I've Changed My Mind About Man of Steel

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"The music captured the optimism of superman"

Jor-el "you were sent to be a bridge between both our worlds"


-Kal-El NO-

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The comments tho... god help us...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Emerald_Dusk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"As someone with high functioning autism..." - top comment on a Superman video

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Full Fat Videos is already part of EFAP lore, too. Thatโ€™s the channel that the Disnoid from EFAP 76 was responding to.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Swaggerlikerye ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
recently there's been a spike in views on my old thanos video and that's led to a load of new comments and so i've been reminded of it daily it's not something i've watched since i posted it because why would i but occasionally i get a comment from someone disgusted that i think thanos is a moral person and it's like what i'm pretty sure i explicitly said he was an awful person but maybe that wasn't clear i'm sure if i went back and watched it i would just list a load of things i hate about the video and i'd want to change it it's just not worth revisiting that doesn't mean i'm not proud of it or i'm not glad i made it but it served me insofar as to get me this me here i've been doing this for that videos for a few years now which is kind of hard to believe but anyway i feel like i'm finally hitting the point in which i've produced so many videos over such a length of time that there's a chance some of them are a bit outdated all my opinions have simply changed now i'm not saying i didn't love thanos as a villain or that infinity war isn't a great movie but did i have to make it all sound so dramatic maybe not or maybe it's still my best video who knows what i'm actually trying to say is that when i first saw zack snyder's man of steel it was now almost eight years ago i've been through university and venturing out into the job world hell i feel like we've all aged about five years during this lockdown alone a lot of time has passed a lot of life has been lived and a lot of new movies have been seen that have further shaped my opinion to quote the 11th doctor's regeneration from that same year we are all different people all throughout our lives so what sort of person am i now am i the sort of bozo that might like man of steel has my viewpoint of the world and the movies i consume altered my taste how has the all-important benefit of hindsight shaped my thoughts surrounding the movie and its most controversial aspects [Music] what do i make of snyder now and the whole dc eu that i was once so hyped and simultaneously disappointed by with army of the dead and the mythical long-awaited snyder cut [Music] on the horizon this is surely the year of the snyder for a director that got critically mauled for his infamous courtroom drama and then forced to give over his expensive third installments to another filmmaker with laughable results that cemetery this is his phoenix rising from the ashes if the snyder cut turns out to satisfy the hardcore fans and maybe just maybe offer something to the people who didn't so much enjoy bvs and if army of the dead is good well well this could be a bit of a renee snyder renee sons snyder renee snyder moving on when i first came out of man of steel at the waterloo imax on opening night i was bitterly disappointed and the only thing the only thing i could say that i truly truly loved without a shadow of a doubt about that movie was hans zimmer's incredible new theme for superman my god this man somehow managed to create a superman theme that could rival that could rival the original john williams theme are you kidding me this theme was dope as hell and it captured the optimism and spirit of superman whilst also sounding distinct from what came before this theme was an undeniable home run for superman but i felt that the movie was somewhat incongruent to the vibe that had been created by that music i didn't want a morose gray not to mention brutal superman i wanted the superman movie i was promised in the trailers that used that awesome upbeat track oh and i just dropped something i wanted the superman movie i was promised in the trailers that used that awesome track how do i feel about it now there's only one way to find out so i've seen it again and is it the best dc eu movie no is it better than the best of the mcu no is it my favorite superman movie also no it is indeed a movie that i have seen that i've seen recently it's definitely one of those no but seriously the only question that matters is it good maybe no maybe i can't say that i didn't enjoy myself in fact i'd say this is the most i've ever enjoyed watching it out of the now four times i've ever seen it two itchy bum screenings in the cinema where i got fed up i watched that same christmas and now on my laptop at my desk this time it went by pretty well i was engaged throughout some of the things i didn't like were still prevalent but what was far more interesting were the things that i didn't like before that i've kind of come around to now [Music] but before my full review where i delve into the destruction and unexpected pathos found in man of steel i want to cut to the wolf of welling and a word from our latest sponsor the mad scientists of magic spoon have