it up she put it back on the shelf and it fell off again because it was like one of those face out things when there was too many books in that row and she didn't even look at it at first then she picked it up and she looked at it and she said this is interesting started to read it bought it read it called my company and said I want to work for you guys so that's the kind of thing that weirdly oddly starts to happen all of a sudden your brother calls out of the blue you don't know why or you just decide to go to this Starbucks instead of that Starbucks you don't know why but you do and then you're standing in line and the guy behind you you start talking to and he turns out to become a client or a partner or an investor or you know whatever or you marry the guy whatever so the point being all that starts to happen now how do you visualize first of all when I recommend you visualize a minimum of twice a day when you first wake up in the morning I go to the bathroom first and then I come back and I sit down I have a nice comfortable chair yeah you could do it in bed if you wanted to it doesn't matter and you close your eyes and you visualize and you have to do it this way it's called Associated versus disassociated imagery you visualize what you would see out through your eyes so if you were visualizing getting your master's degree in something you wouldn't imagine walking watching you walk across the stage you'd imagine your hands reaching out because you're looking from your own eyes out into the world and receiving that diploma maybe getting a handshake or today a fist bump or whatever from the dean and then you would imagine walking off and your parents are there taking pictures of you and high-fiving you or whatever so always be seeing like if you're visualizing skiing down the mountain you see the tips of your skis the top of your hands because you're holding your ski PES that's an important difference because if you're out watching you out there it's not as powerful when you're visualizing you want to be hearing the sounds you would hear and feeling the feelings you would feel if you'd already achieved your goal so uh auditory visual kinesthetic the three modalities that we all learn from neural linguistic program we want to activate those because when all three are happening simultaneously it's more it's a synergistic effect it's like you know energy cubed if you will so I'm looking at the movie I'm hearing people applaud let's say I'm on stage speaking to a thousand people I'm visualizing a standing ovation I'm visualizing people coming up afterwards and saying that's the greatest speech ever thank you how do I get your book I want to sign up for your program I'm get I'm hugging people I'm feeling what I would feel Joy enthusiasm love peace you know relief that I'm did good job whatever that's how you do it and do it again right before you go to bed I don't do it if I'm R to make love that night I got other things on priority but if you're just going to bed normally uh take a few minutes and visualize your goals as complete so let's say you have five goals for the year that are really important going to finish the book g to double my podcast uh membership I'm going to take a vacation with my wife that's go to the Maldives off India you know whatever all five of those I'm having an affirmation for and I use use the formula I'm so happy and grateful that I now am so I am anything you say after I am the subconscious takes as a command so when people say I'm fat the come the subconscious goes okay we'll give you that watch this take all food put on hips you know that's what the subconscious will do so you never want to say that always be I aming that which you want you know and you're lying to yourself because you're saying I am so happy and grateful I am on the beach and anapali Hawaii enjoying my week on vacation with my wife and family and your brain's going come on dummy you're in Indiana you know and you're going no no no no I'm in Hawaii now if you keep that up long enough your brain goes this is a little metaphoric but your brain says Jim's not going to give this up we better figure out how to get him to Hawaii so we can take a rest you know so we can resolve this tension because the brain doesn't like tension it's always going for homeostasis and peace the way it gets there for most people is they give up the dream now back to peace I'll just watch The Bachelor and the voice and we'll be happy and no big deal but if if you keep on doing the exercises the brain goes oh the only way we're going to get peace is figure out how to get Jim to Hawaii figure out how to get his book done you know make sure he does all these things and that's what then provides the motivation that gets you out of bed you do the action and the actions required you got to do the things like you know book of vacation write the book all of that that's a long monologue but I hope that was helpful absolutely helpful and for the listeners like this stuff works it works in the real world so I can think back of at least well at least two two major in in my life where this work like when I was competing as a wrestler I got a chance to finally wrestle the fourth ranked guy in the nation in front of 15,000 people this was the match of my life I had 16 years of competition this being my 17th year and final year of competition comes down to this moment where all the pressur is on the line it's it's seven minutes and it's either you you go home with nothing or you you actually achieve the thing that you've worked all these years for and I visualized this hundreds hundreds of times in in different formats you know a match going you know where I'm dominating the guy or or it's a close match and