JAACKMAATE | True Geordie Podcast #102

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it's so hard to grieve when you have to keep up a social profile you need these big breaks and sometimes you need breaks bigger than YouTube will allow you to have otherwise your channel dies like [ __ ] me I need to pay the rent but I also need to keep my mind sane unknown as this guy that critiques people and takes the piss and stuff it's not necessarily how I want to be known I'm good at it I am emotional I do have more to me than just [ __ ] slagging things up like the with any face the famous will an easy that everyone brings up I didn't feel that you were in a good space then right and you took it the wrong way yes of how you were feeling in general I should have always taken that as a joke I like always you were like heavily critical obviously yeah the YouTube box and things have you ended up going into a [ __ ] boxing gym all of a sudden I can't box right I do not know what I'm doing but every single day training I'm eating well I'm so much happier and I think [ __ ] this is what these youtubers have in there what's he dressed in I don't understand oh right Wow Wow just this is so can I just say this happens on this all the time right record enough I'm the only YouTube oh does not know how to work these on iphone coverage you're like this it's true I'd say you look like a Georgia Farion hmm yeah I'll be recording that's true Mali will be rolling I love the big entrance I'll put it on a thought they're gonna make comments I've got a minute I like I'm with the two more six sarcastic folks yeah on YouTube cons as well it's not in my nature to judge t-shirts yeah no not not like not in front of the youtuber anywhere yeah you're great on YouTube mate ladies and gentlemen welcome to the true jadi podcast a third one with my mate Chuck me to the hat trick you've got the hot room it wasn't us that's prestigious isn't that only a few people have done that like showing up would Wells done it but I mean he's on X or so tell three he's on every other way yeah to be fair Karl's probably on number five no a plying with drink and drugs every time you turn to us or to refer thing is that paracetamol sign X yeah yeah but uh yeah it's good savvy it's good to be back this is a lovely space thank really nice see you thought he did the bomb shelter with us so he knows how far it and you also did the other one the first one so that the one that was in the actual recording was a little cactus that's not my nickname for my penis it's funny sorry anyway I was going to talk about dog Trump's penis then but I thought I was a little older I don't need to be doing that though ring ourselves in it's fair to say that you have had just jump straight in there with me I was gonna talk about the t-shirt first I thought emojis so actually well there's been a lot of talk about my fashion sense since I wore what some people said look like a McDonald's shirt on me last video the orange stripes or sorry Tumkur I'm sort of stitches of it sort of annoyed because I liked it I don't give a [ __ ] and I've had a lot of messages some off even women saying it was nice so Olly Murs wearing the same thing really yeah it's definitely [ __ ] you've just that's it no I mean I was able to convince myself until this point never has anyone gone I saw they were commiserating the same thing in gun musket more yeah the thing only misses a funny Tommy have you done a video with him I think you have and he did he seems like a nice guy but I hate his music with a fire Java there I've [ __ ] hear it saw just basically his voice no but his voice is not it's nothing special is it it's so if I am it was sold that many records I'm always like how we consume in this but it's just catchy shy that's all it is words words words words he's one of those nice guys doll for me and them in the media the way it's like he's the Jack Whitehall of music like he's just so nice and he's everywhere and I just chappie he's really [ __ ] nice we did this thing where we like swapped phones to tweet like yeah that for a while there wasn't there like swapping phones of the celebrity or like letting them reads that way 2016 I didn't 2017 yeah but early on these trends and I was like asking his agent manager whoever like Kelly tweet this doesn't matter was just tweeting like the most yeah didn't care he was doing it because you'd had a song with that blonde girl who were an x-factor who was a West Ham fun yeah cuz one of the questions I asked him was would you rather shag marry kill she was one of the Louisa that's the one baby Redknapp's wife there was two other ones it'll not someone else MIT all right he was on tour with Louisa at the time his I'd shag her pretty much Sherlock and say that to be fair right so she did it they also did a video of will and what she was if she was in the apartment she must have been don't get something I screamed shied it and said it the will and I was like missed opportunity I mean I told you nothing do you see it do you every time an arse appears you sort of see it as a missed opportunity genuinely show you was [ __ ] bugger well the thing was I'll be committed can we just bring up a picture every time in our suppose no honestly just a big blur yeah and he just well there it is I'm Franco embryos Wacom Oh mr. Pitts often also also want to look Louisa Johnson is her name people often say you know white people have no culture she is very very choice and us do much up but she did a porno you know but it wasn't like one of those cleverly planned pornos for Purim or where she like [ __ ] another celebrity it was just he looked like the most basic sort of dude from the sort of the pub when opposed always half as the caliber of men will change things so that's why it was such a like disappointment anyway like it wasn't on that Kim K sort of every position well thought out and that as if they were had a director in the room was just like shocking yeah I mean the call if anything on the one hand it made us think available doable maybe show me on the other hand I expected better right very close and I'm supposed to no one ever thought that they'd ever hear you say of a woman I expect it better do you know what I mean no but it just looked so uh I mean that cuz you're a bit of a connoisseur no I really are watched too much listen did you were you quite a porn fiend any time in your life yeah turn things around we're bringing a body it's funny though cuz we ask these same questions and dizzy but he asked them to be cut out so we I thought after the subscribers you've gained recently this is gonna be a more highbrow chair definitely not do you wank if anything or anything now we've got more views I know we can keep going further down less yeah yeah yeah Brian who's Amal yeah exactly yeah yeah we did us this of chaos I like what's your favorite porn sort of thing he's make some shots right if you're wondering [ __ ] shots gun shots assisting well I guess that's the moneymaker isn't it but I'm not I'm not that asked I was never ever until SB important Ryan in ever ever meaning my first one was of lesbian porn yeah it was on a TV channel called Bravo that at ten o'clock turned in or whatever the porn channel yeah and it was softcore and they were like from the future dressed as like half alien without Sheikh cetera I don't remember that I do remember that yeah I used to crush I mean you had a because there was no pausing live TV accuses the wrong cut moment you have to be ready you have to have everything organized in your level organization organizes back for sort of into a what about Eurotrash your trust was there was it wasn't up to scratch for me like you could not know one go over that was - yeah you might be torn or humor trashed was it year or a trash it was a like a French show that was shown in the UK back in the day or the channel for your Belgium summit European with European humour and these that just had them but girl Lulu were the massive tits on there would come her tits are so big they eventually killed her true story I think okay I didn't know this or I just like this is getting darker isn't it I also just knew it was on because you know I can be myself for the game I just don't yeah who is this fellow compiler we actually talk to him outside of the podcaster is a bit like this - yeah yeah he's not laddie is he logan Paul's very much sure he's laddie off-camera no he's he's not actually that laddie is he no I like so there was seen him after the fight I was having a drink with him and we had a good little chat there and then his girlfriend was being super nice to me and she was like you're gonna go so far like you're really good at interviews but yeah and I was like no Chloe [ __ ] Bennet and he nudged him and he went I think a minute she was very pretty I must admit that was one thing that hits you when you talk in this girl but anyway and then after were tailings in there was any girls to say like this was like I don't know it must what - sup bro three in the mornin although this kids just being in a fight where he's getting his face punch - held by JJ and he goes dude man I'd love to stay up a chat because I am [ __ ] this girl in a month so I gotta go we've gotten through this [ __ ] is Reba so this is a sort of Joe Rogan wore this on a podcast and I was like actually I'm exactly quite and I thought I thought I'd get a tribute to him even though it's a tribute to another us a guy I referenced the movie very often but you know the movie Santa Claus very not Santa Claus off the roof and he saw a become Santa Claus everyone in my podcast night yeah exactly is mainly because I think one day you're gonna try and get Joe Rogan on a roof and then knock him off the Carson recently my dream job is to be a UFC comment it and someone compared commented stop stop trying to be Jorgen I thought was that I'd like to do his job I don't want to be him yes no point am I sort of not supposed to emulate and like take influence from other people aren't you I don't know Ricky's your face I was waiting for it ever since that left his mouth I mean I was just waiting we both do do you get that as well about the Chaves thing a lot yeah because I do clearly rip them up well your humor if your passion in the airless or the exact same as another person who's who's gone where you want to go in life yeah is there anything wrong in like just because I watch his stuff all the time I'll happily watch his stand-up shows four or five times really yeah yeah laughs yes commitment yeah yeah but but if you started did if you had got an idea for a sitcom there's something we're in an office like fair enough then it's taking it yeah yeah or you start literally trying to like yeah like rip him off entirely I don't think either of us I tried to do that we're trying to like use inspiration and do what they do and one way I want when I was 15 I went to it like a hippie festival with with my parent and one of my parents and I remember there was like a tent we couldn't do anything and it was about like I was wandering around on my own weirdly at like a story before it's so funny and I went um I went into the tent and I was it side now it's just like I goes up to this hippie guy and I was like yeah I wanna do some stand-up and the guy was like so I in my head I had all I was gonna do is go up and do Ricky Gervais jokes to a crowd of people who didn't know that they were Ricky Gervais Stokes and so I'm selling this tent I was just going through it I was like okay I'll go out there and I'll do the whole I'll do the Bible bit that he does and I'll do the bit where he does the elephant thing and things like that it's crowded be cracking up and then last minute I had like a crisis of conscience like but they're not my joke they go welcome to stage young comedian now and I just walked out I just couldn't stay well I thought this was though not only holds me now another hippy hippy bunnies went what when he says foot back into my arms no there was one hippie who really sort of took a shine to you almost on a strange level there are a lot of hippies who take a shine to me I was having this chat in the office the other day it was just not when you were young lad or remembers at the same tent no a different tent it was an obsession x2 you're young next door but what's weird about hippies is like they don't understand when they're being like sexually creepy you know what I mean because they've they don't see they're like free love and then lo sort of thing so now I really love any age is over soon yeah when they are being a bit weird but pedo yeah they don't know but you know you feel it what if they do know but that's just a great way for a pedo to be a pedo without being outed as a pedo yeah that's a really good point and Marion they're also in self denial you know they won't yeah you know this is goes within the first five minutes yeah it's not watching it with any video and we're what sought in the Loess lot since we last seen you yes the mean the me like the the first thing to happen was that so a lo video yeah which one that the calendar yeah yeah what's on the list she just there was one there's this kid right [ __ ] knows what his name is but he keeps making videos called why insert youtubers name here channel has died I can help ya I start watching her on the site he's like a BTech women II know but I like he's he's got that delivery that will delivery but it's he does his research and I quite like that among I'm like that okay he's got that will delivery but he does his reasons I just mean like he's more he gives really informative breakdowns of what's going wrong on so monster online its you just find yourself like I understand that you're sort of making a channel about other people's channels going down and there's something sort of a bit shitty about that like you've gotta come with something else but but as a you young youtuber I kind of rate what he was doing a little bit like he's commented an angle and it's kind of like it's kind of interested bit like a [ __ ] YouTube Bloomberg you know you know in stocks and shares go up and down and Bloomberg do reports on the companies he's a bit like that like that yeah no I don't mean it in like the bad way I mean like Bloomberg's just very high production value in bedroom fair play um he's that he's done videos before where he's like so it'll be a similar topic to what I've done yeah and then he'll just use all my points yes it's fine but partly like the emulating people that you know though yeah you imagine is watching your staff and then there is a common what the phrases but you basically do what you've seen but you don't know that you're replicating it you're basically you think of it as your own thoughts so I imagine you watch is something two days before yours few days that you he goes yeah yeah yeah so how do you feel knowing that you're sort of you're one of the originated as it being like a youtube critic and now that there's this new wave of people like him comment are you like like does it give it a rest mate what would you say to people like that coming through to the body or to watch many of them I watched him because I was in a few of the thumbnail so obviously I'm interested but I don't tend to watch channels going downhill at the time yeah I don't tend to watch people like that because then if I if I watch how much this guy all the time somebody does something he makes video about it exactly what you just said when I make my video in two days time I'm just gonna be copying the points even though I might genuinely believe I mean so I tend to stay away from stuff like that I tend to stay away from uploading content mainly yeah is what I do I think that's really become like a trend on YouTube more mysterious no it has gone a bit different than hasn't it like I felt like even last year there was something maybe I'm just being influenced by will because he was on that like every to do cry oh yeah I felt like uploading all the time was like a thing like and you had a spy upload every couple of days everything and then recently it doesn't