I've Been Here Before | Shawn Johnson | Full Service | Kingdom Culture

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what is going on red rocks church we're so excited that you're joining with us this weekend carving out a part of your weekend wherever you're joining from we want to say welcome we want to say a very special welcome to all of our watch parties meeting around the world can we make some noise for our watch parties and last but not least for all of our men and women at our god behind bars campuses we're so excited that you're joining with us you are just as much a part of our family as those of us meeting here in this building we're so glad that you're here this weekend is a pretty exciting weekend we got some amazing news because the first time ever since we've closed our doors during covid we are reopening for a night of worship on saturday october 3rd so make sure you mark your calendars it's going to be amazing and here's what we're going to ask you to do this sunday the 27th registration is going to open up at 1pm mountain standard time and it will be first come first served so make sure that you go to our website right at one o'clock or text the word red rocks to 25827 to get a registration link you're gonna have an opportunity to register you and a few other family members or friends we are asking that we keep the ages of at 10 and up 10 and up leaving more room for all of us older kids you know what i mean it's going to be an amazing time we'll be meeting at all four of our denver based locations the event's going to start on saturday october 3rd at 7 00 p.m doors and check-in is gonna open at 6 30 so register don't miss out get your spot it's gonna be fire guys without further ado red rocks church we just want to say welcome to week 7 of kingdom culture come on put your hands together we're gonna get crazy [Music] you bring [Music] will be done here jesus we need [Music] you bring redemption [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh oh i need you now come on across this place can we lift our hands in faith if you're home today watching viewing listening come on we sing in your presence there is peace in your presence we are free there's no better place to be [Music] mountains is [Music] [Music] is for jesus [Music] the tides are not changing i see the dawn breaking it's happening the awakening [Music] holy spirit [Music] unleash your presence pour out your grace show me your glory the power of your love for even eclipse is [Music] before my enemies [Music] [Music] [Applause] holy spirit [Music] unleash your presence [Music] your is the power of your love come on let's just fill this room right now just fill this room with your cry build this room with your praise [Applause] [Music] come on louder in this place we call upon jesus the maker of heaven and earth dancing we're gonna see those strongholds we're gonna see the things [Music] do you believe it today [Music] these [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is and we're forever chased [Music] we're forever changed [Music] yeah yeah yeah we're gonna see all [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] see right here and right now we can see [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up church you guys feeling good man i'm so glad to see you for those of you who cannot be in the room just yet today we have some staff with us but i know a bunch of you have been going like man when can i get back in the church building if you just hopped online or just joined this service you might have missed what ronnie said but next weekend october 3rd we are having our very first live in person worship night at all four locations [Applause] you're gonna have to rsvp to get your spot so it's this sunday this sunday at 1 p.m i mean you better get out a computer a phone an ipad pretend it's a jordan release day like you better get ready and get ready to go because it's first come first serve but man i hope i get to see you at one of those worship experiences we love you so much no matter what location you're watching from around the world remember this it is not the presence of a building that changes our lives it's the presence of our god that changes our lives and no matter where you're at today we got that if you're just joining us for the first time today i just want to say welcome and we're just a bunch of imperfect messed up people but we love to get together and right now we get together virtually and pursue a perfect god and more importantly let him pursue us today let him speak to us today let him build build up our faith encourage us equip us speak into us and so we believe that's going to happen and we believe that you are not joining by accident that god has a purpose and a plan for you right now you're tuned in for a very specific reason so let's get excited can you guys help me one last time and thank the worship team man they're good love you guys you can have a seat [Music] except for my beautiful wife jill would you come up here please and jb and christine would you come up here please every now and then i get the privilege and have to suffer through the sadness of making a very bittersweet announcement and that is exactly what we're doing today here you guys where do we oh you look good jb look at you hey take it after my hero come on look at those shoes jv's not messing around today christine you dressed him didn't you no really so so um i'm gonna let jb tell you what what's what's about to happen and then i'm gonna say a few words and then we're gonna pray or we're gonna do all that fun stuff put me on the spot here um so it's it's uh man i thought it's gonna be easier than what it is right now um you know church this has been a long time coming for uh for christine and i we uh we have since sort of this uh this nudging to uh to step out in sort of a new way and in a new direction and um over the last i would say probably a couple years we really felt that uh prompting more and more and uh we just knew like god was calling us and we didn't know when or how and and we just knew that god was uh god god was urging and so we decided to uh to really sort of step into that begin to pray and uh how many of you know that when you start to pray and see god he usually shows up and he shows up in ways that you never expected you never dreamed or you could never imagine and that's what god has done for us and so um we are we're going to be stepping away from red rocks church after 11 amazing years here um absolutely amazing and uh we're going to be heading out to uh we're heading out to california where we'll be taking on a church out there in the santa cruz area i know i know don't feel too bad for us all right santa cruz a terrible place um but we are we're excited and i think maybe the best way to describe it is we are nervously expectant for what god is gonna do we have no idea what's gonna happen but uh we look back over our lives over our marriage and uh god reminds us and he's been so faithful every step along the way and those times build our faith for today and it's going to build our faith for tomorrow and the next day and the day after that and we just know that that god's with us and so we're as prepared as we can be for what god has for us for this next chapter and this next season and i just i want to say something real quick because it's it's so important i want to say to the church thank you on behalf of my family for loving us loving my wife loving our kids letting us be here letting us grow and develop and learn we are so grateful to the church we have we've had the ability at all the locations we've worked at um and i mean this i've worked with some of the most incredible staff members and i'm super grateful for each and every one of you that i've had the privilege of working alongside thank you for caring for us thank you for putting up with me and i mean that and on behalf of these two right here sean and jill invited us into this process into red rocks church 11 years ago and we were so excited and so expectant and god never one time let us down i mean he has been so faithful if you've been