I've Never Cried THIS HARD - *THE LAST OF US* (S1 - part one)

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hey there how's it going if you know anything about me you know that I hate zombies not a fan they really freak me out but this show has been requested so damn much that I can't ignore it so let's watch The Last of Us [Music] real quick before we get into the rest of the video let's have a word from today's sponsor bright sellers oh oh hi Natalia what's up hey Natalie I'm here to do the sponsored read for bright sellers what what do you mean I'm here to do the sponsorship you mean you're you're prepared this time yeah I'm prepared this time um can you move I'd like to get started and you're sitting in my seat oh yeah yeah I'm sorry I'm just really not used to this um oh quick question before I go you made sure to take bread seller's seven question quiz right where they match you with wines from all around the world that are curated to your taste of course yes okay great um oh one more question um did you receive their wine education cards for each bottle where they outlined tasting notes suggested pairings origins of the wine that kind of stuff yes they sent me a lovely dry and Jammy Terrell [ __ ] from California it was absolutely delightful are we done here yes I'm sorry what am I doing obviously you're a professional I will just get right out of your hair um you know uh one more question do you do you want to do the ad read yourself you know what I think that that would be best fine knock yourself out okay you know what thank you so much Natalia I will see you later bye what I absolutely love wine but I hate spending money to try out new bottles that I'm not sure I'll like that's why I love bright sellers because with them satisfaction is guaranteed not only do they have a concierge team that's available for any questions you may have but each box you receive will improve as you rate more and more wines I personally love sharing wine with my friends at parties so now when I go to a party and I tell them about tempranio they're like oh what's that and I'm like oh it's this full-bodied medium red wine from Spain and then they're like wow I've never heard of that before Natalie you know what you're so smart and knowledgeable and awesome and pretty so they they I they say those things I promise for a limited time offer bright sellers is giving you guys 100 off of your first four boxes of wine all you have to do is click the link in my description to get started seriously this is the best offer bright sellers has ever given so if you've ever thought about trying them now would be a great time thank you so much to Bright sellers for sponsoring this video I really loved working with them in the past and I truly love their wines and the service that they provide and thank you guys so much for listening to the sponsorship sponsors really do help support the channel so I very much appreciate it and with all that being said let's get back into the video welcome back to my channel everyone thank you so much for being here especially you yes you hello you you if you're a subscriber I'm talking to you thank you so much to all my subscribers my crispy golden nuggets who stick around who watch these movies and shows with me on a regular basis I really do appreciate it a lot I love seeing your suggestions and fun facts about the things we watch in the comments down below and welcome if you're new hey hi how are you if you like what you see here and you enjoy this show specifically The Last of Us you might want to consider clicking the little subscribe button down below because I will be doing multiple videos for this season as well as maybe checking out my patreon in the description where I will be doing full length watch along style reactions to these episodes on my patreon page I also post those a fair bit earlier over there so if that kind of thing interests you you can watch them more in real time with me also you might want to consider checking out my other channel Natty gold I have that Linked In the description as well I do live streams over there and different kinds of videos I've been being a little bit more active over there lately it's definitely been a resolution of mine in 2023 to post more variety of content all over the place today we're getting on into a new show The Last of Us this has been requested so much so many times I've been aware that this show is in the making for a while now I started streaming again sometime last year over on my other channel Channel and around the time when I started streaming people were kind of mentioning it over and over in the chat mentioning hey one you should play this game The Last of Us and two a series is coming out the only reason I haven't played the game yet is because I don't own a PlayStation I could buy one but it seems like a bit of a waste to buy a PlayStation just for one game you know what I mean like it feels a little bit of a waste plus I just heard that it is coming to PC I will probably be playing that game begrudgingly at some point over on my other channel not really looking forward to it um guys I'm not playing this game I'm not playing this game I'm not playing this game I can't I'm never playing this game from what I've heard it's centered around a zombie apocalypse which is just really not my favorite thing I really really really don't like zombies I don't like zombie apocalypse stories they freak me out they make