Ja Rule (Unreleased Full Interview)

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now you grew up with Jehovah's Witness yeah my grandparents would devout Jehovah's Witnesses and that's what they did you know and and a lot of people ask me about that like you how was it being jov's witness you know I you know I sum it up as it wasn't any different than being Catholic or Christian or anything else you know you young kid you don't really want to go to church you know me your parents make you go to church on Sunday it was the same thing Jehovah's Witness you know they made us go and we didn't really want to go and that's just the way it was but you know it's a different religion so it's a lot stricter yeah you know no holidays no holidays no birthdays you know so that that stuff is is is a little different and it takes a toll on on a child because you know you wondering like [ __ ] it's Christmas why I ain't getting no gifts you know it's my birthday why we not celebrating so you you know you wonder those things as a young kid and and you know you you deal with that you fight with that you know and and you know the fact that you're not supposed to deal with with people outside of the religion so it was a lot of different little things that you you wonder about you know growing up in that religion but you know like I said it's it's it's it's all relative it's like any anything else so did Jew are you still practicing Jehovah's okay so at one point you kind of moved away from it yeah no well my mom like when I went to move with my mom she had got this Fellowship from Jehovah's Witness uh organization religion disfellowship disfellowship so she got kicked out basically out of right when you get disfellowshipped it's like they banish you like nobody's allowed to talk to you oh wow yeah it's like real crazy not even like your family members so you're supposed to still come to church but nobody's talks to you as I was was growing up as a young man I my my family was Joe's Witnesses so I I naturally that was my first introduction into religion then as I got a little older you know I you know started getting into the Muslim religion as I started to live with my mom you really okay you know we started you know practicing know five Center you know and I and I've learned a little bit of that and then you know I had a friend of mine we used to always go to his house and stay over his house a lot cuz he had a nice house and his moms used to let us you know basement was like basically our little Sanctuary so we used to have girls over and [ __ ] like that so that was you know but but her thing was the boys can come over but on Sunday they got to go to church with us so then I kind of got into Christianity so I I started to look at all these different religions and and what I noticed was because everybody's basically saying the same thing everybody's giving the same message you know live a certain way you know following you know try to try to live in God's you know likeness and be as righteous and as holy as possible you know basically live a good life you know but it was the rules set forth by man that made each Religion different Muslims you can have more than one wife you know Jo's Witnesses you can't do this you can't do that you don't celebrate Christmas you don't you know and then you know Christianity was had its own thing so I started to realize this as a young man and it and it it turned me sour towards religion in a lot of ways because here it is Jo's Witness religion separated my family broke up my family you know and all all the other religions that I was kind of learning and just you know dabbling with and you know trying to see what they were about you know really didn't make a lot of sense to me either you know so it it kind of turned me away from religion but I was always a spiritual person you know so I felt for a lot of years and I still do in a in a lot of ways that people should have their one-on-one with God you know um he knows us for who we are you know he you you can't hide nothing from him you know going to a church every Sunday does mask your your your your sins you know so for a lot of years I felt that that was my relationship it was for me to have that one-on-one with God and and and not to focus on the middleman sort to speak I don't think they got DMX at first in Death Jam Leo did when I first met X was we was out we went out to M with God yonas and I couldn't believe the living conditions of what it was where he was living I I thought I lived in like project I heard like doors were ripped off the hinges Windows broken out like it was like it looked like Kini Green in Chicago yeah and I was like holy [ __ ] and then I met met the dog and you know his mouth was wide shut and [ __ ] he had I guess see he had uh I don't know I he had got to a fight or somebody since he got jumped or some [ __ ] like that fried to and and his mouth was wide up and um he was rhyming with the [ __ ] wires in his mouth like crazy [ __ ] like the [ __ ] about to pop and break and and and and I was like okay you know what I'm saying I like this dude you know what I'm saying like I I could [ __ ] with him and and you know I was out there spitting and and you know cuz Gotti had a thing you know he'd be like like you know R you you think you nice and [ __ ] I was like [ __ ] I'm nice you know what I'm saying I get busy you know what I'm saying he's like yeah you get busy in your hood let's see if you get busy over in this neighborhood or you know what I'm saying I said all right so take me wherever we go and that's we went out there we met X the Lo everybody and the feeling was Mutual between that group of MC's like all right little homie get busy you know what I'm saying I was like these [ __ ] get busy shortly after that X got his deal with de Jam you know he comes out smashes [ __ ] yeah you know but people were laughing at him you know they at first they would they laughed at him like oh is he going to sell records to dogs and you know jokes yeah you know he it was all types of [ __ ] you know what I mean but but x x was a was a was a was a dope artist he's different different dude you know what I mean this just raw energy you know and um yeah we we we me and X we used to go to [ __ ] video shoots and battle [ __ ] you know we just pop up at random spots and [ __ ] like who did you battle what known artists did you battle during that time man I cuz remember there there's always the story of Jay battling DMX yes they but that was way before all of this okay that was way oh that was before all this hell yeah that was way before all is there a vide tape of that I think there is somewhere and it's they're battling on like pool tables and guns is out and yeah it's like a crazy battle but that was before all of this that was before we all came together and and and because when we were doing our thing we couldn't get them in the same room together like they didn't like each other J and DMX j and x no they didn't like each other at all but but um yeah we [ __ ] we went to I remember I was going to Onyx video shoot and and battle rapping with everybody on the set so so you battled Onyx we B we battled with Onyx you know mean um my homie Red Red Man red man okay yeah we we we um me and me and red we we went at it at a club and [ __ ] and and this is how I knew down the line that I was destined to be a a a good artist or a great artist so me and R going back and forth you know on stage it wasn't really a battle battle but it was you know back then it was more like you get in ciphers yeah and you just spit it wasn't like today's battles where fa in each other's faces and all this it was just like you know it was like it was like a respect thing like okay you nice you know what I'm saying I get busy too like don't disrespect what I do it was more like that type of thing so it wasn't battles per se but it was like ciphers you know what I mean so so me and me and R in a cipher in a club I forget what club it was and I remember myself thinking like yo this dude gets busy and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and then later on down the line I heard the blackout album and he was spitting verses from the black out out and that's when I knew I said I pulled it out of you know what I'm saying like I p i he had to dig into his good [ __ ] you know what I'm saying because he's like this little [ __ ] is going you know what I'm saying but yeah it was it was a lot of cases like that I remember one time in Philly I battled like 15 [ __ ] and by myself you know what I'm saying this is on a Hard Knock Life tour Eve came down and started rap helping raap with me and [ __ ] but it was like it was intense like I was okay you go I go you go I go you you go I go you go I go so I'm spitting like and my [ __ ] like this little [ __ ] is going Superhead recently announced that she's coming out with another book I he this Yes you heard about this I heard this you were in her first book yeah knowing knowing Karin's history why why do you think men continue to get involved with Karen and then end up [ __ ] like playing fire man it's like little kid you tell you listen that right there hot don't touch hot the little kid what he do burn [ __ ] hand up it's the same [ __ ] [ __ ] like playing with fire man I mean little Wayne seems to have had some sort of ongoing type of thing I I don't get it man I don't get it man I really don't get it and she's old as [ __ ] now like you know what I'm saying she's not even the young you know vixen or whatever she calls herself that she used to be she's she's old broad you know what I'm saying she's you know there's a lot of women out there that that's not thinking like she's thinking to to to try to gain a dollar off of your pain or or you know your