matter as much people said like it people have been talking about youtuber burn out recently that happening and I've also noticed one thing I don't know whether you've both notices as well big youtubers they're now load uploading 4-minute videos and then so like david dobrik is doing four minute videos and then go and go and watch that my reactions on instagram or snapchat or something which is quite interesting what is that just to just to be able to do socials everywhere else I don't know cons looking at me as if I'm saying it wrong is that right or wrong it's about right yeah it's almost another pot of the point I'm making is the trend there's a triplet there's always a trickle-down effect like little youtubers look at what the big eyes are doing and copy that so like when like people like Logan and like if Logan and JJ for example take a break because in the training and then they upload a video it's wish sayin that because they haven't uploaded in a while the anticipation builds more so than it would do but you have to get at that level where people give a [ __ ] there if they're at the top of the tree are they so I don't know I just feel like yeah people are concentrating more on doing maybe a little bit of a longer more quality video than just [ __ ] out stuff that we a quill used to do yeah yeah and it was good I prefer that way yeah I'd rather get give me a longer quality video than a [ __ ] [ __ ] Sol majani do I also kind of like I know there's trends on YouTube I kind of want to see it becoming a bit more diverse so some people taking the short video route some people taking the longer people what I get a bit annoyed at is everyone jumping on a trend and again that's the way that trends work but I want to see a bit more diversity I don't want to see some people doing like you know it's further why people are doing podcast I doing podcasts YouTube's one of the worst places I feel for like fishbowl copying everybody else cuz it's hard not to do we're all in the same game and then someone sees something work I know like when the when the disc trucks were on and stuff like that now we've got boxer and but I feel like it's cool the gorath trans but as long as your channel has all that stuff going on as well yeah that's cool it's when you get one youtuber who just just flaws with the [ __ ] River wherever it's going what their channel just becomes that one thing I think some people their personality is so different to everyone else such as yourself such as Steven I like to think me as well so I'm a miserable [ __ ] that when you do jump on trends you add something different to the trail anyway you know I mean whereas some people and there's like there's there's no don't even know many names but it's like a bowl of like very similar type vloggy people put and put your hand in you'll pick one of the month as soon as each other yeah the same thing yeah they look the same sound the same do the same so when they're all doing the same kind of videos it just becomes a bit dead you know they are the ones who wash it out and kill it yeah than anyone yeah yeah yeah yeah Stephen I wish Stephen would do this is such a random pie but like I love his his sketches I'd love him to guava do like the different kind of series where he's being himself more I'd love to hear his opinions on what I'm saying like like these a little bit like maybe a sure like a bit like what you and will and a couple just to see how he you would take that on mmm he cuz when he has been on with Enys at Will's channel he has actually had some quite good perceptions by her the problem for him is he's not a very judgmental person no and it takes a level of being able to like sit back and judge who's really critical of himself he's critical himself but very rare so great you know sometimes I'll be like oh you know you want to evaluate its last video be able to know I don't - you almost doesn't want to upset than those knees talking dude he's quite a kind guy unless you can tell he's like like with you with me will he'll sort of he'll evaluate in a very kind way you don't want to hurt anyone do you know what I mean yeah whereas there are other youtubers who almost have that you know this conscience was a bit more on mine in your level we'd get some cracking like yeah do you ever finish a bit like with the zoella thing you must have also seen the other side where you where you see you you know she's not a greedy little [ __ ] do you know that you know that yeah so when you feel I'm never I'm not cuz I'm you're not convinced if it's a 50 pound advent calendar isn't it yeah how can anyone justify that if you start selling up for 50 pounds I used to I'd say you're greedy for such come and say however Brian you might be big and a [ __ ] massage yeah that's mend yeah and the whole I suppose there was a whole series of things like but for me it felt like it was a bit similar to logan paul situation where it came a lack of context in their lives and so you just start you that the beasts get so big it's hard to then every little decision almost becomes like oh wait what's going on here and suddenly I think there's two ways of dealing with a with us when when you [ __ ] up Mia Jolly online yeah you can either trying hide or you can own it and I felt like at least Logan did a video right afterwards a [ __ ] up as much as some people might think it was [ __ ] ownership of the situation yeah sorry video with zoella hiding it on a second Channel at the end of one of her videos and then blaming it on boots at the same time yeah I kind of felt like oh you have not played this well now all no no if anything you've shown more guilt by like sliding it in there be like oh yeah I'll deal with it there yeah then if you just don't ah the whole world's talking about this so I lie like you're not fooling anyone right now no take ownership of this [ __ ] yeah and for me it made me believe her a lot less by how she dealt with it yeah it was more yeah and and the fact that I can't real where was she I don't to misquote or in case it's not true about the fact that she said that it was I think she said that boots price didn't get much say in the price she said she had no say in the price up to it yeah don't do it then because if I was to release a bit of merch and they came to me and told me the price point and it was that [ __ ] high I pull out of it I wouldn't pull out of it because that that is mental what do you think the assumption there was well something good will be in it so it'll sort of be worth the fifty oh that's maybe that would be much because we was ten like you buy [ __ ] FIFA Call of Duty you could buy a lot of things yeah I should put Call of Duty in the color nothing that's worth it what's really killer about your video is you did go through everything and go it's worth 20 P this is worth like at 5 quid or whatever yeah and never added up to that nerdy no though so that was part of the frustration as well as if you were buying something that was worth 50 pounds when you got it and it was like a solid jumper and all these things that would have been a slightly different case but it doesn't have to be worth fifty pounds it can be worth twenty-five pound you can sell it at 50 because oh well there is a brand but it was because it was so far from that and I think that a bit the the the gray area or the massive gray area came from the fact that it was like you're buying a lucky dip right that's what you're doing like yeah yeah you can research it but the kids don't really want to research it because the joy comes from the surprise yeah so you're buying a lucky dip and then I fit I thought of reviewing it I bought the thing I had a little look online and it was just it became so apparent every every a bag of glitter like this is beyond a joke now it got to a point where this is gonna be a funny little parody thing like I don't know what you're getting this old it was it was so bad so when you say to me that I know she's not a greedy [ __ ] yeah I have to agree I don't know because you would not do that you would not do that I would not do that like I'm sure she's not evil like I know she's not evil and she's that she's brought out a lot of other merch that I've never touched upon like ever she's brought out thousands hundreds of products I've never touched upon it but that was just so [ __ ] watch your video back was it it was almost as if you couldn't believe your luck as to how as to how bad the stuff was served someone who your bread and butter is in that Juvia style to pick things apart the way he did the Bible for example yeah to have similar so much to work with fairs like yeah so fun I'm the only person to get my money's worth from that calendar absolutely yeah yeah yeah CPM was really high yeah and they of course not unlike mainstream media sort of looked in as well and you've got a lot of the other side because we all know about the public exposure yeah how did you feel about the was there anyone who messes you from the YouTube community who saying you're well out of order here like this yes we had the obvious ones thinking like I'd rather our boyfriend and that that circle but do you think they come to you director with it mark never never ever direct like if the first person I think I ever heard even talked about as defender and to be fair he didn't I don't think you slag me off I'm not sure he's well within his right to but was Joe sugg when he came on your podcast that was the first time I was that wax and was actually speaking about this right because no one was ever ever ever mentioned anything I had way more a lot saying this from a braggy point of view I'm saying this from an shocked as well had way more people in the community the blue tickers the mainstream celebrities getting in touch right and are all for it I'm talking mainstream celebrities where one day I'm like the [ __ ] this is this is mad so so that's kind of it seemed to change your career a little bit though it did but it kind of put me on a bit of a it was kind of like a poison chalice as well because then from that moment on I've always been somebody that picks apart things I was going to say for the good of all the bad but mainly for bad I try and find the comedy out of these things like like that's that's your cue above all else that's why I do it I keep getting a lot of people at the moment tell me keep asking me to make videos about this Chris Ingham guy yeah who may or may not be a sexual deviance allegedly yeah lots of string I've avoided that like the plague because I'm the type o blood I want to see the [ __ ] first exactly and I know that there's been other videos made but I'm just like when everything comes out then we can make work yeah judgments and I feel like isn't look great with a [ __ ] calendar or an empty book or something like that or Alfie deyes doing the one pound challenge there's comedy to be had in that for sure and if you feel like you can't punch up at these people then it's later like point yeah then then then it's ridiculous but with something like the christening and thing that's for something way bigger than me right don't go to the place or go like what am I gonna do it could be a pedophile guys like that's like where's the cat where's your so slightly in the comedy out of their comedy there would have to come from at quite a dark place where it's sort of like ah he touch girls or whatever which we don't know if you did but I'd like that would be what people be saying for sure and with the whole Jimmy Savile stuff right me times past times past and and jokes you can I believe you can joke about anything but there is a time and a place and if this these accusations going on now so there's girls that are hurting now so if I'm making jokes about these victims now you never make jokes about the victims you know remember if you're making jokes now and these girls are watching it it's gonna crush him twice as bad as I assumed anything that was like you know it doesn't really suit your style of comedy which is a little bit more you slightly techni moral high ground on things or sort of a play that the people's here over there times you know and whether you choose to or not yeah it would definitely not suit your comedies and then be making jokes about people are in that situation you know but what about so then it then goes on from there where you you've obviously benefited a lot from the net some of the negativity mmm do you think that had a bit of an effect on how you felt about your channel like there are a lot of people looking in and hating as well as enjoying your stuff did you get much of a but lush from those well afar yeah when I did the logon thing there was a good like I don't know five percent of the comments who were on his site you know I mean the original login video mmm not not particularly nothing that ever made it then nothing ever stood out and made me think that maybe I've overstepped the mark yet at all well I think I think that their comments genuinely wouldn't affect me either like I know I completely understand how like the whole world was against Logan right but I'm never going to do anything to that degree I'm really gonna pick people apart and if if my 50% of my audience turn on me tomorrow and call me out for something I'm kind of respect vixx it's like maybe I have genuine least I said this onstage at summer in the city right something because like with me in you we don't cut our stuff we're very like scathing and the way we we say things and because we have this honest or very raw relationship with our audience I feel if I do [ __ ] up and say something that's at a point not only will you and you and all my YouTube mates tell me but my audience will as well I don't want them to latch on to my coattails and just be are you great everything you do is so there mate I don't want that because I will [ __ ] up I say so I live by the sword die by the sword in that sense exactly exactly if Ricky Gervais came out tomorrow and was saying some obscure stuff about something that I opposed I wouldn't just be like okay Ricky are you right I'd feel I'd feel the point of telling him just cuz you I'd lie someone doesn't mean not saying you idolize me but just just cuz you look up to someone of you here watch their videos doesn't mean that they're always gonna be right and I feel like because I'm criticized people all the time I'm open to criticism that's that I don't take this game too seriously Toby's nephew well I'm at Auburn the criticism like how do you how do you feel when you get criticism because I know oh yeah I to be honest with you does it bother you it depends on where it's coming from because if it's legit criticism and it's something I can really the thing is I think my frustrations come from like context like people if people knew what like so if someone messages and says this video was [ __ ] and then I know everything that went wrong in my week before that and nor like I don't know let's say everything was going [ __ ] now so I'm a really bad timely person in life and I'm like do you realize like how hard it was just to get that [ __ ] video out like I see a comment like that and that gets to us yeah because they don't know what the [ __ ] is going on or or if it absolutely nails something that you are what I hate is when you know there's something even um wrong in a video so maybe this sounds like slightly off but you've put so much into it or you know you know that you could have done you know you wouldn't been to another country or something people know you don't hear it should have a man using I should have seen that mmm that sort of thing yes we had an issue with 100 podcasts where the sound was upset it'd be [ __ ] terrible long story but it was an issue that I was out of my control hmm and and I got a few messages and there was there was a point where someone messaged me like the son was [ __ ] I'll just say I just blocked them cuz I thought myself like I'm doing everything I [ __ ] can't yeah like and believe me yeah you will never be aware of anything going on my channel I'm not already aware yeah because I