around this church for any length of time you know how amazing this journey has been and we've had a front row seat and been able to be a part of it and so thank you to you guys we love you guys mean that thank you i love you well you know if depending on how long you've been around the church um you just know like you two have been in and are you're just pillars of this church family and uh jb was our very first ever youth pastor and the the interesting piece to that was is we didn't we didn't at the time actually have a youth group and we were at heritage square and uh we didn't have a room for a youth group either and so i'm like jb i'm so sorry i got bad news i'm like we don't we don't actually have a youth group and we don't actually have a room for you to meet in either and he's like no prob and he would stand outside snow rain sleet sunshine whatever and he would just wait for some kid to walk up with their parents like you come here the kid's like he goes yep going to youth where's youth right here and he literally started our youth group on the lawn outside of the big red barn in the back corner of heritage square and now it's just crazy at every location and and all it all started with you guys and and then and then these guys also opened up what every campus but arvada maybe and you helped with that and so like even now so see how long you really been a part of the church he was also a part of the notorious catfish campus back in the day remember the fish jb it was dirty it was real dirty it was dirty and uh but no you know way more than you two being so amazing to work with and and just like the best of the best at everything you do and you guys know this your family and and and just because you are going to lead a church in a different area that's not quite as cool as colorado doesn't mean you're not family we we love you guys so much we love your we love your kids we love you too we believe in you always have and it really is bittersweet jb and i've been talking about this moment for for years and we've we've known it was coming we just didn't know when and so man from the bottom of our hearts we love you we're so happy for you we're proud of you and we're going to be cheering you on the whole way we love you and and if i if i liked you i would pray for you but because i love you i brought in the big guns today the real prayer warrior of this church my wife jill babe would you pray for these guys father we just say thank you for jb and for christine and for their sweet children for grant from max for clara god i thank you that you have been preparing them for such a time as this god i thank you that they've been preparing their whole lives for just this moment god and and for all the moments that are to come god i thank you that they are are ready they're ready to go and i just pray that they would go in wisdom and grace that you have bestowed on them father they i pray for a new anointing over their lives over their family i thank you lord for the the the way that you're going to use them i thank you for the way you've used them here i thank you for every life that has experienced jesus because of the way they genuinely love you because of the way they reflect you day to day today i thank you father for all of um the ways they have loved people in big ways small ways in unseen ways lord i thank you for every unseen moment behind the scenes where they have poured their hearts and lives into people because god they love you first and foremost and they love your people and i thank you for their heart for your church god i i just pray that they would see you do the miraculous through their lives i i pray for their children i pray that their children that every day as they go forward that jb and christine would be reminded that their children will be taught by you and great shall be the peace of their children and father as they go i pray that the the children within their church would be taught by you and great would be their peace father i thank you lord god for all that you're going to do i thank you that your kingdom is going to grow because of their obedience i thank you for their courage i pray that you would fill them where they're feeling weak and i pray that when they're feeling most weak that they'd be reminded that it's it's okay because your power and your presence is is best seen in our weakness and your power and your presence is made perfect in our weakness and we thank you for that oh father just um pour your your favor out upon them and their children i thank you lord for their love and obedience to you it's it's from that that um they will see you do mighty and great things and we're just grateful god we're grateful for them we're grateful for what you have begun in them and what you're going to continue to do in jesus name amen it's not very socially distant i'm sorry you look so hot how you doing church [Applause] what are we at ronnie is this week seven of kingdom culture and i still haven't ran out of swag so we started this series a while ago called kingdom culture and if you're just joining us it just means a a group of talks where you know kind of has a common denominator and we've been talking about this phrase kingdom culture jesus about 2 000 years ago began bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth he started that process in fact he said that's why i came he said i came to bring the kingdom of god down to earth so we could begin to experience it in the here and now and and then the culture can be defined as a way a certain group of people walks and talks and so we've said from the beginning what this series is about and what we want to be at about as a church family is we want to live in such a way where we are walking and talking with the kingdom of heaven and mind so much so that we start to create a kingdom culture on earth see what happens is we put our faith in jesus and and not only are our sins forgiven and we're granted eternal life right with him in heaven and if you've never done that you can do that before this service ends you don't have to wait till the end you do it right this second but i'm gonna walk you through it in a minute but we also it says his spirit begins to live inside of us and it allows us to go through crazy times and crazy situations with a peace and a joy and a strength and a confidence that we didn't have before and that begins to change the way we walk and it changes the way we talk and now we're doing so with this like kingdom culture common denominator in our lives and it it creates a new culture in every room we walk in every court we step on every neighborhood we drive into every dinner we sit down at we bring this kingdom culture with us and and i want to start today by looking at some kingdom words some words that should describe our life when we're living with the king's spirit inside of us would you put those three verses up i'm gonna read them fast but we're gonna we're gonna break it down here in a minute restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous spirit we're told that there is joy in our salvation with god that's supposed to be a word that defines who we are when we're living with the spirit of the king inside of us jesus said peace i live with leave with you my peace i give you i do not give you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid and philippians 4 13 says i can do everything who through christ who gives me strength that's the fourth word joy peace confidence and strength these are supposed to describe who we are and how we walk and talk with the king's spirit in our soul in our heart the problem is is we know that that's not always the case right the problem is it's 2020 a year that none of us on this planet saw coming a year that will be written about in the history books from this point forward oh we're going to get through covet but we'll never forget it our lives will never be the same because of it history has changed because of it and and in the middle of it if we were to come up with some earth 20 20 culture words to describe what we actually feel and what the people we love and the people around