story like you know I don't get it have you ever run into her after the book came out um I think I've seen her one time she pretty much became a Hermit after the book came out she doesn't she doesn't go know she's she's be out in about she's a party girl for that she used be everywhere mhm after she did the book you don't see her you know she doesn't go out if that's what a couple of dollars is means to you then that's cool like you know I couldn't live my life like that like you know like I would you know what I'm saying that's not living have you know money and and fame or whatever and and and and not be able to go out and enjoy yourself like that's not that's not cool or you know what I'm saying it have to have 100 officers everywhere you go with you and you that not fun you know what I'm saying that's not living you reunited with uh JLo I remember when was it I'm real yeah came out and she used the nword in the song and everyone was was oh my God over that over that you were on that song I wrote it you wrote the song yeah so you wrote that line for absolutely was there was there like a sit down like I'm not sure if I should say this line or not not at all not at all I mean it's kind of a Unwritten thing that Spanish and Puerto Ricans and [ __ ] and we're all kind of yeah in the same family and and you know so it's like why can't she say [ __ ] that Joe says it I all my Spanish [ __ ] I know say [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like it's not I never looked at it at them in any way and and and said like yo you know watch watch that you know what I'm saying why do you think people were upset over that people definitely were upset I think they were upset because they don't see her as uh uh Jenny From the Block Jenny from the Bronx they see her as this Global icon and matter of factly some people would probably see her as white you know what I'm saying so it's it's just you know one of those things you know um and I think that's why people were were really upset because they don't understand the dialogue that is used in our hoods you know what I'm saying they don't understand and that's how Puerto Ricans and Spanish people speak that's how black people speak and we are allowed to speak that way amongst each other this has always been you know a word that's always had a lot of bad history behind it and there's always the the argument of like well you know the rappers could say it you know why can't white people say it you know like this type of thing I mean it's not the rappers it's it's black people that's how we talk to each other like I I you know you know you you you you hear Jewish people use racial you know slurs to each other when they're talking and and and joking and stuff like that and Italians do it I would never feel like I can do that as a black man and and that's just it's the same thing you understand like just because one group of people do it and are comfortable in doing it they're that so the joke is not only on you it's on both of us that are sharing this dialogue it's you know it's different when somebody outside of your group says it yeah then it becomes like okay why are you saying it you know what I'm saying are you saying it because you think it's cool just by not knowing makes it a problem just by not knowing makes it problem no but there's always been an interesting type of you know with with hip-hop becoming more Global yeah you know like for example you have French Montana who's Moroccan yeah who says it all the time no one got an issue with it prin is a [ __ ] but for example when V nasty remember from the you know you know what I'm talking about V nasty from you know crean's White Girl Mob right you know she would use it and and I can tell you um I interviewed vasty sat down with her and I haven't met anyone more Hood than V nasty white chick who who said that before you know crean popped she had never been out of Oakland in her life I think people missed the point it's not about being Hood it's not about being from the hood that gives you the the past to say it okay it's being that Minority that you know I don't care how Hood you are you will never share my struggle you will never look in a history book and say godamn those were my people that were being slain and hung and so forth and so on never so I I think that's that's where the issue comes but how does that apply to to Puerto Ricans or Moroccans or you see because because I say certain people get passes like that because they are deemed that you couldn't look at French Montana until he was Moroccan unless he told you that you would think he was Spanish or or whatever the case may be and it and it has to do with with with you know with with us being the minority you know and it's weird to to to kind of explain why some people get a pass some but Spanish and black and and and and and us as a group I'm going to say those two minorities we kind of lumped in together you know when when I went to prison I went to nine different jails wow okay and trust me and every prison I was in was majority of black people and Spanish people with a Sprinkle of everything else some white some Asian H whatever but 85 90% black Spanish yeah so we feel that even though even though the the majority of the population right is white right in the America right and and and that you know that that you know you can look at it have you want to look at it but I know for a fact from from living on both sides of the of the fence you know that our neighborhoods are police different than white neighborhoods yeah Point Blank period the same you could take a black kid with an ounce of weed put it in his back backpack let him walk through the neighborhood I guarantee you within a week he'll get arrested on a stop and search you take a white kid put that same ounce of weed in his backpack and let him run around all over Saddle River all over the white neighborhoods I guarantee you he won't never get arrested that's deep even if he gets caught even if he gets caught even the police bu my chance besid pull him over I guarantee you that Hey listen what are you doing with this go on home I used to have the a white dude that worked for me so sold drugs for me and I love this dude I call him snow he was the best you know what I'm saying because police didn't [ __ ] with him they didn't bother him so one day police come raid the block and [ __ ] grab him up he's with us he's the only white kid there they pulled him into a little corner on the Block and had like a real talk with him like they was his father or some [ __ ] wow like what are you doing around these guys you don't need to be in this type of neighborhoods with these type of guys this the [ __ ] they was telling them and like yo you go home now but us they about to Baton the [ __ ] out of us and put us lock us up and everything for weed smoke all type of stupid [ __ ] him lecture you get on way from here get out of here you don't be around here so you don't get in this timee of trouble that's crazy that showed me something so then here's my was my second thing I said yo racism is crazy we we were doing credit card scams so we used to go like on Jama Avenue and like the worst stores you could go into like little Rinky Dink stores where they don't sell much but they also wasn't going to check your ID with your credit card so we couldn't go into like real stores and do this yeah I got snow one of these cards one of these hit cards me and snow was in the mall and Wilson's Leathers all type of [ __ ] he just swiping away nobody ask him for ID nothing nobody questioned whether that money was his or not at all and he's just a young white kid he wasn't like no he didn't have you know say he wasn't a CEO looking he didn't have a suit on or nothing he was just a young white kid they figured his family must have money perod that's it crazy I couldn't walk in there with that card and be swiping $500 leather jackets they like hold hold on something's wrong with this picture yeah let's call this in let's call this in yeah never called him in I loved him he was the best he was go everywhere come on S we going we going to get [ __ ] today we we going to shopping today you know what I'm saying but that's just yeah that's just that's that's that's the difference of of white and black in in our society the whole thing with 50 was was in full swing absolutely yeah I mean when you look back at that time yeah do you feel that you would have done anything differently knowing what you know now see what what people don't understand was I you know I was silent silence I couldn't I couldn't say much about any of the situations because the the investigation was going on so it was like okay one end we we got you know this rat beef going on and then on the other end we have some real [ __ ] real [ __ ] going on yeah and you know it was a situation like please J don't say nothing right now cuz everything you say Canon will be used against us in the court of law so against us yeah so don't go rapping and saying crazy [ __ ] on records about this dude when this whole situation is going on and it's stemming from that what do you mean by stemming from that what I mean by that is there were altercations and things that happened beforehand before the whole you know rating of the offices and everything you know and there's a lot of speculation that certain parties were giving up certain information and saying certain things whether they known it to be true or not just on the whim of [ __ ] them I hate them this is what is going on over there with them you understand and that's what led the feds to us in the first place and so nobody wanted me to react to that situation and because I couldn't react to that situation the fire just got bigger and bigger and bigger yeah because