Jürgen Klopp Interview | TAW Special

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n years oh my God so many things happened going again to the final it's incredible come on what a story Barcelona only happened to us this generation us who watch it now so these special stories nobody can take away from us somebody would have told me that I will feel 9 years later the the way I feel now I was said that's actually I don't think that's possible um you are a really special special club we turned all together from doubters to Believers so the main message is keep believing and you can keep changing the world you know what this is uh Jurgen John Craig me Neil I've got a question my first question is not football oh good oh good no football so you've been in Liverpool for nine years yeah and you've been y klopp so in terms of both time and being Jurgen klopp what's the one thing you'd like to have done in Liverpool you haveen been able to of anything enjoying the city enjoy the city yeah yeah yeah so my life is I live actually like um a life in the second row so just working up is in odd but the private life is always people tell me so family is there and friends are there and they go out in the city and come on oh my God was like that and was like that and I just say okay okay oh great and my feeling is so positive about the city is crazy but I've actually been there four or five times on a truck twice the the the very first night the very first night um when there's a famous picture with my ping had when we just walked around the corner Hope Street hotel around the corner Ola Pete and I had a beer and we got invited by the celebrities this ladies thank got a made a picture and um that was tonight and maybe two three more time but I really know a lot and in very early when we when we when we still lived in the flat in seon park um ol and I walked just into the city um and walked at night through the city because it was obviously really really tricky for me so that's and really enjoying the city going or going into the stadium as a normal the pter that these are the things I I I I I'm sometimes dream of um not being your Club just having exactly the same fun like everybody else in these moments because it's for everybody it's so everybody who is visiting us around matches has kind of holiday and the time of their life and for me it's work so after the game everybody wants to talk to me oh was was that oh my God and that was that oh come on leave me alone I don't want to talk about it spoke already to 15 TV station stuff like so yeah enjoying the city that would be really cool what's um what's your last impression of the people within the city again sort of people I know really work all here few people from outside not too many but a few but the feeling I get is again from people telling me and I only had now recently by my eye doctor um he told me he used to live in London is coming here say there's no other this a special breed these SC it's completely different um and he he lives now here and he he loves it and it's really exactly like that um if they are open arms you are open arms um if you all know there are a few different people as well but in general the most friendly open people you can you can meet the problem is what can I say really that's only see you in the stadium um um so that's all part of the big decision uh that I have to step aside I I need I'm so curious about life um and was since years and years not only here before already Dortmund T yeah was like that and and and Min even M was just a city but that's enough so I don't go out in the city I was from one point on the most famous person and lived in a two-bedroom flat so but there like people walking past my I's living yeah exactly and that's too long now yeah so um that I just I I take all the benefit from it the money and I know that stuff like this that's all great and never had SP time to spend it really as well it's like what what can you do um so that's it um I'm really looking forward to and the people how I know them and how I get told are the warmest again once you you get us you you got a SC you will have him forever so that's pretty much um how I see it when you think about that when people go out do they tell you like all they talk about is the football the football's everywhere they come over for the football they then go out T night to the football Town's Heen and they then come home to you and saying and it was all because of the football and you you know that that's what the football's done yeah yeah yeah everybody wants to talk to me about football all all the time all the time that's fine I like talking about football that's not that's not a massive problem but it's just it's just the way it is I I only can understand life in that way I I step aside have a look and think what would I do so for me the example is always so I'm obviously not the person who Who Never Was and now I'm definitely not to want to have a selfie with somebody and we living a life in in in a time when you obviously cannot survive if you see somebody and you don't have a selfie or an autograph so I never had to go an aut and have one selfie and it was more roof because Messi was around so I did it but that's it pretty much um so it's crazy I don't understand it but I'm constantly in the middle of it so but that's it now the football made it all happen football is the best thing made my life I love it since I'm can think worked out much better than I ever thought if you look at my career it's super special actually it's actually again stepping aside have a look at it it's not possible where I'm coming from it's just not possible ending up at Liverpool FC and and and when I when when Liverpool FC was the biggest that time in the time unbeatable and all these kind of things I played myself somewhere on the countryside more or less like it just was so far apart and so many things had to go right that I arrived here it's um and then enjoying it as much as I did here um it's just it's all because of football I know that so there's no other chance for me to to be as successful as I was yeah you said it's been largely work