Iyanla's Anti Viral Message - Day 95

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grand and glorious rising to you this morning grand and glorious glorious rising to you on this beautiful beautiful saturday morning wherever you are in the world welcome to the global living room where we come together to be together to grow together to heal together to bless each other to bless the world with our presence and our thoughts oh grand and glorious rising to you this morning come on in to the global living room from around the world i'm always so excited i'm always so excited diet and nadine i'm always so excited about how people come here from all over the world elisha is watching live from ghana yes and grand rising to you baltimore grand rising come on in i got a good lesson for us today some powerful questions make sure you have your pencil and paper louisville new york city make sure cause we're gonna have a grand rising in our minds and our lives and our hearts in our consciousness this morning grand rising to you boston grand rising louisiana grand rising to everybody come on in jersey city come on in dallas come on in charlotte come on in uh who i got over here uh miami come on in east hampton new jersey good morning hey t good morning to you come on in listen i got a question for you all y'all got to help me with this one okay what the song say i got issues i got issues okay so here's i want to know this so i ate a late lunch yesterday so i went to bed without dinner okay good morning atlanta detroit tennessee grand rise in connecticut newark jacksonville so listen i went to bed i didn't eat lunch until four o'clock actually was breakfast because i didn't eat breakfast but whatever it was i ate it at four o'clock yesterday afternoon so but by like seven eight o'clock i wasn't hungry anymore so i did what i had to do and i went to bed and friday is my ketchup on my tv day okay so i'll tell you about that later but anyway so i went to bed let me tell you something brooklyn let me tell you something georgia maryland let me tell you something trinidad and tobago at three o'clock 302 to be exact this morning i woke up starving to death i thought i was having a middle passage experience a middle passage experience i was so hungry the hunger woke me up so i came downstairs now i could have had some orange slices that i had cut up but i didn't i could have had cookies and milk but i didn't i could have even had some ice cream but i was hungry i needed some sustenance okay so i had a half a turkey sandwich three slices of meat and a piece of cheese on one slice of bread that's what i had at 3 19 this morning so i want to know is that a late night snack or was that breakfast was it a late night snack at 3 18 in the morning or was it breakfast help me somebody because i don't want to think the late night snacking demon has captured me again so i want to know was that late night snacking or was that breakfast 3 19 in the morning come on into the global living room this morning and will somebody please tell me parry patties will you tell me syracuse los angeles tell me what happened to the weather on the east coast i just don't understand thursday i had on my summer dress and flip-flops yesterday i needed a coat mittens who is responsible for this and where is the rest of the summer the spring whatever it is come on in come on in rochester boston come on in fort bragg north carolina you did too somebody was up at 3 19. i'm telling you i thought i was having a middle passage experience anytime you sleep and hunger wakes you up at three o'clock in the morning and now i'm calling it breakfast because i'm not surrendering my soul to the late night snacking demon okay that had attacked me during the covid pandemic shutdown okay palm coast good morning good morning massachusetts come on in oh somebody said it was a snack oh it can't be a snack it was a sandwich i had carbs protein and um carbs and then just to make myself feel better i had to make a cup of tea okay so i had a half a sandwich and a cup of tea at 3 19 this morning then guess what happened because you know when you are a woman of a certain age and you eat too late you can't go to sleep do you all have that problem does anybody have that problem besides me okay so now it's 3 19 in the morning i'm enjoying my sandwich and but the good thing is i got to catch up on my tv listen listen listen are you all watching the voice are you watching the voice and did you see snoop dogg as the mega coach oh somebody i have always loved me some snoop dogg but snoop dogg was singing country music he knew all of the songs and he gave the contestants tips that really really helped them yes so it was really good i love me some snoop dogg and you know what come on in come on in yes it was breakfast thank you it was an early one breakfast thank you so much because it's chicago i can't have the late night snacking demon i just can't do it that thing it was a oh i needed an exorcism to get rid of that during the pandemic okay now listen snoop dogg okay i don't care what you think about it was brunch breakfast okay i'll take that it was brunch breakfast okay south africa welcome omaha nebraska welcome okay south dakota home attack we are seen to you south carolina come on into the global living room and thank you thank you for letting me know it was either breakfast or early morning snack it was not late night snacking at 3 19 in the morning and it was only the second oh actually it wasn't the first meal i ate so i can't attribute that sandwich to friday i gotta give it to saturday okay well whatever we're here but listen if you watch if you have watched or seen or paid attention to the evolution of snoop dogg oh my god oh my goodness i remember when he was a youngin and he had all that legal trouble and then he went on with his career and then he you know married to the same woman for google years and and oh my gosh but he was such a wonderful coach and he got some good singers on the voice i don't know if you all are watching that but you need to go take a look at it okay come on in now we go suit up this morning ready this is important this is important so i want you to put it in the thread we are suiting up this morning with i see myself come on i see myself how do you see yourself beloved use your imagination and the power of your inner vision that's the name of my ministry innervations come on i see myself how do you see yourself you know there's a beautiful song by a singing team called tuck and patty i love talking patty good morning christopher