he kept Fanning it and I really couldn't couldn't respond I couldn't put it out you understand so as as as 50 just you know went on and and became bigger a lot of things was going on in the in the back rooms that people don't understand people couldn't see you know and and that was one of the situations that was one of the things that was going on it was hanging over our head that that cloud and hanging over God's head and and I'm like you know I love my brothers more than than anything so I'm not going to jeopardize their life you know with a silly rap beef and that's basically what it what it was at one point you did start responding yeah and you kind of you know included Eminem and Dr Dre well you know that and Buster rymes that that all became came about because I was already being attacked by all parties involved you know what I'm saying so I'm like [ __ ] it we everybody's involved and we we going to we going to address everybody and and that's just the way it was you know I didn't have I didn't have anything against Dr Dre or Eminem you know prior to that you know me and Dre had had conversations about doing records M and me had you know thoughts about doing a record together know I remember like yeah this [ __ ] came out of left field because of this dude you know what I'm saying so it was I didn't I didn't have anything against any of them well I remember the one thing that kind of stood out to me during that whole thing Eminem had like a free style you know where he goes something where he was talking about you and he says something like me and Haley dance to your songs we like you like you know I mean it's sort of like it it was this interesting sort of kind of respect type of thing and I'm like yeah that's kind of you know cuz at the time you know you had hug it really wasn't No Malice between me and him I still don't have no malice towards him or Dre you know what I'm saying because I know that it would they was listen man you know what I'm saying you entertain clowns you become a part of the circus you understand and that's just what the [ __ ] it was so I understand that so I I don't you know I don't hold any grudges or anything against these guys you know I don't look at them like yo yeah you know because they became a part of the circus because they were dealing with a clown you know what I'm saying and and that's just what it was but I remember a while this was all going on I seen him we was at teer bar and we were switching Jets he had just got off the jet I was getting on that same jet going wherever I was going and me and him had a conversation right there this was after this was this was while it oh while it was happening oh okay you know what I'm saying and it was a a manto man respectful conversation like I know what it is M and Em's like you know I don't really got no hard feelings towards you it's just that's home team and it's a rap be he signed to my label signed to my you know what I'm saying and I'm like I know what it is you know what I'm saying I said I ain't I ain't got nothing against you neither and that was that and and that conversation wasn't really spoke about wasn't really you know what I'm saying but I think I think that's when mem kind of pulled back and and kind of was like this ain't really my thing this is your thing and whatever you know you know what I'm saying and and that that's just what it was you know you know so when I look at everything that went on you know it's it's just funny you know how people will never really know the truth because it's always going to be my story you know versus his story and and they're going to be two different stories yeah you know and then there's the truth so you as a consumer you can believe what you want to believe you can believe what I'm saying which is quite honest the realest story you're going to get out of it because I'm you know I don't have no reason to make up anything or or or you know I mean create a story behind the story you know or you can listen to what he's telling the story he's telling you know what I'm saying like I it's funny because I read an insert out of out of his book right that he did and I'm like okay people actually read this and believe that this is what happened what are you referring to we were talking about he was talking about the incident in Atlanta so I tell my side of the story in my book which is the true story and then I read his story and his story goes something like yeah he was out there with eight of his guys and they jumped me and I walked away with his jewelry I'm like what what like what who would I don't give a [ __ ] if you the softest eight [ __ ] on Earth so you get jumped by eight people and out of this scuffle you walk away with my jewelry like it just doesn't like I it doesn't make sense have you ever seen any the Lord Jamar interviews that we've done on on Vlad TV you know Lord Jamar from brand new yeah of course he had made uh some comments about the Kanye West skirt right right and it it led into a bigger conversation about the the feminization of of the black man and how you know Society tries to you know emasculate you know certain people and kind of push people in that direction because they're not as scary at that point right and they're easier to deal with and everything else like that and since that time the skirt phase has really not gone away in fact I see got shirt skirts now my son wanted one and [ __ ] he wanted a shirt skirt your son wanted a shirt skirt wanted a shirt skirt like the shirt that comes like this but then it comes down a little bit lower and [ __ ] yeah how did you feel when when your son wanted the shirt skirt what was that conversation like yeah this is funny because at first I said no I was Tor I was like [ __ ] you mean you want a shirt skirt like dudes don't wear skirts rule he he little rules like this dud don't wear skirts R like what are you doing you know what I'm saying he's like nah Dad this is what you know this what they wearing now this this is cool it's all right like you know this is and I'm like and he does have a point this is what they're wearing he has a point but I'm like nah that's not I whatever happened to just being cool and [ __ ] but then I had to catch myself and I remember a time when I was his age and I wanted to wear hoodies and leather bombers and you know the the [ __ ] the the the the the the shirt Kings hat with your name on them and [ __ ] and the three finger rings and [ __ ] and and you know my my my people's you know my mom was looking at me like what are you doing like what what is that you understand and I was like my you don't understand this is what the young people are doing this is what we doing now yeah and I had to catch myself and say you know what if you want a shirt skir man go ahead and get you a shirt skir because this is your generation you understand this is what y'all doing and y'all you know and and and trust me I've looked back at some of my old pictures and been like what the [ __ ] was I wearing he may do the same thing when he gets older but it's part of being young and growing up right but but but none of the stuff that we were wearing when we were younger was feminine yeah but I don't but here's the here's the difference here's the here's the thing I'm going to say about that I don't think they're looking at it as a feminine thing as much as they're looking at it as a fashion thing you understand I don't think you know he's saying I want to skirt cuz I want to be a female you understand I don't think anybody's wearing it for that reason I think dudes are doing it because it's fashionable and and being fashionable now is taking a new turn you know for from from from when we were being fashionable for us being fashionable meant just being cool like whatever was the cool out for what we thought was cool that was being f i remember the earlier days of hip-hop before run GMC and like like Grand Master FL these [ __ ] was wearing like they wearing [ __ ] James Brown was wearing like they was wearing the [ __ ] you know saying Parliament fun like they was the tight pants with the yeah I even talked to Africa bambata about this said hey we on tour like the commodor and yes it wasn't working us just wearing our regular street clothes no so you you got to look at it as de like fashion is is it's going to be what it is it's like a you know what I'm saying it's what you can get away with but you know I I think that the interesting point though is that like you seen this in other cultures already like you know I mean like in the 80s it was perfectly normal for a rock singer to have full makeup on exactly that was blah blah but you know or like I remember I interviewed someone recently who said like you know like the punk rockers was wearing Kilts you know with like you know even even the black ax was doing the same [ __ ] like the more feminine you look back in them days the more [ __ ] you got like it was crazy like that was thing some of the [ __ ] Houdini wore back in the day was questionable little weird yeah but you you know as I as I grow older and and I and I look at what the kids are doing you know I don't want to be the old head that's stuck in my ways either I don't want to be the old guy that's like nah you know you you got to wear you you know what I'm saying like because I just went through like I went through an era of baggy everything was I was wearing [ __ ] [ __ ] that was three times my size and I'm like yeah the long te's that went long I'm like why was I doing that you know what I'm saying like why would I ever think that that look was cool but you go through these fads and that that's just that they're fads like these kids they'll wear the shirt skirt for a year and then be like them [ __ ] is out of style we ain't doing that