Acts of Faith Spiritual Spa: Relationship with Self

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good evening beloved's I want to welcome you to what I hope will be the first of many many spiritual spawns time for us to relax and recharge and renew ourselves as we discuss those experiences that can disquiet our spirit so just like any other spa the first thing you want to do is get undressed I don't mean you have to take your clothes off but we do want to come fully present to this right now moments so I'm gonna ask you to hold your comments for a moment hold your question in the chat line and let's just take a moment to get present to come in to get grounded so since you can hear me all you need to do is just allow your eyelids to close just allow your eyelids to close hold the chats close your eyelids just allow your shoulders to relax and allow yourself to become aware of your breathing your inhale and your exhale just connect with your breath just as if you were lying on a warm massage table just relax as you inhale and exhale yeah relax again allow your eyelids to just come together you'll still be able to hear me now here's the interesting thing about the body and that is that it will obey your mind so if you instruct your body to relax it will relax so let's start here allowing your eyelids to remain together relax your shoulders relax your hips relax your legs and if you hunched over the keyboard just sit back for a moment and just relax remember we're at the spa consider this a spa treatment for relaxation and become mindful of your inhale and your exhale breathing deeply just allow yourself to relax if your eyelids are fluttering tell them to relax breathing slowly just tell your eyelids to relax just as if you were at the spa let the day fall away if your mind is racing just tell it to relax hmm as you inhale and exhale now just listen for month now allow your mind to become aware of my voice the sound of my voice and take a long deep inhale and drop it we have the spa so you got to relax so once again welcome this is an interactive platform so please feel free to put your comments in the sidebar and if you have a question there's a box at the bottom it says ask a question you can put your question in there and you can put your question in there and I'll see it I want to answer as many as possible now I won't get to everybody tonight but that's okay we're gonna have many stars let me say hi to a few people wait a minute I want to say hi to all the way from Belize hi how you doing out there and South Florida how are you Chicago how are you Delaware Philly Brooklyn I want to say hi to everybody I want to say hi to my team and thank them for helping me bring this together to be with you this evening I see there's a lot of you Sacramento Fort Lauderdale hey I'm coming to Fort Lauderdale if you're having technical difficulties I see you got to refresh your browser and this platform works best in Chrome so if you're in Safari or somewhere else you you want to go to Google Chrome hi Missy I'm live from Florida hi from Jacksonville hi New Jersey Hackensack how are you doing hi England so I just wanted to say hi to everybody tonight I want to share with you a few thoughts about faith specifically as it relates to having a relationship with yourself let me get some information here for you let's begin by talking about the reason that we've gathered here tonight wait a minute my little thing is being a little crazy the reason we're gathered here tonight and that's because I created this concept of spiritual spa actually one of my team members Cheryl would you have created based on my book acts of fate which is now 25 years old acts of faith is 25 years old and it's the wisdom that's contained in that book within the pages of that book that's taking me out on the road to do a 30-city tour because I want to bring the wisdom of that book from the page to the stage in the 21st century when I think that I wrote acts of faith in the 20th century that sounds so crazy but I did and so I want to share with you some wisdom and I want to do it up close and in your face so I'm gonna start right here this is my old copy of Acts of faith the little purple book I have it in the cover so people won't know what it is and this is what she looks like now she's old so she's grown up this is what she looks like now I hope you have your copy but I want to start today by with actually reading the message for tomorrow acts of faith March 15 let me get my visual assistance but y'all know I don't wear glasses I have visual assistance that helped me when I need it okay let me see if I can get them on okay March 15 acts of faith says truth is much more than a mental exercise that's a quote by Thurgood Marshall the human mind is always searching for - the mind guides us through books it interprets our experiences it limits us based on our exposure the mind searches for truth not realizing that the truth was never lost unfortunately you cannot reveal itself in a mind that is busy with chatter that chatter refers to what you think you need or want and what you say unlike truth your mental chatter may have nothing to do with what is real the only way to find truth is to go deep within yourself and live from that consciousness and understanding the truth is the reality of who you are from the inside out and that is something we rarely think about truth is the joy of living of being of having connection to everyone and everything without thought or malice or condemnation of any part of you truth is the spirit of life I live in the light of truth oh let's take a breath on that yeah from the page to the stage acts of faith has so much wisdom and the truth is that I'm sorry to keep reaching over you I'm trying to get myself organized the truth is that many of us have lost faith in ourselves and in our ability to manifest what it is that we desire the truth is that many of us have lost faith in the world and how it operates around us and for us and another truth really be truth is many of us have lost faith in our families and our loved ones we've lost faith in our ability to have or sustain loving healthy fulfilling relationships intimate connections with one another we've we just lost faith in relationships and some of us not all of us some of us have even lost faith in God in the Creator and in the divine process of life and these are truths that many of us live with each and every day although we walk around acting you know what I had done and nails and then our suit and tie and we get up and go to work whether we're struggling with a health challenge or a financial challenge as we watch or avoid the news as we struggle with addictions or just bad behavior we we struggle and we lose faith and as a result how we treat ourselves and how we treat each other is really