then so what what parts of the work are you most proud of because you've done so much here you've you've won so many trophies pretty much everyone you you cut off you've given us so many amazing nights but you've developed a lot of footballers as well you know young ones you know ones who were maybe s of 23 24 you've turned well you've helped turned to we class players so when when you do look back on a body of work you know what what are you most proud of I'm interested there all they're all they're all special stories so I'm I'm not sure if being proud or feeling pride is the right is the right feeling I'm I'm not sure um but this morning Trent's mom was here and wanted to say thank you and goodbye more or less and she told me what she thought when Brent left and I came in and how how she thought because they told her before when Trent was even younger when your boy is in the age you need an English manager because Managers from other countries don't look at the Academy so she was really worried uh that could happen and how that all worked out um that's a beautiful story it is just see her now I know her from the beginning because the first contract I think she was she did them she was in a building two contract first two contract probably um and it's really funny and see her now how well she's doing and looks great and is happy and Trent obviously did really well his brother is an age now and and and all that happened in that time it is really nice that I was around when kind when these kind of stories happen then um yeah another Channel showed me um this morning early um things my former players said about me so from here like Millie Adam Trent bir MO before West time probably very very very positive um and it's and if I if I look at that and I think okay if they if they would talk about somebody else I would think oh my God that must be a nice guy but if it's about yourself you think it's Cal to take it's just if somebody it's easier to say he's so good look at that how good he is my God he's so good and somebody turns around you are so good whoa whoa whoa stop it that doesn't work I I cannot deal with that really to be honest but it was really emotion and but now coming back I I think I'm I I am probably proud of creating these kind of relationships and it only works for that long anyway if you are from time to time successful yeah and what I love about our journey because obviously it could have been we all know that little bit here and there it could have been even more successful but it what that was only on days so here go more here a better decision here that here it was days all the rest would have been the same and I know it makes all the difference because that would have meant three or four parades maybe or stuff like that I I you cannot change it anyway anymore that but that means adding all the other days where it was really great it was an incredible amount of time where we really enjoyed what we did maybe like no one before because it was just so fantastic how we all grew together through you as well I'm pretty sure it works like that because I know it's um we need and I told you before we need people who explain the situation and what I like about and that I watch you not all the time obviously um but I watch from time to time I like these different perspectives you bring in because what we get now is individual opinions all the time so not good enough get him out stuff like this boom my God you you win yeah he's the greatest of all time they lose he's too long here so so it's it's 100% like that and to to really understand situations you need to talk about it and explain it or discuss it and when you discuss it you realize yeah you might have a point yeah that might be right and that's why and we kept it always on this level it was we failed big without doing little less without whatever but we failed big or lost big and we won big and um actually I remember only properly where we wanton it so uh I'm really happy with what we did um could have been better but could have been much worse as well of course you talk about winning big and losing big I think that's something which know I think that you people as you say when people feel these days exposed the idea of you know there'll be big opinions I feel that some people have become almost like a little risk averse like they'd almost rather have a quiet life and not take any chances to to win big you've got to get to Big occasions where you can lose big and that to me feels like that's being like the underlying thing of all your time here we've won so big and so brilliantly but it's meant every now and again you're going to lose big and it's going to hurt and you've got to accept it's going to hurt you got to almost enjoy that it hurts cuz you had all the moments along the way 100% if you want to lose B big you have to be ready to lose big that's how it is there's no there's no other chance yeah qualifying for a final obviously semi-final celebration now the other night Dortmund celebrating like crazy but the final is still come still to come and so yeah you are the winner of that match day if you lose the final it's not silver medal a shame it's not that there was football I will not change I cannot change that and if I would say no that would be great or that just to make me feel better to be honest I'm not sure I'm educated in the system so I love silver medalists at Olympic games I love it and I love how they celebrate how much it means or bronze medalist how much it means to them or best your person best time at the marathon or how how much that means so and everybody teach us that it's just how we see it because if I go to Olympic Games and win the bronze medal before that nobody thought I I will be on on the on the Bess and then you win the bronze medal and the only thing in that moment you can think I was so close and I want gold was so close come on do it next time stuff like this so um I really with the with the how we speak about things too often my feeling is of all these guys who speak about football uh it's like they personally offens it yeah so we lose the game how can you do that it was not on