literally give everything I can to my channels yeah if I'd prefer my criticism to coming up form of like what kind of content they'd want me to make as opposed to the quality yeah because I'm operating at 100% already I can't be any better than what I am in terms of the videos I make and at least I feel that way there's always room to grow but like in my ability right now I'm given a hundred percent of what I've got so I'd rather the criticism come from like I'd rather see me like when people say the one is to make a football hangover video I haven't done them for a while because Jim when mance Italy ran away with the title last year I just was like Newcastle yeah we're we're an average side were not great we're not terrible it's just basic football city of won the league there's not at all I felt like there's nothing to talk about and all the things were happening on YouTube that was spotting me I said I've always I've always a little fighting more than football I just always have but football was what sort of made me named on so now people are like hold and as to what I used to do and I respect that like when people say I wish you'd do more football hung all of us but equally I want them to respect that this is what I want to do right now Jeremy and maybe I'll go back that way in the future but like you do find different things like yeah if nor the five hour livestream I did on football yeah last weekend yeah like five and it was constant football analysis on vibe I was solid mmm one thing I I guess we definitely had this experience below because we spent hours talking about how you were gonna do the Logan Paul podcast beforehand like Brian was always running ideas past me should I go down this way it's way and it was really good by the way he absolutely smashed it really well well there was there was a couple of that basically we realized before this because I watched the Casey interview because he recommended it I reckon I was like I cannot do an interview like that it was [ __ ] painful I watched about ten minutes and I can do 23 year old lad getting a touched shut stone good night that's it really like yeah he [ __ ] up but like I just but the thing is with Casey no disrespect the man is one of the legends of YouTube like fully yeah it's just like he's not an interviewer so I had to find a way of I also think he went in there thinking there was gonna be a different exchange and it was almost like it was a slight sort of Logan though yeah it was a good precursor to that you end up yeah it helped me out a lot it held you out because you you could have maybe felt like you had to be a little bit more harsh but you sort of almost saw the reaction to being that way and so got to take the other angle I'm not saying we're not smart enough to come up with that angle ourselves but and but what I guess is anyway but it was just a guarantee of this is what happens if you just try and call the the lot of [ __ ] what I was he won't open up yeah do you do either of you ever get to a point where you are taking a person apart and then you remember like this is actually just a person who's very fallible yeah yeah have you ever not released a video for that reason what you've absolutely destroyed someone and then gone yeah I can't do that I've definitely cut a lot out the only way that I justify it or try to justify it is that I'd back in the day I would just call people cancerous a queue it and it's very juvenile very boring people saying my content is now but you always just put the description but I think if you go on my channel and you and you look at what I've spoken about it's not it's not really them as if not really anything that they can't help right so what I used to do is I used to slag off a lot Alfie's content and then I realized that's just such a that's just such a wanker thing to do because the contents not aimed at me yeah like so I think I did a lot of growing up in that respect who cares if I don't like the content that's that's like me watching I hate an archery program and this is [ __ ] [ __ ] well yeah because I don't enjoy archery nitration sir so when he's doing the 1 pound video and I'm just it's so ignorant and whether whether or not you meant it to be it's it's ignorant because that's what you can and says that's what Tories are like yeah I'm not a Tory god bless him crucified I felt so bad for him that you had to do a video when you and Luthor I'm doing that was a moment yeah it was so good mainstream journalists were using that at one point right I am NOT a Tory I watch it I remember just being in like oh my god it's gotten to the point where you have to deny being a conservative like I think that like him when I was watching his apology yeah like I'm watching it and Jenna thought for how we [ __ ] up and his apology was probably one of the most genuine apologies how was I all right yeah he's really apologized yet he means they're sucking [ __ ] tell with them and then out of know he goes on there's just one flavor my wife and I was like where are you going at this like dude like stop yeah like they're all just pulling the words but yeah that was I think went answer your question in regards to that like how much you can smash someone or what you should I think the there's a few things I've said obviously about women and stuff like that in the past session they said but also in the login video I already edited one thing out which was there you see me walk home like afterwards I was like when I see you I'm gonna look I said if I leave that in I've lost all credibility I need you like in in the calm of editing the video I was like alright that just doesn't need to be there because that's not really how I feel about the guy I'm just pissed off of what he did yeah but I must submit the keemstar fouseytube has been a bit of a learning experience for me as as a as a breaking people down experience in terms of keemstar has critiqued for see tubes actions and the things he said and fairly for the most part but then there's a point where because firstly to message me after I did the original Logan video saying you know can you give me some sort of support I was kind of like um I'm not the guy for this like you know I'm not being a contrary Val just don't know I wouldn't know where to start being against right dude sort of because he was talking to you about his addiction wasn't he or is he knows that can you be my sponsor type thing and I now respected like where he was coming from it was nice that he thought it wasn't that way about equally I didn't really know who knew who I didn't know who fouseytube was at the time I was like he has this american youtuber i was like you know we messaged a little bit but anyway when keemstar was fully heavily critic in russia and then fouseytube looked like he was having a breakdown there was a part of me watching this like oh [ __ ] if the tube does anything stupid like keemstar is gonna look this like this is not gonna go well the YouTube community is gonna be terrible like not just because obviously you don't want fouseytube to [ __ ] yeah got like anything happened to the guy even though some of the things he says are ridiculous but can I just interject and say I get what you say in a hundred percent but when and before I get so I'll say with the kind of like the books and the merch or stuff like that right I'm not comparing it to what to the story I'm about to say it's not half as bad but there was a youtuber about four or five years ago called v1i who I often make jokes about yeah who no idea who he basically got he admitted all this right so this is why I openly talk about all the time because it's it's it's fact but he got one of this he was it he was like it's just the vlogger guy and he got one of these young fans round she was under the age of 16 and all she was 16 I don't know don't quote me on it and but it was it was murky waters I think she was just slightly under he got he got a drunk and he slept with her and she came out and said she didn't want to do it and he put her in that position and it was like I think it's do they call it statutory rape is that what it is and he came out right and I've made a video about it this was one of the first videos where I really was like I'm actually gonna make a whole video about this and I was just saying [ __ ] off away from YouTube now like you don't like you should be locked up alright then he made a video and it was like one of these apology videos and he was like I'm from a Mormon background so I didn't realise mental and then he basically started without actually saying the words he was basically insinuate and that my life's gonna go from there point if you all start saying this and I can do some dodgy [ __ ] like I could it's basically insinuating that you could kill himself like and then it's late we've gotten sort of yeah and that made me think right this is dodgy because if he does kill himself I've got a video that's getting quite a lot of use telling calling him what he is and tell him to [ __ ] off but then I thought just because I'm critiquing the negative stuff you've done for what I believe to be the right reasons I'm not just going how look at your hair you're a bit fat John I mean I'm actually pointing out the bad things if they then do go into anything bad I don't think that's on the commentator I don't think that's on the person that picked them apart I don't think it is but what I'm seeing as someone who just doesn't want someone to die in that respect even if I do think that way is I think there's certain people who you know can handle it then this sort what I'm saying is before before I say something now I would be a little bit more like alright can this person take what so I new law can continue where I could just tell ya when I made that video the guy is just the way yes - I mean but then there's that argument dude but do you know because you don't really know what's going on in Jeff's head completely like lately so but I see what you're saying it's a tough one is what I'm saying there's like because I I heard a story for a locally from me last week of someone he was getting [ __ ] at school and for being gay and they took her own life and like a sick [ __ ] you know fourteen-year-old kid or whatever and it just makes you think like that just made me think like obviously you relate things back to YouTube and even God would criticize people all the time like sometimes people just don't know the damage that they're doing when they do in it and it's a totally different situation but I'm just more like aware of it like there's nothing you can really do is stop when you're criticizing something someone you can't really predict what's going to happen next but let's just say there's certain youtubers like fouseytube who I would stay the [ __ ] away from people aren't that reason i I see what you're saying put the opposite view for I think YouTube is probably quite a specific place where because of the way the community is you you can critique other people might get seen as sort of a platform to be able to do that and have that honest conversation it's become quite normal isn't it but I think it always is within comedy you've got you've had Mock the Week for you as they mock politicians all the time knows that the thing Charlie Zucker that part of that is though those politicians and the people that Charlie Brooker mark hmm have all chosen to put themselves almost knowingly into a political position where it's seen as you're taking a position in society you're taking that responsibility and there is something about it all and I'm not critiquing what either of you are saying but that does sometimes stink a little bit even the critiques and of that like white privilege oh sure we're all sitting around smell our own farts and loving it sort of thing like we're we're all making money out of this I'm not saying that you're coming from angular that you're coming from that angle but it does smell a little bit like that do you know I mean we're well I'm betting this guy cuz he's making [ __ ] content but I'm making contact about his [ __ ] content so how good am i and I you to sort of take that angle of we're no better than anyone else but there are people out there who are very judgmental about it and and the weird thing for me is how real it feels like if you step out of it and I talked to one of my family what's YouTube they're like why the [ __ ] is any of this matter like how does any of this matter to anyone because literally it it feels fictional to other people because they're like what doesn't affect me in any way but it has that vibe of you know like a load of privileged people sitting around or or making money out of it it feels a little bit like a ring almost where they just pass it around but doesn't start that with autism no and that's what I'm saying is it feels a bit like YouTube didn't build itself to get to this point but actually and it never thought well there'd be all these white privilege vloggers it thought they'll be a you know there'll be a black guy over there be an Indian guy or a beer Chinese guy and they'll be very diverse but it didn't quite work out that way like it not so it's country but I mean it's the lone leaders really isn't it and that's part the point is it almost it does feel a little bit like if you two kept making this content we have this conversation yesterday you were talking about how you don't feel like you can keep making the same content because not only will you get personally bored you won't see your own personal progression uh-huh so if you were 30 and still making the same content you you just like you'd look at yourself and go what the [ __ ] what might do it yeah because I started this when I was 20 22 you know whatever age it's been oh you almost have but you almost have to go through that we as a like as the YouTube community almost have to go through this phase and it will pass if it's always this way and in five years time it's this way well some people's not going to [ __ ] but we're really we really still here you know I mean yeah because that would be disappointing to me yeah we were still in that position where we were all making the same vlogs and still doing that same stuff and you've both expressed that you both want to do better is probably why you're doing your box why are youtubers as I it is for everyone and then some people aren't going to have the capabilities to make a [ __ ] documentary oh wow so there are girls out there who are currently 50 you know whatever thinking let's do a shopping haul Jeremy no Sue Ellen and not really fully realizing like that has been done to death on YouTube like this do you I also think that's a start for them it is all I'm saying and they'll grow from that but equally you've got to start somewhere it doesn't yeah it doesn't become a Scorsese straightaway you come on in and documentary I mean yes Khan yes absolutely sold destroy and win like for me I may do a video of my comedy hero Ricky Gervais so got an hour along with them what a privilege best moment of my life wasted it ah blah nice sorry sorry that 150k views okay all the comments are not other comments a few comments oh this is great in all but have you noticed only White's got a new t-shirt out it's like okay ah next week a [ __ ] t-shirt isn't it I'm almost a parody of myself by this point here look at this t-shirt 300k views mmm it's like [ __ ] me I need to pay the rent but I also need to keep my mind sane because I don't why don't you be [ __ ] slag and stuff off all the time that's why I try and do it for you and far between now and all my plans I've got for the future are very much away from my soon though yeah but it's but if they but that's not to say if they don't if one of these vloggers comes out with the next most ridiculous thing ever but I'm not gonna pick it apart because I do ultimately a joy personals about yeah yeah what when was so rewinding when that zoella video drop I'm a mouth under will actually and we were both like all this kids gone now like if he if he plays this situation correctly your million-plus and