me feel really like anxious uh I don't know something about it just I oddly feels too real even though I don't think anything exactly like a zombie apocalypse would happen I do feel like societal collapse is a thing that could happen so I think that that's the kind of fear that it brings out in me is just like that our society will collapse and people will have to like fight to survive like that that whole concept just kind of freaks me out but also you know hundreds and hundreds of dead human beings Chasing After You is also terrifying so I am really scared to be diving out into this show I will admit I'm not really that excited I suppose I'm excited to see the work of the actors in this show I'm excited to see Pedro Pascal again I'm pretty sure I've seen Nick Offerman in a trailer or in a still somewhere and I do love him I hope I like his character I'm nervous that like what if what if he's a bad guy you know I hope I hope he's a good guy because I love him I'm really just anxious to watch this show like not in a good way not like excited anxious like just literally anxious but I think without any further ado we should just hop on into it and have some fun so if you all are ready grab a drink grab a snack and let's get into The Last of Us [Music] yes any kind of virus but most probably something similar to influenza 1968 oh this is gonna freak me out isn't it not bacteria not viruses so fungus fungus oh is it a fungal is it a fungal infection because there are some fungi who seek not to kill but to control like parasitic is this about parasitic mushrooms it comes from ergot a fungus oh God don't freak me out I go to burning man come on Dr Sean Heist you're in distress fungal infection of this kind is real but not in humans it's gonna be real I mean we're establishing it right now with the exposition and currently there are no reasons for fungi to evolve to be able to withstand higher temperatures but what if that were to change what if what if the world were to get slightly warmer because I don't like this already we'll be back it's an interesting way to start the episode I think somebody did tell me that they were mushroom zombies but I forgot that completely to be honest so this series is gonna make me scared of mushrooms now to be honest I don't even really eat mushrooms you know unless I'm a Burning Man [Music] ah oh man this is gonna ruin like my recreational time 2003. wow we really jumped ahead okay when you see they're happy normal lives before the world goes to is that breaking news Carter where is that Middle East you should listen to your birthday it's a combat veteran okay which is why he's gonna survive oh we're in Texas okay God this girl's so cute I'm so nervous she's gonna die where's she going though she's got the watch she's not going right home she's going somewhere else a clock store oh to get the watch fixed is she getting a watch fixed for her dad for his birthday oh God all day all day all day we're closing she knows she knows now go home go home go home did she get home oh don't go to your neighbors oh no oh it's happening to her how is it happening to her did it just like lay dormant in her do they feed her mushrooms all the time hey Mrs Adler oh my God that is terrifying oh it's gonna be scary I don't like this show where's the cake he forgot it come on man let's get this one tomorrow no you won't no you won't there's no K coming okay we have to stay inside did you what I don't hear anything that was lame duraland yeah I know she's gonna die they have a really cute relationship it's me uh I'm okay yeah oh he's he's in there with like the worst of the worst right now oh no like I mean the worst of the worst like infected you know like oh God and I feel like something's gonna happen to her because he's leaving her alone oh and he's never gonna forgive himself like I'm just I don't know because she's not on the poster it's a different girl on the poster this is gonna be an hour and 20 minutes what is that green explosions dad he's not he's not here oh this poor girl don't leave the house oh God why am I scared like her neighbors here or something scary and we'll be in contact with further instructions please tell me the dog's not infected the dog can't be infected right the dog's not infected I think the dog's just scared get inside honey what are you doing out here boy don't bring the dog over there she's going to honey oh no she's gonna die man come on let's get you home no honey Mercy doesn't want to go home Mrs Adler uh what do they look like I'm so scared such a [ __ ] baby Mrs Adler oh my God oh God [Music] run Honey Run Run get in the truck what are we doing Joe shoot it it's not her anymore it's not a person you shoot it hold on to that you might need it wow I really love the way they filmed this this is so cool having it filmed in the back of a car seat is this like right out of the video game is it an airplane crashing [Applause] [Music] oh my God no oh my God Sarah's breathing is her leg crushed this is like the worst time to get seriously injured come here oh no no no oh no oh I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry oh no she's looking everywhere else oh I can't I hate this man I don't like it oh no they're all gonna look up too just run please keep running oh why why did he have to look up like that you're already infecting somebody you really have to get more you greedy mushroom Tommy Tommy I guess a head wound still the theory