informed me that they have created a delicious and nutritious breakfast cereal the scientists have also informed me that each serving just totals 140 calories and contains zero grams of sugar only four grams of net carbs and 13 grams of protein it's 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unquote realistic i'm being completely straight up with you guys i was not expecting to really have all that much of a different response to this movie than what i had back in the cinema eight years ago but another important thing to note this doesn't change anything it really doesn't batman v superman is still an utter mess of a movie nobody cares about clark kent taking on the batman no it's not smart or well made or even a very good action movie outside of like two scenes and i'm saying this primarily because i want to prove to you that i did genuinely like this movie man of steel and i'm not trying to bandwagon onto the snyder audience because in all likelihood i probably lost them about 10 seconds ago batman v superman broke both my hearts back in the day and it isn't going to get the same kind of re-examination from me here so when i tell you that i goddamn like the kevin costner tornado stuff you know i really mean it we are living in a society now baby if anything i think man of steel not only shows snyder's prowess but pinpoints exactly where its crossover sequel faltered this man is not our enemy thank you man of steel is shaped by the time it came out in order to satisfy as many people as possible but it ended up doing the opposite because of how specifically it tried to align to what they thought audiences wanted and what they thought audiences wanted was metal and man of steel is the most metal superman movie you could ever make there's so much goddamn metal in this movie that it's even in the title man of steel an obvious reference to the fact that this man is the ambassador of [ย __ย ] metal but why is it so damn hardcore beyond the obvious thing that was hiring zack snyder to direct it snyder was brought on board in october 2010 to form a very special dc trinity no not that one this one alongside christopher nolan and david scoyer it was goya who had the inception of the idea behind man of steel started reading them and just spent a couple hours randomly writing up a take not even knowing what warner brothers was doing came back to meet with chris he said well let's hear it i told it to him and he said i would produce that if you want a first contact story where superman's mythos and origins were explored from the perspective of a contemporary society and how that society would respond can you imagine how people on this planet would react my father believed that if the world found out who i really was they'd reject me christopher nolan of course loved the idea and helped to give it legs at warner brothers if we could tell a superhero story but in a world that was relatable that seemed more like our own and hopefully that would have more relevance the pair reportedly shaped the story together before snyder stepped on board you know chris and emma invited debbie and i over to her house to their house to talk about the script and the movie and chris kind of pitched me this version of superman that i was like oh that's really that could that's interesting this brings us to our first key influence behind the film from this era of comic book movies the batman begins dark knight influence christopher nolan david esquire and warner brothers had found massive success with a realistic and earnest approach to batman that took the material seriously and tried to answer the question what would batman be like in our world this was crucially around the same time wb had failed to get another take of superman off the ground if i was making decisions at the company between 2008 to 2010 and i was tasked with finding the new creative force behind the next superman movie you can bet the dynamic duo behind batman sans robin would be the perfect people to turn up at my door with an idea bingo when i first saw this movie i felt the batman begins connection in its structure the first half is a globe-trotting journey of self-discovery where our proto-suits find the meaning behind their pain and the purpose of their entire lives that they have been searching for this entire time no biggie batman and superman begin at around the midpoint and we return to their native city to face their first true test the antagonist which ties to their origins who was established in the first act superman and batman only thought they had become these monikers by the midpoints but truly it only occurs at the very end of the movie i never said thank you welcome to the planet and you'll never have to both movies front load themselves with the drama and character work before a more action-packed second half of course in about all of these respects batman begins does it better and more efficiently blends the two halves into one seamless experience i never think three quarters into batman begins gee this is really back loaded with action but i do with man of steel then again the action is kind of hard to miss that doesn't mean i dislike the story not by a long shot if anything i think this is one of snyder's most tightly wound plots it's refreshing particularly now to get big bombastic crossover event level action without it being a multi-part finale sequel to a series of other movies i think the trinity of nolan goyer and snyder actually works really well for the movie