Gene Deal Breaks Silence On Diddy's Homes Being Raided By Feds & His Drug Mule Being Used As Witness

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[Music] Jean deal we gotta get right into it man didy his house got R how you feel about that well I think that the authorities came up with enough evidence to go into a judge by using the civil cases that has came upon him so because they used the civil cases and found that there were some activity that may have been found at some one of those people who like Cassie Jonathan Jonathan OD didn't have a a civil case against them but Cassie Jonathan Odie and Lil Rob they used the evidence that they had or the statements they made and convince the judge that there was enough uh probable cause to go in there with a search one but the way they did the search one and how they did it man I thought he was El Choo or somebody you they took a tactical team in there brother they had tactical units you understand and it was for allegedly a sex crime but they took yo my man you did you see the artillery and the the way the the homeland security came in there my man you would have swore you know it was going to be some gun violence up and nothing how they came to it so my feeling of it is is that uh enough statements have been made that they could probably prove they did enough investigation see people think that that when the federal government go in there on you the reason they got a 99% uh conviction rate because most people say they got me they don't go to court with them so for them to have a team in New York because they didn't really mention too much about New York they had property in New York property in Miami and a property in La all simultaneously hit those different agencies had to get together plan that and that's not no bull you know that's a lot of Manpower a lot of money so they want to know uh how they spent the taxpayer the taxpayers goingon to know why you spending my money on this to come up with nothing so you best believe they had something in the first place to go up in there either through like I said before wire Taps you understand because if they convinced the judge that they need a warrant they had wide Taps surveillance and different things that was going on and then like it's a lot of crazy statements that been made you got to look at that interview that uh Jonathan Odie did bro you know what I'm saying that was probably more damaging than Cassie and uh that was more damaging than Cassie cuz check this out he said didd he was trans porting liquid cocaine on his private jets now the DEA wasn't involved in this it was the FBI and the homeland security basically that's because of the sex trafficking thing but if they find any of that stuff in any one of his houses there's a problem even if they find illegal guns the constitutional right goes the right to bear arms but he had to have licenses for that so if anybody got legal illegal guns up in there if they find any kind of drugs to aert a high amount cocaine and weed I don't think Diddy gonna get charged because what he did he put everything in his kid's name and his company did you see the video of his kids and handcuffs yeah that's a tactical thing the kids being in handcuff is a tactical thing that law enforcement use you understand hoping that people never been in handcuffs before that it either scares them or want to make them talk it's no reason after they searched those kids because they didn't have a search one for bodies they had a search one for like materials laptops telephones uh uh logs pictures tapes you know that's what they search one is for they didn't have a search one for bodies so those kids when they came out they should have searched them and then yo listen y'all sit down right there that was that was a that was a a a a tactical move to get them to talk and to scare them into saying something you you know by keeping them handcuffed like that they didn't have to do those kids like that none of those kids have that I know of criminal cases against them are known for criminal activity so was no reasons for them to do that if them was the damn Rockefellers or or or somebody else they wouldn't had their kids handcuffed like that but you got to realize they father has painted a crazy picture to the authorities you understand it's a crazy picture and people don't realize this brother first and foremost puff has been dodging the legal system for years his affiliation with BMF even though meech has said that puff never did anything puff never been around they still was part together so in authori mind they feel like puff knew what meech was doing then with the introduction to Jacob and different people and a lot of people going to jail for money laundry and stuff like that puff being um and this is documented puff being a CI for a FBI agent I said this years ago that kimy Kirk Burl took some paperwork they was taking some papers up to the to the uh uh FBI St like when they was here in New York they was taking paperwork up there and stuff like that don't know what it was but later on found out that he was a CI you understand now what happens he don't have that the guy probably that was 20 30 years 20 some years ago the guy probably retired tired puff ain't dealing with him no he didn't pass puff on or something like that so now puff been dodging the legal system with the uh uh people had it wrong they think it was with the Black Mafia Family no it was with but necked I said this years ago the person that he said is a senior advisor Corey Jacobs Cory had n16 of life sentences for drug trafficking you make him your Senor advisor even though that was your man he coming home that's your man Pats and pots and pants but wolf was the one who took care of them when they was away you know what I'm saying wol was the one who took care of them so now you got all these you know these characters you know around you what they going to come what they going to think when they come to your house they got the evidence of they had statements that you blew up kid cu's car you understand what I'm saying they they had statements that you know you may have been affiliated with people being shot so they come to your house like this they treat your kids like this based on the picture you have PL to the authorities so them having his kids like that I think that was wrong after they search those kids make sure they didn't have no weapons on them sit them down on the ground make them feel comfortable because at this time they're not criminals they they haven't they haven't committed any crimes I see I see speaking of drugs right because you made a comment about it earlier how you feel about Diddy's drug mule getting arrested the the news about them arresting a mule now they G to have to prove that now if that guy becomes a a witness and if they can track anything back to puff with that that's going to be one of their star witness damn cuz see they will give him leny they were like yo listen to me we hey hey buddy listen here we don't really want you you know we know you was just doing this to you know you were doing this to take care of your family feed your moms you know what I'm saying pay your rent we know that this guy's living on this Mansion using you then that guy becomes a star Witness
Channel: The Art Of Dialogue
Views: 1,014,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gene deal, diddy, puff daddy, p diddy
Id: RQaK5AZvomU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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