us are feeling it might not be peace joy strength and confidence if we're honest it might be things more like fear and worry and anxiety and depression and let's be honest covet did not bring these things into the world we know that but it has accentuated every single one of them i read article after article after article this week about what covett has done just to those four words in our lives and everything you read will tell you those things have never been more on the rise in our lifetime than they are right now so you got earth culture words fear worry anxiety depression you got kingdom culture words peace joy strength confidence and the truth is as christ followers we know this is where we're supposed to live but we feel like we're stuck here sometimes and and isn't it true it doesn't even take kova to do this to us but it doesn't help but like we can be doing amazing on paper and be really struggling in our soul can't we you ever had one of those days where you're like i don't even know what my problem is like on paper look at my life look at how many people around the globe would do anything to have my life on paper and yet i can't kick this anxiety right now how many people just in our city will do anything to have my life and i can't kick this depression right now right and it's not new but 2020 hasn't helped three thousand years ago though believers were asking the same question 3 000 years ago people like the amazing king david the one who defeated goliath with a slingshot the one who became the greatest king of the nation of israel the only human that god said that guy right there he has a heart like mine he's got a heart after me if you read the psalms you know david makes it a practice of just being really honest that's what i love about david he's just honest he's like i'm not going to pretend on paper everyone should want my life right i'm the greatest king there's ever been but then read the psalms and he talks about fear and he talks about worry and he talks about being overwhelmed by situations and overwhelmed by fears and overwhelmed by emotions and overwhelmed by even anxiety and depression just read chapter 42 this week just in that one chapter he says i can't eat i can't sleep i can't function i'm crying in the morning i'm crying in the afternoon i'm crying in the night i'm overwhelmed by emotions and this is the guy that on paper should have the best life of everybody but he says i can't shake it in one verse he talks about anxiety and depression in verse 40 chapter 42 verse 5 he says why my soul are you downcast oh if you've ever dealt with depression what a what a great way to describe it isn't it my soul just feels heavy and dark and distant i want to hide joy feels a million miles away i feel downcast right that's depression he says but i also know anxiety why so disturbed within me if you've ever dealt with anxiety what a great way to describe anxiety on paper everything should be fine or look around this is why my life is falling apart and this is why i should but there i can't there's no peace it's it's so disturbed inside of me it's so upset it's so upside down it's so inner hurry it's so tangled david knows on paper things should be great but i can't kick some anxiety and some depression and some fear and some worry and get this he also knows like we do he knows he's got a calling on his life he'll never forget the day that the prophet came to his house and said god told me that the next king of israel is in this house and his dad brings in all the boys except him the prophet's like you don't have another son and they go get david he's out chasing some sheep in a field and they bring him in and the prophet said that's the one god has spoken he's going to rule the entire nation of israel that's the one he's got a calling on his life that scares him to death come on we know what that feels like you ever known you've got a calling and you're feeling afraid i'm called to pursue god i'm i'm called to pursue people i'm called to help some people i know i'm called to reach out i'm called to stop doing this thing i'm called to start doing this thing i'm called to be generous i'm called to like you just know god's got a call on your life but you feel afraid i'm called and i'm scared to death that's david i'm called i can't shake anxiety i'm called can't shake depression is david it's not new 2020 hasn't helped but what we're facing is not new and what david does in chapter 9 is he writes himself a prescription for depression and i love it and actually i came across this last year when i was at counseling and and i took a picture of my bible this week go ahead and put that up i wrote this over a year ago and i put medicine for depression i put everything i'm about to read is all choices but it definitely is medicine for depression i've been waiting a year to preach this sermon david writes himself a prescription because he knows i'm called but right now my emotions are it's not working out so i'm not going to wait 20 years to have peace and joy and confidence and strength i'm not going to wait till my situation gets better and everything makes sense because let's be honest it won't he says there's some things that i just know i can do right now today and it will help me start to experience the peace and joy and strength and confidence that i have been already given access to and i'm called to walk in and so that's what we're going to look at today let's read that psalm 9 1-3 here's his prescription to himself and now we get to learn from it today he says i will give thanks to you lord with all my heart notice every one of these starts with i will i choose to do this in the midst of my depression i choose to do this in the midst of feeling anxious i will give thanks to you lord with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will be glad and rejoice in you i will sing the praises of your name almost high and what happens i'm going to write it down because i need to remind myself today what happens when i do these things my enemy has to turn back my enemy has to flee my enemy stumbles and dies right in front of me i will flat out defeat the enemy by telling my father in heaven how thankful i am by telling somebody else how grateful my god is by choosing to remember and rejoice over what he's brought me through and choosing to stand up and worship his name even when my situation doesn't make sense i'm gonna walk and talk with the king's spirit in my soul and i'm gonna create a kingdom culture everywhere i go it's a it's a prescription and i was reading it this week and started to do some some background on this passage and a lot of theologians say he wrote this shortly after and about no matter where when he wrote it he wrote it about the day he defeated goliath so get this crazy miracle right he defeats a guy that the entire nation of soldiers was afraid to fight and as a boy with a slingshot he defeats him and later he goes i gotta write about this because david already knew this won't be the last giant i face and next time i started sometimes and we know from from his writings his giants were oftentimes his emotions his giants were often times anxiety and depression and he's going i'm going to face these giants again so i got to write this down now so the next time i face one i'm equipped next time i feel depressed i'm gonna do this next time i feel anxious i'm gonna do this next time i feel afraid and worried i'm gonna do this and he writes this and you know what the whole thing it's remind it's reminding himself to remember i've been here before that's what this whole passage is in fact that's the title of today's message i've been here before he's reminding himself to remember what god has done because it reminds him this is not my first rodeo i've been here before i'mma get through this one as well i've been here before last summer when i was in counseling i went to for those of you who might not know you're like this guy's jacked up you don't know the half of it i went to seven weeks of anxiety counseling last summer and one of the therapists that i worked with on a i met with him two to three times