nolan always reigns goya in any way and giving their story to the guy that recreated the lush comic book visuals of several iconic graphic novels in snyder meant it would look gorgeous without devolving into the very worst of his style having nolan's involvement is already risking making this superman begins but at david esquire into the mix you just took your 33rd and the third chance of winning and then you add kurt angle to the mix your chances of winning drastic go down chris nolan knows he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try but make no mistake but make no mistake this is snyder's movie and snyder's vision through and through cavill confirmed that the movie was zack's baby and that nolan wasn't around on sets like some other media outlets were reporting i really do like the blend of styles and it's something i've only really come to appreciate truly now i always enjoyed the brave new world vibes we got served through the newly fleshed out lore behind krypton and why clark's natural birth was so important it's a really engrossing idea to suggest that the fall of kryptonian society was not only brought about by destroying their planet through mining fossil fuels but because they had eliminated freedom of choice what if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended for him or her it's also mildly humorous the movie inverts the immaculate conception beat from the story of christ and makes it so that this messiah is the only one who isn't actually the product of immaculate conception in a society that has forced every citizen into a predetermined path that to deviate from would be a crime to be normal is to be special what would you have us to l look to the stars like our ancestors did characterizing jarrell as a bit of a rebel scientist who's not afraid to challenge the kryptonian government places him as the benevolent mirror to michael shannon's general zod and this guy he's a great villain not only is shannon intimidating as hell with his towering and intense presence he is the sum of all the specialized birthing that has led crypt on to ruin he was born a soldier trains to be a soldier and therefore cannot understand how any other course of action can be taken other than violence i exist only to protect krypton he tries to save krypton the only way he knows how and so does jarrell is not zod's fault that jor-el was naturally predispositioned to take the moral high ground because he was made to be that way a thinker over a warmonger krypton created zod and gave zod his pain even if he doesn't realize it instead he is loyal to the cause to the bitter ends no matter the costs zod had his choices taken away jarrell realizes this and so too does clock but no one in the house of l can ever show zod the truth and now i have no people zod even loses everything before the finale is over he loses all of his people the world engine everything before he even begins the final throwdown his objective has failed that might seem like the opposite of tension you'd expect the villain's plot to be thwarted at the 11th hour of the battle but this helps to illustrate the point of zod even further when he has lost it all and no longer has any motive or purpose he still chooses violence because that is all he is capable of doing and all anyone from his home ever wanted him to be i've expressed a distaste in the past for characters being reckoned into being born great made special by proxy rather than their deeds and adventures but superman is not one of those characters he is the strongest man on earth he is the very definition of a character being born great he's an obvious christ metaphor and his very birth is canonically a galaxy altering event the man of steel superman is about how a person can live up to those expectations how they can accept the weight of who they are supposed to be and how they can in turn serve others who are less fortunate but also importantly that it must remain their choice and their chosen path basically clark can't be selfless unless he learns why it's important i'm not sure if the story needs to be in a non-linear form however sometimes it works as a nice thematic link between scenes sometimes it needlessly slows down the pacing of a simple focus story still if it means we get more of kevin costner killing it as park kent then sure why not can i just keep pretending i'm your son you are my son for a guy that tried to make a feminist action movie involving upskirt shots this really shows growth from him as a filmmaker the film's two principal female leads both occupy different spheres of morality within the movie are key to the action just as much as the men and are consistently treated as smart and capable yet not without flaws and failures plus feyora doesn't wear bikini armor nor does lois lane end up inexplicably half naked the women are treated with as much respect as the men obviously snyder would go on to help shepherd wonder woman into the dc eu and gal gadot actually auditioned for the feyora role in this movie [Music] this scene was met with ridicule from the second audiences laid eyes on it and i totally get it i was one of those people i still am one of those people i think it does seem faintly ridiculous that a guy who can move faster than a locomotive does nothing to stop a tornado killing his dear old dad worse still the father enables it but this scene does scream nolan batman to me a character makes a sacrifice to spare further pain down the line but more importantly to keep