good morning laura good morning elizabeth good morning dot good morning come on into the global living room i want you all to start suiting up and i don't want you to just rush through it take a breath close your eyes i see myself how do you see yourself do you see yourself as powerful do you see yourself as strong do you see yourself as loved and loving do you see yourself as forgiving or forgivable or forgiving do you see yourself uh as as uh um laying on the beach in the bahamas how do you see yourself oh my god if i could just convince us all of the power of our imagination our imagination is so powerful and we don't use it we get stuck looking at what's right in front of us and then we lock ourselves into that i see myself as i see myself with i see myself how do you see yourself today come on let's send that out into the universe i see myself put the whole stem in the thread so you make that impression on your conscious and your unconscious mind tuck and paddy say if you see it then you believe it and the next thing you know dreams begin to come true come on how are you seeing yourself you know we're coming out of this pandemic this shutdown so many people have lost their vision they've lost their way we're stuck on what's happening at the physical level and we're not working at the metaphysical at the spiritual at the deeper level come on i see myself how do you see yourself this morning don't just don't just use the mind take a breath and get into the heart i see myself what i see myself working i see myself earning i see myself writing i see myself doing what are you being i see myself being courageous in this next phase of my life i see myself working for myself i see myself opening my business i see myself in a loving fulfilling satisfying relationship come on i see myself married i see myself divorced okay come on into the global living room i want to ignite your imagination today i want to know how you see yourself really take a breath and go in don't look out and don't look at what you have now what you're doing now look beyond that think higher think higher yeah come on i see myself how are you seeing yourself today and how are you feeling about it let that and let that thing let it be bigger bigger bigger bigger than where you are right now let it be bigger if you if you're working on your health see yourself as radiantly healthy see yourself as strong and beautiful if you're working on your weight see yourself lighter or or releasing if you're working on relationships see see it come on see it in your mind use your mind's eye stimulate your mind come on stimulate your mind let it excite you oh come on you got to be able to see it and let it you know and it's going to bring something up with it but we're going to talk about that later on come on into the global living room this morning oh this thing your your things are gone i can't see what you're writing but it is coming up come on in facebook deep vowel to my warriors deep vowel deep vowel deep vow to all of the warrior nations and cohorts and deep bowel to my swifts who are finishing up this week they are finishing up this week come on switch yes yes yes fall out and if you don't if you're not a sweat well then you won't know what i'm talking about but if you're a sweat or a warrior you know what i'm talking about come on in to the global living room i see myself come on think i see myself how are you seeing yourself how are you holding yourself within yourself don't worry about what it looks like now use your imagination do you see yourself owning your home do you see yourself reunited with maybe someone that you've uh had a breakdown with do you see yourself working in an environment where you're well paid and well respected come on let's just go there i see myself do you need a new car do you see yourself driving a 20-22 come on cause they'll be out in august don't buy them well get a 20-21 because you can probably get it on sale [Laughter] i see myself i see myself in better relationship with my higher self i see myself growing and growing in service to god and god's people that's how i see myself i see myself resting and relaxing and not eating at three o'clock in the morning i see myself how do you see yourself today i want you to use your imagination you know people talk out of our imagination with children they tell us don't be you you just imagining that yeah because that's how we create we create from the inside out we are create from the inside out so how do you see yourself i see myself as i see myself with okay i see myself going i see myself doing i tell you all before i have this vision that one day i'm gonna pack up peace and freedom and some snacks and i'm gonna drive across this country i am i'm gonna do it i don't i'm gonna do it i had somebody offer to drive me but i think i'm gonna go alone i just wanna stop you know i like little country towns you know like the little towns where there's general stores and stuff and you can go in and buy ridiculousity that you don't need i love that i love little cities and towns okay i see myself just a few more minutes just a few more minutes i see my good come on i can't see your comments because the thing is acting ugly again i want to refresh it but i'm scared i'll knock you off so i won't do that i see myself i see myself prosperous i see myself wealthy healthy i see myself sexy and sensuous i see myself how do you see yourself i see myself growing we gotta see beyond this pandemic okay see yourself because i think the pandemic oh there you are i i think the pandemic has shut us down and we're so busy wearing well i'm asking no mask vaccine and no vaccine don't look at me don't talk to me you know listen people are still doing like this in the supermarket i got on a mask go somewhere with yourself okay i see myself living life for me get specific what does that mean i see myself living life courageously with excitement with adventure i see myself my life living successfully come on define it i want you to break it down i want you to really get i want you to really get those taste buds moving moving okay wait a minute uh okay yeah i got it thank you laura good morning and deep bowel come on we're gonna we're gonna breathe and pray in the moment we're gonna breathe and pray in the morning i see myself as sweet and sensitive yes i see myself connected to mother nature did y'all put your bottle out under the moon last week i put my bottle of water out and i've been sipping a little bit every day just to get that that powerful energy now i've got some out there