then and then because the I don't know what Groff it was but I remembered spinning [ __ ] me it was mad hundred thousands if I wasn't in a week I know it I don't know actually fifty K Damon he I was like it was quarter of a million awake it was quarter of a million about my place yeah it was on that look important numbers genuinely though I was like rooting for you to to play your cards right at that point and I felt like all of a sudden no I was i I was just expected you did a few more videos but then all of a sudden you were like you put the cards away and you sort of chilled and I was like whoa what and fork like I mean I was talking to will about because he's the [ __ ] the expert to me on YouTube in terms of like when to do what to do and how to how to get the most out of your buzz yeah and you just stop capitalizing completely so I mean you're a man of your word and what you're saying is you do get bored of that [ __ ] but why why didn't you make them more so a lot because it's I did the video on the calendar is funny and whatever and then I did my follow-up one which was I had the idea already to make my own calendar and fill it with even worse stuff because that was like the natural sequel and then I felt like any more of that and then it does just become boolean and attacking someone over and over again so now when I if I mention it I do still mention it I will put a little a little one-liner in in a video she's probably not gonna say and if she does it doesn't it's not going to do it's not it's any degree of them or them original videos were some people felt that even my first video was too much you know what I mean like yeah like well will it will that will happily uploaded a video where he was saying about Oh everyone's just making videos on the calendar and like I'll leave like the [ __ ] calendar and stuff like that and I was like yeah that's that's fair enough I don't want to ride that wave anymore about the calendar what I'm saying is like YouTube like it wasn't long after that video that you were just like the video slowed down and stopped fire just because I unknown as this guy that critiques people and takes the piss and stuff it's not necessarily how I want to be known but I'm good at it and but I can't I'm not I'm not passionately and I'm not passionate enough to do it all the [ __ ] time it's it's draining I'm actually quite a happy person I'm actually quite a chirpy person I'm quite an emotional person for sure right sure and I actually this gonna sound really wanky and softly but I do actually have a lot of love so to go onto YouTube every [ __ ] week and go that zaps the [ __ ] life at yourself you don't want to be notified it really reminds me of when I got known for the Newcastle rant videos and I was like this is not this is a wind order me after watching a Newcastle game really pissed and right after the games finished yeah this isn't what you're you're not getting the regular version of major in the week no and I began to hate those videos yeah I don't know if this is a compliment or not but I see a lot of myself in you because I think you're a very emotional person as well as we lay a sore in the original Logan pool video but when I first started watching your videos when you were doing the football hangout of her you were very similar to me and you were swaggin footballers off and swearing and that was funny as [ __ ] but I'd watch it laugh all the time and then you and then you brought the podcast out and you was putting your own emotion into things your own thoughts and things now singing [ __ ] me this isn't just a big lads that [ __ ] is do you know what I mean that you've got another dimension to you and that's when you became a lot more likable to the public and that's when I was like this guy's actually class like and then you and then I warm to you and you warm to everyone else and that's kind of like what I want to do I kind of I I see the funny things I see the funny side of things more than I see the [ __ ] side of things I hope sometimes that crosses over and the lines are blurred but that's what I want to do I don't just want to constantly be calling people out for plus another reason the videos dried up it's because I as you said when my eyes lit up because the calendar was so bad I then found that nothing else is going to be that bad right because everyone's gonna tone down a little bit and if I then go from that to I know only white it is Christmas stuff which was mental as well but then in January and February what just because someone's up got a new t-shirt out how boring is that gonna care I feel like that's gonna kill the channel more than just me not upload it right that's you don't want to make that transition that a similar way that I have to just to break out of that box that people look want to put you in now because you kind of put yourself there a little bit as did I without yeah yeah so this is where I've noticed you thinking about doing stand-up documentaries boxing all that I see being being just growing from where you are now yeah but if I'm not mistaken in that time also you had a death in the family as well didn't you yeah so last last year it's all about this is yeah yeah yeah December it was a weird one as well right because so my granddad died but that's that and it was a weird one for me because I've never it resonated with me when you were saying to Logan Paul about how he didn't take that seriously cuz I was like [ __ ] like I'm so lucky touch with that aside from that the case that we're talking about I've never really experienced death like at all my great man died as as you wasn't they do yeah when I was like 10 I want to say so I never really experienced that and the thing that sort of threw might give my head a wobble a little bit was when my granddad died he found out he had bone cancer two weeks before he died and he died at that a day after my dad's birthday and so obviously my dad took it bad I took it quite badly and it wasn't the death that got to me it was the fact that because I was never that close to my granddad some members of my family who lived closer to him what kind of almost like why are you feeling bad about it yeah I remember I went to this is mental I've never told this story before but I went to his funeral and I was on the second row so all his kids were they are quite a few and then the grandkids were there and I remember a satin person in my family who was closer to my grandma than I was was was saying why are they on the second row why is he on the second row and I'm getting upset mainly because the whole time I'm looking at my dad and it's the first time I seen my dad choke up and that's hard to [ __ ] take is a sure you can imagine so I'm getting choked up and I'm trying to keep strong for my sister and people that people are saying you can't you can't be upset you can't be upset and that's spun my head so much that I then went on a I went on a bit of a downward slope and I seen that and and and I kind of thought I kind of thought like like I said like I am emotional I do have more to me than just [ __ ] slag and things off and then and then I videos became secondary I didn't care enough about you I feel yeah weird because you'd had such success and you went from like I feel like the next big thing on YouTube like that period and then it was like you'd break for a bit and I was like wow like he's taking a break at the it felt like because I didn't know what's going on with this but I was like what's he doing you know I mean I think during that period I became actually angry and that's what ruined the comedy side of things party that's party grief though isn't it like yeah you've got to be lucky to take the piss I feel when I'm on Form I know i'll be i'll be i'll feel it before i get on camera I'm in a good mood yeah I can't get on camera be funny no no no no no it's in so and that's part of the problem isn't it having everyone sort of wait I mean maybe if you've had death navami or whatever you've witnessed people going through grief and sort of trying to some people blame other people and they say few nice funerals in general there's there's always undertones or like stuff going on resentment is a vibe and I've seen I've been to some funerals where it's like you didn't really love them what you doing and like it's that sort of almost like a fight for who's hurting the most and I I've seen some people got funerals and cry and I know it's just because they think that that's what you're supposed to do not because they're actually feeling that feel like that must that this because my immediate reaction to that is I feel quite sorry for that person they don't know how to feel in and wait because look saying that okay now it's almost like a performance for themselves more than anything to show the world how they're [ __ ] so I went about six funerals by the time I was like 24 my god like and I was like one a year with you that's so I got used to it in us but as if people watch her you start spotting [ __ ] after like the third [ __ ] funeral that's happening again is that not quite do you because you're obviously you're both quite emotional guys you know do you not look at those people and feel a little bit sorry that they can't feel or they feel that they have to perform to other people when it's such an emotional situation because almost feels like they don't understand then these people are doing it because not because they're like I'm sad therefore I'll cry which isn't what you'd imagine a normal person feels they're sort of like I'm supposed to be sad so I think I'm gonna have a cry and see how see how that works do you know what I mean they're almost testing it out there's something quite sad people are strange that's it like we on there's no set men you've now you're supposed to feel especially when someone dies but like equally like sometimes that the people I've been closest to the less I've cried at the funeral because I've been that tell bent on keeping a brave face for it you know I'm saying whereas when I'm at the back or whatever and it's not any pressure on me because I've got it in spoke at funerals and stuff like that before and he's [ __ ] heavy but obviously when you're not under that pressure and you can just be in the corner I don't know that's probably what I've let it go the most really I was nothing as a bit of a problem when people other people tell you how to be sad do you know what I mean so when you're at a funeral someone is crying and you're not it's sort of like well you should be sad as well why and if you're not crying they're sort of you should feel guilty for not being as sad as I am do you know what I mean yeah which is unusual like it really blinds people to to sort of like it blinds people to so much hmm and then I imagine they get away from the funeral I think you to some extent had something there was a real sense of perspective yeah in your life like none of that no not usually are you definitely soon like I've woke up a little bit in the last year like I've seen you grow up a [ __ ] but like only because we do the same job we're quite similar thickness and I recognize some of the little things that you're doing is like growing up I can see it and because sometimes I forget that you're like five years younger than me over holding 25 there you go then so well you say you we're both a little bit older than Jackie's why I'm saying you're one year younger than maybe obviously I'm 41 this is 30 this year this year so oh no need to hide it some people say I'm still looking my twenties you con them like you see them what yeah what have you mean it your skin sorted out we're gonna go to dr. Rachel and get that plastic surgery [ __ ] right come on up in hot right some people say they like mental age gracefully but it turns out if you come from new cars direct message of the day literally after me last video the guy saying your skin were terrible in this video mitt you need to look after yourself this guy once I was like it's not really what you use mentor probably watches me every week have I left a nice comment in his life this game looks [ __ ] terrible I thought it was the I thought was the great to be honest I used on the video maybe I'm on the great flame on the great it looks fine now mate lived moment yeah I think the main issue is well with people evaluating against skiing and those sorts of things when you're when you're younger maybe you don't realize or when you don't have bad skin it's hard to realize what it's like to then feel that you know I've got thick skin way more complete but when know when I meet the air quite literally but when you're you're like there's some of the time some of the funniest lines I think you've ever said to me we were playing Xbox ones and I was like why are you really bad at listen you went curse these hooves when you can make fun of it a realization though like lately that I've never been good at computer games like hardly ever numb right ensure it's these [ __ ] fingers right and I even the game I love I'm always I am the best that be I'm never that guy I'll never be ninja I'd right now out there right pay for it though I played it once I was like this isn't fun notice you only good at FIFA I not build or play great finishing terrible I don't play someone I just can't score what would be the average sort of score if you have to pick a song I am yeah that's a no-brainer know what that there's we can't talk about right now but there's something that will prove this fairly soon yeah oh we can't talk about we're gonna play a game of FIFA are we gonna play - no IDs on about it I will [ __ ] I will kill Brian yeah absolutely like my yeah they're bringing the PlayStation 1 but apparently saw Western Metal Gear Solid that was my favorite game ever did you ever have like did you have console before that as well Mega Drive monster save Sega basically Wow okay I remember going to some a kid on our street got the first games console on the street I remember was the snares and everyone's just like those are what a snare is like super super noon eternal okay right and everyone every kid went to their house the popular guy yeah it was actually a twin girls and they everyone my probably on benefits just two irrelevant is he you know what true it was that guy mystery and then well no double bubble limit yeah I remember just watching watching and being like wow this is like I cannot believe this and I was watching super and remember thinking I really want to be super Mario you get to put your life where you stop nobody else was thinking and that line nobody else was thinking I want to be that pixelated Italian starving man plumber young plumbers never at the top of the list no no when you get older you realize good trade good money but not as a kids my dad the other day sold something on online and this guy came out to pick it up and he arrived in a gold like pickup truck full gold it was like no not it was like goddamn eyes being all over it and he paid for it in a roll of 50 s my dad was just out of interest what do you do he went on the wager yeah yeah he went up our mansion you know I clean wheelie bins this man had just made a business out of cleaning the insides wheelie bins for people to Jeff promote want to hire him because they do a lot of really yeah he got like her pound hump it was so quick for him and so cheap that he now he does it across the country and the guy just make cleans wheelie bins and multi-millionaire there we go honestly you get a lot of interesting even cons watching this people are gonna be thinking about this podcast cons gone who gives a [ __ ] man I [ __ ] filmed his bollocks [ __ ] out on the balcony with him shouting someone's name in the elephants alright oh really oh right now yeah I'm [ __ ] it a slug in the or friend he's all about the wage yeah he's been cleaning video coming soon college channel mini men to sit now I'm going to go on yeah yeah so can I say so yeah you've been through this sort of period of a break yeah you seem to be coming back to more regular stuff and you're doing different kind of content