it goes into overtime or I have to come back from losing and win like but I visualized it in this magical thing happened in that moment where it was a foregone conclusion and and so so that's one instance and then you fast forward and the business that I'm doing right now this mission that I get to live out of my own like I visualize this right here right now talking to Jack handfield and and there's others who I've visualized talking to as well that haven't come to fruition yet but these things are it's m these things are happening I visualized many many times driving and my old boss may be listening to this so if you're listening to this boss like I'm sorry but this was what I was visualizing when I was driving to work for several years was walking into your office and tell you hey like I quit you know a great place to work loved working at my old my alma moer University of Virginia but I visualized it and it happened so you've got to take this stuff this is like Jack called he said this is the basics most people don't follow the basics you got to do the basic stuff this is the basic stuff re rewind about 10 minutes and listen to that monologue again from Jack because it will change your life so Jack the the movie in the book The Secret yes popular movie can you share what the secret is you you touched on it a little bit but you know depending on the person you talk to like there's there's this idea of this this secret that I want to talk a little bit more about and some people think it's woo woo it's far out there but other people like buy into it um can you talk about what is in your own words what is the secret and um for those who are kind of on the fence about it how can you help them sort of wrap their head around it and actually utilize it well the reason Ronda burn called it the secret was all these people that were in secret societies for years the Masons the the the different secret societies like you know we read these books you know The Da Vinci Code you know so on and so forth there were these people who were the the Pharaoh of India the the kings of France and England the Knights Templar Etc they all understood this they were all it's a spiritual principle because you're working in the realm of spirit as opposed to the realm of intellect or the realm of physical or the realm of emotions now they all play together but the idea is that there's this law called The Law of Attraction which says when things are vibrating at the same level they're attracted to each other in other words we we learned in science that Opposites Attract and that's true on the on the physical magnetic level down here but on the energetic level and everything is energy you're energy I'm energy your voice is energy Your Voice Sounds different than my voice because it has a different wavelength than mine every idea has a different wavelength every emotion has a different wavelength Joy has a different wavelength than grief and depression we all know that we we talk about those being higher vibrations higher emotions we feel down we feel depressed when we're down in the lower vibrations so uh we say oh I feel up today you know know I feel lighter it's a higher so what happens is well let give you one more example so think of the bars in your town you live in Charlottesville Virginia right okay I would bet you there's bars that the wealthy people go to and they used to be called Fern bars way back when because they all had like ferns hanging in them but they're the nice bars and then there's bars that the poorer people go to and if you walked in as a wealthy person into the poor section bar you'd feel uncomfortable there it's sleazy it's dark it's dirty and if you walk if you're a lower vibration person you're going to walk into the rich bar and you're going to feel out of place right so like attracts like the people that belong to the country club are not the same people that are hanging out homeless under the the bridge abutments and so we attract each other I noticed when I was in Hawaii the people wearing Tommy Bahama shirts would find each other the people wearing polo shirts which was more preppy would find each other and the people that were wearing you know harley-davison shirts or they be wearing a shirt like drinking problem I don't have a drinking problem I get drunk I fall down and get back up again no problem they find each other right and so we are attracted to that same level of vibration and that happens for income levels it happens for how happy I can be have you ever had people go like well one of my one of my clients wrote a book that got published recently it was called drug tested for being too happy like this person was so happy that some people thought she should be tested because they thought I was on drugs all the time and some people like oh she's paana she's too Ru she's too Airy fairy you know or that person to to grow set you know we don't want to hang out with certain people because our vibrations are different so what happens is that in life when you are in a state of Joy when you're in a state of Happiness when you're in a state of forgiveness nonjudgment accepting things the way they are not that you don't work to end things like racism and environmental degradation and all that going on but you're not angry about it you're just knowing hey I feel drawn to do this you know and so what happens is when you're feeling that sense of aliveness and expansion you're going to attract more things into your life that are vibrating at that level so when I started visualizing making a h 100,000 a year as we talked about earlier I started attracting ideas I had my first $100,000 idea in the shower I had this book called 100 Wast in self-concept in the classroom