the psychological underpinnings of each respective character intact master wayne i must burn this letter against your better judgment so you shall remain batman clark you must not save me from this easily preventable death so you can become superman when you are ready to i think my kevin costner impression was much better than my michael kane impression but do let me know in the comments what's the difference why do i think people find the former palatable and the latter a step too far snyder takes it to a grander more operatic extreme than in the dark knight but it is essentially saying the same thing characters act and behave in these movies not necessarily how we would with our loved ones in real life to preserve the character's mythical status and what if to spare you pain i'll burn that letter when the dark knight came out this kind of comic book earnestness was a little less played out but by the time man of steel rolled around the genre had been defined by pop culture self-awareness i understood that reference honestly i hate working here they are so weird not to say that these movies aren't great at what they strive to be but their prevalence marked a shift in tone to more savvy irreverent fair man of steel was still being kich about saying the word superman [Music] five years after this had happened i am iron man i think what people wanted was a superman that was brighter and more self-aware and closer in line to the aesthetics of what people know the comics for in the same way that marvel had translated the comic aesthetics to their marvel cinematic universe what warner brothers did instead was the absolutely logical thing to do with the power of hindsight we can sell this stuff but cast your minds back to post 2006 at warner brothers to their mind they had already tried to marvel it with superman returns which did okay but was underwhelming both critically and financially that movie was ridiculed for the fact that superman doesn't throw a single punch so naturally warner brothers would be taking on this feedback and thinking that what is needed is the opposite it was 2006 the time where 300 was a beloved pop culture moment what people wanted was some metal it makes so much sense for warner brothers to look at superman returns and say okay let's make superman an action staple let's make him appear bolder and more hard-edged let's get the people that love 300 to love superman if this movie had even come out as late as 2009 i think the reaction to it would have been far stronger than it was in 2013 by the time it rolled around it was simply too late had its chance the movie is acting against so many forces beyond its control that it really only could have gone this one way and zack snyder was really the only person who could have taken on the challenge it had to be only a response to the mcu that was poised to dominate the genre following the release of the first avengers movie it had to be a response to every superman movie ever made i get a lot of people want to see uncle ben sharp and tom holland's spider-man series but i understand why the creative team decided to go the route that they did remember with great power comes great responsibility after you've had a definitive cinematic take you have to try and mix it up no matter what to stand apart to avoid rehashing the same beats so you can't just rehash christopher reeve's superman they tried that it didn't work you have to walk the difficult tightrope of making it fresh and different whilst also evoking just enough of the old that people don't decry it is illegitimate in the wider franchise canon watching this movie helps me to understand further why i detest batman v superman for the first in a franchise that will be known for its stumbling cinematic universe man of steel features very little intrusive world building there's a reference to lexcorp and wayne enterprises in the finale but they're blinking your missing easter eggs every scrap of world building and law even if it is a snyder as humanly possible works in this movie because it all serves a purpose to the story take the scene where superman is slowly suffocated and buried by a sea of skulls see even saying that was pure snyder and compare that with the nightmare scene in bvs in bvs this sequence comes crashing into the movie and it feels like an extended trailer for justice league setting up a storyline that hasn't yet been well enough established in a timeline we don't know enough about its context may become clear by the time the snyder cut rolls around but this messy scene doesn't work amongst the preeminent narrative in dawn of justice then take the man of steel's odd dream sequence this is a dream sequence but it also trades on very real stakes this is the first proper conversation between superman and general zod this is where zod is going to outline his intentions for the earth what happens to earth a foundation has to be built on something and this is where clark will be forced to make a choice side with his people or his people the visuals of the dream world complement what we're talking about and we understand why it's happening clock sees the havoc the world engine will wreak on earth in zod's effort to terraform it and then falls into a sea of skulls as he fights against the seemingly insurmountable might of averting his adopted home's destruction and the people he cares for it's over the top and super snyder as i said but it's cool and it makes sense i really enjoyed this scene for the longest time