like the recent one about foreigners in Britain and all that sort of stuff also thought that the girl used in the thumbnail was quite a pretty young woman mmm for the record yeah small thing is yeah do you think of using an ugly person mostly my unattractive right oh yeah fine I'm often tells me that off behind behind the camera that's his perfect combination they genuinely I've never said either way really yeah religions never really come into my sort of not fussy no generally definitely coming to religion never be the way forward for me though because they've got sort of talk good morals from day one right cross over well is that as a Venn diagram I wouldn't say it's your best will apply so men they tend to be good sort of proper women indoors and sort of stuff like that done there right and you would have to marry her just have to get into the religious I think you ever had a kid at school we had a kid at school I won't say his name lovely guy then he said he would not have sex until marriage and yet left school at eighteen married winning the money leaving school married straight away straight way babies like well you know really religious heavily but I sort of I sort of thought I don't think that's why religion tells you religion go be eighteen I've met one of those guys who's uh heavily when I was diving actually was really heavily religious dude what's those one is it Mormons yeah yeah the ones who have loads of kids and stuff they have to fill yeah and the kids tend to help with on the funny little hats but I remember just been like I was like right okay and he was diving he's like yeah I'm just doing this for a few years till I got enough money ER so I live I live off the land sort of thing you know that's the land you don't need any money I think we needed some sort of a cushion applying on trying genuinely pray harder he said I never forget I don't know remember this guy but I don't forget him going yeah I was like when's the buns the next one Jew anyway off tour buying I was like so probably an offer for a while a when I know when she's pregnant that kind of keeping me hands oh [ __ ] I was like is that your preferred it was a I prefer that was me so that was me like 22 years old listen 21 now remember like it's like like that's a sign of fertility for some people might be like a status symbol you know what I mean like oh you can get her pregnant can have a family like so for him he's gonna value that and like he's gonna reward yourself mentally do you know he rewarded her by the sounds of it yeah with lots of dick yeah Wow did you do you ever question him did you ever sort of debate him it was actually a really nice guy you just seemed a bit off is that make sense remember I'm on deck with him for 12 hours a day and all I've got to talk about is him in his weird life do you know I mean he didn't control your oxygen spire anything no did he like you know he could have killed me yeah just yeah just like drunk drooling away and suddenly all you hear is God's gonna get you and your so right now you've got a bit of a brief back to the dead granddad yeah so all right so we're well off in a joking but you know the whole thing with your dad and watching him go through that yeah how how was that just generally like has he is he sort of okay and that now and that is he crouched yeah but he sounds these like he's our best mate so I've noticed that about you yeah so to see him cry that [ __ ] you up done it and like and then yeah and then exactly what you were saying there would be points where it's like I would I would be kind and people down we shouldn't cry yeah you don't know but then there would also be the other side of things where I wouldn't cry they'll be like he's crying do I look like I don't care thank you yeah why aren't i crying or can i have a good time at any point yeah and it [ __ ] up your emotions because you don't know how just how to fail like and genuinely i've been thinking about making a video about dealing with grief because like for this very reason because when you lose someone there's no set menu of what you're supposed to do know your care and no one beats themselves up about am i enough i made her too much what's normal here and the truth is this [ __ ] no normal not all [ __ ] I'll tell you I went to my granddad's funeral went to the wake had a few beers went back to Norwich and went on right yeah and it was like vomit I was in my soup yeah and I was like what am i doing and it's the first time ever in my life that I've told people no and they've asked me for a photo and I was they were like why of interferer I don't feel a threat and they must have a people why the [ __ ] you out that's like because I'm getting steaming [ __ ] it's wrong yeah because I feel like [ __ ] I couldn't justify my weather that's it to myself lots of people go out after funerals though it's totally not is it see I don't know so that video would be you know like some people some people it's a celebration of life type vibe and some people just want to get shit-faced you feel that that was made for one of mines we had one of my weird moments with a funeral remember I've talked about because in a little bit I was at a Funeral family funeral with me cousin was there me younger cousin he was like me little brother growing up sort of thing yeah and he came and I like look the mods like you're off your [ __ ] tits like on drugs yeah I can say a [ __ ] mile off and he always loved it loved these drugs and that so I was like I was like look mate we're a [ __ ] family funeral someone's died and I'm a talking to him like clear as day I remember the pub I remember where we son everything I won't be like if you don't [ __ ] quit this [ __ ] like because because he was an extremist I knew he wasn't just taking a little bit here and there I knew he was taking it like the limit I was I this is gonna be your [ __ ] funeral and shut [ __ ] two years they are at his funeral I like a mama bein that his funeral in the [ __ ] Pope but you're like this is where I [ __ ] told them like this is what was gonna happen it's so [ __ ] Wow Mendel verse really that's quite tragic though yeah that was that was the worst funeral to be honest with ya obviously funerals are generally sad but when someone hasn't even had kids Mariota gone to have a life and then it's over before it even they've realized that but like he had so much Ireland he was 23 that losses like yeah he was a DJ he dated like the biggest club sidon at Newcastle when in London de Jade there like he he was one of those people who could just pick anything up and [ __ ] master it like he was right in a bike before I wasn't he was two years younger than me like he just had this Knick Knack she's wasted potential as I got this image of life-size you Brian now but on a tiny little boy so I think I'll make a peon like let's just say I was like nine and he was seven or whatever and he comes [ __ ] peddling around the corner and nor fear whatsoever and I'm like oh me train and wheels I mean little [ __ ] cousins just short for you yeah I instantly was like [ __ ] training wheels off now like I can't be having this but like he did that with everything like everything so I'll just now when I go it was [ __ ] gravesite I'm always a bit like I think obviously I think yeah he was a funny YouTube and he knew I was getting into YouTube but I was just like I think of how much like he could have done and they're the worst mmm bittersweet like when someone's died and their forties and fifties it's really sad it is too young but if they've managed to have a life have a family and do things this there's an ongoing story then it's it hasn't fully ended for me yeah we're here meet just don't yeah I mean that is really [ __ ] hard yeah it is the potential isn't it the waste of potential had so much and yeah that's pretty that's pretty dark mate I also think we do we new part in England we're terrible talking about death we're really bad as a culture of talking about just emotions in general emotions but then that really impacts on us talking about like loss of life and those and it tends to be that the only time we tend to talk about it is when we're talking about cancer or these sorts of things and people talk what I put saying harsh respective doesn't in here puts it in harsher perspective there's a very weird reaction very few people who will then go I'm gonna go and live every day to the fullest hmm and we're on it's not theirs and I don't know things like YouTube in you know in Instagram and Twitter help that or sort of put more of a veneer between you and oh I think it definitely hinders it yeah and does what so hinders that that feeling that you need all that feeling that I feel like I would need to go out and fulfill the potential all the time we we are not numb but I'm trying to find the right word for I'll be confused as to what you mean like as a culture I think we can where we distance ourselves from engaging with loss and like yeah I I get a lot of dm's like about that about people dealing with the loss and sadness and stuff like that but when you when you look at your Twitter timeline it's very little about that isn't it so publicly people tend to hold back yeah I see I thought you meant a little bit more on like just the grieving side of things I'd say it's it's so hard to grieve when you have to keep up a social profile and people you have all these people watching you all the time you you need these big breaks and sometimes you need breaks bigger than YouTube will allow you to have otherwise your channel dies and and every youtuber goes for it I think is when when you're not uploading even if you're just being lazy you're constantly thinking I need to have an upload soon because this is everyday that every second that it expires is you becoming more irrelevant as the pause would say so it's just play on your mind fully yeah all the time so even when you're not uploading you're thinking about it and if you've got other things going on in your life and you're still trying to upload and to a certain extent with with me on Twitter I'm kind of playing a character as well although I post what I believe I hire for everyone's lunch lines in there but then as I was saying to you a minute ago I when I was going for all that and I'm not using that as an excuse because I could have easily taken a different row and been that just fine but I thought I found myself getting genuinely angry which hindered a lot of things so like the will any beef the famous will an EP that everyone brings up that was that was my fault like that was me that's me from a place of being so angry that just in myself that when he's tweeting something that I didn't know that it was it was a joke like I just didn't I didn't I didn't read him so I didn't have any time to read into it and it was it was me everyone knows what it's about it's about the hello world thing I tweeted about it I'm as I'm tweeting about it I'm constantly thinking what are people gonna come at you with well not so much I kind of feel like a broken record it because youtubers are [ __ ] up again and you're on the defense automatically so yeah so I'm tweeting about it and I'm like a hundred-pound from eating great that's that's [ __ ] and then I see wills tweeted have a day off and because we DM every now and then I thought we could have just the end that like and then I find it funny now looking back from where it was like ass is funny and I should have come back with an equally funny comeback and I usually would do that but because I just felt a felt of it as a bit of a kick because I was like and then I think I retorted with like well you would have you would have done spiraled out of control yeah I said he would have made a video about that had he not been friends with with those youtubers which I believe now I still believe but then I went on to really be silly and I mentioned it in a video and I thought to myself I didn't need to mention in the video because whether or not I believe like like you've done things I disagree with you've done thing I've done plenty that you disagree with right but we have this kind of level of bonding is in there when they all made like and especially is like will came onto my podcast that I started up when it was [ __ ] it was in a basement yeah and he didn't need to do that yeah like so I I owed him a bit more respect I should have left at weight even if I was a bit angry in my way I could have kept that up it's only a [ __ ] twee they'll worry but then to make a video and this in like that it was kind of like taking it too far and as soon as I uploaded it I was like I didn't get rid any real backlash from it but I just felt bad in myself I don't think you'd only thing is you didn't from my point of view was met with both ears it was a [ __ ] awkward - oh yeah [ __ ] and I've never ever disliked him ever even even when he made by working with him even many when he made the comeback video I didn't think it was very good as well I didn't think the points in it without strong I think at that point so from the way I viewed the whole situation as when you didn't take him the right way yes will says [ __ ] like that to me all the time an [ __ ] yeah he's like you loved him for a sort of thing yeah I knew it's easy certainly I seen that now and someone could be sitting there and saying you're only saying that cause everything you just talked about I didn't feel that you were in a good space then right and you took it the wrong way because of how you were feeling generally and for somebody who's constantly commentating and taking the piss and trying to be a comedian I should have always taken that as a job like always and that I've had but I have way worse stuff said to me by people that I know genuinely hate me so when it mate saying something like I should have just come back with something way but as I said people say now like oh what's this be for willing me off about you've squashed it I apologized to will months ago in the DM z-- and I'm thankful that he took it that worked well and because he is an he's a nice guy we love we can joke about him as much he's very nice but when I get all these comments all the time saying have a day off mate that's fine that's funny I see the funny side of it now keep them coming I do not get but what I do care about is when people are like watch this with like what's happening with a well Andy beef because I think I've always ignored it because it's like I don't want there to be any even when he made that whole video custom me up I was still watching his con I'd still watch his next up though like no I I was well aware of that at the time but I think when it's a little bit like rap music for me and you too in this I like and skilled there assists and then when one says something about the other the other one then feels the need to retaliate even if there's no actual problem it's almost like to me our view you as the two best commentary guys in that field right so you have to respond it's almost like he had to respond and yeah as soon as you put on video it's like right I've got to come back with a truck now June arms yeah yeah so it as much as and then it looked like Willie is thinking like a rapper would think of what everything I can possibly say yeah you know I yeah and it's not even about do I like or dislike this guy I've got a sure what I am here to everyone else yeah very much like a rock world yes partly but you were feeling a little bit like ah I should have a day off it not like have a day off I should be changing things up a little bit so when you then heard that from someone that you respect or someone you like yeah it sort of strikes a bit of a nerve yeah yeah hundred percent it was a combination of two things the first thing that I've already already spoke about is I just [ __ ] hate the world so anyone that writes through it I don't but in that moment in that moment it was a [ __ ] off like I said it and it and it just happened to be in yeah and and then there is another case of this constant battle that we have and probably me more so the most where