really changing because some of us have lost faith in our own humanity and we've lost faith in humanity why well I think it's because many of us look outside of ourselves for the things that we really want thought that we already have within ourselves but because we can't find it out there then we lose faith thinking that we can never happen or that it's not for us or we lose our faith in our capacity to be it to do it to have it whatever it is and when we face disappointment after disappointment or hurt at the hurt or challenge at the challenge the challenges of everyday life when we face those over and over again we begin to take it personally now we think that life is harsh and brutal and that the things we go through are totally unnecessary and yes we lose say now I don't know about you but when I hit a wall the first thing that leaves me isn't I think I have faced them first up in life and the first thing to abandon me was my face I've hit some bumps in the road that have caused me to be afraid or ashamed or angry and even sometimes hopeless but until I stopped and got real clear about what faith was and how I had abandon it because faith didn't abandon me I abandon int I abandon it at the first sign of trouble until I stopped and got clear about how I abandoned faith and what faith is so many of us have a distorted image a view perspective of what faith is you know we hear faith and the first thing we think is religion now I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the belief and Trust and who we are and who others are in the world and in our ability to create the finances that we want so the first thing I want you to get you can take notes if you want to faith is an inner knowing about unseen things that there's your soul to go where your eyes can't see your eyes may not be able to see it but faith will guide you to follow your own inner voice not outside excitement or stimulation your inner voice to go where your eyes have no ability to see what's going on my grandmother used to say don't believe your lyin eyes just keep moving in faith I thought she was crazy but then I learned faith is not just what we believe in or believe for faith is what we live when we know the truth of who we are when we really know who we are when we sit firmly and that identity I'm not talking about your name I'm talking about what you stand for what you're made of when we really understand that the truth of who we are we have faith and confidence in who we are now let me do this here is a perfect question that that was that addresses that issue it's from sherry Hanson sherry is answer asking where do you begin when you feel so lost in yourself thank you for that question sharing it it's one that I believe many of us have or had or grapple with on any given day I feel lost I'm not moving I'm stuck I don't know what to do or how to do it so faith in yourself sherry begins with an intimate relationship with yourself I'm talking intimate because once you lose touch with you with the truth of who you are with the essence of who you are you will lose faith in yourself you really will and what I know from experience is that many of us never really established a relationship with ourselves because we were talked out of it or beat out of it or frightened out of it we were never taught how to establish a loving supportive healthy intimate relationship with ourselves but instead we were taught that what other people want for us want from us believe about us we were taught that that was more important than what we want for ourselves we were taught that we had to please others to keep ourselves safe and when you work against yourself even for those instances when you have to you will lose faith we were never taught or a few of us were taught that what we want what we think what we feel is in Porton so to you sherry and to all the sherry is folks out there everybody that I can identify with Sherry's question if you feel lost or if you have lost faith in yourself you must begin with a self-examination now I know that is probably the last thing most of us want to do and it can be really really scary but just like Thurgood Marshall said and activate today you must get clear about who you are about what you want and most of all about what you do that keeps you from getting what it is you say you want this you've got to get clear about the stories that you've been told about yourself and the ones you're telling yourself about who you are and who you're not and what you can do and what you can't do so how do you get clear okay how do you engage in a self-reflection that will allow you to understand the truth of who you are so that you can build faith and confidence in yourself well that's what you do get you a journey okay get yourself a journal and start writing now if you would every day for 21 days write your response to one question one question you go see yourself in a brand new light and you gotta ride it you can't type it why because you wanted to come out of your brain come down through your heart use through your fingers and end up on the paper you want to know what the question is Who am I not what have I done what do I have Who am I and you just allow the thoughts to flow this is one of the most profound questions you can ever ask yourself Who am I and you do that every day for 21 sherry sherry and everybody else if you want to build faith ask the question Who am I that at the end of that 21 days you start with a new question what do I want a good loving relationship with yourself starts with knowing the truth of who you are and what you want when you don't understand recognize embrace who you are when you don't tell the truth about what it is you really want you will lose faith in yourself and you won't recognize the lessons that your life is bringing you which means you won't be able to take the appropriate steps in your life that will get you what you truly desire so how do you jump-start yourself to get faith and confidence answer those two questions Who am I and what do I want in your journal go right out to target tarjay go to tarjay can get you a journal that's why I got this one I got it out the basket it was cheap okay I couldn't up there with all the 862 other journals the back and start with answering these questions Who am I what do I want in fact at the end of this broadcast tomorrow morning I'm gonna send you an email that's gonna have our bonus worksheet it's gonna have a worksheet that is gonna help you get those questions answered so that you can get clearer about you and build a better relationship with you is gonna open the path for self-examination but I'll tell you about that a little more later on if you want the bonus worksheet just stay tuned then you'll get the link so that you can get it now here's another question why did we lose