under the sun so i can move just pulling in the energy of nature pulling in the energy of nature and you know what and don't forget the spirit of water the spirit of water if you want to put affirmations on your clear water bottle so that as you in charge the water you're also drinking in that energy words words uh i mean yeah words and sound impact the water i see myself as healthy radiantly healthy i see myself as a teacher of humanity i see myself come on yes i want you to see it take a breath take it in i see myself thriving blessed and steady going i see myself loving impactful yes come on i see myself as a phd grad i'ma see that with you because we're two or more gathered come on somebody i see myself living an amazing life what does amazing mean what does that mean i don't i want you to really you know if you don't do it now maybe later on today or first thing in the morning because tomorrow's the first day of the week drink your little moon water and then really get down in those things what does that mean i see myself enjoying my grandchildren yeah me too i see myself free from suffering suffering of what i want you all to get specific i see myself as strong i see myself achieve my dream of what my dream of what i see myself successful as a what come on i see myself that's a good one do you just see yourself do you just see yourself do you i see myself as divine i see myself as full of life really come on i see myself uh uh as what can you just see yourself do you see your strengths do you see your power do you see your your weakness yeah i see myself as healing those broken places i see myself as victorious yeah come on i'ma count to 10 and then we're going do our breathing and we're going to move on okay i see myself so many people can't see themselves so many people just can't see themselves they can't see themselves as as they are they see themselves as what they've been told they see themselves as what they don't have they see themselves as what other people impose upon them but i want you to see yourself i want you to really see yourself and use your imagination to create where you're going okay i see myself as heel hole complete and beautiful yes i see myself as damn gorgeous that's how i see it myself beautiful is common i want to be something else i see myself ah yes i see myself as evolving good i see myself as blessed and serving good okay i see myself as debt free that is a good one not just debt-free but prosperous and debt-free okay i see myself stronger i see myself very very good now what i want you to do is when we when we end today i want you to take some time and really work with that even if you're going outside or if you're walking or you're going to the gym i see myself i see myself i see myself and then and then if you do that for a day or so then take that thing i am okay take it from i see myself to i am then you have the masculine and the feminine energy coming together to create so i see myself as stronger i am stronger i see myself in the loving relationship i am in a loving relationship so that makes the whole circle you see it and then you claim it come on somebody i know that's exciting i see myself married yeah i am married come on just use your imagination use your affirmation use your power this don't cost you nothing it doesn't char you can do this wherever you are and if you really want to get jiggy with it write it down write it down okay oh let me get my thing here and so we begin come on hopefully using your imagination has ignited a little fire in you this morning so come on breathe it in breathe it in yeah again breathe it in and just settle in that for just a moment i have my hands together some all of that energy that i've just used with my visioning and imagining and i'm holding it right here at my heart you can do that if it feels right for you there's peace peace you better behave come here come breathe i see myself i see myself as blessed by the most high read that in i see myself i see myself breathe in now breathe in and just settle down relax your shoulders relax your belly even relax your hands don't okay just relax lightly touching lightly touching peace let me put them up you stay in there and breathe come on in your groove go in your room come on i see myself having well-trained dogs all right so listen i want you to pick a color i don't care what color it is but a color that makes you feel good see yourself whatever color it is i want you to just see feel imagine intended to be so that that color is before you and breathe just breathe now whatever your color is and when i say see i mean imagine it imagine that you're looking at it and if you really got your meditation skills down imagine that you can see it inside of yourself whatever your color is whatever your color is let it not be black brown or gray or navy blue okay let's come higher up whatever it is all right now i want you to see feel imagine intended to be so that that color whatever it is is pouring forth in a waterfall you've seen the waterfall you know what that looks like yeah you've seen it on tv or maybe you've seen the image of it somewhere just a waterfall and the water is that color see it so if your color's pink your water is pink if you what color is turquoise it's turquoise it's green if it's red if it's orange if it's yellow if it's gold if it's silver if it's purple just see that one i want you to see it i want you to see it just stay here and as if you're looking at a waterfall of color breathe in and breathe out good that you're looking at a waterfall of color yeah breathe in and breathe out again your hands lightly together right at your heart breathe in and breathe out now see you feel imagine intended to be so that you step into that waterfall yeah and just let that color that water just splash all over you if you like cold water make it cold if you like warm water make it warm but just see yourself just under the beautiful flow of the colored waterfall what color is your water let it touch the top of your head and you know how it feels when you step into a shower oh my goodness just see it feel it see that water let it pound on your head and your back just see yourself in a waterfall of color yeah just see yourself in a waterfall of color if you can't see it then just try to feel it if you can't feel it just imagine it if you can't imagine it just intended to be so i'm standing waterfall of green i'm standing in the waterfall of yellow just let it pound all over you come on turn your face up and let the water just pound down on your face come on let