Izanagi and Izanami EXPLAINED!

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oh this is a video i know i've had to make for a long time but i don't want to cause it confuses even me just do it let's just do it okay today we're describing the abilities the drawbacks and who had access to the izanami and izanagi before i get into this very convoluted history lesson please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell so let's start these videos off in the way that we usually start these videos off what is izananki what is izanami izanagi is again due to ability from the sharing gone that allows you to control what is real and what is not while izanami is again jutsu that hypothetically should last forever before we get into the specifics of either let's talk about where the terms izanami and izanagi come from like with many other sharing gun abilities and things revolving around the sharingan the name izanagi and izanami are actually shinto gods shinto is japanese mythology essentially in japanese mythology after the formation of heaven and earth there was seven generations of gods but as time progressed these gods died off leaving only two left he's an ami and he's an augie they were married but also brother and sister apparently japan has its own alabama as well izanami was the brother husband izanagi was the sister wife and since they were the last two gods remaining after the formations of heaven and earth they created everything on earth well to be specific in japanese mythology they are said to be the creators of the japanese archipelago or the japanese formation of islands as well as all other gods after them like the sun god amaterasu or the moon deity sukiyomi or the storm god susana they made all of these gods after making the japanese islands and this origin story makes a lot of sense when you think about the abilities of izanagi and tsunami even more so when you consider the fact that izanagi and izanami are considered the highest supreme ability of the sharingan in the same way that izanami and izanagi exist above all other gods in japanese mythology cool so we've hammered out where these names come from now let's get into why these names make even more sense than just hierarchy to do that we have to talk about their abilities so let's start with the izunaki izanagi is again jutu that affects the space between illusion and reality this ability is actually based off the sage's six passes ability creation of all things jutsu creation of all things jutsu works by combining shadow style power and light style power shadow style power is essentially imagination and it is used to give lifestyle power which is the power over physical and living things a form think of shadow style power as the blueprint to a house in lifestyle power as the wood that builds the house when you combine those two things you can physically manifest your imagination a good example of this is when hagaromo used the chakra of the ten tails to make the ninetail beasts so the uchiha clan thousands of years ago used the idea of this ability to create izanagi and what they made was insanely powerful essentially with regular genjutsu a genjutsu caster casts an illusion informs a different reality for a single person however with izanagi the user of said genjutsu casts an illusion on the entirety of reality in so long as they have izanagi active this illusion can be whatever they want it to be donzo was the best example of this he was able to cast izunaki one minute at a time per eye so for one minute donzo was in complete control of reality and while the only circumstances of izunagi use we have seen is people unwriting circumstances that would have killed them we don't know for sure that it can't be used other ways at least in the manga we don't know for sure because in episode 338 of naruto shippuden when hitachi is describing what izanami is to sasuke we see a flashback of previous users of the shah run gun using izanagi to affect reality outside of their own bodies but we're not there yet so you can rewrite reality let's say sasuke spears straight through your chests like it was with donzo gonzo can make the body that he's currently inhabiting an illusion and he can project his imagination elsewhere and give it physical form with chakra and he can do this for a whole minute so it doesn't matter how many times he dies because anybody that you kill will just become an illusion and he'll project his consciousness elsewhere uchihas are able to do this because they're descendants of hagarama however hogaromo could do this with no drawbacks and since as they got more descended from hagaromo the sharon gone got weaker the payback for using izanagi was the loss of that eye and i don't mean it just fell out of your face the eye would go blind and the only way to reawaken sight into that eye was to awaken the rinicon but here's the thing your average user of izanagi from the uchiha clan can only have it active for a couple of seconds this is because they are descendants of indra and they only have half of hagoromo's chakra the reason that donzo could keep it active for a minute when your average uchiha member could only keep it active for a couple of seconds is the fact that he had hashirama cells so in hashirama's cells he had ashura and in the eye he had indra because of this he had full access to hageromo's chakra which allowed him to use izanami for longer i'm sorry izanagi they're very similar but here's the thing donzo still only had a minute that's why he implanted 10 sharingans into his arm so he'd have 10 separate minutes activated whenever he wants but there was a person out there who could use izanagi longer than donzo that person is obito because obito just like donzo has both indra and ashura's chakra because he also like everybody else has ashurama cells so it's stated that obito can hold izanagi significantly longer than a minute but we don't know how long exactly this is how we unwrit the reality of conan killing him feels so angry about that literally conan one come on like don't write conan into that circumstance and have her lose like either have her lose handedly or have her win and just ignore plot armor or just i don't know it's just so aggravating oh buddy blind did it i he has a laboratory all of them but since we're talking about having an access to too many showering gone and therefore abusing izanagi let's talk about that general premise so essentially after izunagi was created it became a massive problem one person izunagi is not the end of the world they can rewrite reality for five seconds and then that eye is closed but the problem is multiple people had access to it so battles would become who could rewrite reality the most and it kind of made reality wonky we learned this in naruto shabu in episode 338 when hitachi is explaining izanami to sasuke essentially uchiha members were blinding their eyes left and right in order to be the last one standing in reality bending fights but the uchihas are very proud of their sharingans so izanagi became a forbidden jutsu but still a forbidden jew too a lot of people could use in an order to stop the plague that was the reality rewriting of izanagi izanami was created but here's the thing izanami wasn't meant to be used on enemies itanami was created to stop people from rewriting reality to fit their own means with izanagi essentially arrogant uchihas who didn't see the error of their ways would use izanagi to rewrite in unfavorable reality and then these competitions between uchiha members