no more it's like it's hip-hop it's hip-hop sots are hip-hop I I I think it absolutely is hip-hop now I mean hip-hop dudes wearing them they've made it a part of our culture I don't even think the shirt skirt existed into a hip-hop artist War like I've never like with Kanye with Diddy them had them were kils they were actual kils leather skirt Kil shits yeah that was different somebody came up with okay I'm not going to go that far but but I kind of like the look you know what I'm saying so I'm going just extend my shirt you know what I'm saying like somebody came up with the [ __ ] and it was it was the hip-hop guy I I would assume you have things like mmore yeah doing songs like same same same love yeah where you have people like Frank Ocean yeah who is not a rapper but is almost a rapper you know it's close to I wouldn't I wouldn't put him in the rap category at all but I it's it's pretty close like he I mean he's not when I look at a Frank Ocean and I look at you know I don't look at Frank Ocean like a Trey songs or a Neo I you know cuz you know the way the way he came up was with odd future a lot of like his things were with like Jay-Z and Kanye and stuff like that he overlaps very closely into hipop he sings he does songs he I've never heard him spit a rap at all okay like so I wouldn't put him in and I think he would be offended you know even because he looks at himself as an artist singer and a singer and an artist like he creates and he you know he's a creative dude and you know yeah I I don't I wouldn't put him in in in that category at all do you think that there's going to be an openly gay rapper anytime soon I there was one there was there a dude there's some dude I don't know his name but I seen I seen him there's a dude named left I think or something like that but I mean but but you're not talking about someone who has but not someone who has a hit song like you see like the sit different that's something now now you saying a popular popular yeah I mean cuz Frank Ocean is very popular want a gr if you got if you got a if you have a guy that's openly gay and he's rapping already all he needs is a hit record he's a hit record away from being this guy that you're talking about you know you know what I'm saying homosexuality is being more and more accepted absolutely and and for me this it happened it happened to me you know I I I think God puts you in situations for you to understand things in a different like to see him in a different light you know so so you know you understand it differently the way things are the way the way things are are are shown to you in life is how you understand them so if if you're shown something in a negative way towards something else it could be racism it could be you know homosexuality whatever if you shown that in a negative way well then that's going to be your spin on it I don't like black people I don't like white people or I don't like you know homosexuals because I was shown this yeah we as a people as human beings don't know we're not born with hatred it's something that's learned as as a as a people right so so now I'll get into my story so while I was in prison God kept sending me these signs so the first sign he sent me was was about my daughter and and and and uh ages on what you can date you know you look at 18 and 16 and you're like y oh that's you know a little a little bit too too you know or you know you when when when they that close you know what I'm saying it's it's it's like taboo but then when it's 20 and 22 no big deal yeah you understand what I'm saying or it's or even go younger than that when they're young kids when it's five and seven it's cute to play you know what I'm saying it's not a big deal but when it gets to that 18 16 where over here you're legal but over there you're not quite still kind of like you kid but then you look at the whole pictures they're all still kids even at 18 you're still a kid when I was 18 I thought I knew a lot but I was still a kid but God kept sending me all these sign so the sign he sent me on that was uh a young man tried to kill himself in a Cell right next to me and um what he was going through at the time was just that he was 18 I think and his girl was like 16 just turned 16 or some [ __ ] like that he just turned 18 and the parents he got a pregnant at the parents I think pressed some type of charges on him he was a good kid he was going statut right right he was going to school for like uh uh uh what is what is it when in the graphical graphic arts graphic arts like [ __ ] to make games and stuff like that he was you know doing well for himself good kid and this situation just [ __ ] his whole life up basically cuz now he's just going to be looked upon as a as a so sexual offender pedopile pedophile you know what I'm saying like that may [ __ ] up everything he's trying to do over here and all really was was in love with a girl that's 2 years younger than him yeah and like I said those ages don't make a difference when you're 20 and 22 or whatever so that was the one a sign that God sent to me because I was all bent out of shape about my daughter she she act and she was doing like a a monologue with a dude and he was like 18 and she was like 16 and you know what I'm saying so it was I was like yo why and they had a kissing scene and I was I was all [ __ ] bent out of shape about it you know what I'm saying like yo what the [ __ ] typee of [ __ ] is this but he sent me that sign to to to show me something you know what I'm saying it's not that serious it's not that big of a deal so now we go into homophobia there was a dude that came in our in our house named Blondie openly gay dude okay so when he came in everybody was yo I mean like they were treating him so [ __ ] up like like it was treating him like if I say hi to this dude I'mma Be Gay too I'm going turn gay and [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying like it was like really immature childish dumb [ __ ] but then you're in prison so it goes from Childish dumb [ __ ] to disrespectful bully [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like calling them all types of you know derogatory names you know and [ __ ] like that out of his name you know you know you know and so I'm sitting back I'm kind of being a fly on the wall about all of this you know what I'm saying because he he he wouldn't he wouldn't approach me because he was an openly gay dude and not knowing how I react to it being that I'm JY rule or whatever the case may be so he didn't want to approach me didn't want to be really in my circumference you know or whatever too much you know and so I was kind of a like I said a flying wall just watching how everybody else was treating them and it got me to thinking like damn you know what this is how black people were treated when you know when it was segregation and and [ __ ] like this is how we were treated we were treated openly like [ __ ] get out of here [ __ ] don't you can't drink the water like [ __ ] you understand it was openly like that and I'm looking at the way they're attacking homeboy like damn that's I'm like that's [ __ ] up and I'm like you know what he's he's not bothering nobody he gets his meal you know sits down dudes don't want him to sit next to him you know what I'm saying they getting up like yo or telling him yo get the [ __ ] out of here you know what I'm saying calling him out of his name and [ __ ] like that and I'm like yo I'm like that's really [ __ ] up man I said this probably I said not probably this is how we were treated as black people like that three- fifths of a man like you're not even a man you understand because when they look at homosexuals that's that's how people look looking at him like you're not a man you're like a a woman yeah you understand and they were treating him so [ __ ] up and I was like you know that's that's [ __ ] up because homeboy he's not doing nothing to nobody not bothering nobody you know what I'm saying right so then he got fed up one day and and he [ __ ] just lashed out and and he said something funny I had to laugh at myself he was but what he was saying he was saying like yeah I'm I'm gay or whatever he said but you [ __ ] like y'all don't got to worry about me looking at y'all I would like y'all ain't my type you know what I'm saying basically like I would never [ __ ] with any of you bum ass [ __ ] you know what I'm saying basically and it was funny to me cuz I'm like it was like something a female would say but I understood what he was trying to say being fed up from from all this all the [ __ ] and it taught me something about treating people like people you you know what I'm saying and and and then those same dudes I used to treat them all kind of [ __ ] up they were good friends with him after that they like he cook meals for them you know saying and [ __ ] like that and I'm looking at these dudes like yo hold up I'm looking at him like yo just last month he was called them all types of this that the third and now that's your man that's your cook buddy like y y yall cool that's all good now so so it taught me something about how you how you treat people you understand and you don't judge people just based on what they are and how they live their life if that's how you live your lifestyle that's cool that's fine you know what I'm saying I have nothing against you for that and and and and you know sometimes you got to go through these things like I said God was sending me these signs for me to become a better person when I left this place right to be a more insightful understanding person of of how how how the world works and how it revolves not around me but everybody in it you understand how we all make up the nucleus of what is America which is The Melting Pot we call America you know