The Wizard That Helps Billionaires Manifest | Daniel Raphael | The Higher Self #106

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all right guys this episode is going to be fantastic I've got a A friend of mine here and and if you have ever heard me say that you have a spiritual gift um this friend has a spiritual gift a powerful spiritual gift and one that if you've ever suffered with you know anxiety or any sort of mental disorder you know half of the time I believe what that is is that your gift and your soul and your the truest essence of who you are is well you and the 3D World don't know how to tie that all in and I think this is a perfect example of that I want to introduce you to my friend Daniel Rafael Daniel how are you man it's so good to be here it's good to have you here man it's it's we we haven't actually I haven't seen you in a couple of months yeah which sucks that's not cool but that's okay um I was asking you before we got started how we met and you were kind of like sharing that story Yeah we actually met at one of my dream boarding Retreats we got a big castle in uh Temecula yeah and uh I just felt your energy right away and I invited you to give a talk even though I just met you because I just felt like you had and it just like blew everyone away that the codes on business and manifesting and just like anchoring it in I remember that yeah I remember are we allowed to say who was there other than that or there was there are some A-list celebrities there yeah yeah there's some pretty big names here but no but I thought it was I thought it was pretty cool that like everybody was just chill and it was just a good like three days on just you know tapping into our intuition and our psychic abilities yeah yeah and so I want to ask you about that because I I know a little bit about your story and I know that there's a lot of people that may suffer with some of the things that you suffered with so talk to us about your story and how you unraveled your spiritual gift I'd love to I mean when I was born I was I was born somewhat awake so I was psychic I could do all sorts of things that most people think are Supernatural but that we all have and when I was starting before five I started shutting down and I became uh deeply depressed had so much Social Anxiety I could not even go to a grocery store I was just freaking out couldn't be myself stopped expressing my desires didn't even know how to make eye contact and you know had a dozen different mental emotional disorders um by the time I was you know in high school research kept going down downhill so so I wanna I wanna I wanna break this apart because I I really feel like a lot of people what the system does to people like that is just shove them with medication and gives them some sort of like a you know bipolar or ADHD or you know whatever the case may be and yet here you are who's someone who works with some of the top humans on the planet right and so I want to really dive deep here when you said you were awake what what does that mean basically I could read people's minds you know just an example like four years old I was at a salon and I met a stranger a woman and she was smoking and I influenced French I convinced her to quit smoking and why she was smoking and how it's affecting the people around her and she came back later a few days later and you know next time we saw her and said thank you so much like I quit smoking so you know I was already just expressing these deep things coming through and uh you know all sorts of abilities that that were there and you know like I said I don't feel like I'm special I feel like we all have that absolutely and um when you're initiated in different tribes and it's very rare now these days um and I've studied with them you know they they teach children this like how to actual travel how to do all sorts of things and um that's what I'm all about is bringing it back I love that and it was very hard because I wasn't you know I had those gifts but I wasn't taught how to manage my energy how to not take on other people's energies and then extreme amount of abuse all these toxins bombarded me and I started just losing you know everything like who I was and um let's just start shutting myself down more and more and more to try to fit in because Daniel the truth is when people suffer with this the truth is is that like you know who you are you always knew who you were as just there wasn't a safe container for you to explore that I just thought of X-Men you know the movie X-Men it's it's literally like X-Men it's like you know we really all are X-Men we all have powerful spiritual capacities giftings way to heal way to connect and yet like you know all of these toxins and all of these uh rules and laws that are here in the 3D World for somebody like you who was awake from birth basically right it took me my my work with plant medicine to awaken you know that must have been pretty daunting like to the point that you said you know you had so much Social Anxiety you couldn't even go to a grocery store what was that like I was just if someone laughed in a Public's place I thought they were laughing at me I was so I was that insecure so I was just like like you know having thousands of data inputs like and trying to protect myself trying to control them and I went crazy you know more and more because I just felt less and less secure about myself I didn't know how to handle it I didn't know who I was and I you know I started trying to fit in and wanted to be normal but of course I was so different in so many ways that it just took all my ram my processing to try to be normal still didn't work I was miserable and didn't want to live anymore at some point but that was what I was spending all my energy on wow so so let's so let's touch on this because again this is something that I think a lot of human beings struggle with and I'm going to ask all of you guys if you know someone who struggles with some of this stuff like please send them this episode I don't think I've ever asked you to send anybody an episode but I think this is a big one because I think that there's a lot of people who end up ending their lives right because they're so confused what was that part of your life and your journey like I remember one point you know I was going to college I was still very intelligent like I could read a book five