wanting the most favorable reality for themselves would continue to use izanagi in reality would just get wiggled up so izanami was actually created to be used on friends izanami puts you in an infinite and set loop of choices and it makes you accept the reality that you're in to better understand that point let me explain what iznami does exactly and the circumstances that are required to activate it izanami is activated by shared experiences between the caster and the person it's being casted on this part gets kind of confusing so please stick with me to begin the technique let's say you and me are in a fist fight and you punch me in the face and i punch you in the face i select this moment to remember the physical feeling of me punching you and you punching me i kind of take a mental photograph of this arbitrary moment we then continue our fight and punch each other in the bodies in the legs in the face again and i have the simple goal of repeating the exact sensation of that first photograph so we have a photograph at the beginning which is me punching you and you punching me right and then there's some stuff in the middle and then at the end i have to recreate this moment where you and me punch each other in the face what's important is that the bodily sensation of the first photograph at the beginning in the last photograph at the ending are the same once you've achieved this you flow chakra into this loop in your sharing gone and it connects these two points in time through chakra by doing this you put the person you're casting it upon in an infinite loop of the events you've created in this loop if you manage to pull it off that person will start a memory with us punching each other in the face all the things that happen in the end and then us punching each other in the face again but it doesn't just have to be us punching each other in the face you can put in multiple photographs multiple time stamps in this loop if you remember and repeat the sensation this is handy because maybe it's difficult after you take that snapshot of a to punch me in the face while i punch you in the face again well then you can make other multiple photographs along the line of all those events that happen between it and as long as you replicate one of those photographs the loop begins in fact the more photographs that you repeat during this process the more likely you are to initiate izanami and if you do initiate izunami the person it's cast upon stands there lifeless as this loop repeats in their brain and since this is a fight are you just going to be taking more and more damage as the fight goes on the answer is no essentially let's say i punch you in the face once in this loop if you do this loop 300 times or you can have 300 bruises on your cheek no at the end of every loop the body resets to where it was at the beginning of the loop let's say i slice your arm off during this loop insanely enough your arm will get sliced off and regrow every single loop but the most messed up thing is that sliced off arm doesn't disappear so all around you when you awoke would just be piles of your sliced off arm but the true worst part is those who get cast into izanami almost always figure out immediately that they already zanami but the way the izumi works is that no matter what you do you still end up in this loop and that's actually very intentional because the true purpose of izanami was to be used on people who use izanagi you are supposed to become aware that you are in izanami it is essentially like a prison and as you repeat this one reality loop over and over and over again you're supposed to realize that it was your actions that put you there your mistakes your trip ups your decisions your want to create a reality that works solely for you whatever puts you there you will have to accept and it is not until you accept whatever it is you need to accept you will be able to escape isunami you have to understand the real repercussions of your actions or you will sit in a loop forever there is no other way out in the anime kabuto who has complete control over his chakra and should be able to dispel even the highest level of genjutsu is unable to get out of it that is until he accepts the fact that the decisions he's made are what put him where he is right now on top of this we see in the anime that the illusion of the caster who's in the consciousness of the person it's been casted on is sentient essentially you project your consciousness into another person's consciousness to guide them through getting out of this loop and just like with izanagi izanami blinds your eye but that was believed by the uchiha clan to be a small price to pay at least it was by nayoriuchiha the creator of izanami in order to bring uchiha members back from the brink of destruction where they were thinking that any reality that suited them was within grasp naori blinded her own eye but here's the thing izanami and izanagi's ridiculous powers don't even stop at what i've described the ichihas are also able to program their eyes to activate either of these things later on in life or if a certain set of circumstances arises like how moderate programmed his eye to activate izanagi upon his death just to bring him back to life so when hashirama ran him through with a sword after he got entombed he just was alive again so essentially every user of the sharingan could just program both of their izanagi's to activate any time they die and they get to die twice and here's my thing with izanagi hypothetically anybody with two eyes that can access izanagi should be able to use izanagi infinitely let's say you just have one eye you activate izanagi in that one sharon gone it goes blind not the end of the world that happens after that izanagi period is finished but if you have two eyes that can activate izanagi you activate izanagi the first time let's say to hypothetically avoid death the second time you use these inagi you would think oh now i'm going to go blind but how about you just make that new body that you're creating have the other eye restore right and then just keep switching off every time you need to and you'll be fine you'll never be able to have both eyes ever again but that's not the end of the world if you can just rewrite reality like how does the izanagi's abilities stop at recreating a sharingan when it can literally recreate an entire human body and the reality around it that never sat right with me and now it's not going to sit right with you because now you understand fully izanami and izanagi was actually a lot easier to describe than i thought it was going to be it's like one of those circumstances where you have a five minute task and you put it off for three months and then after three months you do it you're like oh that was significantly easier than i thought it was gonna be and if you thought it was easy and fun just like i did please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell i'm not saying that izanagi is a very lazy writer's tool but it essentially allows kishimoto to write any character with a sharingan into a situation and then just be like no they're good they're out of it now [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 241,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, twitch, boruto, anime, uchiha, itachi, obito, madara, danzo, hokage, izanagi, izanami, sasuke, susanoo, amaterasu, tsukoyomi, Uchiha, Sharingan
Id: eSlZqt0giUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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