faith in ourselves why do we lose face than ourselves I want to approach this from a different way let me just stop my notes for a moment because the key is we are faithful oh we're absolutely faithful we have faith that though everything that we don't want will happen we have faith that if we find a new boo you're gonna leave or she gonna leave we have faith that the people who've always acted crazy will continue to act crazy we have faith that because we want it we can't have it we are fake oh we're very faithful the thing is that we put our faith in the wrong thing let me tell you that's important now I'm a scripture baby okay I'm not gonna beat you over the head with the Bible but I do want to make this very point to you stitches saying trust in the Lord trust in God trust in the Creator trust in so Trust is an inward experience it's gotta be in you scriptures then say faith without works is no thing faith without works is no thing so here's the conundrum in which we find ourselves when we don't have trust within it'll be hard to act on faith without okay Trust is internal faith is external but they work hand-in-hand and if you've got a problem in one trust me boo you gonna have a problem in the other so we have faith that the things that we don't want will happen but we don't trust the process ourselves God like enough to know that we can put our faith in the things that we do want to have okay so just make a note of that take your finger take your finger and do this f7 enter Daniele let me address that issue Danielle says I had a horrible experience with journaling is there another tool I can use this is a classic example of her putting her faith that something bad happened before it's gonna happen again that that is gonna happen again no Dania I don't know what your experience was but if you are alone in the room with you and a notebook and a pen and you had a bad experience it's you Boo is you so let's go back in let's go back in and ask what was that experience what was that and then just write down what it was don't put your faith in the fact that because you it happened before it's gonna happen again exactly what I was saying Thank You Danielle for that question you may my point now if you don't want to you know what I'm not gonna accommodate you limiting yourself figure it out I'm telling you this is the to journaling Institute go in there find out what happened okay and if you don't want a journal alone create a journaling group what would happen to three or four five or six of y'all came together on the Thursday night and sat around the table with your favorite drink and some chips and just wrote in the journal Who am I and then shared your answers said [ __ ] your reactions oh my lord shared your answers wait a minute Terry's got a good question haha Terry said I'm 50 I'm too old for this Terry go to the mirror and slap the first person that comes up as long as you are breathing my love so you put your faith in the fact that you're too old and you can't do this you can't go to tarjay and dig in the basket and get a lovely little journal and sit down and ask yourself the question so let me tell you what will happen if you don't do it if you don't begin to develop that relationship that confidence that faith in yourself what's gonna happen is you're gonna keep experiencing exactly what you've been experiencing and then you get to sit around and complain you get to whine you get to feel bad or you just stay where you are unhappy if you're unhappy and if you're not unhappy oh well never too old as long as you're breathing it's a chance it's an opportunity and there's a bigger possibility than the one you have now so let me talk for a moment about why we lose faith in ourselves let me get my notes back okay I my experience this is my experience you take what you need and you can let the rest go we lose faith in ourselves because of the things people tell us as a child the people who raised me frequently told me that I was bad that I was wrong or that I was doing it wrong and here's the big thing they always tell me that I talked too much maggot paid very well to run my mouth but we won't had a conversation okay now I know they weren't trying to destroy my faith in myself or my confidence on my value but what I heard and lived with diminish my sense of self and when yourself is the minute your self-esteem your self value yourself work and your sense of self in a good healthy positive way it's gonna be hard to know who you are and to build a healthy relationship with yourself and if you don't have a good relationship with you you are not gonna put your faith in you as long as you think you're bad or wrong or stupid or whatever it is that you may have heard so the first thing that destroys our faith in ourselves and hinders our relationship with ourselves is the things that we were told or heard or saw as children and because we can't unsee them unhear them it just stays with us so a good relationship with yourself that allows you to have faith in yourself will grow from you understanding that your thoughts about yourself and your capabilities cannot come from the outside they got to come from the inside you cannot govern your life based on what people said you could do couldn't do my do may not do and there's been documented research that that may lead you to believe that society or the church or your parents know more about you than you that is absolutely not accurate so that's the first thing but here's what I want you to say take a breath with me hear me the mountains that you face the problems that have challenged you the issues that you are working through I have worked through all of those were assigned to you they were assigned to you so that you can become a demonstration to other people of what is possible and what is doable those are your assignments so don't lose faith because they're there have confidence that you can get through them faith in yourself is not about everything turning out okay or looking the way you want to look faith in yourself it's about you being okay no matter how something turns out no matter what you're going through and when you have a song in your heart a song of faith in your heart it shows up on your face okay and when you lack faith in yourself people will see it in everything you do so that is the key don't worry about me saying it again you're gonna get the replay link and you're gonna download your worksheet and you're gonna have all of this just take it in okay let me ask her another question let me get this question here yeah sue is asking ya soon hi yeah sue how do you even attempt to build a relationship with your mother hmmm who has a negative viewpoint on life when you're trying to keep yourself on track towards the positive thank you for that question yeah sue now I'm gonna save that