a week all he helped me with for a few weeks was panic attacks and claustrophobia because for me they go hand in hand i would i would i would get on a plane and the door would shut and i start to feel trapped and i start to feel claustrophobic and then i have a panic attack and freak out or or sometimes it would happen in my car or sometimes it would happen in a crowded room or sometimes it would always happen when i get on an elevator he's like tell me the last time it happened i was like well i got kicked off a plane on the way here for having a panic attack after the door shut he's like all right well what's the smallest space you hate and i said elevators he said when's the last time that affected you and last summer i was like well a couple months ago me and my wife were in new york with our friends emma and luke bryant and we were going to go to the top of the empire state building because why wouldn't you you're in new york it's iconic we're going to go to the top the observatory we have the best view over the city it's going to be amazing and so we buy the tickets and we get in line and we do the thing and then we get up to the very front and this guy goes and the little elevator opens up and i went when i get in that thing guys it was the tiny i'm like this is a gigantic building that little elevator is all you could come up with it looked like a service elevator it didn't even have real walls you ever seen those elevators you know i'm talking about if they have like blankets for walls like furniture pads or something i'm like if this is the level of excellence we put together this elevator with i'm not getting in it because i know it's going to get stuck it's worked for 47 straight years but when i get in it it's going to get stuck and so my wife and luke and emma get in and just like babe i went babe she goes honey i went honey i'm not getting in it because what i'm thinking is is like a they didn't put they didn't even finish this elevator they didn't have appropriate walls or maybe it did and on the 87th floor it got stuck caught on fire killed everyone in it and melted the walls i don't know it's it's nebulose as michael scott would say i'm not getting in it so they go to the top i stay on ground level i go to starbucks i get a cold brew they come back down and all day every time we come up near a building they'll be like you know what remember when we were at the observatory and we saw this building from above and it was just amazing and i was like so was my cold brew i missed out on an experience because of anxiety didn't i and so this this therapist was trying to help me with it and so one day he's like okay let's work on that i was like all right let's and so he goes come with me and we go over to this other part of the building and we get an elevator and the elevator gets in between two floors and he hits a stop button and then he takes a little key out of his little keep magic key ring and he locks it puts it back in his pocket i'm like well we're gonna fight till i get that key guys i'm not even kidding he's like you can do this i start having a full-on panic attack and for me it starts with my chest gets real tight and all my chest muscles constrict and i can't breathe and i start like hyperventilating and i'm walking around this elevator and i'm like matt you gotta then i start i literally start crying and i'm like and and i'm shaking and i'm sweating and i can't breathe full-on panic attack matt goes what do you want me to do i was like i think i want you to let me out because i can't i can't do this and he goes well or we can fight through this i will i'll let you out if you want or i can make some headway today and you can fight through this you can start to use the things that you've learned to deal with panic attacks he said remember what we learned where in your body do you feel it start to welcome it start to remind yourself it's just a thought it's just an emotion it's not you it's not who you are you know why you have these things but you just don't need it today and i started using all these tactics that i've been taught and and like a train i just started to watch it go away and pretty soon i don't know how long it was it felt like a year but pretty soon i started to i started to calm down a little bit i wasn't breathing i started breathing better stopped crying then matt and i knew what he was doing he was like tell me about your workouts these days i'm like i know this counselor trick but i'm going to tell you anyways we started talking about our workout we started talking about parents we started talking about kids we started talking about family and pretty soon he goes hey sean you know how long you've been in this elevator stuck in between two floors and i go how long he goes two hours because you can do this now since that day i've been in countless elevators every time i get in an elevator i have the same thought every time and it's this could get stuck and before last summer my reaction every time was so i better run and i get out now i get in an elevator and my first thought every time is this could get stuck and my second thought is that's okay because i've been here before i've been through this this is not my first rodeo i can survive because god's got me through something real similar before i've been through this i've been here before some of you need to start getting this in your spirit yes you're going through some really crazy stuff right now but don't you remember it's not the first time this is not the first time you've struggled this is not the first time you've needed god this is not the first time you've needed him to pull you up from something you couldn't get out of on your own this is not the first time you've needed a miracle in your life in your family in your health with your finances with a relationship you've been here before you can do this and that's what dave is doing he's reminding himself i've been here before and here's how he does it let's break this down first he says i will give thanks to you lord with all my heart notice he does not say i'm going to be grateful he says i'm going to say thank you there's a difference i can't tell you how many times i've been walking around depressed and if you would ask me well are you grateful for god for what he's done yes i'm grateful okay when's the last time you told him because being grateful and saying thank you to god are two entirely different things i'll never forget a dinner at rib city when my kids spilled their third drink of the night and the waitress comes over to clean it up and i looked at my boys and i'm like say thank you before this lady kills us and i remember one of my boys after she walked away he's like dad we're grateful i'm like i don't want you to be grateful i want you to say thank you there's a difference and david knows there's something supernatural the way god created us it's hardwired inside of us there's something supernatural and divine that happens to our emotions when we say thank you god for it just is i remember a pastor told me one time he's like you know why you're so depressed because it's all you talk about all you pray about is your depression because i was telling him my prayers he's like all you do is pray about how depressed you are and all you talk to other people about is how depressed you are why don't you spend some time this week just saying thank you stop being grateful start saying thank you and watch what god's going to start doing in your life there's some freedom that happens there's some joy that takes place in fact i'll go we'll go to another place just to sort of cross-reference this thought but the bible actually says that saying thank you to god literally brings joy into our life which defeats depression listen to this psalm 126 1-3 our mouths were filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy then it was said among the nations the lord has done great things for them the lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy as we say thank you we begin to experience a new joy which begins to take depression and defeat it saying thank you literally brings