it come down yeah and if you can take your clothes off you can have your clothes on however you want it just stand in that water and i see myself growing in mind body and spirit breathe in the waterfall of color i see myself healing every place that is in breakdown come on breathe in i see myself anger free come on how about i see myself free from every discord and disharmony yeah come on just see it feel it imagine it intended to be so what's your color let it beat on your face your shoulders your head you're just just being bathed in a waterfall of color can be a tub can be a shower think big come on a waterfall coming down from the highest place you can see it's so high above you you can't even see where the water's coming from it's like in hawaii maybe or or thailand where they have this beautiful waterfalls come on see it just and just let it bathe you just so they bathe you and just if you can't think anything else just say i see yes i see i am come on i see i am don't forget to breathe i see breathe in i am breathe out i see i am and now just still just still in the waterfall still in the waterfall still in the waterfall relax still in the waterfall still in the waterfall now place your left hand on your heart and your right hand over your left hand and breathe in and drop it good breathe in and drop it if your eyelids are closed open them now breathe in and drop it and now shake come on shake get all that water this is how we gonna dry ourselves off from the waterfall okay get it in get it in yeah just shake a little come on shake a little come on today and i know this may be hard for you but since we are in enlightened and enlivened with our color i want to ask something big of us today all right i want to ask us that with the deepest compassion okay compassion and the deepest unconditional love let's bless police officers today come on breathe drop into your heart get out of your head why because if we bless them and strengthen them maybe this killing will stop them cursing them judging them being angry and upset with them that is not helping okay and these are men and women mothers fathers husband's wife don't think don't think black white just think people and there's something going on i don't know if it's the gun or the uniform or the shoes or the best i don't know what it is but something's going on and so we want to bless police officers today all over this country in your city in your town not picking on choosing because when you are a blessing you just bless we want to bless them with compassion we want to bless them with unconditional love and we ask that the universe fill them with compassion with wisdom with unconditional love so that we will be safe in their presence come on bless uh a police officer do you know one have you seen one come on bless a police officer today bless police captains blessed police chiefs blessed death sergeants bless homicide detectives bless come on let's bless them let's ask that they be filled with light let's ask that the waterfall that has blessed us bless them if you know where there's a police department in your city put them in the waterfall okay put the whole preset the whole police building in the waterfall and let that color sprinkle down on it come on we can't just bless and pray for what we like we got to pray sometime for what we need and right now we need a better relationship between the police and the community between let's just leave it right there bless them there are women who are police officers raising children alone bless him there are men who are police officers who got three and four and five and six headed children bless them their police officers leaving their job now because of all of the hoopla and consolidation that's going on let's bless them that they may find their way on their next road in their journey what's the matter freedom peace i'm sorry they're like kids oh gosh bless a police officer today i know you may not like it suspend judgment drop into your heart and if that's hard for you get back under the waterfall if you if you got judgment about it if you got resistance to it get in your waterfall and rinse that away rinse it away that's a tool that you can use during the week get in the waterfall and see yourself moving through the difficulty to challenge the resistance the judgment the unforgiveness the anger the whatever it is in the waterfall okay we're blessing police officers today yeah because i'm sure their families their children they love them yeah so if we bless them let's bless them and lift them up let's see them lifting higher so that we can be safe all right all of us mothers with sons and grandsons who scared the death to let our babies go out in the street because we just don't know whatever that is okay bless him okay is that good work with that work with that we think that we we gotta like everything you know and i don't care whether you're a christian or a muslim or jewish or catholic or whatever you are if you read your sacred scriptures the divine doesn't just bless good people the sun shines on the good and the ungood or whatever the evil in the wicked whatever you want to call them okay let's just stop thinking that we can't hold somebody higher hold somebody higher hold your ex higher okay oh your baby daddy baby mama higher and let's see what happens put them in the waterfall yes yes bless a police officer i'm blessing me and the entire across the country across the country particularly in them little small towns where they think ain't nobody looking all right oh i got something good for you all today and i'm doing something today that i never ever do you know innovations institute is my we i have a personal development program where i train coaches and ministers i mean i got a whole faculty who does and as part of our curriculum there are certain books that all students read if you are an individual student just say hey and i never talk about the text that we use in inhibitions outside of innovations i never do because the texts are so meaty until i always want to make sure that people reading it if they don't don't know about it that they're walking through the program and getting the most out of it peace peace be peaceful peace be peaceful and so i um i never recommend the books that we read in innovations to the general public okay but last night spirit laid it on my heart to share with you one of the books that we have used now for 21 years in the personal development program at innovision see some of y'all don't even know that's what i do you think that i'm a television