one for next week for next week's spiritual spa because next week we're going to be discussing relationships with others okay and mother is other all right this week we are focusing on your relationship with yourself and I'm telling you yeah sue as you begin to get clear and tell the truth about who you are and what you want your relationship with everybody life the bees the trees everybody it's gonna change okay so I'm a whole yes question for next week yeah so be sure to sign up and join in last week let me see next week well Valentin is asking how do you keep faith in God when you know one day your loved ones will die and you'll miss them okay Valentin thank you for asking that question but let me answer the first part first the second part says okay Valentin people simply cannot and do not live forever they just don't death or transition whatever you call it call it it's an inevitable part of life and the way you prepare yourself for the loss of the loved one is to love them their love them hard love them go ahead tell them that you love them show them that you love that have faith that even after they're gone their love is gonna stay inside of you that love is never gonna die because it's within you okay don't put your faith that you're gonna be miserable and horrible because somebody dies I've buried my father my brother my mother my sister my stepmother and a child and baby mm-hmm I got friends in high places now let me answer the first part of your question what should we do when everything goes well in our life but it feels like we're going around in circles well it sounds to me that you may have lost your ability in your potential to go higher okay why would you go around the circles when you can go up what that sounds like Valentin is that you may be lacking a vision more often than not when there's a lack of vision when there's a lack of clarity about what it is that you want you stay in the same place now you may be content you may be content you may even be happy but if you experience it as going around in circles then it says you got to expand your vision Valentin I want you to stay tuned because I really want you to get the the bonus worksheet and I also hope that you're coming to see me when I come to a city your city or a city near you because I'm gonna take this to a whole nother level when we get there this is just to prepare us this is the pre-work I want to thank you let me say hi to a few more people let me say hi to oh I don't see nobody I know you're ledee I just can't see you names okay but you're there now let me just say this before we go on if you want to know if I'm coming to your city or city near you road trip go to iyanla Vanzant that page will give you the full schedule of the tour and you can also purchase your tickets there and please if you can help it don't come along okay cuz you're gonna need somebody to talk to you on the way home so bring a friend bring your girlfriend bring your partner bring some pie bring your mama okay some great mother's figure we gave you a two-for-one ticket sales for mother's day so don't come along okay next five treatment and I hope you start to feel good all right why else do we lose faith in ourselves hear me okay caught you pearls mm-hmm bad habits in bad Beijing now when I say bad I don't mean wrong I don't mean wrong at all I mean doing things that occupy our time our energy and our resources that are not in alignment with or supportive of what it is we say that we want that's bad behavior all right you've been messing around with that thing for the past 52 years leave it alone you've been messing around with that person for the last 52 years leave it alone okay bad behavior and we keep doing the same thing over and over and over again and we think we can't get out of it and then we lose faith or another reason we lose faith in ourselves is when we think things that are unkind or unloving about ourselves and about other people or when we allow people to do things to us that are unloving and unsupportive when we act from comfort and familiarity rather than a clear intention and desire more often than not not that's a bad habit lazy happy and that keeps us frozen with frozen stuck in the ice of our life and we got ten packs of matches in our pocket let me tell you about what acts of faith March 10th sense all right activate I'm gonna be from the new book I'm gonna be from the new book because I want you to go get you one because it's pretty and if you're a VIP a person at the acts of faith remixed or you want to get this book and it's gonna have a surprise in it for you all right acts of faith we're talking about bad habits and we're talking about bad behavior acts of faith March 10th instead of wallowing in my misery I just made some changes do you know that that Stephanie Mills you know [ __ ] from The Wiz okay Stephanie no okay my glasses are nuts it no nothing here you go listen listen to this you can do something the same way for so long that you begin to do it without thinking when you are not thinking about what you are doing you may not recognize its harmful effects bad behavior and bad habits very often the habit of doing a certain thing in a certain way robs you of new experiences this is for you sherry and all the sherry people out there in order to learn and grow and be happy you must always seek the new speak to someone before they speak to you or let them speak first if you're always the one speaking try the radio and send it to television bathe in the morning instead of that night be conscious of what you do and how you do it and be open to happy new experiences today I am willing to do it different and the new acts of faith has a reflection and here's the reflection choose to be conscious and to do something different today and then journal about how that made you feel yeah you have to be willing to do something new you have to be willing to persist until you succeed so many of us give up here's a bad habit I see all the time I see so many people who do this is that we overcome it and underperform okay over commit and underperform we take on more than we can humanly do and do more than is required or productive one sure way to lose faith in yourself is to overdo or fail to complete what you start so I want to offer you do one thing at a time and do it well one of the principles that I live by is excellence when I'm momming I'm excellent when I'm loving I'm excellent when I'm working when I'm making masterpiece products when I'm writing when I'm here with you I mean this is all I'm doing and I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do it well and i'ma do it to the end if you wanna build your faith in yourself do everything for the joy of doing it one reason we lose faith in ourselves is because we do stuff because we're obligated to do it and