minutes before the exam and get the highest grade but you know connecting with a human being it was horrible like I it felt like they're in a different dimension like I felt so dissociated right and so I just was like in my car just screaming at the top of my lungs like I just want to break out of this prison it just felt like I was literally in the Maximum Security Prison and that's when things shifted around 20 years old I woke up from a dream and in the Stream It showed me this hill and it said if you go to this Festival on this date your life will change forever and I woke up from the stream and it felt like Inception like it wasn't a dream you know and there was I ended up going there's tens of thousands of people there and uh it was really like not fun at all because I just had so much anxiety times a million from being there and then I went with this girl then we left and she was like let's go let's get out of here and then all of a sudden I saw that hill and there was a six foot five man with a sign that said free energy healing and I don't know what this was at this point I was like I don't know what this is but I'm going to try it and in five minutes you just expanded my energy field and I felt present for the first time I felt the peace for the first time maybe 15 years 20 years old yeah what did that feel like at first I thought it was enlightened because it was that different but now I realize this is the very beginning of my spiritual journey right it was the first moment and that's when I started learning energy healing I started with Reiki and then I went to India and I went to Peru and the different shamans ended up spending 15 years around the world studying with hundreds of different teachers and Masters uh primarily to heal myself but then I started realizing oh this is easy a friend you know I can help you with that you know um Family different things to start coming through again and then you know all of a sudden I'm being flown around to world leaders and royalty and billionaires and all sorts of people because it's kind of like the Rubik's Cube analogy like they've been trying for 30 years with the top healers and stuff to and then like boom in five minutes it's transformed that's right and so I feel like I had this huge weight on me my whole life and I thought it was the biggest victim it's like life sucks I'm in hell and now I see like wow this was just the exact weights I needed for my mission yeah I love that and you know it's so beautiful that you can say that Daniel I wanna I wanna say two things number one I think that for all of us when we're on our journey in our lives you know some people who have gone through very tough situations when they were younger you know if you allow the process to unfold you can see that the very thing that you went through is of everything that you needed to go through in order to find your gift Your Capacity to help other people would you would you agree with that statement 100 that's why I believe we're here life is a school and love is the lesson and everything that happened is preparing you for what you've asked for absolutely and the second thing that I want to bring up is that you know I like like many people you know grew up um uh it's so interesting I just keep looking at you know that's my mom right there by the way yeah and it's so interesting but I I I grew up in such a like um a a religious environment where you know people were like like you were bad people people like you were like evil or like you know you know this is not true but I'm gonna use the word like demonic or you know I bet you for many people I might be the Antichrist now because I I tell people the truth you know congratulations thank you I've really happy to be called eyes I'm not the Antichrist I'm the anti-church right that's that's the difference but but you know for you Daniel it's like I I want to tell you this as a brother like I'm not cool with a lot of people like I keep my distance with a lot of people but you like there's something about you like I genuinely love trust is a big thing for me I obviously respect your giftings when I need advice like I'll come to you and and and vice versa we help each other it's so interesting to me how like you know the world and the system authorizes like certain people for their giftings and and yet the my truth is that with somebody like you like I'm more comfortable around you than I am but like mostly humans out there like you know what do you think that's all about I think you know you mentioned X-Men it's like a lot of people resonate with that because it's kind of like they're they're gifted but they're treated like Freaks and a lot of people feel the same right and so you know that's how I felt I felt like a freak my whole life I was told I was a freak A lot of times uh but now it's like yeah it's just we're here to to share and remind people that the god-given magic that we all have to co-create reality in a more beautiful world absolutely and you know it's funny you mentioned the church because you know there's so much rabbit holes when you go in there but I was so curious I was like I I studied you know from shamans from ancient cultures and actually found these ancient manuscripts there's a lot of uh text that they took out of the Bible you know of course and 300-ish A.D emperor Constantine and I was like let's check that out and one of them is actually a protocol to become christ-like that from Jesus's own words and it's like you know take a gourd make a water enema use this magic use this Angel purify your body then you purify your emotions then you purify your mind and so I actually did this protocol I water fasted for over 10 days and it completely transformed my life and brought so many miracles so I do believe that you know Christ was a prophet yet there's a lot of you know control that came after that and we can actually go to the original teachings and it's all about you know not giving your power away and just it's an inspiration to be like do this yourself that's right absolutely we're all connected become this become this right the Christ Consciousness yeah we are taught in religion that the Christ Consciousness first off we don't even understand what Christ Consciousness is we are taught that there was only one Jesus Christ and and I believe what Jesus came to do like you're starting to see nowadays you