of a head wound still works oh it's a soldier yes sir yes sir oh God is he telling him to kill him we are not true we're just shooting everybody now we're just killing everyone I'm sorry Tommy Tommy Tommy is it Tommy yeah what the [ __ ] going to get shot though she got shot she 'll oh yeah I knew that was gonna happen because like I didn't see her on the cover no you're okay move your hand baby I knew that was gonna happen she was too smart and cute and stuff [Music] maybe maybe you can't save her dude you can't say can't save her you can't do it dummy help me oh my God why are you doing this to me in the first episode this is not okay I'm literally dying over here oh God oh God I don't wanna to keep going can we be done I'm so over this I want a break oh God is Tommy still alive please can Tommy at least be alive did Joel make it all the way to 2023 Jesus Christ [Laughter] yourself a favor stay off the streets for the next few nights oh fireflies been blowing up all week well that's a nice little tip is Firefly like a rebellious group I wonder when you're lost in the darkness look for the light uh it's probably written by one of the fireflies is there any chances coming in at night you're sleeping you miss it if Tommy responded we'd know Tommy show me where the tower is you can't be serious Joel it's in Wyoming there are worse things than infected out there I hear everything on this there are Raiders there are slavers but you're sure slavers it's what happens when civilizations collapse man more primitive violent exploitative behaviors really Thrive I mean they do anyway like in a modern society it's just it becomes a survival mechanism in a situation like this oh is test with him is this Tess oh no I feel like I've heard not good things about what happens to Tess so now I'm sad I shouldn't get attached to anyone in this series huh how you feeling the same is it gonna happen no is she like do they think she's a cure is that what's going on here what I'm about to tell you cannot be repeated to anyone because if you do I assure you you will die and we're gonna cut away huh we don't get to see I wanna know what was she gonna say gunpowder yes oh my God we're in the Firefly facility right Marlene oh oh it is yeah oh she got shot didn't she Joel oh Marlene we know each other that's good he stopped her from getting the knife you're the cause of it you turn my own brother against me okay Joe oh was Tommy working with the fireflies oh that's why he really hates him huh we don't smuggle people sorry I can do it could you please oh my God Kim poor kid that was so funny you all talk it through but please remember that I'm bleeding out yeah I know can we patch her up I was kind of wondering the same thing you are all that matters my team will not jeopardize that remember what I told you now go get your backpack but does the team know that she's that important like did Marlene communicate that information holy sh they're just moving a piece of asphalt that's crazy holy [ __ ] I'm actually outside oh get down honey so I mean I'm happy for you oh oh it's the guy he's worked with oh it's him really man yep he's almost by the book Jesus Christ oh no is that sapper thing gonna make her look like she's sick because she's like uh what's it called does she have something oh she's got the knife oh my God she just got the knife out of your [ __ ] mind yeah they have no idea why she would do that either he's having a flashback he just had a flashback to that night yeah I don't I honestly understand it makes a lot of sense that he would have PTSD for that Joe we gotta move we gotta move Joe go Joe go go go Joe go oh man whoa the buildings have collapsed that's crazy I feel like the series is gonna shave years off my life [Music] oh should we just go back in time are we in Jakarta where it started yes we're gonna see where it started oh I'm curious man I'd love to know how does this thing spread so fast like how are these people just randomly infected like are these people that eat mushrooms I gotta know ah there we go same kind of [ __ ] bit so weird so she wasn't the first one huh she's probably not patient zero I wonder if there's gonna be a jump scare I'm like not what if they're not actually dead like I'm just so scared they're definitely dead right I don't I need to calm down I just ew yeah the whole body is mushrooms coming out yeah oh yeah that's so disturbing that's so disturbing imagine you're like a fungi specialist and then you have to deal with that yeah right where did yeah cause what's her name Mrs Adler didn't get bit by anybody uh that's not a it's not a virus it's a mushroom I mean I don't I can't vaccinate I don't think boom bombing the city he can't do that oh they're not gonna listen to her but they probably should have I'm gonna talk to you like you're an adult okay Joel and I aren't good people we're doing this for us because apparently you're worth something I think you're good people but you're also self-serving but you have to be in this world you have to be completely self-serving it can't be generous or you die if so much as twitches don't that's not funny that's not funny Ellie that's really not funny oh my oh my girl you have a death wish it really was such a good choice for them to find out that she's like been bitten so early on because it really raises the tension and the stakes immediately oh she's gonna see the outside I bet it's it's just humans that are infected right like