it's like I'm churning out the same stuff and and it's getting boring to me so I tried to think what what is getting to other people and then and then yeah you hit the nail on the head when he says it it's kind of like I'm so aware like when you said it when you get a comment that's already been playing on your mind I'm so aware that that's at you can't tell me anything I don't already know that's just it's just like that you I have nothing really to say other than just [ __ ] off just [ __ ] just [ __ ] off like alright so I taught you get where you're coming from I've been there yeah lately yeah you've definitely seemed in a much better place mentally in me anyway yeah I'm the outside looking in you started getting into boxing yeah and you know doing all these other ventures let's talk about the boxing first you were like heavily critical obviously like it's your job to be all the the YouTube box and thing and you made all the good job so I expect you yeah but all of a sudden you're like I'm actually kinda like than this yeah yes or not yeah what was it how have you ended up going into a [ __ ] boxing gym all of a sudden so first of all I'm the biggest hypocrite on YouTube I'm very very self-aware but yeah I think when it first came about I was like silly they're they're youtubers like come on like it was it was more so like I don't know what I should as you said I've done a lot of growing up right I feel like when a youtuber throws their hat into the ring so to speak in a new in a new genre they should always be applauded right because they're not actually hurting anyone they're just trying something new like I think higher size music is absolutely terrible right but I sure that's my opinion right I don't dislike him as a person he's never done anything to me but I admire the [ __ ] out of him right because and I care that may be hypocritical of things I've said about him on YouTube when he said about the mental health things I'm quick to jump on these things but just because I don't think he's good at one thing I would I would still never be able to do that and I would never be able to do it any better so I admire the [ __ ] out of that and like there's is again it's like MIT me so I got off an archery video there's no point that might be the best archery video I've ever made but me snagging it off because I don't like archery it doesn't make sense yeah so what was the saying so with the boxing thing I was very what point did it change for you I watched I was very much like people come up to me on a night out before the well er ksi fight and they'd say who do you thinks gonna win and I'd be this [ __ ] edgy character going don't really care about it or stupids just two youtubers and when it was on I was the first person watching it right and I'm sat there in the bed right in a pot noodle while these two youtubers are absolutely smashing it right even Joe who got beat the [ __ ] up yeah he's in there [ __ ] doing it right and he's laughed at himself loads since then I have nothing but admiration for them people so since I will always tweet jokes about the YouTube community right but just slagging them off that actually trying something new doesn't make any sense and it didn't down by how I felt anymore so when the so when the bill that was happening to the recent fight I was all for it I was really involved in it people come up to me and asked what I think and I'll give them my opinion I'll speak to him all day long I was lucky enough to be in your box to Borat like I was I was I was involved did get you a ticket for the fight but you were busy at a gig I was at Reading Festival yes I would next time Jack you won't get that invited I would have I would have loved to have been there I would have done and Anna and I so you were watching it after the fact William yeah I wanted to watch it when I was there I wanted to stream it like people were in the crowd I was watching Kendrick Lamar at the time I don't know much about Kendrick Lamar but I saw there was an this group around me at all recognized me know knew I was and they just kept coming up to me every minute what's the score yes this whole thing and I was like just cuz I'm a youtuber doesn't mean I [ __ ] it oh I get a YouTube censors of telling me that case I was winning the first two Logan's win the first but I was so like I'm watching this and I was just thinking I'm watching this everyone's going nuts but me and this group around me had just focused on what's going on and yeah I just sort of fell in love with it there and three weeks ago three or four weeks ago I there's a guy called the halal ham yeah he messaged me out the blue and was like Jonah fight me on the undercard and instantly I was like and I know he used the box and stuff but I was like get on that and the car would be good so I said yeah and then obviously you think about it you think the height the weight none of it makes sense and then Josh Peters called me out and instantly I was like cuz I'm so quite self-deprecating anyway I was like he'll he'll beat me up he will be Mia but this could be quite funny I don't know like I think you were very very decently matched and in pretty much the same height I think he seeks for I'm six million American inch taller than you yeah yeah and he called me out and I was like I sat there for an hour and I think and right and he said he knew the right people that can make that happen let's just do it and then since that day something in me has changed completely and I have I I can't box right I do not know what I'm doing I'm only four weeks in for [ __ ] sake but every single day I'm training I'm eating well I'm so much happier and I think [ __ ] this is what these youtubers have been there and the whole time that this is their their life's gray and I feel like I don't really care what my numbers are doing online now i have i have actually something better to do I've not gone out drinking partying I was doing that every other fun every [ __ ] weekend like it was a problem so I feel like it's only a positive thing you feel and difference in physicality affects you as well like you you do look a job are chard knows what we're asking your girlfriend must have noticed the vent it's only it's only been a month but my body is changing quickly you are you're a lean tall dude so it probably won't take long for things to change yeah and and it's it's it's my mind that changed the most I actually now find myself defending these youtubers when I'm watching when I'm reading articles and they come in they're just - they're not boxers I don't think any either of them are saying they're boxers I know KS eyes got bigger aspirations to go on and he probably could but I then now find myself trying to yeah what's that it's a bit like when that bad one and the Power Rangers rejoined the Power Rangers so it's the Green Ranger and then you became the white wide entry yeah that's basically what you are dressed so yeah for me I don't know like at the time when I was going out on the pistol because you said like you like the booze and all that and you get in the habit of doing that and it becomes its startup so anything like that sort of habit it starts off fun and then at some point after a while you're kind of like is this still fun you know is this really what I wanted yeah and then like lately I've gone on a [ __ ] diet and started doing cardio and stuff like that more and I'm like yeah I just I don't know this swimming in my head telling me like alright so I might be sitting they leave to come and say move your ass you fat [ __ ] but like yeah pretty much like that's exactly what it feels like we're not made to sit on the couch or sit around getting pissed all the time like yeah that's fun like every now and then like in small doses and stuff like one night a week two nights or fair enough but like it did to the degree I did it at one point like bad for us like so it's also when you start having the same night out over and over again oh and it's that you start to hear the same songs you know that are mr. Brightside zone again maybe I don't know how accurate that is yeah and you really don't I go to the same place in Norwich yeah every week yeah well I did and they have the same it's a propaganda night they have the same playlist on song for song so a song will come out I'll be this one next and it is I go out for this obviously the same bouncers the same people I have people coming up to me third it's their third time they've asked me for a photo right that's fine Norwich there's not many youtubers so it's been like Newcastle for me yes you're like very recognizable yeah yeah one person maybe if I'm popping in and out in Norwich it's it's because it is a small that same review in new classic it's like it's all the time and I kind of I kind of because they were obviously above 18 and I could stand there and have a chat with them I thought that was kind of reason why III enjoyed it I enjoyed the attention so I was going out all the time party and doing all this stuff and then it writes off your next few days yeah cuz you're yeah you're hungover yeah and I've seen that in stuff stories yeah okay and you're eating [ __ ] and you know they're anything but now I've basically what I did at the start this month when I decided to make this change I didn't know how seriously I was going to take this I'm sure I've shot I'm shocked myself I know it's still early day so I don't want to end up looking silly in two months if I've stopped but I'm pretty sad and I've got it locked in my head now first thing I did was when I said I would stop in I've arranged a pub crawl for the end of this month because it's like I can't stop it altogether because ultimately I do enjoy it but that's my goal and then once once I do that you have to do that we reset right and we can we do that we go again oh yeah otherwise sad I stopped drinking for six months once and I was I was doing a lot of believe it or not I was a lot lighter I was about nine stone lighter than what I am now I hadn't discovered weightlifting at that point I was in the cardio or only so in the same day I would swim run and like do some of the form of like rowing or tennis or something they are on an a just to get everything going yeah I was like obsessively exercising and I remember at the end of the six months I was like now I need a [ __ ] drink now I need a deal like a whole [ __ ] we learnt it by that point oh you learnt it by that yeah I could run I could do like a six mile run as if it was nothing like and I was doing I don't know was it Milan huh I could do a mile and a half in under ten minutes like I was I was like fast like because these long legs at the time I had that [ __ ] Usain Bolt like [ __ ] stride and I was not carrying any way any other way I got now but then I remember when I smelled a cannon lager I was like [ __ ] mate it smelled like petrol because I hadn't hadn't touched a drop in sick it was like the alcohol was so overpowering I mean I was like whoa yeah does not smell like how it used to mmm no it [ __ ] before cars old piss and also you're doing so much cardio that you've got very little muscle and fat in your body to be able to deal with if are short a picture of people they'd be like that they leave in the same person like because then after I'd got bored of cordial as I am going to try with now and I was just a natural weightlifter and that's when I was like ah [ __ ] this is what I'm made for and then I started eating more and I was like protein and anything I'll go on then I can have a burger that's protein and then before I knew it I was like lifting really heavy but also eating [ __ ] the nice way my whisk in came from then had the death and a family and then I had like six months off the gym but then they'd eaten cat and before I knew it I'm like 20 I was nearly 25 stone at one point but not purely muscle no I was just thick and like like I was I was [ __ ] and muscular at the same time I know I'm still like that now to a degree but like I was really thick at that point but yeah the other day there's also honey a gown on a diet I'm starting to die today's the day get on the skills find out where the [ __ ] you are and I obviously know from the Logan and JJ a fight they were 185 pounds and they're about Logan's my height or maybe maybe an inch shorter they were 185 pounds I get on the scales 312 pounds I was like I'm [ __ ] like 130 [ __ ] pounds heavier than Logan Pole that's more than you have CPM perimeter I can't even compete in the USA are that I'm over the weight limit basically they fight muscle now those yeah did you feel when you saw that number relieved because I feel a five hundred I fail I feel so my heaviest was three hundred and forty pound was the heaviest I've ever been in my life so I feel eerily no I thought that was just when I was weightlifting but also sitting on the couch eating all day Rikishi's 400 pounds do you know what I mean like that's and I think we're he she's a big guy god rest her soul twelve right I feel heavy and you're still so dynamic and I watch it you don't walk like a guy who's 312 pounds you don't run like a guy's the engine time this is the thing people give me so much [ __ ] but I'm actually an athlete like I know that that sounds silly it does sort like I've got good a main to body movement like I move like a short ass and like when we did the NFL videos I was quick like I was quicker than [ __ ] Joel from cheeky sport in the [ __ ] little trial that we did draws a [ __ ] fast Laden I think naturally gifted in that but anyway so I was like I feel [ __ ] heavy I feel fat I feel that was [ __ ] I'm gonna get in shape so this is my thing now are you gonna be going to sort of Weight Watchers or Glen there I think my brain is the first thing I thought this but you'd pull there some confidence boosting you look fantastic how many sins with Evy yeah you know Siemens low calorie these days yeah is what Brian yeah don't know that one down like don't worry about nice so I saw it called your this week and like because I've always done weightlifting but the some ago called you that just feels different if it's better for you you get that runner's high this oh it's amazing yeah yeah yeah it's incredible yeah I'm not is that although do you still do the intense walk I mentioned this on a podcast once and I was like intense walking burns fat not muscle and two really good for you like walking quickly because you haven't got that in impact on your body so your muscles tend to not be affected by it right and Lawrence was like maybe some of me Jill well okay my story [ __ ] right still send me Joe well as videos when Joe's on the treadmill just doing an intense walk they'll still forward it to me and go and he's doing it again wait hang on so Jonas Joe was saying you do there you can do is walking so when you don't bend your legs you sort of runs no but it burns fat and not as much muscle as what running would for example yes no it's not so much the actual it's just the concept of saying an intense walk yeah to me it's like an oxymoron yeah how you all been you pretty much nailed it for the record yeah like I'm very I'm like a [ __ ] grasshopper yeah yeah like I'm very my strides are huge and I'll stride out when I'm going down the street yeah what a weird podcaster says yeah it's like yeah I mean mostly bad you're gonna be getting in the ring probably with Josh Pia's well probably I don't know because I've heard on the grapevine from the powers that they the Cass believes boxing here is what you heard on the Griffon and I've heard that he that Josh isn't a big enough Pole that's what I've heard from people I've heard and this could just be the person that I'm speaking to could just be bow and smoke I don't know I've heard that I was I was on the list of like potent potentials and I don't know how much if this is true or not this could all be absolute bollocks but you're more in this world than I am I've heard that when it when the previous fight happened because don't get me wrong I could just literally just be a [ __ ] nobody youtuber that's just polka my head