it's it's all of us that make up this this nucleus and and and we have to respect each other and and you know learn to understand one another racially you know you know even you know homosexuality everything we have to learn how to live amongst each other other because we make up what this world is so a lot of these things I had to learn you know and I and I'm just I'm still learning man you know I'm a work in progress just mentally when I'm when I look at how much I've grown from J Rule at 20 you know to J Ru now you know you had mentioned battling Onyx did you know that uh freder star was supposed to battle Keith Murray I heard that I heard that who you got your money on you know I know them both man um Keith gets busy you know Fredro gets busy it's healthy for hip-hop you know what I'm saying to to have these these kind of battles it's fun you know but I at some point I think it's kind of it's kind of pointless you know for because y'all are both two established artists what do you gain out of it that's that's all I'm trying to figure out you you know there's two sides to everything okay well you know cannabis battle B did you ever see that battle no you have you heard about it no he battled who he battled disaster okay established Battle Rapper okay and he forgot his lines and pulled out a notepad in the middle of the battle which is has gone down as a very that's not good yeah as a so you know but that's that's that's just what I'm saying though you know um I never you know I've never heard of disaster until you just said his name you understand so what did cannabis get out of that a few dollars I guess pointless uh Joe Buton battled Hollow seen H the I've seen that you seen and I seen that that was on uh um em slaughter house uh total slaughter total slaughter and and and I was saying to myself at that moment I said okay I like you know I like I I I watch some of the you you know battles and I you know I like the battle dudes dope you know what I'm saying the [ __ ] be the [ __ ] they be saying is is dope [ __ ] and you know it's entertaining and it's dope for hip-hop but for Joe Button I'm like Joe what did you gain out of that like what what do you get if you beat Hollow to Dawn people are gonna say oh you supposed to beat him Joe you established rapper blah blah blah blah blah if you lose to hollow the dawn which which a lot of people said right now did you did you feel that that Joe lost or did you feel that Joe won you know I I really I really didn't judge it I just was kind of watching it and enjoying it you know but I guess you I guess you could say Joe lost cuz he dropped the mic or I I mean I don't know if that counts as to take points like like where do you start to judge at you know what I'm saying this lyric on lyric yeah I think I think button did his thing but hon did his thing too it was like it was just it was it was it was just dope lyrically they was you know what they were doing but there's also there's also the I'm not sure if it's been confirmed but there's a story that that Drake is supposed to battle Murder Moo I seen that I seen I seen it on Instagram or whatever I'm not sure if it's totally true yet but it it'd be a hell of a a thing if it happened I'm just saying what does what does Drake get out of there I think Drake has a sincere love of the hip-hop of hip-hop and battle rap in particular because He follows battle rap very closely him and Kevin Durant I remember were debating on Twitter who won a particular battle I love battle rap too I I we like I said we came from that background we used to battle you ever do it for me I feel it's pointless like what what what am I gaining out of it you know what I'm saying for me like I said man I'm I think very differently now you understand I think p&l you saying profit and loss yeah like what what what is what is my profit for this what do I gain a couple of dollars okay so let's just say like what do I get out of it let's just say that someone paid you a million dollars to battle Jay-Z you wouldn't do it it's a million dollars I mean it's not like you know what I'm saying you made Millions already okay give me give me give me something okay but but but [ __ ] the money something I can change my life man I think I think you battling just for the fun of it you battling Jay-Z I think would be epic it it would be fun you know what I'm saying but that's different that's different though see like that that would be because that's too established artist going at each other not you know a a battle rapper that really hasn't made his bones yet or Soul any records yet or anything that other people would deem successful you know what I'm saying versus a guy that but but you know has had some success in in in because let me let me tell you let let me let me tell you the the the the difference that that us as artists kind of see in the battle World versus the the the hip-hop artist world is there are not many battle rappers that come from the battle world and become successful in the commercial rap Cassidy actually and this is confirmed Cassidy is battling disaster right and I heard he's getting like some huge paycheck for it but but that's what I'm saying if you if if if if if you can make a living off of battle rapping well do it make sense and people are making a living off B well then it makes sense for you to to battle rap it ain't the living of a platinum recording artist yeah well then see for me didn't makes no sense the story that I remember and and I believe this was this was from 50s point of view was something like one of 50's man one of 50's friends like rob somebody like you or someone in your crew or something like that that's that's a different story flat that's a whole different story but that led up to the altercation that's what he says that that was 50s version of the story and he had I guess taken your chain and someone traded him a watch to get your chain you know what I'm talking about I've heard this you've heard this story and it's Foolery you know what I'm saying that's why I'm like this [ __ ] tells he's good at what he does he tells stories and he you know I call him MC Gusto you ever seen CB4 CB4 yeah that that's who he is in real life to me so so how much of that which parts of those stories of that story actually it's very it's very crazy like I mean the stories just don't make sense like okay so so the first part some one of 50's friends was involved in some sort of altercation with you guys is that is that true at all here's here's the here's this the real of that story okay a dude that I knew that I [ __ ] with from Southside came home from jail came on my block one night see me on my block one night came to see me rolled upon on me like yo what up you know whatever whatever they call me left back then y left what up you know me holl at you for a minute I'm like yo Choy what up my [ __ ] jumps out car we go walk up the block we kicking it he pulls out the burn on so now I'm shocked you know what I'm saying cuz I know like I know him I [ __ ] with him so now I'm shocked so he goes the burn off he's like y you you holding you strap like N I ain't got nothing on me right now he Pat me whatever whatever so he's like yo you was [ __ ] my girl while I was up north just that and the third and I'm like [ __ ] what what are you talking about you know what I'm saying like N I wasn't [ __ ] your girl you know what I'm saying and if that was your girl and I didn't know that that was your girl that's a different situation I said but if I have known that should your your girl [ __ ] mean you cool like I'm not going to you know what I'm saying like I don't I'm not a slime ball [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm not a a creep and [ __ ] that's what that was about okay so he so he proceeds to say yo give me your chain but he was like emotionally torn he was like he was having an emotional moment like he was had the shaky hand like he was he was in a lovers triangle quarrel type situation like he was he was he was emotional you know what I'm saying it was it had nothing to do with music hip-hop rap none of that you understand what I'm saying so now so you gave him the chain of course I said yeah a gun in his face [ __ ] got a gun on you [ __ ] [ __ ] with the gun you know what I'm saying it's the winner [ __ ] hands down the guy with the gun won you know what I'm saying all right yeah you got the gun all right yeah take that hold on to that [ __ ] not a problem you know what I'm saying all okay so now he runs off down the block so now I'm like so what was that just about was that about the [ __ ] or was that about the chain you know what I'm saying I'm I'm confused now I'm like I I don't know you know so anyway me and my [ __ ] is thorough you know what I'm saying I you know I don't know people may not understand it or may not believe what but me and my [ __ ] is thorough [ __ ] you know what I'm saying we that's just how we are you know I'm saying Ain there's no debate about it you understand so anyway I goes back to the corner hits my [ __ ] that's on the corner with me I'm like yo y'all didn't see what the [ __ ] just happened man this [ __ ] just just [ __ ] Troy just [ __ ] got me and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying they like word like y Happ I'm like yo this [ __ ] too I [ __ ] this [ __ ] so now I'm like yo let's we going to go over there and you know what I'm saying go see these [ __ ] over there on on the South Side so before I goes over there I puts in a call to Black just and PR like cuz that's they little [ __ ] too so I'm I'm like yo where's this stupid [ __ ] at you know what I'm saying like this [ __ ] just came over here and so this is how this went down Prim was like yo yo bro hold on let me handle this you know what