not doggos like animals are fine is it just people because if so mother nature would probably be a lot better off oh my god wow you just know that like sets had so much fun like the art Department had so much fun with these sets this is awesome how old are you 14. wow I mean you got some balls on you sister thanks man they're having like this bonding moment now I really feel because last of us stuff has come up in my YouTube suggested I've never clicked on it but I feel like I've heard sorry I'm gonna say spoiler that Tess might die and because they're bonding now I really feel like she's gonna die and it's just gonna be Ellie and Joel left who don't like each other and he's gonna have to heal through her the morning of his daughter you know it's not to see if it's dead or alive you want to breathe you don't want to breathe that in it could mean they're all finally dead them there or not probably not for the sake of entertainment oh God I have a spare hand congratulations I'm not gonna give her a gun huh they're eventually gonna have to give her a gun wasn't she in like a military school she can probably handle a gun I know she's young but oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did that oh they know I don't hear it who would you hear read the room Ellie I shut up Ellie shut up are silent not quiet oh my God there's this isn't fair this isn't fair man we have to have multiple types of infected and some are scarier than other are you kidding me really why does the building make noises like that oh my God are you kidding me it just collapsed ah no no they just got the building just trapped them here with that thing are you kidding me there's gonna be someone behind her she's gonna knock over something stop moving maybe not there's multiple they can't see but they can hear they can't see it's gonna come near him huh so he can't shoot a gun though oh it's gonna look it's gonna look foreign oh God Joel Tess man you guys your aim sucks no offense but I mean I guess they're pretty hard to shoot they're running pretty crazily how did they find them if they they heard God damn I thought they weren't making a new noise it's coming it's coming it's gonna be right there it's gonna be a jump scare I don't need another jump scare this isn't fair HBO this is no no [Music] so these ones can't see because their eyes are covered or just do the eyes stop functioning after a certain amount of time like once the eyes are taken over my mushrooms huh it has to hear you guys you're not being the quad glass are you kidding me Joel shoot it in the head you're wasting so many bullets okay it's dead it's dead reload reload reload all right please tell are more coming because they're all connected right I'm scared maybe it's okay because they're kind of Trapped in here I don't know oh God yeah oh my God so that's that's what they can look like did she get bit yeah she get bit I don't know I'm just worried kidding me she got bit again oh she got bit again holy crap I'm not even worried about her I feel like she is totally fine I'm a little worried that like you know what another classic Trope in a zombie movie or a zombie story is that somebody gets bit and doesn't tell anyone they keep it a secret but maybe she really did just twist her ankle and it's fine she's looking at Joel she's probably more ahead she's looking at Joel with this look on her face I got it I got it I feel like she got bit I don't I don't feel like it's just the ankle or maybe she's just really shaken up by the fact that they almost died I don't know I have a feeling I have a feeling that she got bit and isn't telling them stop test stop yes Tess you can't just go storming into a place to stop stop calm down stop understand oh I mean our luck had to run out sooner or later she got infected didn't she she got infected I knew it that's why she that makes sense that's why she's panicking that's why she's freaking out this is real yeah she's real she's real no she's gonna its powers trying to convince to convince him that she's real you gotta do it Joel I never ask you for anything not to feel the way I felt not to shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time yeah shut the [ __ ] up I knew she was gonna died I'm still getting worked up oh they're all waking up they're all coming are you kidding me no what about the other ones the other ones didn't come running we gotta go is Tess gonna die a hero is she gonna die a hero huh oh we're gonna bomb the place yeah we gotta bomb them making sure that they don't follow you yeah she'll bomb it she'll bomb it you have to you have to she's gonna go out like such a badass you got this girl that one noticed her oh Tess come on you got this she doesn't deserve to go out like this oh she had to no oh my God finally she had to stay did she really have to be open mouth like that was that necessary good job Tess good job so sad man I didn't think she was gonna die that soon I thought she'd have more time foreign [Music] we got a long way to go huh if he's got to get all the way out to where did he say Wyoming or something you know seeing this is just the two of us I was thinking I should probably he really will not give her a gun huh there's gonna be a time I think when she's given a gun the skulls and stuff of people yeah were they shot down here by the government because they're all in like this ditch about a week after outbreak day soldiers yeah told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room