purpose I can promise I I honestly it was not on purpose I didn't want to do it and the other guys didn't want to do it and it's it's it's really crazy this but it's not only football that's just the the time so it's like that's it's always this actually what did I do to you personally that you talk like this about me or the boys or the players or stuff like this so that's that's the things I will never understand so the only way I had it's just not listen to it to to get through all this it's I'm really not interested so it's for me it's like people don't know me people don't try to understand me why should I be interested in their opinion yeah and that's why this this real critical um dealing with specific things I never will understand but there's nothing to do with our time because I think our time here pretty much you have you look at it and you think yeah yeah it was positive obviously I was I was looking back before we do this and I was looking at 2018 and I think 2018 from start to finish first game's Burnley 2-1 clav all the way through uh last second to last game third to last game wolves 2-0 everything in the middle all the Run 5- nil up against Roma and I I was looking at it yesterday and I was thinking that's the most fun year I think I've ever had support in Liverpool and we didn't win a trophy not one all the way through we don't win a single trophy but I was looking at it thinking I can't remember ever enjoying so much hope so much belief watching them you believe leav in them and then they do something else brilliant they go to portter with 5-0 who does that was our first Champions League knockout game and I I was and I just looking at the whole year and I was thinking that is the most incredible fun I've ever had supporting Liverpool that year the reason why that think is where we came from number one number two we didn't think before before the final already or whatever I mean but if you don't win it it's it's not it's not really why would enjoy it if you don't win it in the end it's all about winning it's all about but if you don't win then it don't even try so that's exactly that in that time we were that young and at fresh and had no success before really and stuff like this so we just went for it we we thought we can conquer the world pretty much I think cuz it felt like it came out of nowhere but actually it didn't cuz we had the Europa League run a couple of Seasons before I think what Neil's talking about around like the fun and enjoyment like yeah I think that C4 the road to Kev is one of you know probably the three months most fun I've ever had as Liverpool fan because it was new and it was vibrant and there was an explosion on the C when we beaten City the way the team played as well was just like so exitting we qualified for Champions League Through The Knockout with um what is it the playoffs with with Hoff that's right and go to the final that's super special so what I what I said that time the fun part was I think we play did we play Middlesboro was last matchday midlesboro where so where we only realized so we no we have to win it but we won it qualify Champs league and then after the game only we had kind of a little party and do we have to play the playoffs so and then you see Hoff with nasman that time and I watched them a couple of times really clear idea and and difficult to play but we all know from an English or Liverpool point of view who who where they don't even know the city Nobody Knows the city in Germany but it's a football club and they they play really well um and you know ah don't celebrate it too early blah but so we did it really well we played there already really well going through that group St like or the the the the um knockout stages it was incredible the whole the whole campaign was incredible and then the last game was incredible as well in a different way um and we are not the the the first and obviously not the last ones who who will get beaten by Real Madrid because they found so far they always found a way um and that's really strange but that day was really tough but we took in the right way and then doing what we did the year after going again to the final yeah it's incredible come on what a story you you win it and you go again I think that happened before right five and six Liverpool won five and and six you in a final game but there you lost it then yeah it was 2007 it was two years later two years later okay but losing it and pick yourself up and go again by not winning the league for a point or for a goal for winning or or not given handball of R in by the way that's a situation is really crazy that hand ball so I don't know where we played but we we were already the the whole team was in the bus and Everton city is on on telly we watch it and that situation happened in the whole bus like in know H wait you're not giving it but what so it's like these moments so you anyway you can go back to the time and stuff like you cannot change it but that so not getting there if you want and then um having three weeks time to prepare a Champions League final which is good and bad as well it's like strange it's like a preseason how can you how can you deal with that um and going there and winning it it's it's h these two years were three years actually were really mad they were mad yeah we kept saying oh this is the best season we've had oh this is the best season we had every season after before that those three seasons even sort of in the runup to kyev and before that was there a moment of sort of realization for you that there was hu that much potential within the squad oh I said in the first year I said in the first year when we when when we then finally qualified I think maybe it was before the hhe game or after hhe games I went through it said look Champions League well XM said teams playing there maybe five or six can win it we are one of them so that's how it is so um it's not that we just we want to be part of or somehow let's see how far we go we're one of the teams who can win it so it's not why would we wait um and obviously pretty sure probably we did it on last match in the group stage very like very