I'm saying [ __ ] it's not a big deal this [ __ ] you know I'm saying he's in his feelings or whatever let me handle it Bo wops before you and your little [ __ ] come over here and acting crazy no problem Prim calls me back 15 20 minutes later he's like yeah I got the [ __ ] he's over here right now with me you know what I'm saying I got your CH I just he just came back on the Block I took your chain from him I got your chain [ __ ] right and that was that there's no why I'm trade you like PR is the big homie this nigga's the little [ __ ] on the Block you know understand we all we all the little homies on the Block there's no watch involved so anyway so I guess the story got back in the in the hood of what happened and so 50 used that as his end to have something to say about me you feel what I'm saying but it had nothing to do with him like I didn't even know you know this dude you know what I'm saying his his story is I seen him with Troy out and about and I got mad at him like [ __ ] you had nothing to do with it why would I get mad at the guy next to the guy you understand what I'm saying like his his stories just don't add up it just don't make sense but to a outside Source looking in listening it's like oh [ __ ] this you know people don't they don't know what to believe so they believe well sometimes you know a lot of times the person with a louder voice is what goes down in history like you know as the story this this this is how it goes sometimes sometimes it's like that you know so so so this is this is but this is the truth of what happened in that situation and then he took this story and use this story to whatever he got like you know what I'm saying like it's just crazy when I'm when I look and I listen to all these crazy stories that he tells I'm like like people actually believe this [ __ ] like this is crazy you understand and it is what it is I I said today I wasn't going to talk about this this this dude because I hate the fact that every time I do an interview he has to get brought up in my interview or vice versa I hate that we're connected in that way you know what I'm saying because really we we really have nothing in common other than we're from the same neighborhood that's the only thing that we really have in common you know I'm saying he's when we we're two different you know we're two different people you know what I'm saying I'm a stand up [ __ ] he's not you know what I'm saying and and that's that's the really the the basis of who we are but people when you look at him on a whole you realize that you understand he's crossed every [ __ ] that he's ever [ __ ] with everybody that's ever gave him a helping hand or or or you know was a part of it he's he's found a way to backstab these people from M to Dre to Floyd like everybody that [ __ ] with him he's found a way to be a backstabbing you know [ __ ] up [ __ ] to them which is I think is a testament of who he is you know what I'm saying well it seemed at one point like y'all was mean not not friends or nothing but it seemed like y'all had kind of moved past it I'm I'm I'm past it now like I'm not you guys were on airport we were what like in first class together like in the same row did you guys talk at all I mean I mean not talk but did you guys ackowledge his the you want the true story true story I'm on the plane he comes on the plane I'm I'm on my phone doing something so I see like a big dude coming on plane and [ __ ] so I look up and see the big dude is big black dude and I'm like okay looks like some type of security dude you know what I'm saying so I'm looking now to see who with the security dude it's him you know what saying so he's he sees me I see him he looks at me he's like yo what up I'm like all right what up go back to doing what I'm doing he goes and sits down in his seat I'm in my seat No More Words was said no more nothing no more anything you know what I'm saying I shortly after that I plane took off and I propped up my pillow you know what I'm saying took me a nap I interviewed Sir Mix lot uh a few weeks ago and what he told me was kind of interesting was that he made over $100 million off my Baby Got Back Baby Back Baby Got Back um me and you had this conversation recently you know we you know when I think a lot of hip-hop fans think that Ja Rule is broke you know you know because he may not have songs on the radio and stuff like that that's cool so to so to to clarify the situation that's cool how big is your car collection I'm good man like you know let me tell you like I don't even like to sit around and I'm not that type of dude like you you check my Instagram I'm not on Instagram bragging and showing my crib and right you know what I'm saying and showing my cars and showing my jewelry like I'm not I don't give a [ __ ] about that [ __ ] yo I'm in a different head space right now you know where I'm at right now how can I break in to to become one of these Fortune 500 dudes you know what I'm saying how can I how can I how can I topple the the Forbes list on some other [ __ ] not you know I don't even want to be on the hip-hop Forbes list I want to be on the Forbes list forb list yeah like I'm trying to figure out what's going to get me to that point you know what I'm saying because everything else is mute but the but but the reality is you own a lot of your publishing yeah I'm I'm I'm doing well for myself that's all people need to know I'm fine you know what I'm saying like I'm good good my family's good everybody's good I'm enjoying my life I'm good you know what I'm saying like I I don't even know what more to say you know what I'm saying like I I I could sit here and pull money out my pocket and you know what I'm saying like yo [ __ ] I'm good like that doesn't mean anything you know what I'm saying it really it doesn't you know saying I know a bunch of [ __ ] running around with money up to their ears and all this crazy [ __ ] they ain't got no money man right you know what I'm saying so I don't none of that [ __ ] means nothing to me man I'm just like yo you know what this second phase of my life I'm going to enjoy it enjoy my family because I I think up until this point I missed the point of what life was about you know what I mean I thought it was all about the material things to this to that you know but when I went to prison I realized that I didn't miss none of that only thing I missed was you know football games you know with my boys taking them to practice going being on that sideline watching them playing the games or being with my daughter you know these are the things that I missed you know my wife those are the things I missed I didn't miss my cars I didn't miss my CRI I miss my bed a little bit cuz that [ __ ] bed is hard as [ __ ] but you know I didn't miss those things like I thought I would I didn't miss being out on the road and and and doing tours and show I didn't miss that [ __ ] yo I didn't miss being in the studio per se I didn't miss that yo like I've been doing that a lot my for a long time in my life and I when I went in jail I just didn't miss those things things I missed were little things man the things that really matter in life and that was those were all family oriented things how did it really feel to be locked up for two years from living such a you know not only a free lifestyle but actually being successful and having accessibility to whatever it is that you want to suddenly being in this this metal you know you know that that that is that that's the biggest thing is just they strip you of your freedom they they strip you down of who you are period so yeah I'm in jail and and and I'm JY Rule and you know I'm the most famous [ __ ] in the prison everybody knows who I am and all of that [ __ ] but I'm one of y'all right now say I'm no better than y'all you know I'm the same D I'm just another number and and that's how I did my bid I did my bid amongst the people you understand you w in PC when I was in the state I was in PC because the state won't let you be in population they have what you call involuntary PC it's IPC and it don't matter what you say I want to be out there I want to be shut the [ __ ] up you're going in here we can keep an eye on you and we're not responsible for anything that happens to you cuz you're here you understand so that's how the state moves the feds don't move that way the feds are are very different you know you come get the feds they put you in the hole so you're in the hole you're in like Sal solitary confinement by yourself like and so I'm like yo hold the [ __ ] I'm like yo I didn't the whole is for [ __ ] whove done wrong who've done something to get them here you know say that's a place you'll drive you [ __ ] crazy 23 in1 lock down nah you know what I'm saying put me in population with everybody else where I can enjoy not enjoy but I can make phone calls throughout the day I can you know what I'm saying like have yeah like have a convers like don't have me and so like you sure are you sure you want to go to this when I was in MDC cuz they said you know we've had other celebrities here I ain't going to mention no names you know who you are you see what I'm saying they said we've had other celebrities here and they don't go downstairs they stay right up here I was like well I think I'll be all right I'm in I'm in New York this is my city I'm G to be fine you know what I'm saying let me go down there with with with the rest of the people man so they put me down there and funny the I mean from the time I walked in on the dorm it was in dorms time I walked in the dorm dudes was like oh [ __ ] like this [ __ ] came downstairs for real like they they couldn't even believe that I was down there and the word spread throughout the thing like you know Gotti and all of them was like yo [ __ ] we got word the minute you hit the floor like yo homies on the floor [ __ ] he's he's he ain't in solid he ain't up in the hole [ __ ] this [ __ ] is walking around on the Dome with [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so a new respect was even formed for [ __ ] who have believed those stories or whatever you know what I'm saying and then actually got a chance to meet me they're like nah homie's a real [ __ ] I [ __ ] with him you know what I'm saying I know he's a real [ __ ] cuz I'm [ __ ] with him right now I'm talking to him live direct I know he's a he's a real dude you know what I'm saying so it was it was just a different thing but that's how the feds roll so any uh altercations while you were in prison for for the years um not really not really cuz you know it's crazy but dudes you know they they had a a real high respect level for me it's like a lot of dudes in there Street dudes so they know what's going on on the streets versus the kids that's in Omaha Nebraska that just read blogs and hear these little one two stories that [ __ ] is telling about J Rule and run with that you know what I'm saying these is [ __ ] that's on the ground that know what's going on that know of PR team that know of you know what I'm saying my team and who I run with and who I roll with and they know like J's a good dude he's a real dude you know what I'm saying so it was it wasn't no altercations okay growing up in Queens tell me about it we weren't the creators of hip-hop cuz the Bronx owns that but um we was definitely the front one of the front Runners you know that that um really took hip-hop to to different heights you know with with people like Russell Simmons you know who I I I call him The Godfather right you know hip-hop and Run DMC Run DMC you know who who were enormous for hip-hop just you know amazingly big things you know LL Cool J right you know the list goes on onx Quest as you know myself you know [ __ ] 50 and his whole you know thing you know his whole crew so Queens is um we've we've we've spawned a lot of [ __ ] great talent like like at what point did you really think that you you going to take rap seriously I had to be about 15 14 15 okay just just starting High school um started getting into the music real heavy you know um you know we before before that you know we was just young dudes just you know in the hood doing what we do you know out on them streets you know selling drugs whatever just you know just just trying to make some money be successful in life you know those are the first you know successful figures you see when you come from the hood is is is you know the drug dealers you know [ __ ] was the big cars and they got all the [ __ ] and [ __ ] so you know that that's your first sight of of what success is and and you figure out how to obtain that success and the easiest way is to grab a pack and go out on the block or whatever but being from Hollis you know I got to see the other side of it too you know I see run and D coming through you know I see L coming through so yeah J Master J and it was like oh [ __ ] he got the new 50 I'm dying to get one of those you know so you know that that gave me another out look on it too like you know I don't only have to do this maybe maybe I could do that and obtain success and [ __ ] how old were you when you first start selling drugs um I was probably about 12 13 what were you doing at that time [ __ ] I had just moved out of of of my grandmother's you know house and and started Living back with my mother I lived with my grandmother from the time when I was about um maybe about six okay to about 11 12 that age and um you know my mom she wasn't doing as well as my grandparents you know so so we were struggling and and and hustling was just it was kind of inevitable you know we moved it felt like we moved every week me and my moms you know from from spot to spot tough it was tough you know my pops wasn't there whatever you know my grandparents they they they was holding her down you know helping hold down the whole situation for a lot of years is and you know then that went sour their relationship went sour so we was kind of like the black sheep to the family and it was just me and Mom what do you think was the was the craziest thing that you experienced selling drugs during that time it was a lot man I mean you know like dudes that that that you know was close to us you know their parents was on the [ __ ] and [ __ ] like that and and sisters and brothers and we used to sell to them to you know model was thing going get it from us and get it from somebody else so you know when I look back on those times and situations I was like that was like crazy [ __ ] to to to do you know sell to your man's moms or you know like it was just crazy but um when I was sell I think the craziest [ __ ] that I went through when I was uh selling selling dope I was up in skincity you know up in up an orany and um I live with a dope fend and we use her apartment is our you know trap house or whatever that's what they call it now but you know then it was just you know the spot or whatever you we used her house as as our spot we bagged up and and you know and and held money and and [ __ ] like that and she had a little son you know that lived with her and she was always too [ __ ] up to really care for the little [ __ ] like that so you know we essentially became his father figures and as Twisted as it may sound you know um we was a lot of good for the kid you know we we we took him under our way you know we we you know let them know keep stay in school and get your education [ __ ] that we wasn't doing you know stay away from the weed stay away from hustling you know all the [ __ ] that we was doing we was trying to encourage the Young The Young the young man to stay away from cuz you know at the end of the day you know that the [ __ ] we knew that the [ __ ] we was doing wasn't right but it it was kind of a way to to to to keep everything going or ends to a means I guess you know so you know that that was probably the the the craziest [ __ ] that I Endure at the height of uh murdering success yeah the FED case came down fed case yeah now fed case the beefs all that [ __ ] all that [ __ ] that [ __ ] just hit us like a brick all at one time well what what what some people don't realize about a Fed case as opposed to a state case or or whatever else is that the feds have a 90 95% conviction rate yeah I think it's a little higher than that like 98 98% conviction right yeah [ __ ] like so so beating beating the feds was not a a realistic outcome going into a trial no fed's got everything lined up etc etc our offices took everything all our computers all our just everything just they had they had my pool plans and [ __ ] my pool it everything everything was in the office was there and [ __ ] like it was like for real like everything everything everything um what was your relationship with Supreme I love PR man um PR was you know I known PR for a long time you know since I was basically a a kid DN near you know what I mean him black just bie you know I knew I knew just I met just through through black you know my my group member Chris black when I was like 16 years old you know what I mean so I knew these guys were a long time and they they they've always been around you know I used to I used to buy some of my you know drugs from on that side and I used to buy it already bagged up from Prem them cuz they work was that good and you know they used to have these big ass capsules so I I mean I just you I used to just buy the work already bagged up but I I knew them for a long time and my relationship with PR is like that's like that's the big homie yeah you know what I mean they they Tred to say that Murder Inc was financed by Supreme's drug money and stuff like that yeah that's that's what that's what the feds was trying to you know push forward that we was laundering money and you know we gave pre game gave us 2 million and we laed it for him and you know it was a lot of crazy stories and and act you know accusations thrown in in the mix were you were you part of that trial or was it just no they just they was got they yeah they didn't they didn't uh indict me on that they indicted Chris and Irv Chris and IR yeah yeah yeah but you know my name and everything was all through the trial and right you know this you had to testify and everything else like that n no no no no none of that you never testified on on Herb's behalf or nothing no I didn't have to didn't have to the case was so ridiculous I mean it was like like you know what I'm saying like crazy I remember reading about you know after it ended I remember one of the jurors just saying like this whole fed case is [ __ ] like [ __ ] you know what's CRA what's crazy is you can't and this is basically what the feds was telling us you can't make somebody like that like PR that is our friend childhood friend a part of your business cuz if you do we're going to [ __ ] come after you say you're starting a drug Enterprise or you know you're laundering money or whatever this is what they tried to put on us to say we was starting a drug Enterprise because we had x amount of felons working okay payroll so Supreme was part of Murder Inc no Supreme was just a friend a friend okay and when Prim came home P wanted to do a movie uh a Donald gos movie called uh crime Partners okay and so that deal was done through def gen you know got helped him get it done and whatever whatever but you know here's a dude that just came home with a passion to make films want to do something different besides being on the streets yeah so I I thought this was America I thought this was you know land the second chances you know home of the free you know what I'm saying but so because of that