and I realized all I had to do was sell um you know I was looking a quarter per book 25 cents so I sell for 400,000 books I make $100,000 and then my wife said this was about a month into it we tracked another idea she said you know honey if we were a bookstore we'd be selling that book for a $3 profit because we'd be getting the retail markup only have to sell 33,000 books so we started online well wasn't online yet we started a mail orderer bookstore and then we started adding stuff and you know by the end of the year I had a whole books book company you know selling stuff and these ideas just keep coming because I'm attracting if you don't have a $100,000 goal you're never going to have a $100,000 idea you know if you're not trying to solve hunger in the world you're not going to have IDE ideas for how to solve hunger so whatever level you're playing at you're going to attract people at that level so I started attracting people that were making $100,000 that year Tony Robbins and I met once in the back of the room backstage in New York that's when he was making 50 million a year when his infomercial was at its height makes more than that now but he was making that them and I think I was making like 140,000 a year head ritten chicken suit for the so yet and said Tony you know I got a you didn't graduate high school I don't think I said I graduated college I have a master's degree I almost got a PhD teach me Mentor me what do I need to do he says do you have a mastermind group I said yeah he said what's the most anyone your Mastermind group makes I said I don't know $150 $200,000 says that's the problem says no one in my Mastermind group makes less than 100 million a year so I'm hanging out with people who are thinking bigger ideas having a higher vibration introducing me to people that are more able to play at that level and so all of a sudden Mark Victor Hansen and I came back we said we have to up our Mastermind group so we started inviting people that were making a lot more money into that group so if you don't know a mastermind group guys if you're listening is a group of about six people you meet once a month every two weeks by phon today be Zoom or Skype or whatever everyone gets 10 minutes to talk about what they're doing what they're working on and then every group brainstorms Solutions and and and and ideas and supports each other and introduces people to each other and so forth so all of a sudden you know then I'm starting to make a million a year my best year I've made 6.3 million a year you know so I start hanging out with different people so the Law of Attraction basically says if you close your eyes and you visualize what you want and you affirm it I am so happy and grateful I am now experiencing then you define it as if it's present tense and then Infuse it with feelings we call it emotionalizing it uh some people call it nalizing it because it was this guy named Neville who taught this stuff esoterically for years the emotions are critical if you just think it without the feeling it's like getting in your car with no gas you can have your GPS on you know where you're going you push on the accelerator nothing happens because there's no fuel the fuel is your emotions you got to feel strongly man I just uh I hope the listeners are really getting this I mean this is the stuff I mean you know I didn't know that I was using this when I was visualizing and affirming when I was competing but this this was the stuff you you know there's so much of an overlap between this and sports psychology and performance Psych ology so so really really wrap your head around this so Jack I got a question for you so what about the person who well I'll look back at my life right so what about the person who who visualizes but it's it's not working or maybe not working yet so for me you know I had set a goal like quit my job by the time I'm 40 well 40 came and went didn't make it 41 came and went didn't make it 42 came and went didn't make it 43 boom I finally did it so for the person who is experiencing failure they feel like they're doing this this stuff the right way but they're they're failing can you can you help us wrap our head around around that like how do we deal with failure along the way two things are usually true number one there's something in Psychology called the um psychological reversal and uh you the way to find out is you you can muscle test it so muscle testing is I would do this on stage let's say you were that person I bring you up on stage I'd have you put your arm out I would push down on it ask you to resist being a wrestler you'd be very strong I'm sure and and and then I would but get your base strength then I would have you say I totally and Unconditionally Love Myself just the way I am and then I would push down on your arm again if your arm went weak that means you're psychologically reversed if your arm stayed strong which it should when you affirm a positive thing about yourself then you're not one out of a 100 people statistically scientifically researched in universities are psychologically reversed often not always it comes from a childhood physical abuse or sexual abuse or just you know could be emotional abuse that happen psychological whatever so we can un um reverse oursel just by tapping with your dominant hand on your non-dominant hand 35 times I don't know why that works but it does and what happens then we would muscle test you again your arm have you say that your arm would be strong now how long does it last everyone always asks that and the answer is as long as it does so for some people it could be an hour some people could be all day I doubt that it usually last forever so if you're one of those people just do that every