i think i had resided man of steel to the same kind of criticism as bvs but they're actually far more different than i ever give them credit for man of steel is a far leaner far more focused affair that resists the temptation to set up a wider universe snyder's visuals work better when he's not being tasked with making trailers when he's making a movie they rock there's another thing about my latest man of steel watch that really made all the positive difference and it's something that i couldn't have accounted for back in the cinema viewings i watched this movie on my laptop on a 16 inch monitor so the entire frame was directly in front of me even at full screen this made almost all of the action that i had found nauseating in the imax was actually quite fun to watch because of the nature of the cinematography in this movie the screen in the cinema is so big and so much of that screen is filled with whiz-bang and fireworks galore that can be hard to attain in such a short space of time what exactly you're looking at and where your focus should be but on a smaller screen that isn't so much of an issue you're not forced to scan as much of the screen your focus remains fixed and it's easier to ascertain the chain of events that leads one punch into the next it's not quite my tempo of action in general i much prefer in-camera hand-to-hand stuff or big bold set pieces that you can actually see things that work under a good ticking clock and good tension as opposed to live action dragon ball z shenanigans but i can give it a free pass here because well how else are you meant to depict a fist fight between two kryptonians on screen superman is super fast super strong he can fly gee why am i explaining superman's powers to you we all know them basically he's an s ts superhero so taking that blueprint and applying it to every single enemy fighter on the other team of course you're going to get carnage zak tries to capture their incredible strength but also their speed because of this we get lots of impossible camera movements and zooms as mere mortals try to keep up some of it looks awesome and appropriately conveys the weight of the kryptonian hit other moments become too frantic to enjoy but overall the experience was much much nicer on a smaller screen restricting my viewing to a smaller screen also allowed me to sit back and find a greater appreciation for the flawless sound design and music of the film all of this meant that i was allowed to sit back and remember the action beats i did enjoy even back in the day jorel escorting lois lane for the danger of the kryptonian ship is really satisfying to watch and feels the right level of video gamey superman fights a robot i don't remember this but it's got metal tentacles and it shifts particles and makes different shapes and it's kind of awesome but then i guess everything i'm talking about it's not necessarily the macro problem with the action i've put this off for long enough in the video so let's talk about it let's talk about the destruction baby let's talk about the destruction of man of steel was infamous everybody was up in arms about it because it seemed like superman a paragon of hope and optimism had devolved into turgid moody carnage for the sake of carnage metropolis got leveled superman through zod into buildings with no care for the collateral damage and spent more time punching than actually saving people but that's a bit of a myth really isn't it the first time we introduced to the kryptonian who would be superman he's saving men from a collapsing oil rig he ruins his job by standing up for someone being harassed we cut back to his childhood and it turns out he saved his class from drowning the first time he meets lois he saves her life and when the world is threatened the first thing he does is surrender why are you surrendering to zod i'm surrendering to mankind there's a difference you let them handcuff you wouldn't be much of a surrender if i resisted lois lane does her research and it turns out clark is exactly who he appears to be he's the genuine article a guy passing through helping out learning doing good for the sake of good the only way you could disappear for good is to stop helping people all together and i said that's not an option for you the movie was never meant to be anything less than superman saving people are they gone i think so he saved us superman risks his life to destroy the world engine and zods a superpowered being who has never thrown hands before because he's forced himself through sheer will to be a pacifist even when others have tried to hurt him is now being pitted against an army of trained soldiers you are weak senate fell unsure of yourself who will destroy the world and everyone on it if he doesn't act fast sure he might seem a little unconcerned with collateral damage at times but also you have to think he has no idea how to put zod in his cronies down no one has ever made him bleed and every single one of zod's soldiers is just as durable as him no wonder they brought down half of metropolis just to save i don't know the entire world this guy literally saves the entire world of everyone on it on his first big day at the office and even if it takes you the rest of your life you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is you can save all of them and look i know there's a lot of destruction but it's it's hollywood destruction sure it looks like a lot and this sequence is a bit much but it turns out the daily planet is still