FS try to right that's where it all came in but you know there's other stories out there that the feds were told other things by other people and these are the reasons why they came in and did what they did it wasn't you know it wasn't a coincidence that they just said oh you know murder in K him Supreme McGriff drug you know the feds if anybody knows anything about the feds the reason why they're so successful that the conviction rate is so successful is because they have performance yeah people that talk and testify and that that's why the conviction rate is so successful because it's not that they actually go out and you know got wabs this that they do that too when it's ongoing investigation but nine times out of 10 they snatch a guy that's willing to talk less than his his sentence less than his sentence yeah or whatever to to give information on this other situation that is how the feds rle that's how they convict you guys beat it though yeah walked away from it yeah because it wasn't the 2% it wasn't yeah the 2% because it wasn't really it was nothing really to go on in in the case you know the the money that they were speaking of was money that Death Jam had given PR to do the movie and it like this whole thing ridic all it's just like major corporations yeah it's ridiculous you know how much uh how much time was uh Irving Chris facing 20 years 20 years were they given like a plea bargain for a lesser time yeah but the plea bargain was like ridiculous too originally you were part of Cash Money click yeah uh was Cash Money click signed or or no yeah we had a deal with uh tvt Records with tvt yeah with uh Mike Jano and and you know Gotti he put that that whole thing together over there tvt could have been one of the biggest labels right now MH and I'm going tell you why when I went over to tvt they had they already had Mike jono which you know wasn't you know he was you know up and coming and doing his thing it was know how out there in the marketplace but they also had a a a group young fledgling group called 9in Nails right uh they also had the chance to to sign a um a a new upand cominging artist named Snoop Dogg because Dr Dre brought the chronic album when he was shopping the album and bringing it to different labels he wrote it to tvt first and then you know he had he he had a a a young artist you know um that was with a group by named JY Ru that turned out to be pretty successful himself and then Irv also brought him DMX and Jay-Z so I'm just saying when I look back on it that label could have been humongous it could have been a big big big rap label but he didn't like The Chronic he didn't get it he didn't get DMX and JayZ he [ __ ] the [ __ ] over 9in Nails [ __ ] me over and the rest is history what what led to your deal at Def Jam your solo deal the situation with TBT it wasn't right but that that that wasn't what what what really broke broke the cams back it was so we got our deal from tvt it wasn't a big deal we may have got like I don't know maybe like I want to say like 10 15 grand or some [ __ ] like that right to split between the three of us right so we you know those are those are record deals back in the days that's just kind of how it was it was [ __ ] deals but anyway so we we had an idea we took the money was like all right this is not a lot of money but if we flip the money and buy some drugs we can turn it into some real money right so that was our plan so we flipped the money bought some drugs and you know was was was we was on our way baby you know what I'm saying was on our way to being rappers slash drug dealers drug dealers and and in the process of that my man Chris black that was with the group he got locked up and he did five years and and that kind of deterred everything because tvt wasn't willing to go ahead go forward with just me and O in the in the group as members without black and so after that I I I kind of wanted off the label I wanted you know out of that situation I'm like well you expect me to just sit around for five years and not do anything so that was kind of the the situation so you know um me and Gotti kind of started you know working on some solo stuff doing some stuff you know I met Foxy Brown yeah this this is I met foxy Brown at a club called Q Club in Queens M and uh Jay and uh foxy was performing ain't no [ __ ] that night M and it was my birthday and uh I was having like a semi party there you know and and I was having I was having a little birthday party there and it you know of course it was going to be a great night cuz Jay and Foxy was performing so it was be a good night for me to go go there and have my party and you know all my homies was there and they was showing me a lot of love you know um sending me over bottles and [ __ ] it celebrating my birthday and J's birthday you know so foxy want to know who the [ __ ] was the dude getting on the love that that obviously nobody knew but you know but but the people in in the in the circle and then me and Foxy ended up kicking it you know talking and then you know I told her you know you know I make music too you know trying to get my thing going and blah blah blah so we we had a good conversation we spoke about music we exchanged numbers and and me and Foxy became cool me and Gotti we used to we we had we used to go to different Studios while we were working on my working on some of these solo records that I was doing and um you remember remember the box at the time yeah so you video music box not video music box no wait the Box the box or you could order videos so for all y'all out there that might not know there was a station called the box back in the days and you could call up and it was like 99 cent you could order a video of your choice and for everybody play for everybody on TV yeah so so Gotti had this great idea he said listen he said the hottest record right now is meth and Mary you're all I need M every time that [ __ ] video plays we're going to call in you'll get the fortune video so we would go to Studios book studio time you know 8 10 hour blocks of studio time and while we're there we recording we doing we doing every time your rooll ID came on you know what I'm saying get the fortune get the fortune so the idea was people would be watching [ __ ] your all I need cuz it was the hottest record maybe they wouldn't change the channel right after and they would see J Rule J Rule and cash money click would get the fortune so our idea worked and and the legend has it they were having a big meeting up in up at De Jam Jam Master J was meeting with Leo and and Russell and you know a lot of the heads over at in the Death Jam office and they were sitting there in the in the in the war room and marveling over there meth and Mary video and right after the meth and Mary video goes off this little grainy black and white video comes on and [ __ ] and it's JY rro and J Master J stood up in the in the meeting and said that little [ __ ] right there is going to be a star and from that moment Leo was intrigued okay who's the little [ __ ] who are these guys let's find them so Leo set off to find jyu Otti Cash Money click he set out to find our situation and see what was going on with our situation in the meantime me and Foxy cool was speaking on the phone from time to time she calls me one day she's like J you never believe this guess who was asking about you today and I'm like who she's like Leo he said Leo called me in the office today he said I'm looking to sign new group some new groups to Death Jam he said I'm looking at uh these guys uh Lord TQ competed guns and these other dudes Cash Money click and she was like oh yeah I cash money click I know them I call Gotti I tell him n y got I said yo Leo wants to sign us you know you know how once the story gets from here to here it becomes a whole different thing Leo's looking to he wants to sign us Gotti call him let's find him he wants to sign us so got's like he's like where you hear he this from I'm like yo foxy told me he's like all right let me call Jay let me see if there's any validity to this he calls Jay Jay makes his calls or whatever JayZ Jay-Z yeah he makes his cloes whatever he's like yo you know I'm I'm not really in with Death Jam like that but I'm hearing that you know there's some truth to the story so long story short Leo finds us he's we sets up a meeting for us to come meet him we go to meet Leo and you know in the me and Leo's very shrewd businessman he he looks at me and got and and my man oh and he says yo I only want the little guy he said I love goty Spirit too he said I I I like Gody spirit so he you know he Gotti was you know when God he loves something he's passionate about something he he's a bulldog and he was in there and then you know he was telling the story why we're going to be successful and how the jobs going to take over the game Who and and and Leo loved his energy and high it got he as aing off a de J what was your man saying at this time you know that was a difficult thing because it was like Bittersweet it was like yes damn you know what I'm saying like like you know so you know I had a conversation with oh and and you know he was basically like listen man we we we however we do it you know we got to do it so that's dope yeah so so so I went and took took the deal over at Death Jam I couldn't get out of my deal with tvt at first that was a hard thing so in the meantime of that Gotti Leo was like what the [ __ ] you know we going to do we you know we can't get J right now Gotti said I got another guy trust me you're gonna love this guy too I got another guy he's hot I'll bring him to you and you know whatever he brought him DMX
Channel: djvlad
Views: 22,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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