likely made it be more exciting than it should be yeah yeah yeah there were a couple of games where so Naples was obviously our place Belgrade don't really need that uh I I don't think I heard the name of the guy ever before and Ever After scored the two goals and it's awful long way to the pitch from the from the dressing room you probably didn't see that but there were the cars for the for the ground keeper they drove through that as well but it was just space like that left and right but the car came and you walked through and the car came in where's he going still a wall like that the car by is all really crazy but we somehow we made it um and that's obviously besides enjoying the moment there are not so many situations where you can really learn something for life in our normal life because we are only alone and we deal with a situation sometimes better sometimes less good we got a knock here we have a close friend or family member who got a stuff like but where can you really learn so from the how how to deal with with circumstances and here we did that on the big stage because no no life none of our Lives is is free of bumps and hurdles and stuff like this it's just not but then you think okay I have to deal with that how you don't ask your neighbor five hour by the way I heard you similar situation what did you do in that moment you just were alone with that but in football that's what you can do if you're really like we are that kind of have this incredible connection really between between team and and and and and people and supporters um you learn it all together you want it all everybody wants it all you don't get it and then there is a bunch of people who say yeah then I don't want it anymore or actually we're that close so I think we should give it another try and that's what we did now with the Championship Champions League that what we did obviously with the league and yes and we suffered as well from these kind of things like what happened in the after we won the league I think it was a moment when the started and we were the worst ever title the season we had the point seller we had or whatever but the injury we had is is crazy and then immediately there it's not unlucky it's an maybe a footb is too intense maybe last year it was too hard like after our nearly quadruple season they tell us there was too hard yeah maybe it was but sorry but do we say we say F cup I that sorry that doesn't fit in our in our schedule we cannot do that or the other thing and we can't do it we were that close which is absolutely crazy and the year after we suffered brutally from it but you can't really explain it because it could have gone with a bit more luck it could have gone the other way around as well so it's all really it's really crazy and that's so many things so intense 9 years oh my God so many things happened but we could learn a lot all together and that's really cool how quickly did you realize that the the power of the crowd was going to be such a big asset for you guys for for the team and and for what you want to achieve and especially in Europe when when those home games you know were I you know it felt to me like we were a force that was oh became we became a force massive massive cuz people talk about dormund but I don't know if it was before that or because that was a pretty special night it was so look Liverpool was a big club before I arrived BR and and a massive Club of course but there was a it was not clear that everybody wants the same so one wanted the good old times back players w ready to do that it's not I don't wouldn't and then I come in and it's like ah now he's there and pretty much from the first day everybody expects that you see big change big big things changing and um that's really difficult it's really difficult and I remember time when we were so you you can sense in a stadium it's nil nil and you go for one nil and you have a chance and if the people think you will score eventually or if the people think again you can I can I I could with closed eyes I listen and I could say oh similar sound not the same so it's like are they positive yeah go again or are they my God so that's when exactly it's still n nil in both cases um and that obviously we needed time and then we had this home games where West Brom and all these kind of things so that was not most exciting football but we we really tried hard uh to to to implement a different approach and that's important so like fighting OD it's going against everything us against the world these kind of thing so it's not going great but if you want to change something you have to first change your own mindset your own attitude and with attitude I don't mean the attitude was bad before not at all but it's like from this I don't sure I'm good enough to oh I belong here and we we we we can do it for the people and that was obviously beginning a it might might have been Dortmund because Dortmund was a super positive situation we played there really well then the game goes in the wrong direction because dman was really good that time um and then we turned around that might be the Turning Point probably and was a great night if Barcelona would have never happened it was still be the best European night we ever had even when it was in European leagues it was absolutely outstanding and fantastic and um I still remember D gor rri's interview after the game and he said the boss in half timee we can write a story which we can tell our grandkids when I look around I probably said that but when you look around nobody had kids that time two I spoke about the grandkids and they had done two or three million handle maybe they had kids a few of them but the rest was just see but it inspired even deok until today he had no has no is not started but that's that's the thing about the past eight years you've you've almost reminded us of what Liverpool's always been this idea that you know it's the big European nights it's the overcoming adversity it's the you know harnessing the the the atmosphere of of anfield you know it's all of these things that you know you're talking about the the the unity as well is it the fact