joy into our life saying thank you god for fights against fear worry and anxiety paul tells some of his great friends in philippi he says you don't have to be anxious about anything here's the key yes pray do some petitioning but the whole thing has to happen on this foundation of thanksgiving and when that happens when you go talk to god about what you're thankful for the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus something supernatural will happen in your spirit when you say thank you god and i just want to challenge you church the same thing i challenge myself to do all over again this week don't just hear this and go that's good go home today and make a list and don't just look at it don't just meditate on it speak it out loud to god in prayer get up tomorrow morning with this list and go here's how i'm gonna start today thank you for this thank you for this thank you for this they watch you'll see your debt your whole day will change just spending some time saying thank you god say it out loud in the morning say it out loud at lunch say it out loud at dinner watch what happens to your levels of joy and peace as you do this so let's get real practical with this stuff don't be grateful tomorrow go to god and say thank you amen number two tell somebody else he says i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i'm not just gonna be grateful i'm not just gonna even tell god i'm gonna go tell somebody else i'm gonna go to somebody else and brag on god i'm telling you church we need this because what we do on autopilot is go to somebody else and complain go to somebody else and hope that they enter into our pity party that we're having for ourselves come on i do this stuff on a professional level i can throw a pity party for myself and and we love to do that and david's like i can do that there's a time for that but today if i want to fight some depression today if i want to fight some anxiety i need to go call somebody up and start bragging on god and just you know what man i love you yeah oh man i think the nuggets are oh we need this game come on baby let's go uh hey man but before we go can i just brag on god for a minute bro let me tell you what god's been doing in my life and i have never deserved it and earned it but i just got to tell somebody something happens within us see we've been keeping this stuff we've been keeping this stuff unspoken for too long haven't we there's something that for some reason we've got this this thing in the back of our mind that says when it comes to prayer requests and when it comes to bragging on god i should just keep that stuff to myself and both are absolutely the opposite of what the word of god teaches us we're supposed to go to people with our junk and say pray for me and let's hold each other accountable that's where healing happens and we're supposed to go to each other and brag on god i i didn't grow up going to church uh but and i was talking with andrew and some of the guys about this today but there was a season in our lives where my mom took us to church and uh it was it was interesting and maybe some of you know this experience i would argue with my mom no matter what she told me to do six days a week but somehow sunday rolled around and she spoke with a new authority you ever experienced that like sunday she turned into a jedi like she would ask me to do things all week long i wouldn't do them and i'd argue and on sunday she'd be like oh you're going to church and i'd be like i'm going to church i don't know how it worked but so for a while i went to church as a little kid and i went to sunday school classes a little bitty church in little bitty town and every sunday school class before church pre-church had a little pre-church and it was always with some kids about my age usually about six of us always twice as many girls than boys kind of one of the reasons i went so there's about usually standard size sunday school class for us was about two boys four girls and every time donna our amazing sunday school teacher would have a stand up in a circle and very uncoveted friendly way hold hands and we were going to pray and she asked the same question every time and if some of you grew up in sunday school you're going to remember this she would say i want let's talk about prayer requests and praise reports anybody have a prayer request anybody have a praise report and nobody wanted to say anything because we're kids we're nervous she goes okay we're just going to go around the circle then and she'd start with one of the boys and he'd be like oh uh uh my dog's eating his poop again um i guess i guess we could pray for him um you know there's always a pet prayer somewhere in the prayer there's always a pet somebody's pet always had an issue and then the other one of the other guy be like uh uh you know i i cut my knee you know i fell and i don't want it to fall off so i mean if we could pray for that i guess you know and then you go to the girls and one girl every single time if you're in sunday school you know this hat one girl every single time had a prayer request for someone in a far off distant land right it's my cousin's sister has a friend and her friend has a little brother and he plays hockey with a guy and they just and if we could pray for johnny right it happened every time and every time two minimum of two girls would say this i have a prayer request it's unspoken you know what i'm talking about sunday schoolers i have a i have a prayer request it's unspoken and i remember like i was new to church i'm like well then what are you doing here like what that's stupid how am i supposed to pray for you like and then we have some praise reports it should be like oh god it's so good mine's unspoken and i seriously was like you're ridiculous go home mike we've been keeping our praise requests unspoken for too long church and it's robbing us of the peace and the joy and the strength and the confidence that sharing with each other god's goodness is supposed to do for us in our life it's not okay anymore there's nothing heroic about keeping everything to yourself we're supposed to share our crap with somebody else we're supposed to brag on god with somebody else it's how we were created and it helps us defeat depression and anxiety one of the best cures for depression is stop sitting there by yourself eh because that's the worst thing for you call somebody ask them to pray with you and brag on god about something watch what happens in your spirit it'll start to change revelation 12 11 says this they triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony you call somebody else up and say hey i just got to brag on god for a minute it helps you defeat fear worry anxiety and depression it lifts your spirit but it also can be used to cause a make an eternal difference in someone else's life that's how god set it up he says i want you to share with somebody else when i do something go brag on me god does not need our bragging trust me he doesn't need our thanks he created the universe with a word he doesn't need us to say anything these are not self-serving things he knows how he created us and he knows that it will lift our spirits when we speak about our gratitude and we brag on his goodness with somebody else it'll change us from the inside out so my challenge is is don't make this a church amen thing make this a i'm gonna go do it today thing and call somebody up and talk about whatever you want but before you get off the phone go ahead before i let you go and i just gotta brag on god for a minute you'll deal with your negative emotions it'll uplift your spirit and it'll speak life into them as michael scott would say that's a win-win-win scenario speaking of douglas weckenman that's two michael scott quotes in one message the gauntlet has been thrown i dare you to compete with that [Applause] number three he says i will be glad and rejoice in you what he's telling himself is i have to remember i've been here before i was looking up different definitions of the word rejoice and one of them was this being conscious of god's goodness and grace in order for us to