know more often is that Jesus came to bring the message of love Jesus came to bring the message of finding yourself of finding and seeking first the kingdom of God within right and I believe that's why he was killed yeah it wasn't because we're Sinners no no it's because he told the truth and they're saying he's the only one because they don't want more of them bingo oh Bingo absolutely and so the truth is the truth is is that what religion does is it it stops the story at him yeah because they tried to end it it's separation Bingo because if we all all tap into the energy of the Christ Consciousness we can't be controlled and the entire universe changes yeah isn't that powerful yeah yeah by the way Casper make that a damn clip let's let's shake it yeah let's shake the world up with that guy right there yeah so if you've been listening to my podcast for a while you'll know that I'm a strong believer and advocate for plant medicine and its ability to awaken and heal the Mind Body and Soul it's a belief that is deeply rooted in my own personal experience with both Ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms and many of you for years have always asked me you know Danny where do I go who can I trust and there is only one place I would ever recommend or put my name behind and that is reunion reunion is a place where you could set yourself free from whatever is holding you back from living the life of your dreams it's a beachfront beautiful property that is in Costa Rica and what I love about it is that it's not for profit and this is the only thing that they focus on is the preservation and the safe utilization of these beautiful wonderful medicines and I only feel comfortable putting my name behind it because I am personal friends and have journeyed with some of the members of the facilitating Team guys I'm honored to have aligned myself with them to create the higher self scholarship fund it's a fund whose purpose is in helping people who don't have the means to experience these medicines and yet have the desire to and every time one of you books a retreat with reunion a hundred dollars from every booking is going to go into this fund and we will be sharing this money with people on a monthly and bi-monthly basis so help me help others by using the code Danny reunion when you go to register to experience your own life transformational journey to find out more go to and get ready so um so let's talk about this I I haven't told you this I had an experience and I'd love for you to you know I'm going to be darting around all over the places with you because there's so much that I want to ask you about um but I had an experience the other day and I had an experience where and I'm going to share for the first time here on the podcast where you know I I I I was I had a lot of Trapped energy inside of me it was on a Sunday I was having a hard time sleeping and um I went to the restroom and on my way back from the restroom I literally thought I think I'm gonna have to go Journey or something because something is stuck inside of me you know and um and I asked Jen I said Jen you know could you just put your hands over me and we have now discovered that like Jen is not only a Healer but definitely my healer like like my personalized like healer right and sure enough she was just intuitively she intuitively just placed her hands over my chest and I I'm start shaking and moving and you know if you had a camera in the room it looks like I'm having an exorcism but I'm going into a process right I'm gonna tell you what happened and I would love for you to tap into to to see what happened but all of a sudden man speaking of Jesus I am literally like carrying the cross and Daniel I relive the crucifixion like I I literally felt him I my eyes are closed she puts her hands right here she doesn't know what's going on she puts her hands right here and I feel where he was like stabbed you know and then she puts her hands over my feet and I feel where the nails like we're we're in his feet and I I had this experience of like reliving what he went through and it's the craziest thing Daniel but ever since then I'm no longer afraid of speaking about it because I used to be afraid of speaking about the truth that I knew that I had downloaded and experienced because I know a lot of people are not ready for that you know wow what do you what do you sense in that well as soon as you said it I felt you know as a child when we're indoctrinated with this religion it affects us more than we realize right there's this term called cruft which is like you know Windows 95 you build the operating system and then they build Windows 98 on top of it and then Windows 2000 and so it crashes there's glitches because you don't make a clean start so because you're doing all this work it's like going back to some of the core operating system to transmute it so that you can free that part of you because you have to do that in order for for that to be released otherwise there's these protection mechanisms saying don't do this or get punished or whatever it is so we need to go back there that's exactly it it's it's been interesting for me to see how like that voice that energy was inside of it don't say that because you're going to get in trouble don't say that because you're and now it's like it's gone it's gone and that Sunday for the first time on Instagram I just started talking about my experience with religion and you know what I was told to not do and when I actually did it how it actually changed my life and so many people resonated with it and I was only able to do that after that experience that I had which is really magical that's huge yeah big time so I want to know more about you said you've been all over the world right and for a lot of people a lot of people are so stuck in fear they're they're afraid to travel they're afraid to go experience they're afraid to go like really discover what are your top two or three memories or experiences that you've had you know from being oh no I mean the first one that comes up is the cave I got to tell you the story I don't think you know it and just to track back to my childhood I was so scared of germs and insects like I would take a sip of a glass and put it down and then later I'd be like I have to take a new glass like I was so neurotic right and so fast forward to a year ago uh you know I