time before you sit down to do your visualization before you do affirmations before you read a self-help book before you listen to a TED talk before you listen to your podcast whatever now if you're not sure what you are and you don't even want to muscle test you you cannot take yourself out of normal and put yourself in reversal only come out of reversal and back into normal so basically if you just did this just as you know as a precaution every time you're about to do something positive we this originally was discovered when clients would be coming into a therapist they would say you know I've tried everything I've been to every therapist in town I've done acupuncture NP blah blah blah nothing's worked we'd say let me muscle test you boom they were reversed now that's why it wasn't working because positive input was going in and having an a negative impact now that's one thing but the but the other thing that's big on for most people is unconscious limiting beliefs so you may have wanted this goal you may have worked hard for this goal your willpower is working in that goal but some part of you had a belief that was stopping you from making that decision either it was afraid that something bad was going to happen if you quit your job or it was like you know who knows what it was I I'm not inside your head but whenever I've worked with people who you were there you're exactly right you nailed it okay so what whatever happens is it's usually between the ages of three and eight some decision was made you know for me I'll give you an example in my life I I had clutter everywhere I mean it looked like a warehouse in my office it was a disaster and I when one day decided to do this session with this guy and he took me through a belief change exercise where we went back and we discovered my childhood decision and what it was was I was under the porch of my grandmother's house with my dog my mom and dad had just got divorced my mom moves in with my grandma with the three kids so we're living in the attic and the dog is my transitional object you know about parenting so your kid takes the teddy bear on the plane because it's it gives them safety when they're on this scary place so my dog's my transitional object I'm hug my dog my dog bites the neighbor KB they're going to put my dog to sleep they're coming to get my dog I'm under the porch hiding with my dog and um I hear my dad going Jack when you come out wherever you are you're in deep trouble you know and I'm sitting there holding on to my dog I love my dog you know they're gonna kill my dog and so they finally find me you know and I get in trouble I get spanked and all that kind of stuff but what I decided was I have to learn how to protect the things I love the people I love and that got translated into the underdogs of life so where did I teach all black Inner City High School poor my job was to save everybody who was you know not already you know doing well and so if you send me an email and I didn't get to it I I was clearing out emails from 10 years earlier that I had printed out that maybe someday I would answer and they would just pile up and pile up and pile up people like you would like you write a book you say oh I know Jack maybe Jack will write the forward so I had like 500 books piled up but I never responded to maybe I'll read it someday and give them a testimonial so and what I realize is that I can't take care of everybody not my job and my job is to do what makes me come alive I I teach that your job is to do what makes you come alive don't ask what the world needs ask what makes you come alive because aliveness is your feedback system that you're on course you know Abraham talks about that that Joy is your feedback system we all have a feedback system if you're doing things that bring you Joy like you're doing now as opposed to your old job you're on course and if all of a sudden like with chicken soup one day I woke up and it wasn't fun anymore you know here I am editing all these stories and it got to the point where I'm thinking like God not one more one leged guy CLS Mount Everest I'm bored with this you know it was like it was I should have been excited by that and I wasn't so I said okay it's time to do something else so anyway imagine you're getting on a plane gym and the pilot gets on you're up in first class you see the pilot he comes on he goes into the cockpit the Pilot's six years old he's about three feet tall he's six years old he got three stripes on his sleeve and he's not gonna fly to 747 how do you feel it's like what I don't know he can't possibly Vlog 2,000 hours I don't think so and yet we have a six-year-old piloting our life or a three-year-old or an eight-year-old you know many many decisions we made I'm not good enough so I'm gonna try to impress Everyone by being more than I am I won't be authentic or it's not okay to ask for what I want because I asked my mom and my mom said you selfish little you know you shouldn't be asking ask people for things you always make everyone uncomfortable can't you just accept what you have you know people hear stuff like that all the time right so then we decide it's not okay to ask it's not okay to make noise it's not okay to be sexy it's not okay to have needs it's not okay to want things it's not okay to um you know play it's not okay to stand up and talk in front of a group because I tried that in second grade and I forgot my lines and everybody laughed I'm never doing that again and then we forgot we made the decision and now you're in church and they say you know could you read the homy next week and you're going uh no I don't think so you know so you you're stuck and so we got to get unstuck and that's called belief work and there's