rejoice we have to actively engage our memory and we have to remember back to when god was gracious to us so that we can get excited about it in the present we have to on purpose remember when god was gracious remember when god was good remember when god brought us through something so that we can get excited about it again today the only way to rejoice is to remember i've been here before i can't rejoice unless i first allow myself to go back to when he did something great remind myself i've been here before and get excited about it in the present i've been here before just have and and this is not like fancy church talk i'm telling you this is how we were created to live this is what david's doing he's writing himself a note saying i gotta remember to remind my or i'm reminding myself to remember i've been here before when covet hit and the church shut down we're like every other church scrambling what i mean any other time at least while i've been in ministry if there's any tragedies that happen in the world people run to the church this one was different this one shut down the church you couldn't run to a church building and we didn't know what we were going to do and we got a hundred employees and they've got families and we have four giant buildings in just in denver not to mention the prisons in brussels belgium and austin texas and what we can't use in our buildings and so we got together with the financial board and we started making some tough calls all right let's assume that the church just stops giving because this whole thing's about to fall apart and what do we do and okay first we start cutting salaries and and i let them know i go first my salary goes first then we're going to cut everybody's salary and then we're going to start letting go of people and there's going to be tears and there's going to like we crafted a whole plan but i want you to know and i mean this and if you know me i'm anxious prone usually i have not lost one wink of sleep over the church finances in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and it's not because i'm some hero of the faith it's because i just know i've been here before we were we were one two years old as a church and and i remember the day like it was yesterday me chad todd scott and bz we sat in a circle and we did not have any more money and we thought we were gonna have to email everyone in the church and shut down and we literally were talking through like what should the email say like guys i know we tried our best we love you so much we're so disappointed the fire marshal had come to the building said you have to make eight thousand dollars worth of changes or you can't have church anymore eight 000 might as well have been 8 billion because we had nothing so we're like i guess it's over scared to death can't sleep can't eat what are we going to do do we email the church i don't know what to do we just sat there and prayed god do a miracle because we're overwhelmed and you can't make this stuff up the next day i get a call from a pastor i haven't talked to in years and he said hey i was praying this morning and god told me to send you some money how'd eight grand do i was like i will kiss you through this phone and he sent us eight grand that week and we paid all the bills and we didn't email anybody and we had church that weekend and we're still here 15 years and running so yes i don't know where the finances are going to come from but i've been here before so i don't have to lose sleep i don't have to be overran with fear and worry and anxiety and depression because everything's uncertain i've been in uncertain times and god has always brought us through so since he got me through that he's going to get me through this i've been here before it changes things and that's what dave is doing he's saying you got to remember remind yourself to remember you've been here before and lastly he says this right before the enemy flees and dies in front of me this is what i do i will sing the praises of your name almost high i will sing the praises of your name almost high i've been remembering i've been reminding myself i reminded myself just this week because you know him he's probably all somber and sad and sorrowful and about to write one of those dear god why have you forsaken me psalms and he goes but i'm going to remember back because i remember there was a day when a lion tried to kill me and god got me through it and then a bear tried to kill me and god got me through it and then a giant tried to kill me and god got me through it and then they told me i had to be king and it scared me to death but i stepped into my calling anyways and god got me through it and so yes i'm anxious and yes i'm depressed but i've been here before and i'm going to stand in faith and that's what i'm asking you to begin doing with your own life yeah finances are weird right now in 2020 and for some of you it might be catastrophic feeling right now it's not the first time you've needed god to do a miracle relationships might be rocky job might be really uncertain that dream that was in your heart might feel like oh my gosh the whole world has changed since you put that dream in my heart 2020 did not come as a surprise to god and he wants you to know today remember when i took care of you before remember what i pulled you out of remember what i saved you from remember what i healed you of remember what i brought you through you've been here before stand here with some confidence i got you now like i had you then and so david says now remembering that i'm gonna go ahead and throw my hands up and just worship and worship team you can come out and if this is your church you know i am passionate about this i do believe worship is a weapon that allows us to literally go to battle for the very peace and joy and strength and confidence that we've already been designated i believe worship lets us go to battle for that kind of stuff it just does and david david knows the importance of it and here's here's what i love about david here's what he knows when when life is really really good i ca i can worship but when life is really really bad i have to worship so we get this twisted don't we we we use worship as like a celebration dance right life is good i'm gonna throw my hands up and we can do that amen we celebrate with those who celebrate we mourn with those who mourn on our good days we praise on your good days we praise but here's what david knows on the good days worship is fun on the bad days it's my lifeline it's essential here's what he says and this is what i want you to get to i'm so depressed today i have to worship not i'ma wait till i feel better i'm so depressed today i have to worship now i've been in that i've been in that mode where it's like i'm so depressed i have to worship and i'm like i i can't even muster out a word to just put on a song and be and let let whoever sang that song sing the lyrics for you for a minute and just be in it maybe you can just hum maybe you can whisper the lyrics maybe you can put a hand up but what i have learned is on my worst days of anxiety that's when i have to worship on my worst days of depression that's when i have to worship and that's what david says he says i have created this this this prescription for myself that's what he's doing because i know goliath wasn't the last giant i'm gonna face so the next time i face a giant i'm not gonna let fear and worry and anxiety and depression just take root in my life and let satan just win and not put up a fight i'm not waving a white flag i'm hurting today my soul is heavy today i'm in the middle of some stuff today i'm not waving a white flag even if it starts out with a whisper i'm going to tell my god thank you i'm going to tell somebody else what god's done for me i'm gonna remember what he's brought me through and i'm gonna worship in the very presence of my enemy until he literally dies in front of me trembles with fear and runs away that's what we're gonna do church and i was so excited to talk about this passage with you for the last year because a year ago i literally had like a personal revival moment