heard about these Mages in Indonesia they can literally teleport they can materialize things out of thin air and so I was like I want to find the best one and I did and uh you know royalty fly to meet him government I mean he could do incredible things some of which I'm not even supposed to talk about and I ended up staying with them for a month you did tell me but keep going a little bit so yeah you know he had me put my hands in like near boiling water to like merge with a fire element and like ice cold like staying in this ice cold pool for like you know springs for an hour and doing all sorts of things to like balance the energies and learn about energies and then he had me go into this cave and this cave is huge there's there's branches of this cave that the local government actually blocked off because people would go in it and disappear and the story is like they'll either end up like in the ocean like 30 miles away or you know there's there's another cave where they'll end up coming back and they've aged like 50 years and I'm like wow you know but you know this is so out of even even for me I'm like this sounds crazy but like after seeing you know what he can do it's like okay um so it's just it's a crazy cave and there's giant wolf eating spiders and scorpions and cobras that can kill you in this cave and he said go in there and it was like pitch dark and he put a magic circle around me just a little magic spell for a few minutes and he left me all night and I couldn't sleep at all and there's so much weird stuff going on both physical and spiritual uh but it was a way to initiate me to realize okay you know no matter what happens in the physical everything starts in the spiritual realm right and this is just like a manifestation key because and you know I had this billionaire to tell me like in the 3D World in the realm of effect you don't have a lot of power because it's already manifested everything starts in the spiritual world so if you if you really know how to work it you start there and that trickles down and it's like that protected me right I was not touched even though there was literally a million things all around me right wow and so that really anchored it in deeper that trust in in spirit and that's how you really manifest is from connecting with that plane first because that's what's actually in control of this plane that resonates so much with me because I have I sometimes feel like the most protected human on the planet you know but we all are when we can tap into that frequency you know and yet you know I can understand how like for some people who are living in like crime-rated crime infested areas where there's drugs and all of these things it's they're they're tapped into that energy right so if somebody was out there watching right now and there's like wow like that resonates and it may seem you know weird or may seem different but I believe like I I believe in that right and I believe that you do creative thing everything in the spiritual world first right like how could we help them to tap into a a higher frequency a more loving frequency I think you know recognizing the universal laws because everything the perspective you hold literally reflects and creates everything in your life and the more and more I awaken the more I'm seeing that so I used to have people make fun of me all the time right as an example or bully me and now people respect me I just manifest amazing relationships every relationship in my life is wow it's amazing and it's really just about your energy field and you know back then I was holding on I was so scared of people making fun of me so I was attached to it and then the universe actually loves you so much that it's gonna keep showing you that you're holding on to it so that you can actually Break Free of it and live your life and so if you're scared of crime or or whatever fears you have people ask me like how do I release this fear Daniel how to release it you don't release it you face it you have to just be neutral you know and one of these other Masters that could materialize things out of thin air she says her first lesson was imagine a clock and you stay at 12 o'clock if you can live in in that neutrality it dissolves all the Karma it dissolves all the fear because now you can just face it you're not it's not controlling you because if you try to move and attach to it or run away from it then it's got its grip on you and if you just have your awareness and your love there then it dissolves just from that pure awareness that you already are so it's about facing your fears like okay cool and then what happens next what happens next right then I die it's like okay well what happens next and you just follow it till the end and that's how you dissolve fears and then stop running your life I love that I love that because for so many of us we live in this energy of fear yeah you know here are there any practices that people could do I mean there's so many and I go through this in my school but you know one of them is you know we each have a guardian angel and this is actually talked about an ancient text both from you know Christianity Judaism um Tibetan Buddhism in Shamanism and so I was scared of the dark energy I scared of dark spirits and dark Forces it's so bad my whole life more and more it actually got worse and then I finally connected I was um in a ceremony I almost died and that's when I was like okay I heard about this Guardian Angel let me call it and then I was literally convulsing people were trying to help me I was like I'm about to die and I call my guardian angel and it just said take three deep breaths and then on the third breath I completely relaxed and was 100 apiece and it just guided me out of there and and freed me of this hell I was in and uh you know they teach you in these ancient texts it's like you calling your garden angel It's stronger than any dark force and you know there's been a few times where I'm like whoa this is situations are bad and it just instantly you know I called on it a minute later like every the whole Matrix change I'm like oh how do you find your guardian angel so I actually have a simple class on it but you can just do it yourself you can just get at peace and ask a guardian angel please come to me and start to listen but there's a there's some meditations that I I channel that specifically help you to