personality no i'm a teacher so the book that i'm reading from today is called legacy of the heart legacy of the heart the spiritual advantages of a painful childhood by wayne muller peace my love peace can i tell you what she's barking at okay the wind is blowing and i got big trees in the backyard and so the shadow from the light on the trees is making the leaf shadow on the floor she's barking at the leaf shadow anyway i was giving you all time to write this down legacy of the heart the spiritual advantages of a painful childhood by wayne muller i think my secretary is going to put it in the in the thread not my secretary i got no secretary my assistant she's going to put it in the thread use the link that we put in the thread so that you can get i'm just gonna say get a discount you don't get a discount i get a discount anyway legacy of the heart the spiritual advantages of a painful childhood by wayne muller mueller muller i love him i love wayne muller okay if i'm not mistaken he also wrote the shack i'm reading today about fear because so many of us are coming out of this corona mess with fear fear and so many of us had our fears stirred up during the during the pandemic and we have we don't know how to release them so i'm reading about fear today okay let me say it again legacy of the heart the spiritual advantages of a painful childhood by wayne muller all right this is one of the books from the innovations curriculum listen listen okay children raised in troubled families are uncertain which fears are justified like the fear of rape or of nuclear war because you know some children live in areas where it's not about cats and dogs it's about war and having your house bombed okay and which are simply habitual ghosts from childhood write that down do i have habitual ghosts from childhood write that down because you need to ask yourself uh on which are simply habitual ghosts from our childhood phantom fears without any real substance the fears of childhood cast long shadows across the psyche that after time almost anything can generate of fearful response we learn to wait for trouble to arrive write that down am i waiting for trouble to arrive it's a habit that we learn in childhood now there's a way out but i just want us to be able to identify if this is what's going on the fight the angry words the slamming door it is almost a relief when the thing we fear comes upon us because we are certain that it is coming all of our intuitive wisdom and emotional sensitivity is designed to protect predict when the next acts will fall so that we may do what we do best try to protect ourselves from hurt write that down am i living to protect myself from hurt okay write this down write this down those three things that you should have am i living with habitual ghosts from my childhood things i fear that are no longer even relevant to how i'm living all right write this down and what was the other one um let me get it am i trying to protect myself from hurt because if we picked it up in childhood where we expect the next shoe to drop the axe to fall that shadow that echo may still be alive in our lives today okay here we go the problem is this listen schools learned in danger require the presence of danger to be effective did you hear me let me read that again skills required or learned in danger require the presence of danger to be effective if our greatest skill is getting ourselves out of trouble then we are at our best when we have discovered some trouble to get out of in a strange way we feel safer in fear and danger than we do in tranquility because we know how to survive danger we have no idea how to manage peace ah come on somebody legacy of the heart do you feel safer in danger and upset and confusion and chaos in conflict because that's the echo you're carrying from your childhood is it a habit sadness sorrow even poverty breakups breakdowns i want to read this again okay listen just close your eyes stop typing and close your eyes listen i want to read this again because it's important that this pandemic has triggered up all kind of shadows and and and echoes and now that we're getting ready to move forward we don't want to just run out crazy and we haven't cleaned up this stuff in our mind because then our greatest fear is going to come upon us okay listen again skills learned in danger did you live in danger did you live in chaos did you live in confusion did you live in abandonment did you live in rejection did you live in abuse did you live in violence did you live in instability any of those words skills learned in danger require the presence of danger to be effective if our greatest skill is getting ourselves out of trouble then we are at our best when we discovered some trouble to get out of okay can you hear that if you've got repetitive things going on same breakup same brokenness same illness same trauma same chaos confusion conglomeration if you've got that going on it may be a habit baby it may be a habit okay in a strange way we feel safer in fear and danger than we do in tranquility okay we may feel safer being broke and having to strive to get money than we do with money we may feel safer in in sadness than we do in enjoy that's what he says because we know how to survive danger anger poverty uh uh sadness sorrow we know how to survive that we have no idea how to manage peace can you hear me here's another one take a breath take a breath if i'm talking to you take a breath and if it's too much get in the waterfall get in the water rinse it off when we are raised in family distress we learn to fear many things we fear that things will change or go wrong we worry about what others will think of us and we fear the hurt that comes from verbal or physical abuse we fear abandonment and rejection we even worry about ourselves afraid that what we have inside may not be enough to measure up to the task of living we fear that our gifts our intuition even our spirits are tragically deficient am i talking to somebody am i talking to somebody if i'm talking to you just raise your hand just raise your hand consequently as we grow older whenever we feel afraid we naturally presume that we are afraid of something we assume that there is some person circumstances defect or event that genuinely threatens our well-being as soon as we feel frightened we usually try to identify a particular danger or justify our fear listen as soon as we feel frightened we try to identify a particular danger to justify our fear why because there's got to be something wrong for us to fix because we learn how