standing and everybody is back at work laughing and smiling the world was saved things were lost sure but you're telling me hundreds of people didn't die at the battle of new york well that only became clear after man of steel received the backlash suddenly superhero movies were concerned with getting people off of lifeboats in the third act rather than fighting robots and that was boring it got significantly more interesting when things like bvs and civil war started to delve into the cost of collateral damage but this was a measured cultivated response to what the audience had said we don't want this superhero movies pushed it and pushed it until man of steel burst the bubble much like that nolan moment we discussed earlier the snyder coat of paint makes everything bigger and more bombastic so you go from this look around you the thickness madness will end with your roof to this it had to be more epic than the best marvel could do at the time and superman is more than capable of taking on the equivalent of loki's army alone zod needed a world engine the movie didn't want to dwell on the destruction in the same way you're not meant to actually think about all the people that died on alderaan or the death star sure it's cool to unpack an expanded material and ponder the morality behind it but the original star wars would not be improved by it and also even if you are still annoyed at the destruction superman saves this guy and loves twice and does make an effort to take the battle into space so yeah but more importantly he does save the world the entire world did you kept the clothes well i just saved the world the whole planet for about a minute of time no charge yeah shoot me i kept the clothes everyone says they don't want an action-packed superman movie but the numbers don't lie superman returns got us to man of steel it's okay to want a good balance of action and heart in our superman movies christopher reeve didn't throw down all that much because it was 1978. it seems like we are beholden to that and only wants to find superman on screen this way when he's always been known to beat seven shades of [ย __ย ] out of gigantic monsters and cosmic despots in the comics and the comics still find time to bring the hearts whilst i don't believe for a second that it was always the plan to confront the destruction and follow-up it was incredibly smart of snyder to do so this isn't backtracking in a way that feels like an obvious response to the audience placing bruce in the metropolis battle not only explained where he was but established in the world of the movie that this destruction is not condoned nor is it the point of superman it's bar none the best thing one of the only good things about batman v superman but you've heard me say that before if i'm being honest i think zack snyder probably understands superman more than he does batman my first memory of superman was the um was the 1950s tv show you know and just that image of him standing with his hands on his hips kind of like on the moon you know with the american flag behind him i guess that's it's pretty i mean probably everyone's memory of superman but it's mine as well batman can't kill he shouldn't kill it flies in the face of the core tenets behind the character the only time he can ever ever ever kill in my mind is in one very specific way but i've got a video planned for that for now for argument's sake let's say that batman on screen he should not kill under any circumstances superman superman is a bit more of a grey area he falls more in line with heroes like the avengers for me if wolverine and punisher are your killer superheroes and spider-man and batman are your heroes that refuse to kill no matter the cost then characters like superman and cap and iron man are the ones that fit into the middle grounds they're not cold-blooded killers they're hollywood killers like indiana jones don't call me junior you don't really think of india as a murderer before he's an archaeologist right you're a teacher part-time so these characters do kill but it is never in cold blood they are closer in line to the morality of spider-man than the punisher but it doesn't mean that they can't get their hands dirty i don't want to kill anyone i don't like bullies i know a lot of people see superman as this perfect figure that can do no wrong but i think superman sometimes killing makes the most sense even in relation to batman not killing yeah on the surface batman looks like the killer and superman the pacifist but that's why it's so interesting to flip that it's more engrossing on a dramatic level to have the guy that straddles the line of good and bad be the one that will not break his one rule no matter the circumstances it's equally more interesting to have the big blue boy scout character be the one that tries and fails to maintain that boy scout image but it is in his attempts to be human it is in his ability to learn how to be with his incredible power that makes him what he is clark is no bully in this movie he actively tries to walk away from the fight because he knows he'll win we see it time and time again he only becomes motivated to fight when peace fails when his mother is attacked and the fate of the human race hangs in the balance superman is quite literally forced to choose between zod and what is left of his people and the defenseless human race stephen moffat once referred to sherlock holmes as a human trying to be a god and the doctor as a god trying to be human now that