facilitate that and clear whatever interfering energies or beliefs are in the way so you can easily access that and that's really the first step in some ancient practices like the Hermetic tradition because then it's the inner glue it will guide you the rest of the way through the levels of Enlightenment I love that okay so we have the cave yeah what else Another Story Another Story oh uh about just about your experiences just traveling the world One More Story okay let's see what comes through here uh you know early back when I was uh starting my Awakening journey I uh I'm at this Taoist master and he could literally move people with his mind he touched my pineal gland and it like cracked open literally I was like what's going on and then he told me to not have any sexual activity for 100 days so you know to build that energy I went to India and then I was still I still had so many negative thoughts and finally you know I was living in this little Hut and I wanted to go to the bathroom and my there's this thought it was like don't go to the bathroom it's too far away and it was like I was like all of a sudden I was like whoa all these thoughts are just like complete [ __ ] and it just was like and I just decided that moment like I'm going to meditate as long as I as long as possible until I just wake up because this is I just got really mad and what I realized is I was refreshing my anger and anger can actually move you out into higher energies and I I just meditated for three hours my back was hurting and I was like I'm just staying here until I become one with everything and then it just happened wow and I I felt a Oneness and it lasted for several days and I literally could feel the ocean and people and it was just the most beautiful thing and so that was my first taste of of Oneness which is part of Awakening that's right and um you know I think that that came through because it's like if you're in a spot where you're challenged where you're suffering where everything seems to be going wrong use that as fuel what are you saying no to because when you say no to something it's like I'm done another door opens I love that yeah and in many ways it's like what I've experienced in my journey it's like another door opens into like I saw the heart right it's like you get closer and closer and closer and closer to the heart because the heart is what it's Oneness is what connects us all I love that yeah that's what just came through for me yeah how do people learn how to do that how do people learn how to tap in and receive messages how did you learn well for you it was like natural right or it you know well it was natural when I was a little kid and then it came back and I remember like this one time there was this famous CEO and I was like let me try it and he gave me 30 names of people the first names and I started channeling like this is his nickname this person's trying to take advantage of you and I literally 100 accuracy and it just changed his life you know I just trusted it and I was like oh okay here it is um so there's trainings you can do uh but the number one thing I would say is just realize that you can and that it's already there and it's just it's just surrendering right it's the balance of feminine and masculine energy so what I say is first you know I I use the masculine energy I just I'm just like show me right it's like you've got to click on the file right you're just in the acoustic field you're connected to everything the error breathing is not just oxygen and carbon dioxide but the infinite field of intelligence the ethers so I just point you just like point at it like show me this person show me this right show me the situation and you just decide and most people don't know how to do that but it's just deciding just do it you know and you can ask how you know and I train with the shaman when he first told me he's like okay go into this woman's body tell me what's going on with her and I asked how do you do that and he said don't ask how just do it just and then boom I was there so that's the energy right that's the masculine energy and the feminine then you're just like a child you're just like watching a movie what's the first thing that comes up you just like start looking around really relaxed and soft and you start getting all this information beautiful yeah beautiful and every single one of us has the capacity to do that everyone's born with this or god-given right and there might be those layers of cruft right physical detox mental emotional right and that's why the protocols are there to clear it so if you're having trouble if you're two in your mind um you know sometimes it could just be take a cold plunge and then you could do it right but you know the more that you clear the cruft out of your life and it's realigning your relationships like your house the files on your phone everything's a constellation related to everything else so the more you close the tabs the more easy it is then you're like whoa you know you might already be psychic and now you go from like getting occasional messages to seeing you know for me I see entire outlines of like people's souls and their past lives and all you know more and more you know and it's like it's just all their instantly and it's so easy and so it's just about clearing you know we all have this Ferrari we think we have a shitty car but it's just you know there's mud on the windshield we haven't changed the oil right this is taking care of it and then boom it's bad back hey guys before you continue listening I wanted to introduce you to the sponsor of this episode athletic greens I decided to give ag1 a try because I wanted a supplement that actually tastes great boosts my energy and supports my immune system especially for someone like myself that fast all day I take it in the morning before starting my day and it makes me feel incredible it makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my body it also helps me save an enormous amount of time and it makes my life so much easier with just one scoop in the morning so it makes it a very seamless and easy daily habit for me just one serving of this stuff ag1 supports my long-term gut health it has 75 high quality vitamins in it minerals and Whole Food Source ingredients so if you're looking for a simple and cost effective supplement routine athletic greens is giving you a free