that when we come together the it's it's hard to beat us yeah you're talking about uh you know saying to the players about talking telling the grandkids you know there's a certain generation that have grown up listening to their their grandparents and their and their dads boring them to death about how good Liverpool were in the 70 and 80s but there's a whole new generation now have been I've grown up with you as manager and now they get to I can't wait to bore my son to death a patch on S yeah yeah no that's true it's the as part of that where you sort of find yourself now looking at them is there a bit of you that's thinking well like 10 more years with Harvey Elliot do you know what I mean this is the big yeah yeah yeah no I have that I would love to I'm really it's so hard for like all the kids who came up now Conor Bradley Bobby Clark only the other day because he is injured and not always in we had this already this final talk pretty much um all the boys are on the page jell concert it's incredible how good they are um I would love to be around to do that actually that's not the right person to do it so that's it so but I will follow it I will watch it and I'm happy and and I have to phone them as long as they they change quite frequently as long they keep me in the list I will have to number um and all these kind of things yeah yeah I I I would love to do that absolutely so I had when I left Dortmund um page came through so I had him as 16year old in training and I thought oh my god wow so what is that so and then you see him later B Chelsea and doing well now AC Milan stuff like this so yes I would love that's true but it's you I would love to stay with all the people in the building so that that for for everybody here it's more a personal thing because everybody was knows on a professional basis clear you cannot just have that forever but as the moment from the first moment from the shock when I said it and to yeah it was always clear happens this year next year in two years it's always the same thing so it's now obviously maybe supporters might see that slight different yeah we have another year with that or another year with that but for the people here who I feel very responsible for as well it's just like if it happens now in two years makes no difference it's would have been always hard because of the relationship we have so I would love to see them every day for the next 20 years because I love them all we great here in here building an incredible relationship we are close friends we care about each other but it's just not possible so that's it and so then in that moment you accepted that then you just think okay come on let's just be thankful for the time we had because that is already special at eight and a half years in a football club of the size of Liverpool is actually if you ask somebody rather unlikely rather likely nowadays with all the expectations and we didn't win everything in that time so and we had hard moments in that time so and with all the possible whatever people however people see like this our owners don't do that enough don't do that there was not one second where they gave us a now we have to do it try it somehow differently and that could have happened and would have happened in other clubs probably it didn't just everybody wanted this to work wanted this combination constellation with people Stu like want we do it like that we try it as hard as we can people AR always happy with as hard we try on a financial base stuff like this but this was the thing that's the way we could do it and that's how we did it um and I'm completely in peace with my effort I have one or two struggles with the outcome but that's not to change so if I would sit here and if I'm not here probably would not speak about it but said at home and I didn't do enough and that would never happen so because I did that all the time in a moment I real I cannot do that anymore because it's just it hasn't a limit um I have to tell I have to tell early not hoping it will change it never changed since then by the way it's not that I think had up and down and thought it said it and now it's OD oh no no I want to stay here like four weeks ago when we could upon everything still um and I what did I do no not for a second I'm 100% sure it's right and I enjoy thinking back and I enjoy the relationships we created and I enjoy all these kind of things and the memories uh we have I enjoy it so much and I will enjoy this book and I will take it and there will be moments in my life I just sit there and go through these kind of things and and try to find an old video of something but it's not just you're still relatively young what do you want to do what what cuz you know people I don't I'm not asking you if you want to be manager of the J any of that nonsense what you want to do like what you we can talk about Absolut everything I don't know no I don't know I will work but it's that that there's a big difference so my three clubs mines Dortmund Liverpool in all three clubs we buildt a new training ground in all mines we had to invent pretty much we were we were there I played there obviously but if we would have said oh by the way we stop it that would have been not on no front page of any newspaper just okay oh mine stopped playing eight weeks ago wow really so that was the situation so we we we built a club the the marketing director was a former player of of of the second team of Minds who studied s um um business do you have time yes so marketing director so and aour exactly and a and a journalist and a journalist who you can be our press officer that's how we started M so that was a 267 job so we we did absolutely everything there was nothing we absolutely everything so it was pretty intense years so then going to DM not in a great place and the first or second or third day I sit in an office and call um VIPs they wanted they didn't want to um sign their the what is that um the VIP lunch again launch again and they told me oh my God be struggl and don't they give me numbers so I called them B up to down and again not building a new club it was not necessary it was a big Club obviously