to fix and save ourselves if no threat is immediate apparent immediately apparent we may manufacture one to give our fierce credibility am i talking to somebody i got to be talking to somebody those of us who experience fear as children habitually tie our fears to some memory of the past when fear arises we instantly seek a childhood explanation i'm afraid because my father i'm afraid because my mother i'm frightened because in my rut okay in our rush to calm our fear we frequently look first to our childhood to explain our anxiety okay one more thing i want you to know uh oh what did i do with it i marked it out listen fear arises when we believe we will not be strong enough to handle whatever it is we are given that's the last line i'm going to read fear arises when we believe we will not be strong enough to handle what arises let me do tell you this as children in troubled families we were given so much hurt so much fear we felt small and fragile we learned powerful lessons about the kinds of deep pain that could tear into our body and heart we felt how much it could hurt when we were rejected when we were yelled at or hit or simply forgotten there were times we weren't sure we could take any more pain and then it got worse we didn't know if we could trust ourselves to survive the emotional or physical batterings that came as a child from some member of our family as adults we still carry much of that uncertainty within ourselves we are not yet convinced that we can withstand all the discomfort losses and torments of this lifetime at times we don't feel strong enough to even be human to be big or to be grown up even now we still feel little we don't trust ourselves and have faith and our ability to hold our own against the suffering of this world thus we must have faith thus we must grow beyond the fears of childhood faith is confidence in our own inner strength and when we confidently develop and cultivate faith in ourselves we know that no matter what comes we will have the strength to live through it this is not just a book you sit down and read and the thing that i love about it is once he takes you into those things it has exercises within it that you have to do the inner vision students have chewed this book every word every page every paragraph legacy of the heart by wayne muller so i want to talk in a few minutes just a few minutes because that reading just is enough to fry your brain okay about how you're living are you living the echoes of who you used to be are you living the echoes uh and and the blueprints of your childhood of your failures of your difficulties there are advantages in every difficulty that will strengthen you to move to the next level yeah even what we're going through in the world which is why i say bless a police officer yeah because we get stuck in those little opinions we don't know what is going on what if that's fear that makes them do what they do what if you want somebody to understand how your fears keep you stuck but you can't offer that same compassion to somebody else whether it's a police officer or your ex or whoever how are you living the echoes of your past is it a habit now that you've got to create some difficulty to prove to yourself that you can get out of the difficulty is it that you got to create some sadness sorrow challenge to prove to yourself that you can get out of it because you don't know how to manage peace and tranquility and wealth and success i didn't say it he said some of what we learned in childhood and some of what we just made up okay if you were raised in distress or exposed to distress and trauma you will require that to prove to yourself again and again and again and again and again that you can live with it and deal with it just something to look at just something to look at we gotta stop thinking that we got it all figured out we don't if i have to ask you why i'm eating at three o'clock in the morning okay can you ask yourself why you keep doing the same thing over and over and over are you living to protect yourself from hurt because if you're living to protect yourself from hurt if you're living to protect yourself from more abandonment more rejection more pain more sorrow you're gonna live small and you're gonna see small and you're gonna think that the way you see it and the way you hold it and the way you feel it is the way it is when there's a bigger world and a bigger explanation going on are you waiting for what's going to go wrong even though you say i see are you thinking in the back of your mind but it'll never happen is your greatest skill managing sadness sorrow anger and getting yourself out of trouble is that one of your great skills i know a lot of times women will say i'm strong i'm strong i'm i can get myself what how about be weak for a minute how about that does that scare you to say i can't manage this and to ask for help and where are you asking for help let me tell you something this thing this fear thing huge you know during the pandemic i did a whole six-week show on fear called fear not i wish they would play it again so that people could go now and and act like it and i mean watch it fear will show up as procrastination fear will show up as illness fear will show up as as ang fear it wears so many masks and a lot of it is the echo of the fear that we grew up with because we couldn't manage what was going on in our life so those questions i hope you wrote them down because i don't remember you know when i'm in the moment i don't remember but look it's time to look beloveds let's not be so excited about running back out in the durham street that we don't do our work that the corona gave us the opportunity to do but we were so scared of getting it that we didn't do the work are you creating the same thing over and over again because you're afraid that it would never be different am i talking to somebody am i talking to somebody okay or am i just talking to myself sometimes we create conditions in our body to take our attention away from the thing that we are afraid to do now we don't sit down and say oh let me create this let me get this two more this overweight or this drinking or this whatever we don't sit down and do that but subconsciously we will create something that keeps us from doing the very thing we are afraid to do we use our determination to stay small to address the recurring problem we we over taxed our courage and and and we make it about struggle the struggle is over write that on a sticky note and put it over the toilet paper the struggle is over okay in my life okay fear