one-year supply of their vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase so just go to athletic backslash Danny that's athletic backslash Danny and go check it out today So speaking of Psychics you know this is a world that again you know um if it wasn't didn't you introduce me to Jesse you introduced me to Jesse yeah that's right you did yeah he's which which Jesse's gonna marry us now by the way like that no yeah yeah by the way they see this is where you guys got to understand like you're told that psychics are bad and this and that Jessie's like he's like my angel yeah he's like in my deepest darkest moments I would be like Jesse just please tell me I'm gonna be you're fine everything's okay you know he's just so wonderful and yeah I couldn't picture there I I just won't have it I will not have any other human being other than him marrying us because he he was it's so interesting I'll tell you the story but she's not here to tell you this I'm sure we'll tell you this story on our finding the one podcast but uh Jen and I you know this uh we're friends and we were friends for a long time I remember even talking to you about her yeah I was tuning in for you too you did that's right do you remember what you told me I told you a few things I'm trying to remember what what I remember you were like hmm you knew nothing about her and you were like well she's really pretty how does he yeah yeah she's really pretty it's like but she doesn't put value in that like she's really connected to her heart I was like yeah yeah that's her he's like oh this is good you were like this is almost like it's a done deal it's just it's just I know the process of aligning things just have to move but I feel really good about this this is basically a done deal yeah it's her yeah you know and it's interesting because it's like all of those little messages like really helped me on my journey because if you know I was waiting for her for like three years basically but in one session um again I I know she wouldn't mind sharing this but Jesse goes to her you know she had just broken up with her boyfriend she had she had she was like home alone she was all by herself she was like you know really like you know healing emotionally from this terrible break the up the way she explains it is you know or life was basically a mess and then she meets with Jesse and he's like hmm yeah are you open to getting married and she was like excuse me she's like yeah I see you at a beautiful outdoor wedding and she's like my wedding he's like yeah and it's like with the man of your dreams and all this stuff and it's like you know sometimes those messages you know they they help and it's just so interesting to me that we live in a world that tries to block us from all these beautiful gifts that we have and that others have that could help us on our journey how do we open ourselves up to maybe you know finding people with gifts that could be coming into our lives to help us on our journey in life like I feel like I found you you know and I feel like I've found so many different people how does one do that um well we're also connected so asking you shall receive right and people forget to ask and again they took this out of the Bible asking asking you shall receive this in the Bible but the stuff right under it they took out is how to do it and they say let your mind and heart be won and envelop yourself and your desire so what that means is you know your heart is a magnetic and your thoughts are electric and they've done studies right science proves this when you combine the electromagnetic and you feel like it's already done you put in your order right and that's Faith right that's the science of faith and so when we do that and then we get out of the way we listen to our intuition boom magic happens every time and the more that we open up you know first we're getting Reflections from other people and as we we get confident and clear our own vessel we start tuning in for ourselves more and more you know and that's the point to really Source your inner knowing you know which we're doing more and more it's so interesting you mentioned that but one day I was actually I was speaking with Jesse and and I and I I was just like I came to a place in my life where I thought to myself like why am I so blessed you know like why am I so blessed like I don't I don't stress about anything I just attracted the woman of my dreams um I'm perfectly healthy and vibrant um financially I'm squared away like everything is good like why why am I so why I almost felt like this is not fair I was going through that I was like this is so I asked Jesse I was like Jesse what what what the hell is this is this like I don't I'm not special I think everybody can have this but why why why do I have it he goes it's simple because you just desired it you're the only you're you're one of the rare people that actually believed and trusted that you could have whatever you want is it that simple is it like for anybody listening out there right now is it is it that simple is just decide what you want and then allow it to all unfold totally it it isn't as and it isn't because in a perfect world you you manifest instantly that's how this realm works and your subconscious is so much more powerful than your conscious mind and because of the programming and our karmic past lives right we have these imprints energetic all these different levels so we're counter manifesting so people are are asking for things they're Desiring it and they're trying for years and they're getting blocked and that's why I focus on helping people with that because you got to clear the cruft out of the way and you've done a lot of clearing too right and as you clear it becomes easier and easier so I think that you're blessed because you've been blessing yourself and allowing yourself to just be you so it's the more that you are yourself right and just reconnect with yourself which is divine absolutely then the easier and faster it becomes absolutely just like a rocket ship right it takes effort to get off the atmosphere and then the booster rockets and then now you're in space and you you have that effortless operating system that's how it feels yeah it's so interesting because people even ask me like on social media like people like how the hell did you do it like what did you do what what did you did you buy did