but not a great place mood difference stuff like this and again fighting against big opponent stuff like this it was a 267 it's it's just like it is you don't you you don't stop and we build a training ground by the way so and then you come here and do the same again and it's again not of course it was not it was not um an emergency case but it was it was not great so we we again try with all these teams around imagine who are the opponents it's not that we do well and become six every season think yeah but that's where you belong the five teams are better so accept it you cannot do that so you have to overperform so it is yeah 267 I would say so that's how it is it's no problem at all but that's my life and now you ask me it was my life but it cannot be all in life no it cannot be so do you want to rest do you want to go and no definitely rest definitely rest I don't know how that feels but I I know I watch Netflix what you want to watch Netflix is the oh yeah definitely I can do that already but I know how it works at least um definitely travel relax seeing friends so I see friends for hours they come here watch a game and I don't want to talk to them because they want to ask me about football and I go I go to bed so and in different circumstances and these kind of things so um they have a drink and I have to work the next day so these kind of that has to change I don't drink but I could I drink but not not a lot so that's uh how it is to just live a life yeah so and all the things about the the being famous that what you say is important all these kind of things I don't like I just accept it I don't think my opinion is important I say it anyway most of the time but it's not it's not that I think you have to listen yeah a few things because I know better than a lot of people who are in charge of scheduling and referee referees stuff like this and don't know that I will miss that not at all um but I'm I don't think and I will not miss that part being out there on the grass but players yeah but I had it long as well and I missed all the rest of life that means if I will I miss it probably what's see in friend good absolutely and coming back and watching games and still caring and still getting on the toes and be on the other side of it and in The Stance if possible baa um these kind of things I would love all sit in front of the T and just going wild in the living room why not so it's just another thing I have to see it I need to have a look at it I cannot do it until I'm 70 something I know that's a big difference from now to them but actually the rest of Life why should it start when you're are 70 just because in this moment in the world obviously top managers are now let me say I would find a club if I want um and but I'm just not I'm just not available I'm just off and then we will see how long that takes and I will work I will do something 100% And my the thing I understand most about is football but maybe there's something else than doing exactly what I do now there's something in your your point there just to begin to sort of end it the idea of helping people help themselves that's so you've talked about that a lot that you see some someone want to help people but helping people help themselves coming into things that are aren't struggling it doesn't have to be football there could be something else in life where people need they need things to be different they need to learn listen you can learn and listen as well is that you know CH don't have a real message so if somebody needs my you can come and I will yeah but I go out and say I know how it works and we'll tell you all I feel big menus 10,000 people Club delas power I I have Absolut no message no no way no way so but if somebody ask me how you deal with it so I would like to help coaches because there obviously better coaches out there but I had it all I went through everything I lost I won lost more one a little bit stuff like this this important is not important and we always see in the moment it's really difficult to gain time again why did I always get the time I don't know three clubs and then wanted that it works with me and I I don't know why that's the case I could not write a book about it by the way step one you do that step two you do that step three three and they give you you can lose as long as you want if you win after five years it's fine so it doesn't work like that so I have no idea couldn't explain that but dealing with the things around how you how you that I I I can explain and I can tell people what we will do with that I have no idea so by the way I cannot plan a break or say we do make a break and have all already plans in place directly and I go there and I go there I want to rest have a look and we'll see and I I watch football by the way Euros Champions League final I'd love to ask you about the League Cup final this season because can like as a as a day what a night yeah oh my God like for for supporters like there there won't be many more days that we'll have more enjoyment in a day actually more pride and the collective you know when the young players are coming on and and and with every subtit ution that the Liverpool and just getting up and up and up and you know how much did that day mean to you that whole period was absolutely outstanding around that because we were really God so we were brave but we had to be brave as well it was not that we had five others players away balloon still throw in James Bobby Dy come on go um yes we need but it was cool and a little bit part of the the problem we had that the the Top Guns came back then and it's good that they came back but after long injuries and trying to find their feet again but you have to give them we need them obviously and you play and it's not great you take them off they don't like it nobody likes it obviously so you cannot it's not a natural build up and and before that the team whoever we brought was like my God I play football in that Stadium like my God you cannot replicate that you need to to to manage these kind of situations that was really outsanding that night I I I I I can't remember I enjoyed a lot of games but