perfectly describes batman and superman too in this moment where clark makes a bad decision where cluck fails he is more human than ever is the doctor still the doctor after he kills the time lords is superman still superman after he kills zod coward any day of course they are and on the subject of the neck snapping i do think it's one of those movies the online film community go hard on for plot hole type complaints that would usually get a pass anywhere else yeah if we're really thinking about it it seems like there would be more options to save this family than simply snapping zod's neck but this choice this moral quandary my origins or my future it's strong and it fits in seamlessly with the rest of the conflicts that khalil has faced across the movie it works to have this be his final battle even if the logic to get us there isn't exactly bulletproof but you know what it hardly ever is if you can accept that holdo doesn't need to tell poe the plan if you can accept that the three most important avengers in the narrative just happen to be the ones to face thanos then surely you can accept that superman had no other way out superman's no kill rule has always been far flimsier than batman's and is far less integral to the character batman doesn't kill because he's already touching the dark side like a jedi with a purple lightsaber if he gives into killing he fears the darkness he has been using will consume him superman he knows his limits and only kills when the stakes are so high the threat so powerful and otherworldly and so great that he has no other way sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones but you still have to choose never and he does so knowing full well the weight of such a choice [Music] i know some people will take issue with me letting off superman killings odd but not batman killing but that's just my take ain't gonna change because you yell at me in the comments snyder probably gets superman more than he gets batman i think he's more interested in the brand of grimdark action that comes with the gotham knight but really fails to understand the heart of the character ultimately whilst it is true that batman seems more suited to snyder's style than superman i don't think the director is interested in the caped crusader beyond his aesthetics superman is the opposite i think snyder likes a lot of the mythology and the mantras behind the man of steel but he'd rather it all came in black as snyder superman all in black what a fanciful notion i often say there's no fun to be had in hating things and i don't ever want to go into a movie trying to dislike it i try and give everything a chance and i feel like i put my money where my mouth is on this one because i really have turned around on man of steel i gave it another chance and it's gone from something i wrote off a long time ago to a movie i definitely watch again man of steel is far from a perfect movie and it's far from a perfect superman movie but now eight years on with time to let things air out with the power of hindsight with the ability to see what the superhero genre needed back then and where it was heading and why this had to be the kind of superman movie it was i quite like man of steel in fact i like it so much that i wish zach had made a true sequel to it man of steel didn't need its own avengers follow-up it just needed superman i like this story and i like these characters it's a shame no matter what happens whether henry cavill stays in the dceu or not we will never get a true man of steel two and hey maybe zack snyder gets superman more than i think he does time will tell very very soon i suppose [Music] if you want to hear my thoughts and more importantly my predictions for the snyder cuts please head on over to the full fat podcast youtube channel later this week if you'd like to hear more of my thoughts and get at me personally why not follow me on twitter at full fat videos or you can follow me for digital arts and funky edit mashups on my instagram at full underscore fat underscore videos if you liked this video please consider subscribing and why not leave a comment sharing what you thought of the movie and how you feel about it now thank you the man of steel music in this video was very kindly provided by samuel kim music please check out his awesome compositions and remixes of your favorite tracks hi guys matt here thank you for watching another full fat video don't forget to click that subscribe button and hit the bell so you know when a new video drops if you'd like to get in touch with me why not follow me on twitter at full fat videos or on instagram at full underscore fat underscore videos a big personal thank you to our full fat tia patrons dr chike jax merrick and cyrus salker your ongoing support keeps the lights on until next time keep it full fat
Channel: Full Fat Videos
Views: 309,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I've Changed My Mind About Man of Steel, man of steel video essay, man of steel reeview, man of steel destruction, superman man of steel, full fat videos dc, christopher nolan david s goyer superman, zack snyder video essay, the snyder cut justice league, batman v superman video essay, justice league snyder cut leaked footage, zack snyder superman, zack snyder batman, ben affleck batman, lois lane and clark kent, justice league joss whedon, mcu vs dceu, Snyder cut review
Id: scO66BKoXQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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