I mean oh my God if there wasn't room they'd just shoot you dead people can't be infected right right I know a lot of y'all are like it's not zombies because zombies are the the dead people that have risen and these people aren't dead when they die they stop moving but I'm just calling it a zombie story because that's what it equates to oh no are we seeing the perspective of some of those people oh man I really didn't need to relive this that's kind of sad is this Nick Offerman no why why not today you knew you knew World Order jet boots oh he was in hiding in like a bunker kind of situation he's got a lot of weapons okay he's prepared wow okay minus the bear rug I kind of dig the house look at all the wine he has okay so he he stayed in his house in the town that was being evacuated I say wow so he got to stay because he had a little bunker situation that's amazing wine he's a wine man huh I love a good glass of wine so I mean I ain't gonna hate I feel like Whiskey's better for an apocalypse situation because it'll last longer you can have smaller amounts of it I hope he doesn't die I hope he's not an [ __ ] I like him so far four years later [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be them oh that's the hole someone in the hole I know I'm confused I'm not infected oh someone fell in the pit it hurt it's just just a bruise before I helped him out of the pit I'd be like okay take off your clothes I need to inspect you and make sure that you don't have any infected spots Boston is that way you can make it by Nightfall I'm really hungry he's not gonna help you first my name's Frank oh yeah if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an Arby's have free lunch was a restaurant come on feed the guy he's funny it's got to be tough because like you gotta protect yourself and have self-preservation and you can't trust anyone because like the moment you trust someone it could be like they could exploit that as a weakness and hurt you but at the same time people are social creatures like even this guy probably misses social interaction to some extent wow he set the table all nice with Crystal oh he hasn't seen anyone improv in like what four years so this is gonna be weird I really hope this guy doesn't hurt him I I like want this to stay a nice interaction but a lot of y'all told me I was gonna cry in this episode so now I'm really worried wow he's a good cook too I guess he's got nothing but time to learn how to cook oh my God look at him look at him who knows to pair rabbit with a Beau Chalet I know I don't seem like the type oh now you do oh it's a very um multi-talented man yes come on can we just keep this happy but first uh I've been staring at this the whole time is it a music related thing a piano yeah oh is he gonna play it it's got to be so Out Of Tune of course it's not though but it should be hello no no no thank you sorry no thank you not this song professional well neither am I but it clearly had some kind of meaning for him and it's upsetting him no and then I'll leave he's really even pushing his luck here he's like play for me and he fed me dinner now you need to play the piano for me before I leave love will abide oh he's really good but there's no one at my why do I why am I like so worried they're gonna kill him because he's standing right there I just don't I don't know if I trust this guy I'm worried for Nick so who's the girl yeah yeah I know there is no girl oh yeah I know that's why he's so multi-talented oh God I just I'm so scared I like I want this to I want this to have a happy ending but I don't know a shower pill oh God I like you know it's like you want you want this to stay happy and sweet and sentimental but although because I'm trying to remember Joel said they were going to Frank and did they say they were going to Frank and Bill's Place I hope we're talking about these too and it's gonna be all right like I just I'm I'm so nervous ever done this before not with anyone I'm gonna start with the simple things I was gonna say Frank seems more experienced oh oh [ __ ] you three years later where are we fighting would you stop do I ask for things oh it did work well it did work out they're fighting this is great this is the progression of a relationship I am asking for some paint we're fighting about painting you say Resource Management so help me I will run through one of your trips I love this we're bickering this is so good oh my God it was a it had a happy ending at least for now are we hosting formal Garden parties now these two are great but we are gonna have friends when you got hope for it don't you he's got to hope that people will come back we will never have friends because there are no friends we've been talking to a nice woman on the radio you watch oh that missed him off that made him angry just it's amazing Tess oh Bill and Frank oh my God this is great this is great oh you're a paranoid schizophrenic too I'm not schizophrenic can I just say Tess and Frank are the ones in charge of diffusing the tension thank God for these two these two optimists I love him you know what I kind of worry that like Frank is gonna die I worry that Frank is gonna die and Ellie and Joel are gonna show up and he's gonna be like it's gonna be a lot of tension and Tess is already gone and without Frank it'd be kind of hard to defuse that tension and get along because he was listening codes oh and he sent 80s music he sent 80s