with this passage of scripture and i wanted to tell you this before covet ended because i had this moment by myself at a house some of you got to stop waiting till the church has reopened to worship it's fun to come to worship here it's essential to make worship a part of our lives and i had been in at the lowest point of literally my entire life and this house i was renting in washington where my counseling was had at a billiards room a little little room that they had a pool table in and i think i used it once when my kids came to visit me but i turned it into my prayer room well one night some stuff just happened and life just happens and my anxiety and depression and whatever was going on hit an all-time low and i literally hit the like i crumbled i crumbled to the floor and i don't know how long i laid on that floor and i'm just bawling and bawling i remember telling my wife it hurt so bad it hurt so bad it hurt so bad and she would just lay there with me and i'm talking about the crying and the snot and just gross like the most humiliating moment of my life in front of my wife for sure and on that floor i decided that night that i told my wife i said it hurts too bad i can't get through this i need to end my life i know that pain and i just want to tell anybody who's watching or listening right now if you're feeling that pain right now don't you dare do anything stupid listen satan's biggest lie in this moment in your life is that somebody would be better off without you your loved ones would be better off without you i can promise you nobody on this planet will be better off without you and everyone in your life will deal with sadness for the rest of their life if you do something stupid and i know you don't feel it right now because your emotions lie there's gonna be a day when you're gonna turn around and go oh thank god i didn't because look what god has done but i was there and i was like babe i i'm going to end my life well it got better and a few days went by and i finally got out of bed and i started worshiping and my family went home and i took my bible and i was sitting in a chair and i read this these three verses we looked at today in psalm 9. and i went you know what i can do that today i'm in a house by myself but i can do what this is saying and i went and i took the bible and i put it on a bar stool and i took the bar stool and i put it on the floor in the very spot where i told my wife i wanted to end my life and i reminded the enemy that i was putting the word of god straight over him and the very spot where he thought he'd take me out i was going to turn into a revival service and i just started praising god i started texting my friends god has been so good to me i started worshiping i started reminding myself of what he's brought me through i'm telling you i had a personal revival time by myself at home and that's what i want to challenge you to do this week have some revival time worship services by yourself at home all right this has been a long service i don't care it's covered what else you got i'm kidding we're all busy now again but almost i'm gonna take five more minutes and then we're gonna worship i was sitting in that room and i filmed myself on my phone and honestly when i started it was because i wanted to do what david did i wanted to create a reminder for myself i wanted to remember that moment of victory because i knew that that wouldn't be the last time i felt depressed and so i start just filming myself about what had happened and i don't know what happened in the middle of it i started talking to some pretend audience and i think i started thinking like someday i'm going to talk to you guys about this and so it started with something and i and i've only shown a couple people in a year because it's it's honestly i'm kind of a wuss in it and it's pretty humiliating but this week i asked a couple people i said hey should i share this with the whole church and they were like man i think it would help somebody i'm like well then let's go and so this was me in that room where all that stuff happened getting excited about these three verses that we just looked at and i'm hoping that revelation 12 11 happens that as i'm sharing my testimony god uses it to literally start building your faith in such a profound way it just takes you by surprise that's my hope all right watch this i'm sitting here in edmonds washington [Music] this house i rented has this little pool room a few nights ago i had the lowest night of my in life i uh laid right there on that floor i laid there for hours just sobbing jill just laid there with me kept putting her arms around me just telling me i was gonna make it telling me i could get through it and honestly i didn't believe her i didn't think i could i didn't think it was gonna change remember begging god my god either in the pain or in my life and then i just stayed there calling on god scared to death i started slowly to feel his presence eventually i was able to get up off the floor but all i could do was cry snot was everywhere it was awful i kept telling jill it hurt so bad it hurts so bad it hurts so bad i just never thought it would end and i've done nothing for the last few days but literally call on the name of god i haven't known what what to say and it's been real messy and i would hate to have a recording of my conversations with god the last few days but what i do know is somehow after the lowest point in my entire life today somehow i feel stronger i feel like like look what god brought me through and if he can get me through that like i don't think there's anything he can't get me through like what can life throw at me what can satan throw at me what are you gonna do trying to hurt me until i cry and want to die i've been there what are you gonna do reject me so that i all i can do is lay on a floor in confusion and wish i wasn't even here i've been there you gonna say i'm not good enough you're gonna claim i'm weak i've never felt weaker somehow i was talking to a friend the other day and i said somehow god pulled me through it and i feel stronger i do i feel stronger now in fact i'm in that same room and i'm standing in that exact place and i'm doing that i'm giving thanks to you god with all my heart i'm telling everybody who will listen and i'm choosing to rejoice and i'm just going to sing the praises of the name of the most high god that's what i'm doing i'm here listening to corey and the red rocks worship team rock breakthrough and i'm having a revival i'm standing over the exact place that i couldn't get up from and today i'm claiming breakthrough in the name of jesus over my life over my boy's life over my wife's life over our church family's life and if you're watching this i'm claiming breakthrough over your life that no matter what you're going through no matter how low you feel that there will be a moment when you call on the name of jesus and he starts to fill you with his presence and he gets you through a situation i'm believing he's going to get you through a situation that you never thought you could get through and you're going to get up on the other side you're going to stand up tall you're going to stand over the very place the very thing that you thought was going to take you out and you're going to proclaim from the rooftops that your god got you through it you're going to find yourself stronger than you were before it ever happened in jesus name i'm believing for a breakthrough come on somebody come on [Applause] uh would you guys stand up hey if you're at home i challenge you to stand up too right now and and i asked corey i said corey would you sing a song from our last album would you sing breakthrough today and and church i'm just i'm i'm asking you to lean in to start to believe yeah i might be facing some uncertain stuff but my god has always got me through and and after he has i've sang breakthrough i've thanked him for those breakthrough moments but today i'm going to praise him until i see a breakthrough moment today i'm going to praise him until i get through this moment because i've been here before right we can do this