we don't really want to do it but before ourselves to do it then we get mad at the other people in it ourselves so be realistic about what you do and what you want to do what you need to do and can do and do everything to completion okay so that you know that you can trust yourself to do what you say you gonna do okay I'm gonna take some more questions Laura is here helping me Laura wait a minute I've got a question here this question is from Felicia let me take this Felicia hi Felicia she says how do i reinvents don't over live my dream at the age of 60 years old what I'm not sure if I may quit to pursue my passion but I know for certain when I'm currently doing is not what I've always longed to do okay so I'm not gonna say bye Felicia I am NOT gonna say that I'm gonna say Thank You Felicia because you've raised one of the primary reasons that people lose faith in ourselves when you don't know hear me when you don't know that you are enough to sustain you to fulfill your own dreams or that you have the capacity to create what it is you desire when you don't know that you will lose faith in yourself remember remember this faith it would just drags your soul to be to do to have what your eyes cannot see faith is what we live when we know the truth of who we are Felicia get you a journal and start getting clear about who you are and what you desire go within just because you're 60 you know what you're moving into the wisewoman stage you're becoming an elder just because you're 60 doesn't mean that you can't get clear about the truth of who you are in fact it means there's probably a new truth about you at 60 that you didn't need to know at 50 you want to get into your soul and understand what is possible for you miss Felicia you've probably lost faith in yourself and faith in the world around you so please get a journey I sure hope you coming to see me I hope you're coming to see me I hope I'm coming to a city near you because I'm gonna talk about different things as it relates to faith on the tour you know so if you need a ticket miss Felicia go to iyanla Vanzant and see if i'm coming to a city near you okay uh-huh all right let me get some more questions here I want to say hi Felicia said it Iveta says speak Felicia I'm 70 it don't matter you a wise woman oh yeah you can you can get some good stuff right now all right so mmm sherry Geils sherry Geils hi sherry thank you for your question sherry gals are saying how do I find the root issue behind my self sabotaging race weights okay that's a good question people always talk to me about self sabotage and it's one or two things it's fear okay it's either fear or bad habits bad habits and listen the only thing that can break a habit is a new habit so you have to create better habits and become a slave to that all right I don't talk about enslavement often but the only thing that I'm enslaved to is good habits so if you want to stop sabotaging yourself get your journal and you've got us you gotta be ruthless you got to do a Columbo okay you got to do a Columbo on yourself you got to put on your trench coat and you got to get you know you don't have to get no cigar but put on your trench coat and start looking at how you do think can I tell you something don't tell don't tell anybody okay let me tell you about a pattern that I know in my wine all right I wouldn't tell this to many people but since there's I just tell y'all but don't tell nobody all right once I did my work my journaling for days upon days upon days upon days and really started getting clear that's why y'all want to get the bonus worksheet I'm gonna send you a link tomorrow but I'll tell you about that later one of the things that I just discovered was any time I was getting ready to do anything good or anything bad Oh anything big not bad big anything good or anything big my family would erupt okay somebody done custom body out somebody done lost something somebody done got arrested or the house burned down or the teeth fell out or the dog got run over by the garbage truck no matter what it was and what that would do is that it would take me off track so now I got to go help my brother save my sister fix the kids save the grandkids you know and so it was through journaling that I really came to understand Wow every time I get ready to do something big or fun something that's gonna bring me joy my family he runs hmm I said to myself hmm Yama this a pattern you need to do something different so I started watching it and I'm telling you whether it was my Emmy or the n-double-a-cp Image Award or taking the trip or buying a car or whatever it is something would always happen to to steal my joy I started watching and I started making new choices so I would say whatever was happening as long as nobody was bleeding or in the hospital if I'm doing something in your life here ups I'm staying focused on my life I am NOT on the save your life committee hear me you need to resign from the save your life committee and you need to resign from the self-sabotage committee but the way you're going to do that is to start paying attention to how you sabotage what is the feeling that comes up that makes you do something that takes you off track what are the thoughts that permeate your mind so you got a Columbo the thing okay you got a Columbo it you got to pay attention to what you do when you do and start writing it down don't just hold it in your mind here's a trick hit hear me the same sick mind that you're trying to heal is the same sick man you look into for answers to fix it that don't make no sense that's bad behavior okay so write it down so that you pull it from the inside and you get some new and you get some inside let me see what's going over here right I am NOT on the save your life committee okay just tell people I'm not on that committee somebody called me today said oh I need a passage I'm not on that committee I'm not all right here we go resign from okay good that y'all are just telling me what I said yes Jesus I hope he's with us here we go here's another question amber hi amber Amber's a baby amber is 27 years old that means when I wrote acts of faith Angelus to do you see why I'm going on tour amber will you live you got your ticket you better come on out and see me and bring you a little young and switch cuz I'm a wise woman all right Anna as a young person on my spiritual journey good for you amber what do you feel is the most important foundational thing to focus on and develop amber C I want you to develop faith I want to develop faith in yourself amber you're 27 and you're gonna make mistakes and you're gonna fall and you're gonna bruise your knees I don't want you to lose faith I want you to build a healthy intimate relationship with yourself so that when you make a mistake or when you make a poor decision you won't abandon