i just want you to be on the lookout for it because beloveds the first thing you have to do is cultivate a spirit of safety within yourself not in the world not at your work not in your marriage not in yourself you have to cultivate a spirit of safety so that you will know no matter what comes up i can handle this i'm enough i see myself moving through this with grace and ease i am i see myself growing through this i am i see myself stretching beyond the boundaries that i put around myself i am i see myself free from this situation challenged person being i am i am i am living fearlessly doesn't mean you won't have fear it means that you won't have a habituated response to it all right so i want you to think this week as you go through this week why why am i telling you this so for all of you people that get into your you know i'm a witch and all of that stuff this is really gonna blow your mind i want you to do it this week or cancel one i'm offering you this opportunity to do it this week why because the moon is waxing that means it's emotional energy of the universe is coming down and this is a good time for not waxing waning a good time for release okay that's why i'm giving you this today just take a look take a look and when you find something when you find a habit when you find some little cootie in your mind that you've been doing whatever whatever get in the color waterfall and wash it away stand in that color waterfall i am washing away the habit of creating upset in my relationships i am washing away the habit of being abandoned by those i love i am washing away the thrill the the charge i get when i'm rejected i'm washing away the the habit of needing to be criticized whatever it is get in the color of the water and wash it away on this waning moon y'all can think i'm crazy if i want to if you want to okay get in the waterfall and wash it away when you get you may and don't try to believe it or don't believe it don't try to figure it out or don't figure it out the mind you thinking with is your best thinking got you here okay how about that your best thinking got you here don't believe me go get the book let me tell you something this book how many people have ever heard of this book wayne muller who wrote the chat this book was written in 1992 that is almost 20 years ago how many of y'all didn't even know about it so don't think that you know everything don't think that the way you see it is the way it is because your best thinking got you here okay miss peace oh my lord i have mercy okay they know it's time for me to go all right i hope that was hey joker hush okay let me no i'm gonna let them but we gotta pray out i don't need them making all that noise so let me let them out y'all think about what i said okay come on that's it i'm teaching them to be bilingual i speak to them in english and spanish i don't even speak to y'all in spanish okay okay all right wax waning moon this week look for those childhood habits the echoes of the childhood and the things that you do are you habitually living to keep yourself from being hurt rejected abandoned okay all right listen you know i love you that's why i'm and i'm just sharing with you all the stuff that i had to heal all right i'm just sharing with you all the stuff that i have to hear i want you to see the inside of my book you see my the inside of my book this is what the inside of my book looks like and this is my original one that i used to teach from all right so listen in the fall in the fall i'm going to start something called the spiritual study sanctuary the spiritual study sanctuary and every week i'm going to walk you through a book because i've been sending you all to read these books and now i want to walk you through because i don't want you to miss a thing it's going to be the spiritual study sanctuary i'm going to have a class for the east coast and the class for the west coast so that we can i can take everybody in okay um it's going to be subscription based so put your little pennies together why is that because i got to pay for the technology i don't need you all to make my money okay i make my money but and you got to have an investment you have to invest this is free right here but you gotta invest so that's in september june 13th through june 19th write that down june 13th through june 19th i'm going to do a seven day prayer challenge okay i'm gonna do a seven-day prayer challenge where we're gonna walk through the principles and the practice of affirmative prayer every morning seven a.m i'm sorry west coast y'all can get it on tape that's gonna begin june 13th it's through hay house it's through hay house so i'm not doing it i'm doing it with hay house you're gonna get more information and i've been talking to you all about my mala because i've been doing a lot of mala work um prayer beads and i'm going to use mala for the prayer um challenge so if you're thinking about getting a mala if you want to learn about amala i tell you my one of my faculty members robert pruitt makes them and he'll make them for your birthstone he'll make them for anything that uh really works with you and i'm gonna we're gonna work with mala in the prayer challenge you don't have to have a mala to do the prayer challenge but i am gonna work with one because it helps you keep stay focused it just helps you stay focused i do my mala six seven times a day okay all right uh so the prayer challenge is in june robert and the prayer beads uh the mala beads the spirit of water dot com so that you can put your things on your water and i'm telling you all to do all of this because may 22nd is going to be my last day here uh for the summer i'm taking the summer off all right so i will be gone from may 22nd until september all right now you also know that uh we don't do the spiritual spa june july and august so the spa is going down this is going down i am taking the summer off all right so i want to give you all of the tools all of the things that you need that you'll be set up the anti-viral workbook uh will be up again um printed and video so you can go back through all of these lessons you can go back through them because i will not be here okay after may 22nd i want you to know that i don't want you freaking out it's time to practice you can't just keep putting in putting and putting in putting in you got to practice what you've learned so you're gonna have all summer when you're eating barbecue and laying on the beach and chasing the kids you'll have all summer to practice what we've learned in this year and a half all right so may 