you and you know what my answer is I just started to be me I've I finally in in the guys in the depths of what that means if if you listen to the words I just started to be me take that to the infinite depths of what that really means to be you and that's what I finally started to do like I finally just started to become to be okay with who I am with who I'm not with what I have to say with the fact that it might offend people with the fact that it might do what it does but in my heart I know it's coming from the universal truth and wisdom that I've received in in a lot of my Journeys and a lot of these messages that I get and I'm still calibrating you know and I'm still you know trying to like work it out and sometimes my ego comes out and you know says things a little bit more aggressive than I should and I understand that but for the most part for the most part what started to happen is I just started to allow myself to be me that's so beautiful that's why we're doing all this work it's really just reconnecting That's it man yeah talk to me about plant medicine and for me as you mentioned that word cruft that's that's the first time I've ever heard that word it feels to me as you said that it's like for me what came as like that's what helped you remove the craft yeah plant medicine was a big part of it there's a lot of things I did and uh plant medicine was a big part of it and you know I learned pretty quickly how to use it and how to not use it because there's you know a lot of people are just like whoa you get into it and you can definitely overuse it and not integrate it sure but when done correctly it's an extremely powerful tool and I worked with all sorts of plant medicines even very rare ones that most people have no idea exist and uh you know one of my favorite ones was iboga which is from Africa and um you know before I trusted another human because I was so scared of anyone right this was this intelligence that spoke to me and it said you know it was like a life tutorial it's like this is what your voice is here's how to use your voice here's how to use your eyes this is what you are here's what's happening in the world and it started just recalibrating me into this new operating system and just clearing so many things because I was shown you know and like it showed me like I was like what's my first you can ask a question so I'll show you that it's like Google but it's actually truth and you know I was like okay what's the first um traumatic memory I need to clear and I thought it was going to be like three my mom yelled at me or something I'm seeing my parents all of a sudden boom my parents making love in bed conceiving me and it was like this wasn't done intentionally I'm like whoa and like so it's just like and it just goes deep it goes so deep it goes so deep I know yeah I know so it's it's tools and you can use energy too to just show you these things because that's what I teach in my school um but there's many ways of doing it to just reveal right what you need to see because once you have two things you can heal anything it's awareness and compassion love right and when you combine those two right the electric and magnetic you can alchemize anything in a few minutes I've had people like I've tried this for 30 years it's like past lives five minutes later it's completely healed and so it's just about really looking at it from the right perspective from God's eyes from the Divine perspectives right yeah when you know when you say awareness and compassion awareness and love I think mind heart I also think masculine feminine exactly would you agree with that yeah in a way yeah it's again balancing no matter what gender you are that's it it just keeps coming back to balancing that and you know that's what the ancient have taught us and they're you know there's actually different mystery schools and in some lifetimes you're meant to focus on one more than the other right you know know like in ancient Egypt they had you know the feminine mystery school where it was like Tantra and making love to all trying all these things and and being an Oracle and then there was like the masculine and part of it was like you have to swim underwater caves with alligators and you know and really face your fears and do like really intense things you know so for me I've uh I've been doing a lot of both and and you know right now I'm definitely called to balance my my masculine more and I'm doing like ancient Medieval sword fighting here which we should try okay cool amazing okay cool and uh you know just getting deeper into that because I've done a lot but also the feminine you know like I'm starting to sing and play piano it just came out again recently I'm like wow beautiful so you know as you expand in just like a tree it's like the roots and the the branches it it creates you know such a beautiful picture you know and why do you think it is that people have such a hard time with the words masculine and feminine well I think because some people have a charge with that and in particular like I I think like I'll let you answer you know words are defined differently for different people and with the culture that's been weaponizing words and separating us from ourselves and other people right you know you can associate man with you know man that was toxic or beat you and now you're like oh oh men have that subconsciously at least you know you might not be aware of it so and then there's you know TV and then there's all these ideas now and you know oh you know the patriarchy and you know so there's all these you know um overcompensations that happen to of judgment when it's really just like their energies and yes they've been misused in this crazy history and you know they're pure energies that everyone is meant to play with in whatever way resonates and you're not me you know should do it in a certain way because you also have your unique affinities and preferences and sure and sole purpose but their energies that you can explore and play with and it's beautiful because magic happens when you play with them absolutely absolutely and when you align like both exactly and you're in your unique way I think yeah yeah I love that do you want to do a little want to tap in and just see what comes do some magic yeah yeah let's let them feel it okay let's let them see what this is like so I'm gonna so I'm gonna come to