through the wall gun I could be on there under code JJ can watch it go there's not a [ __ ] chance right but I've heard there would be you yet JJ chose all the undercard boys right so when it happens in America it's all Logan the chooses it right and it's gonna be it's just it's just that it's just - no but I got told that I was on a standby list but I would have to I would have to put pay my own flights and accommodation which is fine but they said that Josh wasn't a big enough Pole life is about to be on the undercard to be on the undercard but because I'm gonna subscribers he's got more than me but I guess because I'm so outspoken people would love to see me get beat up it's not just that Josh would understand where I'm coming from with this is relevancy in terms of or you're very well known especially in the UK because of what you've become Josh isn't as outspoken as you his contents very different easy youtubers friends yeah that's what it is so it's always Comedy Central's - I think it's something I'm saying that right that's alright it's got decent delivery for sure a bit like myself like there's a lot of youtubers with the same amount of subscribers as me they aren't as well known as maybe out of the types of videos of me in them yes I mean I can't I can't guarantee I I'm fully confident I could get you yeah yeah well if you can I would I would fight pretty much anyone as long as it's not yes yeah yeah or someone mentor or Mike Bisping yeah Mandy Holyfield in a retirement making that you in I would fight any of their Casper's alfea's like and I've got way more to lose like a rumble with those guys so you they come in you just have to knock them down then the next ones running down the route yeah customer made a video about new one boy and then he deleted it and and I remember thinking to myself oh no you done there yeah I've met before he seems like a nice guy so love what but I view you as just going to be honest yeah I view you as a really talented [ __ ] and what you do there isn't anyone better there's people on your level but not I wouldn't say anyone better it it when it comes to brick and someone down in a funny way I have always said you're the guy so when someone tries to go against you who's from the old school where they're not versed in putting that level of work and effort into a video and they just have to sort of hi guys yeah with all due respect the Kasbah I just knew this was going to end badly for him what was it like for you watching that video I I got a tweet I was at a premiere at the time don't you know for ready player one and I got a tweet saying that Casper was making a response I was like [ __ ] like okay it's first time this has really happened where someone's responded and you feel about yourself in that moment because they've never done that you know nervous because I was like this could end me he's got what seven eight million subscribers so this could M me but we'll see what happens I was pretty confident in the reasons that I called him out in the first place so I what I kind of had that fallback not cuz imma when Logan mentioned me I was like jackpot [ __ ] I've done it right yeah but the point is is you know clearly broke through it or that in the past they wanted to keep you down yeah mentioning him or any validates and further let's say after he doesn't exist and now all of a sudden you're relevant enough to that for them to feel like this is our the York a genuine threat at this point because you're seeing so much that yeah it didn't ever really bother me that much it wasn't one of these like MJ MGK things where like Eminem's mentioned him too that validates him I genuinely was never bothered I'm sort of like an empty key right now actually yeah yeah it's not winning me over I watch his interview sorry the takeaway from The Breakfast Club I'm sure you're actually coming across as legit he works yeah I agree with that but so you saw you watch the response video oh yeah yeah so I yeah what only reason that I was I was a slightly actresses I thought he could absolutely ruin me if he picked me apart and picked the right things because there's a lot out there there is and he didn't and when I watched it I kind of felt like his response was better than anything I could have ever hoped oh yeah because it was so poor he played into your hands full it was so bad and the fact that he was sat with Josh it was like oh come on it was and then when he deleted it the next day it was just not even it was almost like this is car crash hear me you have to live live and die by your words and he's just yeah it can in defensive cuss but it's just not him it's not and it was him try to know you at your own game yeah and if you if he was gonna come in you know do damage to your sort of who you are yeah he had to do his style and I guess played the moral high ground a little bit is the best thing you could have done at that point and instead of trying to do the funny one-liners and stuff like that you know yeah John said that when he came onto my podcast I wasn't really he says he go I go online I say things like nasty things but when he sees me in personal not really like that I was like well that's a good thing you'll basically telling everyone he's actually really alright in person yeah so that's why that's another reason why I think it'll be fun if I get involved in this YouTube boxing thing because I will whether or not I get beaten the [ __ ] out of in the first round I will win the fight before the fight if that makes sense no you're coming to McGregor this at the start on 100% athough myself josh versus chuck me doing like an in the middle interview with you guys apiece yeah josh is funny I've gotta give credit josh is a funny guy and I know that you sold both say some hilarious and you'll I think embrace the spirit of what this would be about really so that's why I warned to logan throughout the whole thing yeah because he very much came at it from an entertainers point of the eighty and although yeah he was trying a little bit to be Conor McGregor and whatnot I think it's hard not to be because Connors at the top of that game and if you're taking as we said at the start the podcast if you're taking inspiration from someone like that you're gonna be and I really want a Logan because he he made it fun for me to watch JJ's JJ for me was the athlete who knows what he's doing and was really [ __ ] impressive and from an amateur's he inspired me to want to try boxing but Logan inspired me to try and up my entertainment game and I think that's what I realized when as it went on yeah was like when you first see Logan do in the [ __ ] forest video you're like this guy is so out of touch yeah so not self-aware and but then as time went on like you said I think because I watched your analysis in the gloves are off you don't realize why he is quite self away actually yeah just he did make the huge mistake but he gets what where he is now yeah yeah me I think would be sick if he did it cuz like no one can then say oh well you know he's actually frightened of these guys and he's just sitting in his shed [ __ ] talkin [ __ ] yeah get in the ring no one can [ __ ] and say anything yeah I'd love to do it do well I kind of don't want you to talk it down too much because I want you to get in that mentality who could actually win this well you're [ __ ] through you're a big old boy so late you're definitely gonna be capable of something and could do something not just walk in and go well yeah and then just because that because obviously that is a way I'd play it yeah because I don't have any self belief in the ring but I know I can do all the other priam [ __ ] but just just last thing I'll say on it is my family my dad side they're all from a boxing background so my cousin was a professional boxer her name was genuinely rocky not making the heart really key Dean Wow yeah that's a genuine thing they have their own gym it's the bee's knees and I can use it whenever I've got the hole and it's one two one two [ __ ] you Joshua uses that then Power Rangers Megazord across the ring really throw someone off though wouldn't know two punches coming from the city this guy must really know what he's doing with two balls me honestly they won't be yeah so I've got that trade we're so good luck for that yeah so I've got all all that so I'm gonna be too bad if I'm if I put myself African name this is cricket player youtubers made Wow he's already doing it's funny Khan scoffed but what's your channel me you're also doing one thing that really fascinates me is when youtubers completely step out of their bubble yeah and you're doing a magazine yeah just like that really fascinates me like different forms of do media is really interesting right just that like you know I'm only I'm only in doing videos yeah why what why why why do magazine interesting how because I'm not I'm often I'm often writing blogs about satirical little pieces and they don't go anywhere yes I don't have anywhere for them to say I think you're I mean it's not do you think you could write it but I do you have a passion for of all arrivin is the right and yeah always I've written sitcoms I've written love I've written stand-up shows I've never taken anywhere all my videos are scripted mm-hmm every single one I don't say every single one but 99% of them yeah I love that side side of things so that's what I want to do and I want to make I know it's I know it's very dodgy waters Jack Maitre D' submerge that's very badly you never done much I have I've done bits and bobs I've done ironic pieces I seen that a little book in that you do yeah yeah not much mate yeah yeah in response to Ollie White's what is up t-shirts no much Matt was quite good yeah Ali now different yeah have you met him before I'm out before you met him before YouTube didn't hear I know he had a little experience of them before YouTube I think yeah tell us I saw him on a shoot that I won't know whether she was but he was being a piece of talent on the shoot and I honestly I also would preface this by saying I think one experience can sum up a character yeah didn't particularly look like he valued being there rather he valued the position he gotten into yeah and it was something that at the time as someone who had like no follower to you know no followers mm Paolo is something like that and was really like trying to get into that space when I saw that I felt like he was taking it for granted yeah really annoyed me so I got my backup and so I've never really given him the opportunity I can't be useful he was a bit of a he had a bit of an attitude indifferent some of the people are a bit like he's a bit hard to work with like we're not particularly enjoy it and I remember something I grabbed that with both hands and I really love to do what he's doing and that always annoys me is that was like a good springboard for him that he didn't understand really different the whole situation that's what annoyed me was I felt like if you could give an opportunity you should always take it with both hands yeah and not take that for granted I've heard a lot of similar stories about about that but everything that fully summarizes him obviously can go I mean he's got great relationship with the brother he's got a great relationship with his family and you know it's not it's not his fault bit here's where he is I just I didn't bite that vibe and he didn't make me dislike Casper didn't they didn't make me dislike Joe I know mom's got their position it's probably people that like you that don't like me though I will it's usually the other way around doesn't look like neither do my ears but everyone's got their opinions by Sarah times where I feel like it there some people talk to me about you and they go yeah but whatever he's a bit of a [ __ ] Denis or whatever and I'm like no you just don't know him hmm and then I think is it the same with all my family just stopping in Europe and the thing is calls at 3 o'clock in the morning I will pick them up because I'm just so groggy you know it's I can be quite hard to work with the times though apparently because I all those people who work with us who say they're a bit worried about my reactions to things and stuff perfectionist and you you want everything to go so well huh that sometimes I feel like you can it can swing the other way where it you you then you then go this isn't not none of this is what I wanted and the problem is in YouTube and I was saying this the other day because I've had this experience when trying to make the last video that turned out [ __ ] anyway like I had so many shooter I thought this isn't exactly right well this isn't what I want it to be what one was a the one we made about like the media and ksi and most like really good it was nicely edited but what the problem with it was I felt like it on TV they'll make space for a test shoot they'll make space for let's script this in time on YouTube there's like a get it out get it out get it out get it out and I sort of got caught in that we need to get out rather than enjoying the process of it what you don't like it it just doesn't go to the level and Brian I both agree it didn't go to the level that him and I both set the standard for and I felt like I'd sort of let myself down like Brian down in a sense and we'd had that honest conversation me and him go back and forth so like if there's if there's videos that I make or he makes on X or AZ that's sort of Lawrence Bruns X or pretty much yeah we just feed back to each other yeah I'm really honest do you know Tommy and the one of the problems that I've got is I've Lawrence is more talented than me I've got a more of because I've got I've come from a totally different background I've got a more practical approach to everything so Lawrence comes at it from an artistic side where he's learned things that I've got no [ __ ] clue about and I'm coming in from this this is the process I want it and my process is a lot more like streamlined so I just get [ __ ] done yeah which is what enabled me to get where I am was basically like not a tenth of his talent you know I mean so you'll achieve a sees the match and yeah I don't know but we come we come at things from a we're good for each other because we give each other honest [ __ ] critiques you know and I watch the last video I was like I know you're capable of 10 names more than that that's just if people might look at me like that's harsh as [ __ ] but it's like fair but you want when you want the best for each other yeah you need to be that way with each other as far as I'm concerned and I add that's fair if anyone else asked me the honest truth about their YouTube channels I'd be the same way but with him it's were more even we can be more honest you know he's that's and I think that is part of for me what production is as well you need to be able to honestly evaluate someone not without ego but without without taking it so personally it hurts you it does hurt me obviously sometimes I hear Brian said I was fine [ __ ] video the video hated it I was like fantastic so but I apologized afterwards I don't you say I'm sorry if I was quite overly critical it's just like how I am at times I get I'm invested in YouTube I love it mmm relevant yeah then becomes you have to be then be able to walk away from that and go I appreciate your evaluation and I'll take on board and rather than oh my god I'm so upset that Brian's said something that I'm worse with meself so much on my own stuff than I am on anyone like even if I think the video is good I never get that high anymore I used to get when I did a really good video I never get it I'm always like right God next like when we did the last video but is that because your standards have gone higher because you got more subscribers or no nice I don't know what is I thought we I work with a guy who people may not know called geo on me I think you've met you was shot he shot my device bug alright so me and geo were together pretty much every week on everything and he had he had it with me and like the lots of [ __ ] genius but we did that