sooner or later there will be Raiders what if they got hit by Raiders we'll be fine oh no no first step oh he barricaded everything with cars that's smart oh they're trying to try to get in shape oh God Frank are you gonna die ready yes oh he planted strawberries why do I feel like this is gonna be their last happy moment together like I just have such a bad feeling Frank I think you're too bright a star for this world laughs oh oh my God he's giggling I'm sorry what getting older faster than you I like you older oh owner means we're still here that's true oh God they've been together what like six or seven years now I think six years I was never afraid before you showed up now he's got something to live for yeah some strawberries hahaha oh that was the last happy moment wasn't it now it's a thunderstorm oh no who's here is it Raiders ah they're gonna play 80s music God damn it y'all oh no oh the sensor is going off at least oh at least Lisa still works in the rain wakey wakey Frank just go in the bunker I don't know where Bill oh he's gonna want to go help Bill though but you can't go out like that man oh God damn it you distracted him I made a list for you oh no oh no no no you can't be here alone no he'll take care of you no oh my God this isn't going the way I thought it would go I thought Frank would die oh my God you know I just can't do this every episode somebody dies in a heartbreaking way I'm just not prepared emotionally for this show man well um no we survived we survived what the Frank is that what's happening oh my God we'll get you warmed up oh my God why would you do this to me they're just with me at this point this is just [ __ ] up with the twists I can't oh my God so now now Frank is dying okay wow I can't believe Frank's gonna die of like basically old age I mean he's probably dying of like cancer or something but I can't believe he's gonna go out like that it's so sad but I'm so happy they get to have so much time together holy [ __ ] I went for being so scared and mistrusting of Frank in the beginning thinking it was he was it was too good to be true that they couldn't have happiness I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day foreign shows up who can who's coming salesman oh God oh God I can't I just this isn't fair man I just like why are you doing this to me writers give me one more good day starting now maybe some toast hello man I'm sweating peace up oh put bring me to our bed and I will fall asleep in your arms [Music] looks like a similar meal it kind of almost mimics what he made from the first time like the green beans and the tomatoes and the garlic too is it rabbit it's the same one I know man this is so sad oh God [Music] what is the point of putting on makeup and blowing my nose if it just keeps it just keeps coming the tears pills in the bottom enough to kill a horse this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the play I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose oh my God I support this that doesn't matter protective point of view it's incredibly romantic I probably would have done the same thing man I'd be like it's over I'm done damn oh this is the hardest of ugly cried in a while yo you know I know it doesn't really matter what happens but you probably should put out the candles anyway oh my God so I wonder how much time like when this happens like like Joel's gonna get here and they're gonna be dead it's from Bill he wrote him a note okay was this is this the key to the house or the car it must be the car it looks like a car key because there was one person worth saving is what I did I saved him then I protected him that's why men like you and me are here speech reaffirming what he's doing for Ellie even if he doesn't like feel like that's really his purpose use him to keep tests is that use them to keep tests safe that's really what it says huh he's really like I just keep thinking I I'm not gonna Cry Anymore why was the music on I don't know if you didn't reset the countdown every few weeks this playlist would run over the radio oh 80s oh thank God thank God got it that answers the question is it a weapon it's a weapon do you even know how to use a gun honey my guess is no it's I feel so sad that we're leaving here I feel so safe here [Music] oh that's the title of the episode that's just like not fair man that's just like so manipulative this series is like so difficult to get through for me because it's either like really stressful or it's not like this episode wasn't super stressful but it's really it was so emotional I don't know if this is accurate or not but y'all can let me know in the comments down below I think someone said that this part of the series might not have been a part that was explored in the game but honestly I kind of loved it because it really just like it was really beautiful really really sad but really beautiful okay I'm gonna go take care I'm a mess foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Natalie Gold
Views: 362,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last, Last, the, The, of, Us, us, HBO, Pedro Pascal, Tess, tess, scene, Nick, Offerman, nick, offerman, Bill, Frank, natalie gold, Natalie Gold, 2023, react, reacts, reaction, reactions, reacting, first, time, watch, watches, watching, girl, movie, movies, film, review, cry, crying, ugly
Id: lfk_m6Wqu0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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