in that specific way it was my it was my game of all times because um the team we had the the atmosphere in the stadium was absolutely crazy then you go again the full distance H and the goal all this it was absolutely it was outstanding I I I cannot I don't I can't remember the game that I enjoyed so much because it was really super special and winning in and winning it then that night a trophy look in the eyes of the boys everybody but especially young but everybody enjoyed it in this special way as Top Class top top top the problem is only the people our generation are now watching now if you tell in 20 years 30 years your grand kids and bore them to death or with your kids and they I was a f you will not believe that and the average age group was like 140 14.6 and because you know it was always gets always a bit I'm actually not allowed to be awake at that but it's for us yes and this these kind of things nobody can take away from us that what I love so much about this one I love I love other teams will win as well of course they will and but this is us this only happened because of us because we created this atmosphere because we we we we we pushed each other to that limits Barcelona only happened to us this generation us who watch it now others qualify will qualify for the Champions League final definitely in his way I'm not sure so these special stories nobody can take away from us and I'm I'm really really really happy with that Alis back of West Brown yep oh only to us it's absolutely insane I what I if somebody would meas my my brain if it even works and then that moment when Ali walks when when Ali comes up and I saw that probably 500 times in my life a goalie goes it's like there go there you will not score as well so he walk goes there the ball comes in and he heads that ball and everybody who plays football and knows for a guy who jumps with the left foot probably this header is really difficult from that side it's an easier header this one is really difficult and he just puts in the on I I was more shocked than happy I think in the first moment absolutely outstanding so so many we could go through that obviously Adam mentioned Norwich the 43 pretty early 54 5'4 when pretty early in the time here we created pretty quickly this this bond that we really understood we do it for each other because he he said I think he said in that moment he said that goal the whole game and then he just turn and ended pretty much up in my arm so it was not really it was not planned or whatever but it was get into the direction of of of the bench in that moment which is a is a sign in in that moment it must not be me or whatever but going there where the rest of the guys said is just a good sign and um so yeah super special moment a lot people going to talk about your impact on this football club and I could talk about it forever you impact on the club on sporters like also on the mfield r but I'm interested if you've thought about what impact Liverpool has had has had on you and and is it has it changed to you in any way just how this football club is yeah definitely so I I I I said that that I mean probably people think I planned in any way first press conference but it didn't I just tried to get through it so as what St exactly exactly just try to get somehow through it and don't get embarrassed um or embarrass yourself so um but it's from doubt to believe and stuff like that that's what I thought that time obviously but it's actually you you taught me what it really means how much how much power you can create I I didn't really know um it's different so Dortmund and you know it is a mascular but has sim a similar DNA so but in this crazy football crazy country stick together like we did in this rather average start moments and and these kind of things and what we and in a moment but it looked a little bit like we could Kickstart from that moment on we were the strongest unit ever and and and getting all these kind of things like back it was always clear to we used actually let's play first half uh second half towards the cup properly and when the team is coming and and and and and try to do it the other way around that's it it's not it doesn't hurt us it's just yeah you try it good idea so we do it that we do it that time we do it if you want but now we are even more greedy whatever angry or whatever you take away from us what what actually belongs to us so all that's what what I learned you what the the the the the power you can create through togetherness is a wonderful wonderful lesson for life I agree we uh we need to stop uh one of those things that happens it's okay these things happen from time to time sometimes things do need to stop uh this is all stopping I could do the smoother I mean you know that's the idea we do this for years I should know how to do it right now but I don't know how to do it we'll finish it over to bed in 5 years time somewhere Sunny what was always in my head what was always in my head was he's not going anywhere until we've chattered to him and we've chattered to him now and I'm like heartbreaking heartbroken cuz he's going um no one could have asked for anything more yeah it's I I have to say thank you and I will say thank you um quite frequently in the next few days I do it already for a while now I mean I meet people here and there and I have to um when I came here 2015 I I I was pretty positive about the whole thing somebody would have told me that I will feel nine years later the the way I feel now I will said that's actually I don't think that's possible um you are a really special special Club um and the main message is actually uh be turned all together from doubters to Believers so the main message is keep believing and you can keep changing the world that's how it is
Channel: The Anfield Wrap
Views: 245,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liverpool, LFC, The Anfield Wrap, Liverpool FC podcast, lfc podcast, lfc fan channel, liverpool podcast, liverpool fc podcast, lfc fan content, liverpool supporters
Id: iSYGbw6U2as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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