church let's pray god i thank you that you're with us i thank you that you're working i thank you that you're speaking i thank you that you have a plan [Music] with everyone's eyes closed i want to ask two questions the first one is this you don't have a relationship with jesus and you just know i need some real breakthrough in my life and i know that i know it starts with me giving my life to god today i need to ask him to forgive me of my sins and become the lord of my life today i want to follow you jesus i'm not going to be perfect but i know that's where my journey needs to start with you right now i choose you jesus if that's you raise your hand no matter where you're at in a home in a car at the gym in an office if you're watching live and you can hit that raise a hand button underneath and we're gonna we're gonna get in touch with you we'll send you some free resources and we're gonna help you but this is the best life-changing decision you've ever made the second question is this you already have a relationship with jesus but the truth is you need a breakthrough you know you're called to something but the truth is more times than you'd like to admit what you feel is fear and worry and depression and anxiety and today you go enough god i need you god i know you've brought me through some things before and i am on purpose remembering that today and god i'm thanking you today but i need you to supernaturally bring me through i need your peace and joy and strength and confidence if that's you raise your hand and we're going to pray for those things we're going to claim those things in jesus name god we stand on your word today in the middle of crazy situations in the middle of the craziest year of most of our lives we stand on the truth of your word of god that in the middle of it you're with us you don't forsake us you don't leave us we can come to your throne room of grace with confidence there is joy in your salvation jesus you said it yourself you left us peace we don't have to be afraid we can stand tall in confidence we can stand tall in your strength not ours but yours and we claim that today in jesus name and i thank you for those who are making a first-time decision god today to put their faith in you i pray that they would sense your presence in such a unique and a special way and god for every single one of us as we call on your name and speak breakthrough in faith i pray that you would be honored and glorified and that we would be that we would be uplifted that our faith would be strengthened today that we would feel some weights come off our shoulders as we just put everything in your hands and praise your name and thank you for the breakthrough that is on its way in jesus name and everybody said church less worship [Music] god of mercy please come rescue me [Music] i am longing for your [Music] king of heaven [Music] mountains [Music] the spirit of god is piece by piece restore my heart take what's broken naked [Music] when he is [Music] there will be [Music] defender of my [Music] heaven and earth breaking [Music] my heaven and earth me is [Music] is [Music] you will be rejoice rejoice overcome [Music] rejoice rejoice the lamb is overcome rejoice rejoice the victory is one rejoice rejoice [Music] yeah can we just remind ourselves that truth right now rejoice rejoice the lamb is overcome rejoice rejoice the victory is one rejoice rejoice every heart rejoice rejoice rejoice the lamb is overcome rejoice rejoice the victory is on rejoice rejoice every heart rejoice we remind ourselves [Music] [Music] preach [Music] [Music] [Music] break straws is [Music] is falling down [Music] sirs let's make a mighty sound right now there's freedom in the room there's freedom right now wherever you are come on church let's go [Music] there's a freedom in the room [Applause] and where was the darkness when hope was restored and [Music] nowhere nowhere [Music] [Music] nowhere [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] no oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] it's my shame disappears is is is [Music] is is [Music] today is what we call food fridays you know during cobit obviously there's been a lot of big needs that have uh grown and uh the food isolation and the food deprivation become a big piece of that so through partners and in in great opportunities we now bring about 200 000 pounds of food to the pepsi center every friday it's like no questions asked just come and get it i mean look at the drive-thru line that we've got going on all morning long a lot of people wake up and they don't have food in the refrigerator they don't know where the next moment is going to come from does someone care and is their point of contact and so our goal really became how do we get hope back into every person every mom every kid every inmate every gang member and we'll have four to 500 cars drive through a lot of single families a lot of single moms that this is their groceries for for the next week a lot of times it's just single moms and it breaks my heart when there's like four or five six kids in the back of the car and it's like how much can you give me it's like how much do you want whatever you want take it these kiddos need to eat it's just amazing to be able to be jesus hands and feet by delivering food [Music] [Applause] come on come on let's go so good hey real quick can we just make some noise for sean real quick at home what an amazing message it's been amazing too yeah i hear you we hear you at home hey man in a season that feels so crazy and wild how amazing to have the truth of scripture yeah to lean into and go look there are some things we can do despite how we feel and sean thank you for your transparency and awesome is amazing i think so often for us when we find ourselves in these seasons like our human tendency is to go inward and downward right yeah and i think what sean's talking about is this this heart posture that goes upward and outward and that's so important on a spiritual level but there's also something you can do physically and i would say look if you're in a season where you're not sure what to do and you're not sure how you feel once you hop out and do something for somebody else yeah i promise you i promise you it'll do something yeah and your soul that nothing else will um so this friday 9 00 a.m at the pepsi center we're going to encourage you to jump out and be a part of that video yeah that you just saw come serve some food to some people that won't get food otherwise it's really simple so friday morning we're gonna have you come at eight food starts getting handed out at nine o'clock if you're interested text red rocks to two five eight two seven so do that on friday and then on saturday come on on saturday you can also text the word red rocks to two five eight two seven because october third if you missed out we're having our very first ever let's go in person worship night at all of our locations across denver it's going to be at 7 00 p.m october 3rd and registration it's going to go quickly limited seating first come first serve so we want you to text the word red rocks to 25827 or go to our website on sunday the 27th what day jordan sunday the 27th sunday the 27th and make sure that you register at 1pm registration opens up and once they're gone they're gone you can always join us though online as always if you don't make the registration but we'd love to see you there in person worshiping together for the very first time since covid don't miss it don't miss it guys we love you so so much have so much fun this week we're praying for breakthrough in your in your days that are ahead we love you guys so so much we look forward to seeing you next week for week 8 of kingdom culture we'll see you there [Applause]
Channel: Red Rocks Church
Views: 4,443
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: redrockschurch, Red Rocks Church, RRC, sermons, messages, Kingdom Culture, full service, worship
Id: Mo1xGcG6fKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 59sec (5759 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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