you and I said earlier the first thing I do is I have banned the faith faith doesn't abandon me I want you to develop that relationship and but I want you to get real clear about what it is that you want I want you to write it down in your journal get the bonus worksheet write it down in your journal and I want you to do it every day just to subscribed on that worksheet I want you to get clear about that and then I want you to take small little steps towards it each and every day amber I want you to be a slave to your desires I don't want you to let anybody talk you out of it I want you to have faith in it because you know the truth of who you are and you're telling the truth about what you want and you're gonna have faith not confidence faith hey that's gonna pull your soul to where your eyes can't see come on em you do yes want to do that faith that's the most important thing and the other thing amber is I want you to develop a daily spiritual practice okay do you have my awakening zap I'm not I'm really not just trying to sell your product really I'm not I'm trying to give you all the tools that you need awakenings okay each day you get three principles that you can listen to and journal about it's me talking to you so amber please go to beauty everywhere calm and get the awakenings at daily life coaching with iyanla Vanzant that's a tool and amber here's what I want you to know right you can't write this down but you'll get it when you get the replay thing be sure to get the replay thing then go through this and take your notes amber a delay is not a denial another reason we lose faith is because we don't have patience and we think because the thing don't show up when we push the 30-second button in the microwave okay well um delay is not a denial okay so be real clear amber all right especially with you young uns because you young uns got microwave popcorn you got instant rice in a bag you got frozen turkey burgers you're going everything like this you know I'm the kind I had to wash rice and cook it in the pot and watch if you don't it don't burn and and and I had to I had to grind the meat so that I could make a turkey burger there wasn't turkey that we was making so you Amba a delay is not a denial don't lose patience do a daily spiritual pact practice every single day amber and when you can't do it start your day like we started this spot breathe alright here's another question from Leah Smith in the menapii how come all the ladies is asking me questions I want a man I do want a man but I don't want him right now okay here we go Miss B how do I honestly I can't see your writing the type is too small here we go how do I continue to have faith courage when literally I'm falling apart mentally physically emotionally I believe in God but I also see my reality Leah you're not looking at reality beloved you're looking at illusion you're looking at the matrix the reality is in you and instead of looking at it outside Leah begin within going thing you gotta go in baby I don't know how old you are I don't I don't know where you are but you got to go in because where the mind goes the behind follows so if you fallen apart physically whether it's health or or your home or whatever it's in here baby you're falling apart emotionally it's in here so I want you to get this right if you get this right and you get your heart right if you build up think each and every day I'm telling you it's gonna change and it's gonna change quickly because we are in the 21st question good 21st question 21st century and stuff is happening like this so Leah Leah please I'm not trying to sell you anything go get the app because you get a trial you can get three principles a day work those principles listen to them every day it sounds to me like maybe you don't have guidance in your life or you don't have anybody that you could look look up to find you a wise woman in your church in your community in your neighborhood find you a wise woman that means a woman 60 or older who's moving like you want her to move if I could take you on I would I can't do private clients and do what I do but Leah you're not falling apart baby the mountain it was assigned to you the problem it was assigned to you the the challenge the issue it was assigned to you baby so that you could build the faith in yourself required to be a demonstration to others of what's possible it's you you know Leah listen listen to me okay if you're up there a breakdown precedes a breakthrough so you are heading towards something great the only thing you got to do is shift the consciousness in the attitude so here's what I want to do now I don't know where you are in your spiritual life in your spiritual world but let me let me put this to you this way leave the Creator what do you call it God or Buddha Allah Jesus I don't know it doesn't matter to me just say creator divine mine is the Alpha meaning the beginning and the Omega meaning the end the beginning and the end of your life is in the creator's hands so Lea he's got the middle copper he's got your back baby mean on him lean lean lean do your daily spiritual practice get the worksheet and do it go get the awakening zap beauty everywhere calm go get the awakening zap work with those principles every day find you a wise woman or another system woman that you that can help you and be mindful of what you're telling yourself a friend Thank You Lea for writing thank you for writing we running out of time I want to get to as many questions as I can all right where where's the man okay second page and that is Jonathan hi Jonathan Jonathan's 26 Jonathan when I wrote this book I'm gonna show it to you I want you to see this Jonathan okay when I wrote this book right here you were one I love it I love it and I love that you would come to me I'll be your own auntie no I know I'll be you I'll be your wise aren't you here we go Jonathan I'm 26 my soul has opened up and I'm beginning my healing my ego wants to fail and go back to always Oh Jonathan that is a powerful awareness he knows that the ego is not him and he's only 26 years old that is a hallelujah moment there okay what practices can I use to keep my ego in check and not running my life there's only one baby prayer prayer I have a surrender prayer that I'm gonna give us the bonus gift in a future spot but right now Jonathan I want you to get yourself a copy of get over it okay and read that prayer of surrender until you know it by heart that the only way to subdue the ego is with prayer and listen remember I said the only way to subdue what happened is with another habit if you want to subdue a bad habit you got to have a good habit to put in its place otherwise you're gonna lose faith that you keep giving into the old habit the self okay so Jonathan prayer because the only way this will do the darkness is to