a lot of people that do it I do it and I would just say to your listeners if you go to Jack canfield.oh get on my list and then when that happens you'll be you'll be notified and I would also say if you want to get a free gift when you go there just go Jack ki.com theword transformation and you get a 10day download of a three-minute video of me teaching one of these principles and we talked about visualization I do that with 10 different principles over 10 days and so that's free to you as well but beliefs that's why that's why it's the limiting belief we don't know we have them but they we just we get stuck yeah absolutely so for the listeners make sure you grab those those those two links jackel.com and jackel.com transformation and we'll have those in the action plan just go to jimar jr.com action you can get all the links we'll have all of Jack's social media Etc but we're not done here I got another question for you jack You' have had so much success in your life can you tell us about a time when you failed was there a moment when when you felt that failure that self-doubt that comes with failure because we look at you from the outside looking in and we go man things are just easy for him things were easier for him like woe is me because you know I've got all these things holding me back and I've got these failures and if I try that I could fail can you share a time when you failed well let me just contextualize this by saying one of the reasons that people don't take steps for support and not support but to do the thing they want to do to achieve their goals is called self-doubt and shame and it usually comes from I tried something in the past and it didn't work I don't know if I want to put myself through that again and have that experience again because in life what we do we avoid feeling uncomfortable and so if we've had uncomfortable feelings like literally I had to throw away a bunch of ties recently because I'm just not wearing them anymore I've saved a few but it was really hard because I had to make it I had to confront that I made a bad buying decision you know one of the problems people have when they're decluttering is they they can't admit I never should have bought that shirt in the first plate as long as I keep it I don't have to confront that you know it's well maybe someday I'll wear so for me my self-doubt doesn't come after a failure it comes before I try the thing you know can I do it am I enough do I know enough and that's where I learned eventually the only way to get through anything is to just feel the fear and do it anyway and now we have tools like EFT tapping we have other things like that where we can get rid of fear much quicker you know used to be I just had to go jump out of a plane or do Tony Robbins firewalk or whatever it was to realize well that fear is stupid you know I I was I could walk on coals which I did and I it was a great experience so for me I don't think about failure the way most people do Jim I I realize they're just for me learning experiences they're just delays in results and so you know I always say when I was a kid I fell down a lot when I was learning to walk and I never felt like I failed my parents didn't say you get 122 tries and then you then we're it's over we're not going to teach you anymore you know they didn't do that they just kept doing it until I could walk and I'd look at it the same way so do I have things that didn't work out the way I wanted them to absolutely do I have expectations that didn't get fulfilled for sure did I have learning experiences yeah so let me we in that context let me tell you about a couple so two marriages uh one lasted five years one lasted 20 years and so two divorces and uh there was a little embarrassment of that at first you know here I am teaching success and now I've got two marriages that didn't work at doesn't quite work with the brand image but the reality was I was not happy anymore it wasn't working she wasn't happy I wasn't happy and so I got divorced now I've been married 21 years and we're ecstatically happy so it was good that I did that but I learned from it you know I I worked too hard I didn't spend enough time being home I was on the road too much you know this created distance and and so I always whenever I have a a lack of success let's call I didn't get what I wanted I asked myself okay how did I create that what did I do to make that happen because I believe we create everything that happens to us or we allow it so well I wasn't home I didn't listen enough I didn't know the five love languages yet you know my wife's love language is quality time and I was on the road all the time well that was never going to work you know so next time I'm going to spend more time at home which I do and then uh we did a a workshop once and I think five people showed up we we spent an entire two weeks promoting it it was a evening workshop and turn out it was Tuesday before Thanksgiving which in retrospect is highly stupid uh but we didn't know it at the time that everyone's going to be on the road going to their house you know see Grandma whatever so we never did that again that was a learning experience two books we did that didn't work out chicken suit for the country soul nobody really knew what it was it was the country music was the people who loving the country and and the guy we did the book with wasn't that cool of a guy he kind of alienated everyone in Nashville because he was a real Macho kind of power seeking celebrity horror kind of guy he just wanted to get close to people and use the book for that people could perceive that so we made a bad decision to have a co-author working with us helping us gather stories then we did Chicken Soup for the