last video we put it out I was I was happy with it but then I I never take time to be like wow that's a good video I'm happy with that oh I exist the one with the only messed up on is this the one where you add the only marriage stuff on and y'all know this was the one what I really thought of the look and Paul Kerr sigh okay heavily at like 40-minute mini docs aisle right long shoot like yeah we put a lot of effort into that Geo gruff that he's our stuff on it but what I'm saying is I don't have that it's not like I'm criticizing what Laurence is doing and then sitting back and stuff and going [ __ ] hey that's brilliant I'm amazing if anything once I think something is up the standard it goes out and then it's on to the next thing that I never ever admire what I'm doing I just criticize and move on criticize and move on I'm never like impressed with meself oh yeah which can sometimes be it's unhealthy probably but you can tell me I know how to get through life maybe it does build up some your frustration and if you did sit back maybe every now and again and go I really enjoyed yeah it's weird I can't I don't know because I feel the same but then you're caught you do a lot better content than I do but ya know I think I think I think your standard is just getting higher and higher obviously you bet you're bound to have the odd porush video yeah but yeah I think overall your content is getting higher and higher it's just because you're there's more people for you to feel the need to impress now you're a brand you know yourself that everyone knows well I think you don't think your content justifies how much you have like when it really does it written and when people bang on about Dave Dorrit Shane Dawson Casey nice that I want to be in that group of youtubers yeah you're not that you're not and yeah you're just as good but you're parallel to them you have your own thing but that's what I'm saying is I want I want to be spoken about in that way of truth he's got a documentary coming out like you don't realize that how how much you are though you don't like so when I when I did my podcast and I will in the future do it again uh-huh it's not - III enjoy it and and you're a big inspiration of that which I don't think you realize you are at the top of your of this game in the UK you are so you have the Joe Rogan you have the true Geordie podcast you'd be surprised that when I go out in Norwich as I've said people recognize me all the time you that you wouldn't recommend you wouldn't realize how many people recognize me because I've been on your podcast you wouldn't know I've done videos with with lots of youtubers believe honor you're one of the ones they asked about the most so you are you're a big character in the game and you don't realize it so that's probably why you're never happy enough with the content you like next one because you don't realize just how good it is when you upload a podcast people when I uploaded my podcasts there was problems with the sound the visual the guests weren't right I went a great host all this stuff we have all getting problems but but you're you're so good at it like you both complement each other so well I guarantee when you make these when we're doing this now could be a [ __ ] two hour-long podcast the whole time I've been thinking the majority of people will be listening to the whole thing because that's that's how invested they are in you me they might just get to the bit right call alfie account do you not I mean yeah a lot of the things you're saying I don't realize because I think it's just embedded in my brain and never feel good I thought me and I'd like me in that like sometimes I rape meself and I'll rate a certain bit of content or whatever I feel like ya deserve to be but generally that's like a momentary thing and for the most part I'm like neatly about any computer so it's a personality flaw but it's one that sort of kind of works to my advantage because clearly this never end and striving to be this fictional place that I want to be in my head where I'm spoken about with these creators I think you need to be told more often that you are though because then I think doesn't work you know yeah I know and I'm the same I'm the same yeah you you feel like you're not good enough and you're trying to justify that you there's a reason I'm here like I'm justifying it but that can be your downfall as well because you are you're so much better than Shannon Briggs yeah but then when you're on your channel saying ah I can do that I can do that if people aren't watching you thinking oh he thinks he can do it I thought the opposite I thought you were going what why is he doing it not mate like and you were trying to be on that level you're already on that level and you're far but surpass that when you can well when you're saying it when you did that head to head and this might be a bit harsh but it's just way I saw it when you when am so who was the guy from sky or whatever the face to face things oh yeah yeah and you were saying you can do it better right every [ __ ] person watches that no you can huh right you don't need to say it but you're justifying it to yourself and your eyes I get frustrated because I've got this chip on my shoulder like I've got a place that I wanted how'd you get rid of the chip because you're above that already but you don't really like take it from me mate you don't realize how many how just how big this it you know that chip thought I've realized in talking to Dizzee Rascal I sort of seen that in him as and I've noticed that in a few successful people like it's it's not attractive to look at when they were a fan of someone and so like when so when you look at a Gervase interview just because obviously he's someone you look up to and I [ __ ] love the guy you say he's happy in that he's proved his point and he sort of content with where he is in life whereas when you say someone who's very very successful but still a bit irritated about they should be loved more or whatever here's it's not a good you know and like even like Eminem's latest album a lot of people are like he's just trying to over prove a point that he's the greatest of all time when most people still look at him as top ten anyway so what you still trying to prove sort of things and I guess I just need a like let that go a little bit it's funny to me that because it's some thousands years ago people were still having the same problems and I guess we sort of feel that we were always progressing as a human race but I you look at the same problems we've got now um you know the Romans the Greeks all their stories needing the Bible all the stories are about the same problems that we have now hmm like about narcissism or not realizing how good you really are or but being trapped in a bubble not realizing you know what the problem we've got or you know being too arrogant or all these things you'd have thought like would have moved on yeah you know but we have it it's ingrained and that's rather than how many subscribers the Jesus have I think exactly yeah and you know in hundreds of years time people will be leaving your YouTube videos in hotel rooms you know I mean and funding that they'll be crazy people on street corners going untrue Geordie did say you know if you don't [ __ ] in the morning and you don't get up you'll be a little there'll be a little old woman on the street corner with a speaker just doing that yeah and they'll be called speaking of it you and your girlfriend are very cute together you make a good couple I've got a little sometimes you get a little thing for a couple don't you like oh yeah yeah ray at that yeah so [ __ ] funny you liked a picture of me and her and I was just laid with her and I went I swear Brian likes any picture that you're on the scroll one rather than the tile and I went through and any that was just made yeah I'll be like right wait let's say and 3000 others click on a boom Brian's the top of every symbol yeah you don't mean like in a in a funny way but it's just a good-looking girl like it's a good picture wait am i late this couldn't but also you can tell sometimes when a girl gives a guy a certain kind of confidence mmm but then it shows in just joining in look [ __ ] you look like there's a there's a vibe though in the pictures as well like all [ __ ] aside level sexual - no no look you look it's like I don't know if I'm right in saying this but she saw it gives you a bit of a oh yeah yeah she grabbed you by the neck just know like women God be honest here some women you can say bring men down yeah I've seen girlfriends like make men just you can see this suck the [ __ ] life of them whereas other women they give men a lift or something like in Swansea yeah maybe I'm wrong maybe it's just a photograph but that's what I get from she's yeah she's absolutely spot-on she's someone who at you you talk to her about everything you know does she build you are everything yeah everything so she'll come home from work and I will just run on and on and on and I'll tell you to her so many sorry has to keep her and she just loves here in it which is I'm so grateful like I convinced her whatever and she constantly makes me a better person so I will and all these these comments that I get online that hurt because they're true she's already said a hundred times she's very [ __ ] smart so so when I'm doing a video I'll go before I upload it she'll go she'll come and watch it and she'll go you mention Katherine's before internet and she's she's spot-on that she said I need something like that - naughty way know is the properties online it can see the bits 19 list you know if it's coming from a good place so yeah cheers woman site so I just it's got the same thing in his life Alex yeah yeah yeah yeah sure Sione was actually really pissed off with me about the whole well anything why you liked him she knew that he'd been on my podcast she doesn't like me falling out with people needlessly yeah yeah and she and she was you got our own Instagram so I can go straight over a lot of people ask that Brian and though she has a link to the source media I just have to keep what's up with the porn it takes a hell of a lot no selfies don't do anymore yeah they're definitely although I will say the lines before the podcast I am reaching a pipe with women where that cell that seems like a good air situation where you've got a girl who watches all your videos and that and loves you and and really takes an interest that's that must be lovely yeah real love you saying like that that level where you you say things like it's because it's kind of nice to for a long time if I got a sour face on this podcast you know you've looked a little bit miserable and it's nice to him he knows I'm joking and then when you start talking about here you sort of light up like this nice about that and you go should make me a better man you're gonna marry that girl I could tell and good for you I reckon I well I think it's a good idea so she gets social media and realized there are other men out there other options are about the sheds loss it's Fritzl stuff yeah we should both take a media blackout don't you think social media buy it'll be on me like a rash yeah yeah we got that done my advice any lads out there just for the record find a woman who doesn't isn't a project you're just happy with who she is and someone who doesn't treat you like a project yeah I'm finding that is more and more like in my head from experience with women in my life is like you you meet a woman who either looks at you as a fixer-upper or a potential good guy or you're viewing them and you just need to view them is who they are is this the one are you compatible it shouldn't be hard work all the time like obviously kind of a little bit of work or equate a relationships but like too many people are like saw not compatible in there like oh you've got to work on it and you know that comment can sometimes get misconstrued so in a healthy relationship or a relationship that maybe feels good in my experience you put the hard work in to things that then are rewarding it shouldn't be hard work from a perspective of we're always having an argument so problems as a real thing yeah that's where the work comes and you gotta compromise but I'm just saying like yeah like things seem to be going the way of like girls shouldn't be looking at men as projects and that like way well in a few years you'll be in who I want to be and it's like no no like that's saying that about you that could really and low-level feels like it undermines what someone's what you're trying to be yeah it's basically going at the moment you're half a man yeah you're half the man that I'm that I'm hoping you're one day the perfect boyfriend's dick was muscle yeah yeah which one which one yeah Wow it sort of comes to a point nowhere and I guess that there's a make-or-break point and you guys have sort of got that make point where Brian endorses the relationship so yeah I'd love to be the guy who marries you oh maybe I've got to get ordained for that but I'm well up for it I would love to see that it's amazing the amount of weddings that I've heard you try and inject yourself into we've got the bridesmaids Laurence and I said don't make sure you think of anything worse to do that imagine I've tried to pull a gun at a Funeral once I pull and girls at funerals yeah I love the fact that you will basically stand at the front not give a wishy-washy speech but you'll go he's trying to [ __ ] her permanently do you yeah I do I do [ __ ] chaga that's gonna be the way yeah it's weird though one last sale say on the relationship thing last year was very rocky and we have a lot of arguments and we were almost broke up a couple of times and that was very that went hand-in-hand with where you were where I was and me being a [ __ ] online and stuff like that and this year it's been perfect there's not been one one argument is do you think that that was just cause you were in that place because I'm in a better place I wasn't me kind of yeah I thought I think so well she saw you both sort of lasted of course in a sense I want you've been through that you get through it and you know if you have to go through the so there's apparently there's three stages in a relationship so they say which is the foreman where you come together at the storming where there's a little bit of a battle there for where you fit in the relationship and who's dominant or whatever where you feel like you're places and then there's the Norman where you come out at the end and you are like a good couple hopefully and in the back door man and then the bucket when you get there Rome wings after she's kosher just so you get really tight both me just I knew that was coming no yeah oh yeah how long we been gone for more than two hours we can finish on a no yeah yeah sure all right that's our we'll finish on anal as Chuck the party prefers to yeah make sure you hit that like button I'll put chucks channel in the description below I'll be being a [ __ ] good catch up mate let's been great thanks javi I saw I've missed you for quite a long time because you and I we did that we were talking about them we did the monopoly video thing oh yeah and then once you taking my dish a while so next so I've seen but the there being a bit about the final squad it's annoying me because I wanted them in the to myself we'll get them in there before showing run up on the pitch be awkward there's no is no he's fit for boxing trying to get you involved in a few things and it's good to have you back yes it's see Jack yeah here's Jack subscribe thanks everyone we'll see you there cheers nice one fantastic podcast yeah
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 1,113,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Geordie, JaackMaate, Zoella, Alfie Deyes, PointlessBlogVlogs, Caspar Lee, Oli White, Comedy, Funny, Podcast, PowerfulJRE
Id: 3mIieGBDWD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 11sec (7991 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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