call in the light ah come on sup oh wait a minute I just shot my own self ha ha that's what you got to do Jonathan get your app go get the awakened is that I don't know where you are hope you coming to see me go look at iyanla Vanzant and when you get this thing I'm Jonathan Jonathan's here okay and Leah if you're coming to see you you do the same thing cuz I just want to hug you alright but Leah I don't know where you are Phoenix is May 29th with you not in Phoenix you got 14 days to do the app and to do your journaling to answer that question and when I see you I want you to tell me how much better things up alright let me know that alright okay Jonathan's prayer they'll get you a copy or get over it or borrow your mom's or your sisters don't go to the store and liberate one because that's what the young people used to do when they was in college go steal my books the man told me that access table is the most stolen property in the bookstore alright but I don't want you do that I want you to get a copy of activate your like um that what they call it the devices I think it is a Kindle edition read the prayer of surrender alright until you know it by heart let me get another question all right here comes let me just see hi hi change your smoke detector battery safety first what it's smoked it ain't no smoke you see smoke uh-huh my smoke detector battery it does that it does it does it for light not for smoke detector I have to have lights all around because the people come and try to knock on my door when the deer go by it's its little thing off so that's what it is if you talk about mine all right Jonathan Farkas all right let me see mo next Lightfoot hi mo net thank you for answering the asking the question and I got to do the summary oh my god we're running out of time all right and I'm gonna do the summary and I want to give you all instructions Monette is Lightfoot how do I continue to keep faith and hope when everything you try number one own it don't don't tell me you tell me I everything I try why do we lose faith in ourselves because we externalize everything what are you supposed to do when people don't treat you right no no no no what am I supposed to do when I have the experience of people not treating me with decency dignity and honor so the first thing you got to do man that is own your stuff all right your thoughts your feelings if you want to build a good relationship with yourself you gotta own your stuff you can't put it out there you who you talking to you you talking to it ain't me okay how do I continue to keep faith and hope when everything I try to do every step I try to make to get myself out of the situation I'm in I keep getting knocked down every single time it almost seems like God is ignoring my Christ my pain my questions my effort now see Monet that gives it a whole nother experience when you start owning it you got to own it because what that's going to do is it's going to trigger up the feelings and then when you go down and you start writing Who am I what do I want let me just say this the finger of God never points where the hand of God won't make a way the thing god never points where the hand of God won't make away so if you're getting beat down knocked down you may better you may not be on purpose you may not be in alignment with the universal will for you or you may be approaching it wrong first of all when was the first time you got knocked down and what was the lesson you got from that and are you applying that lesson to every other situation when was the first time you cried out and are you angry that you don't think your your cry was answered I'm telling you that mountain was assigned to you Manette it was assigned to you uh-huh just because you don't like the way things happen doesn't make them wrong sometimes things happen that way to teach you what you needed to learn like I said to y'all I had to learn to get off to save the universe committee and get ready to be in my joy if something good is happening for me and my son my grandson my my granddaughter they having some issue I'm not gonna stop my life and go do that and we've been taught that selfish I say it's so full so my name you really must ask for what you really want and you've got to go back and look you got to go back and look at what you learn from what you didn't get okay not when anger and resentment and judgment but in a way that you can use it alright go get the awakenings app go get the and go get you a copy of get over it cuz you got some anger in you alright and when a on yourself on your stuff opportunities um come so that you can practice they some of us have flaccid faith muscles you know ask for faith you don't get it unless you demonstrate it faith can't pour down into you you demonstrated remember faith without works is nothing all right so you've got to have challenges bill your faith muscles that's why we're doing this some of us have real flabby faith muscles okay because we want everything given to us and particularly some of your young uns you want everything to come to you easy not gonna happen all right here we go Wow so since we're running out of time let me give a quick review of things that destroy us faith in ourselves fear doubt and worry okay fear doubt and worry so you've got to stop and ask yourself okay what am I afraid of what am i doubting is that me as a god is life is it other people what am I worrying about all right those three things will undermine your faith and if those three things are present you don't have faith all right all right the other thing that undermines our faith is the need to be right that we want to be right about what we're thinking saying and doing and we will just put ourselves in all manner of crazy situations just to be right all right seeking control trying to control things and people and circumstances and situations says you may not feel safe inside says also that you don't have faith because when you have faith you learn to go with the flow and when you're in the flow of things you just move and doing what you can do the way you know how you can do it when you do that things unfold and they happen for you through you you don't have to be in control all right if you add these things to these three things fear doubt and worry - the need to be right and the need to be in control then you pile on top of that bad habits and bad behavior if I would say I wouldn't want to be with you either listen you must choose not to think not to worry not to doubt not to obsess you have to choose you must choose to breathe and flow knowing that everything is unfolding just as it needs to this simply isn't enough room in your mind to keep worry and doubt and fear and faith active so you've got to choose what you're given tendency to who's the tenant in your mind are gonna be faith or is it gonna