single soul and nobody knew who it was it for was it for people who wanted to be single was it for people who were divorced was it for people who couldn't find anyone to marry was it for people who were widowed so that was like a just a brand issue and we learned from that don't mix you know more than one Topic in one book so all the books we've done that were really successful were niched women's Soul mother's Soul baseball fan Soul Etc uh you work a whole year on a book and it doesn't sell it's not fun but then you know We examined it and said okay why not got some feedback so always see I see failure as feedback rather than as something bad happened but just like what can I learn from this how can I apply it and let's move on and what I tell myself and I would tell all your listeners is you've always done everything that you've ever done that you consider a failure you did the best you could with the knowledge skills awareness and tools you had at the time and if you had more awareness more knowledge more skills or more tools you would have done better but you couldn't you know it's like it's like berading yourself for not being a high school student when you were in fifth grade you just know you didn't know enough you know and so the same thing is I didn't know enough in my first marriage to make it work I didn't didn't know now I do I could teach a marriage course and the same thing is true with that so anyway those would be some of the the failures and basically for me it's called okay sit back learn from it know that we're going to grow you know the whole fixed mindset growth mindset work that of Carol DW the idea that you know when I fail it's not because I'm incompetent not because I'm not able but because I didn't learn what I needed to learn and if I put my attention on learning it I can be successful next time so I always come from that position a lot of people don't hold that you know if I didn't succeed they go must be something wrong with me I'm not meant to be wealthy I'm not meant to be married I'm not meant to be a CEO of a company you I'm Not Meant To Be A salesperson you know whatever and that's that's a mistake you can learn anything if you're committed to it yeah those were the struggles that I had to overcome to become you know the wrestler that I eventually became and to to finally build this business that I love so much and and so I want to just pull back the curtain on the show that's what we always do and Jack I appreciate you sharing those instances that were you know failures feedback failures information and for the listeners like this is one of the most successful people in the personal development industry you know household name like he's a real person he's a real human being so look at your struggles look at your challenges look at your setbacks look at your failures and understand like this is normal this is information for you you are stronger smarter wiser because of your failures because of those setbacks and uh and believe in yourself take that next step so sure Jack absolutely incredible interview I very much appreciate you making time to come on the show uh we're going to have all have all your links and books and social media links Etc in the action plan for listeners go to jimar jr.com action anything you're working on right now Jack or anything uh resources other resources you want to point the listeners too before we wrap up well just to remind people there is a book called the success principles how to get from where you are to where you want to be we also have a success principles workbook now that I came out last year it has 17 of the principles and it works you through them like it's like having a coach in a book that will walk you through actually how to apply those principles in your life the other thing we're working on right now I'm training trainers to teach this work if you are someone who wants to empower people and Inspire them to live their highest Vision uh that's what we're about we've now trained uh close to 4,000 people in 117 countries we have both live and online training so you can do either one and get certified as a trainer our goal is to have a million trainers by 2030 so that if each trainer trains a thousand people a year which is only you know 100 workshops of 10 10 people or 10 workshops of a 100 or whatever you want to do and online you can do infinite numbers now what happens is if everyone does that for eight years that'll reach eight billion people which would be the projected population of the planet by 2030 so do I think big yeah if you want to be part of that Vision we actually have T-shirts that we give out when people join us called I'm one in a million that's my big um thing right now and we also have a coaching program starting uh in couple of weeks where people can if they go to our website you can look for momentum Mastermind group it's really it's going to be incredible excellent for the listeners take action don't let this just be another podcast episode that you listen to and move on with your life take action Jack thank you
Channel: Jim Harshaw, Jr.
Views: 12,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professional, athlete, sports, success, speaker, author, coach, leadership, failure, motivational, inspiring, goals, entrepreneurship, growth, life coach, executive coach, success coach, action coach, habits, productivity, focus, balance, podcast, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, episode, Jack Canfield Podcast, Jack Canfield, Visualization, Law of Attraction, Success Journey, motivational speaking, mindset, book, book recommendtions
Id: v2PVPiwYCkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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