22nd is the last day um june is the last spiritual spa but i'll be back in september with the spiritual study sanctuary and you can come see me in august at the fix my life weekend at the center for living in in south carolina north carolina the blue ridge mountains wherever they are that's in august so put your little pennies together i would love to see you all i really would i would love to see you and if you can drive drive you know because i know some of you live on the west coast and you got to fly if you don't want to fly drive how about get a bus and just all come on down all right so put your little pennies together i'm not doing that the center for living is doing that uh art for living or creative living or whoever they are anyway go to my website and you'll see the um you will see the information or maybe we'll put it in the thread okay um what else uh the prayer challenge in june uh fix your life weekend in august tonight 9pm on own fix my life all right put that out on your thing for me and come in because we're doing a nice stories tonight i think tonight is the prison too no tonight of the four sisters the four professional black women who can't find love okay i know you all know about that only three more episodes and fix my life it's done all right there's a special coming on on may 22nd so this is may 22nd will be my last day here and may 22nd will be a two-hour special on fix my life okay to everybody that signed up for the releasing sexual abuse trauma we're starting on wednesday do you work do your homework your homework do your homework you got work to do do it switch finish out all right and you'll i'll talk to you about your initiation all right i want to leave you with this reading um that i that i just think is so applicable to today and even though i pulled it from the bible it's not just for christians oh i can't wait to do my metaphysical bible class because so many people walk away from the bible um because they think it's it's i don't know what the hell they think oh i don't know what they think i can't think for myself but let me tell you something there's some juicy pearls of wisdom in the body if you and i always say if you're not bible taught don't do king james because that thing all right there hurt you but the message the new living translation the life application study bible these things if you can get it in plain english and apply it to yourself this is in the bible and it comes out of the new living translation and i like people who are not um bible trained to do new living because it's plain english either new living or the message okay but we're gonna i'm gonna walk you all through the bible because you you know what i i can't do the quran i wish i could i can't do the quran because it's because it's um arabic and there's so many powerful things in there that i really don't understand i love the quran i love the baha'i vegeta i love the bible i love the course of miracles i love stuff that you'll never even heard of you know but because they're all um what did i have to see this wait a minute i just have to see this wait a minute what did i say these demonic teachers now this comes from precious heart i love it i love it precious heart these demonic teachings shall not prevail how do you know they're demonic are you do you have a degree in demonism because see for me this is about love i would have never thought anything that i said today is her demonic so since you're such an expert on demonic teachings maybe you should recommend a book for us so that we can all study them and know what not to do because i would have never known this was demonic precious heart never i would have never known i love when people are telling me i'm a witch and i don't even know nothing about witchcraft they must know because they've studied it thank you precious heart bless your precious heart i love it and they always say to me those are just trolls okay all righty i'm reading this from the bible but be careful because it could be demonic since it's coming out of my mouth you know if you really understood how powerful you were you wouldn't even put that out you know what you would do precious heart you'd pray for me you would pray for me precious heart if you really thought what i was doing was demonic so why don't you really use the christian principles to a higher level as opposed to putting that out what purpose did that serve what purpose did that serve you know what i'm just i'm not going to let you send your energy to me like that okay not at all i'ma pray for you that you can really master demonic teachings and teach people about them so that they don't fall into it help me if you think i'm doing demonic stuff help me don't curse me don't curse me all right how about that now that's a christian teaching for you [Laughter] i pull this out the bible i want to leave it with you i am so far over i'm so sorry forgive me this comes from isaiah 41. i'ma read you verses 10 and 13 okay don't be afraid for i am with you don't be discouraged for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will hold you up with my victorious right hand that's a promise can you hear me that is a instruction don't be afraid and a promise i am with you instruction don't be discouraged a new awareness for i am your god a promise i will strengthen you and help you that's a promise i will hold you up with my victorious right hand that's verse 10 isaiah 41. listen for i hold you by your right hand metaphysically right hand means the right side of your brain the right side of your mind that's how god holds us in our mind all right that's where you connect in your mind and in your heart all right for i hold you by your right hand i the lord meaning law principle universal truth your god because god is principle in truth and love and law and i say to you here's an instruction here's an instruction don't be afraid i am here to help you isaiah 41 verses 10 and 13 don't be afraid i am here to help you that's straight up out the bible now they'll tell you about demons in hell but they won't tell you that's in there okay have a good week check your habits check your fear pray deeply take it to the waterfall take it to the waterfall okay if nobody's tell you they love you today let me say i love you bye my precious heart
Channel: Iyanla Vanzant
Views: 26,698
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Id: f1aa7BzBGug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 22sec (4402 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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