you right and just ask you you know what do you what are you sensing for me my message you know what whatever it is it comes through um I'll tell you I don't know if you know this but we're gonna go have the baby in London now we're gonna have it here and um you know which is gonna be tough I'm gonna miss the kids obviously um but it's it's what's best it's what's best so you know what I don't know what comes through I I just had a vision of like this tropical green place so like after that um just just doing bigger events having a bigger team and expressing even new parts of yourself because you're already like so authentic I don't know if it's uh new parts of your voice or like creative gifts but it's it's really just it feels like there's an expansion in in the events you're doing from from you know you're already making big events but it's kind of like just going to like a whole new level and just branching out with even more things and layers and uh it just feels like just a golden age period for you yeah you know yeah it feels like that yeah yeah you know what's so funny right before you were here Casper's laughing right before you were here um my buddy Paul Austin was just here yeah and and we oh he was just here you saw him I saw him leave yeah yeah we saw him do the show you know what we were talking about no I'm not kidding you we were talking about I said I have an idea for an event and um and I said what if we did an event that instead of three days like awakened it was five days right and it was like a way somewhere where this was obviously legal yeah but what if we did an event or we gave everyone a little micro dose wow just that makes perfect sense is that what is it it's totally you know that's it yeah yeah you just gave me that message so that is an alignment guys we are having an event we're probably on the ocean in Mexico and Colombia somewhere beautiful and you know we're gonna do this it'll be powerful and you know what you need to come I would love to yeah you need to be there for that event yeah well we're going to plan it it'll be a week long I already know the name of it it'll be called abundance it'll be like the next step above awaken I love it yeah we'll give everybody just a little quarter just a little something to just help them tap in that's all you need yeah and really just and this is the message that I got oh it's amazing yeah yeah let's do it beautiful beautiful so what do you do what what you know if people want to discover more about you learn more about you work with you you know you're you know I I hope you guys know that like you know what if I say this is one of my trusted people this is one of my trusted people you can you can trust this human being what do you do what do you what do you specialize in helping people with yeah I I have a school called dreamporting School of Awakening and uh I have a couple main programs rapid Awakening is three months to just take you through the different levels of Awakening manifest your dreams teach you how to use the universal laws to transform your life and create a more beautiful world and uh and then I have our certification called Mastery which is to teach you to do what I do if you want to do it to yourself to others whether it's just friends or be a lightworker Healer coach to as many people as you want so I certify people in that and so uh we have a lot of amazing Masters and and teachers that we bring in every week as well I love that yeah I love that and and how do people find out more about you or you know yeah um and you can follow me at Daniel rafael1 number one yeah and I would love to connect would love to uh connect with more of your your people I love that man I love that and I we're going to end the podcast right now but I want to just like hang on and talk a little bit more we got to catch up we have a lot of catching up to do um thank you so much for being here it's an honor being here yeah um for all of you listening I wanna I want to challenge you to feel I want to feel right now and and feel the the vibration of the conversation and feel feel like the energy of it because there's definitely an energy here you know and if you really tap into it I'm sure that you can feel it as well and I also want you to become aware and become aware of how often your mind tried to tell you maybe that what we were talking about was in a weird or wrong or whatever the case may be but but then tap tap into what you feel you know tap into like the beauty of two men speaking about spirituality you know I think that's very beautiful yeah I don't think that that's very common and feel how how how safe it felt and how natural it felt and how like non-pushy it felt it just it just was it just was it just is just like life it just is right and uh and sit with that and sit with that feeling and uh and maybe maybe close your eyes and meditate for a little bit and just kind of tap in and see you know as source as Universe you know show me truth you know help me awaken and I can promise you this the minute you ask that get ready because the journey will begin yeah we'll see you next week on another episode of the higher self thanks for watching this week's episode of the higher self if you heard something in this week's episode that caused you to think maybe just maybe there was a higher potential for your life maybe there was a potential to earn and receive financial freedom to attract the relationship of your dreams or to improve your health that's what we specialize in we help wonderful human beings like yourself to unravel all of the limiting thoughts feelings and emotions that you've been living through so that you can finally tap into your life's truest potential if you'd like to talk more about that we invite you to join us on Instagram or Facebook and email us the word discover more and when my team sees that they will reach out to you send you the details of how we could help you on your pathway to a life of abundance fulfillment and creating the absolute life of your dreams message us right now the words discover more now on Instagram or Facebook and we'll see you soon
Channel: Danny Morel
Views: 86,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danny, Morel, Business, Coach, Entrepreneur, Mindset, Real, Estate, coaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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