be that other stuff all right so here are the three main reasons we lose faith in ourselves we don't have a good solid relationship with ourselves we doubt ourselves we've lost confidence ourselves we don't understand the truth of who we are we get confused and conflated because we've been through some stuff that we didn't know was assigned to us so that we could build our faith we lose faith that way so here's the spa treatment if you've lost faith get clear about who you are and get clear about what you want get yourself a journal and ask that question Who am I write your responses down don't type them write them down and allow them to unfold through you the first couple of days you'll be thinking the second couple of days you'll be feeling and then you'll be in the flow and it'll start to come forward the second reason we lose faith is because we're not clear about what we really want so spend some time doing things and being with things that you really want and eliminate the time that you spend being with people who are not in alignment with your the desires of your heart one of the things we do is that we carry the weight of the things that we don't want and then we can't wait for the things that we do want patience is a precursor to faith so what's the spa treatment get clear about what you want how tarjay I got this at Target a get yourself a journal and write down what you want write it down over and over and over and over write down the five six seven ten twenty five things that you want and keep writing it over and over and over until the same things keep coming up because what you're going to discover is the more you write things are gonna fall off more things are gonna come in and then you know how to get busy moving in the right direction and finally this one is hard sorry so question points if we lose faith in our creator in God and the Lord of our life in the sovereignty of the creator of life when we lose faith in that we depend too heavily on our human self and we diminish the value of our divine identity the presence of God within us and if you don't have a solid understanding of the creator of your life and the presence of that in you you will eventually have broken faithless relationship with God and the process of life so what's the spa treatment begin with in get still reflect inquire learn to lean on that which is bigger and greater and wiser than you meditate pray have a daily spiritual practice that will cut out the external noise and center you on the holy place within you the place of life light love and truth that will give birth to everything you desire begin within yeah okay that's our faith spa treatment for tonight and I hope that you heard something that you can use that'll help you build your faith muscle now our spa treatment next week right here next week is going to be May Tuesday May 21st at 7:30 and we're going to talk about our relationships with others so I'll take some of those questions that I didn't get to tonight I'll answer those questions so don't forget to sign up sign up so that you can get a spot in next week's next week's session and here's what you got to do in the meantime I want to tell you about the bonus worksheet I have a bonus worksheet for you tonight next week I'm gonna have a meditation for you but tonight I want you to write okay tomorrow morning if you've signed up for this session tomorrow morning you're gonna get an email and there'll be the link to replay this so you can go back and take notes because I know we've covered a lot and you want to get all of those little nuggets right you can replay this session and there'll also be a link that you can sign up and go download the spar worksheet all right and if you sign up for my mailing list you're gonna notice about future spots now if you need your ticket for the acts of faith remix tour don't forget to go to young Levin Zandt and you can get your ticket yeah you can do that for in the 30 cities the cities are there ah when you go to iyanla Vanzant now if you didn't get your tickets yet don't worry don't worry you've got a little bit of time Phoenix you don't have no time okay because the best seats are really really going alright so now you know I'm going to leave you with the final spa treatment and if for some strange and bizarre reason you don't want to come out and see me you can answer me you can still watch the replay here so if you want to know the end look at the beginning right now just allow yourself to become aware of your breathing allow yourself to be present to your inhale and your exhale just as if you were relaxing on a massage table just relax remain mindful and connected to your breath and just relax and Stroke your body to relax relax your shoulders relax your hips relax your legs and here's a secret relax your tongue in your mouth if you're hunched over the keyboard sit back just relax if your mind is racing tell it to relax breathe in and we then and out we slowly be present to your brand and just relax you've just had a spa treatment so just inhale and exhale now just listen acts of fate February 9 I am sick and tired of being sick and tired fannie lou hamer many of us believe that unless we're struggling we are not doing it right we struggle with thoughts feelings even other people we struggle with money problems family problems and personal problems many of us have said I am tired and struggling well guess what when you make the decision to stop struggling you stop when you stop struggling things will get better struggle goes against the flow it creates exhaustion and the mind and body and when you're exhausted you get sick if you are sick you must make a decision and a commitment to do everything in your power to get better the power is in the commitment never to do again what makes you sick the key is in the decision never to tire of doing what is good best and right for you now let me see what our reflection is on that on February 9 the reflection that's your assignment is what are you sick and tired of what are you willing to stop wrestling with today that's our spiritual spa and thank you for coming remember you'll get an email in the morning with the links or the replay go get your tickets at iyanla Vanzant and just in case nobody's told you that they love you to death let me be the first to say I love you I don't want nothing from you and there's absolutely nothing you need to do you don't even need to love me back I'm alone anyhow [Music]
Channel: Iyanla Vanzant
Views: 293,052
Rating: 4.9312868 out of 5
Keywords: faith, acts of faith, iyanla, iyanla vanzant, spiritual spa, spirituality, god, spiritual development
Id: alXUG9GzJ-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 57sec (4077 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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